The Developmental Of Social Studies By Using Inquiry Model In Sdi Kardina Massa Blitar | Author : Hadi Mustofa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The observation results of Social studies process in Islamic Elementary School Blitar city are founded many problems. They are: (1) Social studies is not interesting, (2) the study is not meaningful for the students, (3) the students feel bored with the study, (4) the concepts which are presented to the students are separately, (5) the study is limited to read a book or hear an explanation, and (6) the result score of social studies is low. Based on those problems above, so it needs a study model exchange which more interesting than before. One of the study models which can be done is social study which has an inquiry. This research uses developmental model which is done by many steps: (1) introduction study, (2) developmental model, (3) test model. The results of this research are shown that Social studies by using inquiry study model is effective and efficient to increace the student competence for getting knowledge, attitude, and skills as the goals of the study. In particular, attitude and skills which are mastered by the student are scientific attitude and skills. |
| Social Science Learning through Cooperative Script Aplication: Development Strategy of Coorperative and Opinion Appreciation Character for Elementary School Students | Author : Suwarti, Mohammad Zainuddin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Many elementary school students today bring its own problems with the dissolution of cooperative and opinion appreciation character. Especially at this era of implementation character based 2013 curriculum. Therefore, it is necessary to find a solution to overcome it. After going through a series of studies, then selected solution in the form of development strategy of coorperative and opinion appreciation character for elementary school students. This research has done in the research development approach. So it will produce the product of learning video as reference material for teacher. In this research the researcher appoints students of elementary school program as model teacher. The results showed that the implementation of social science learning application of coperative script strategy, all strategy steps have been done and have an impact on the development of the character of cooperation and opinion apprecdiation of the students especialy in social science learning. Thus it can be concluded that the development of social science through cooperative script strategy effective and efficient to reestablish the character of cooperation and opinion appreciation on self elementary students. |
| The Implementation Of Islamic Multicultural Learningvalue Through Aswaja And Nu (Case study at MI Miftahul Huda Papungan 01 Blitar) | Author : Arif Muzayin Shofwan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Many ways to implement Islamic multicultural learningvalue in the school or madrasah, one of them through Aswaja and NU. The purpose of this study is observingthe implementation of Islamic multi-cultural value through Aswaja and NU at MI Miftahul Huda Papungan 01, Sekardangan, Kanigoro, Blitar, JawaTimur. The implementation of Islamic multicultural education value be able to make the students be multiculturalist human that can respect all of differences. The result of implementation of Islamic multicultural learning value through Aswaja and NU at MI Miftahul Huda Papungan 01 is success because of significant to the opinion of multicultural expert based on some criteria as follows: First, improving students? skill by having ability to know, to accept, to respect, and to celebrate multi-cultural. Second, instructing and emphasizing the learning in the democratic life. Third, teaching and emphasizing the learningthat headed forjustice, freedom and racism, sarcasm, social domination and other intolerances. |
| Error Correction in Teaching Writing Skill: From Teacher’s Point of View to Practice, A Study at A Pedagogical University in Vietnam | Author : Nguyen Thi Thu Thao, Nguyen Duy Anh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In English learning, writing skill is considered, by many people, the most difficult skill to be mas-tered. In fact, errors and mistakes in writing are unavoidable and a large amount of them has been de-tected with a variety of types. Previous researchers have also proved the significance of error analysis and correction in enhancing the writing skills of English learners, but the beliefs and applications of teachers in error correction methods still differ. Thus, the aim of this paper is to investigate these two factors in the teaching and learning environment of a university in Vietnam. The study is conducted in two phases: teacher interview and class observation in practice, with the participation of two Eng-lish teachers who are in charge of teaching writing skill to two classes of 21 and 28 students. The rec-orded results give emphasis to the need of error correction in writing classes, some commonly effec-tive activities utilized; furthermore, there is a remarkable outcome that teachers seldom have academ-ic basis on error correction but mainly depend on their own experience in teaching practice, and their approaching methods to correcting mistakes on students paper can be both direct and indirect. In ad-dition, some ideal activities for error correction, namely peer feedback, on-going writing quizzes, and error codes, are presented |
| An Investigation into Conceptual Metaphors Denoting Life in American and Vietnamese Short Stories | Author : Dinh Thi Mai Anh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Metaphor has attracted the attention of scholars interested in language for more than 2000 years (Ning Yu, 1998). Traditionally, metaphor was viewed as a matter of language, only used in literature to embellish discourse (Kovecses, 2010). However, cognitive linguistics presents a different view of metaphor, stating that metaphor is pervasive and essential in language and thought (Lakoff & Johnson, 1980). It is defined as understanding one abstract conceptual domain (target domain), in terms of another concrete one (source domain). The concept of life has been one of the most common target domains, which is hard to fully comprehend without establishing a set of mappings, i.e. a set of systematic correspondences, between this undelineated notion and other better-known ones. Therefore, this study attempts to probe into conceptual metaphors denoting life in nineteen American and nineteen Vietnamese short stories from 1975 to 1991 in the light of Lakoff and Johnsons framework (1980). The two sets of collected data, specifically 89 illustrations in English and 114 in Vietnamese, are compared and contrasted to find out the similarities and differences in the use of these conceptual metaphors between two languages, in the hope to contribute to foreign language teaching, learning, and translating process |