The cold supply chains of food: determinants of management and development | Author : Liudmyla KHARSUN, Serhii PATKOVSKYI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper deals with cold chains essences. It identifies main preconceptions of the cold chain market development in Ukraine and worldwide. The main characteristics of the coldsupply chains are determined. The current state and development perspectives of the cold chain logistics on the food market in Ukraine have been analyzed. |
| Cooperative consumer network of Europe | Author : Nataliya HRYNYUK | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The tendencies of organizational development of the world cooperative movement have been investigated. The institutional preconditions of international cooperative cooperation are determined. The results of the activity of the European Community of Consumer Cooperatives are analyzed. The basic directions of activity of association of consumer cooperatives of Europe are proved. |
| Planning of event portfolio for torism destination in post-quarantine period | Author : Hanna MYKHAILICHENKO, Sergiy KRAVTSOV, Yuliia ZABALDINA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article deals with the sense and structure of a tourism destination event portfolio. The theoretical foundation of the planning process for Ukrainian destinations event portfolio destinations as a component of their tourism product has been carried out. The goals of forming a destination’s event portfolio within the framework of the tourism product strategy and marketing strategy are determined. The factors of decision making about the structure of an event portfolio, dynamics of measures are highlighted. Proportionality of Ukrainian’s destinations event portfolio is analyzed. |
| Digital determinants of training specialists’ trends | Author : Anatoliy MAZARAKI, Nataliya NOVIKOVA, Yulia SONKO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. The new era of digitalization, which has rapidly entered the world, results of the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) make radical adjustments to the traditional way of life, dramatically transforming society. Relocation of analog operations to the Internet, development of digital environment, replacement of classic management models and business processes with digital, produce a new format of industrial production, open up new opportunities for personalization of offers for each client.
The aim of the research is the substantiation of necessity of digital skills formation of future specialists in different spheres of Ukraine’s economy, authorities and public in the context of development of the global trend of digital transformation of society and development of methodological algorithms for the organization of the course "Digital Economy of Ukraine" for the students of Ukraine.
Materials and methods. The materials of the researches were quantitative indicators of development of the process of society digitalization, data of international ratings of Ukraine, publiccations of scientists, official reports of international organizations, normative legal acts and so forth.
Results. The objective of the course "Digital Economy of Ukraine" is to provide the university graduates of various specialties the basic knowledge necessary for managing economic objects. Analyzing recent researches and publications, five key conditions can be identified for successful digitization in Ukraine: accessibility and perception, competitive advantage, overall responsibility, relevance and commitment, and also security.
The basic principles of implementation of these conditions are reliability, practicality and comprehensiveness. Special attention is paid to the digital transformation of the agrarian sphere of Ukraine as a new stage of its development in this course. The issues of digital transformation in the health care of Ukraine is a separate theme of the course. It will be interesting for the students to become familiar with the trends of digital trade transformation, taking into account the specificity of KNUTE. The theme of assessment of digitization processes development is equally important and interesting for the students.
Conclusion. The necessity of digital competencies formation (Digital skills)of the global trend development of the society digital transformation is substantiated in the research. A methodological algorithm for the course organization "Digital Economy of Ukraine" for the students of Ukraine has been developed. According to the developers of the course "Digital Economy of Ukraine", the systematic approach, versatility and complexity of the topics make it applicable, versatile, relevant and interesting to study. |
| Ontological and epistemological foundations of economic science of the XXI century | Author : Vasyl LAGUTIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. The searchofnew theoretical and methodological approaches in the XXI centuryisa prerequisite for the development of economic science. The economic reality itself isnew, problematic, contradictory andcreates the impuls for the emergence of a new type of conceptual and paradigmatic constructions. An urgent problem in these conditions is the formation of modern ontological and epistemological foundations of the scientific economic system, the provision of real knowledge of its subject, which is reliable, that is, substantiated in the detailed logical theoretical form.
The aim of the article is to study the ontological and epistemological foundations of the development of economic science in the XXI century (the study was conducted using two most common transcendental economic categories - value and capital).
Materials and methods. General scientific and special methods of scientific knowledge, methodological tools of modern economic theory, system method, logical and historical approaches, method of scientific abstraction, analysis and synthesis, qualitative structural approach, method of interdisciplinary analysis have been used.
Results. Ontological principles of economic science are connected with the objecttive existence of economy (its place in society, connections with technological processes, specific properties, systemic, structural, cause and effect, functional and other characterristics) and epistemological principles of economic science are connected with research methodology.
The emergence of new approaches in economic science to the ontological content of the economy of the XXI century clearly correlates with the emergence of the concept of post-industrial society.
An economic ontology cannot be outside a thorough epistemological study, that is a methodology. The methodology of science is based on a philosophical basis. The most promising in modern conditions for economic science is a synergistic methodology with its effective methods of study of emergent systems.
The problem of paradigmatic innovations in economic science is acute today.
The theoretical development of the subject of science involves the selection of certain fundamental categories - the beginnings of a peculiar categorical matrix. These are, first and foremost, such generalizable categories as "value" and "capital" for economic science. These categories reflect the content of the base objectively determined economic substance.
Conclusion. The scientific material of the XXI century modifies traditional ontological (what and how it exists) and epistemological (as knowledge is justified of what exists) conceptions of the economy. Effective in the ontological and epistemological sense, economic science opens new perspectives that give the system of economic categories a truly updated content. Such approach will actually bring domestic economic science into the future of the XXI century. |
| Bankruptcy as an enterprise anti-crisis management mechanism | Author : Borys MOSKVIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. In the current conditions of market instability and the likelihood of a new stage of the global financial crisis, there is a high probability that not all businesses will be able to withstand the crisis events and overcome their effects. Taking account of the fact that many businesses have lack of the resources to deal with the systemic crisis, bankruptcy is one of the possible ways out of this situation.
Theaim of the article is to investigate the concept of bankruptcy as a mechanism for anti-crisis management of an enterprise.
Materials and methods. The methods of generalization, comparative analysis, analysis and synthesis, which made it possible to analyze the concept of bankruptcy and to investigate its effectiveness as a mechanism for crisis management of the enterprise, have been used in the article. The works of domestic and foreign scientists, the Bankruptcy Code of Ukraine, statistical materials and online sources are the information base of the research.
Results. The main approaches to the interpretation of the concept of "bankruptcy of an enterprise" have been determined. The statistical data on the number of bankruptcies of enterprises in Ukraine and other countries of the world have been analyzed. The study of world practice using the bankruptcy procedure as anti-crisis management mechanism has been carried out. The brief description of the sequence of anti-crisis measures aimed at overcoming the systemic crisis in the enterprise and preventing its liquidation due to the inability to restore its solvency has been given.
Conclusion. Having studied the world practice of using bankruptcy procedures to reorganize debt and taking into account the fact that bankruptcy is also applied in the Ukrainian practice of anti-crisis management, it can be argued that bankruptcy is a mechanism for anti-crisis management, which should not be neglected in the extreme case, when all other anti-crisis measures have not helped, but should not be abused, violating the rights of interested parties in solvency of the enterprise and the current legislation of Ukraine. |
| Fake reviews in e-commerce marketing | Author : Malte FIEDLER, Martin KISSLING | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Online reviews have shown to be a significant source of information in the purchase decision process. The deceptive manipulation of reviews has become a substantial challenge for both the research and e-commerce industry. In this regard, scholars made the first attempts to analyze the motives and causes of these so-called fake reviews. However, there is still a lack of a comprehensive and differentiated overview on this topic. The present article seeks to fill this gap by reviewing the current state of research on user-related and supplier-related causes as well as the effects of fake reviews from the perspective of the recipient, supplier, and platform. Therefore, we contribute by deriving key research gaps. |
| State financial policy of ensuring social development of society | Author : Igor CHUGUNOV, Svitlana KACHULA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background. Institutional transformations in the economy and social sphere need to strengthen the effectiveness of the country’s financial policies aimed at realizing the priorities of social development, using effective financial and economic mechanisms, creating a favorable institutional environment, strengthening the institutions of social responsibility and partnership. It is important to substantiate the conceptual provisions of the coordination of public financial policy instruments with the goals and objectives of social policy, taking into account economic cyclicality and the institutional environment standing. Public financial policy adaptability is a prerequisite for increasing its effectiveness in the system of social development, and it is advisable to budgetary architecture further development.
The aim of the article is to reveal the theoretical foundations and to improve the methodological provisions of the formation and implementation of public financial policy as the society social development ensuring tool.
Materials and methods. The set of methods and approaches are used in the work, in particular: dialectical, systemic and institutional approaches are used – disclosure of the essence of the state financial policy as a component of social development financial support system; analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction applied in the development of conceptual foundations for the formation and implementation of social development state financial policy strategic directions.
Results. We have revealed the essence of public financial policy as a component of the system of social development financial support. The system of principles that should be observed in the formulation and implementation of social development financial policy is defined. The main indicators of the public financial and social policy of Ukraine in 2000-2018 are analyzed and evaluated. The provisions on the assessment of the impact of public financial policy on the development of budgetary architecture are improved, taking into account public finance management transformation, which will contribute to the institutional environment building and social programs indicators achieving. Institutional framework for social development budgetary policydevelopment is grounded, based on scientifically justified country and administrative-territorial units social development priorities, strategic goals of social policy, social programs financing sources optimization, which will contribute to strengthening of budgetary system balance and stability in the conditions of limited budget. Approaches to enhancing the role of public financial policy in the development of small and medium-sized enterprises is developed to increase employment rates and public-private partnerships to provide priority funding for socially significant innovation projects and social programs in the fields of education, health care, and culture.
Conclusion. An important condition for sustainable social development is an effecttive model of public financial policy. Measures of influence of the main components-instru_ments of the state financial policy of social development – fiscal, monetary and credit policy – should be coordinated not only among themselves but also with the state social policy. In today’s context, it is advisable to formulate the social development public financial policy that would help to achieve the goal of optimal redistribution of gross domestic product through the system of public finances; supporting proactive social policies; providing active policies to support the working population employment; the share of private and public organizations in providing social services increasing stimulating; realization of social solidarity and subsidiarity; effective help to vulnerable populations. It is necessary to update the state and local government social obligations, to draw up a list of standards and public services guaranteed by the budget, standards of their financial support.
It is determined that the implementation of social development state financial policy strategic directions includes the involvement of small and medium-sized businesses activetion financial levers, increasing the role of public-private partnership in the social development system. |