MANAGERIAL COMPETENCIES IN A CRISIS | Author : Joanna JASINSKA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of the article is to present the managerial competencies in a crisis. Symptoms and causes of the crisis in the organization have been characterized. It was pointed out that a prerequisite for assuring the organization of the effectiveness of functioning is a skilful and effective management of, among other things, a crisis situation. |
| FORESIGHT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATIONAL TOURISM SYSTEM | Author : Anatolii MAZARAKI, Marharyta BOIKO, Alla OKHRIMENKO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. In today’s complex reality, the key factor of success and competitive advantage in the globalized world is the long-term forecasting of trends and scenarios of development namely the foresight research that provides an opportunity to predict the future taking into account fundamentally new content, forms and structures of the trends of socio-economic development. Aggravation of competition in the market of tourist services, restriction of state financing of projects in the field of tourism, increase of the importance of technological competence in the development of components of the national tourism system require extrapolation of foresight in the field of scientific methods of its research.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Analyzing the works of scientists on the essence of foresight as an innovative method of scientific research, it has been established that its use in studies of the national tourism system is fragmentary and requires more in-depth and systematic research.
The aim of the article is to define the maintstream of the development of the national tourism system based on the foresight of global changes that affect the development of tourist systems.
Materials and methods. In the course of the research a set of scientific methods and approaches was used: systematic, structural and functional, analysis and synthesis, comparison, forecasting.
Results. The theoretical principles and methodical aspects of the use of the foresight of the development of the national tourism system (NTS) with the purpose of determining the transformation dominant in the global environment have been studied. The influence of technological trends on the national tourism system has been analyzed. One of the important markers of development of the NTS of Ukraine, namely volumes of serviced foreign citizens, has been forecasted. The emphasis is placed on the fact, that forecasting the development of a national tourism system, the economic interests of key agents and the interaction between them should be taken into account. The potential of NTS foresight has been presented, the idea of which is based, on the one hand, on the innovative possibilities of this methodology, and on the other hand, on the features of the NTS and the need of various aspects of its research.
Conclusion. In order domestic business to enter the foreign market of tourist offers, it is necessary to focus on key directions of the global trends mainstream. In view of this, the use of foresight becomes crucial for determining the future prospects for the development of the national tourism system by identifying the potential impact of innovation factors, designing the appropriate scenario conditions, identifying global long-term trends and the timeframe for their implementation, which will strengthen the position of the national tourism system of Ukraine, its image and strategic stability in the international market. |
| SYSTEM OF CONSUMER RIGHTS PROTECTION: EXPERIENCE OF THE EU | Author : Natalia PRITULSKA, Andrii LYHA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. An effective consumer rights protection system is extremely important for the modern economy. The Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union obliged our state to ensure a high level of protection of consumer rights and achieve the compatibility of the relevant systems. Ukraine hopes that if it conducts effective economic transformations, it will be able to become a member state of the EU. In turn, guaranteeing consumer rights is one of the main prerequisites for such transformations.
Unfortunately, the level of state guarantees of these rights existing in Ukraine is nowadays rather low. Such a mismatch between the commitments entered into and the actual state of the consumer rights protection system creates a practical problem that needs to be addressed.
The aim of the article is to study the structure of the European system of consumer protection at the supranational and national level of the EU member states.
Materials and methods. The basis of the research is the systematic method and methods of analysis and synthesis. The information base is European law, websites of European consumer policy institutes and analytical materials of native and foreign scholars, economists and specialists in the field of consumer rights protection.
Results. The following issues have been determined: the legislative basis for the formation of a pan-European consumer policy and its main principles; the procedure for the legislative resolution of problematic consumer issues with the help of supra-state institutions of the EU; the structure of the consumer rights protection system used by the EU to assess the activities of member countries in this area. The basic levels, components and elements of this system and the links between them are analyzed.
According to the analysis, the consumer protection system in the EU provides an unconditional guarantee of all consumer rights, promotes a high level of consumer confidence in the consumer market and stimulates their activity. The principle of choosing a better mechanism for protecting consumer rights between the national legislation and the legislation of the importing country enshrined in the legislation creates conditions for the constant self-improvement of their own national systems of consumer protection of the member states. Absolutely all European systems include both state and non-state bodies that complement each other, develop and implement mechanisms that best respond to the challenges of the consumer market.
Conclusion. In order to address important socio-economic issues, as well as fulfillment of Ukraine’s interstate commitments related to the construction of a high-level consumer protection system and to achieve compatibility with national systems of EU member states, our state should apply the European principles and approaches described in the article in the formation of a national consumer protection policy, as well as in the construction and evaluation of the relevant national system. |
| POSSIBILITIES OF INSTITUTIONAL ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL STABILITY AND DEVELOPMENT | Author : Vasyl LAHUTIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. The institutional development of the problem of stability and development of society is an important condition for achieving real institutional support for social stability and development. The content of the categories "stability" and "development" goes beyond exclusively economic theory and becomes interdisciplinary. Interdisciplinary research tasks are inherent in institutional analysis. Deep search for the unity and differences of the stability and development institutions, new understanding of their role in civil society and rethinking the content of the socio-economic strategy of the state should be the primary tasks.
The analysis of recent studies and publications shows that there is a search for effective institutional tools for analyzing various social problems. The methodological and heuristic values of institutional theory (neo-institutionalism in modern terms) are evident. Institutional analysis should be widely used in the study of large-scale problems of social stability and development.
The aim of the article is to study the problem of ensuring social stability and development on the basis of institutional tools.
Materials and methods. The basis of the article became the fundamental positions of scientific works of foreign and domestic economists on the identified issues. In the process of research, general scientific and special methods of institutional analysis were applied.
Results.Stability is a multifaceted concept from the standpoint of institutional theory it involves preserving the socio-economic system, institutional order and leveling the threat of instability. Each society creates mechanisms that ensure a stable reproduction of its inherent relationships in all spheres of social life, and simultaneously contributes to the development of both the approval of new institutions and the change of institutional characteristics. The study of social stability and development involves consideration of the dynamics of not one indicator (such as GDP in the analysis of economic growth), but of the whole system of socio-economic parameters of society. In the institutional analysis of social stability and development in the XXI century the significance of the study of spiritual and humanitarian (cultural) content will increase. The strategy of social development becomes a sign of political and economic consensus, supported by the majority of members of society.
Conclusion. Institutional analysis has made it possible to carry out a multidisciplinary study of stability and development issues, providing a balanced vision of the economic, social and spiritual and humanitarian issues of society. The key factor affecting stability and development is the interests of society and the provision of institutional conditions for their active participation in socio-economic activities. The formation of a society of stability is the main path of a long-term state policy, strategically oriented to development. |
| RETAIL TRADE IN UKRAINE: DYNAMICS OF CHANGE | Author : Oksana BEGLARASHVILI, Anna KULIK | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Trade is an important type of economic activity, one of the budget-creating spheres, which ensures the quality of life of the population, the development of the economy as a whole and in fact plays the role of the economic regulator. Its development is a prerequisite for improving the production process: it forces domestic producers to take into account the demands of society. With the help of trade, there is a more or less optimal balance between production and consumption, which also determines the relevance of the analysis of the dynamics of indicators of the state of retail trade network of Ukraine.
An analysis of recent studies and publications shows that the development of retail trade in Ukraine is being studied by many domestic and foreign scientists, but many aspects remain unclear.
The aim of the study is to analyze the current state and problems of the organization of retail trade in stores and identify the main trends in their development by analyzing indicators such as retail turnover, inventories, average store retail space and the number of trade enterprises.
Materials and methods. Data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine were the materials of the research. Methods of deduction, induction, comparison, statistical analysis, systematization, graphical, tabular, etc.were used in the process of work on the article.
Results. Retail trade turnover indicators of enterprises of retail trade (except for cars, motorcycles and fuel) in Ukraine, retail turnover in urban and rural areas, food and non-food products per 1 person, inventory in retail network of enterprises, number of shops of enterprises-legal entities in Ukraine, their area and specialization were analysed. The dynamics of such indicators was calculated and analyzed: the population’s provision with retail spacem², 10,000 people; retail space for 1 shop, m²; load on 1 store in urban and rural areas. We proposed the following measures: a complex of institutional reforms (further administrative reform, protection of entrepreneurial rights, elimination of baseless administrative barriers); ordering the distribution of the retail network, eliminating unauthorized trading; protection of consumer rights; assuring the quality and safety of consumer goods and services; strengthening of interaction with consumer organizations.
Conclusion. The trade dynamically develops under the influence of a number of factors, in particular the purchasing power of the population, the provision of goods, the development of the material and technical base. Every year the volumes of goods turnover of RTE, volumes of goods turnover per capita, stocks of goods in retail trade are increasing. However, the number of stores decreases each year.
Against the background of high growth rates of sales, there are structural changes. The structure of the retail chain is significantly improving, the share of unorganized specialized non-food stores, small retail outlets located within pedestrian availability and trading in a wide range of goods decreases, a network of discounters and hypermarkets, and representatives of foreign retail chains appear. |
| CONCEPT OF GLOBAL NETWORKS AND VALUE CHAINS | Author : Nataliaa CHERKAS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Despite the rapid economic growth observed in many countries and entire regions, the profit and the benefits of globalization are unevenly distributed between the countries and social layers. In such circumstances, the development and practical implementation of concepts of international trade growth, based on the effective use of the advantages of participation in global production networks (GPN) and global value chains (GVC) becomes highly important.
The aim of the study is to define the basic features of value chains and to analyze their determinants, critical resources, the organization and the structure as well as existing concepts of the functioning of GPN and GVC in conditions of globalization.
Materials and methods. The information sources used in this review included research journals, monographs, publications of international institutions concerning GVC and GPN. The following methods have been used for the study: historical and logical, induction, deduction, synthesis, comparative and system analysis.
Results. The study reveals the basic features, preconditions, stages of development and importance of global networks and value chains. Characteristics and critical resources of GVC and GPN are systematized. The paper reviews the evolution of scientific approaches to the research of global production networks. The visualization of global trade networks is presented. The study generalizes the specifics of the companies’ competitiveness development in the system of GPN and GVC, based on the balance of costs/opportunities, market development support and financial discipline.
Conclusion. GPN and GVC are the most important organizational platforms, which provide coordination of world production, global trade and investments. The new GPN 2.0 theory focuses on the structural competitive dynamics of global networks and allows to explain the interaction of various aspects of the company’s competitiveness. The further research will cover the study of the global competitiveness’s factors of domestic companies, based on the effective mechanisms of participation in GPN and GVC. |
| DEVELOPMENT OF RURAL TOURISM IN UKRAINE | Author : Hanna DUTKA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. The permanent crisis, which has developed in the socio-economic sphere in the countryside, requires the most recent non-standard approaches to solving the problems of employment of rural population, increasing the entrepreneurial potential of rural areas, raising the level of incomes and quality of life of the population of rural areas. One of the directions of solving many problems with increasing the competitiveness of the Ukrainian village, preserving its status, improving image, infrastructure development, increasing the welfare of the population, etc. is the organization of rural (green) tourism, which in Ukraine is increasing the scale of development.
An analysis of recent research and publications has shown that the works of many domestic scientists are devoted to the development and functioning of rural (green) tourism. However, some aspects of this problem remain inadequately studied and require additional research, especially in terms of statistical analysis and the formulation of proposals for improving the efficiency of development of rural (green) tourism at the regional level.
The aim of the paper is to develop a methodological approach to integrated assessment of the development of rural (green) tourism in the regions of Ukraine. Ranking and grouping of regions will allow to determine the concentration of resource potential and will show the differentiation of the effectiveness of the development of RgT in the regions of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. In the course of the research, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, induction and deduction, statistical analysis, rating and generalization were used.
Results. The results of ranking and grouping of regions of Ukraine according to the results of calculating the integral indicator of rural (green) tourism have shown that the three leaders in the development of RgT are formed by Ivano-Frankivsk, Mykolayiv and Volyn regions. Ternopil, Chernihiv and Poltava regions occupy the lowest positions in the ranking.
According to the results of the study, proposals were elaborated, in particular, it was noted that in today’s conditions the main task of state institutions at the regional level is to provide favorable conditions for the development of tourism business in the countryside on the basis of social, economic and environmental safety. Possibilities for financial and economic maneuvers, freedom to choose priorities, forms and activities for participants of business projects in the field of rural tourism should be created not by rigid administrative regulation, but by free market.
Conclusion. The results of the analysis of statistical data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine showed that the development of RgT in Ukraine is characterized by a slow pace and low efficiency of the use of available labor potential of rural residents and resource potential of rural areas. The highest level of development of rural tourism is characteristic for the regions of western Ukraine, the lowest for industrially oriented regions of the East and the South. Tourism in Ukraine has all the prospects for effective functioning.
Prospects for further research are the formation of mechanisms and methods for effective management of the field of rural (green) tourism, both in the regions and in the country as a whole, which will make it possible to increase the competitiveness of the domestic tourism market in the international arena. |
| SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING OF THE HOTELS | Author : Mariia DANYLENKO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. The scientific article is devoted to the actual issue of increasing the relevance of the hotel business websites through the Search Engine Marketing elements usage. Research of the theoretical and practical aspects of this process creates the basis for writing a scientific article.
The review of scientific sources within the defined problem has shown that foreign and domestic scientists are interested in the theoretical and practical essence of Search Engine Marketing. At the same time, we note that the question of using this tool of Internet marketing in the activities of the hotel industry is not well-researched.
The aim of the article is to study the theoretical essence of search engine marketing, the definition of components of website search engine optimization of websites and their impact on the undate of the data, monitoring the use of search marketing by enterprises of the hotel industry, the formation of proposals for the use of search marketing in the hotel business.
Materials and methods. Scholarly works of scientists, official websites of hotel industry enterprises, data of Internet resources of statistics were theoretical and practical background for analytical research and presentation of the results in the article. Research within the framework of the proposed problem was conducted on the basis of generally accepted methods: abstraction, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction.
Results. Modern realities of the development of Internet marketing in the hotel business show that more than 70% of clicks to the company’s web sites come from search engines. The research of the theoretical essence of search marketing and its main components in the context of a given sphere gives grounds to assert that improvement of the mechanisms of Search Engine Optimization is the greatest priority for the enterprises of the hotel business. The practical aspect of using search engine optimization has shown the existing problems of domestic hotels in using this internet-marketing tool. In particular, the business websites of hospitality enterprises are not able to compete with the resources of online reservation systems in an unbranded search because of low visibility of their resources in search engines. These factors determine little visits of enterprise web sites and a small percentage of conversions on them.
Conclusion. The prospect of search engine marketing in the hotel business should be focused on four areas: website (structure and content optimization); social media (increase the visits of the website due to the references to it in social networks based on the production of content of different nature); analytics (detailed study of Internet users’ actions on a website and targeting for the right choice of search engines for optimization); mobile search (the need for adaptability to different platforms and the resolution and the choice of mobile strategy). |
| FORMATION OF BUDGET POLICY FOR THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY | Author : Ihor CHUHUNOV, Serhii SOBCHUK | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Budget policy is an important component of state financial regulation and an effective instrument for realizing the country’s economic policy to ensure macroeconomic equilibrium in the context of institutional transformations. Adaptation of the fiscal policy to trends of cyclical economic development, which involves the formation of modern financial institutions, the balancing of fiscal burden, the maintenance of indicative values of the budget deficit and public debt, while contributing to the innovative restructuring of the economy, is an extremely important task.
The aim of the paper is to reveal the theoretical foundations and improve the methodological provisions for the formation of the budget policy of the country’s economic development.
Materials and methods. In the paper, a set of methods and approaches has been implemented, which allowed to realize the conceptual unity of the research, in particular system and structural, comparative and factor analysis, historical and logical, methods of scientific abstraction, synthesis and functional analysis.
Results. The basic principles of fiscal policy formation in the system of stimulating economic development of the country have been determined. Approaches to the functioning of the budget mechanism in countries with a developed and transformational economy have been generalized and systematized. The structural and functional model of the impact of fiscal policy on the country’s socio-economic development, the situation regarding the functioning of the system of intergovernmental fiscal relations in determining the financial security of local budgets, methodological approaches to ensuring long-term balance of the budget system have been improved.
Based on the goals and objectives of the strategy of steady economic development associated with increasing the level of its endogenous component, it is necessary to develop the institutional foundations of fiscal policy. Budget regulation determines the volume of primary distribution of GDP, affects the structure of savings and the dynamics of debt obligations, acts as an effective means of solving the main tasks of social development and should become an instrument for realizing the internal potential of economic growth.
It is important to develop the substantiated principles for the redistribution of GDP through the budget system, the definition of priority areas for the use of budget funds and the implementation of a number of measures to achieve the strategic goals of socio-economic development of the country.
Conclusion. In the context of structural economic reforms and strengthening of integration processes, the institutional modernization of fiscal policy implies the need for a well-developed architectural structure of financial relations. Adaptive tools for the implementation of budget regulation, which are a set of measures that coordinate the activities of government bodies and determine the priorities of their functioning, occupy an important place in the model of the institutional architectonics of the budget process. The process of integration of budget models of social development determines the need for an integrated combination of budget planning and forecasting tools, budget regulation, internal financial control, and monitoring of budget execution. It is advisable to form the institutional framework for the transparency of the budget process, the criteria for fiscal transparency, which will ensure an adequate level of public financial control and audit o? the efficiency of budget expenditures. |
| FISCAL EFFICIENCY OF THE UKRAINIAN TAX SYSTEM | Author : Mykola PASICHNYI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. The state should provide an appropriate tax policy, aiming to ensure the sufficient level of budget revenues and to fulfill its own functions and tasks as well. The fiscal mechanism should be used in a manner that does not reduce the economic agents’ confidence in the tax system.
The aim of this paper is to investigate and to deepen the methodological approaches to assess the domestic taxation system’s fiscal efficiency regarding the development level of the tax relations between the state and the economic agents.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological basis of this research is presented by domestic and foreign economists’ scientific works devoted to the problem under consideration. Dialectical, systemic, and structural approaches, the methods of factor analysis, analytical estimation, economic-mathematical modeling, generalization, and scientific abstraction were applied.
Results. The theoretical and methodological approaches needed to determine the fiscal efficiency of the tax system were studied and developed. The tax burden on labor and consumption over the period from 2001 to 2017 was estimated. A comparative analysis of the respective indicators in Ukraine and in the EU member states was carried out. The main factors affecting the fiscal significance of VAT, excise tax, corporate income tax, and personal income tax were identified.
Conclusion. The tax system’s efficiency depends on the current tax structure, taking into account the taxation of productive resources and consumption as well as the destructive effects of taxation and the time lag effect. It was determined that in Ukraine, as a country with an emerging economy, the dominant fiscal role belongs to the consumption taxes. In order to increase the fiscal efficiency of corporate tax it is important to equalize the tax burden considering the types of economic activity. The high level of the taxes on wages and salaries income is one of the decisive factors increasing the shadow economy. Empirical experience evidences that the implementation approaches of the government regulatory policy in the area of establishing the minimum social guarantees should be transformed as well. |