ECONOMIC THEORY IN THE NEW METHODOLOGICAL DISCUSSION | Author : UMANTSIV Yuriy | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Development of economic theory at the beginning of the XXI century is determined by the increasing tendency towards its paradigm differentiation, and such diversity makes it impossible to search for a single generalized paradigm that could reflect the whole range of modern scientific and economic knowledge. As a result, there is an expansion of the range of scientific researches on the basis of their mutual exchange and paradigmatic advancement in the interdisciplinary sphere. At the same time, the economic theory demonstrates contradictory concepts and models and is characterized by the existence of a number of problems in substantiating and predicting the long-term trajectory of economic development. In view of this, attention to the problems of methodological awareness, the conceptual and systematic study of various scientific fields and the formation of a new understanding of economic processes on this basis are growing.
Analysis of recent researches and publications made it possible to conclude that, despite the existence of certain scientific developments, theoretical economic science is at the stage of active transformation of its subject-research field. At the same time, those conceptual achievements, which have become the most striking demonstration of achievements in the economic theory of recent decades, have yet to be tested in the future.
The aim of the article is to analyze and generalize theoretical and methodological transformations in the conceptual field of economic theory of the XXI century.
Materials and methods. The study uses a set of methods and approaches that allowed the system-conceptual unity of the research to be realized, namely analysis, synthesis, dialectic, systemic and comparative.
Results. Economic theory is characterized by the coexistence of various trends and theoretical concepts with different methodological platforms. The studies are deepened by generalization of basic models with the simultaneous penetration of the theory into new areas of research. A distinctive tendency for modern economic theory is the differentiation and narrow specialization of theoretical research. As a result, the generalization of theoretical and empirical developments becomes more complex every time. In the world and domestic economic theory there is a deployment of the trend to expand the range of problems of the methodology of scientific knowledge and further expansion of the problem matrix of methodological analytics. A significant number of new, non-traditional problems of economic methodology is gradually integrating in it and, at the same time, the scope of economic methodology is expanding, covering a wide range of not only methodological but also philosophical problems of economic theory.
Ensuring the human-centric orientation of economic development determines the need for proper development of the system of economic and theoretical knowledge, starting with the outgoing philosophical and methodological level of economic theory and completing with its normative plane and the implementation of economic policy. There is an expansion of functional determinants of the economy, the inclusion of a wide range of social factors of development of the human person in its structure and the formation of new system integrity on the basis of it. The functional field of the economy in its broad context is the space of socio-economic transformations and the formation of an economic dimension that overcomes the narrow boundaries of production and distribution and includes the whole range of systemic factors of mutual influence associated with the affirmation of human.
Conclusion. In contrast to the existing publications, the scientific hypothesis is formulated that the development of economic theory occurs through constant methodlogical renewal, which is largely determined by its inability to explain the real phenomena of economic life, the emergence of new ideas, sustainable accumulation of knowledge, intellectual and meaningful updating of established concepts and formation of new scientific schools. A promising direction for further scientific research of the vector of economic theory development is the definition of ways of synthesis of different approaches in order to overcome the methodological crisis and to enter a new trajectory of knowledge of socio-economic transformations. |
| STRATEGIES OF THE NATIONAL BRAND IN THE CONTEXT OF GLOBALIZATION | Author : MELNYK Tetiana, VARIBRUSOVA Anna | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Existing modern methods of assessing the national brand and determining the position of the country in relation to other leading world organizations in their overwhelming majority are based on subjective data and do not take into account the influence of the national brand on the country’s competitiveness in the world. The objective assessment of the integrated National Brand Index (NBI) with the highlighting of the main components and the analysis of their contribution, as well as the comparison of the NBI with the Global Competitiveness Index, will allow to formulate the respective strategies of countries depending on their position in the world.
The analysis of recent research and publications has shown that despite the existence of certain scientific advances, the tools of the assessment of the integrated National Brand Index require further development and the level of competitiveness of the country should be taken into account, and on the basis of that –the strategies definition of the national brand development in the conditions of global competition.
The aim of the research is to calculate the integrated Nation Brand Index by determining the key factors that influence its formation in the conditions of global competition and consequently to suggest strategies of the prospective development of the national brand and country’s competitiveness.
Materials and methods. In the process of the research the methods of theoretical generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, economic-mathematical modeling and factor analysis, the model of strategic analysis and planning of Shell/DPM were used.
Results. The article suggests a methodical approach for calculating the integrated National Brand Index (NBI), which is based on an objective assessment of the indicators of socio-economic development of the country with the emphasizing on the main components which influence global competitiveness –macroeconomic, social, corporate and innovative components, and also is based on the analysis of the contribution of these factors. This approach makes it possible to quantitatively characterize the contribution of key factors shaping a national brand in a global competitive environment. Using the spatial set of brand indexes and global competitiveness combined with strategic analysis and planning models has allowed to determine the position of countries in the world based on a comparison of the NBI with the Global Competitiveness Index. According to the results of the research, strategies of developing a national brand and global competitiveness were developed in accordance with the country’s position in the world. Implementation of the suggested approach will strengthen the validity of the definition of the influencing factors on the national brand, enrich the theoretical and methodological principles of analysis of the national brand in the conditions of global competitiveness, expand the informational basis and provide an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of public policy in the field of formation of a national branding strategy.
Conclusion. As a result of multivariate statistical analysis, 16 output indicators based on the use of the method of Varimax components’ rotation have been divided into 4 groups of integral factors: macroeconomic, social, corporate, innovative components. Each of them has its own share in the formation of the National Brand Index. According to the given model, the total contribution of the selected factors in the formation of the national brand indicator was 91%.
The matrix of prospects of the national brand development that has been formed allows us to analyze the current and prospective state of the country and its place in the world, to track the movement in quadrants in dynamics. 9 quadrants that have been highlighted describe the strategy of the prospective national brand development and are based on the global competitiveness position.
The presented results require further scientific research in order to expand the number of countries that has been studied and also require the usage of the factors predicted value that will influence the national brand in the future in order to adjust the relevant strategies of the national brand prospects and global competitiveness in the forecast period. |
| IDENTIFICATION OF THE NATION BRANDING CONTENT | Author : MAZARAKI Anatoliy, PIATNYTSKA Galyna, GRYGORENKO Oleg | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of the article is to identify the content of nation branding. To achieve it the following tasks are set: to systematize scientific approaches to the definition of "branding"; to specify the stage of transformation changes of the branding concept; to define the essence of the concept of "identification of the content of nation branding"; conduct a comparative analysis and identify the relationship between the concepts of " country brand ", "country branding", "territoral brand", "territorial branding", "state brand ", "state branding", "nation brand", "nation branding"; to substantiate the economic-mathematical description of the identification of content of nation branding; build a model for optimizing the results of nation branding; to analyze the dynamics of changes in the value of the nation brand of Ukraine against the backdrop of changes in the value of nation brands of other countries during 2013–2018.
Results. The systematization of scientific approaches to the definition of the term "branding" has made it possible to establish that today scholars interpret the essence of this notion in different ways, using five scientific approaches: process; technological; instrumental; marketing; interdisciplinary.
It has been determined that from 2005 to the present time, the branding concept is undergoing new transformational changes related to the development of creative multifaceted branding, which involves widespread use of neuromarketing technologies in the process of branding and absolute unrestricted access to the use of any innovations and digital technologies for formation of associative perception of any sphere of activity, any object or system taking into account eco-, socio-, cyber, etc. priorities in the local, regional, national, international or even global space.
It is proposed to identify the content of the nation branding by identifying the content (that is, the constituent elements and the probable interrelationship between them) and/or setting the targets and restrictions of nation branding.
The opinion about the strong negative impact of armed conflicts on the territory of the country, on the value of its nation brand and the results of nation branding is confirmed. It is established that the position of the value of the nation brand of Ukraine in the international arena, as well as its companies, is far from the leaders, USA and China. It is substantiated that even in the near future, provided the right choice and competent implementation of the nation branding strategy, Ukraine is fully capable of improving its position and brand status in the international arena.
Conclusion. Unlike existing publications, for the first time an economics and mathematical description of the identification of content of nation branding was made and a model of optimization of its results was created, which will help to improve the informational and instrumental provision of the process of implementation of the nation branding strategy. The application of this model in the process of analyzing the dynamics of the change in the value of the nation brand of Ukraine allowed to identify the main reasons for reducing this value by more than 2.8 times over the years 2013–2015, namely: significant impairment or decrease in the value of a number of Ukrainian corporate brands; reducing the cost of tourism brand potential; increase in the influence of negative informational externalities, etc.
The results of research in the future can be used in researches devoted to aspects of strategic management of branding, development and improvement of scientific approaches to selection and strategic control over the implementation of the nation branding strategy, etc. |
| THE VECTOR OF TOURISM DEVELOPMENT IN UKRAINE | Author : HLUSHKO Volodymyr | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Bacgraund. The tourism market of Ukraine, taking on world tendencies, is characterized by increasing in the individualization of demand for tourism services, which makes the tourism enterprises seek innovative products, satisfying needs and providing services to the maximum number of consumers. However, due to the economic instability in Ukraine, the tourism industry is developing at a less rapid pace and has undergone some changes both quantitatively and qualitatively. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze current state of the tourism services market and the prospects for its development.
The aim of the article is to analyze the market of tourism services of Ukraine in the context of the main economic indicators that characterize the tourism industry, identify the main barriers that hinder its development and directions of state activity in the field of tourism.
Materials and methods. The basis of the scientific article was the domestic and foreign statistical collections, works of domestic scientists who are investigating the current state of the tourism services market. The article uses methods of analysis and synthesis, logical generalization, comparison, system approach.
Results. The present state of the market of tourism services of Ukraine is analyzed on the basis of domestic and foreign statistical information, in particular: the dynamics of tourist flows, the number of tourists, the contribution of tourism to the GDP of the country, the amount of investment in the tourism industry, etc. The main barriers hindering its development and main directions of further activity of the state in the field of domestic tourism are revealed.
Conclusion. According to the results of the study, the main barriers to the development of the tourism services market, both external and internal, were identified.
Taking into account the existing barriers, the state should first of all help to eliminate the problems hindering the development of tourism business, which will allow to increase the amount of revenues from tourism and the sector’s share in GDP of the country. The strategic planning of tourism development should take into account all the aspects in which Ukraine takes on the position of an outsider in world rankings. Due to well-considered and consistent state policy, the country has every chance to improve its brand position. |
| CVP-ANALYSIS METHOD: THEORY AND PRACTICE | Author : BLAKYTA Hanna, ADAMENKO Viktor | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. In the conditions of dynamic changes of internal and external environments, transformation of business processes of the enterprise the actualization of planning methods becomes more and more important. Despite the widespread introduction of innovations capable of taking into account the uncertainty of a changing environment, popularization of questionable outdated planning methods continues in scientific and educational literature, one of which is CVP-analysis.
The aim of the article is the argumentation of the theoretical groundlessness and inapplicability for the practical use of the CVP-analysis method.
Materials and methods.In the process of research the general scientific and special methods of cognition are applied: historical and abstract-logical; bibliographic, graphic, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparison, analogy, abstraction, systematic approach; regression analysis, as well as generalization method.
Results.The discrepancy of the basic assumptions of the CVP-analysis method with the recognized principles of the neoclassical theory of the firm and violation of the system approach to the operational activity of the enterprise due to the failure to take into account its financial aspects and riskswere revealed. It was analyzed and revealed inconsistency of CVP analysis techniques for the division of current costs of the enterprise into permanent and variable parts to the theory of regression analysis.
Conclusion.The CVP analysis method is not well documented and is unsuitable for practical use because it is based on false assumptions, contrary to statistical methodology and cannot guarantee the receipt of relevant results. |
| CRISES OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC SYSTEMS: MANIFESTATIONS AND SIGNS | Author : SHATAILO Olha | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Successful overcoming of crisis situations at an enterprise depends on the effectiveness of crisis management, the decision-making in which depends on the type of crisis. After all, each crisis situation is formed under the influence of specific factors, has a clear characteristic and relates to a certain category. But in order to determine what types of crises affect the activities of an enterprise, it is first necessary to identify the types of crises in the socio-economic system.
The analysis of recent research and publications has shown that despite the availability of certain scientific achievements, individual problems in the classification of crises require additional consideration.
The aim of the article is to investigate the existing types of crises in the socio-economic system.
Materials and methods. In the process of research we used a set of scientific methods and approaches: systemic, structural-functional, analysis and synthesis, comparison.
Results. The works of well-known scientists who were engaged in the research of types of crises were considered and analyzed, and it was determined which ones belong to the crises in the socio-economic environment.
Five main classification features were formed: by state; scale; reasons of origin; the sphere of origin, consequence.
It is noted that the classification of types of crises at the enterprise may also include a typology in accordance with the company’s life cycle, the possibility of foresight and as a result of a collision between social groups.
Conclusion. It has been established that some of the classification features are found in the works of many researchers and can serve as the basis for classification, which belongs to types of crises in the socio-economic environment. The result of the study is the table formed on the basis of these data with the generalized types of crises in the socio-economic environment.
Further research will be aimed at creating a list of types of crises that may arise at the enterprise, based on certain types of crises on the basis of the classification "on the sphere of origin" and the study of their relationship with anti-crisis management and anti-crisis potential. |
| BUDGET EXPENDITURES IN THE SYSTEM OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT OF THE COUNTRY | Author : CHUGUNOV Igor, SAMOSHKINA Olga | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. At the modern stage of development of public relations is important to further development of the formation of budget expenditures directly enhancing their use of regulatory capacity, improve rational allocation of budgetary resources between the areas of public development considering its priorities and cyclical economic, social and demographic processes. Need to deepen the research question long-term forecasting of budget expenditures, principles of annual and medium-term planning of budget expenditures based on program-target budgeting and taking into account the dynamics of demographic development.
The aim of the article is to reveal the theoretical foundations and improve the methodological principles of the formation of budget expenditures in the system of state regulation of socio-economic development of the country.
Materials and methods. Theoretical and methodological basis of the research consisted of scientific works of domestic and foreign scientists on the formation of budget expenditures, as well as legal acts on state policy in the field of budget expenditures. In the process of research, a set of scientific methods and approaches, including systemic, structural-functional, generalization, analysis and synthesis, factor and comparative analysis, have been used.
Results. The essence of budget expenditures as an instrument of regulation of social and economic development of the country is revealed. The structural-functional model of the system of budgetary regulation in the field of expenditures, the institutional principles of forming budget expenditures in the system of state strategic planning is substantiated. The directions of improvement of the system of perspective forecasting and planning of the budget expenditure are determined. Methodological approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of budget programs and activities of budget funds managers have been improved.
Conclusion. The development of social relations requires of increased use of budget expenditures as an instrument of regulation of socio-economic development of the country, which involves the formation of indicators of the volume and structure of the expenditure part, taking into account their impact on the dynamics of economic, social and demographic processes, taking into account their cyclicality, priorities of social development and effecttiveness budgetary activity. The system of budgetary regulation in the field of expenditures can be reproduced by a structural-functional model, which is based on the provisions of adaptive budget architectonics and provides for regulation of the volume and structure of the expenditure part of the budget, budget deficit, interbudgetaryrelations taking into account the dynamics of economic and socio-demographic processes, budget revenues, public debt. Strengthening the relationship between the strategic goals of the country’s development and the effectiveness of public administration needs to improve the system of perspective forecasting and planning of budget expenditures in the following areas: introduction of long-term forecasting of the expenditure part of the budget; streamlining the medium and annualplanning of budget expenditures in accordance with a defined long-term budget strategy based on the principle of sliding planning. |
| CREDIT STRESS RESISTANCE OF THE BANKING SYSTEM OF UKRAINE | Author : SHULGA Natalia, DRIUK Anna | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. As a result of the global financial crisis, it was necessary to introduce new approaches, mechanisms and analytical tools to ensure both balanced economic development and financial stability in the country. In the context of the above, it is important to assess not only the overall stress resistance of the banking system (BS), but also its main component - credit stressresistance (CR), as well as the search for ways to strengthen it.
The aim of the study is to reveal the theoretical and methodological provisions for assessing the credit stress of the banking system and determine the directions of its strengthening.
Materials and methods.The theoretical and methodological basis of the research is the scientific work of foreign and domestic scientists devoted to assessing the stress resistance of the banking system and the lending activity of banks. In the course of the research a set of scientific approaches and methods was used: analysis, synthesis, comparative, minimax normalization.
Results. Credit stress resistance of the banking system is considered as the ability of the banking system to adapt to external challenges in a timely manner and to withstand credit shocks, while not violating the credit function; achievement of the coordination of the volume of lending to households and the real sector of the economy with the rates of economic growth of the country; ensuring the acceptable level of credit risk, acceptable profitability and sufficient coverage of credit activities.
Conclusion. The main criteria for assessing the credit stress stability of the banking system (SSBS) are as follows: scale of credit activity, riskiness, profitability, degree of resource coverage, within which 13 indicators are determined. A hypothesis is made that all the indicators included in the calculation of the integral index of SSBS have the same effect on it and can acquire values in the range from 0 to 1. The greater value of this index corresponds to the higher security of the banking system from the onset of credit stress. During the investigated period, the value of the integral index did not always reflect the credit stressability of the banking system of Ukraine, which is due to the imperfection of the methodology of credit risk assessment and concealment of its real level in Ukrainian banks. |
| FINANCIAL CAPACITY OF LOCAL BUDGETS | Author : RUBAN Maxym | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. The initiated processes of fiscal decentralization aimed to increase the local budgets’ financial capacity as well as to provide the sufficient financial resources for the territorial communities to perform their own and delegated powers.The public financial institutions’ efforts should be focused on the quality improvement in tax administration, the certain tax bases’ expansion, and the elimination of the shadow economy.
The aim of this paper is to justify the priority directions for the local budgets’ financial capacity raise, regarding the expediency of the tax revenues’ fiscal efficiency increase.
Materials and methods. Theoretical and methodological bases of this study are represented by the scientific works, addressing the problem in question, of domestic and foreign scientists. The dialectical, systemic and structural approaches, the methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, and scientific abstraction were applied.
Results. The approaches to raisethe tax revenues’ fiscal efficiency in the local budgets’ system were developed. The directions to enhance the local budgets’ financial capacity were determined. The analysis of the factors affecting the tax revenues’ forecasting effectiveness was carried out. The statements on the quality improvement in the level of tax administration were proposed. The ways to expand the income taxes’ (collected to the local budgets) bases were substantiated.
Conclusion. The local budgets’ tax revenues efficiency is the prerequisite for the economic development of the administrative units. The taxes’ fiscal potential in the local budgets’ revenues system depends on the accuracy, reliability, and adaptability of these revenues’ forecasting and planning methods, the development level of the main financial institutions, the quality of tax administration, etc. The forecast reliability should be evaluated at the all stages of the budget process, considering the forecast indicators’ performance as well as the statistical estimation of the scientific prediction error. The methodology for defining and assessing the tax bases (in particular for property taxes) requires development and essential improvement in the appropriate information and analytical support. |
| HIGHER EDUCATION IN UKRAINE: TRENDS OF THE DEVELOPMENT | Author : BIDIUK Alla | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Competitiveness of higher education is considered as one of the basic components of the national security system, a feature and precondition for successful developmentof individual regions and Ukraine in general. The problem of synchronous development of the educational services market is intensifying due to the increasing competition in the global space for the national economy.
The aim of the article is identification of the main trends in the development of the educational services national market on the basis of state and factors analysis that determine the change in its specific characteristics.
Materials and methods. To achieve this goal, the following general scientific and special methods of research are used: dialectic, scientific abstraction (theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions), comparison (comparison of actual data for separate periods), causative analysis (revealing tendencies of the development of educational services market), graphical – for visual representation of the research results, generalization – to formulate relevant conclusions. The information base of the study consists of legislative and regulatory acts, data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, theoretical and methodological scientific developments.
Results. Today, the educational services market is a powerful, widespread economic environment, where relations between its participants are realized in the sphere of creating a significant element of national wealth – knowledge, abilities, skills, personal intellectual and professional characteristics of citizens – the human capital of the country. The development of the educational services market in Ukraine is characterized by the following tendencies: increased competition between higher education institutions; optimization of the network of higher education institutionsHEI – market participants due to their consolidation, caused also by the problematic demographic situation in the country and the international migration of the population, youth in particular; the orientation of the higher education institutionsHEI for the modernization of the management system, built on the modern principles of academic freedom and university autonomy is formed; increasing cooperation between institutions of higher education and employers in the direction of developing the personnel training structure for the needs of the labor market and appropriate filling of educational programs with practical content; high motivation of young people to receive a prestigious profession; internationalization of higher education.
Conclusion. The rapid development of the modern educational services market necessitates a detailed study of the trends and regularities of functioning and forecasting of the directions of its future transformations on this basis. Creation of an effective and perfect education system of the country will ensure the formation of a powerful market potential according to the needs of the modern economy. |