Stylistics variations: An understanding of language of gay people based on phonemic diphthongs | Author : Reynaldo V. Moral | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The gay vernacular, a language created by the LGBT community, is one of the amazing modern languages of today. To protect themselves from the hurt of societal disgrace, gay individuals started to establish their own language. It also has linguistic characteristics shared by LGBT educators who frequently talk about phonemic diphthongs. In order to identify the phonetic diphthongs uttered, their focus on their everyday lives of teaching as well as their meanings, this qualitative research employed a case study in conjunction with discourse analysis through production task and elicitation. Semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from purposively selected 8 informants in a secondary school of Don Sergio Osmeòs Sr. Memorial National High School, Cebu City, Philippines. The study revealed that the stylistic variation of gay faculty members is in the coinage through colleagues’ speech influence, the creation of own words was through attachment and cropping wherein an original word is cut off and has a new component and meaning, and there are existing words used in gay lingo that have different meanings. In order for everyone to have a deeper understanding of the culture, discursive studies of gay lingo are needed. School administrators should also mandate seminars and other activities for teachers about understanding gay language and its neologisms or the creation of their own words and structural processes. |
| The difference between cetasika in Abhidhamma Pitaka and Abhidhammattha Sangaha | Author : Sudaporn Khiewngamdee, Chamnong Kanthik | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Purpose: The objective of this article is to study the difference between cetasika in Abhidhamma Pitaka and Abhidhammattha Sangaha.
Methodology: There are 45 volumes of the Pali-Tipit .aka of Siam Kingdom. 12 volumes, volume 34-45, belong to Abhidhamma Pit .aka. Volume 34 gives explanations about mind, mental factors, form, and Nibbana. There are 56 mental factors, 20 neutral, wholesome, and unwholesome mixed consciousness, and 36 completely wholesome consciousness (20+36), and 12 completely unwholesome consciousness (12+20). All in all, the word “Dhamma 56 or Cetasika 56”. But, In Abhidhammattha Sangaha, cetasika is divided into 52 factors: 13 neutral consciousness, 14 unwholesome consciousness, and 25 wholesome consciousness.
Main Results: The result indicated that in Abhidhammattha Sangaha, the similar Dhamma items are reduced, such as satindriya and satibala are reduced to sati, saddhindriya and saddhabala are reduced to saddh ¯ a. It is assumed ¯ that the author may be done to facilitate the study.
Implications: The addition of other topics in Abhidhammattha Sangaha (not in Abhidhamma Pitaka) such as uddhacca and manasikara should be further studied. |
| Assignment-specific stress inoculation training for highly specialized IT personnel | Author : A. Fischer, N. Brinkmann, A.-M. Steingräber, S. Migutin, R.-J. Gorzka | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As a result of their institutional assignments, highly specialized information technology (IT) personnel often find themselves in unpredictable and complex situations with a high level of difficulty. The complexity of the tasks to be carried out and the management of these tasks have set new challenges for this category of personnel. It is all the more important, therefore, that the personnel employed should acquire differentiated stress control techniques during qualifying training to develop a long-term performance capability. Following up on the earlier mentioned challenges, an assignment-specific stress inoculation training for highly specialized IT personnel is being introduced against the background of relevant stressors in the context of IT. |
| The Teochew Chinese of Thailand | Author : Antonio L. Rappa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Chinese moved into ancient Siam to escape poverty in Yunan Province of China and to find work as merchants,
traders, craftsmen, and farmers. This paper focuses on the Teochew Chinese of Thailand because they peacefully
formed the first mercantilist associations while increasing local employment. After the 1932 coup, the number of
Chinese tripled in number due to the conducive work environment. By 1945, at least 5% of Siamese had become
political leaders, and by the 1970s. Today, Thai-Chinese make up around 15.5%, while 53% of Thai prime ministers
are of Chinese descent, including Teochew-Chinese Thais such as Thaksin Shinawatra and Yingluck Shinawatra.
Generations of Chinese migrants to Siam and modern Thailand have maintained and fostered Chinese customs
and traditions for many centuries. This paper looks at the Chinese communities in Southeast Asia in general and in
Thailand in particular. The paper represents the findings of the author’s original fieldwork on the Teochew Chinese
of Krung Thep Maha Nakorn. |
| Integrating soft skill training in professional courses for sustainable employment: an overview | Author : Prasanta Kumar Padhi, Bidya Singh, Anwesha Nayak | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There has been a significant shift in the educational and employment scenario in recent years. Employers used to prioritize individuals with a strong academic record and relevant work experience, but today, persons with superior soft skills have surpassed them. It is typical to discover that graduating students lack the necessary abilities to work effectively in a corporate environment. Recruiters believe that new hires lack soft skills such as the capacity to effectively communicate, think creatively, solve problems independently, work well with others, and act professionally. This is one of the main reasons why many students, even those with relevant degrees, find it difficult to find work. This can lead to students questioning the practical worth of the many professional degrees that are offered in contemporary times. To close this gap, the field of training and development has developed a rapidly expanding and specialized sector known as “soft skill training.” Both technical and soft skill development are viewed as essential for an employee’s efficacy and success at work. Researchers claim that learning soft skills is more important and critical for professional development than learning technical abilities, and as a result, it is considered one of the most in-demand core talents for organization growth and development. The purpose of this article is to highlight some of the practical implications of soft skill training in bridging the gap between industry needs and curricular gaps. It also tries to look into the influence of soft skill training in terms of its importance, utility, and subsequent competence development. |
| The hits and misses of the Russia-Africa tie: A comparative analysis of socio-economic participation | Author : Nchedo Josephine Oguine | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the past ten years, under Putin’s leadership, Russia has made a comeback to Africa, the second-largest and most populous continent in the world. To fulfill its goal of becoming a worldwide powerhouse, Russia has altered its perspective on Africa. Russia is now more prosperous and stable than it was in the 1990s. The assessment and evaluation of many body of literature led to the development of the research technique. The paper’s main objective was to examine how Russia’s foreign policy toward African countries changed after the turn of the millennium and helped to advance its quick actions. The article also fills a gap in the literature on Russian foreign policy toward African governments after 2000. It assesses the socioeconomic interactions between the two nations’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and dangers. It also shows that Russia’s efforts in Africa have had a greater impact on the dysfunctional incapacity of African nations to fit in with normative settings. The text concludes by urging African nations to unite and embrace African socialism. |
| Is the United Nations redundant or still relevant? | Author : Aadil Ahmad Shairgojri | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :States were given equality and the ability to opt for any type of governance under the Atlantic Charter of 1941. The United Nations (UN) Declaration, which was built after the Atlantic Charter, was signed by 26 nations in 1942. Based on ideas put forth by China, Russia, the United States, and England at Dumbarton Oaks in 1944, the United Nations Charter was negotiated by 50 nations in San Francisco in June 1945. The UN was found on October 24, 1945. With the aid of its different agencies, the UN has increased its efforts in order to maintain international peace, foster social and economic growth, protect the environment, aid in humanitarian relief, and uphold the rights of women and children. The UN, in my opinion, will be the most significant international organization in the new millennium. Since the Charter, there have been both triumphs and failures, such as the inability to stop military wars that have resulted in the deaths, injuries, and displacement of millions of people. It cannot be disputed that the UN Security Council appears to have failed in Syria. The study’s purpose is to clarify whether or not the UN is still necessary. |
| Achievements and difficulties in development administration in Jammu And Kashmir: An analytical study | Author : Showkat Ahmad Dar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Most people consider Jammu and Kashmir to be heaven on earth. If there is heaven on earth, it is this, according to the Farsi couplet (Amir Khusrau). The couplet encouraged numerous kings to exercise control over Kashmir. Development has never been a priority for Jammu and Kashmir’s rulers. The Mughals utilized the state as a picnic area and administered it haphazardly through legendary Afghan rulers. Since Punjab remained their primary concern, the Sikhs in power in Lahore gave little thought to state-related matters. Dogras also had to deal with opposition from the populace, particularly in Kashmir, due to nepotism and an oppressive style of government. The state then turned into a conflict between India and Pakistan in 1947. Jammu and Kashmir occasionally experiences disturbances that are related to law and order. Therefore, upholding peace and order continues to be the government’s top priority, with growth taking a back seat. Jammu and Kashmir has continued to be a backward state mostly because of the aforementioned factors. The state has a very low per capita income, a large fiscal and revenue deficit, insufficient administrative and material infrastructure for development, high levels of corruption and unemployment, and a low literacy rate. Development Administration, according to its founder George F. Gant, “is intended to produce specific outcomes and is successful or terrible in terms of its delivery of results. It starts with the goal being defined and moves on to developing the administrative strategy necessary to attain it. In addition, the notion of Growth Administration was based on the ideas of nation-building and social and economic development. The concept of development administration was established by the study. The current study thus concentrates on the successes and challenges in the Development Administration in Jammu and Kashmir. |
| Anachronism as a means of critical pedagogy: Late medieval German verse narratives as tools of social, ethical, and spiritual investigations in matters of love | Author : Albrecht Classen | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Throughout time, love, sexuality, and marriage have mattered centrally in all of literature, and hence all of human existence. Although there seems to be an endless number of relevant guidebooks, counselors, and advisors who promise to help us navigate through the world of love, the real learning process in that regard begins within ourselves in direct confrontation with society or other individuals. Love is always dialogic. Late medieval (German) literature proves to be one of the most useful strategies in dealing with those powerful issues, perhaps surprisingly and certainly refreshingly. As this article illustrates through a close analysis of a sample of texts by three meaningful but also unusual poets, the study of those poems makes available a significant body of messages about human nature, and thus about virtues and vices. Love can hardly be imagined without some pain, struggle, and a sense of utopia, and these German poets, in close parallel with their European contemporaries, can thus be recognized as great inspirators for continuing the discourse on love even today. |
| Political theory and freedom of choices | Author : Antonio L. Rappa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Can there be genuine freedom of choice? This paper takes into account competing versions of freedoms and
liberties from the Western tradition. There are competing accounts because of the variegated approaches to
understanding freedom. There are also various advantages and disadvantages to these varieties of conceptual
freedom. If it were possible to place these on a linear scale, there are choices that lie on the right-wing and, at the
other extreme, on the left-wing. These propagandist notions of freedom pose serious consequences for the actual
choices offered as well as the choices that are eventually made. The paper examines the key arguments made by
the most important philosophers of democracy and freedom in modernity. The paper questions whether anyone
ought to bother about freedom in the first place. The paper concludes with the major articulations of freedom from
both normative and positive political theory. |
| Retired: What happens when they aren’t at the bridge table? | Author : John Andy Wood, Margaret Anne Walterhouse | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This ethnographic study is based on in-depth interviews of retired males and females. Their perspectives on their financial condition, choice of housing, lifestyle, and health are explored. The individual interviews of 40 retirees equally split between women and men elicit responses that provide fundamental insights into the consumption and motivation of this growing consumer market. Responses indicate satisfaction with financial plans and with housing choices. The strong motivation for the family is evident. Challenges from health issues such as arthritis are frequently mentioned. The opinions of these retirees on issues such as physician-assisted suicide are included. |
| British imperialism in colonial Africa and the world | Author : Antonio L. Rappa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :At first, my intention in this article was to write about imperialism and agency in sub-Saharan Africa with a focus on British Imperialism. However, as the article evolved over the months, it became gradually clearer that the idea of the agency was not only outdated, based on various reviews, but also unwarranted. This is because of the wide range of possibilities and prospects for agents in the colonial and postcolonial worlds. Therefore, the concept of agency was removed from the title, but it does not make the importance of agency as a recourse for resisting oppression, authoritarianism, and tyranny any less important. One might think that the narratives of imperial colonial Africa have become over-mined since the fin de siècle but the reality is that the consequences of those narratives continue to wreak havoc in the modern African worldview regardless of how many millions have died fighting against its largesse. This is sufficient motivation to continue our struggle in the search for authenticity and agency in postcolonial Africa and modern Africa itself. This article is about the cultural logic of African society and how the social construction of village identity is contingent on tribal elders and gate-keepers, shamanism, colonial authoritarianism, and oral traditions. The logic of the African village during the postcolonial era is defined as the skewed colonial rationale for the cartographization and control of the colonial subject as part of a larger western imperialist project and the imposition of alien White rule on Africa. |
| Effectiveness of voluntary family planning services among young married couples in Isiala Ngwa North Local Government Area (LGA) of Abia State Nigeria | Author : Goodluck I. Nwaogwugwu, Lilian O. Itoje-Akpokiniovo, Uduma Ulu Eke, Ngene Andrew Hyacinth | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Unintended pregnancy is one of the major issues affecting reproductive health in Nigeria. In Isiala Ngwa North Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria, we noticed that one in every five pregnancies is unplanned. Many women who have mistimed pregnancies resort to abortions, which are essentially performed in dangerous conditions. Therefore, we sought to understand from 210 young married couples how effective voluntary family planning services are to curb the problem of unplanned pregnancies in Abia State’s Isiala Ngwa North Local Government Area. The framework provided by contraceptive decision theory was helpful in the thematic analysis of the data. Findings reveal voluntary family planning is effective at averting pregnancies, but there are limited contraceptive options available for individuals. Our findings indicated white-coria and osu-oji (forms of traditional contraceptives) as efficacious in preventing pregnancy. Recommendations on the effectiveness of family planning services were made. |
| Analytical study of a solar hybrid air-conditioning system assisted solar absorption using R-410A for refrigeration applications | Author : Mokhtar Noori Saddam, Mushtaq Ismael Hasan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research focuses on the design, modeling, and simulation of absorption solar air-conditioning systems. Key performance parameters are identified and optimized for maximum efficiency, and the system was simulated using climatic conditions in Thi-Qar, Iraq, providing a good trend for the system to meet domestic air-conditioning needs, which has a direct effect on the angle of incidence of solar radiation. The results of solar collectors and their effective performance in saving energy and improving system efficiency were discussed, where the work was performed on a solar heater with an evacuated tube with an area of 1.8?m2. The rate of emitted solar radiation was equal to 1000?W/m2. The average heat load of the solar heater was provided at a rate of 0.190 to 1.291?kW. The experiment in this paper was conducted in two stages. First, the solar heater was connected in the first case before the compressor. The reported results showed an increase in energy savings with average heater temperatures rising to 25-55% of the total energy consumed in the cooling cycle per day. The gas was heated to temperatures ranging from 45 to 65?C, while the cooling rate was constant at 3.43. Second, the solar heater was connected after the compressor in the second case. The solar heater provided a significant improvement in system performance factor with an average of 5.1-13 and energy amount ranging from 15 to 24% of the total energy consumed. It is noted that the cooling load improved from 3.43 to 5.54?kW. The rate of thermal heating in the second case was from 100 to 160?C gradually. Finally, it is noted that the second case has a much greater service advantage and economic feasibility than the first, and the system has improved as a result of improving the amount of cooling load while reducing energy consumption and increasing the overall performance of the system factor resulting from the improvement of the special conditions of the coolant used in the (R-410a) cycle |
| A new political anthropology of Buddhism, animism, supernaturalism, and scams in Thailand | Author : Antonio L. Rappa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The anthropological record clearly shows that there remains a strong political undercurrent in terms of Theravada Buddhism, spiritualism, animism, supernaturalism, and scams in Thailand. The literature review of this new anthropology provides the main academic works that have been published vis-à-vis the Theravada Buddhism, animism, and supernaturalism. Scams have been added to this academic paper as they are based on the former, and scams in late modernity have emerged and evolved from the new anthropology. It is a new anthropology for the following three main reasons: (1) it adopts a modern approach to understanding such cultural, social, and traditional phenomena; (2) the method involves both normative and quantitative methods used in the social and political sciences; and (3) a more objective and scientific approach is adopted in the new political tropology because of the uneven distribution of power in these cultural and social phenomena. Individuals actually have a choice to avoid being scammed. Yet, millions of people seem to prefer to be duped. People keep losing billions of dollars to scammers. Why is this so? This study seeks to explain this social phenomenon. Think of the word “scam” and what comes to mind is a wide range of scams targeting old people’s life savings; insecure women in Singapore seeking romance and erotic love from Turkish men; poor Turkish men in Singapore living off their Singaporean girlfriends and wives (they usually have one of each simultaneously); financial scams by lawyers and foreigners in Thailand; phishing scams in Malaysia; as well as gambling scams and online scams in Singapore. Millions continue to be lost in scams involving fake government agencies, including Singapore’s Income Tax Agency and Singapore’s CPF Board. While legitimate governments spend billions of dollars on countermeasures to combat these nefarious tricksters, there appears to be little to nothing that is achieved. People are very easily misled. This study focused on multimillion-dollar scammers who prey on individuals who believe in magic, ritual, occult, tradition, religion, and superstition. Ignoramuses, the mentally retarded, and simpletons are often superstitious; they are the most likely to fall for scams. Scams take place in crowded places with a high walk-in, street-level crowd, and the profits range from a few cents to thousands of dollars a second. This study concludes with a clear solution to the problems associated with superstition and scams in Southeast Asia. There is a politics to Asian scams because of the uneven distribution of power among those who believe in superstitions, animism, and religions; it is a paradox that makes many people vulnerable to being scammed. |
| Concept, validation, pilot phase, and evaluation of a resilience training course for leadership personnel in the German military police forces | Author : N. Brinkmann, A. Fischer, N. von Lüdinghausen, S. Migutin, A.-M. Steingräber, P. Y. Herzberg, C. Lorei, R.J. Gorzka | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Leadership personnel in the German military police are often responsible for units that are frequently exposed to highly stressful situations due to their tasks and skills. As German military leaders are expected to take care of and support their subordinates, they need to know how resilience can be increased and trained. This article presents a resilience training concept for leaders in the German military police. The result is a 1-week resilience training course consisting of psychoeducational knowledge, practical training parts, and measures for sustainability. Subsequently, it was validated and scientifically evaluated with German military police officers (n = 19). The high degree of target group orientation was deemed necessary and expedient. Further objectives are to adapt the concept to the needs of other military target groups and to increase its sustainability. |