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Elmalili Hamdi Yazir’s Christianity Criticism in the Context of Tawhid Defense

Author : Fikret SOYAL
Abstract | Full Text

Pre-School Religious Education According to the Quran Course Teachers: The Mus Province Example

Author : Teceli KARASU
Abstract | Full Text

Muhammad Ma‘rûf al-Trabzonî and His Work ‘Sharh al-Qasîdah al-Tâ’iyyah’

Author : Hassan Abdallah ALZYOUT
Abstract | Full Text

Ahmet Erkol. Kelami Akildan Tasavvufî Kesfe: Sufi Düsüncede Kelam Elestirisi. Istanbul: Divan Kitap, 2018

Author : Emrah KAYA
Abstract | Full Text

The Perception of Naskh in the Context of the Qur’anic Sciences in the Early Period: The Case of Haris el-Muhasibi

Author : Hekim TAY
Abstract | Full Text

Baqi’s Translation of al-Mawahibu’l-ladunniyyah by Kastallani: Ma?alimu’l-yaqin- Research in Term of Translation and the Method of Narration Preference-

Author : Ali ARSLAN
Abstract | Full Text

Ismail Kurun. Siyasi Ilahiyat: Liberalizmin Teolojik Kökenleri. Çev. Sefa Mertek. Ankara: Orion Kitabevi, 2018.

Author : Sefa MERTEK
Abstract | Full Text

The Issue of Naskh (Abrogation) of the Surah Al- Baqarah, 184 and the Unusual Interpretation of Shah Waliullah ed-Dehlawi on this Subject

Author : Yunus Emre GÖRDÜK
Abstract | Full Text

The Possibility of Language in the Determination of the Physical and Metaphysical Assets in the Context of the ‘wa-mâ adrâka’ Expression in the Qur’an

Author : Muhammed Isa YÜKSEK
Abstract | Full Text

The Real Difference Problem in Tafsir of the Companions and its Reasons

Author : Enes BÜYÜK
Abstract | Full Text

Evaluation of the Opinions Relating to Authenticity of the Hadiths that Abu Dawood Kept Silent about them in his Sunan

Author : Harun ÖZÇELIK
Abstract | Full Text

Lutfullah Afandi al-Erzurumi as a Muhaddith and his Method of Presenting Narratives in his Tafsir

Author : Fuat KARABULUT , Mücahit ELHUUT
Abstract | Full Text

The Provision of Being Transsexual or Transvestite in Islamic Law

Author : Hilal ÖZAY
Abstract | Full Text

Fudayl b. Iyads (d. 187/802) Life and his Sufi Approaches

Author : Eyyup AKDAG
Abstract | Full Text

Abu Shakur al-Salimi’s Views on Caliphate

Author : Mehmet ÜMIT
Abstract | Full Text

Disagreements of Two Zahiri Imams Dawud al-Zahiri and Ibn Hazm About Fiqh of Worships

Author : Mustafa TÜRKAN
Abstract | Full Text

Sahaba Understanding in terms of its Influence on the Formation of Kalamî Approaches

Author : Ahmet GENÇDOGAN
Abstract | Full Text

‘Intense Pessimism’ in Mostafa Lutfi al-Manfaluti

Author : Adnan ARSLAN
Abstract | Full Text

Greeting in Classical Arabic Literature

Author : Mehmet Nafi ARSLAN
Abstract | Full Text

Paulo Freire. Ezilenlerin Pedagojisi. Çev. Dilek Hattatoglu - Erol Özbek. Istanbul: Yapi Kredi Yayinlari, 2018

Author : Hasan KAFALI
Abstract | Full Text

Ancient Origins of the History of Religions: Herodotus Example

Author : Sevket ÖZCAN
Abstract | Full Text

The Sociological Analysis of Relation Between Content and Design in Mawlana-Themed Novels

Author : Muhammet Ali ÖZDOGAN
Abstract | Full Text

An Analysis and Criticism of the Narratives Regarding the Penalization of Ammâr b. Yâsir by the Caliph Uthman in Baladhuri

Author : Ismail ALTUN
Abstract | Full Text

Psychological Reasons of Participation to New Religious Movements: Quest of the Individual or Success of the Movement?

Author : Muhammed KIZILGEÇIT
Abstract | Full Text

“From Romantic Islam to Islamic Romanticism”: The Changing Panorama of Islamist Popular Culture

Author : Mustafa MACIT
Abstract | Full Text

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