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The Issue of Compliance of Asbâb al-Nuzûl Stories with the Facts: Sample of Ka‘b b. Esref

Author : Sami KILINÇLI
Abstract | Full Text

Artificial Intelligence with the Aspect of the Knownledge-Faith Discussion and the Problem Possible to be Arisen by it in terms of Kalam

Author : Cafer GENÇ
Abstract | Full Text

Conditions of Predicate of Universal Essence and Universal Accidents and a Discussion on This: Aristotle-Farabi - Ibn Rushd

Author : Muhammet Nasih ECE
Abstract | Full Text

A Review on Problems Encountered in the Denominational Approaches of Shia-Imamiyyah Commentators toward Interpreting the Representative Expressions of the Qur’an

Author : Sükrü MADEN
Abstract | Full Text

Analysis of Professional Problems of Teachers Working in Imam-Hatip High Schools and Suggestions for Solutions

Author : Ali BALTACI
Abstract | Full Text

An Examination of the Faculty of Theology Senior Students’ Perceptions about the Faculty of Theology Program through Metaphor Analysis

Author : Semra ÇINEMRE
Abstract | Full Text

Fahreddin al-Râzî’s Criticism to the Commentaries on 67-68th Verses of Sûrah al-Anfâl

Author : Bayram Ayhan
Abstract | Full Text

Reason and Rationality in the Epistles of Ikhwan al-?afa’

Author : Emrah KAYA
Abstract | Full Text

Determinations and Analysis of Narrations Praising Yemen and Its People

Author : Abdurrahman ECE
Abstract | Full Text

The Doctrine of the Unity of the Virtues in Raghib al-Isfahani as a Solution to the Problem of the Interconnectedness of the Virtues

Author : Ibrahim AKSU
Abstract | Full Text

The Effect of the Religious Dimension on the Counseling Process: An Experimental Study with University Students

Author : Muhammet Cevat ACAR , Faruk KARACA
Abstract | Full Text

The Relationship between Religious Orientations and Religious Obsession: A Model of Faculty of Theology

Author : Büsranur Yüksel
Abstract | Full Text

A Critical Approach to the Views of Orientalist Alfred Guillame Regarding the Location of al-Masjid al-Aq?a

Author : Ismail ALTUN
Abstract | Full Text

The Place of Alâ b. Hadramî in the History of Islam

Author : Mevlüt POYRAZ
Abstract | Full Text

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