Su Kirliliginin Gökkusagi Alabaligi (Oncorhynchus Mykiss)’Nin Biyojen Amin Seviyeleri Üzerine Etkileri (Water pollution on biogenic amine levels of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). ) | Author : Mustafa CALAPOGLU Derya BOZKURT DURAN, Defne CEBECI, Ugur SAHIN, Hasan KALYONCU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Increasing levels of environmental pollution caused by industrial and agricultural activities are becoming a significant problem when
it comes to food safety and the management of fisheries, representing a major threat to human health. Assessing the impact of these
pollutants via the use of biomarkers is essential for evaluating the condition of aquatic ecosystems. Biogenic amines are organic bases
of low-molecular mass comprising aliphatic, mono-, di- and poly-amines, catecholamines, indolyl and imidazolyl amines. As their
formation and metabolism occurs widely in living organisms they are also present in a variety of different foods, primarily as a
consequence of microbial amino acid decarboxylation.
The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between the water quality properties which can vary depending on pollution
sources and biogenic amine concentrations in the muscle tissues of farmed Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) in concrete pond
farms located in Candir River (Station I), Karacaören I Reservoir (Station II) and Çatak Reservoir (Station III) in Isparta, Turkey.
The O. mykiss muscle tissue and water samples were obtained in three stations, on February 2016, simultaneously. In three stations,
fourteen physicochemical parameters were measured in water samples and water quality levels determined by YSKYY (Surface Water
Quality Management Regulation). Muscle tissue tryptamine, 2-phenylethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine concentrations were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, and histamine were determined with ELISA in O
mykiss flesh from three fish farms.
The water’s physical and chemical parameters show that the water quality in all stations are categorised as class II, according to the
Turkish YSKYY. However, based upon its nitrite and total nitrogen values, Station II was found to be less polluted than the other
stations, followed by a moderate degree of pollution for Station III, and significantly higher levels or pollution for Station I. The highest
nitrate nitrogen value was measured at Station I inflow and outflow (8.99 mg/L and 5.13 mg/L, respectively). It is thought that the
high level of nitrate nitrogen inflow is due to the influence of the fish farms and settlements that exist in the upper part of Station I.
Nevertheless, total nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations were slightly higher in Station I (0.410 mg/L and 1.33 mg/L
respectively) than Station II (0.133 mg/L and 0.03 mg/L respectively). The station III has highest electric conductivity (445 µS cm-1
despite of lack of point pollutant sources.
Agricultural and urban activities are major sources of nonpoint nitrogen pollution in Karacaören Reservoir. Primary point sources of
pollutants in Karacaören Reservoir are industrial discharge, municipal wastewater treatment facilities, and fish farm wastes. However,
the primary pollutants in Çatak Reservoir consist solely of fish farms. Agricultural areas account for 28.13 percent of the Isparta basin
area, concentrated along the main stem of the Isparta, Egirdir and Aksu basins in the upper part of Karacören Reservoir. Sewage
discharge and agricultural areas in Isparta province contribute pesticides, nitrogen and phosphorus to Karacaören Reservoir.
The results of this study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of muscle putrescine
and histamine levels. The fish from Station III displayed significantly lower levels of muscle putrescine and histamine when compared
with those from stations I and II (p<0.001). The changes in biomarkers of biogenic amin in Rainbow trout were found to be associated
with higher concentrations of nitrogen pollution in this water body. Nitrogen is one of the main end-products of fish loading, and can
affect not only the rearing water, but also the environment as a whole. Importantly, from a public health perspective, histamine and
putrescine levels need to be considered in any histamine toxicity assessment and levels of the nitrogen species (nitrite, nitrate and
nitrosamines) should be closely monitored to secure the safety of food and the management of fisheries.
We concluded that microbial contamination due to environmental pollutant accumulation and exposure are an important source of
biogenic amines generation within the fish tissues. Contamination of water bodies causes biogenic amines accumulation in fish tissues
and consequently negatively contributing to quality of fish as food as well as fish welfare.
Çalismanin amaci, Çandir Deresi beton havuz (Istasyon I), Karacaören I Baraj Gölü ag kafes (Istasyon II), Çatak Baraj Gölü ag kafes
(Istasyon III) çiftliklerinde (Isparta, Türkiye) üretimi yapilan Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) kas dokularindaki biyojen amin
seviyeleri ile su kirliligine bagli olarak degisebilen su kalitesi özellikleri arasindaki iliskiyi ortaya koymaktir. Subat 2016’da,
istasyonlardan O. mykiss kas dokusu ve su örnekleri eszamanli olarak alindi. Istasyondan alinan su örneklerinin fizikokimyasal
parametreleri dikkate alinarak YSKYY’e (Yüzeysel Su Kalitesi Yönetimi Yönetmeligi) göre istasyonlarin su kalitesi seviyeleri belirlendi.
Üretim çiftliklerinden alinan O mykiss kas örneklerinde tiramin, 2-feniletilamin, putresin, kadaverin ve triptamin seviyeleri yüksek
performansli sivi kromatografisi (HPLC) ile histamine seviyeleri ise enzim-bagli immünosorbent ölçümü (ELISA) ile belirlendi. YSKYY’ye
göre yapilan degerlendirmede, her üç istasyondan alinan su örneklerinin su kalitesi düzeyleri bakimindan II. kalite sinifina dahil
olduklari belirlenmistir. Nitrit ve toplam azot degerlerine dayanarak yapilan degerlendirmede ise istasyon III’ün diger istasyonlara
göre en düsük kirlilige sahip oldugu, Istason II’nin orta derece kirli oldugu ve Istasyon I’in ise diger istasyonlara göre en fazla kirlilige
sahip oldugu bulundu. Istasyon I’den alinan O. mykiss kas dokusu örneklerinde putresin ve histamin seviyelerinin Istasyon II ve III’den
alinan O mykiss kas dokusu örneklerindeki ölçümlere göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek oldugu bulundu (p<0,001). Çevresel
kirleticilerin birikimine ve maruziyetine bagli olarak meydana gelen mikrobiyal kontaminasyon, balik dokularindaki biyojen amin
üretiminin temel kaynagidir. Su kaynaklarinin kontaminasyonu, balik dokularinda biyojen amin birikimine yol açarak balik refahinin
yanisira balik kalitesine de olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir. |
| Water pollution on biogenic amine levels of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).Su kirliliginin gökkusagi alabaligi (Oncorhynchus mykiss)’nin biyojen amin seviyeleri üzerine etkileri | Author : Mustafa CALAPOGLU Derya BOZKURT DURAN, Defne CEBECI, Ugur SAHIN, Hasan KALYONCU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Increasing levels of environmental pollution caused by industrial and agricultural activities are becoming a significant problem when
it comes to food safety and the management of fisheries, representing a major threat to human health. Assessing the impact of these
pollutants via the use of biomarkers is essential for evaluating the condition of aquatic ecosystems. Biogenic amines are organic bases
of low-molecular mass comprising aliphatic, mono-, di- and poly-amines, catecholamines, indolyl and imidazolyl amines. As their
formation and metabolism occurs widely in living organisms they are also present in a variety of different foods, primarily as a
consequence of microbial amino acid decarboxylation.
The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between the water quality properties which can vary depending on pollution
sources and biogenic amine concentrations in the muscle tissues of farmed Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) in concrete pond
farms located in Candir River (Station I), Karacaören I Reservoir (Station II) and Çatak Reservoir (Station III) in Isparta, Turkey.
The O. mykiss muscle tissue and water samples were obtained in three stations, on February 2016, simultaneously. In three stations,
fourteen physicochemical parameters were measured in water samples and water quality levels determined by YSKYY (Surface Water
Quality Management Regulation). Muscle tissue tryptamine, 2-phenylethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine concentrations were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, and histamine were determined with ELISA in O
mykiss flesh from three fish farms.
The water’s physical and chemical parameters show that the water quality in all stations are categorised as class II, according to the
Turkish YSKYY. However, based upon its nitrite and total nitrogen values, Station II was found to be less polluted than the other
stations, followed by a moderate degree of pollution for Station III, and significantly higher levels or pollution for Station I. The highest
nitrate nitrogen value was measured at Station I inflow and outflow (8.99 mg/L and 5.13 mg/L, respectively). It is thought that the
high level of nitrate nitrogen inflow is due to the influence of the fish farms and settlements that exist in the upper part of Station I.
Nevertheless, total nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations were slightly higher in Station I (0.410 mg/L and 1.33 mg/L
respectively) than Station II (0.133 mg/L and 0.03 mg/L respectively). The station III has highest electric conductivity (445 µS cm-1
despite of lack of point pollutant sources.
Agricultural and urban activities are major sources of nonpoint nitrogen pollution in Karacaören Reservoir. Primary point sources of
pollutants in Karacaören Reservoir are industrial discharge, municipal wastewater treatment facilities, and fish farm wastes. However,
the primary pollutants in Çatak Reservoir consist solely of fish farms. Agricultural areas account for 28.13 percent of the Isparta basin
area, concentrated along the main stem of the Isparta, Egirdir and Aksu basins in the upper part of Karacören Reservoir. Sewage
discharge and agricultural areas in Isparta province contribute pesticides, nitrogen and phosphorus to Karacaören Reservoir.
The results of this study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of muscle putrescine
and histamine levels. The fish from Station III displayed significantly lower levels of muscle putrescine and histamine when compared
with those from stations I and II (p<0.001). The changes in biomarkers of biogenic amin in Rainbow trout were found to be associated
with higher concentrations of nitrogen pollution in this water body. Nitrogen is one of the main end-products of fish loading, and can
affect not only the rearing water, but also the environment as a whole. Importantly, from a public health perspective, histamine and
putrescine levels need to be considered in any histamine toxicity assessment and levels of the nitrogen species (nitrite, nitrate and
nitrosamines) should be closely monitored to secure the safety of food and the management of fisheries.
We concluded that microbial contamination due to environmental pollutant accumulation and exposure are an important source of
biogenic amines generation within the fish tissues. Contamination of water bodies causes biogenic amines accumulation in fish tissues
and consequently negatively contributing to quality of fish as food as well as fish welfare. Çalismanin amaci, Çandir Deresi beton havuz (Istasyon I), Karacaören I Baraj Gölü ag kafes (Istasyon II), Çatak Baraj Gölü ag kafes
(Istasyon III) çiftliklerinde (Isparta, Türkiye) üretimi yapilan Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) kas dokularindaki biyojen amin
seviyeleri ile su kirliligine bagli olarak degisebilen su kalitesi özellikleri arasindaki iliskiyi ortaya koymaktir. Subat 2016’da,
istasyonlardan O. mykiss kas dokusu ve su örnekleri eszamanli olarak alindi. Istasyondan alinan su örneklerinin fizikokimyasal
parametreleri dikkate alinarak YSKYY’e (Yüzeysel Su Kalitesi Yönetimi Yönetmeligi) göre istasyonlarin su kalitesi seviyeleri belirlendi.
Üretim çiftliklerinden alinan O mykiss kas örneklerinde tiramin, 2-feniletilamin, putresin, kadaverin ve triptamin seviyeleri yüksek
performansli sivi kromatografisi (HPLC) ile histamine seviyeleri ise enzim-bagli immünosorbent ölçümü (ELISA) ile belirlendi. YSKYY’ye
göre yapilan degerlendirmede, her üç istasyondan alinan su örneklerinin su kalitesi düzeyleri bakimindan II. kalite sinifina dahil
olduklari belirlenmistir. Nitrit ve toplam azot degerlerine dayanarak yapilan degerlendirmede ise istasyon III’ün diger istasyonlara
göre en düsük kirlilige sahip oldugu, Istason II’nin orta derece kirli oldugu ve Istasyon I’in ise diger istasyonlara göre en fazla kirlilige
sahip oldugu bulundu. Istasyon I’den alinan O. mykiss kas dokusu örneklerinde putresin ve histamin seviyelerinin Istasyon II ve III’den
alinan O mykiss kas dokusu örneklerindeki ölçümlere göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek oldugu bulundu (p<0,001). Çevresel
kirleticilerin birikimine ve maruziyetine bagli olarak meydana gelen mikrobiyal kontaminasyon, balik dokularindaki biyojen amin
üretiminin temel kaynagidir. Su kaynaklarinin kontaminasyonu, balik dokularinda biyojen amin birikimine yol açarak balik refahinin
yanisira balik kalitesine de olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir |
| Water pollution on biogenic amine levels of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).Su kirliliginin gökkusagi alabaligi (Oncorhynchus mykiss)’nin biyojen amin seviyeleri üzerine etkileri | Author : Mustafa CALAPOGLU Derya BOZKURT DURAN, Defne CEBECI, Ugur SAHIN, Hasan KALYONCU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Increasing levels of environmental pollution caused by industrial and agricultural activities are becoming a significant problem when
it comes to food safety and the management of fisheries, representing a major threat to human health. Assessing the impact of these
pollutants via the use of biomarkers is essential for evaluating the condition of aquatic ecosystems. Biogenic amines are organic bases
of low-molecular mass comprising aliphatic, mono-, di- and poly-amines, catecholamines, indolyl and imidazolyl amines. As their
formation and metabolism occurs widely in living organisms they are also present in a variety of different foods, primarily as a
consequence of microbial amino acid decarboxylation.
The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between the water quality properties which can vary depending on pollution
sources and biogenic amine concentrations in the muscle tissues of farmed Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) in concrete pond
farms located in Candir River (Station I), Karacaören I Reservoir (Station II) and Çatak Reservoir (Station III) in Isparta, Turkey.
The O. mykiss muscle tissue and water samples were obtained in three stations, on February 2016, simultaneously. In three stations,
fourteen physicochemical parameters were measured in water samples and water quality levels determined by YSKYY (Surface Water
Quality Management Regulation). Muscle tissue tryptamine, 2-phenylethylamine, putrescine, cadaverine, tyramine concentrations were determined with high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method, and histamine were determined with ELISA in O
mykiss flesh from three fish farms.
The water’s physical and chemical parameters show that the water quality in all stations are categorised as class II, according to the
Turkish YSKYY. However, based upon its nitrite and total nitrogen values, Station II was found to be less polluted than the other
stations, followed by a moderate degree of pollution for Station III, and significantly higher levels or pollution for Station I. The highest
nitrate nitrogen value was measured at Station I inflow and outflow (8.99 mg/L and 5.13 mg/L, respectively). It is thought that the
high level of nitrate nitrogen inflow is due to the influence of the fish farms and settlements that exist in the upper part of Station I.
Nevertheless, total nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen concentrations were slightly higher in Station I (0.410 mg/L and 1.33 mg/L
respectively) than Station II (0.133 mg/L and 0.03 mg/L respectively). The station III has highest electric conductivity (445 µS cm-1
despite of lack of point pollutant sources.
Agricultural and urban activities are major sources of nonpoint nitrogen pollution in Karacaören Reservoir. Primary point sources of
pollutants in Karacaören Reservoir are industrial discharge, municipal wastewater treatment facilities, and fish farm wastes. However,
the primary pollutants in Çatak Reservoir consist solely of fish farms. Agricultural areas account for 28.13 percent of the Isparta basin
area, concentrated along the main stem of the Isparta, Egirdir and Aksu basins in the upper part of Karacören Reservoir. Sewage
discharge and agricultural areas in Isparta province contribute pesticides, nitrogen and phosphorus to Karacaören Reservoir.
The results of this study showed that there were statistically significant differences between the groups in terms of muscle putrescine
and histamine levels. The fish from Station III displayed significantly lower levels of muscle putrescine and histamine when compared
with those from stations I and II (p<0.001). The changes in biomarkers of biogenic amin in Rainbow trout were found to be associated
with higher concentrations of nitrogen pollution in this water body. Nitrogen is one of the main end-products of fish loading, and can
affect not only the rearing water, but also the environment as a whole. Importantly, from a public health perspective, histamine and
putrescine levels need to be considered in any histamine toxicity assessment and levels of the nitrogen species (nitrite, nitrate and
nitrosamines) should be closely monitored to secure the safety of food and the management of fisheries.
We concluded that microbial contamination due to environmental pollutant accumulation and exposure are an important source of
biogenic amines generation within the fish tissues. Contamination of water bodies causes biogenic amines accumulation in fish tissues
and consequently negatively contributing to quality of fish as food as well as fish welfare. Çalismanin amaci, Çandir Deresi beton havuz (Istasyon I), Karacaören I Baraj Gölü ag kafes (Istasyon II), Çatak Baraj Gölü ag kafes
(Istasyon III) çiftliklerinde (Isparta, Türkiye) üretimi yapilan Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum, 1792) kas dokularindaki biyojen amin
seviyeleri ile su kirliligine bagli olarak degisebilen su kalitesi özellikleri arasindaki iliskiyi ortaya koymaktir. Subat 2016’da,
istasyonlardan O. mykiss kas dokusu ve su örnekleri eszamanli olarak alindi. Istasyondan alinan su örneklerinin fizikokimyasal
parametreleri dikkate alinarak YSKYY’e (Yüzeysel Su Kalitesi Yönetimi Yönetmeligi) göre istasyonlarin su kalitesi seviyeleri belirlendi.
Üretim çiftliklerinden alinan O mykiss kas örneklerinde tiramin, 2-feniletilamin, putresin, kadaverin ve triptamin seviyeleri yüksek
performansli sivi kromatografisi (HPLC) ile histamine seviyeleri ise enzim-bagli immünosorbent ölçümü (ELISA) ile belirlendi. YSKYY’ye
göre yapilan degerlendirmede, her üç istasyondan alinan su örneklerinin su kalitesi düzeyleri bakimindan II. kalite sinifina dahil
olduklari belirlenmistir. Nitrit ve toplam azot degerlerine dayanarak yapilan degerlendirmede ise istasyon III’ün diger istasyonlara
göre en düsük kirlilige sahip oldugu, Istason II’nin orta derece kirli oldugu ve Istasyon I’in ise diger istasyonlara göre en fazla kirlilige
sahip oldugu bulundu. Istasyon I’den alinan O. mykiss kas dokusu örneklerinde putresin ve histamin seviyelerinin Istasyon II ve III’den
alinan O mykiss kas dokusu örneklerindeki ölçümlere göre istatistiksel olarak daha yüksek oldugu bulundu (p<0,001). Çevresel
kirleticilerin birikimine ve maruziyetine bagli olarak meydana gelen mikrobiyal kontaminasyon, balik dokularindaki biyojen amin
üretiminin temel kaynagidir. Su kaynaklarinin kontaminasyonu, balik dokularinda biyojen amin birikimine yol açarak balik refahinin
yanisira balik kalitesine de olumsuz yönde etkilemektedir |
| The Relationship Between Shooting Performance and Balance Performance in Biathletes.Biatlon Sporcularinda Atis Performansi ve Denge Performansi Arasindaki Iliski | Author : Bahar ATES | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Biathlon is an Olympic winter sport that is a combination of skiing jogging and a high-level care to be a durability sport. The
duration of the competition lasts for almost 1 hour in the longest competitions with 25 minutes. Biathlon competitions typically fill 2
or 4 shot periods before and after ski runs at 2,5-5 km. Biathletes shoot both in bed and standing. The firing position varies between
prone (lying down) and standing position in the shooting period. According to the distance of the judge and the cesidium, 2 or 4 shots
are made standing and prone. It will be 5 shots while shooting 5 shots. You are 50 meters away.
This target is 4.5 cm in prone throw (in bed), while it is 11.5 cm in standing foot. For each faulty shoot, the biathlete will take a
150-meter penalty round, or add 1 minute to the slip, depending on the format of the race. Shots in men; 20 km of individual, 10 km
of sprint, 12.5 km of follow-up and 12.5 km of mass output, 15 km of individual in women, 7.5 km of sprint, 10 km of follow-up and
12.5 km of mass output. Apart from these, there are races as mixed teams and teams. The competitor with the lowest time wins.
Thus, it can be said that the high performance of this spade depends on maximizing the skiing speed and shot accuracy, as well as
reducing the most time spent during shooting (Hoffman, Gilson, Westenburg, and Spencer, 1992).
It is known that biathletes should avoid making too many body movements during shooting (Era, Konttinen, Mehto, Saarela,
Lyytinen, 1996), since it is known that balance ability in biathlon sports is an important parameter for shooting sensitivity. Studies have shown that experienced shotguns have fewer body releases than inexperienced rifle shooters (Niinimaa and McAvoy, 1983),
and that body exudations during successful shoots on inexperienced shotguns are much higher than those on less successful shoots
(Era, Konttinen, Mehto, Saarela, Lyytinen, 1996). As mentioned, shot performance in biathlon requires a great deal of control of
posture balance (Valleala, Nummela, Mononen and Nuutinen, 2007). As a result, competition performance in biathlon sports is
determined by the skating performance and shot performance of the athletes. Unlike many studies on skiing and running, the
research on biathlon is very few. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between shot percentage values and
dynamic balance performances in Biathlon athletes.
5 biatlets participated voluntarily (age, 18.7 ± 0.36 years, height, 171.5 ± 1.77 cm, weight, 65 ± 2.19 kg, training age 4.47 ± 0.29
years). At the beginning of the study, participant athletes were informed about the research protocols and the study was carried out
in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration principles.
Before the tests, he asked the athletes to wear clothes and shoes that would not restrict their movements. All the athletes were
given trial work before the study to get familiar with the tests. The "Y Balance Test ™" platform was used to measure the balance
parameters of three different (anterior, posteriolateral and posteriormedial) positions on the right and left foot for the dynamic
balance measurements of the athletes. The 7.5 km sprint trial race results were used to assess shot percentage.
According to the findings, only a significant correlation was found in the positive direction between posteromedial extension
distance (r= 0.31, p<0.003). There was no significant relationship between the percentage of shot and right anterior (r= 0.31, p>0.26),
right posterolateral (r= 0.32, p>0.25), left anterior (r= 0.32, p>0.24), left posteromedial (r= 0.43, p>0.11) and left posterolateral (r=
0.18, p>0.53).
There are sports where static or dynamic balance is the limiting factor in performance (Zemková, 2014.). However, these two
factors have different impacts on sports branches (Bressel, Yonker, Kras and Heath, 2007). It is considered an important ability to
adjust specific balance quickly in sport. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between competition performance and
dynamic balance in biathlon athletes. The findings at the end of the study showed that there was a significant positive correlation
between the percentage of shooters shot and the right posteromedial.
In conclusion, this study shows that the dynamic equilibrium performance in biathlon athletes does not have much effect on shot
performance. Its performance in Biathlon sports is determined by the large slip speed and hit rate. For this reason, coaches and
athletes are encouraged to design training programs to improve these features in order to improve their race performance.Sporda bransa özgü dengenin hizli bir sekilde ayarlanmasi önemli bir yetenek olarak kabul edilir. Biatlon gibi degisen arazi sartlari
ve zorlayici fizyolojik baskilar altinda teknik beceriler gerektiren branslarda büyük bir postürel salinim gözlenebilir ve Biatlon atislari
postural denge gerektiren kompleks bir motor özelliktir. Bu çalismada, biatlon sporcularinda atis yüzde degerleri ile dinamik
dengeperformanslari arasindaki iliski incelendi. Çalismaya 15 biatlet,(yas, 18.7±0.36 yil; boy, 171.5±1.77 cm; kilo, 65±2.19 kg;
antrenman yasi 4.47±0.29 yil), gönüllü olarak katildi. Sporcularin dinamik denge performanslarini degerlendirmek amaciyla, sag ve
sol ayak üzerinde, üç farkli yöndeki (anterior, posteriolateral ve posteriormedial) “Y Balance TestTM” platformu kullanildi.7.5 km
sprint deneme yarisi isabetlilik oranlarina göre ise atis yüzde degerleri belirlendi. Tüm istatistiksel hesaplamalar için SPSS 23.0 yazilimi
kullanildi. Atis yüzde degerleri ve dinamik denge skorlari arasindaki iliskiyi degerlendirmek için Spearman korelasyon analizi kullanildi.
Çalisma sonunda, atis yüzdesi ile sadece sag bacak posteromedial arasinda pozitif yönde anlamli iliskiye rastlanildi (r= 0.31, p<0.003).
Atis yüzde degeri ile sag anterior (r= 0.31, p>0.26), sag posterolateral (r= 0.32, p>0.25), sol anterior (r= 0.32, p>0.24), sol
posteromedial (r= 0.43, p>0.11) ve sol posterolateral (r= 0.18, p>0.53) arasinda ise istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir iliskiye rastlanilmadi.
Sonuç olarak, dinamik denge performansinin biatletlerin atis performansi üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olmadigi söylenebilir. Ayrica
gelecekte yapilacak çalismalarin atis süresini de dikkate almalari önerilmektedir. |
| museum | Author : servet | Abstract | Full Text | |
| Classification of Poljes and Geomorphological Features of Kestelce Polje (Kilis).Polyelerin Siniflandirilmasi ve Kestelce Polyesi’nin (Kilis) Jeomorfolojik Özellikleri | Author : Ismail Ege | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Since 20% of our country has come to the limestone, it has made it possible for a vast majority of karstic landforms to appear.
These are characteristically, karrens, dolines, uvalas, and poljes. The poljes correspond to the largest of karstic solution landforms.
Therefore, it is important to identify and classify of poljes.
Although Karst geomorphology is a very intensive study of geomorphology and poljes, local study on classification, classification
and types of poljes is very limited. In this study, it is the main purpose of this study to define poljes with a new approach, to introduce
the classes of poljes based on international literature and to enlighten the subject on some examples and polje species from our
country. The fact that our country is located on the Taurus belt, which we can define as the Karst Paradise, caused both the
appearance of poljes in number and the possibility of encountering almost all kinds of poljes.
As in the case of geographical studies in general, firstly, domestic and foreign literature searches were done intensively. It has
been seen that quite different definitions and classifications have been made about the poljes. At this stage, the definitions were
classified and the definitions of the authors who presented different approaches were compared and tried to be synthesized. In the
end, we tried to define ourselves the poles. The other method for Kestelce Polje in this study, trip – observation method is used.
Maps are composed with ArcMAP 10.5 packet program.
The international "Polje" from the Southern Slovak tongues refers to the great depressions that have come to the conclusion of
the confusion. Poljes are much bigger than uvalas and their constutions are much more complex (Dogan, 1996). From foreign karst
researchers who make the most concise description of poljes; Gams (1973, 1978) defines it as "Areas with steep slopes, flat-bottomed
and where there is a karstic drainage". Nicod (2003) emphasized that poljeamides are not primary (simple) shapes, but can be defined
by 6 basic criteria that it is not possible to describe them with a single adjective or formation. These; (1) Topography (2) Structural
conditions (3) Effect of tectonic activity (4) Morphoclimatic heritage (5) New-current hydrography and (6) Geomorphological
properties. All of these, to develop a new definition with the aim of contributing to the definition of poljes; "Poljes, tectonism, faulting,
periglacial presses, rivers, glaciers, etc., besides the karstification processes in their formations any external influences are also
effective. “Polje base is closed depression or bearing evidences of an old flat base".
Poljes can be classified four types according to metrics.
1-Small (Micro) Poljes; Base 0,5 – 10 km2 ; Basin 0,5 – 50 km2
2-Medium (Meso) Large Poljes: Base 10 -40 km2, basin 40 - 100 km23-Large (Mega) Poljes: Base, 40-100 km2, basin area with 200-500 km2
4-Very Large (Ultra Mega) Poljes: Base; more than 100 km2 big; basin more than 200 km km2 areas, (An example polje; Elmali
Polje base 200 km2)
Gams firstly classified the grains into 5 classes according to their geomorphological and hydrodynamic properties. These; (1) Edge
Border Poles (2) Piendmond (Piedmont) Poles (3) Peripheral Poles (4) Overflow Poles and (5) Piezometric Level Poles
There are basically 3 types, generally 5 kinds of poljes. They are (1) Border (2) Structural (3) Baselevel poljes, additionally (4)
Piendmont and (5) Overflowing poljes. Turkey has very rich related to poljes.
Kestelce Polje has a width of approximately 10 km in northeast-southwest direction and approximately 6 km in northwestsoutheast
direction. The drainage basin of Kestelce Polje corresponds to an area of 55.7 km2. On the other hand, polje base area
covers only 12.8 km2. These values refer the Kestelce Polje is the middle (mezo) class of poljes. The type of accruing also is structural
Our country is located on the Taurus orogenic belt (from Aegean sea to Zagros Mountains)and the limestones of about 1/5 of
them make it possible to see the karstic shapes intensely. There are four classes type related to metrical. These; 1-Small (Micro) 2-
Medium(Meso) 3- Large (Mega) and 4-Very Large (Ultra Mega) poles
According to Gams There are five kind of poljes. These; (1) Edge Border Poles (2) Page (Piedmond) Poles (3) Peripheral Poles (4)
Overflow Poles and (5) Piezometric Level Poljes
Kestelce poljeesi is a structural polje in the southwestern part of the Gaziantep Plateau, where the Mesozoic limestones have
been solved and reached as far as the ophiolites zone on the Musabeyli Plateau in the East Mediterranean Region.
In Kestelce Polje, which has an average height of 750 meters, agricultural areas have a very high value of 69% in the polje basin.
These commonly are dry farming, vineyards and orchards in the polje base.Polyeler hiç kuskusuz karstik çözünme sekillerinin en büyügüdür. Genellikle bir ovaya tekabül eden polyelerin tespitini yapmak
sanildigi kadar basit degildir. Hatta bir yere polye diyebilmekte çok kolay olmayip, kanitlarinin ortaya konulmasi gerekmektedir. Bu
konuda jeomorfologlarin arazide yapmis olduklari çalismalar, bir diger ifade ile araziyi okuma ve yorumlama tecrübeleri çok büyük
bir ehemmiyet arz etmektedir. Ülkemizde polyeler ile ilgili sayisizca çalisma olmasina ragmen, siniflandirma konusunda maalesef geç
kalinmistir. Bu nedenle arastirmanin konusunu olusturan polyelerin siniflandirilmasi önem arz etmektedir.
Çalismanin ikinci bölümünü ise Kilis il merkezinin batisinda yer alan Kestelce Polyesinin jeomorfolojik özelliklerinin tespit edilmesi
olusturmaktadir. Polyenin olusmasinda karstlasma ve tektonizma son derece etkili olmustur. Karstlasmanin gelismesinde etkili olan
karbonatli, kireçli kayaçlarin yapisi ve tabaninda karstlasmayi sinirlandiran ofiyolitlerin varligidir. Böylece Kestelce Polyesi’nin
“Yapisal” bir polye karakterinde oldugunu söylemek mümkündür. Polyeyi drene eden Afrin Çayi’nin yan kollarindan olan Hasanke
Deresi ve yan kollarin kesinlesmis sentripetal karakterde bir drenaj sistemini göstermektedir. Bu durum polyenin açik havza
karakterinde oldugunu ve polyenin gelisimini tamamlamis artik bozulmak üzere bir polye oldugunu söylemek mümkündür.
Sonuç olarak Kestelce Polyesi’nin Orta Miyosen’den beri etkinligini sürdüren tektonik hareketler ve karstlasmanin birlikteligi
çerçevesinde olustugu ve Kuvaterner de ise etkisinin azaldigi görülmüstür. Ana hatlari ile Kestelce Polyesi ve Yakin Çevresine
baktigimizda; Dogudaki yer yer plato alanlari ve bati kesimdeki üzerinde çesitli kademelerde plato alanlari barindiran yüksek daglik
kesimler arasinda bir havzaya karsilik gelmektedir. Çalisma sahasi üzerinde tarim ve hayvancilik faaliyetleri de etkisini göstermektedir. |
| The Relationship Between Shooting Performance and Balance Performance in Biathletes.Biatlon Sporcularinda Atis Performansi ve Denge Performansi Arasindaki Iliski | Author : Bahar ATES | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Biathlon is an Olympic winter sport that is a combination of skiing jogging and a high-level care to be a durability sport. The
duration of the competition lasts for almost 1 hour in the longest competitions with 25 minutes. Biathlon competitions typically fill 2
or 4 shot periods before and after ski runs at 2,5-5 km. Biathletes shoot both in bed and standing. The firing position varies between
prone (lying down) and standing position in the shooting period. According to the distance of the judge and the cesidium, 2 or 4 shots
are made standing and prone. It will be 5 shots while shooting 5 shots. You are 50 meters away.
This target is 4.5 cm in prone throw (in bed), while it is 11.5 cm in standing foot. For each faulty shoot, the biathlete will take a
150-meter penalty round, or add 1 minute to the slip, depending on the format of the race. Shots in men; 20 km of individual, 10 km
of sprint, 12.5 km of follow-up and 12.5 km of mass output, 15 km of individual in women, 7.5 km of sprint, 10 km of follow-up and
12.5 km of mass output. Apart from these, there are races as mixed teams and teams. The competitor with the lowest time wins.
Thus, it can be said that the high performance of this spade depends on maximizing the skiing speed and shot accuracy, as well as
reducing the most time spent during shooting (Hoffman, Gilson, Westenburg, and Spencer, 1992).
It is known that biathletes should avoid making too many body movements during shooting (Era, Konttinen, Mehto, Saarela,
Lyytinen, 1996), since it is known that balance ability in biathlon sports is an important parameter for shooting sensitivity. Studies have shown that experienced shotguns have fewer body releases than inexperienced rifle shooters (Niinimaa and McAvoy, 1983),
and that body exudations during successful shoots on inexperienced shotguns are much higher than those on less successful shoots
(Era, Konttinen, Mehto, Saarela, Lyytinen, 1996). As mentioned, shot performance in biathlon requires a great deal of control of
posture balance (Valleala, Nummela, Mononen and Nuutinen, 2007). As a result, competition performance in biathlon sports is
determined by the skating performance and shot performance of the athletes. Unlike many studies on skiing and running, the
research on biathlon is very few. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between shot percentage values and
dynamic balance performances in Biathlon athletes.
5 biatlets participated voluntarily (age, 18.7 ± 0.36 years, height, 171.5 ± 1.77 cm, weight, 65 ± 2.19 kg, training age 4.47 ± 0.29
years). At the beginning of the study, participant athletes were informed about the research protocols and the study was carried out
in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration principles.
Before the tests, he asked the athletes to wear clothes and shoes that would not restrict their movements. All the athletes were
given trial work before the study to get familiar with the tests. The "Y Balance Test ™" platform was used to measure the balance
parameters of three different (anterior, posteriolateral and posteriormedial) positions on the right and left foot for the dynamic
balance measurements of the athletes. The 7.5 km sprint trial race results were used to assess shot percentage.
According to the findings, only a significant correlation was found in the positive direction between posteromedial extension
distance (r= 0.31, p<0.003). There was no significant relationship between the percentage of shot and right anterior (r= 0.31, p>0.26),
right posterolateral (r= 0.32, p>0.25), left anterior (r= 0.32, p>0.24), left posteromedial (r= 0.43, p>0.11) and left posterolateral (r=
0.18, p>0.53).
There are sports where static or dynamic balance is the limiting factor in performance (Zemková, 2014.). However, these two
factors have different impacts on sports branches (Bressel, Yonker, Kras and Heath, 2007). It is considered an important ability to
adjust specific balance quickly in sport. This study was conducted to examine the relationship between competition performance and
dynamic balance in biathlon athletes. The findings at the end of the study showed that there was a significant positive correlation
between the percentage of shooters shot and the right posteromedial.
In conclusion, this study shows that the dynamic equilibrium performance in biathlon athletes does not have much effect on shot
performance. Its performance in Biathlon sports is determined by the large slip speed and hit rate. For this reason, coaches and
athletes are encouraged to design training programs to improve these features in order to improve their race performance.Sporda bransa özgü dengenin hizli bir sekilde ayarlanmasi önemli bir yetenek olarak kabul edilir. Biatlon gibi degisen arazi sartlari
ve zorlayici fizyolojik baskilar altinda teknik beceriler gerektiren branslarda büyük bir postürel salinim gözlenebilir ve Biatlon atislari
postural denge gerektiren kompleks bir motor özelliktir. Bu çalismada, biatlon sporcularinda atis yüzde degerleri ile dinamik
dengeperformanslari arasindaki iliski incelendi. Çalismaya 15 biatlet,(yas, 18.7±0.36 yil; boy, 171.5±1.77 cm; kilo, 65±2.19 kg;
antrenman yasi 4.47±0.29 yil), gönüllü olarak katildi. Sporcularin dinamik denge performanslarini degerlendirmek amaciyla, sag ve
sol ayak üzerinde, üç farkli yöndeki (anterior, posteriolateral ve posteriormedial) “Y Balance TestTM” platformu kullanildi.7.5 km
sprint deneme yarisi isabetlilik oranlarina göre ise atis yüzde degerleri belirlendi. Tüm istatistiksel hesaplamalar için SPSS 23.0 yazilimi
kullanildi. Atis yüzde degerleri ve dinamik denge skorlari arasindaki iliskiyi degerlendirmek için Spearman korelasyon analizi kullanildi.
Çalisma sonunda, atis yüzdesi ile sadece sag bacak posteromedial arasinda pozitif yönde anlamli iliskiye rastlanildi (r= 0.31, p<0.003).
Atis yüzde degeri ile sag anterior (r= 0.31, p>0.26), sag posterolateral (r= 0.32, p>0.25), sol anterior (r= 0.32, p>0.24), sol
posteromedial (r= 0.43, p>0.11) ve sol posterolateral (r= 0.18, p>0.53) arasinda ise istatistiksel olarak anlamli bir iliskiye rastlanilmadi.
Sonuç olarak, dinamik denge performansinin biatletlerin atis performansi üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olmadigi söylenebilir. Ayrica
gelecekte yapilacak çalismalarin atis süresini de dikkate almalari önerilmektedir. |
| Museum | Author : Servet Uztemur Erkan Dinç Ismail Acun | Abstract | Full Text | |
| Chagatay Turkic: Hüseyin Baykara and Ali Sir Nevâyî. Çagatay Türkçesi: Hüseyin Baykara ve Ali Sir Nevâyî | Author : Talip Yildirim | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Chagatay Turkic is the name of the second period of the North-East Turkic. It starts in the beginning of the 15th century and lasts
till the beginning of the 20th century. All the northern and eastern Muslim Turks dwelling in the east and north of the Caspian Sea, the
Black Sea and Iran used the same written language from 15th century to the 20th century. The name of this written language is Chagatay
Turkic. Chagatay Turkic is divided into three periods: Pre-Classical Period (The beginning of the 15 century-1465), Classical Period
(1465-1600) and Post-Classical Period (1600-the beginning of the 20th century). Chagatay (Çagatay) is one of the sons of Chingis. The
term comes from Chingis’ second son, Chagatay. The word Chagatay used to mean the family of Chagatay and state that was founded
by this family. However, later on, it came to mean the Turks and the Turkicizedpeoples living on the lands under the sovereignty of
Chagatay family. During the reign of Timur, the term was used to designate all the peoples of the empire. Though the Chagatay period
is mostly named as “Türkçe (Turkish)”, “Türki (Turkic)”, “Türktili (Turkish language), Ali Sir Nevayi, in his Mecalis’ünNefâisusedtheterm“Çagatay
Lafzi (Chagataylangauge)”. The very first name that is associated with Chagatay Turkic is Ali Sir Nevayi.
He is not only the biggest representative of Chagatay Turkic but also one of the most important names of all Turkicliterature. Hüseyin
Baykara is one of the biggest factors that helped Ali Sir Nevayi reach his position. First of all, Hüseyin Baykara and Ali Sir Nevayi
were very close friends since their childhood. Though Ali Sir Nevayi served the sultan with several titles, he was the closest friend of
the sultan that he trusted very much. It is, as a result of this friendship, possible to see Baykara in Ali Sir Nevayi’s almost all works.
Most of the time, Ali Sir Nevayi praises the sultan, Hüseyin Baykara; however, this is not to gain something from the sultan. He
expresses his sincere feelings. Likewise, the plac of Ali Sir Nevayi in the works of Hüseyin Baykara is distinct. In this article, the
contributions of two close friends to Turkish have been studied.Çagatay Türkçesi, Kuzey-Dogu Türkçesinin ikinci döneminin adidir. 15. yüzyil baslarindan baslar, 20. yüzyilin baslarina kadar devam
eder. Bati Türklügünün sinirlarini çizen Karadeniz, Kafkaslar, Hazar Denizi ve Orta Iran’in kuzey ve dogusunda kalan ve Müslüman
olan bütün kuzey ve dogu Türklügü, 15. Yüzyil baslarindan 20. yüzyil baslarina dek ayni yazi dilini kullanmistir; bu yazi dilinin
Türkoloji literatüründeki adi Çagatay Türkçesidir. Çagatay Türkçesi, Klasik Öncesi Devir (15. Yüzyil baslari – 1465), Klasik Devir
(1465 – 1600), Klasik Sonrasi Devir (1600 – 20. Yüzyil basi) olmak üzere üç döneme ayrilir. “Çagatay”, Cengiz Han’in ülkesini
paylastirdigi ogullarindan biridir. Çagatay terimi, Cengiz Han’in ikinci oglu Çagatay’dan gelmektedir. Çagatay kelimesi, önceleri
Çagatay Han’in sülâlesini ve bu sülâle tarafindan kurulan devleti ifade eden bir terim iken, sonralari Çagatay sülâlesinin
egemenligindeki topraklarda yasayan Türk ve Türklesmis topluluklari karsilayan bir terim olarak kullanilmistir. Timur hâkimiyeti
döneminde ise imparatorlugun bütün ahalisi için Çagatay terimi kullanilmistir. Çagatay Türkçesi dönemi daha çok “Türkçe, Türkî,
Türk tili” sekillerinde adlandirilmakla birlikte; Ali Sir Nevai’nin, Mecalis’ün-Nefâis’te “Çagatay Lafzi” tabirini kullandigi da görülür.
Çagatay Türkçesi denilince akla ilk gelen isim Ali Sir Nevâyî’dir. Çagatay Edebiyatinin en büyük temsilcisi olmakla birlikte Türk
Edebiyatinin en önemli isimlerinden biridir Ali Sir Nevâyî. Ali Sir Nevâyînin bu degere ulasmasinda en büyük etkenlerden biri de
Hüseyin Baykara’dir. Hüseyin Baykara ve Ali Sîr Nevâyî her seyden önce küçük yastan itibaren hayatlari birlikte geçen çok yakin iki
dosttur. Nevâyî, Sultan Hüseyin’in hizmetinde çesitli görevlerde bulunmasina ragmen, Baykara’nin en güvendigi ve yanindan ayirmak
istemedigi dostu, arkadasi idi. Özellikle bu yakin dostluk nedeniyle Ali Sir Nevâyî’nin eserlerinin tamaminda Hüseyin Baykara’yi
görmek mümkündür. Çogu zaman bu övmelerle olsa bile bu övme bir seyler elde etmek için degil, samimi duygularini ifade etmek
içindir. Yine ayni sekilde Hüseyin Baykara’nin eserlerinde de Ali Sir Nevâyî’nin yeri ayridir. Bu çalismada iki yakin dostun Türk
diline katkilari üzerinde durulmustur. |