The Causes and Consequences of Hegemonic Masculinity and Dominance in Thailand | Author : Antonio L. appa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Women across the globe make up at least half of all populations or 2.5 to 3 billion persons yet they own less than 10% of all wealth. This is also the case for Thailand. The arguments in the post-feminist movement raised by Giffort, Hawkesworth, Tomalin, Chatterjee, McClintock and others clearly show that many communities of women especially in the Third World such as Thailand continue to depend on hegemonic masculine strategies either directly or indirectly. |
| E-management in the Moroccan University: What Impact on Governance? | Author : Youmna Elhissi, Hamza Melliani, Hanaa Hachimi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :It is obvious that the use of new information and communication technologies (NICTs) is essential for development, and this is by promoting e-governance and access to information, with the avowed aim of giving the population the means to influence the decisions of public authorities. The use of new technologies within administrations is one of the determining factors in boosting good governance. Moreover, democratic, economic, and administrative governance are the three results of the good use of NICTs. In this paper, we will study the implementation of e-management in the Moroccan University (case of the USMS: Sultan Moulay Slimane University) and its impact on governance and sustainable performance within this organization. |
| A Study on Consumer Satisfaction Toward Bykea e-Bike Services | Author : Zahid Hussain, Nabeel Ahmed, Aftab Ali | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study’s goal is to find out how satisfied customers are with Bykea. The current study employed a quantitative approach to examine user satisfaction with Bykea e-bike services. Questionnaires were used to gather the information. This study also tries to identify the crucial elements—such as age, gender, and different payment methods—that influence how consumers behave toward Bykea e-bike services. According to the study’s findings, the majority of customers are happy with Bykea’s e-bike services, but there are some drawbacks, including price increases and issues with the product’s design. If required, it will take a lot of work to keep Bykea’s e-bike customers. If the business can comprehend the customer’s desire and general perception, it can build a marketing plan. The results may thus be applied by marketers to create a marketing plan and increase the market share of Bykea bike services. |
| A Case Study of Sunier, a Prototypical Company in the Evolving Green Economy | Author : Pedro Antonio Martín-Cervantes, Elena Isabel Cara Fuentes, Javier Membrives Salvador, Emilia Linares Agüera | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this work, we have carried out an economic-financial case study of Sunier, a leading company in the renewable energy sector in Spain and one of the European companies that has bet mostly on implementing a truly Green Economy. Specifically, throughout the period of 2016–2020, the financial statements of Sunier Energy and its subsidiaries have been analyzed to determine the economic situation of the group and its position within the entire sector. Subsequently, an analysis of the company’s solvency and profitability has been implemented. This paper demonstrates how companies located in the renewable energy sector, more specifically, in the photovoltaic subsector, are viable in the long term from two essential points of view, namely, their ability to generate profits for the shareholders and to guarantee their long-term survival given the high solvency ratios that define “Sunier,” a flagship company in the solar energy sector within the context of the Spanish financial markets. |
| Effect of Capital Structure on the Performance of Microfinance Institutions in Oman | Author : Duaa Mohammed Al-Butrani, Azhar Ahmed AL.Hinai, Essia Ries Ahemed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The primary objective of this study is to determine the relationship between effect of capital structure and performance of microfinance institutions in Oman. In this research, a questionnaire was used to obtain the results and the qualitative study where the qualitative data were collected through primary date. The target group to answer this questionnaire was from the owners of microfinance in Oman, and 10 answers were obtained. The results showed that there is a positive relationship between capital structure and performance of microfinance. The capital structure is important in improving the performance of microfinance and maintaining its proper management. It also leads to improved performance, which results in an increase in profit, the correct management of expenses, and a reduction in losses. Empirical results indicate that effective use and creation of social capital is vital to improving the effects of microfinance and that the owners of microfinance should focus more on harmonious social relationships and deliberately building social capital. In addition, the microfinance owners should work with a plan to reduce expenses and increase profitability, as well as recognize the correct management of capital structure. They should understand the structure of capital and the positive impact on the performance of microfinance |
| Pension Plans in Spain. Profitability Analysis | Author : Felipe Compán Espín, María del Carmen Valls Martínez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article analyses Spanish pension plans, which have had growing trend over the last years. They are considered a complement to the public pensions offered by the social security system, and many companies, especially large ones, set up pension plans for their employees as a measure of corporate social responsibility. The aim of this paper is to describe the pension plan system in Spain and analyze its profitability. For this purpose, the study has focused on the plans offered by financial institutions listed on the IBEX35 in 2022 since they are the most important and, as they have similar characteristics, we avoid comparative bias. The study covers the 5-year period from 2017to 2021 and analyses the pension plan profitability from different points of view: according to the category of the plan, the management entity and the analysis of the average profitability of each category of the different entities. The results show that equities, mixed equities and mixed fixed income plans, in this order, are the most numerous. They are also the ones that have generated the highest profitability in recent years, in general terms. However, guaranteed income plans are the most stable over time. Moreover, it is observed that results are similar in the different management companies analyzed. |
| Liza Gashi’S emphasis on ethics within the Kosovo government | Author : Jim Schnell | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article describes ethical dimensions within the work of Ms. Liza Gashi, Deputy Minister of the Kosovo Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Diaspora. This includes a specific focus on nation branding and issues having to do with diaspora diplomacy. The Public Relations Society of America’s Public Relations Code of Ethics and Baker and David (1) T.A.R.E.S. framework are two examples of such ethical aspects. It emphasizes being truthful, authentic, respectful, equitable, and socially responsible. Her functioning within the larger context of the foundations for the Republic of Kosovo and its 2008 declaration of independence is described. The content analysis methodology corresponds with the clarity of results. |
| A Neo-Marxist Anthropology of Urban Workers and Peasant Farmers in Thailand | Author : Antonio L. Rappa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This manuscript is an original cultural anthropological study that is based on fieldwork done by the principal investigator, Antonio L. Rappa, on groups of urban workers and peasant farmers of Bangkok, Chiangmai, and Pattaya from 1998 to 2016. The focus of this manuscript is on how these workers survive late modernity within the neo liberal capitalist world scenario. The fieldwork also showed the importance of materialism among Thai worker sand how they remain trapped in giving up the surplus labor value of their work to the bourgeoisie (Marxian Theory).Since 1932 (the Siamese and since 1946), the Thai workers have been suppressed and exploited by the ruling elite (Power Elite Theory). Whether we use a Cultural Anthropological/Marxian, neo-Marxist Anthropological, or Power Elite theory (C. Wright Mills’ Theory) approach, it remains clear in 2022 that the Thai people still continue to be imprisoned by a desire for luxury goods and services (Thorstein Veblen). Then, there is the complication of religion. At least 93% of all Thai people are Theravada Buddhists and staunchly believe in worshiping the Buddha as well as in various superstitions. The remaining 5–7% are Muslims and Christians. It is only the Muslims who have consistently given political trouble to the Bangkok capitalists but the Muslims are not socialists or communists since they believe in the god known as Allah. Ever since the 1970s, Thailand came under serious threatfrom communism like many Southeast Asian states. King Bhumiphon Adulyadej (Rama IX) was already a deeply respected monarch and a virtual demi-God to the superstitious and animistic Thai Buddhists. Few Thais realized at that time that the King was also a well-read scientist knowledgeable in urban planning and agriculture. Rama IX applied the knowledge that he garnered from Switzerland and Cambridge, Massachusetts, toward building a new kind of thinking, called Self-Sufficiency Economy (SSE). Rama IX’s SSE was not unique to Thailand and commonly practiced to various effects in South Asia, the Far East, and Southeast Asia. Nevertheless, the king thought that the SSE would be a good way out for his people. He believed that if eachTambonor village could cooperate using existing resources, provincial assistance in agricultural knowledge, and the model-village concept, then the Thai people would be self-sufficient in many aspects. This was also known as the One-Tambon, One-Product (OTOP) policy. This is itself a manifestation of the materialist cultural anthropologic of Thai culture itself. The manuscript concludes with an analysis of the dual pricing system or two-tier pricing system, and why the Thai people appear to support Thorstein Veblen’s Theory and C. Wright Mills’ Theory rather than any neo-Marxist theory of land distribution and property ownership |
| The Ripple Effect of EU Disclosures Regulation in Financial Services Sector | Author : Catherine Malecki | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The UE Disclosure Regulation 2019/2088 of November 27, 2019 on Sustainability-related Disclosures in the Financial Services Sector (known as the Disclosure Regulation, Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)Regulation or SFDR for Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation) sets out general rules for classifying and reporting on sustainability and ESG criteria. Its goal is to improve transparency and disclosures. The transparency requirement concerns particular concerns, especially sustainability risks and principal adverse sustainability impact sat the financial product level. It does also concern precontractual disclosures. This Regulation is part of a broader legislative package under the European ’Commission’s Sustainable Finance Action Plan, such as the EU Taxonomy Regulation 2020/852 of June 18, 2020. |
| An empirical analysis on the relationship between multiple directorships and cash holdings: a study on the ?nancial sector 2019–2020 in Oman | Author : Maather Mohammed Al-Alawi, Duaa Suleiman Al Hoqani, Essia Ries Ahemed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this study was to determine the link between multiple directorships (MDs) and cash holdings. This study used the source from the firm’s annual report, as these studies were secondary data. SmartPLS 3.0 was used to verify the secondary data collected. This study shows that the number of people holding MDs inside the institution is growing, and this has a great effect on the organization’s interests. In addition, the findings support the first theory, which promotes chief executive officers to hold varied directorships because they contain desired elements from the companies. This study is unique because it is the first in the Sultanate of Oman to investigate financial enterprise at the Muscat Stock Exchange with the goal of achieving certainty. It evaluates whether having executives with one or numerous directorships is advantageous for the organization and its stakeholders. |