Author : Helmi Fauzi Siregar, Muhammad Dedi Irawan |
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Abstract :Abstract - This research was conducted to model and simulate the Half Adder system. This system is designed by analyzing the descriptive method, and the comparative method. After analysis, modeling is done with UML (Unified Modeling Language) and hardware design based on microcontroller can be programmed using CodeVisionAVR-C software. The results of this study are a standard prototype Half ALU ALTER Adder system that uses XOR, AND, OR gates with ALU Half Adder system innovation using NAND and NOR gates. |
Perancangan Aplikasi Penentuan Produksi Karet Pada PTPN 3 Kebun Sei Silau Dengan Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Mamdani |
Author : Wanayumini, Devy Pratiwi |
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Abstract :Abstract - This web application makes it easy for admin to handle rubber production without manually doing a tester. Good rubber production based on fuzzy mamdani is: Heat temperature with a value of -0.6 °, with rubber droplet conditions that are good for the production process. Dry air humidity with a value of -0.4%, with rubber droplets that are good for the production process. Intensity Dark light with a value of 0, rubber droplet conditions that are good for the production process. System decision support system that determines a decision to manage and analyze the work clearly. There are several things that weaken the competitiveness of rubber production including rubber processing is still done simply or manually, with the application of the Fuzzy Mamdani Method is expected to increase rubber production. |
Aplikasi Pelayanan Jasa Laundry Berbasis WEB (Studi Kasus : Pelangi Laundry Kisaran) |
Author : Muhammad Yasin Simargolang, Nurmala Nasution |
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Abstract :Abstract - The development of the world in this millennium is very rapid, especially in the field of information technology. The level of speed and accuracy of information is a very big thing because it must be supported by technology adequate information. Similarly, the laundry business services, Pelangi Laundry is a business that runs a business in the field of laundry services. Based on the survey that has been conducted to date Rainbow Laundry does not have its own information system and still uses a manual system, this laundry also does not have an accurate database storage system so that all data is still stored in a book. Customers also do not get up-to-date information about the various laundry services offered and there are also customers who feel inconvenience when delivering even taking laundry that has been completed because they do not have much time to go to the laundry for reasons of being busy. To overcome these problems, an application will be designed that can help the Rainbow Laundry business so that this application can provide up-to-date information from Pelangi Laundry about laundry services offered to customers, provide fast and reliable laundry pick-up service to customers, facilitate the process of making income reports quickly, precisely and accurately, provide professional services to customers and minimize errors that may occur. |
Penerapan Kriptografi RSA Dalam Mengamankan File Teks Berbasis PHP |
Author : Dicky Apdilah, Heru Swanda |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Abstract - Along with the development of communication technology human needs in the use of technology are increasing, especially in data storage. One way to improve security for data is by using cryptographic methods. RSA Algorithm (Rivest Shamir Adleman) is one method in the branch of cryptography, where RSA is a type of asymmetric cryptography that uses 2 keys, namely public and private keys. The problem of increasing the security of the public key and private key in RSA (Rivest Shamir Adlema) is that the Linear Congruential Generator (LCG) method is needed, LCG is used to generate a set of random numbers to n, where a set of random numbers will be taken that have a number value prime. One method for generating prime numbers is The Sieve Of Eratosthenes algorithm, The Sieve Of Eratosthenes algorithm is a classic algorithm for determining all prime numbers until the n-number is specified. The way the The Sieve Of Eratosthenes method works is to eliminate numbers that are not prime numbers, resulting in a collection of prime numbers. The prime number generated by the The Sieve Of Eratosthenes algorithm will be used for the public key and private key in the RSA criterion. |
Rancang Bangun Sistem Pakar Mendiagnosa Penyakit Tanaman Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Metode Bayes Berbasis Android (Studi Kasus : Perkebunan PTPN 4 Air Batu) |
Author : Muhammad Dedi Irawan, Muhammad Khairi Ikhsan Nasution |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Abstract - PT. Perkebunan Nusantara IV Air Batu (PTPN IV) is a government-owned oil palm plantation that is engaged in the production of palm fruit, oil palm plants will grow well and produce optimally if the plant is protected from disease. However, there is an imbalance where every year palm oil needs increase, while oil palm production decreases. This is due to lack of understanding of plantation assistants on the types of diseases found in oil palm plants which can cause continuous damage to oil palm plants. The Bayes method is one method that is suitable for selection, because the Bayes method is a good method in machine learning based on training data using conditional probabilities as the basis. With this expert system it is expected that plantation assistants can find out the type of disease and its solution quickly so that the problem of decreasing oil palm production can be overcome. The results of the research in the form of an expert system diagnose the disease of oil palm plants using the Android-based bayes method thus, this application can be used to analyze diseases using cellular phones. |
Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Simpan Pinjam Uang Mahasiswa Fakultas Teknik Universitas Asahan Berbasis Web |
Author : Helmi Fauzi Siregar, Nilfa Sari |
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Abstract :
Abstract - Savings and loan money is one of human needs. Where savings and loans are something that is very necessary to support the development of economic activities and improve living standards. In universities, there are many students who spend money to pay for their tuition fees. Among these students, there are fairly poor people. The author took the initiative to make a savings and loan application that is useful for students, if they need funds to complete lecture administration at any time. Students can also set aside a portion of their allowance to be stored in the application. In this way, students can reduce the burden a bit regarding the problems of lecture administration. Based on the description above, the author raised the research title with research conducted directly on the students of the Asahan University Faculty of Engineering with the title "Designing Student Loan Savings and Loan Applications for the Faculty of Engineering, Asahan Web-Based University". |
Penilaian Perumahan Berdasarkan Kriteria Rumah Sehat Menggunakan Metode Fuzzy Multicriteria Decision Making |
Author : Muhammad Hadi Saputra, Azrai Sirait |
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Abstract :
Abstract - A healthy home is very important for human life. The advantage can avoid various environmental-based diseases such as ARI, which affects many infants, tuberculus, diarrhea and avoid vector-borne diseases such as dengue fever, malaria, PES and Filariasis. In addition to avoiding a variety of healthy home ailments can affect healthy behavior in humans that affect the quality of human resources. Therefore it is necessary to hold regular assessments to assess housing based on the criteria of a healthy home so that all desires are expected to be achieved properly. The use of the method in this housing case is Fuzzy Multi Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM), which this method will provide a decision for the problem at hand. This method helps make decisions in situations where there are many alternative criteria. |
Implementasi E-Arsip Pada Program Studi Teknik Informatika |
Author : Muhammad Dedi Irawan, Selli Aprilla Simargolang |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Abstract - The making of E-Archive Implementation in the Informatics Engineering Study Program is strived for perfection in the administration of archives which so far has not been integrated, and often the management of documents is still done manually. thus making work ineffective and efficient when faced with rapid information needs. The data collection method used is through observation and literature. Based on theoretical review, analysis and programming implementation used with PHP programming language with Notepad ++ editor and database using XAMPP, resulting in web-based e-archive programming, which can be used directly on Informatics Engineering Programs that can help process archiving organizers which is in accordance with the principle. so that later in the process of searching data and information archives become easier, and more accurate. |
Author : Radius Prawiro, Azrai Sirait |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Abstract - The content of this study is the construction of a Geographic Information System. The development of this Geographic Information System is expected to help the Education Office to record school needs displayed in the form of maps. In addition, it helps the community to know the location and needs of the school. This Geographic Information System is displayed in a web form so that everyone can access it. In building this Geographic Information System, the author uses google maps to determine coordinates. This coordinate point is the latitude and longitude points found on google maps. Using these coordinates, you will get the school location. Latitude and longitude values will be stored in the MySQL database and will be called using PHP programming. This Geographic Information System can run locally, namely using a local server such as XAMPP, provided that it must be connected to the internet. Geographic Information System Design uses UML modeling consisting of usecase, activity diagrams, class diagrams, sequential diagrams, statechart diagrams, package diagrams, component diagrams, deployment diagrams, and collaboration diagrams. |