Automated Solar Tracking System for Efficient Energy Utilization |
Author : Sagar Panchal, Omkar Navalkar, Prasad Jadhav, Prof. Nutan Malekar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper proposes a project that involves an automated solar tracking system which will make use
of LDR’s to track the position of sun. The output of LDR’s will be compared and analyzed to provide correct
alignment of the solar panel. Also another tracking technique is being implemented along, which uses the relation
of sun earth position at a given location. This telemetric data is given to microcontroller which will drive the
motors to align the solar panel. This is useful during cloudy weather and rainy days when it is difficult to check
the position of sun. Solar panels give output efficiency of around 15% to 20% based on the type of panel. The use
of solar tracking system increases it to a range of about 30% to 35%. This project further involves use of reflective
sheets on the sides of solar panel which will concentrate the reflected rays on the panel. Due to this the efficiency
is further increased around 40%. This project is a cost effective solution for stationary solar systems to increase
efficiency. |
Design and Fabrication of Regenerative Braking in EV |
Author : Anurag Bhatt, Adinath Kadam, KP Mredhul, Jaydeep Asodariya |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Charging has always been an issue in electrical vehicles. In this project, the kinetic energy is
transmitted in the brakes through drive train and is directed by a mechanical system to the potential store during
deceleration. That energy is held until required to the vehicle, wherein it is transformed back into energy and
stored in the battery of the vehicle. The amount of the power available for conservation varies depending on the
type of storage, drivetrain efficiency, and drive cycle and inertia weight. When a normal vehicle applies its brake,
its kinetic energy is transformed to heat because of friction between wheels and brake pad. This heat passes
through the air and the energy is wasted. The total energy lost in this way depends on how often, long and hard
the brake is being applied. An energy conversion action in which a part of the energy of the vehicle is stored by a
battery or storage device is known as regenerative braking. Driving within a city involves more braking
representing a high loss of energy with the opportunity for savings in energy. In the case of public transport
vehicles such as local trains, buses, taxis, delivery vehicles there is even more potential for energy to be
regenerated |
Author : Deepak Dubey, Dr. Sajeev Chacko, Mohammed Ghadiyali, Dr.Ajazul Haque |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The interaction of Ni-doped graphene sheet with CO molecule is investigated using density
functional theory simulation to analyze the reactivity of doped graphene towards CO molecule. The adsorption
energy is calculated for energetically favorable adsorption of CO on doped graphene sheet. Our result indicates
that the structural properties of NI-doped graphene sheet are influenced by the adsorption of CO. The
electronic band structure result for CO adsorbed on the doped graphene sheet shows the significant changes in
the electronic properties of Ni-doped graphene. |
A Survey on Text Prediction Techniques |
Author : Deepal S. Thakur, Rajiv N. Tarsarya, Akshay A. Vaskar, Ashwini Save |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Writing long sentences is bit boring, but with text prediction in the keyboard technology has made
this simple. Learning technology behind the keyboard is developing fast and has become more accurate.
Learning technologies such as machine learning, deep learning here play an important role in predicting the
text. Current trending techniques in deep learning has opened door for data analysis. Emerging technologies
such has Region CNN, Recurrent CNN have been under consideration for the analysis. Many techniques have
been used for text sequence prediction such as Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), Recurrent Neural
Networks (RNN), and Recurrent Convolution Neural Networks (RCNN). This paper aims to provide a
comparative study of different techniques used for text prediction. |
A Comprehensive review of Conversational Agent and its prediction algorithm |
Author : Aditya M. Pujari1, Rahul M. Dalvi1, Kaustubh S. Gawde1, Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :There is an exponential increase in the use of conversational bots. Conversational bots can be
described as a platform that can chat with people using artificial intelligence. The recent advancement has
made A.I capable of learning from data and produce an output. This learning of data can be performed by using
various machine learning algorithm. Machine learning techniques involves construction of algorithms that can
learn for data and can predict the outcome. This paper reviews the efficiency of different machine learning
algorithm that are used in conversational bot. |
An Innovative Approach to Predict Bankruptcy |
Author : Mihir H. Panchal, Mayur B. Bodar, Sunny R. Maurya, Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Bankruptcy is a legal status of a person or other organization that cannot repay their debts to
creditors. Bankruptcy prediction is the task of predicting bankruptcy and by doing various surveys we can avoid
financial distress of firms. It is a huge area of accounting and finance research. The significance of this area is
an important part of financial specialists and creditors in assessing the probability that a firm may go bankrupt
or not. Estimating the risk of corporate bankruptcies is very important as the effect of bankruptcy is on a global
level. The aim of predicting financial distress is to develop a predictive model that combines various economic
factors which allow foreseeing the financial status of a firm. In this domain, various methods were proposed that
were based on neural networks, Support Vector Machines, Decision Trees, Random Forests, Naïve Bayes,
Balanced Bagging and Logistic Regression. In this paper, we document our observations as we explore and build
a Restricted Boltzmann Machine to Bankruptcy Prediction. We started by carrying out data pre-processing where
we impute the missing data values using Mean Imputation. To solve the data imbalance issue, we apply the
Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE) to oversample the minority class labels. Finally, we
analyze and evaluate the performance of the model. |
Eat it, Review it: A New Approach for Review Prediction |
Author : Deepal S. Thakur, Rajiv N. Tarsarya, Ashwini Save |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Deep Learning has achieved significant improvement in various machine learning tasks. Nowadays,
Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) and Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) have been increasing its popularity on
Text Sequence i.e. word prediction. The ability to abstract information from image or text is being widely
adopted by organizations around the world. A basic task in deep learning is classification be it image or text.
Current trending techniques such as RNN, CNN has proven that such techniques open the door for data analysis.
Emerging technologies such has Region CNN, Recurrent CNN have been under consideration for the analysis.
Recurrent CNN is being under development with the current world. The proposed system uses Recurrent Neural
Network for review prediction. Also LSTM is used along with RNN so as to predict long sentences. This system
focuses on context based review prediction and will provide full length sentence. This will help to write a proper
reviews by understanding the context of user. |
An Adaptive Approach for Subjective Answer Evaluation |
Author : Vishal Bhonsle, Priya Sapkal, Dipesh Mukadam, Prof. Vinit Raut |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In current academic environment, assignments and home works are very necessary so that students
can increase their final grades. This assignments and home works are checked manually by teachers, due to this
it consumes lots of time and efforts. Due to manual checking sometimes human error may occur which may affect
to student’s grades. Students may misplace their hard copies of assignments because of this they have to rewrite
it again. In order to overcome these problems, the proposed system will convert the manual work to digital, in
which student will submit their assignments to the system and the system will generate and assign appropriate
grades. In the proposed system, by using K Nearest Neighbor Algorithm, it will collect keywords check for the
similarity and will generate similarity score. It will also check the relation of the keyword with respect to sentence.
To comparing the keywords with synonyms and similar meaning words Semantic Similarity Measure algorithm
will be used. After getting the similarity score the grades are assigned accordingly. |
Author : Sonu P. Singh, Saurav V. Singh, Mithilesh J. Singh, Pratik Raut |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The waste management system in the country is not proper, in order to provide a proper waste
management system we need to manufacture a machine that can sort the various waste constituents from
garbage which can be further processed and recycled to reduce the overall waste. So to achieve this, we are
manufacturing a waste segregator machine which is capable of separating wastes such as metals, non-metals,
plastic, etc. The design is the basic step for manufacturing of the machine if the design is proper and safe the
manufacturing goes smooth. We are manufacturing the machine to obtain the goal of separating the waste
which can be used by small scale as well as large scale industry effectively, which would directly add into
benefit for the society. The manufacturing the machine which would be easy to operate and simple in
construction. In short it would be affordable if produced in numbers. |
SCCAI- A Student Career Counselling Artificial Intelligence |
Author : Aditya M. Pujari, Rahul M. Dalvi, Kaustubh S. Gawde, Tatwadarshi P. Nagarhalli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :As education is growing day by day, the competition has prompted a need for the student to
understand more about the educational field. Many times the counselor isn’t available all the time and
sometimes due to the lack of proper knowledge about some educational field. Due to this, it creates an issue of
misconception of that field. This creates a problem for the student to decide a proper educational trajectory and
guidance is not always useful. The proposed paper will overcome all these problem using machine learning
algorithm. Various algorithms are being considered and amongst them the best suitable for our project are used
here. There are 3 major problems that come across our path and they are solved using Random forest, Linear
regression and Searching algorithm using Google API. At first Searching algorithm solves the problem of
location by segregating the college’s location vice, then Random Forest provides the list of colleges by using
stream and range of percentage and finally Linear Regression predicts the current cutoff using previous years’
data. Rather than this, the proposed system also provides information regarding all fields of education helping
students to understand and know about their field of interest better. The following idea is a total fresh idea with
no existing projects of similar kind. This project will help students guide them throughout. |
Floating Construction |
Author : Amit Roy, Rehan Wagle, Ronak Vaghasiya, Pranit Wadekar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Global Warming has an enormous impact on melting glaciers and ice sheets. Rising
global temperatures melt glaciers increasing the amount of seawater. A large in rise sea level across the world
poses many threats. With continuous increase of rise in water level, the area occupied by land decreases. This
paper represents the study concerning floating construction to counter the ill effects of global warming in terms
of utilisation of offshore renewable energy resources and improving an awareness to construct them. |
An Analysis of Various Deep Learning Algorithms for Image Processing |
Author : Geeta S. Lagad, Ankit J. Maurya, Kunal D. Mestry, Dnyaneshwar Bhabad |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Various applications of image processing has given it a wider scope when it comes to data analysis.
Various Machine Learning Algorithms provide a powerful environment for training modules effectively to
identify various entities of images and segment the same accordingly. Rather one can observe that though the
image classifiers like the Support Vector Machines (SVM) or Random Forest Algorithms do justice to the task,
deep learning algorithms like the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and its subordinates, the very well-known
and extremely powerful Algorithm Convolution Neural Networks (CNN) can provide a new dimension to the
image processing domain. It has way higher accuracy and computational power for classifying images further
and segregating their various entities as individual components of the image working region. Major focus will
be on the Region Convolution Neural Networks (R-CNN) algorithm and how well it provides the pixel-level
segmentation further using its better successors like the Fast-Faster and Mask R-CNN versions. |