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Author : ???? ??? ????? / Mohamed Babchiekh |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Non-quantitative models are translation assessment approaches that aim at a qualitative assessment of translations, focusing on the text and its target audience, as well as the objectives of the translations and the cultural elements that should be kept during the transfer from one language into another. In other words, the assessment is purely qualitative and not quantitative. |
Translation Didactics in Light of the Concept of Error |
Author : Ismail HAMLILI, & Nesrine BENDAHOU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The concept of error analysis in the translation process, encompassing both teaching
strategy and types of error, is a crucial aspect of translation studies. It is important to
establish objective criteria for evaluating translations based on scientific principles
rather than personal opinions.
Gender Studies Education within AML Programs: New perspectives for students |
Author : Nada Amin |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The curriculum of Applied Modern Languages (AML) aims to equip students with
broad trilingual professional skills, emphasizing civilization, culture, languages, and
literature. However, the incorporation of gender studies within AML remains limited despite
its relevance to the humanities and potential benefits for graduates entering international
organizations or NGOs. |
The Role of Cognitive Theory in the Teaching of Simultaneous Interpreting |
Author : Zeyneb Ouledief, and Lina Ouledief |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Through this study, we attempted to examine, in the light of cognitive theory, simultaneous
interpreting teaching at the University of Badji Mokhtar – Annaba, by a sample group of
master’s degree students in oral and written translation (Arabic- French) in order to analyze
the contribution of cognitive theory into the teaching of simultaneous interpreting due to the
absence of specific technologies for this discipline. Through this study, we have deduced that
the contribution of cognitive theory to the teaching of simultaneous interpreting is huge,
especially in the early stages of learning. |
Translation of Medical Reports from Monodisciplinarity to Interdisciplinarity: Skopos Theory in the Face of a Twofold Challenge |
Author : Hafidha Belila |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study examines the intersection of the medical and legal domains in medico-legal
reports. It addresses the translation strategy employed by translators and how Skopos
theory can be applied. The study assumes that the target text recipient controls the
translation strategy. |
An Attempt to Establish a Translation of the Technical and Economic Terms: ‘Swarming’ and ‘Outsourcing’ |
Author : Ahmed BOUDCHICHA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article presents an attempt to establish a translation of the terms ‘swarming’ and
‘Outsourcing’ given that there is no equivalent to them in Arabic language. It is not
easy to understand it by no specialist.
Arabic and French Past Tense Forms : Contrastive Study on Selected Models |
Author : Djabir Djaleb, & Dalila Khelifi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research aims to contrast the past tense forms in the Arabic language to the past tenses of
the indicative mood in the French language based on their temporal meanings and uses
because it is quite impossible to contrast them according to the morphological side, which
seems to be very different in both languages. |
Teaching Conference Interpreting: Bridging Theory to Practice |
Author : Kheira BENZAID |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Conference interpreting requires special skills to process the incoming information
immediately from the source language to the target language. This article shows the
strategies and techniques used in the development of the conference interpreter
performance, including the extensive exercises and workshops. |
Theatrical Texts between Faithfulness and Ethnocentrism in Antoine Berman |
Author : Adil HAOUES, & Dalila KHELIFI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper aims to highlight the ethical aspect of literary translation, which has often
put the translator in the dock.
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Author : ????? ???? / Saida Kohil |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The opening of new markets and the growth of international trade have led to a higher demand on specialized translation, whether in public or private companies. For this, the importance of translator has increased and his job has become more complex. Beside his
colleagues, terminologists, and writers, he is responsible for the translation of many types of documents and specialized texts produced by different companies in pharmacology, economics, law, …etc. This paper deals with this issue. |
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Author : ???? ???? / Lutfi Ghassan |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this paper we shed some light on the Arabic translation of western classics, and particularly the works of Antoine Berman; the famous translation scholar, theoretician, and historian. As a
critic in the field of translation, Berman left a huge number of critical studies about translations in different fields such as poetry, epic poetry, theatre, prose, philosophy and psychoanalysis, from which he developed his theoretical points of view. |
An Eye on Eye Dialect |
Author : Selwa REMICHI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article aims to identify the strategies used to render the Eye Dialect and how it is translated. More specifically, the purpose is to analyze the translation of Eye Dialect found in Harry Potter dialogues. Throughout this article we will define ?Eye dialect? and specify its role. Thus, it is worth investigating the purpose of the writer by using the ?Eye Dialect? in order to be able to select
the appropriate strategy of translation. |
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Author : ????? ??????? / Hallouma Tidjani |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Advertising discourse holds a major place today. It does not lack importance compared to other discourses, as information, culture, politics, and economy. Being in a world of globalization, nations are constrained to adapt themselves to this new order, which inevitably guides them towards language and translation activities. So, how can this new mode of discourse be translated? |
Evaluating MateCat Translation of Performative Verbs in Legal Texts Into Arabic: The UN Charter as a Corpus |
Author : Naeimah AL SUWEE ALI, & Mohamed BABCHIKH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Many studies have highlighted the possibilities and limitations of using translation
technology tools in the professional context. An ever-increasing body of literature
also explored the use of these technologies to translate specialized texts, raising
many issues, particularly the disparities between the human and automated
translation of specialized discourse. To further investigate this problem, this study
discusses the quality of Machine Translation of legal texts.
The Linguistic Error in Arabic: Research beyond Linguistic Borders |
Author : DJAMAI, Mohamed Laid, and Nouari SAOUDI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Our perception of this topic has emerged from our research into a parallel theme of
translation problems and the accompanying manifestations of Western linguistic
hegemony over Arabic. This is what led us to discover new non-linguistic dimensions
to which we had not paid attention, but they play a leading role in everything related to
linguistic studies in general. This research aims to draw the attention of researchers in
the field of linguistics to the importance of cultural factors in diagnosing the
phenomenon of linguistic error in Arabic. |
Explicitation in Translating Malik Bin Nabi Thought: Is It Foreignization or Domestication Strategy |
Author : BOUREZG, Zahra |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study delves into Malek Bennabi thought, which advocates for Islamic revival
through a return to foundational principles. |
The Impact of Foreignized Dubbing on Algerian Children Reception of Cartoons |
Author : Leila Mohammedi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The dubbing of cartoons may be subject to domestication or foreignization depending
on the objectives intended and the general orientation of the broadcasting channel.
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Author : ???? ???????? ???? / Afedh Ismail Al-Allaoui |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article includes questions of the legal translation. As proficiency requires languages performance to the translating legal domain we cannot translate if we don‘t make the
difference between the source language and the target language .We also requires a competence of written expression and a general knowledge of the legal field as well as a professional ethic. |
Language Transfer: The role of L1 in Learning L2 |
Author : Nesrine Ghaouar |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Language transfer is a linguistic phenomenon which refers to integrating elements from the native language (L1) while learning a second language (L2). The presence of L1 in L2
learning was not accepted by all researchers; some highlight its facilitating effect and others emphasize its hindering effect in learning L2. Language transfer has been tackled by
contrastive analysis and error analysis. Besides, language transfer manifest in different forms and different factors influence its use. It is of different types, and its role in L2 classrooms is regarded differently by teachers. However, positive transfer is of immense help in learning L2. |
Translating for Canada’s Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies: The Translation Group – Rx&D |
Author : Alain Côté |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this article is to give an overview of the pharmaceutical translation field in Canada, particularly within brand-name companies. It will also discuss the work of the
Translation Group – Rx&D. It should be of special interest to corporate employers, translation firms, freelance translators, and present or potential university students in translation programs. |
Traduction de la poésie orale féminine kabyle vers le français: Le problème de l’implicite |
Author : Nora Belgasmia, Amar Guendouzi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article investigates the issue of the implicit meanings which are often lost in the translation process. It seeks to provide solutions for rendering the hidden contents embedded in the Kabyle oral feminine poetry. For that, pragmatics, the branch of linguistics which deals with the cultural dimension of language use, is combined with techniques of translation suggested by Vinay and Darbelnet to render this untranslatable aspect of poetry. |
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Author : ???? ???? / Rima Kamel |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research paper endeavours to tackle the relationship of translation with media discourse. Through this article, we will answer the following queries :-What do we mean by media discourse, and what are its characteristics ? -How can we define media translation? -What are the regulations, the criteria and the steps of media translation ? -What is the importance of translation in news agencies since they are the authoritative source of news ? |
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Author : ???? ?????? / Mohamed Belmili |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article studies the aspect of the analogue in some verses of The Noble Quran, an issue that occupies a considerable space in this book, and the techniques that have been used to translate them into English. Many studies and researches are devoted to this field of Quranic Sciences, considering its importance in raising confusion and uncertainty for many verses in which this analogue exists. |
Représentation, interprétation, traduction, adaptation (à l’exemple franco-roumain) |
Author : Gilles BREDELOUP |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Interpretation, translation and adaptation are dialogically related to the problematic matter of representation. How can we perceive and conceive the world as the other ? This is a philosophical, spychological and even didactic question, which is within the core of language teaching and interculturality. |
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Author : ????? ????? / Amina Boukil |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The translation is considered an essential factor for diffusion every literature but in same time translation can be a tool for putting out shape the original text. Every time the translation was controlled by the ideology. We try in this article to analyze the method of translation of Alhariri‘s Maqamat to Hebrew by Judha Alharizi , we propose three axes :1-The culture situation of Jews in Andalusia
2 –Juda Alharizi between two cultures (Arabic and Jewish)
3-The approach for translation of maqamat Alhariri to Hebrew |
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Author : ????? ?? ???? / Asma Benmalek |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation is an act of communication, i.e., it is a means of interaction between different identities and languages. Moreover, it is a basic element of scientific and cultural development. So, the present study investigates the act of translation. |
The Importance of Translation in EFL Teaching Experience: Translation and Second Language Acquisition |
Author : Naima BOUGHERIRA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper will discuss the purpose of translation in the language classroom to develop learners‘ mastery of English language, since the basic knowledge of translation techniques that learners gained in the classroom can serve as a solid ground for building up language skills. This paper then tries to answer the following question: Does translation promote foreign language learning and foreign language proficiency? |
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Author : ?????? ?????? |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper deals with one aspect of historical issue related to modern Arabic scientific terms. Several questions arise about their origin, their creation, and their propagation, and others within several fields of research |
L’enseignement de la langue de spécialité dans les classes de traduction |
Author : Rima LARIBI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One of the main issues in teaching was providing the student with the necessary information . Nowadays, the main concern is how to provide him with the information and how to imply him in an atmosphere in which he is not only a receiver but also an important factor who can decide, create, has a different vision and lead his own research .This is what we have chosen to call "the autonomy of the student" . We try to suggest the ways, methods and solution in order to imply him the most. |
Transpositions et modulations en traduction |
Author : Mohamed Ahmed TAJJO |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Modulation involves switching angle or point of view in order to translate a word or expression that "moves" awkwardly from one language to another. It operates by metonymic transfer – the part for the whole, the container for the content, etc. Translators are obliged to use these techniques of oblique translation to render a text that does not deform the target language but abides with its styles. It goes without saying that translators should not overuse these techniques but resort to them only in cases when they
cannot construct a smooth text in the target language. |
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Author : ????? ????? / Zahra Bourezk |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The colonial system has always requisitioned the book since its publication and has defamed its author because of the liberal ideas he seeks to propagate, and anti-colonial position against
the crimes of France in Algeria and Africa. However, his attempts have failed, and to Arabic and English translations that the author still exist. |
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Author : ????? ?????? /Abdallah Rachedi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study deals with two different and differing French translations of the meanings of the Quran: the first is of Mohamed Hamid Allah and the second of Ahmed Derrous. It focuses essentially on the inversion techniques of rhetorical images of the Holy Quran. |
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Author : ????? ????? / Saraya Bourayou |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper deals with the modalities adopted by the teachers of translation for the formation of professional translators. The aims of choosing particular texts, by adopting some particular
strategies in treating the texts that should be translated, and the adoption of a particular strategies to link the theoretical notions with the practice are among the responsibilities that lie on the teacher‘s shoulders. |
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Author : ???? ??? ??????? / Hadj Brahim Mhamedi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation is a complicate process; the analysis of the internal mechanisms when translating a given text from one language into another requires a particular attention about the source and target languages. Prepositions are the subject of this paper because of their importance for every researcher in linguistics. They are ubiquitous in every book‘s page regardless of its language, and they have different names and roles in every language. |
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Author : ???? ??????? / Ammar Boukrika |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper represents a model to be used in teaching specialized translation, and contains various types of specialized translations. It aims at guiding the teachers towards a convenient method of teaching specialized language, which can be applied on such kinds of translations through some texts and simplified examples that make their task easier. |
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Author : ???? ???????? ???? / Hafid Ismail Al-Alaoui |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation is a means of modernization and development of the Arab culture. It allows changing the outdated mentality into a more modern one, and helps in the opening towards the scientific achievements and new technologies. |
The Importance of ESP in Enhancing Specialized Translation |
Author : Leila BELLOUR |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Algerian teachers of translation are complaining about the current curriculum, which has failed to form competent professional translators. Translation is often of a bad quality and the problem of equivalence and exact translation are always raised. As translators‘ major problem is linguistic untranslatability and the difficulty to find the exact equivalence, this simple paper suggests the incorporation of ESP in teaching specialized translation. Because the interrelatedness of specialized translation and ESP is largely unexplored, the paper is a daring attempt to vindicate that the integration of ESP (English for Specific Purpose) in the translation syllabus is important if Algerian universities are to form competent and
professional translators. It is likely to help translators transcend the assorted difficulties and translate texts as faithfully and as accurately as possible. Because it focuses on students‘ needs and their linguistic skills, ESP is highly recommended for students of specialized translation. |
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Author : ????? ??????? ?????? / Fatima Zohra Bouzidi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Antoine Berman was inspired in his Translation Project from Daniel Gouadec, who was the first to talk about this topic in the field of specialized translation. It is meant by The Translation Project, the path taken by the translator during the translation process, and that reflects the adoption of particular strategies. |
Local vs. International Legal Cultures: The Linguistic Confrontation |
Author : Salah BOUREGBI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translating is an act of transfer of a word—or an expression—along with its internal meanings from a source language text to a target language text. But translating word for word can never be possible: every language has its own characteristics and its own autonomy. Worse is the translation between languages that do not belong to the same roots, as French vs. Arabic, or languages that are half cognates, as Anglo-Saxon vs. French, etc… Besides this difficulty, the field of specialization is another obstacle in translation, mainly for those who are specialized in a field but are not translators. My modest contribution raises the difficulties the translator faces in the field of legal system. Most legal systems are specific, particular and culture-based. Thus, there are some disparities between these systems all around the world. It is, therefore, a challenging field in the domain of translation because of its linguistic register. Then: How do we translate? What do we translate, mainly when the target language does not possess in its judicial system legal instances, as =barrister‘, =advocate‘, etc…? The register uncommonness makes the translator, who has no clear-cut knowledge of legal linguistic and semantic nature, imprisoned or handicapped. |
“Word for Word” VS “Interpretation” in Specialized Translation |
Author : Hafida BELLILA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation embodies different activities as long as translated documents differ, providing that the main purpose of this task is to render a message from the source language into the target
language. Nevertheless, the process of such mission needs some prerequisites so that the transfer would be operated as methodical and thoroughly as possible. Indeed, this path has to go through specific phases which vary according to the type of the text the translator deals with. Once moving from one language into another, the translator has to bear in mind that general texts do not require the same terminology management like specialized ones. As defined by Jean-René LADMIRAL, we mean by specialized translation all the informative texts, where the language has a designated function of representation, and documents are centered on real objects. Such definition may point out that interpretation in specialized translation is limited. |
La Traduction de la Synonymie dans le Coran |
Author : Naima Bensafia |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :We know any language superficially, if we don‘t weigh the value of its terms. The selection of words gives possibilities for a better communication. Linguists and the like have raised a series of questions: What is synonymy? How does it appear in language? Two languages are used as examples: Arabic and French? |
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Author : ?????? ??? ,?????: ???? ?????? /Daniel Giles. Trans.Muhaned Al-Halki |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In training interpretation quality assessment essentially differs from assessment in the field due to its guiding function and to the importance it allocates to the interpreting process as
opposed to the quality of the product. A process-oriented assessment is recommended for the early part of the training syllabus in view of its psychological advantages and its efficiency in guiding students. A gradual migration towards product-oriented assessment is however necessary so as to increase the efficiency of the instructors‘ intervention in helping students optimize the product and in preparing them to graduation tests. Potential discrepancies between the instructors‘ norms and market norms are not fundamentally problematic as long as they reflect higher standards in the training environment rather than differences in interpretation strategies and norms. |
Pour une démarche intégrée de la notion de transitivité du verbe: arabe/français |
Author : Noureddine Bahloul |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The issue of teaching / learning of grammatical knowledge in language teaching encourages thinking constantly methodological mediation tools for anchoring some knowledge among language users in the institutional context. A convergent educational establishing a metalinguistic discourse between systems of Arabic and French, can register an entry to an
illuminating approach to semantics grammar. A knowledge transfer contents in a possible logical equivalence of data, is able to reduce the margins of complexity in the case of
languages marked by a distance interlinguistic proven. The study of the predicative sentence in French, may reflect class experience where language contact situation appears as a
regulatory tool constraints conceptualization of the facts of the languages most "stubborn". |
Interculturalité: Quels enjeux dans la compréhension et l’interprétation du discours publicitaire? |
Author : Hazar Maiche |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :To ensure its success, an advertisement must be in harmony with social values, so that his speech fits into society without risk of rejection or indifference. Thus, encoding and decoding of an advertising discourse challenge, in addition to linguistic
competence, communicative and language competence, that is to say the contextual and situational norms that govern the practical use of language, among other relevant cultural knowledge. It is in this cultural knowledge that we may encounter difficulties of interpretation and understanding,, which can lead in time to a difference between the interpretation that the person provides and the anticipated or desired by the speaker. |
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Author : ???? ??????? / Ammar Boukrika |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation Studies has attempted to categorize the texts commonly transferred into clearly defined typologies. General translation theorists were quick to propose their own typologies,
the most famous of which were Katarina Reiss, Peter Newmark, and Basil Hatim‘s typologies. Legal translation theorists emulated general translation theorists‘ trend, while
proposing typologies peculiar to legal translation and legal texts. In this regard, the typologies of Jean-Claude Gémar, Susan Sarcevic, and Deborah Cao are the most important. In the present paper, an investigating study elaborates a holistic typology that has attempted to take into account previous works while relying on various criteria in the categorization of the different sorts of genres and types of texts and translation types. |
Contextualization of Linguistic Knowledge Transfer into Arabic: The Dilemma of Ambiguity |
Author : Khaled YABOUDI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study raises some problems related to the competence the translator is supposed to have (and must have) in order to translate texts in scientific fields. This study tries to give answers to the (re)construction of the textual, communicative and pragmatic concepts and the perspectives of their usage. The study has also raised some ambiguities that face the translator of linguistic texts, mainly terms and expressions that put a wedge in the understanding of the text. |
Translation of Idiomatic Expressions in the Literary Text |
Author : Hayet KHETAB |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Translating idiomatic expressions is a difficult and complicated process. It requires the translator not only to perfectly master the source language and the target language, but also to have a cultural sensitivity in both languages, taking into account the linguistic and metalinguistic difficulties and obstacles which hinder the transfer of all meanings and allusions that conveys the original expression and would fail to reproduce the same effect that arouses the original expression in the mind and the psyche of translation’s reader. Through this intervention, we will try to answer a main problem relating to the translatability of idiomatic expressions from French to Arabic in the literary text. From this problem arises a no less important question, in this case: if the idiomatic expressions are translatable, what would then be the most adequate translative process to do this? |
Translation Quality Assessment: Quantitative and Non-Quantitative Models |
Author : Abdeslam BESSAS, Leila BOUKHEMIS, and Salah BOUREGBI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :There are many approaches and models for Translation Quality Assessment (TQA), which are based on theories in translation and linguistics. What are these approaches and models? What are their potentials and Limitations? What is the relationship between them? The aim of this article is to introduce some of the most important approaches and models for TQA, both quantitative and non-quantitative, based on the descriptive analytical method. The study concludes the importance of translation assessment with its different models, and the necessity of using them instead of relying on subjective judgement. |
A Theoretical Perspective on some Difficulties Faced by the Legal Translator in his Workplace |
Author : Mohamed Hamza MERABET |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Legal translation is considered as one of the most difficult fields to be tackled; regardless the linguistic side a translator may encounter in such texts, there are other challenges to face and might make his mission more complicated, especially when there is no sufficient knowledge about the different aspects a legal text may reflect, that is why it is necessary for a legal translator to have a deep theoretical background on how to tackle such texts in order to bypass the different obstacles hindering him to convey the message correctly. |
Revision and translation quality |
Author : Rabah MOUSSAOUI, and Zina SIBACHIR |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study aims to address the concept of revision as a critical measure that falls within the translation process by highlighting its impact on the quality of translation, and this is by adopting a descriptive analytical research approach. The study touched on the various concepts and elements related to the revision and the quality of translation. The study concluded that revision contributes significantly to ensuring the quality of translation. However, revision can negatively affect the quality of translation if it is subjective. |
Les qualités personnelles/qualifications professionnelles de l’interprète/traducteur salarié et leur impact dans la profession |
Author : Nardjes FRIOUI, and Leila BOUKHEMIS |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The translators/ interprets played and still play an important role in multilingual communication which is increasing all the time. This kind of communication improves the different exchanges between people speaking different languages. The reason why today it becomes necessary for companies to have translators/interpreters despite their activities .the question that asks itself is what are the personnel qualities and professional qualifications for interpreter/ translator? Defining those qualities and qualifications helps practicing the profession in field, and contributes to elaborate an academic program which coordinates between the needs of the current market and the college formation. Also this study allows making a future personnel and professional profile of the translator/interpreter including the polyvalence as a need more than a quality. |
Arab Literature in the Post-Classical Period: Parameters and Preliminaries |
Author : Adba Khaled ALMSELMANI,and Haitehm SARHEN |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This essay is a translation of Roger Allen’s introduction to the volume Arabic Literature in the Post-Classical Period, which was published by Cambridge University Press as part of its “History of Arabic Literature.” The volume, which was edited by Allen himself along with Donald Sidney Richards, includes contributions by prominent scholars of the field. Allen’s introduction provides key concepts, visions, and reflections about the literary, political, and intellectual orientations and complications of one certain period of Arabic literature. Entitled, “The Post-Classical Period: Parameters and Preliminaries,” the introduction focuses on the production of Arabic literature from the Fall of Baghdad to the Mongol in 1258 until Napoleon Bonaparte’s campaign in Egypt in 1798-1801, which arguably ushered in the era of modern Arabic literature. |
The Role of Emojis and Emoticons in Enhancing Interpersonal Communication through Messenger and WhatsApp Applications |
Author : Said TAHRAOUI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Communication process is not only speaking or writing words. It is very a complex matter that requires factors affective such as language, grammar, experience and non-verbal elements. Sign language and facial expressions can reveal what person is trying to express than what person actually says in in conversation of face-to-face interactions. However, in text-based communication. The absence of non-verbal can cause misunderstanding and confusion in interpersonal communication. This study focuses on the role of emojis and emoticons in communication technology, specially Messenger and WhatsApp application. This study depends on a theory called (Media Richness Theory) that is proposed by Daft and Lengel. The method used is qualitative research method. Research results show that emoji and emoticons have very important role in interpersonal communication technology. |
Des « réfugiés écologiques » aux « déplacés de l’environnement » : analyse diachronique de la création d’un néologisme à l’apparition de variantes |
Author : Sarah Chatti |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :For more than thirty years, the environmental issue has significantly risen in scientific, institutional and academic circles and has then spread in the press as well as the ordinary discourses. In response to that, new terms have been created to designate new concepts, which resulted in the emergence of neologisms. Thus, our study will focus on all the terminological creations, clearly dated and linked to the concept of "ecological refugees". So far, several terms are used in order to designate these people; thus creating a conceptual vagueness. Therefore, our study will put emphasis on the emergence and propagation of these neological forms in the French-speaking press. We will follow the evolution of the concept of “ecological refugees” and its terminological variations through a scientific watch, made possible thanks to Europress, in order to identify which neologism has established them over time. |
The Methodology of Translating a Legal Public Service Document in Algeria: Translating of ‘Work Permit’ from Arabic to English |
Author : Ahlem BIRA, Salah BOUREGBI, and Naima BOUGHERIRA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper primarily deals with the methodology of a translating Legal Public Service document from Arabic into English language. In the study is of two folds: the first part is devoted to the theoretical bases of translation and interpretation in the public services, mainly in the legal field. The second part is the practice through a genuine analysis of the corpus namely “Work Permit” issued from the Directorate of Work in Algeria. This analysis highlights the distinctive difficulties and problems that may arise during the translation process. Finally, a glossary was set out to sum up the main terminology and expressions found in this corpus. |
Nudity of the Translator |
Author : Sandeep SHARMA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Rasa needs as much emotional focus as is required in premature ejaculation (Shiv Drishti. 1986, p. 09). Perhaps this desired emotional state is the result of the reflective presence of the self and attention. Out of the many known and unknown Indian writers on this topic, there are two critics of dramaturgy, namely Shilaleen and Krishashava, who wrote about the theory of drama even before Bharata. Along with Bharata’s Natyashastra (of the first century?), Abhinav Gupta’s Abhinay Bharti is also available to us in Hindi by Archaraya Vishveshawar. Abhinav is one of the most ancient and authentic authors of the critical Tikas (paraphrases) on Natyashastra. This paper shall re-read the roles of the translator, the reader and the author through the Indian theories of Rasa, which is the domain in question, in particular by Bharata and Abhinav Gupta, the authors of the aforementioned texts. |
Translation of Article: Semiotics of Ideology - Winfried Nöth |
Author : Boubaker FODIL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This is a translation of an article by the researcher, Winfried Nöth, in which he
touched upon the relationship of semiotics as a science to the structures of signs within
the framework of ideology as a system of ideas. The application of the semiotic
procedure in the study of the ideological pattern underlies the discourse. |
Translation and Comments on Kees Versteegh’s « La grande étymologie d’Ibn Ginni » |
Author : Khaled YABOUDI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this chapter of the work "fantastic linguistics" the author « Kees Versteegh » evokes
the conception of Ibn Jinni (392 hegira) around the great derivation (or the major
derivation) based on the mutation of the consonants of the root, by exploring its
sources and its extensions in the Arab, Jewish and Latin heritages. |
Medical Interpreting Challenges |
Author : Kheira BENZAID |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Given the diversity of our world, medical interpreting, in which participants do not
share the same language, is becoming more common. However, when it comes to
intercultural aspects in medical care, problems and deficits are usually in the
foreground. This paper has used a descriptive and analytical approach to find the most
stringent challenges facing medical interpreters in healthcare settings. The study aims
to determine the problems and triggers the most useful strategies to cope with them. |
The Problem of Translating Quranic Legislative Concepts into Spanish |
Author : Maroua ESSID, and Fatiha DJEMMAH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The existence of translation is due to the diversity of languages and cultures, which
are the main cause of the difficulties and obstacles in language transfer. This fact
leads to the emergence of words that seem untranslatable into other languages and,
subsequently, cause linguistic and cultural gaps.
Polyphonic Argumentation in Press Discourse |
Author : Moussa MOUSLI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Journalistic writing employs and mobilizes a number of discursive devices, such as polyphony and argumentation. These two processes combine in some cases to form a whole discursive process, which is referred to as ‘argumentative polyphony.’ The objective of this article is to reflect on and problematize the notion of ‘argumentative polyphony’ in the journalistic columns of Sid Ahmed Semiane and Hakim Laalam. Through this study, we aim to understand the function of argumentative polyphony and its use in the press discourse via a linguistic study inspired by the theory of argumentation of Oswald Ducrot (1980/1984)) and Jean-Claude Anscombre. |
The Impact of Google Translate on EFL Learners’ Writing Performance |
Author : Sara LAICHE, and Abdelhak NEMOUCHI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :As most learners and teachers described, writing is a challenging task due to its different aspects. Accordingly, learners, frequently, tend to transfer from L1 to L2. Technological development brought various tools to help learners overcome their difficulties that Google Translate (GT) is the ideal option among students. |
Translating Philosophy: The Translatability of Philosophical Concepts |
Author : Naceur AMARA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The translation of philosophical texts is essentially a philosophical work. The nature of the philosophical language means that it does not consist of words that have a direct meaning only, so that it can be translated easily, according to the traditional methods of scientific translation, its rules and mechanisms, but it also consists of concepts that need thorough philosophical understanding. Hence, the translation of a philosophical text is also a hermeneutical and philosophical activity. It is a creative activity that works to reproduce philosophical ideas contained in concepts. |
The Role of Fictional Writings in the Construction of Identity |
Author : Mohamed Hichem AÏT ABDELKADER |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The lived situation and the transmitted history find their firmness and meaning through their narration. According to this point of view, the historical narrative, as a translator of experiences and realities, contains a multidimensional representation of an identity and a memory. The novel finds, here, an activity of transmission of the past. As a result, it becomes memory. The effect of memory is certainly capital in this process of the diffusion of culture, customs and history. This process of identity construction is never deprived of historicity. Memory and history are closely linked since they form the various aspects of collective identity. |
The Impact of Prototypicality Judgement on Syntactic Transfer: A Case Study of Second Year Students of English, Laghouat University |
Author : Nadir MHAMEDI, and Wassila BOUKLIKHA GRAIA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The analysis of transfer involves determining the way different factors interplay in shaping multilinguistic competence. The present study aims at investigating the impact of prototypicality on syntactic transfer. The study adopts a qualitative approach where data is collected from the written composition of 40 students of English at Laghouat University. The first step is the analysis and categorisation of errors. The students’ judgements of prototypicality are measured through individualised questionnaires. The findings of the study indicate that there are some patterns to the learners’ syntactic errors; part of these errors is attributable to transfer from the mother tongue. The findings also reveal that learners’ awareness about syntactic markedness in their mother tongue has a direct impact on reduction of transfer. One major implication is teaching practices that take into account explicit consciousness raising activities that are built on contrastive analyses of markedness. |
The Impact of Extralinguistic Factors on Linguistic Variation and Change in the Berber Variety of Beni Mzab |
Author : Latifa IBRIR, and Taoufik DJENNANE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present study analyses linguistic variation and change in the Mzabi community. The objective is to understand how extralinguistic variables determine linguistic variation and language change. The first research instrument is a glossary translated to Mzabi dialect showing linguistic variation and change. The second is a questionnaire that elicits data about the participants’ attitudes towards their ethnic variety. The study is supported with an interview designed to observe the linguistic behaviour of the participants. The sample consists of 62 Mzabi. The translation of the glossary shows that there are many instances of contact-induced language change that is mostly from Arabic. The findings also reveal that there are some differences between the participants’ attitudes with regard to their age and education while gender remains of a peripheral impact. Finally, the study concludes that the young educated male participants are the leaders of linguistic change in the Mzabi community. |
A Generational Perspective on Irish Identity: From a Traumatized Generation to Several Irish Models in John McGahern’s Amongst Women |
Author : Mohamed Ala Eddine BENHMEIDA, and Yasmina DJAFRI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article attempts to wrestle with a challenging aspect in the recent Irish debate on identity and nationalism, which is that Irish collective and individual experiences have undergone a shift in terms of social incentives that all dwell on scarcely addressed psychological variables. The article’s primary objective is to explore Irish identity which has historically been imagined to be one continuum by delving into the concepts of generations, social shift, and trauma. Finally, by uncovering the representations of social shift after the Irish War of Independence in this novel, the finding brings to light a previously overlooked aspect in Irish literature, namely Irishness, concept infused with a multitude of symptoms curtailing a deeply psychologically traumatized culture. |
Lexical Translation at the Service of Paratext, a New Guide in Written Understanding |
Author : Zouaoui BELLAHCENE, and Ghouti KHERBOUCHE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : In this article, which has for subject the translation and the teaching of the French
language in Algeria, we explain the bases of a new didactic strategy: to introduce the
translation in the read text. It is a question of inserting words translated into Arabic in
the right side of the text studied to guide the understanding of the students during the
reading comprehension session. In this way, we participate in the enrichment of
paratextual elements (title, source, illustration, etc.). We seek, at the same time and
thanks to the results obtained, to show that this lexical translation is not limited to the
text; it can also play the same role, provide the meaning of the word if it is introduced
into the textbook. To verify the usefulness of our contribution, we carried out an
experiment within the 3rd year class of the middle cycle. |
The Quranic Term and the Translation of its Meanings to French Language |
Author : Abdallah MEKASSER, and Mohamed Cherif BEN DALI HOCINE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article aims to shed light on the Quranic term and what they bear as semantic and
linguistic secrets. The translator of the meanings of the Holy Quran finds that the
words in the Holy Quran are characterized with ultimate accuracy and wisdom
because of what they have as precise meaning. However, there are some nuances that
require from the translator the accuracy in the selection of their equivalences in the
target language according to their contextual meaning to transfer faithfully the
meanings and the intentions of the verses (Ayat) of Allah. |
French on Specific Objectives in the Training of Algerian Apprentice-translators |
Author : Nadia TOUDERT, and Nabila MAARFIA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : The purpose
of this study is to identify the students’ immediate needs in language and to contribute
to the elaboration of a curriculum through the design of a series of activities, covering
all the fields to which the young translator will be confronted. |
Adapting Fiction to Film: Marleen Gorris’s Film Production of Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway Revisited |
Author : Salah BOUREGBI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Adaptation is a kind of violation of the unity of the text. Whatever the film producer is
doing, his quest is no more than a deconstruction and a reconstruction of the text. This
reconstruction is, almost, a new creation of a new type of artistic production. Though
the author manifests himself, here and there through the screen, he is devoiced and his
identity is fragmented through the making of the scenes and images of the film. Any
text has a variety of interpretations. Its plurality is potential with endless possible
significations: its signifier has many signifieds. Negotiations, manipulations and
focalization of the camera eye decide upon the product orientation of filmconstruction. Reproducing literature into film is, then, very challenging. The novel
fictionalizes life, whereas the film literalizes it. The case of Marleen Gorris’s film of
Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway is very illustrative |
Translation and Semiotics: Translating the Symbol in the Method of Umberto Eco |
Author : Yamna ZMIT |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :All aspects of human daily practice constitute a subject of semiotics, whether
expressed by linguistic or non-linguistic signs. All forms of human communication
are originally a work of signs bearing indictations that tell us about a situation or
about a certain experience or about culture, and reveal to us one’s identity. The
aproach of the Italian translator and theorist Umberto Eco, which is based on semiotic
analystic, raises many theoretical issues that concern the field of translation as
essence, content and context. |
Stylistic Features in the Kabyle Poems of Slimane Azem |
Author : Fayrouz BENRAMDANE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article seeks to stand at the stylistic features in Slimane Azem’s kabyle poems
translated into Arabic. In order to address these features and know their mechanisms,
we have taken some of his poems, as a sample, for application and analysis according
to the stylistic method. The study focuses on the various technical devices that the poet
relied on in the linguistic displacement of the words of his poems, trying to highlight
some of the stylistic contexts that characterize Azem’s verse. |
Translation, French as a Foreign Language and Didactic Contextualization |
Author : Youcef ATROUZ |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :It is surprising to note that the history and even the fate of foreign language teaching
are intimately linked to translation, which, according to the most recent research,
constitutes a significant paradigm for teaching today. In fact, this research has shown,
on the one hand, that this practice is still present in FLE classes, through code
alternation, and on the other hand, that translation is likely to support and optimize
cognitive processes, which intervene in the learning / acquisition of foreign languages.
In this case, what is / are the nature (s) of the relationship between foreign language
teaching and translation? What is the current situation like? What are the main lines of
this didactic contextualization? What are the steps that should interest the didactician /
practitioner in order to "didacticize" translation during courses reserved for learning
foreign languages, in general, and those of the French language, in particular? |
Intentionality in Translating Audiovisual Discourse in the Field of Religious Debates Yusuf Estes as a Model |
Author : Mohamed TETA, and Nabila BOUCHARIF |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research paper focuses on a pragmatic view of the discourse and what the subject
of intentionality, which has philosophical roots, may add to the discourse analysis. In
this research, the concept of intentionality is defined in language and heritage and in
philosophical and linguistic terminology. Then it concludes with an overview of
translation theories and mentions the importance of intentionality in the translation
process and how it may be an important resource for the translator and translation
critic, alike. Then, an applied part provides a model for translating a debate discourse
that shows the most important aspects of intentionality. Finally, the research states the
results focusing on the subject of intentionality in translating debates discourse. |
Translation in the Era of Technological Tools |
Author : Yasmine DAOUD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation is a human activity that dates back to the dawn of time. Indeed, it was
already essential for the first peoples speaking different languages to ensure permanent
and effective interaction. Today, it has not only become ubiquitous but has evolved to
appear in a new way. Thanks to technological development, particularly in the field of
IT, translation has been able to take advantage from certain functionalities capable of
optimizing the act of translation and easing along the way the translator’s task. The
latter finds himself/herself, unlike his fellows of past centuries, well "armed" for
providing his/her services. The weapons are none other than technological tools that
abound, day after day, to the great dismay of the translator, who no longer knows
which tool to turn to! Thence, we found useful to review the main tools that may help
translators to speed up the translation process and improve the quality of the final
product. |
Quality Standards in Translating Tourist Text |
Author : Karima BENABDA, and Yasmine KELLOU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The main purpose of tourist translation is to allow foreign readers to learn about the
picturesque places and to attract their interest to these sites, as they are expected to
acquire some cultural information, including geography, religion, customs, history,
etc., which requires the latter to be of high quality and to ensure the good transmission
and reception of information. Therefore, translated tourist text should play two roles:
the first is to convey the related information, and the second is to provide guidance.
This paper will state some recommended criteria in order to reach high quality in
tourist translation. The paper will also talk about tourist texts, their features and
functions as well as translator’s main strategies for translating tourist texts. |
The Strategies of Translating the Poetics of Narration in Mohammed Dib’s Les Terrasses d’Orsol into Arabic |
Author : Amel AIT ZIANE, and Saida KOHIL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present paper revolves around aesthetic aspects of Mohammed Dib’s style of writing in
his novel Les Terrasses d’Orsol, and the way he shaped and constructed its story. The study
mainly investigates the power of the poetics of the novel in order to convey latent philosophic
and mystic significance to the reader, who may find some difficulties to unravel its real deep
message. Thus, the paper endeavors to reveal the main challenges that the translator
encountered to render all the subtleties of this book in Arabic, which is essentially a poetic
language. Moreover, the research seeks to prove how translatable is the musicality of French
and that of the Nouveau Roman in Arabic, and how capable is the translator to read the
implicit meanings of Dib’s text, to decide of the suitable tools and strategies that are needed to
approach this modernist and completely different novel. |
The Strategies of Translating the Poetics of Narration in Mohammed Dib’s Les Terrasses d’Orsol into Arabic |
Author : Amel AIT ZIANE, and Saida KOHIL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present paper revolves around aesthetic aspects of Mohammed Dib’s style of writing in
his novel Les Terrasses d’Orsol, and the way he shaped and constructed its story. The study
mainly investigates the power of the poetics of the novel in order to convey latent philosophic
and mystic significance to the reader, who may find some difficulties to unravel its real deep
message. Thus, the paper endeavors to reveal the main challenges that the translator
encountered to render all the subtleties of this book in Arabic, which is essentially a poetic
language. Moreover, the research seeks to prove how translatable is the musicality of French
and that of the Nouveau Roman in Arabic, and how capable is the translator to read the
implicit meanings of Dib’s text, to decide of the suitable tools and strategies that are needed to
approach this modernist and completely different novel. |
For an Equivalent Approach to the Translation of Legal Terms in Islamic Law |
Author : Zina SIBACHIR |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this article, we have discussed Arabic legal terminology with religious value. The
latter are the terms of Islamic law on which the Algerian family code is based. They
group together the rules determining family relations in Algeria. According to a
multilingual equivalence approach, we found that the equivalents proposed in French
and Spanish for the same terms of the Arabic language of Islamic law do not highlight
the same communicative and functional value. By analyzing this value, we have tried
to find out whether the decisions taken by the translators are imposed by linguistic,
discursive or cultural context. This description highlights the serious translation
problems posed by Islamic law terms and the reasons for these constraints, which are
exclusively religious and cultural. |
Semantics of Quranic Economic Concepts from a Translational View El-Zakat Study Case |
Author : Tayyib BENBALI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper aims to discuss the Quranic Economic Concepts from a translational view.
The Quranic concepts constitute a special unique glossary that obliges the researcher
to deal with these concepts according to the Semantic Fields Theory. This later helps
the researcher to maintain position of the concept among its Quranic conceptual field.
The Holy Quran deals with the Muslim daily life issues, particularly economy.
Transferring The Quran to non-Arabic speakers, the translator of these economic
concepts faces difficulties in ensuring the communicational process under the absence
of the most appropriate equivalent in the target language. Hence, we conclude that
Quranic Semantics is the most efficient approach in rendering the meaning of Zakat at
the aim of achieving a better meaningful translation of this concept. |
Criticism on the Methods and Techniques Employed when Translating International Children’s Literature in the Arab World |
Author : Ouided SEKHRI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Literature translated for children in the Arab world is governed by ideological and cultural
concerns, which controvert the Arabic values and morals. To try to overcome some of the
issues that arise while translating children’s literature, this study examines some selected
Brothers’ Grimm fairy tales emphasising whether the translators’ faithfulness to the source
text affects the translation product, or not. In addition, it seeks to find whether translators take
the target reader and culture into consideration while they attempt to render those fairy tales
into Arabic, i.e., whether they use adaptation as a method of translation, or not. The results
portray that those translators were faithful to the source text neglecting the age of the target
reader; child and his culture. Thus, translating for children should be governed by some rules
and principles, in order to avoid the threats caused by the international children’s literature on
the target culture. |
Comparing the Effectiveness of Google Translate and MateCat Tools in the Translation of Scientific Texts from English into Arabic |
Author : Rami BOUOUDEN, and Saida KOHIL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation technological tools are receiving major updates continuously. Even though
machine translation (MT) is one of the most used technologies, computer-assisted
translation (CAT) tools proved to be more reliable in aiding translators with their
challenging tasks. However, combining these two into what is called Machine
Translation Enhanced Computer Assisted Translation is an interesting trend. This
paper primarily focuses on introducing the MateCat tool and explaining how it works.
Then, it employs a descriptive approach to compare two translations of a science
article from English into Arabic using Google Translate and MateCat, respectively.
This process aims to see how well these tools carry out this task in certain areas. The
results show that the translation quality of the MT-enhanced MateCate was better than
that of the stand-alone Google Translate tool. |
Translation in Algeria between Academic Education and Professional Reality: Difficulties and Challenges |
Author : Sarra BOUKERMA, and Samira MOHAMED BEN ALI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation in Algeria is a recent field. It has been taught in Algerian universities
through many stages, either as an independent specialty or as a ‘module’ in other
fields. This is due to political and social reasons more than educational ones. Students,
after graduation, find themselves facing a very choking reality represented in a gap
between studies and labor market. Throughout this study, we looked for the reasons
after that gap between academic and professional translation; then, we suggested some
methods to find a balance between them. This study resulted, prominently, in the
necessity to reconsider the curricula in line with the specificities of each region and its
economic structures so that the university does not remain far from the labor market,
besides valuing the efforts of researchers as well as the recommendations of
colloquiums and conferences so as not to just remain words on paper. |
Specializing in the Translation of the Sports Term |
Author : Sihem HASSAINE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The field of translation is so vast it relies more on specialized terms, which are very
difficult. The multiplicity of terms for one reference, especially specialized
dictionaries, have increased this problem due to the lack of comprehensiveness of this
dictionary, or its difference with other dictionaries in adopting the term, or because the
term was not explained and the appropriate counterpart was not chosen. Therefore, it is
not expected that the translator will excel in all disciplines, but rather he must
specialize in a specific field, such as specializing in the scientific, literary or sports
fields. The main objective of this research is to address the language of specialization
in the sports field. It will focus on the term in/of the sports language. |
Transferring Ironic Folk Proverbs in Fiction from Arabic to French: Translation Procedures in Focus |
Author : Taous Asmah BENHIDJEB, and Nabila BOUCHARIF |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The ironic folk proverb is characterized by stylistic and semantic features. It is marked by
shortness, eloquence, and ironic style, using colloquial and metaphors to impact the
addressee. These characteristics pose a challenge to the translator when translating an
ironic folk proverb from Arabic to any other foreign language, given the culture’s
differences. The ironic folk proverb is a social product. It discusses the society’s issues,
referring to its cultural codes. The study aims to identify the mechanisms of translating an
ironic folk proverb, using comparative stylistic techniques, by analyzing selected models
from the translation of two satirical fiction. The analysis revealed that many translation
procedures preserve both the meaning and the form of the Arabic ironic folk proverb
when transferred into French. |
A Critical Review of Sartre’s Orphee Noir Arabic Translation |
Author : Mohamed BABCHIKH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study delves into the Arabic translation of Jean-Paul Sartre postcolonial work
Orphee Noir by Mohamed El Maaradji. |
Implicit Negation in the Holy Qur’an through some Grammatical and Rhetorical processes and the Ways of its translation into French |
Author : Mohamed BOUMAZA, & Hafsa NAMANI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper studies the implicit negation as a linguistic process in the Holy Quran through three grammatical and rhetorical processes |
Culture-Specific Items in the Subtitling of the Argentinian Film Wild Tales |
Author : Ahmed Kamal Zaghloul |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Audiovisual translation is of particular importance due to its increased demand and the
need of the people of the Arabic language to it. Culture-Specific Items are considered
one of the most important aspects of audiovisual texts, as they reflect a large part of
their spirit and identity. |
Scientific Popularization and the Translation of Economic and Financial Terminology –Finance and Development magazine a Critical Analysis- |
Author : Mohammed Yacine YOUMBAI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The relationship between scientific popularization and translation is symbiotic; each
process enhances the other’s efficacy. Scientific popularization relies on effective
translation to bridge linguistic gaps and make accessible content available to broader
audiences.The main objective of this study is to highlight the relationship between
translation and scientific popularization and their power to simplify economic and
financial terminology in one of the well-known magazines in the world (i.e. Finance
and Development, IMF). The main findings of this study consist of the magazine’s
specific style in simplifying and translating economic terminology through the use of
many techniques, like: dialogues, pictures, anaphora, metaphors, and telling
stories,…etc. |
Translation or Code-Switching as a Tool for Learning Communicative Expression in a Multilingual Context |
Author : Hind BELKACEM |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Languages and multilingualism are two processes that are similar to the Algerian
sociolinguistic situation. When the child arrives at school around the age of 5, this constitutes
for him a complete break with his family linguistic habits. He begins his schooling with
standard Arabic, a language that is foreign to him, and it is so throughout his school and even
university course. The mother tongue creates in the speaker this essential identity link, hence
the difficulty he may encounter in understanding a foreign language. The relationship between
French and the mother tongue has always occupied an essential place in the reflections of
specialists in the school environment. So, a question arises: Should we eliminate
translation/code-switching because it is an obstacle or, conversely, rely on it to better manage
educational progress? Indeed, the use of the other language helps the learner to acquire
knowledge that is certain but incomplete and will not effectively serve the teaching/learning
of French as a foreign language. |
Representation of Translation in the Teaching of French as a Foreign Language in Algeria |
Author : Karima BOUMAZA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :We cannot pretend to ignore that the methods capable of initiating or improving the
process of learning foreign languages have always been a subject of focus, which
ostensibly finds an echo in the research, carried out in the sciences of education as
much as in language teaching. This research attempts to define the place that
translation- as a didactic aid- has occupied and currently occupies, by making an
inventory of the methodologies of teaching foreign languages. Thus, it is by means of
a questionnaire addressed to a panel of forty teachers that we will try to identify the
representations that the latter have of this type of didactic practice in the development
of the skills of Algerian learners in French as a foreign language. |
Terminological Definition for Translation Purposes: A Corpus- Based Study Tools in the Service of the Translator |
Author : Hafidha BELILA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Our research analyzes the various types of definitions and their formulation methods.
To achieve this objective, we analyze a series of definition patterns in the Legal Terms
Dictionary. Our study examines the characteristics of terminological definition, its
formulation principles, and fundamental models. Practitioners of terminological
writing should create a well-structured methodology for composing definitions, which
is emphasized in this article. In the methodology of translating terminological
definitions, we utilized a combination of textual analysis and Corpus- Based Study
tools to analyze source language term texts and obtain a comprehensive understanding
of their various meanings. In order to achieve this goal, we have used "Sketch Engine"
software, a reliable translation tool that facilitates the creation of specialized
dictionaries and databases. By utilizing this tool, we are able to provide accurate and
reliable term translations, thereby significantly enhancing the quality of translation and
ensuring accuracy in various fields. |
Literary Translation between Aesthetic and Literal: The Novel “The child of Sands” by Tahar Ben Jelloun Translated into Arabic |
Author : Fatima Zohra AKKAL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Literary translation is one of the most important types of translation and the most
difficult in general, and preserving the aesthetic characterics and features of the text
remains one of its most important challenges. And linguistic and aesthetic to be
constructed and transferred to the target language. Given the importance of literary
translation and the problems facing the literary translator, this study came to explain
how I translated The child of Sands by Moroccan writer Tahar ben Jelloun and
compared it with original text written in French, which was translated by Muhammed
Al Shorki. We will try to clarify the translator’s work, which is to preserve the
technical and aesthetic characteristics of the original text, in addition to searching for
the mechanisms. |
Investigating the Presence of Reflective Practice in Translator and Interpreter Training |
Author : Imane TOUIL, & Said BENAMEUR |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study sought to investigate the presence of reflective practice in the translation
and interpreting classroom. Reflective Practice is regarded as a highly effective
metacognitive strategy used to improve the learning experience significantly. A survey
research was conducted with 72 participants from the Translation Institute of Oran
(Algeria), with the aim of researching the extent to which reflective practice is used in
the translation and interpreting classroom. The results revealed a scarce and
unstructured use of reflection and self-examination in the classroom both on students
and teachers’ parts. The findings of the study highlight the importance of fostering a
learning environment where metacognition is implemented and encouraged while also
pointing towards the need to present teachers with training opportunities in relevant
didactic approaches that make use of metacognitive strategies, such as reflective
practice. |
Arabic in the FLE Course in Secondary School: Representations and Practices |
Author : Ahmed Amine BENHADJ |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This article focuses on translation as a process of communication between different
languages, highlighting lexical and syntactic differences. It focuses on the study of the
coexistence of languages in French courses at the secondary level in Algeria. The
research is based on semi-structured interviews with French teachers and a
questionnaire for 3AS (secondary year) students. The answers collected relate both to
the language practices of the students and to metalinguistic discourse. Discourse
analysis makes it possible to explore representations of languages, their norms,
characteristics and status by teachers and students, which influence strategies for
learning and using languages. |
The Mechanisms and Strategies for Professional Translator Training: Applied Study on Start-Up Project in Translation, Corpus of Professional Translation, and Internship Reports |
Author : Hadjer REBAI, & Saida KOHIL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The purpose of this study is to investigate how to professionalize university training
for translators and identify the mechanisms and strategies involved in this. This
required the use of a comparative analytical approach, beginning with a theoretical
analysis and comparison of university training in translation with professional training.
We then analyze the outputs of university training to determine the profile of a
translator upon graduation. We highlight the active role that universities can play in
linking academic training for translators to the job market, and enriched this approach
through practical examples of mechanisms and strategies for professionalizing
university training, drawn from original corpus of professional translation and selected
reports on internships and projects of startup in Annaba. |
Translation in Media Institutions: The Case of APS |
Author : Rabah Moussaoui |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translation plays a significant role in the world of media. It makes information
accessible by overcoming linguistic and cultural barriers. Consequently, media
institutions often use professional translators to translate different types of media
content. The study highlights the main challenges faced by translators at the Algerian
Press Agency (APS), as well as the fundamental aspects of translation within the
agency. We have found that translators encounter several challenges, such as speed,
quality, attractiveness and adaptability. To deal with these problems, translators must
work in close collaboration with specialists in the different fields covered. The
development of writing and translation skills, as well as continuing education are also
necessary to meet the demands of the journalistic field. |
Training in Professional Translation vs. Academic Formation: A Comparative Study |
Author : Lamraoui Lilia |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Professional translation training presents a significant challenge in preparing future translators
for the demands of the job market. This study compares academic and professional translation
training, accentuating the essential skills and requirements and highlighting the differences
and similarities between the two approaches. It also clarifies the needs of the job market,
encouraging for a more practical and skills-oriented approach in translation training programs.
In addition, the study discusses the role of translation software, artificial intelligence, and
technological advancements in the field of translation. It offers a practical study based on
professional texts in general and specialized translation fields, focusing on Arabic and French
languages. The aim is to analyze the specific challenges faced by translators in specialized
fields and propose solutions to enhance collaboration between universities and translation
professionals, facilitating a smoother transition between academic training and the job market. |
Towards a Professionnaly-Oriented Teaching of the Sales Deeds of the Colonial Era in Algeria (Current Situation, Implications and Education) |
Author : Samira MOHAMED BEN ALI, and Sarra BOUKERMA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Teaching of specialized translation in Algerian Universities focuses on a type of texts
with a didactic orientation. The assigned programs may be the source of the considerable
gap between the academic teaching and the labor market. As soon as they graduate,
translation students will face types of texts that bear no resemblance to those taught at the
University, such as sales deeds from the colonial era, written in cursive French calligraphy
and Maghrebi Arabic calligraphy. These deeds manuscripts bear witness to a very important
chapter in the history of colonized Algeria and reveal a historico-political background of the
orientalist movement in Algeria, the institution of legal translation, assimilation and estate
management; a challenge to the current student and future official translator- interpreter
who will handle the translation of this type of manuscripts. |
Online Simultaneous Interpreting in Algeria: A Brief Description of the Task: Case Study: Focus Group Sessions in Market Research |
Author : Fasla Allel Bilel |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Interpreters have constantly played a key role in various multilingual environments
involving different entities. The sanitary context caused by Covid-19 led to the
emergence and the spread of new technical means liable to help stakeholders ensure
their communications remotely. As a result, all interpreters required to perform online
interpreting have to be aware of the usual obstacles in order to perform their tasks in
line with the guidelines expressed by the source and the target audiences in terms of
effective multilingual communication, clarity and goal achievement. This paper aims
at describing online interpreting by analyzing the methods and the tools that
interpreters should take into consideration for such tasks. On the other hand, it
illustrates some of the unexpected hurdles that interpreters may have to face by
reviewing former studies on remote interpreting and by reporting multiple experiments
involving multilingual market research sessions in three Algerian cities, namely
Algiers, Oran and Sétif, from December 2020 to March 2023. |
The Evolution of the Language of Political Economy in the Light of Transformations and Crises: Towards a Vision for Accurate Arabic Translation of Foreign Economic Terms |
Author : Gouda Abdel-Khalek, and Mohammed Ramadan El-Zeiny |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The objective of this study is to shed light on the most important foreign economic terms
developed in the light of global transformations and crises, during the period 1970-2023,
and evaluating the accuracy of its translation in Arabic economic research. We used
historical and descriptive approaches to test the hypothesis: Arabic economic research
was unable to agree on an accurate and unified translation of foreign economic terms.
The results revealed the absence of linguistic proofreading in the Arabic translation of newly introduced foreign economic terms, due to the differences in content, context,
treatment, and understanding of these terms, and the absence of systematic efforts to
discuss the problems of Arabic economic translation. Finally, we suggested directing
efforts towards reviving both “Lexicography” and “Arabicization” process of foreign
economic terms, by adopting Arab research institutions the issuance of a “Unified
Dictionary of Economic Terms,” particularly new introduced terms. |
Investigating the Use of Technological Tools by Algerian Professional Translators and Interpreters |
Author : Rami Bououden |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Despite the growing availability and advancement of technological tools in the
translation and interpreting industry, there is a limited research that addresses their
adoption and utilization in Algeria. This paper investigates the current state of
technology integration within the Algerian professional translation and interpreting
landscape. The study follows a qualitative approach in which the data were collected
by conducting semi-structured interviews with nine professional Algerian translators
and interpreters. The results show that translators use various technologies, whereas
interpreters depend only on limited tools. Observed issues included a lack of
accessibility to paid tools and an absence of alignment between academic training and
job market requirements. This paper suggests conducting more research on this topic
to address other issues related to the professional context and technology. |
Explication Strategie in the Translation of the Orality of the Algerian Novel Written in French -Case of Yasmina Khadra- |
Author : MOHAMMEDI RIAHI, Nadia |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research paper aims to identify the specificity of the Algerian novel written in
French, a language that ignited the spirit of rebellion in the language itself when it
used the language of the coloniser. It became a tool of rejection and rebellion,
defending its identity, absorbing the worries of the Algerians and depicting their tragic
daily situations, thus being a strong witness to a rebellious identity that forced the
Algerian writers to write with a unique characteristic setting them apart from the rest
of other novels. They inserted the orality and the colloquial Algerian dialect which
reflects the language and knowledge of society, into the body of the novel in parallel
with its expressive tool, to collide with the reader who is looking for a way to coexist
with the translation of these texts, in which orality is as part of its expressive identity. |
The Importance of Using Footnotes in the Translation of Travel Literature: An Analytical and Descriptive Study of the Notes and Footnotes Used by Abdelkader MIHI in the Translation of the Book Écrits sur le Sable by Isabelle EBERHARDT |
Author : Ahmed ANAD |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present paper examines and discusses the footnotes employed by the translator
Abdelkader MIHI in his translation of Écrits sur le Sable by Isabelle EBERHARDT.
The definition and significance of footnotes and notes, particularly in literary works,
have been highlighted. Also, some approaches proposed by theorists, such as Eugene
NIDA, Peter NEWMARK and Lawrence VENUTI, have been treated. In addition, we
discussed some principles and conditions that guide the use of footnotes. Furthermore,
we described, analysed, and explained the footnotes used by the translator written in
the first and second journals. |
The Translation of the Meanings of the Holy Qur’an: Specific Translation of Specific Text |
Author : KOUADRI, Yasmina |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Since, the beginning of the Islamic Dawa, a new discipline has appeared, interested
exclusively with translating the meanings of the Holy Qur’an. It has its own
procedures and methods to deal with different translation cases. However, this field is
under the name of “translating the meanings of the Holy Qur’an rather than
“translation of the Holy Qur’an” .On this basis, our research studies and analyses this
particular translation, so that we shed light on the nature of this unique field of
knowledge, its advantages, reasons, difficulties, methods and its tools; then we
illustrate the miraculous aspects of the Holy Qur’an that are revealed through
translation. |
Translating Color Metaphors in Literary Texts: Linguistic and Cultural Challenges |
Author : AIT ABDALLAH, Hayat, and Ilham BEZZAOUCHA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Translators face difficulties when translating color terms, whether in their literal or
metaphorical meanings, especially considering that some languages have their own
classification of colors. Additionally, there are differences in the perception and
connotations of colors from one culture to another. These linguistic and cultural details
make translating color terms in literary texts, especially those with metaphorical use, a
complex issue that requires skill and insight from translators, as well as the need to
rely on strategies to overcome these obstacles. In this research, we will try to answer
the following questions: What are the difficulties in translating color metaphors, and
what are the strategies that enable translators to maintain the original intended
meaning? |
The Role of Self-Revision in Developing Students’ Translation Competence: An Experimental Study with Translation Students in Algeria |
Author : SOLTANE, Sonia, and Mohamed BABCHIKH |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study investigates the significance of self-revision within the context of
translation education, exploring its impact on improving the overall translation
competence of students. Through quantitative and qualitative methodologies, the
research assesses the correlation between self-revision practice and enhancing
translation competence. The findings suggest that students, who engage in selfrevision, demonstrate a marked improvement in translation accuracy, logic, and
cultural appropriateness. Moreover, self-revision instils a greater sense of awareness
and critical thinking in students, empowering them to identify and rectify errors
autonomously. |
Problems of Translating Scientific Miraculous Verses in Holly Quran into English Language: Strategies and Solutions |
Author : LAHMAR, Marwa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study encounters the methods of translating scientific miraculous verses in Holy
Qur’an into English, with a particular focus on the translation strategies that may assist
the translator in a way that insures its comprehension by the target reader. The main
goal is to highlight the difference between the scientific miraculous verses compared
to the rest of verses, as well as shedding light on the major problems faced, while
translating such verses, which are rooted in both rhetoric and science. Most of these
challenges emerge from the profound differences between Arabic and English. The
study concludes that exegetic translation works best for conveying the meaning of
these scientific miraculous verses due to the semantic density they carry. |
Translation Issues of Financial Terms in Holy Qu’ran |
Author : BADNI, Aissam, and Nasreddine KHELIL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Within the framework of religious translation, translating the meaning of the Holy
Quran into foreign languages is a fundamental issue. Financial terms, among its
issues, constitute the most prominent terminological obstacles that the translator may
face, due to their deep connotations, thus creating a rhetorical miracle in Quran
language. The translations of these terms are very distinguished because of the
different opinions in their interpretations, which are difficult to convey with the same
communicative effect that reflects the aesthetics and the eloquence of Quranic
discourse. This paper aims to study the different problems of translating the financial
terms in the Holy Quran for French translations as model and sheds the light on the
effective methods to successfully transfer these terms. |
Censorship in the Dubbing of Cartoon’s Songs: Restriction or Benediction? |
Author : MOSTEFA, Soumia |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study explores the factors and the roles that encourage censorship in dubbing
cartoon songs as well as its types. It also demonstrates an analysis of dubbed
cartoon songs produced by both the U.S.A, and Japan. Moreover, it proposes
solutions to overcome the problems that censorship entails. |
The Reception of Orient’s Image in the Translation of Voltaire’s Zadig |
Author : BOUDRAA, Ouided, and Saida KOHIL |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Our study focuses on the problems and the challenges in the reception of Oriental
images and the retransfer of the „self" in translation in relation to the lag between
Voltaire"s Orient and its Arabic perception. We begin by giving a brief overview of
two literary fields, namely “reception esthetics” and “imagology”, which provide an
appropriate theoretical framework to deal with our problematic. We use Antoine
Berman"s critical approach to analyze the translational challenges through its different
tendencies of distortion in relation with the esthetic components of the tale Zadig
aiming to set up a critical analysis that identifies the domestication risks. In other
words, we proceed to highlight the excessive treatment of Oriental images in the
original text to suit target audience expectations. |
Creative Translation Through the Lens of Antoine Berman Translation Critique |
Author : BAROURA, Abdelhamid |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research explores the intersection of creative translation and translation critique,
applying Antoine Berman"s framework of deforming tendencies. By analyzing
translations of The Garden of the Prophet by Gibran Khalil Gibran, the study
examines the extent to which creativity can enhance or distort a text. The comparison
of translations by Abdul Latif Sharara and Tharwat Okasha reveals that while literal
adherence maintains fidelity, creativity can enrich a text, sometimes surpassing the
original in beauty. The findings highlight the balance between fidelity and creative
expression in literary translation. |