Survey on Efficient Techniques of Text Mining |
Author : Sunita Naik, Samiksha Gharat, Saraswati shenoy, Rohini Kamble |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the current era, with the advancement of technology, more and more data is available in digital
form. Among which, most of the data (approx. 85%) is in unstructured textual form. So it has become essential to
develop better techniques and algorithms to extract useful and interesting information from this large amount of
textual data. Text mining is process of extracting useful data from unstructured text. The algorithm used for text
mining has advantages and disadvantages. Moreover the issues in the field of text mining that affect the accuracy
and relevance of the results are identified. |
Advance Cipher Technique to Secure Email Contents |
Author : Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Billions of emails are sent all over the world. Many a times these emails contain sensitive information. The email system providers do provide security for the emails sent. But if the authentication is compromised then the whole Pandora of sensitive information will be out in the open. So, the paper provides a system called as the ‘Advance Cipher Technique (ACT)’ to secure the contents of the emails before it is sent over the email. The paper proposes to secure the email contents by using substitution and permutation, with the fronts provided by the email systems acting as the keys. |
UBIQUITOUS COMPUTING Its Paradigm, Systems & Middleware |
Author : Pallavi Vartak |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper offers a survey of ubiquitous computing research which is the developing a scope that
gears communication technologies into routine life accomplishments. This study paper affords a types of the
studies that extents at the ubiquitous computing exemplar. In this paper, we present collective structure principles
of ubiquitous systems and scrutinize important developments in context-conscious ubiquitous structures. In toting,
this studies work affords a novel structure of ubiquitous computing system and an evaluation of sensors needed
for applications in ubiquitous computing. The goal of this studies work are 3-fold: i) help as a parameter for
researchers who are first-hand to ubiquitous computing and want to subsidize to this research expanse, ii) provide
a unique machine architecture for ubiquitous computing system, and iii) offer auxiliary studies ways necessary
for exceptional-of-provider assertion of ubiquitous computing. |
Extraction of Emoticons with Sentimental Bar |
Author : Shreyas Wankhede, Ranjit Patil, Sagar Sonawane, Prof. Ashwini Save |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The latest generation of emoticons which are called as emojis that is largely being used in mobile
communications as well as in social media. In past few years, more than ten billion emojis were used on Twitter.
Emojis which are known as the Unicode graphic symbols, which are basically used as shorthand to express the
concepts and ideas of the people. For smaller number of well-known emoticons, their meanings or sentiments
are well known but there are thousands of emojis so extracting their sentiments is difficult. The Emoji Sentiment
Ranking method which is used to evaluate a sentiment mapping of emojis by using sentiment polarity such as
negative, neutral, or positive. The sentimental classification of tweets with and without emoticons are very much
different.Finally, the method also gives representation of sentiments and a better visualization in the form of a
sentimental Bar. |
Tweet Summarization and Segmentation: A Survey |
Author : Siddhi Naik, Swati Mamidipelli, Shruti Lade, Ashwini Save |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The use of social media is increasing day by day. It has become an important medium for getting
information about current happenings around the world. Among various social media platforms, with millions
of users, twitter is one of the most prominent social networking site. Over the years sentiment analysis is being
performed on twitter to understand what tweets that are posted mean. The purpose of this paper is to survey
various tweet segmentation and summarization techniques and the importance of Particle Swarm Optimization
(PSO) algorithm for tweet summarization [1][2]. |
Review on: Techniques for Predicting Frequent Items |
Author : Himanshu A. Chaudhari, Darshana S. Vartak, Nidhi U. Tripathi, Sunita Naik |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Electronic commerce(E- Commerce) is the trading or facilitation of trading in products or services
using computer networks, such as the Internet. It comes under a part of Data Mining which takes large amount
of data and extracts them. The paper uses the information about the techniques and methods used in the
shopping cart for prediction of product that the customer wants to buy or will buy and shows the relevant
products according to the cost of the product. The paper also summarizes the descriptive methods with
examples. For predicting the frequent pattern of itemset, many prediction algorithms, rule mining techniques
and various methods have already been designed for use of retail market. This paper examines literature
analysis on several techniques for mining frequent itemsets.The survey comprises various tree formations like
Partial tree, IT tree and algorithms with its advantages and its limitations. |
Author : Vinit N. Tendulkar, Rahul M. Sonavane, Prashish R. Kamble, Sunita Naik |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :As new innovation comes in the society individuals are eager to utilize the innovation which is
useful to them. Individuals are more relies upon machine which commit less error and use to carry on with a
luxury’s life. In future the Wi-Fi will get replaced by Li-Fi to transmit the data. The innovation is changing the
world. But in present an ATM is used for withdrawing the cash, it makes user to withdraw cash anytime any
were. The security which is given to ATM cards for e.g. RSA like cryptographic algorithms provided for user
authentication. As ATM card users are increasing the frauds are also increasing and to give security to
credentials the technology is also changing such as cards are replaced by card less. |
Methods for Sentiment Analysis: A Literature Study |
Author : Shiv Dhar, Suyog Pednekar, Kishan Borad, Ashwini Save |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Sentiment analysis is a trending topic, as everyone has an opinion on everything. The systematic
study of these opinions can lead to information which can prove to be valuable for many companies and
industries in future. A huge number of users are online, and they share their opinions and comments regularly,
this information can be mined and used efficiently. Various companies can review their own product using
sentiment analysis and make the necessary changes in future. The data is huge and thus it requires efficient
processing to collect this data and analyze it to produce required result.
In this paper, we will discuss the various methods used for sentiment analysis. It also covers various techniques
used for sentiment analysis such as lexicon based approach, SVM [10], Convolution neural network,
morphological sentence pattern model [1] and IML algorithm. This paper shows studies on various data sets
such as Twitter API, Weibo, movie review, IMDb, Chinese micro-blog database [9] and more. The paper shows
various accuracy results obtained by all the systems. |
A Literature Survey: Neural Networks for object detection |
Author : Aishwarya Sarkale, Kaiwant Shah, Anandji Chaudhary, Tatwadarshi P. N. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Humans have a great capability to distinguish objects by their vision. But, for machines object
detection is an issue. Thus, Neural Networks have been introduced in the field of computer science. Neural
Networks are also called as ‘Artificial Neural Networks’ [13]. Artificial Neural Networks are computational
models of the brain which helps in object detection and recognition. This paper describes and demonstrates the
different types of Neural Networks such as ANN, KNN, FASTER R-CNN, 3D-CNN, RNN etc. with their accuracies.
From the study of various research papers, the accuracies of different Neural Networks are discussed and
compared and it can be concluded that in the given test cases, the ANN gives the best accuracy for the object
detection. |
A Survey of Image Processing and Identification Techniques |
Author : Sahil V. Khedaskar, Mohit A. Rokade, Bhargav R. Patil, Tatwadarshi P. N. |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Image processing is always an interesting field as it gives enhanced visual data for human
simplification and processing of image data for transmission and illustration for machine preception. Digital
images are processed to give better solution using image processing. Techniques such as Gray scale
conversion, Image segmentation, Edge detection, Feature Extraction, Classification are used in image
In this paper studies of different image processing techniques and its methods has been conducted.
Image segmentation is the initial step in many image processing functions like Pattern recognition and image
analysis which convert an image into binary form and divide it into different regions. The technique used for
segmentation is Otsu’s method, K-means Clustering etc. For feature extraction feature vector in visual image is
texture, shape and color. Edge detector with morphological operator enhances the clarity of image and noise
free images. This paper also gives information about algorithm like Artificial Neural Network and Support
Vector Mechanism used for image classification. The image is categorized into the receptive class by an ANN
and SVM is used to compile all the categorized result. Overall the paper gives detail knowledge about the
techniques used for image processing and identification. |
Advance Cipher Technique to Secure Email Contents |
Author : Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Billions of emails are sent all over the world. Many a times these emails contain sensitive information.
The email system providers do provide security for the emails sent. But if the authentication is compromised then
the whole Pandora of sensitive information will be out in the open. So, the paper provides a system called as the
‘Advance Cipher Technique (ACT)’ to secure the contents of the emails before it is sent over the email. The paper
proposes to secure the email contents by using substitution and permutation, with the fronts provided by the email
systems acting as the keys. |
SCCAI- A Student Career Counselling Artificial Intelligence |
Author : Aditya M. Pujari, Rahul M. Dalvi, Kaustubh S. Gawde, Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :As education is growing day by day, the competition has prompted a need for the student to
understand more about the educational field. Many times the counselor isn’t available all the time and
sometimes due to the lack of proper knowledge about some educational field. Due to this, it creates an issue of
misconception of that field. This creates a problem for the student to decide a proper educational trajectory and
guidance is not always useful. The proposed paper will overcome all these problem using machine learning
algorithm. Various algorithms are being considered and amongst them the best suitable for our project are used
here. There are 3 major problems that come across our path and they are solved using Random forest, Linear
regression and Searching algorithm using Google API. At first Searching algorithm solves the problem of
location by segregating the college’s location vice, then Random Forest provides the list of colleges by using
stream and range of percentage and finally Linear Regression predicts the current cutoff using previous years’
data. Rather than this, the proposed system also provides information regarding all fields of education helping
students to understand and know about their field of interest better. The following idea is a total fresh idea with
no existing projects of similar kind. This project will help students guide them throughout. |
Design and Fabrication of Regenerative Braking in EV |
Author : Anurag Bhatt, Adinath Kadam, KP Mredhul, Jaydeep Asodariya |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Charging has always been an issue in electrical vehicles. In this project, the kinetic energy is
transmitted in the brakes through drive train and is directed by a mechanical system to the potential store during
deceleration. That energy is held until required to the vehicle, wherein it is transformed back into energy and
stored in the battery of the vehicle. The amount of the power available for conservation varies depending on the
type of storage, drivetrain efficiency, and drive cycle and inertia weight. When a normal vehicle applies its brake,
its kinetic energy is transformed to heat because of friction between wheels and brake pad. This heat passes
through the air and the energy is wasted. The total energy lost in this way depends on how often, long and hard
the brake is being applied. An energy conversion action in which a part of the energy of the vehicle is stored by a
battery or storage device is known as regenerative braking. Driving within a city involves more braking
representing a high loss of energy with the opportunity for savings in energy. In the case of public transport
vehicles such as local trains, buses, taxis, delivery vehicles there is even more potential for energy to be
regenerated |
Author : Sonu P. Singh, Saurav V. Singh, Mithilesh J. Singh, Pratik Raut |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The waste management system in the country is not proper, in order to provide a proper waste
management system we need to manufacture a machine that can sort the various waste constituents from
garbage which can be further processed and recycled to reduce the overall waste. So to achieve this, we are
manufacturing a waste segregator machine which is capable of separating wastes such as metals, non-metals,
plastic, etc. The design is the basic step for manufacturing of the machine if the design is proper and safe the
manufacturing goes smooth. We are manufacturing the machine to obtain the goal of separating the waste
which can be used by small scale as well as large scale industry effectively, which would directly add into
benefit for the society. The manufacturing the machine which would be easy to operate and simple in
construction. In short it would be affordable if produced in numbers. |
A Review of Machine Learning Algorithms for Cryptocurrency Price Prediction |
Author : Aditya Sule |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper we have discussed different machine learning algorithms used for prediction purpose.
We have compared algorithms like SVM, logistic regression, decision tree, linear regression, LSTM,GRU. In this
the process of this algorithm have been explained with the help of diagrams wherever needed. As every algorithm
has its limitation which makes it to be used till certain limit only. These algorithms are been classified on different
parameters like accuracy and many more. The main goal of this paper is to get an idea of machine learning
algorithms and try to explain it in a simplified manner |
Design and Fabrication of Natural Waterproofing Solution Making Machine |
Author : Jalpesh Solanki |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The project focuses on studying and developing a machine which produces a natural water proofing solution which is biodegradable, and can potentially replace plastic as a packaging material. beeswax has been used as a natural sealant since 800 B.C. the property of beeswax of repelling water is what the project is based on. The development of the machine is designed after studying an old American recipe, used by local hunters. The solution can be used on surfaces to make them parched. application of the solution on paper or fabric can. The cloth used for wrapping Egyptian mummies contained beeswax. |
Bioinspired Intelligent Algorithm and Its Applications for Mobile Robot Control |
Author : Sagar Gorle |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Bio-inspired intelligent algorithm (BIA) is a kind of intelligent computing system, which is with a more
natural working medium than other types. BIAs have made significant progress in both understanding of the
neuroscience and natural systems and applying to various fields. Mobile robot control is one of the principle
exertion fields of BIAs which has drawn in farther and promote consideration, since mobile robots can be
employed extensively and general artificial intelligent algorithms meet an enhancement full back in this field,
relative as complicated computing and the reliance on high-flawlessness pointers This paper presents a check of
recent disquisition in BIAs, which focuses on the disquisition in the consummation of various BIAs predicated on
different working mechanisms and the operations for mobile robot control, to help in understanding BIAs
completely and fluently. The check has four primary corridor type of BIAs from the biomimetic medium, a
summary of several typical BIAs from different situations, an overview of current operations of BIAs in mobile
robot control, and a description of some possible future directions for disquisition. |
Deriving a Distributed Cloud Proxy Architecture for Managed Cloud Computing Service |
Author : Raj Gupta |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Organizations embracing Cloud Computing regularly have to follow severe imperatives, like venture
approaches and legitimate guidelines. From these consistence issues emerge the need to empower oversaw cloud
administration utilization as an essential for reception. As we have displayed previously, the proposed Trusted
Environment for Standardized and Open cloud-based Resources cloud environment can accomplish the
executives of cloud administration utilization. A goal of the Trusted Ecosystem for Standardized and Open cloudbased Resources cloud ecosystem is to regain management capabilities in order to lower the entrance barrier for
sensitive sectors to use cloud computing the cloud ecosystem consists of different components: the cloud broker,
the cloud proxy, and an open PaaS platform. However, in this paper we focus on the derivation of the cloud proxy
architecture. In this paper we inspire and determine the design of the disseminated TRESOR cloud intermediary
from specialized, business and lawful prerequisites inside the setting of the TRESOR project. We apply a
determination strategy where we assess the effect of each steady design choice independently. This interaction
empowers scientists with supplementary necessities to adjust the transitional determinations inside different
settings in adaptable ways.
A review on the protocol systems for security enhancement of administrative devices |
Author : Ms. Yash Pandhare |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :With the increased number of people on the internet, the extent of crimes committed has seen a drastic increase as a direct effect. Most enterprises enhance their security at the primary level by using some form of multi-factor authentication usually limited to Phone or Access card based MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication), although adequate in the past, as with the increasing attack vectors, and types of attacks. Nevertheless a system cannot be completely secure to all possible threats now or in the near future, these risks need to be minimized to the lowest extent possible. One method of minimizing this risk is Proper access control. Moreover, a thorough research on the existing systems shows that the systems used in enterprise solutions are still vulnerable to attacks due to the lack of factors. This paper shows the brief of the existing technology used to overcome the threats posed by the existence of administrative devices that have privileged access across a system. |
Cloud Computing as an Evolution of Distributed Computing |
Author : Siddhesh Rane |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Cloud computing is a new rising system that offers info technologies via net. Cloud computing marks
the commencement of a replacement stage within the arena of knowledge and communication technology because
it carries with an development paradigm that has the attainable to alter the manner within which computing was
done. This paper presents a distributed cloud computing consists of multiple autonomous computers that
communicate through a network. Distributed computing additionally refers to the employment of distributed
systems to resolve procedure issues. Distributed Cloud Computing generalizes the cloud computing model to
position, process, and serve information and applications from geographically distributed sites to satisfy needs
for performance, redundancy and laws. This paper conferred the cloud computing notion and design. Then
introduce vision of distributed cloud computing, and identify different use cases as well as research challenges |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :: A especially abled child is a youth who has been determined to be in need of special attention and
specific requirements that other children do not. The state might declare this status for the aim of offering some
help and aid for the child’s well-being and growth. Special Child Care App mainly focuses on providing an
interactive platform for the special children. It is based on learning skills required in daily life in an interesting
way and overall development of the child. This project will not only help the children to develop and learn
interaction skill but will also help them to make an attempt in stepping in the society. And will also help the
parents/guardians know much more about their child’s problems. This app includes fun-loving daily tasks that
will help them to grow and learn different skills and will also provide some learning games for their overall
development |
Pet Paradise – A Vet Care Application |
Author : Deveshree Kadu |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :“Pet Paradise” is an application which is simple and easy to use and which is useful for
both doctors and customers. Users that are registered can send the symptoms of his pet/animal to the
doctor in video, audio, images or text form. The doctors will receive owners request and responds. If
there are two/three doctors available at a time, the pet owner can make choice between doctors. Also
someone has to buy or sell a pet they can use this application. The system gives temporary pet adoption
facility on payment basis, means someone has pet and going outside for few days so he/she can keep
pet for some days and pay some money of adaptation. It also include ratings for particular care taker
which will be given by the owner of the pet. By using this application people can buy food of their pets
Pet blood donation is the initiative taken by pet paradise. The objective of this system is to provide non
exhausting way to take care of your pet based on mobile application. We describe the design approaches
and functional components of this system. The system was developed based on domestic pets experts.
This application is useful for distant areas also. |
Pet Paradise – A Vet Care Application |
Author : Deveshree Kadu |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :“Pet Paradise” is an application which is simple and easy to use and which is useful for
both doctors and customers. Users that are registered can send the symptoms of his pet/animal to the
doctor in video, audio, images or text form. The doctors will receive owners request and responds. If
there are two/three doctors available at a time, the pet owner can make choice between doctors. Also
someone has to buy or sell a pet they can use this application. The system gives temporary pet adoption
facility on payment basis, means someone has pet and going outside for few days so he/she can keep
pet for some days and pay some money of adaptation. It also include ratings for particular care taker
which will be given by the owner of the pet. By using this application people can buy food of their pets
Pet blood donation is the initiative taken by pet paradise. The objective of this system is to provide non
exhausting way to take care of your pet based on mobile application. We describe the design approaches
and functional components of this system. The system was developed based on domestic pets experts.
This application is useful for distant areas also |
Smart Interviews Using AI |
Author : Aditi More |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :With the advent in technology, a lot of our common things have become smart. But our interviewing
system still seems to be stuck at same point. If one has low marks it’s fine but a person with a bad personality
cannot be hired even if they are satisfying in other aspects, as they do more harm than good. This is the reason
online interviews or chatbots are not preferred as many are of the opinion that although every other detail can
be thoroughly checked, there is no way they can correctly have a grasp of the interviewee’s personality.Because
of COVID-19 pandemic all interviews are taken online but their concerns have increased regarding the
aforementioned point. Taking this into consideration, we have built an interview system that analyzes the
personality traits of the candidates with the help of facial and speech emotion recognition whose resumes have
been approved. For facial emotion recognition we have used CNN model and for speech emotion recognition
we have used Google API |
Smart Interviews Using AI |
Author : Aditi More |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :With the advent in technology, a lot of our common things have become smart. But our interviewing
system still seems to be stuck at same point. If one has low marks it’s fine but a person with a bad personality
cannot be hired even if they are satisfying in other aspects, as they do more harm than good. This is the reason
online interviews or chatbots are not preferred as many are of the opinion that although every other detail can
be thoroughly checked, there is no way they can correctly have a grasp of the interviewee’s personality.Because
of COVID-19 pandemic all interviews are taken online but their concerns have increased regarding the
aforementioned point. Taking this into consideration, we have built an interview system that analyzes the
personality traits of the candidates with the help of facial and speech emotion recognition whose resumes have
been approved. For facial emotion recognition we have used CNN model and for speech emotion recognition
we have used Google API |
Blockchain & Machine Learning In Communication |
Author : Prof.Sonia Dubey1, Pratiksha Pawar2, Yashashree Kulkarn3 |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Blockchain can greatly facilitate the sharing of training data and ML models, decentralized intelligence, security, privacy, and reliable ML decision making. On the other hand, ML will have a significant impact on the development of blockchain in communication and network systems, including energy and resource ef iciency, scalability, security, privacy, and smart contracts. However, there are some outstanding key issues and challenges that still need to be addressed before blockchain and ML integration becomes mainstream, including resource management, data processing, scalable operations, and security issues. In this article, we provide an overview of existing work for blockchain and ML technologies. We identify several key aspects of blockchain and ML integration, including an overview, benefits, and applications. Next, we discuss open questions, challenges, and broader perspectives that need to be addressed to consider blockchain and ML for communication and network systems together. |
Implementation Of 5G Network In Iot Based Healthcare System |
Author : Prof. Nitesh Kumar[1], Nilanshu Mishra[2], Rahul Kewat[3] |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study aims to describe all the features and functions of the 5G technology and how it will be going to be helpful in the field of healthcare using IoT. 5G was introduced and deployed all over the world in year 2019, 5G comes with many new concepts like- network slicing for better support to various application with different computational power on latency and data rates. It is difficult for the current communication technology to fulfil the requirement of highly dynamic and time-sensitive healthcare application of the future. Currently 4G and other communication standards are used in healthcare services and applications. Current connectivity solutions for the IoT face challenges such as support for a massive number of devices, energy- efficiency, device density and security. There are a lot’s of IoT devices and sensors are developed which can be used to collect different vitals physiological parameter for example – heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, Sugar level etc. These devices lots of data which are stored and on cloud or database, these data are used for analysis. In this paper we present a review of 5G assisted healthcare solution in IoT. |
Smart Wearable Technology |
Author : Prof. Pradnya Mhatre1, Nikunj Pundkar2, Siddhi Raut3 |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Smart wearable technology is a hot topic in both the academic and business worlds. Rising desire for innovation has sparked a surge in research and the development of new goods that address fresh problems and open up lucrative prospects. However, despite a number of reviews and surveys on wearable technology, a study outlining how this area has there is a lack of recently evolved, which offers a thorough and impartial understanding of the major issues studied by scientists. Smart Wearable technology is a new research field which has undergone huge improvements in the previous decade, and it appears that in the near future, it will gain much greater significance. The development of high-performance wearable technology has unfortunately been fraught with difficulties. With the aid of numerous technologies like microelectronics and wireless communication, this field combines several research areas including computer science and engineering. In this we will see an overview of wireless telecommunication technologies that enable the design of smart wearable devices such as Bluetooth, 4GLTE, Wi-Fi, ZigBee and WiMAX are outlinedas well. |
Deep learning applications and challenges in big data analytics |
Author : Prof. Neha Lodhe1, Mr. Sumit Bhatkar2, Ms. Neha Tiwari3 |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Two areas of data science with a lot of interest are big data analytics and deep learning. Big Data has grown in importance as a result of the large-scale collection of domain-specific data by both public and private entities, which can provide useful information regarding issues like national intelligence, cyber security, fraud detection, marketing, and medical informatics. Large data sets are being analysed by businesses like Google and Microsoft for business analysis and decisions that will affect both current and future technologies. Via a hierarchical learning process, deep learning algorithms extract high-level, complex abstractions as data representations. Based on relatively simpler abstractions created in the previous level of the hierarchy, complex abstractions are learned at a given level. Massive amounts of unsupervised data can be analysed and learned from using deep learning, which makes big data analytics possible even when the raw data is largely unlabeled and uncategorized. In this work, we investigate how Deep Learning might be used to solve certain key issues in Big Data Analytics, such as extracting intricate patterns from enormous amounts of data, semantic indexing, data tagging, quick information retrieval, and simplification of discriminative tasks. We also look into several Deep Learning research areas that require more investigation in order to address specific Big Data Analytics difficulties, such as streaming data, high-dimensional data, model scalability, and distributed computing. Defining data sample criteria, domain adaption modelling, establishing criteria for generating meaningful data abstractions, enhancing semantic indexing, semi-supervised learning, and active learning are some of the problems we pose in our conclusion to provide insights into pertinent future studies. |
Dark Web |
Author : Prof. Neha Lodhe1,Mayur Bhate2, Rith Belwalkar3 |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A minor portion of the Deep Web is the Dark Web. Invisible Web is another name for the dark web. The public is unable to access the dark web. Around 45000 Dark web sites, or 0.01 of the Internet exist .The World Wide Webs hidden content that lives in the Deep Web is known as the Dark Web. Although it uses the Internet, accessing it involves additional software authorization setups etc. These are confidential and not searchable by search engines on the web. Only certain anonymous browsers such as TOR The Onion Router, Subgraph, Water fox I2P Invisible Internet Project can access the Dark Web. Its a representation of the Surface Web. The secure internet provides for both excellent and terrible entertainers to work secretly |
ETHERNET-Passive Optical Network |
Author : Prof. Neha Lodhe1, Mr. Gitesh Lad2, Mr. Abhishek Yadav3 |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) is a type of passive optical network technology that allows for the delivery of high-speed broadband access over a fiber-optic network. EPON technology is widely used in residential and business environments, as well as in metropolitan area networks, to provide fast and reliable internet access. In an EPON system, a single optical fiber is shared among multiple users, using passive optical splitters to distribute the signal. EPON technology uses Ethernet as its medium access control protocol, making it compatible with existing Ethernet-based networks. This compatibility with standard Ethernet protocols and interfaces has led to the widespread adoption of EPON technology, particularly in Asia. To prevent service interruptions and ensure reliable network performance, EPON systems require regular maintenance and upgrades. Network operators must also ensure the security of the network, as well as the privacy of user data. Ethernet Passive Optical Network technology is a powerful tool for delivering high-speed internet access to large numbers of users. Its compatibility with standard Ethernet protocols and interfaces, along with its many benefits, has led to its widespread adoption in Asia and other regions. However, regular maintenance and upgrades are required to ensure network performance and security. EPON technology offers many benefits, including high bandwidth, low latency, and low power consumption. It is an efficient and cost-effective solution for delivering high-speed internet access to large numbers of users. |
Blockchain Based Identity Verification Systems |
Author : Arun Patel 1, Shivam Mishra 2 |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research paper presents a comprehensive analysis of blockchain based identity verification systems. It explores the benefits and challenges of implementing such systems and delves into the various technologies and protocols involved. The paper investigates the current state of identity verification in centralized systems and compares it to the decentralized nature of blockchain based solutions. The study also highlights the role of smart contracts in automating and securing the verification process. The findings suggest that blockchain-based identity verification systems have the potential to provide a more secure, efficient, and transparent means of verifying an individuals identity compared to traditional, centralized methods. The paper concludes with recommendations for further research in this field and its potential impact on the future of identity verification. |
Author : Devendra Dorkar, Raj Nair, Siddhesh Neman, Aakash Chauhan |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The aim of this project is Designing and fabrication of automatic cement plastering machine. This
project was driven by specific objective which are to examine for mortaring wall with good finishing surface of
uniform thickness by the help of trowel mechanism. Various types of mechanical machine element such as; pulley
system and lead screw mechanism is used for lifting mechanism, conveyor for plaster feeding. The main power
source of this machine is AC motor were used for dc power with the help of SMPS (Switched Mode Power Supply).
The modelled and fabricated AUTOMATIC CEMENT PLASTERING MACHINE must saves man power, raw
material, cycle time and rate as compared to manual plastering. Additionally, this automatic cement plastering
machine can be used as a finishing technology for both inner and outer walls made from bricks like masonry
bricks, thermal bricks etc. This Plastering machine will save higher labour charge required for plastering and
also improve the productivity and quality then conventional method. We eventually, the automatic cement
plastering machine could play significant role in overall construction projects to reduce project net accomplishing
time and increases the net profits. |