Prions: Uma revisão de suas propriedades bioquímicas e das características patológicas das encefalopatias espongiformes transmissíveis | Author : Costa, A. L., & Silva-Júnior, A. C. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Prions are proteins associated with various infectious neurodegenerative disorders, such as scrapie, kuru, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, Gerstmann-Straussler syndrome and fatal familial insomnia, whose etiological agents have the ability to "bypass" the barrier of species and infecting man and animals and vice versa, occurring the disease after exposure within a time interval that is variable in intermediate species, being this characteristic and the protein nature of these unique etiological agents in the context of infectious diseases, considering the fact that they are only part of an organism and not a complete organism like bacteria, fungi and parasites. In this review article will be exposed the biochemical aspects of prions in their two structural conformations PrPCand PrPSC, as well as general aspects of the pathogenesis and epidemiology of prion diseases |
| A Versão de Sentido no Hospital: Enfoque Fenomenológico- Existencial da Vivência no Hospital de Emergências de Macapá | Author : Silva, A., Soledade, J., & Melo, J. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article, as a research report, is the result of a small practice carried out at the Hospital de Emergências de Macapá, with the purpose of reporting the being-in-the-world in the hospital,as perceptions, senses and sensations about the hospital experience, to instigate reflections. The article developed through qualitative research, through the phenomenological method, as well as books and articles of the area, as well as the description of the experience, made later through the Version of Sense proposed by Amatuzzi (2001), with the purpose of describing the phenomenon. Subsequently, analyzes and discussions of excerpts from some reports were made, interspersed with the world view of phenomenology and existentialism, through the investigation of the lived. The article it is justified itself by the relevance of the phenomenological-existential method and its contribution in several fields of psychology and other areas of health, as the proposal of humanization, perceiving the subject not only as a biomedical being, but in its totality, as a being existential |
| Agronegócio X Campesinato: Meandros de conflitos no município de Balsas – MA, Brasil | Author : Rodrigues, V. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present work aims to analyze the socio-spatial conflicts involving the peasants and the producers of commodities of the city of Balsas in Maranhão, Brasil. Conflicts are inherent in the coexistence of human groups with different interests, such assertion also applies to the city of Balsas, however, such conflicts were redimensionalized and potentialized through the policies of settlement and agricultural incentives implemented by the military governments in the 1970s, when Balsas received a large number of migrants from the southern of the country, who brought with them the "soybean cultivation" and found support to develop it. From then on, these conflicts became part of the everyday life of peasants and commodity producers, as well as of the class entities that represent them. Although the modus operandi of the peasants is below the ideal in their socio-environmental relations, the activities carried out by the agribusiness operators, especially the soy farmers, have not always been executed with the best criteria from the point of view of nature preservation and the valorization of the pre-existing territoriality, which contributes to create new conflicts aggravating the socioeconomic reality of the peasants, and the structural and conjunctural conflicts of the capitalist mode of production that were present, such as the rural exodus that has as a consequence the intensification of urban ills by impelling the peasants who could not resist the agribusiness pressures to migrate towards the city |
| O Potencial Econômico das orquídeas do Amapá | Author : Cantuária, P., Medeiros, T., Silva, R., Cantuária, M., Almeida, B., Dewes Neto, B., Cantuária, P., Soares, N., & da Silva, J. B. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Orchids for presenting floral characteristics that draw attention to color, aroma and texture, are highly valued commercially, being considered one of the groups of plants with greater marketing potential. The improvement of propagation and cultivation techniques allied to the use of new species and varieties have driven the orchid market. As a result, a large increase in the trade of these plants has been observed in and outside Brazil. This study addresses the possibilities for the use of the orchid species of the state of Amapá and its potential for regional economic development. The data of this survey were compiled and analyzed in the period from August to October 2015, based on the list of the Orchidaceae of Amapá, deposited in the Herbarium Amapaense (HAMAB). Thirty -five species of orchids were registred that present some kind of potential use, the Life form, the geographical distribution, the utility, the marketing value and the image |
| Caracterização das condições higiênico-sanitária das feiras livres da cidade de Macapá e Santana-AP | Author : Martins, A., & Ferreira, A. C. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the most of fairs the hygienic conditions of marketing of food products are unsatisfactory, being an important vector in the process of contamination and spread of food-borne diseases. The purpose of this study was to characterize sanitary conditions in the fairs in Macapá and Santana, in order to examine the conformity and nonconformity existing in the structure of the place and in the handling food. It had been applied a check-list when the visit was made in June 2016 onthe free fair of Novo Buritizal (and fair of Novo Horizonte, in the city of Macapá, and in May 2016 it was made in the fair of Santana. The work is characterized as an exploratory, descriptive and qualitative study, focusing on the storage conditions of the place and on conditions of the marketing of food, from the arrival of food at the fair until organization at the counters. Analyzing the checklist, the free fair of Novo Buritizal (in Macapá) had presented a percentage of 27% of adequacy, while the NovoHorizonte fair and Santana fair had showed the adequacy percentage of 17%. In Faced with the problem analyzed, it is clear that the free markets of the cities of Macapá and Santana, are in a precarious situation, forgotten by the public power , and that the merchants have no knowledge of good handling practices, , so it is necessary to training the people involved |
| Elaboração da farinha à base da amêndoa do cupuaçu Theobroma grandiflorum Schum | Author : da Silva, A. do S., & Farias, L. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The cupuaçu is abundant fruit, whether in the format being the largest of the species Theobroma, nice texture, exotic flavor, therefore, with multiple use potential of the full composition of the Peel, pulp, seeds being the basis for the preparation of flour is a product obtained at the form the milling or grinding of an almond or soybean, which undergo several processes of refinement to become a food for consumption in healthy eating, being safe and nutritious. The raw material was collected in Macapá in Matapi agricultural Colony on line C, coming from the municipality of Porto Grande in the State of Amapá in Brazil. This study had as main objective the elaboration of the flour based on the cupuaçu almond and the physical chemical characterization of the nutritional properties and the microbiological parameters. The results of the physical chemical characterization showed that the flour and an important source of protein (11.70%) lipid (26.3%), and the evaluation of microbiological parameters performs in the samples showed that the flour and a food and a food safe, because all the results of Salmonellasp., total and thermotolerant coliforms, coagulase positive Staphylococcus, were absent from contamination within the parametric of the RDC No. 12 |
| Musgos (Bryophyta) do Morro do Alecrim, centro urbano de Caxias, Maranhão, Brasil | Author : Conceição, G., Silva, A., & de Oliveira, R. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Bryophytes species have developed adaptive strategies for survival in anthropogenic environments, their cespitoso habit, associated or not to the colonization of small niches, provides greater protection to the mechanical actions and retention of water, besides representing less exposure to air pollutants. They are represented by three divisions: hornworts (Anthocerotophyta), liverworts (Marchantiophyta) and mosses (Bryophyta). They have a wide geographical distribution, tolerating adverse environmental conditions, found in the most diverse habitats, colonizing varied types of substrates such as rocks, tree trunks live or decomposing tree trunks, leaves and soil, exhibiting variable postage and different forms of growth. The objective of this study was to carry out a floristic survey of the bryophyte species found in the vegetation fragment present in the Alecrim Hill in Caxias/MA, verify the types of colonized substrates and to contribute to the knowledge of the brioflora of Maranhão. The briological material was collected in the dry and rainy
period between June 2017 and March 2018, where specific techniques were used for the plant group under study. The identifications were carried out at the Laboratory of Plant Biology/LABIVE of the Center of Higher Studies of Caxias/CESC, State University of Maranhão/UEMA. Of the species ofmoss collected Fissidens crispus Mont., F. lindbergii A. Jaeger and Splachnobryum obtusum (Brid.) Müll. Hal., are new records for Maranhão. Most of the species found are distributed in almost all brazilian states. The data found in this research reinforcethe importance of fragments of urban vegetation, since it has favorable conditions for the development of these species, consolidating it as an important environment in the maintenance of bryophyte flora |
| O Cinema como ferramenta de desenvolvimento do senso crítico em acadêmicos de jornalismo: Relato de experiência sobre o Cineclube de Macapá – AP, Brasil | Author : Santana, M. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Faced with the current reality of higher education, it is important that teachers are concerned to bring to their students, in accessible language, the use of media resources as tools that incite them into thinking the world as active and transforming citizens of the society in which they live. In this context, this work resumes a literature review, whose purpose is to show the language of cinema as an important tool in the development of critical sense in academic journalism. With this literary review, theauthors observations and perceptions are presented based on the experiences obtained at Cineclube -Club of Cinema, in the city of Macapá |