Restructuring The Welfare State Model in Turkey and Its Affect on Female Employment Issues | Author : Metin Serhat ILTER | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, female employment in Turkey is examined in the Welfare State Model axis. Within the scope of the study, the contribution of womens labor to the economy of the country
was evaluated in the light of socioeconomic data, and the statistical data were compiled and
presented to both in table and graph. Womens labor and the problems in this area have been
discussed and presented to offer policy solutions. Female employment rate in Turkey is 30%
according to OECD data. The reason why this rate is lower than in other countries is due to
womens (perhaps obligatory) time to spend on housework. In addition, a more striking result
arises from the educated population. Compared to the wages of men and women who do the
same job, the wages of women are slightly lower (3/5). Even this result is a concrete indicator
that gender equality has not been fully fulfilled. In other words, the equal pay approach has not
been achieved. One of the problems in female employment is the care obligation. It is essential
to make new institutional arrangements for both elderly and child care. The importance of early
childhood care and preschool education and the determination of new social policies in this
regard is one of the responsibilities of being a social state. |
| Estimation of Turkey Industrial Electricity Consumption with Artificial Neural Networks for the 2017-2023 Period | Author : Ihsan PENÇE, Adnan KALKAN, Melike SISECI ÇESMELI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the development of the countries, the industry played a big role and the industrial activities from the past to the present day progressed without slowing down. These developments have expanded their treasury by selling cheap raw materials to high wages after they have grown up. At the dawn of the Industry 4.0 revolution, this development should not be left behind, and both industry and technology should be developed together. For industrialization, one of the biggest needs is electricity energy and the ratio of consumption of electricity energy in proportion to industry in Turkey ranges from 40% to 60% according to years. Considering these rates, a large share of electricity consumption belongs to the industry and there is absolutely a need for future planning. Turkeys future plans with Industry 4.0, forecasting electricity for onward fall into distress, and it is necessary to install the proper planning of new facilities. In this study, the electricity consumption of the 1970-2016 years for the industry in Turkey are modeled with artificial neural network, then obtained successful model is used to estimate consumption in the years 2017-2023. The artificial neural network has been tested by leave-one-out cross validation method and according to the results; the root mean square error is 8.99, the mean absolute percentage error is 31.6%, and the coefficient of determination is 0.94, which indicates that the model is well established. In addition, forecast values up to 2023 are in line with General
Directorate of Türkiye Elektrik Iletim A.S own estimates. |
| Environmental Impact of Vehicles Waiting at the Signalized Intersections: A Case Study of a Four-Phase Intersection | Author : Emre ARABACI, Recep Çagri ORMAN, Bayram KILIÇ, Kerem HEPDENIZ, Bekir YITIK | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :With the increase in the number of vehicles in traffic, there are many scenarios for traffic flow. On the other hand, the waiting times of the vehicles in traffic are constantly increasing. A misplaced traffic plan leads to traffic congestion and environmental problems. In this study, CO2 equivalent emission values (carbon footprint) were calculated in order to examine the environmental effects in a four-phase intersection. Equations were derived to calculate CO2 equivalent emission at the intersection. The effect of the idle stop-start system and the number of electric vehicles was also considered as a future scenario. As a result of the study, it was observed that the small number of electric vehicles decreased the CO2 equivalent emission at the intersection significantly. However, with the use of the idle stop-start system, it has been observed that CO2 equivalent emissions can be reduced.
| Comparative Financial Analysis of A Brick Production Plant and Related Sectors | Author : Harun ÖGÜNÇ | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The construction sector, whether or not it provides input, has a feature that significantly affects the production of goods and services in many areas. Therefore, inputs such as bricks and cement are more or less affected by fluctuations in the construction sector. The brick production enterprise which is discussed in our study also provides input to the construction sector. For this reason, the ratios obtained from the financial data of a brick production enterprise for 2014, 2015 and 2016 and the ratios of “manufacturing enterprises, enterprises manufacturing other non-metallic mineral products, enterprises producing clay construction materials, construction enterprises and building construction enterprises” were compared. The aim of this study is to determine the similarity of the ratios of brick production enterprises with the ratios in the related sectors. Some ratios based on inventory, profitability and sales of ratio analysis were used in comparison. As a result of the study, it is observed that the brick production enterprise, especially stocks/current assets ratio, operating profit/net sales ratio, gross sales profit/net sales ratio and cost of goods sold/net sales ratio are different from the compared sectors.
| Experiential Marketing and Creating Customer Experience: A Research on Iyaspark Shopping Mall Customers | Author : Fikriye YESILOT, Nil Esra DAL | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Current technological and economic developments have led to many changes in marketing industry. The difference between todays customers needs and wants is gradually increasing. Functional benefits expected from products and services are replaced by emotional and symbolic values. Providing only service to the customer is insufficient in an intense competitive environment. Rather than buying products and services that provide benefits, the customer tends to provide emotion-oriented customer experience. With the individualization of services for customers, the concept of experience economy has developed. Thanks to the experience economy, experiential marketing has emerged. Todays most popular venues, shopping malls have become the socialization and entertainment centers that provide the consumer with experience, ensure that the consumer has a good time. As a result, Shopping Malls give importance to experiential marketing and customer experiences in a highly competitive environment. The subject of the research is to determine whether or not customers will recommend the mall experience by revealing the strategic experiential marketing dimensions that have an impact on the customer experience. The aim of the research is to determine the shopping habits of shopping mall customers and to examine the shopping experiences in terms of experiential marketing and to examine them in the context of strategic experiential marketing dimensions. In the research, online questionnaire was applied to 483 people who shop from Iyaspark shopping center. Normality test, reliability analysis, frequency analysis, Kruskal Wallis test and Mann Whitney U test are performed in the research. According to results, the data set is not normally distributed. As a result of the analysis, a statistically significant difference was found between strategic experiential marketing dimensions and Iyaspark Shopping Center experience recommendation or not. In addition, there is a statistically significant difference between the married and single participants in the dimension of emotional experience directed towards the emotions and feelings of the consumer. |
| International Capital Controls, A Literature Investigation on Capital Control Applications of European and Asian Countries | Author : Samet GÜRSOY, Ayhan KOÇ | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The protectionist and intrusive approach, which is a result of the Keynesian thinking that has influenced international markets from 1929 to 1970, has now been replaced by more liberal and openly functioning markets. While this approach was a lifeline for the underdeveloped or developing economies that previously needed financial capital, the sudden fluctuations in
capital inflows cause to negative consequences on countries macroeconomic variables. When the previous studies in this field are analyzed, it is seen that the instant capital movement
creates a high volatility in the real exchange rates, interest rates and capital marktes of the countries, and consequently causes the markets to become more fragile and dependent on
foreign markets. Therefore, countries have developed a series of regulatory and supervisory mechanisms under capital control rules in order to eliminate this negative situation. The most
common method among these is the application of Tobin tax and has been used by many countries at different times.
In this study, capital controls applied since 1992 were examined. Overall, although the results of capital controls implemented in different countries have been partly successful, they have failed in many countries except Malaysia and Chile. As a result of many studies; It is stated that the applications will be closer to success when each countrys own economic, financial and geographical dynamics are taken into consideration. |
| Adorant Figurines From Arpalik Tepe | Author : Ünal DEMIRER, Esra SAYIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In 1997, a rescue excavation carried out by experts from the Antalya Museum at the Arpalik Tepe Hill, near the village of Yumaklar in the Serik District of Antalya Province yielded the remains of a sacred building destroyed by smugglers. The cave
was built at the entrance of an underground cave, which was thought to be related to the cults of Apollo and the Mother
Goddess. The work could not be completed due to security incidents in the area and the cave was closed by the Gendarmerie and the rescue excavation was terminated. In 2008, five copper alloy figurines were recovered from the smugglers who were captured with illegal artifacts, and
the smugglers declared that they were found in Yumaklar Arpalik Tepe cave. In this study, five copper alloy figurines depicted with naked and highlighted sexual organs are discussed extensively with detailed descriptions and comparisons. The relation of the figurines examined in their adorant position with the presentation phenomenon has been revealed. The study will be complementary to the preliminary work on the quality of the cult field and the worship rituals.
| Environmental Accounting Approach to Emissions Cost Evaluation of A Cargo Aircraft During A Domestic Flight | Author : Oguzhan ÇARIKÇI, Bora ÖÇAL | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Nowadays regarding the impact of environmental issues on the daily life applications and measures to prevent environmental pollution are dealt. Particularly after signing Kyoto Protocol and Paris Agreement these measures and applications are heavily implemented. Even if the carbon tax is not still implemented in Turkey it foreces many establishment to consider environmental costs by means of international trade and competition. In the current study environmental costs induced by cargo transportation of a logistics establishment serving air cargo service between Isparta-Istanbul cities are investigated. Formerly the environmental accounting was intensely discussed in a conceptual framework and the current paper presents an application on a case study of environmental accounting with the aid of qualitative data. At the end of the study air cargo transportation induced environmental costs of the establishment is revealed as well as a calculation methodology is defined in the framework of environmental accounting. Emissions induced environmental cost of a cargo aircraft with full payload capacity for a one direction flight from Isparta to Istanbul is determined to be 784.8852 Euros with the aid of the developed methodology. Environmental cost for one tone payload is calculated to be 12.1725 Euros. Based on developed methodology similar approaches and methods can be developed in future studies. |
| Social Capital: An Assessment for Turkey | Author : Neslihan KOÇ | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Considering the fact that social capital is an important area for practitioners and policymakers who want to develop a more productive and inclusive economic structure, the reason for the
interest in social capital, the development of the concept and its characteristics are discussed in this study. The level of social capital and the effects of social capital theory on economic growth and wealth were examined. Under the general features of social capital theory, it has been made the assessments for Turkey. Selected countries and Turkey, were compared using various economic indicators and confidence levels. Family is a very powerful element in Turkey and confidence decreases as the social strata expand. Although membership in social groups such as religion and fellow citizenship is also very important, the low level of mutual empathy and trust in relations with other groups leads to a low level of social capital. The lack of social organization between the family and the state makes state intervention important in ensuring social capital and economic development. |
| The Effects of International Trade on Economic Development: The Findings for Developed and Developing Countries | Author : Süreyya KOVACI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, the relationship between trade openness and economic development of countries is examined empirically. The findings were obtained by using panel data analysis for 28 developed and 30 developing countries in the period from 2010 to 2016. In this study, it is concluded that international trade has different effects on country groups. While trade openness positively affects the economic development that is measured in per capita income based on purchasing power parity in developed countries, it affects negatively in developing countries. In developed countries, investment and government expenditure outside of trade have statistically significant effects on economic development, while in developing countries, investment and inflation have statistically significant effects.
| The Effect of Cash Conversion Cycle on Firm Profitability: An Application on Global Logistics Companies | Author : Eyyüp Ensari SAHIN, Gizem VERGILI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The word “logistikos” which comes from Greek and passes from French to our language, consists of the combination of English words logic and statistics. Although logistics is a military-oriented concept, it has become an important concept in other disciplines, especially in business. Depending on the rapid development and change experienced in communication, information and transporation sectors, the importance of logistic sector has increased and become one of the locomotive sector in the world. For this reason, the sector should be financially well managed and prepared to all possible risks. Working capital management of firm is very important against the risks which the financial developments bring with. In this study, panel data analysis was performed for 2009q1-2017q4 worlds 50 largest logistics companies which are sorted by “The Journal Of Commerce”. Data of study was obtained on Thomson Reuters Datastream. As a result of the study, a negative and significant relationship was found between cash conversion cycle and firm profitability. |
| The Relationship Between Impression Management Tactics and Life Satisfaction: A Research on the Workers in the Textile Industry | Author : Zübeyde HASÇELTIK, Mehmet ÖZMEN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Individuals interact and communicate with other individuals due to the environment they live in throughout their lives. They also want to create a certain impression on other individuals in the context of their purpose, and in order to do so, they resort to the behavior of the impression management tactics. Individuals actually want to obtain material or moral gains by applying to
the tactics of impression management. In this context, by using certain tactics, the material and spiritual gains gained in organizational environments or social environments are closely related to their lives. For this purpose, the study was conducted on 392 blue collar workers in various textile factories in Denizli. Quantitative research methods were applied in the research. The data obtained by applying the questionnaire with easy sampling technique and difference tests and correlation analysis were applied. According to the research findings, it was found that there is a meaningful correlation between the tactics of trying to endear themselves by introducing the qualities which is the sub-dimensions of impression management tactics with the life satisfaction. On the other hand, there is no meaningful correlation between trying to make themselves as model staff, trying to make realize their own importance, trying to arouse pity for with the life satisfaction.