The ethical and economic conditions of human birthas a philosophical problem | Author : Mykhailo BOICHENKO, Nataliia BOICHENKO, Zoia SHEVCHENKO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The basic economic and ethical arguments in favor of proper treatment of human birth are considered. It has been analyzed that ethics should be widely considered when defining goals and means of economic behavior. It has been argued that utilitarianism as an ethical position should be limited in practice, but bioethics should be more widely used in determining the motivation for economic behavior. |
| Identity destruction as the basis for the formation of the conformist personality | Author : Liudmyla BOROVSKA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Identification is a complex and controversial process. The failure of its mechanisms leads to the dismemberment of the image of "Ego", diffuse identity, the loss of human harmony with the world. Investigation of the destructive aspects of the complex process of identification requires the analysis of social mechanisms that lead to identity disorder and conformist personality formation.
Theanalysis of the recent researches and publications. In the latest social and psychological studies, the problems of identity are most often viewed by scientists through the lens of the crisis of the consciousness of a modern man. Also contemporary researchers write in nontrivial perspectives about conformism and manipulative approaches to managing people.
Theaim of the article is to find out the social mechanisms of identity destruction in a conformist type man.
Materials and methods.The works of domestic and foreign authors were used in the article to consider the posed problem. The research is based on a critical and systematic approach, as well as on the philosophical principles of objectivity and historicism.
Results.On the basis of the concept of conformism of E. Fromm and the concept of"one-dimensional man" G. Marcuse, the social mechanisms that lead to the disorder of identity and formation of personality of the conformist type are considered. According to E. Fromm, conformism is one of the repositories where a man escapes from loneliness, fear and freedom. G. Marcuse emphasizes that technological reality interferes with the space of personal development of a person and negates it. The result is not an adaptation, but a direct identification of the individual with society as a whole, which was characteristic of primitive forms of association. The development of personality through mechanisms of identification-separation is analyzed.
Conclusion. The results of the analysis show that the main factor that contributes to the formation of a conformist type man is identity disorder. For various reasons (fear of isolation and ostracism – according to Fromm or introjected forms of social control – according to Marcuse) with the weakening of the critical force of the human mind is narrowing of his personal space, which ultimately significantly complicates, or even makes it impossible for a person to consciously choose a certain model of behavior, contributes to its uncritical adjustment to social standards and "distortion" of one’s identity. |
| Ancient Greek polis as the space for the development of thinking | Author : Mykola LIPIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. At present, the adequate adoption of philosophical technologies for the development of thinking requires the reproduction of the basic parameters of the social-cultural space that contributes to the completeness of thinkingresearch. To do this, it is necessary to turn to the origins of the formation of reflective thinking and philosophy within the ancient Greek democratic polis.
The aim of the article is to investigate the significance of the ancient Greek democratic polisas thespecific social space that enables development of reflective thinking.
Materials and methods. Scientific publications of domestic and foreign authors on the mentioned problemsare used in the article; general analytical and specific research methods have been applied.
Research. The ancient Greek democratic polisforms such a social space in which the development of rational thinking becomes practically necessary. This social order presupposes equality of all its participants, uncertainty and openness of the issue of the common good, dialogue as a way of resolving conflicts. An empty place of power isunder the threat to be filled by deformationanddisintegrationin this social space. In other words, the polisis constantly in a situation of choice between politics and the police, the choice between a "dispute about the common" and "a dispute about governance and power". In view of the above, this social space can be defined as a "shimmering polis" that appears on the periphery of power structures, where the understanding of "normality" becomes less apparent.
Conclusion. Thinking manifests itself in the common being of people as the ability to bring into accordancewith the essence of the matter. A man as a social (political) being brings himself into accordancewith the essence of the matter, not with one another, but with other people. Therefore, thinking is inseparable from common cause (respublic). Thinking in word and in action is directed toward other people. The social space in which thinking will manifest itself must be open, excessiveand free from the domination of rigidhierarchical structures. |
| Axiological orientations of Ukrainians in the context of European integration | Author : Olena VANIUSHYNA, Liudmyla VERBYTSKA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Analysis of values is extremely important for understanding the social and political processes taking place in the country and forecasting the further scenario of development. So, the dominant values are directly related to the formation of national ideology.
The analysis of recent research and publication. In domestic sociology the significant contribution to the development of theoretical interpretation of the problem of values is made by O. Balakireva, E. Golovaha, I. Martyniuk, M. Naumova, M. Nahabich, A. Ruchka, N. Soboleva, L. Sokurianska. Ukrainian sociologists systematically monitor the value priorities of Ukrainian citizens. They are also involved in several international sociological value research projects.
The aim is studying the dynamics of value orientation of the population during the years of Ukraine’s independence, attitude of Ukrainians to European values depending on their region of residence, age and socially property status.
Materials and methods. General and specific methods of scientific cognition were used in the work, including the systematic approach, separate logical tools of induction, deduction, abduction and comparative method.
Results. When comparing the values of Ukrainians and Europeans, the greatest similarity is observed among Ukrainians and citizen of post-socialist Europe. This is explained by long similar living conditions. And the biggest difference is fixed with the citizen of Scandinavian Europe. As for differences in the value system within Ukrainian society, they are influenced by the region of residence with previous historical heritage and the manipulative influences of the neighboring states. From the point of view of Ukrainians belonging to a certain social class – values do not differ drastically, survival values prevail. A similar situation is observed in relation to the values of different generation of Ukrainians. Security is of paramount importance. And the tendency towards post-materialists values is only slightly more pronounced in young people. The 2019 presidential and parliamentary election in Ukraine showed that there were much more in common with the Ukrainians than previously believed.
Conclusion. The valueorientations of Ukrainians are characterized by some connection with factors of social origin (generation, region) and factors of social achievement (education, income level). This introduces some heterogeneity in prioritizing values. The process of forming new value orientations takes place in the face of rapid social change; where they are forced compete with fundamental values, which nevertheless remain the same. |
| The nature of the individual: historical and philosophical dimension | Author : Tetiana KRAMAR | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Biological, social, psychological components of the individual’s nature are closely interconnected and complementary. The problem of determining the nature of the individual is in the subject field of many anthropological sciences and is considered in the interdisciplinary plane, especially meaningful are the studies at the intersection of social philosophy, philosophical anthropology and social psychology.
The analysis of the recent researches and publications has shown that despite the presence of some scientific achievements, the important scientific and practical problem regarding the nature of the individual and its components remains unresolved.
The aim of the article is to analyze the existing views and offer the author’s vision of the nature of the individual, to explore the process of realization of the individual within the social system, to substantiate the relationship between the individual and the social in the process of becoming a personality.
Materials and methods. Methods of comparison, analysis and synthesishave beenusedinthe study.
Results. The analysis of the basic theories of personality, developed on the periphery of research explorations of social philosophy and social psychology, shows how the emphasis of domination and interaction of the three basic components of the nature of the individual – biological, psychological and social has changed. These components are inextricably linked, and in the process of interaction, they form a specific, unique essence of the individual, which is realized through the following approaches: "atomic" individual, which is understood as a single, that is, a part of the common; "suplementary" individual - as a complement to the social; "free" individual –as an autonomous structural component of a person who has a bilateral nature.
Conclusion. The purpose and the result of the formation of the individual as a carrier of individual freedom and an open, non-linear, self-organizing system is the acquisition of permanence, integrity and harmonization of individual components of the individual. In this sense, the individual is defined as a certain totality that integrates special elements of the individual: physical, psychological, intellectual, social and spiritual. The individual contains the ability to remove the direct determination of the biological and social existence of the individual, it forms a system of ideological coordinates corresponding to the existing system of social relations. |
| The ideological sources of totalitarianism in Plato’s philosophy | Author : Ihor KOSHOVYI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. If freedom in the hierarchy of human values and priorities does not occupy the highest place, and in order to maintain public order, people are ready to exchange their freedom for security, then the possibility of forming a specific system of stateand political power regulating all public and private spheres of human life is significantly increasing. The reasons for the establishment oftotalitarian regimemay be the radical changes in socio-political life and the responsesof a society to such changes related tothe processes of alienation and maladaptation.
The analysis of recent researchesand publications has shown that despite of individual scientific achievements in the studiesof totalitarianism as a stateand political authority and there is the need to analyze Plato’s philosophy on the subject of the availability of ideological sources, the "starting point" of totalitarian political regime.
The aim of the article is to identify and analyze the ideological origins of totalitarianism in Plato’s philosophy on the example of the dialogue "The State".
Materials and methods. Analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, comparative, dialectic, hermeneutic, historico-philosophical, hypothetico-deductive and other methods have been used in the study.
Results. The ideological sources of totalitarianism in Plato’sphilosophy are identifiedand analyzed on the example of the dialogue "The State".The main featuresof the system of totalitarian ideology of Plato’sutopian state, which focus on the idea of the common good, public welfare and happiness as the goal of state policy,are highlighted. At the same time, it is argued that the idea of a "powerful hand" and paternalism meets the deep existential demands of a man, characterized by loneliness, anxiety, escapefrom freedom and pursuit of happiness.
Conclusion. It is proved that in the system of Plato’s "ideal" state the basic values of the totalitarian state are justified, as well as the basic features of the totalitarian political system are highlighted. Plato’s ideas for aformation of a perfect state were not out of touch from the objective socio-historic reality, and apparently they were theresponse to the changes in the socio-political relations of that time, which were accompanied by wars.
The prospects for further researchesareidentification and analysis of the main mechanisms of values erosion in modern society, the convergence of totalitarian political regime and democratic societies in order to prevent such processes; historical and philosophical analysis of classical totalitarian regimes of the twentieth century; definition of the basic prerequisites for the moral justification of totalitarian system in modern society. |
| Existence of Person’s Freedom in the Paradigm of Property Ethos | Author : Alla KRAVCHENKO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Human life is associated with the property, which is part of his or her existence and freedom. The material and cultural benefits, which are based on the property, are the conditions for self-formation. Property ownership provides institutional structures of political power and rights. The Institute of Private Property plays a key role in promotion of social justice.
The analysis of recent research and publications. The research of the problem of property is actualized in the studies of Modern philosophers and economists. At present, the foundations of the property institute are explored in the context of psychology, philosophy of economics, ethics, and existential anthropology.
The aim. Today, the question of the relation between property and social justice and the right of the individual to existential identity becomes especially important.
Materials and methods. The research is based on structural-functional, paradigmatic approaches, deconstruction method, principles of historicism, non-classicalrationality and critical reflection.
Results. In the history of society, every economic, political, philosophical theory solved the problem of property. Property institute plays a key role in developingsocial justice in people’s lives. Propertyis a guarantee of freedom of activity within the individual sphere. Establishment ofa property instituteis a story ofhuman understanding of themselves as individuals.Property as a condition of self-realization requires a socio-cultural space,free for individual activity. Property exists under the conditions of legal security, which guarantees the order and welfare of society. Property, law and freedom are inseparable.
Conclusion. The essence of human in the social world is determined by the level of development of his or her "Self". Property is an important impetus for the development of society and man. The private property institute is a condition for creating law and order and an efficient economy. Owning a property absorbs the existence of being in the world. |
| The specificity of social practices of trust relations in transitional societies | Author : Iryna BONDAREVYCH | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Social practices occupy an important place in the list of sets of factors in the dynamics of a transitional society. The prognostic potential of the social practices is very powerful, as the study provides thinking on the various areas of social reality – from the motivational sphere of the individual to the existing social institutions.
The analysis of the recent researches and publications has shown that both personal and intimate practices of an individual are under the watchful eye of contemporary social reality researchers. Since social practices of trust relations reflect the practical mastery of certain values in society, the depth of their rootedness, it remains topical to search for methods of processing their predictive potential. Social practices of personal relations are the most suitable for calculating the tendencies of the transformation of transitional societies.
The aim of the article is to find out the prognostic efficiency of the simulation process and the process of mastering the value of love for predicting the development dynamics of transitional societies.
Materials and methods. Systematic approach, phenomenological and biographical methods, as well as a modeling method have been used in the study.
Results. It is found that motivational markers of love simulators are: survival due to partnership, escape from loneliness, fear; desire of power; quasi-realization; emotional euphoria of passion; dependence associated with all sorts of emptiness. In the plane of customized social actions, love simulacra look like marriages of convenience; unequal marriages; civil marriages; "free" sexual relations; dysfunctional families; conscious single motherhood, etc.
The motivational markers of the mastered values of all kinds of love are the same. Firstly, it is an understanding of one’s nature (self-knowledge), self-respect, self-development. Secondly, it is the acceptance of others via understanding, knowledge of their nature, respect for human dignity, the ability to act unselfishly, to be grateful, to be able to enjoy the world. The social practices of the mastered values of love are identified in the phenomenon of communities of love. In the latter, personal relationships are transformed into social actions, they are gaining a scale of social practices, and they are being formalized into new social institutions. The development level of civil society institutions attests to the power of the influence of love simulacra on the current state of society and its prospects.
Conclusion. The specificity of the social practices in a transitional society is conditioned by the natural spread of selfish motivations of individuals. The results of the research of the social practices of love relations at the level of individual motivations, established social actions and social institutions model a fragment of the value map of society. Further studies of the social practices of trust relations can be applied in drawing up a value map of a particular society, which allows to make conclusions about the tendencies of the transformation of a particular society. |