Author : BOIKO Alina, SHKUROPADSKA Diana |
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Abstract :The list of compensatory mechanisms in the sphere of resilience of economy of Ukraine and their functional role is defined. The structure of the compensatory mechanism for ensuring the resilience of the economy is proposed. The conditions for the construction of a comprehensive compensatory mechanism to ensure the resilience of the economy are defined. |
Author : NEDBALYUK Oleksandr |
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Abstract :The article is devoted to the actual issues of the relationship between the state of the stock exchange infrastructure and the opportunities for economic growth in the country. The main problems, limiting possibilities for formation of the modern stock market in Ukraine, are determined, ways of their solution are determined too. It is argued that the development of exchange trade in the country will have a direct impact on accelerating the economic growth of the national economy. |
Author : GULIAIEVA Nataliya, VAVDIICHYK Iryna, MATUSOVA Olena |
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Abstract :The structural characteristics of economic security at all levels of management are presented and its place in ensuring sustainable economic growth is determined. The position of Ukraine in international ratings according to this criterion is assessed. The sources of investment security formation in the system of ensuring the economic safety of the system as a whole, the means of its improvement, and the main tendencies of changes in the main indicators of its achievement in Ukraine in 2012–2017 are determined. |
Author : FEDULOVA Iryna |
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Abstract :The possibilities of mutual use of concepts of a balanced system of indicators and risks management for ensuring effective strategic development of enterprises are explored. Comparison of the processes of constructing a balanced system of indicators and risk management system is carried out, their main similarities and differences are determined. The analysis of the differences and similarities between key performance indicators (KPI) and key risk indicators (KRI) in the process of performing their functions, respectively, in a balanced system of indicators and risk management. The relationship of approaches to the formation of KPI and KRI is determined. The methodical principles of an effective combination of managerial concepts of a balanced system of indicators and risk management have been developed. |
Author : SHAPOVAL Maryna |
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Abstract :The essence and significance of the budget mechanism in support of processes of economic development and social stability are highlighted. The main principles of functioning of the budget mechanism for economic regulation are determined. The analysis and estimation of dynamics of weight indicators of the redistribution of gross domestic product through the budget system of Ukraine in 2008–2017 have been made. The expediency of further developmentof the methodological principles of the budget policy of the country has been substantiated. |
Author : BRIUKHANOVA Galyna |
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Abstract :The analysis of the term "university information environment" is performed in the research, starting from the analysis of the general concept of "environment" through the formation of the term "educational environment". The need to use modern distance learning tools in all areas of education, such as distance learning courses, cloud services, etc., has been identified. It is established that building of the educational process in an university requires combination of all potential of the modern achievements of information technologies and totality of teachers experience, that envisagesthe use of environmental approach and has to provide the preparation of future specialists good forcreative professional activity. It is proved, that in accordance with modern requirements, the educational process should take place in conditions of constant access to the Internet, for use in the training the Cloud services and Internet technologies. |
Author : VLASENKO Iryna, SHARKO Vitaliy, SEMENIUK Iryna |
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Abstract :Background. Deep and comprehensive free trade zone between Ukraine and the European Union provides duty-free access of domestic engineering products to the markets of EU member states. Adaptation of machine-building enterprises to the conditions of European integration processes will make it possible to intensify foreign economic activity, enter new markets of European countries and to maintain the existing market position in an increasingly competitive environment.
The analysis of recent studies published by Rovenska V.V., Barybina Ya.O., Pedchenko N.S., Lysenko K. M., Turylo A. M., Schmitt A., Klarner P., Stieglitz N., Knudsen Th., Becker M. C., Saebi T., Lien L., Foss N. J. showed that the problem of adaptation of enterprises to the European market conditions is not insufficiently investigated.
The aim of the article is to assess the adaptive potential of domestic machine-building enterprises in the context of deepening integration processes based on the definition of its components.
Materials and methods. The study was carried out using the method of comparison and systematization - to analyze the indicators of the adaptation potential of foreign economic activity of domestic enterprises. The information base of the study is presented by statistical data, data on foreign economic and financial and economic activities of machine-building enterprises. The weight coefficients were determined using the "Statistica" software product on the basis of factor analysis method (main components method).
Results. As a result of the research, integral indicators of the adaptation potential of foreign economic activity of individual machine-building enterprises were determined and analyzed.
Conclusion. The adaptive potential of foreign economic activity determines the ability of a machine-building enterprise to adapt to the conditions of European integration processes and includes production, financial, innovative, managerial, labor, marketing and export potentials. The proposed procedure for calculating the level of the adaptation potential of foreign economic activity of an enterprise will make it possible to take more effective managerial decisions to develop and implement an export strategy when the enterprise enters the European market. |
Author : MAZARAKI Anatoliy, MELNYCHENKO Svitlana, DANYLENKO Mariya |
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Abstract :Background. In the conditions of globalization and high level of society’s internetization, the implementation of Internet marketing tools into the activities of hotel industry enterprises is a priority. This leads to inconsistencies in the level of Internet technology use with existing capabilities. The aggravation of the problem occurs due to lack of methodological background that would contribute to the harmonious infusion of the system of Internet marketing into the components of marketing policy.
The aim of the article is to summarize the determinants influencing the introduction of Internet marketing by hotel industry enterprises, the disclosure of the capabilities to use Internet marketing tools in the marketing policy of enterprises.
Materials and methods. Methods of dialectical, system analysis, which became the basis for studying the use of Internet marketing tools in the activities of hotel industry enterprises, were used to conduct research within the mentioned problem. On the basis of marketing research methods (expert assessments, sociological surveys), trends in the development of search engines, mobile marketing, social media, and Internet advertising were determined. The substantive and formal logic methods were used in the development of the funnel of hotel product (services) sales in the Internet environment. The conducted research is based on the reporting of hotel enterprises, survey data, and information resources on the Internet. The information has been processed using modern technological tools.
Results. The theoretical aspect of Internet marketing research suggests that generally accepted tools, such as, web sites, search engine optimization, mobile marketing and Internet advertising, characterize the hotel industry enterprises. However, Internet reservation systems can be pointed among specific tools in this area. The variability to use Internet reservation forms and their significant coefficient determine the uniqueness of the Internet marketing system for the enterprise and make fundamental choices of tools for Internet marketing implementation. The essence of determinants influencing Internet marketing implementation by hotel industry enterprises has been revealed. The possibilities to use Internet marketing tools in the marketing policy of enterprises and the influence on results of Internet marketing activity have been presented. Possible ways of audience growth using Internet marketing tools and the funnel of hotel product (services) sales in the Internet environment have been introduced.
Conclusion. Different factors determine the choice of Internet marketing tools. The combination of tools, tasks imposed on tools, interaction between tools and tasks, and availability of resources to search for development opportunities of tools, define the uniqueness to use the Internet marketing system by the enterprise. In this case, the type, the category, and the location have an indirect effect, but the key factor is formation and implementation of the hotel product (service) based on the interaction of selected tools.
Subsequent studies will be focused on applied aspects to use Internet marketing tools in the formation of components for the marketing policy of hotel industry enterprises. |
Author : PRISYAZHNYUK Anna, KHMUROVA Victoria |
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Abstract :The article is devoted to actual issues of partnership at the state and enterprise level. The peculiarities of the legislative base on public-private partnership in Ukraine are analyzed. The authors define main problems and obstacles in the conclusion of partnership agreements and the prospects of application. |
Author : NEPYTALIUK Anton |
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Abstract :Essence and value of demographic sustainabilityat the terms of globalization are reflected. The theoretical approaches to the verification of the marked category as basis of endogenous increase providing of economy growth are systematized. The factors of providing demographic sustainability and optimal proportions of reproductive process are identified and grouped. Directions of realization of national socio-economic politics with the aim of the state of demographic sustainability achievement are offered. |