The Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan Inflicts Massive Damage to Coastal Aquaculture in Bangladesh | Author : Shoaibe Hossain Talukder Shefat | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The monstrous cyclone Amphan, formed in the Bay of Bengal was the strongest tropical cyclone affecting the Ganges delta after Sidr in 2007 that caused severe damage in India and Bangladesh in May 2020. It was also the first tropical cyclone in the North Indian Ocean in 2020. Originating from a low-pressure area in Colombo, Sri Lanka on 13 May 2020, Amphan reached its maximum intensity on 18 May that sustained for 4-minutes with a wind speed of 240 - 260 km/h (150 - 160 mph), and a minimum central barometric pressure (925 mbar) (Figure 1). However, the intensity gradually weakened by continuous and combined dry air and wind shear ef-fects and reached a residuum level on 21 May. During this period, Amphan caused severe destruction of more than US$13 billion in India and Bangladesh. |
| Chemical Variation of Essential Oils from Peels of Citrus kinokuni Tanaka, C. reticulata ‘Dahongpao’, and C. reticulata ‘Zhang Shuensis’ | Author : Ting-Li Han1,2, Inam Ullah3,4, Jian Wang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The chemicals in essential oils from peels of three varieties of Citrus reticulata Blanco like C. kinokuni Tanaka (K), C. reticulata ‘Dahongpao’ (D) and C. reticulata ‘zhang shuensis’ (Z) were investigated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) and gas chromatography-flame ionization detector (GC-FID), respectively. A total of 97 compounds were quantified in which 80 components were identified and 17 unknown components were detected. The quantitation results of D and Z were profoundly different from previous studies due to the different treatment to peels. The different oil-types from K, D, and Z were high in ß-myrcene, p-cymene, limonene, ?-terpinene, a-terpineol, thymol, (E, E)-a-farnesene, spathulenol and isospathulenol. The chemicals’ fluctuation in oils of D and Z was more pronounced than that of K. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed the peel of K, D and Z could be classified as three kinds according to their chemical changeability, respectively, consisting with the usage of these peels in Chinese medicine. Lastly, the oils’ chemotypes of K, D, Z and other cultivars were analyzed, showing that the % variation of six characteristic components including limonene, ?-terpinene, methyl N-methylanthranilate, linalool, (E, E)-a-farnesene, and thymol, played an important role in discriminating oil-types from varieties of C. reticulata. |
| Effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria on Soil Profile, Growth Physiology and Antioxidant Activity of Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni | Author : Shashi Kant Shukla1*, S Krithika2, Shraddha Shukla3 and Anupam Dikshit4 | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study was performed with the main objective of investigation of enhancement in the growth and antioxidant activity of Stevia rebaudiana, Bertoni, a medicinal plant and chief source of stevioside, natural sweetener. The whole experiment was followed by macro and micronutrients analysis of used soil for pot experiment. In the analysed concentration ratio; potassium was greater than and phosphorous. So, there was a need to dissolve these nutrients into the usable form; Paenibacillus polymyxa was selected due to having these characteristics. The results, observed in 0, 10 and 20 days, showed that in comparison to control, inoculation with ex-perimented soil bacterium, considerably increased root and shoot length as well as no and size of leaves in plant. The positive impact of the performed experiments was obtained after 10 and 20 days respectively. Furthermore, antioxidant efficacy of S. rebaudiana was done using DPPH method which confirms the plant to be free radical scavenger. The conclusion of the experiment showed the efficacy of P. polymyxa on escalation of Stevia. |
| Effect of Yield and Quality on Olive and Olive Oil in Olive Orchards Located at Different Altitudes | Author : Ayça Akça Uçkun1* and Uygun Aksoy | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Olive trees can be grown in marginal areas and adapt to different climatic and soil conditions which is easier to grow than other plants. It has positive effect of olive oil for human health. Therefore, olive cultivation is increasing day by day with the modern of olive techniques and it is preferred to grow by farmers thanks to the positive effects of olive oil and olive. The study was carried out in Ayvalik olive fields in which have different altitudes, in order to examine the current status of olive cultivation in Manisa/Ahmetli area, to soil and leaf analyzes and nutritional status and to determine the suitable harvest periods on high altitude and low altitude in terms of olive and olive oil quality. The current status (age, education, land positions) of the olive farmers were determined by survey in the Manisa/Ahmetli area. Fruit samples were harvested during 4 different periods (10 October, 13 November, 23 November and 5 December). In fruit samples: fruit weight (g), maturity index, color (CIE L*, a*, b*), dry matter (%) were determined. Oil samples, free fatty acidity and fatty acid composition were determined on high altitude and low altitude.In conclusion soil and leaf analyzes indicated that there were nutrient deficiencies and recommendations were made about olive cultivation in olive farmers. The suitable harvest periods were determined of high altitude and low altitude in terms of olive and olive oil quality. In this research, suggestions were given about olive cultivation and it is provided to shed light on future studies. |
| Precious Supply Chain Management of Onion (Allium cepa L) by Examining the Production, Quality Expansion and Market Analysis for Food Safety | Author : Dr Sidhartha Kar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Onion is an important and indispensable vegetable in kitchen as condiment and vegetable which captures an extensive internal as well as external market. The green leaves matured and immature bulbs are eaten raw or used in preparation of vegetables. It is used as salad and cooked in various ways, in all curries fries boiled or scorched onion. It is also used in processed form e.g. flakes, powder, paste, pickles and some seasoning foods. It is valued much on account of its characteristics pungency which is due to presence of sul-phur compound (Ally propyl disulphide). It possesses some important medicinal properties. The organic onion is flourishing mainly due to consumer choice. The organic onion is much preferred than traditionally grown. It makes an increase in varieties and selection of onion in retail, supermarket and restaurant. The market plays an important role in determining the pattern as well as the pace of diversification in favor of high-value crops like onion. An increase in production is of little value unless there is a good marketing system.Keeping the above view a research analysis on “Precious supply chain management of onion (Allium cepa l) by examining the pro-duction, quality expansion and market analysis for food safety” was carried out and found among two zones selected such as eastern coastal plateau zone and mid central table land zone, Mid central table land zone found most suitable for onion farming and fulfilling all most all farming requirements. Effect of organic nutrient and botanical pesticides on onion applied, the best onion varieties re-sponse to vermi compost (50%) that is 2 t/ha + NPK (50:50:50) 50 Kg each/ha was remarkable and best organic treatment. Effect of cultivation of different onion varieties found best results with onion variety Agri found Dark Red which has got best results in concern to growth and yield. Effect of integrated weed management on weed density, Dry matter weight of weeds and weed control efficiency found best results with weed control treatment one hand weeding at 20 Days After Transplanting + Ridge and furrow making (6” X 6”) length X breadth in onion variety N-53. Market survey found best results with variation within experimental period of time analysis found Bhubaneswar has lowest varia-tions of onion price from wholesale to retail sell price. And also experimental State have best control over onion price hike during the market research and experiment year that is survey results from year 2013 - 2017. Supply chain management models analyses it is concluded that onion SCM developed after survey that is a new model from research to different marketing channel partner involvement and then grass root label point coverage’s prepared and samples are tested in field found best results.E-Onion marketing and digitalization found a new and best technology to reduce marketing costs and examined during experi-ment founds best response among primary, secondary and tertiary stock holders.Among different onion farming treatments integrated organic onion production technology found best economic results in com-parison to conventional onion farming technology that is C:B = 1.97 (Cost Benefit ratio) and net returns are best with organic onion production technology that is Rs. 1,95,802/- (Rs/ha) |
| Soil Organic Fertilization in Long-Term Low-Input Cropping System and its Effect on the Bread Making Flour Properties Determined by Albumen-Protein Complex | Author : Nankova Margarita1*, Doneva Sonya1, Iliya Iliev1 and Stefan Krustev | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The results of the study on the quality of flour of 20 wheat cultivars (Triticum aestivum L.) grown in a long-term low-input crop-ping system of Haplic Chernozems are reported. The cultivars were developed at Dobrudzha Agricultural Institute, General Toshevo. They were sown on two soil nutrition regimes: 1. Control - natural soil fertility and 2. Organic fertilization with ExcellOrga, produced in France. In addition to these variants we used a humine preparation Plantagra for pre-sowing seed treatment of sowing material (150 ml/100 kg seeds).Main soil organic fertilization with ExcellOrga especially in combination with seed material treatment (SMT) positively influenced on the sedimentation values and bread volume. The average value in this variant is 42.55 ml with increasing over control variant with 3.65%. The highest and relatively stable by variants were the sedimentation values of cultivar Pchelina (51.25 ml), followed by culti-vars Kiara (50.25 ml) and Galateya (46.75 ml). The bread volume in this condition exceeded the control with 3.75%. The maximum value in the trail was reached from cv. Bojana - 795 ml.Organic fertilization lead to increasing a wet gluten content according to the control with 2.60%. The cultivates Kiara and Bojana has a leader position according to the value of this index - 23.35% and 23.25% respectively. A tendency was established for decreas-ing of values of wet gluten content in variants with SMT. However, an exception to the tendency the genotypes specificity is strongly expressed - cultivars Pchelina, Kosara and Kiara reacted positively to the SMT.Flour stability is subject to highly expressed dynamics of values according to the genotype. Cultivars Enola and Katarjina were distinguished with maximum average values - 3.88 and 3.80. Soil organic fertilization increased values of this index according to the control variant with 4.60%. Valorimetric values were negatively influenced by soil organic fertilization and especially with combina-tion with SMT.We established also highly expressed correlations between yields (grain and protein) with chemical composition of grain, physical grain properties, rheological properties of flour and bread making qualities |
| Pharmacological Approaches to Investigate the Potential Herbal Medicine (Decoction) in Treating COVID-19 | Author : Reshma Kumari and Sanjay Kumar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Since December 2019, COVID-19 infection is spreading rapidly throughout worldwide. Every virus has a unique structure, behavior and infectious agent to create infections. The ayurvedic herbal medicine that seem to work for other viral infections should be tested against COVID-19. Qingfei Paidu decoction, Shuanghuanglian oral liquid (SHL), Mahuang Gancao Ganjiang Decoction (MGGD) and licorice are remedies that officials in China have recommended against COVID-19. Simultaneously, an Ayush Ministry advisory suggested that drinking decoction (ginger, turmeric, tulsi leaves) as ‘home remedies’ to boost immune system against Covid-19 in India. Likewise, Barleria lupulina leaves decoction is also one of the potential candidates which may be helpful for the treatment of COVID-19. |
| Preparation of Moringa Capsules | Author : Mohammed Shoeib Ahmer | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Moringa oleifera, native to India, grows in the tropical and sub-tropical regions of the world. It is also known as ‘horseradish tree’. It can be grown in both dry and mild ice conditions and hence widely cultivated across the world. With its high nutritive values, each fragment of the Moringa is suitable for nutritional or busi-ness purposes. Leaves have ample amount of minerals, vitamins and other essential plant chemicals. Extraction of leaves helps to reduce malnutrition, supplement milk in mothers. Moringa also acts as agent against oxidation, cancer, diabetes, bacterial and mi-crobial properties. Moringa oleifera seed, acts as a inborn clotting agent which is used in water treatment. For business purpose Mo-ringa is used a cure for diabetes and cancer. It is known as “Miracle tree” as Moringa has medicinal, commercial, nutritional and phar-macological properties. |
| Influence of Foliar Application of Sulfur at Various Stages on Yield and Oil Content of Olive (Olea eurapaea L.) | Author : Zari Said, Yasir Ali, Mehboob Alam, Naveed Ahmad and Azmat Ali Awan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study was conducted to investigate the influence of foliar application of sulfur at various stages on yield and oil con-tent of olive (Olea europaea L.) during the year 2018. The experiment was laid out in RCBD with two factors having split plot arrange-ment and treatments were replicated three times. Factor A was time of foliar application (pre-blooming, fruit set, after 20 days of fruit set) allotted to main plots and factor B foliar spray of Sulfur concentrations (0, 500, 1000, 1500 ppm) were allotted to sub plots. Results showed that maximum number of fruits panicle-1 (5.33), number of fruits plant-1 (5235.6), minimum fruit drop (55.11%), maximum fruit length (2.79 cm), fruit diameter (2.32 cm), fruit volume (5.35 ml), single fruit fresh weight (7.33g), fruit dry weight (2.04g), fruit pulp (83.34%) and minimum fruit stone (21.44%), maximum yield plant-1 (21.72 kg), yield hectare-1 (17.73 tons) and oil content (12.62%) were observed in plants treated with 1500 ppm sulfur foliar application. In conclusion better yield of olive is on 1500 ppm should be applied at pre-blooming stage while for maximum oil contents same concentration of sulfur should be applied at fruit set stage. |
| The Techniques of Hydroponic System | Author : Anbarasu Mariyappillai, Gurusamy Arumugam and V B Raghavendran | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Hydroponics is soilless cultures where plants are created using a mineral enhancement for without soil. It redesigns genuine root limits, deftly water, agreeable oxygen and enhancements to the plant while giving physical, substance and natural assistance to the plant. When orchestrating a hydroponic nursery or home nursery, ought to pick a suitable space and techniques. Hydroponics systems are requested as open and shut methods. A hydroponic system implies the procedure for applying supplement answer for the plant roots. The hydroponics ended up being logically notable in a short period of time and this strategy lead to begin indoor and outdoor hydroponic planting rapidly. |
| A Dual Approach for Model Construction of Two-Dimensional Horizontal Flow | Author : Tinh Ton That, The Hung Nguyen and Dong Anh Nguyen | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The two-dimensional horizontal flow model in the classical integration approach is integrated from the three-dimensional Na-vier-Stokes system of equations. Using the classical theory, the integral is taken directly from the bed to the free water surfaces. Consequently, the effects between the channel bed and free water surface, in the process of integration, was disappeared. However, with the proposed dual-process approach, the integral can be performed locally several times. The receiving equations thus allow to contain many physical phenomena which may be lost in the classical integral process. As a result, the derived model based on the proposed dual approach will be more complex and accurate than the classical one. In this paper, the authors perform twice integrals. The improved two-dimensional horizontal flow model was received from the dual approach which allows the calculation of flow pa-rameters, which, having the unusual phenomena in the channel as solid objects, liquids containing other added ingredients, external forces, reversals, and so on. Moreover, it provides flexible parameter adjustment based on the experimental data. |
| The Arsenal of Morphological and Physiological Mechanisms Adopted by Barley (Hordeum vulgare. L) to Face Salt Stress Damage | Author : Zied Hammami, Nawel Ahmed, Nejia Ben Hmida, Soumaya Tounsi, Sawsen Ayadi and Youssef Trifa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The success of programmes improving barley performance under abiotic stress must go through an understanding of mecha-nisms developed by the plant to counteract this stress. Our study fits into this framework. It aims to evaluate six barley genotypes from the MENA region, treated with two salinity levels: 1.2 and 14 dS/m. Three genotypes are salt-tolerant, and three are sensitive. They were grown under a controlled environment and in 40L PVC tubes using sand and perlite as substrate. The evaluation was based on 15 morpho-physiological parameters related to water, ion content, temperature, and chlorophyll fluorescence.The results confirm the existence of genetic variability for salt tolerance. Two Tunisian landraces ‘Suihli’ and ‘Ardhaoui’ and Oma-nis landraces ‘Batini 100/1B’ were not affected. Conversely, ‘ICARDA20’ and ‘Barley Mednine’ appeared to be sensitive to salt stress with a maximum reduction of 35% for improved genotype ‘Konous’. Results also show that salt tolerance in barley cannot be exclusively attributed to a single mechanism. All studied parameters significantly (p < 0.001) contributed to it. However, Stepwise regression revealed that plant water status expected by RWC is the key for salinity tolerance as well as a positive effect of K+ content, Fm/Fv, and leaf Temperature on proper water status. The results highlight the effeteness of one visual trait, the salinity damage index (DI), to estimate barley tolerance. Indeed, a strong correlation was observed between DI and the biomass reduction (P < 0.001, r2 = 0.96). In addition, correlation analyses showed that all parameters were inversely correlated with the DI |
| Response of Carnation (Dianthus chinensis x barbatus) to Different Levels of Foliar Spraying of Amino Acid and Chemical Fertilizers | Author : Yasser Ismail El-Nashar and Fatma El-Zahara Hussein El-Tony | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objective of this investigation was to measure the growth and flower response of carnation plants to the application of vari-ous levels (0, 2, 4 g.l-1) of amino acid (Terra-Sorb and Triamin) and chemical fertilization (Turo-fort and Nami), three times during the growing period, as a possible program for the production of quality plants through fertilization. Carnations (Dianthus chinensisx barbatus) were pot-grown in an unheated green-net greenhouse. The results showed that plants sprayed with fertilizer solutions showed a significant increase in the growth parameters. The results also showed that the treatments stimulated the flowering pa-rameters (number of inflorescences per plant, inflorescences diameter, flowering date, and inflorescences dry mass) and increased the number, diameter, and dry mass of inflorescences per plant, when compared to the untreated plants (control). The a, b, and total chlorophyll (a+b), carotenoid and anthocyanin content, gas exchange measurements and leaf mineral content (P, N, K, and Total car-bohydrates) were significantly increased compared to the control, as a result of the application of different levels of the chemical fo-liar fertilizer spraying solutions (Turo-fort and Nami). Carnations plants with foliar fertilizer solution application had higher leaf gas exchange (stomatal conductance (gs), transpiration rate (E), photosynthetic rate (PN) and plant intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci)) |
| Genetic Variability Assessment of Tossa Jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) Genotypes Using Morpho-Agronomic Traits | Author : Arju Miah, Nihar Ranjan Saha, AKM Shahadat Hossain, Md Younus Ali and Amit Kumar Basunia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Forty accessions with three check varieties of tossa jute (Corchorus olitorius L.) were characterized on the basis of morpho-ag-ronomic traits in genetic variability at Jute Agriculture Experiment Station, Manikganj during kharif season in 2016. The accessions were characterized for twenty-two morpho-agronomic attributes as per Corchorus descriptor in order to select superior genotypes for the genetic improvement of jute. Considerable ranges of variability were observed in stem colour, petiole colour, stipule colour, plant technical height, base diameter, dry fibre weight and dry stick weight. Considering the major yield contributing characters ac-cession no. 1039, 1115, 1124, 1234 and1245 performed better in most of the cases than the control varieties O-9897 O-3820 and BJRI Tossa Pat-4 (O-72). |
| Characterization of Deshi Jute (Corchorus capsularis) Germplasm Collected from Different Sources | Author : Arju Miah, Nihar Ranjan Saha, Md. Jahangir Alam, Md. Younus Ali and Amit Kumar Basunia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Forty accessions of white jute germplasm collected from different sources were characterized at JAES, Manikganj during kharif season in 2015. The accessions were characterized for twenty morpho-agronomic attributes as per Corchorus descriptor in order to select superior genotypes for the genetic improvement of jute. Considerable ranges of variability were observed in stem colour, petiole colour, stipule colour, plant technical height, base diameter, dry fiber weight and dry stick weight. Based on major yield contributing characters accessions 4869, 4621, 3394, 2199, 2839, 1478, 1777, 1923 and 2675 performed better in most of the cases than the control variety CVL-1 and CVE-3. |
| Effect of the Use of Arbuscular Mycorrhiza for Plant Growth Promotion on Morpho-physiological Properties of Antirrhinum majus L. Under Salinity Stress | Author : Fatma El-Zahara Hussein El-tony | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The impact of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi inoculation with mixed water irrigation on the vegetative and flowering growth, leaf mineral content, and chlorophyll (Chl) content of Antirrhinum majus L. (snapdragon) plants was studied through two seasons under two irrigation water sources. Five irrigation water treatments were applied as follows: T1 as a control (100% desalinized (DW)), T2 (75% DW + 25% well water, WW), T3 (50% DW + 50% WW), T4 (25% DW + 75% WW), and T5 (100% WW). The imposed salt stress conditions (T5) significantly reduced all vegetative and flowering growth, leaf mineral content (P, Na, K, Cl, and Ca), and chlorophyll content of the plants compared to those of the non-salted plants (T1). Inoculated snapdragon with AM fungi exhibited significantly higher values for most vegetative growth characters, flowering date, and spike length than those of non-mycorrhizal plants. With regard to interaction effects, the highest value of proline content of the leaves was detected with 100% WW (T5) and AM fungi treatments, which improved the salt stress tolerance compared to other treatments. Inoculated snapdragon plants with AM fungi showed both improved vegetative and flowering growth, mostly under salt stress conditions. With (T3) under mycorrhizal treatment, snapdragon plants showed the best results with earlier flowering dates, greater number of spikes, and longer spike length |
| Investigation of the Complex Influence of High- and Low-Molecular Glutenins and Crude Protein on the Quality of Bread Wheat (T. aestivum L.) | Author : Sonya Doneva, Margarita Nankova and Stefan Krustev | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The relation between high- (HMW) and low-molecular (LMW) glutenins with the quality indicators - sedimentation value, valorimetric value and bread loaf of a collection of Bulgarian wheat varieties was studied.A total of about 63% of the sedimentation value, 44% of the valorimetric value and 39% of the bread loaf was controlled by the two groups of glutenins and the crude protein. The high-and low-molecular weight glutenins had an almost equal share in controlling the sedimentation value and the valorimetric value. The LMW glutenins had a significantly higher share in controlling bread loaf than that of HMW glutenins. The participation of individual glutenin loci in quality control was not one-sided. It was mainly determined by genetic diversity and by the linking with the quality of the individual glutenin subunits.The relative contribution of crude protein to the control of quality indicators during the various harvest years was highly variable, but its optimum quantity was a necessary condition for showing the positive effect of glutenin subunits on the quality of the wheat varieties |
| Food Supply Chain Disruptions and Resilience Under the Stress of COVID-19: Evidence from Nepal | Author : Saugat Khanal, Padam Bahadur Poudel, Jeevan Lamichhane and Alagathurai Ajanthan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The food supply chain is a complex web with a number of stakeholders. Though the stocks of cereal at present are at satisfactory level, its stock in future is going to be depleted resulting from the disruptions in the food supply chain. Supply of agric-inputs has been severely affected. Developing countries and low income countries are most vulnerable to the impact of disruptions in the supply chain. Secondary sources of information are used for studying the food supply disruptions and resilience. Supply chain resilience has drained the curiosity of local to multinational companies and policymakers in remodeling the chain. As per the alarming projections to leave the long-term negative consequences, the importance of food availability has further risen. Consumer’s anticipation of future food crises has created panic and chaos in the food market; affecting the demand-supply chain. Transportation and public restrictions including transnational boundaries lockdown have created inconvenience to producers and distributors. With numerous noted obstacles from farm to firm, unemployment and poverty among low and middle class have been particularly hard hit. In this regard there is a need for behavioral change of the consumer, diversification of the supply chain and consumption of the local food |
| Response of Three Soybean Genotypes to Lima Bean Pod Borer (Etiella zinckenella) Infestation Using Some Bio and Chemical Insecticides | Author : Eman I Abdel-Wahab, S M Tarek, Marwa Kh A Mohamed and Soheir F Abd El-Rahman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present investigation was carried out at Giza Agricultural Experiments and Research Station, Agricultural Research Center (ARC), Giza, Egypt during the two successive seasons 2018 and 2019 to evaluate three soybean genotypes (Giza 35, Crawford and DR10l) to infestation with lima bean pod borer using four bio and chemical insecticides (Diple-2x 6.4% DF, Biover10 % WP, Suncide Agri-pest and Lannate 25% WP) for increasing seed yield and net return. The treatments were four insecticides (Diple-2x 6.4% DF, Biover10 % WP, Suncide Agri-pest and Lannate 25% WP) beside water as control and three soybean genotypes (Giza 35, Crawford and DR10l). Split-plot distributions in a randomized complete block design with three replications were used. Insecticide sources were randomly assigned to main plots and soybean genotypes were allocated in subplots. The results showed that the bacterial insecticide Diple-2x 6.4% DF recorded lower pod infestation and seed damage than the other insecticides. Soybean genotype DR10l had lower pod infestation and seed damage, meanwhile the reverse was true for soybean genotype Crawford. Soybean variety Giza 35 recorded higher most yield traits than the soybean genotypes Crawford and DR10l. Soybean genotypes x insecticide sources interaction was significant for pod infestation, seed damage, seed yield per plant, 100-seed weight, seed yield per ha, and HI in both seasons. Spraying of the bacterial insecticide Diple-2x 6.4% DF in the flowering stage of soybean variety Giza 35 enhanced its tolerance to lima bean pod borer infestation with higher seed yield and net return than the other treatments. |
| Advanced Yield Trial of Early Seeding, Higher Yield and Low Temperature Tolerant Breeding Lines of White Jute | Author : Arju Miah, Nihar Ranjan Saha, Amit Kumar Basunia, AKM Shahadat Hossain and Md Younus Ali | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The experiment was carried out at four regional stations (Rangpur, Chandina, Faridpur and Kishoreganj) and JAES, Manikganj to develop breeding lines with better performance in respect of seeding time and growth. Significant differences were observed among the treatments for plant population, plant height, base diameter and fibre weight at Manikganj, plant height and fibre weight at Rangpur and Chandina station. Pooled mean over stations revealed that the tested strains C-2234 (4.37 t/ha), C-2236 (4.12 t/ha) and C-2281 (3.87 t/ha)out yielded both the check varieties BJRI Deshi Pat-5 (3.68 t/ha) and CC-45 (3.57 t/ha) in terms of fiber. |
| Urban Agriculture: Need, Benefits and Challenges | Author : Vivek Kumar Gaurav | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The pandemic COVID-19 has raised the concern about the extreme vulnerability of urban settlement to unprecedented globalrisks andcrises. The limited and restricted mobility due to the lockdown within the city or across the borders has led to the real-ization of the need to strengthen the local food production besidethe long conventional channels of food supply system. The current scenario is motivating the discussion to encourage shorter chan-nels for food supply system, creating a platform for the Urban ag-riculture |
| Diversity Analysis Studies in 28th Semi Arid Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Yield Trial of CIMMYT | Author : Ruchismita Mishra, Roshan Parihar1, AP Agrawal, DJ Sharma, NK Chaure and Dinesh Pandey | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study was carried out to access 50 semi arid wheat yield trials of CIMMYT including 1 check (HI-1544). The experi-
ment was laid down in randomized block design during rabi season of 2020-21. The divergence studies revealed that fifty genotypes are clustered into six clusters with maximum genotypes in cluster I viz. forty five and all other five clusters (Cluster II, III, IV, V, VI)were solitary. The highest intra-cluster distance was observed for cluster I. Hence, genotypes belonging to the cluster I may be uti-lized as parents in future breeding programme with the genotypes belonging to cluster III as the maximum inter-cluster distance was noted between the cluster III and Cluster V. This showed that a hybridization programmes including parents from these clusters would result in a higher frequency of better segregates or desired combinations. Maximum genetic divergence was found for seed yield per plot, followed by biological yield per plot, harvest index and number of seeds per spike. |
| The Influence of Rhizobacteria that Promotes Growth of Plants on the Nutritional Acquisition Process | Author : Harsha Sharma and Avadhesh Kumar Koshal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) are soil bacteria that colonise the rhizosphere and promote plant growth through a range of mechanisms including organic matter mineralization, biological control of soil-borne diseases, biological nitrogen fixation,and root growth promotion. The ability of PGPR to enhance nutrient bioavailability is a crucial characteristic. Several bacterial spe-cies have been reported as P-solubilizing microorganisms, while others, such as those that create siderophores for Fe chelation, have been found to boost the solubility of micronutrients. The increased concentration of soluble macro and micronutrients along the soil- root interface has a beneficial effect on the plant nutrition. Furthermore, several pieces of evidence suggest that culturing plants with PGPR can have considerable physiological and molecular effects on plants (e.g., induction of rhizosphere acidification, up-and down regulation of genes involved in ion uptake and translocation), suggesting that soil biota could stimulate plants to be more efficient in trying to extract nutrients from soil and coping with abiotic stresses. However, the molecular mechanisms behind these events, the signals involved, as well as their potential uses in a sustainable agriculture strategy and biotechnological elements for hypothetical rhizosphere engineering, are all still up for debate |
| Application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tools in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) - An Insect - Plant Interaction Perspective | Author : S Prem Mathi Maran | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Integrated Pest Management (IPM), is a safe and eco friendly pest control strategy, which is in practice for the past three decades. Utilization of semiochemicals and insect-plant interaction processes in IPM is a topic of research now a day. In this current concept report, which is based on the available evidences that uses the semiochemicals for IPM, the author explains the potential use of sen-sors, artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) procedures, which can be integrated in the modern agriculture for IPM measures. A workable model of AI and ML is explained in Push-Pull strategy of IPM. |
| Agriculture Study on Sugar Beet in Egypt | Author : Hager El-Zayat | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Sugar beet cultivation in Egypt is vital for the sugar industry’s main goal since its natural properties of salinity tolerance and abil-ity to thrive in a desert climate make it the second choice for sugar production. Traditional agriculture practices have a high level of output; however, sugar beet is one of the crops that depend on yield quality rather than quantity. For sugar producers, the amount of sugar in the tuber of the sugar beet is the most essential attribute, and it is the key predictor of yield cost. Precision agriculture approaches in sugar beet production include (sowing, irrigation, fertilization, harvest, and post-harvest) and, according to some researchers, have a positive impact on cost, time, and quality. As a result, this review contains some recommendations for excellent agricultural practices based on various scientific findings as well as environmental factors in Egypt that influence crop quality and quantity. |
| Genotypes White Mulberry and Black Mulberry Genetic Diversity between them | Author : Tatjana Kokaj | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Mulberry is subtropical tree., Genus: Mores, Family Moraceae, species Morus alba L This tree has three main species named for the fruit colored the best-known cultivar, white, red, and black mulberry (Morus alba , Rubra and Nigra). In our country found white mulberry and black mulberry, with Latin name is Morus alba L and Morus nigra L. Morus red don’t growing in our country but have with color white to pink. Zones which grow white mulberry is Shkoder, Tirana, Durres, etc. and zones which grow mulberry is Hill zones and before mountains. In this study is evaluation some traits mainly in fruit of tree, form of fruit, color fruit, antocian, flavonaid, poliphenol. The aim of this study is to know diversity between two species of Mulberry, mulberry Alba and mulberry nigra. Mulberry Alba is deciduous, has a dense spreading crown, generally wider than high of the tree. The height of tree is 23- 30 cm, have a pyra- midal shape or pyramidal shape. The leaves are light green in color, alternate, cordate. The flowers are unisexcial, greenish in color flowers. The trees are monocecious or diocious without buttre - shes (Orwa., et al. 2009). The fruit is different is small, is medium and big. In this study are analyses of some chemical indicators such as PH, humidity, Anthocyaniid, Polyphenols, Flavonoid is in fruit. Contribute to the pigment of fruit color. Anthocyanid contribute to identify of inflorescence fruit and flowers. Anthocyanid of black mulberry is 219.02 mg/LCYA 3 gluten, white mulberry don’t have. Poliphenol are antioxidant are secondary metabolites of plant, for black mulberry is 2506, white mulberry is 561.7 mg/L GAE, Flavonoid for white mulberry is 23.43 mg/L, black mulberry don’t have. Sugar for black mulberry is 81.2% and white mulberry is 79.6 %. The data are subjected to statistical processing. |