The contributions of Psychoanalysis in Functional Neurometry in the control of anxiety | Author : SILVA, Maria Bernadete Lima Maia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objective of this work was to analyze the neurometric reaction using equipment that picks up signals from the nervous system, using sensors, showing the physiological and cognitive aspects of the patient. Thus, we can correlate them in a complementary model of clinical analyzes, for a correct behavioral adaptation with the professional’s diagnosis.
Thus, we can see that it is a two-way street, where cognitive favors a good physiological response, as well as the physiological signals obtained in neurometric monitoring can enhance the action of the cognitive. The methodology of this work excels in bibliographic and documentary research through the deductive approach. |
| Functional Neurometry as a differential tool in the evaluations of children and adolescents with Bornout Syndrome | Author : Oliveira, Cassia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Childhood and adolescence is synonymous of a lot of energy, well-being and joy. However, more and more, I have received young, exhausted, stressed and depressed patients in my office, in some cases experiencing a situation of generalized exhaustion.
A pressure, felt in everyday life, is very similar to the sensation described by adults who experience or experienced a professional Burnout.
Burnout syndrome is considered by scholars as a reaction to chronic stress and its main characteristic is the emotional exhaustion common in people who work daily under pressure and with constant responsibilities, which makes the individual unable to continue with their daily activities. The effects are felt in a complex and a global way, meaning this, directly affecting the physical and mental health of individuals. It affects not only adults, but children, teenagers who experienced situations of constant or protracted stress.
This work seeks to demonstrate the neurophysiological signs identified through the examination of D.L.O, showing the physiological and cognitive aspects of children and adolescents with Bournout syndrome, evaluating the signs and symptoms of
the syndrome and correlating them with physiological and neurometric dystonia, in order to restore the emotional and physiological balance of children and adolescents, improving
and speeding up care in the health area, to more assertively and objectively determine the diagnoses and prognoses defined by: severe adrenal stress; exhaustion of the adrenal gland; neurovegetative dystonia; tendency to anxiety disorders; hyperactivity and attention deficit, through the physiological monitoring of neurometric analyzes. The methodology used in this research article it was bibliographic research and data demonstration performed by Functional Neurometry, through the following procedure: Functional analysis of the nervous and cognitive system D.L.O (RIBAS, 2020). |