INVENTARISASI JENIS TANAMAN OBAT TRADISIONAL YANG BERKHASIAT UNTUK PENGOBATAN PENYAKIT KULIT DI BEBERAPA KELURAHAN PULAU TERNATE DAN TERNATE SELATAN | Author : Wirda Az Umagap | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Pada dasarnya masyarakat Indonesia telah menggunakan pengobatan penyakit kulit dengan cara modern seperti salep, namun dengan cara yang ada belum juga berhasil untuk sembuh. Bahkan membuat si penderita mengeluh dan depresi terhadap penyakit yang dideritanya, sehingga mereka berusaha mencari berbagai macam pengobatan alternatif yang lebih ilmiah dan sederhana seperti pengobatan dengan cara tradisional. Dalam pengobatannya dengan menggunakan tanaman yang berkhasiat obat terutama penyakit kulit dan jenis tanamannya belum banyak diteliti serta belum banyak dikenal oleh masyarakat. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis tanaman tradisional yang berkhasiat untuk pengobatan penyakit kulit. Jenis penelitian ini mengunakan tipe deskriptif yang lokasi penelitiannya dilakukan di kelurahan Sasa, Jambula dan Kastela, Kota Ternate. Sampelnya adalah semua jenis tanaman yang berkhasiat untuk pengobatan penyakit kulit yang telah terinventarisasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengunakan sistem jelajah atau eksplorasi dengan analisis datanya dengan menggunakan data primer dan data sekunder. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa jenis tanaman yang berkhasiat untuk pengobatan penyakit kulit yang telah terinventarisasi dengan menggunakan teknik jelajah yang ditemukan di kelurahan Sasa, Jambula, dan Kastela berjumlah 15 jenis tanaman dengan 11 famili yang dipakai dalam pengobatan penyakit kulit. Dari hasil wawancara bahwa cara pengolahan jenis tanaman tersebut ada yang ditumbuk, diiris-iris, dan dipotong-potong lalu dioleskan ke bagian yang sakit. Masyarakat setempat lebih cenderung menggunakan jenis tanaman tersebut sebagai obat tradisional untuk pengobatan penyakit kulit. |
| SAMPAH RUMAH TANGGA DI TERNATE | Author : Bahtiar, Zulkifli Ahmad, Wiyana Pobi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The population of Ternate City is 212,997 people, the area of 111.39 km2 with the density of 1,865.42 people/km. If we use the paradigm approach of "waste as a useful item" then the amount of population as much as it produces the volume of waste that has the potential to be utilized and reprocessed. Related to the management and utilization of waste in Ternate City in the future, the position of waste is a potential. Description of potential waste should be started with the introduction of composition and waste generation, especially household waste. The composition description will provide information on the components contained in solid waste and its distribution. Waste generation provides information on the amount of household waste generated. Waste generation data is also required for the design of waste management systems, the selection of equipment types for waste transport and the design of landfills. |
| KANDUNGAN MERKURI DAN ASAM SIANIDA PADA KERANG Polymesoda sp DI TELUK KAO HALMAHERA UTARA | Author : Reni Tyas Asrining Pertiwi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Human health is largely determined by the diet. A recommendable diet should be able of providing sufficient nutrients containing low levels of pathogenic microorganisms, as well as chemical contaminants (Marti et al., 2007). According to Simangge, (2011) several species of fish that have been studied in Kao Bay are in dangerous levels because cyanide contains. Another source of protein that has been widely utilized by the community around the Bay of Kao is Kepah (Polymesoda sp). The purposes of this research were to study the content of mercury and cyanide acid on Polymesoda sp which were consumed by the people around Kao Bay. By knowing the result it’s expected could contributing the meaning of feasible of Polymesoda sp were consumed by human. The method used to determine mercury content in Polymesoda sp by using AAS method with aquaregia reagent and analysis of cyanide acid by using argent metric method with AgNO3 reagent. The results obtained mercury content in Polymesoda sp were 1.24 - 3.49 mg/kg and cyanide acid 14.55 - 24.11 mg/kg). It’s had exceeded the threshold set of 0.5 mg/kg for mercury and 1.5 for cyanide WHO, 2004). This means that Polymesoda sp in Kao Bay are not feasible for consumption. |
| GAMBARAN SOSIAL EKONOMI MASYARAKAT PESISIR DI SULAWESI SELATAN (Fieldwork) | Author : Andi Agus, Masayuki Yanagisawa, Taniguchi Yukiko, Hashiya Hrosyi, Tobita Chizuru, Kato Kumiko | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this research are to observe description of social economic of coastal community in Makassar Manucipality, Galesong Region in Gowa District and Takalar District and also Bira, Tana Beru and Kajang in Bulukumba District. Research method using at this research is research method description with collecting data through fieldwork and interviews. Somba Opu Bastiong is inheritancing history of Gowa-Tallo Empire at the Gowa District while Fort Rotterdam or Ujung Pandang and also called Pannyua Bastiong is locating at Makassar Manucipality. Balla Lompoa or called Home Bigger is found history inheritance of this empower since several centuries ago. Galesong is region as an administrative including to Gowa District and Takalar district which its inhabitants are working as a farmer and fishermen whom they are supplying food to Makassar from former times to present and using Makassarese to communicate daily. Bira, Ara, Tana Beru and also Kajang use Konjo, sub language of Makassarese to communicate as a working go to the see and building or shilling ship. Kajang inhabitants consisted of in-Kajang and off-Kajang whom In-Kajang was still using custom and traditions rules of it who leader an ammatoa namely. He assisted several the oldest person customs and traditions who worked according its rules while off-Kajang have been changing of adaptation. They worked as a farmer and fishermen generally. |
| PENGARUH AMPAS TEBU TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN DAN PRODUKTIVITAS TANAMAN TERONG HIJAU | Author : B. Wafiroh, F.R. Esti Wahyuni, Benediktus Ege, Yakobus Bustami, Markus Iyus Supiandi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to determine the effect of bagasse on the growth and productivity of Solanum melongena. The approach used in this study is a quantitative approach with experimental research method. The design in the research using complete randomized design (RAL) each treatment consisted of 5 replications. The data to be measured plant height, leaf length, number of leaves and number of fruits. The data collection in this research use observation sheet and documentation in the form of photo. The data analysis using descriptive and inferential analysis. The Inferential analysis using anova test and continued with Least Significanca Different (LSD) test. The results showed that the provision of bagasse could have a significant effect on the growth and productivity of Solanum melongena. Growth of Solanum melongena with bagasse giving average plant height (27,8), leaf length (20,77), number of leaves (11 pieces) and number of fruit (8 pieces). This result was reinforced by analysis of variance Fcount> Ftable, where height of plant (33,38?2,87), leaf length (33,39?2,87), number of leaf (41,89?2,87) and number of fruit (32 ?2,87). Furthermore, Least Significanca Different (LSD) test showed that the fourth treatment bagasse (1500 grams) had an optimal effect on the growth and productivity of Solanum melongena. |
| PENENTUAN UMUR SIMPAN IKAN ROA ASAP (Ikan Julung-Julung Asap) (Hemirhampus Sp) MENGGUNAKAN METODE ASLT (Accelerated Shelf Life Testing) DENGAN PENDEKATAN ARRHENIUS | Author : Ismail Harjan, Hamidin Rasulu, Erna Rusliana M Saleh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Julung fish (Hemirhamphus var) or fish roa that society has traditional way by evaporation, known as Tore fish. This study aims to estimate the shelf life of the product garfish ASLT Smoke using the Arrhenius approach. This study was conducted in 2 phases: the first phase is curing the grafish and the second phase is shelf life prediction Accelerated Shelf-life Testing (ASLT). Expiration parameter measure were (color, aroma and flavor), Total Microbe, Moisture and pH. Food product stored in an area that causes rapid deterioration (temperature or humidity higher storage space). Data quality changes during storage changed into a mathematical model, then the shelf life is determined by extrapolation equation under normal storage conditions. Acceleration method can be done in a shorter time with good accuracy. The research results indicated that the calculation of the shelf life of smoked fish roa (julung fish smoke) on parameters of moisture content has the lowest activation energy, wich is -3,417.91 cal / mol and R2 = 0.987. Roa smoke shelf life of fish (julung fish smoke) at 30°C during 2 months, 8 days, a temperature of 40°C for 4 months, 3 days and a temperature of 50°C increased shelf life is 7 months, 4 days. |
| BIOCHAR DAN KOMPOS UNTUK PENINGKATAN SIFAT FISIKA TANAH DAN EFISIENSI PENGGUNAAN AIR | Author : Indah Nurul Safitri, Tricandra Setiawati, Cahyoadi Bowo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Biochar is amorphous mineral and widely used as soil ameliorant. In this study biochar in combination with compost was applied to improve soil physical properties and water use efficiency (WUE) of sweet corn. The field experiment was undertaken from May to August 2017 at Agrotechnopark University of Jember. Randomized Completely Block Design (RCBD) Factorial 2x5 with three replications was used as experimental design. The first factor was compost consisted of 0 ton/ha (K0) and 10 ton/ha (K1). The second factor was biochar consisted of 0 ton/ha (B0), 20 ton/ha (B1), 40 ton/ha (B2) corn stalk biochar, and 20 ton/ha (B3), 40 ton/ha (B4) rice straw biochar. Our results showed combination of 10 tons/ha of compost and 40 ton/ha corn stalk biochar decreased BD (26,5%), increased porosity (9,2%) and available water pore (61,9%), but decreased the plant water requirement (34.4%). Application of biochar significantly improved water use efficiency (WUE) of sweet corn by 0.77 g/mm in compare to without biochar by 0.51 g/mm. |
| PENGELOLAAN DAN PEMANFAATAN SUMBER DAYA MINERAL BERWAWASAN LINGKUNGAN | Author : Aliyusra Jolo, Rudi S. Gautama | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Keterdapatan potensi sumber daya mineral mempunyai peran strategis untuk mempercepat laju pembangunan di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara dimana status wilayah dalam katogori daerah tertinggal. Pengelolan potensi sumberdaya mineral yang dieksploitasi tentu mempunyai tantangan yang cukup berat karena pada wlilayah izin usaha pertambangan terdapat potensi sumber daya alam lainnya seperti kehutanan, kawasan pertanian dan kelautan. Pengoptimalan potensi sumberdaya mineral diperlukan kajian lingkungan hidup strategis untuk menetukan arah kebijakan pengelolaan kegiatan pertambangan sehingga diharapakan dapat meminimaliskan potensi pencemaran dampak negatif lingkungan. Pengelolaan sumberdaya mineral juga mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan ekonomi sektor lainnya, sehingga mempercepat laju pembangunan daerah disamping meminimalkan potensi dampak lingkungan sehingga manfaat dari sumberdaya mineral dapat dioptimalkan. Oleh karenanya perlu menentukan arah kebijakan pengelolaan potensi sumberdaya mineral di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara yang berwawasan lingkungan. Kondisi eksisting di Kabupaten Halmahera Utara menunjukan hampir seluruh wilayah daratan merupakan kawasan hutan dengan persentase 87%, sedangkan sisanya adalah Areal Penggunaan Lain (APL). Selain itu, dalam megeksploitasi potensi sumberdaya mineral juga berdampak terhadap kelautan dan spesies endemik serta pendapatan nelayan. Arah kebijakan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kegiatan pertambangan emas meliputi pembatasan luas bukaan sehingga ekosistem lokal terjaga, Pengelolaan air asam tambang dengan water management, serta limbah pengolahan bijih perlu diproses dengan detoksifikasi. Arah kebijakan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kegiatan pertambangan Nikel meliputi pembatasan luas bukaan sehingga potensi erosi dapat berkurang, pengelolaan air dengan melakukan water management dan pengelolaan lahan bekas tambang. Arah kebijakan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kegiatan pertambangan mangan meliputi pembatasan luas bukaan sehingga potensi erosi di Pulau Doi Kecamatan Loloda Kepulauan dan erosi di Kecamatan Loloda Utara serta Galela Utara dapat dikurangi, pengelolaan air dengan water management, pengolahan tailing dilakukan dengan lapisan air permanen, cladding, dan capping serta pengelolaan lahan bekas tambang. Arah kebijakan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup kegiatan pertambangan pasir besi diantaranya pencegahan abrasi dengan melakukan penanaman mangrove, budidaya terumbu karang dan pembuatan tanggul penahan ombak, penambahan atau penetapan daerah perlindungan dan penguatan status konservasi untuk melindungi spesies burung Mamoa di Kecamatan Galela Utara, membatasi perizinan eksploitasi pertambangan di sempadan pantai serta pemberdayaan masyarakat nelayan. |