Branding of retail enterprises | Author : KARKUSHKA Oleksandr | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Branding is an integral part of the promotion and development of goods by retail trade enterprises (RTE). A comprehensive branding process is a key success factor, as it allows enterprises to identify themselves among competitors and attract a larger target audience. In this direction, it is important to substantiate the use of branding models aimed at increasing the competitiveness and RTE profitability. The aim of the article is to define the key concepts, the main components of branding, to substantiate the construction of a branding model and to characterize its elements. The following general scientific research methods were used such as analysis and synthesis, to present the main brand attributes; branding models and their characteristics; empirical, system and structural analysis and graphical display. The key concepts and basic branding principles have been defined, the main attributes (appearance of the product, its physical characteristics, brand name, logo, slogan, color scheme, fonts, character, music and sounds, related attributes) of the RTE brands have been analyzed. The process of choosing a positioning and its role in brand formation has been considered. The comparative characteristic of branding models has been presented, the main components, advantages and disadvantages of each model have been indicated. Based on the results, the author has developed his own model of RTE brand formation. The main advantages of using the developed model by the RTE and the main differences from other models have been indicated |
| Artificial intelligence in digital marketing | Author : PONOMARENKO Ihor | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Development of a comprehensive approach to the integration of artificiale intelligence (AI) into a company's marketing strategy in the digital environment is important to directly ensure the loyalty of customers and achieve an economically primed level of sales conversion period. In this article it was focused on the direct integration of digital marketing algorithms of artificiale inteligence to optimize interaction between companies and target audiences. During the research, the use of fundamental scientific methods of analysis and synthesis was carried out to characterize the AI main algorithms that are used in digital marketing; empirical methods, graphical images, and system structural analysis. The AI role in digital marketing has been emphasized and the importance of using current algorithms to ensure effective communications between companies and vendors has been proved. A comprehensive analysis of the main digital marketing tools and the features of their use to ensure the competitive position of companies on the Internet was carried out. The scheme of obtainning information from users and optimizing the use of AI tools based on the applying of effective mathematical algorithms is given. The key trends in the development of the market for generative AI in the field of digital marketing have been identified. A subdivision of content created by generative AI has been presented. It has been determined that piece intelligence is a priority in the marketing strategies of companies in the digital environment, which allows companies to ensure personalization of the approach to each client. |
| Energy security: new challenges and global trends | Author : MAZARAKI Anatolii, MELNYK Tetyana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the conditions of a permanent world energy crisis and its strengthening against the background of full-scale aggression of russia in Ukraine, questions regarding risks to national energy security come to the fore in the world. At the same time, the world is undergoing the fourth energy transition, which requires the development of a new concept of energy security by countries that are both suppliers of energy resources and their consumers. The aim of the research is to develop the conceptual principles of energy security, taking into account modern challenges caused by simultaneously growing crises in energy, economy and geopolitics. The creation of such a basis makes it possible to identify a number of solutions for neutralizing new threats that arise, in particular, in the context of the "green" transition. The research was conducted using the methods of scientific abstraction and systematization, analysis and synthesis, generalization, comparison. Conceptual features of energy security management in conditions of radically changed context, strengthening of crisis phenomena and threats of various natures are presented. The hypothesis that energy security is a complex category that expresses the ability of the fuel and energy complex of the region to supply the domestic market with the necessary volume and range of energy resources at stable and acceptable prices, to quickly mitigate unexpected fluctuations in demand for fuel and energy resources and to ensure uninterrupted energy supply and energy carrier parameters in real time. Based on the analysis of scientific publications and practical models of energy security, theoretical provisions, methodological principles and energy security management tools that meet modern requirements have been developed. In particular, the key global trends of changes in the energy markets are defined, the types and forms of modern energy threats and risks are outlined. It outlines the impact of the "green" transition that many countries have undertaken and confirmed at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP28), emphasizing further energy security, taking into account both the reduction of dependence on fossil fuels and the new challenges associated with renewable energy sources. The results of the research are of practical interest during the development of energy policy, plans and specific actions aimed at ensuring energy security in a turbulent global environment. |
| Determinants of energy system resilience | Author : LEBEDEVA Larysa, SHKUROPADSKA Diana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The importance of energy resilience for the EU countries and Ukraine in the context of geopolitical conflicts and challenges caused by Russian aggression is emphasized. The author emphasizes the need to modernize energy networks, continuous monitoring and analysis of the energy situation. The purpose of the study was to identify the factors that influence energy resilience and the state policy of energy system resilience. It is hypothesized that in times of crisis, state regulation, in particular support for diversified energy sources, construction of efficient energy infrastructure, risk management systems and transparent regulatory policies, play an important role in ensuring the resilience of the energy system. To achieve the aim of the research, a complex of general scientific and special methods were used such as historical and logical; analyzing factors of energy resilience, statistical aggregation and comparison are used in compiling and analyzing energy resilience indices. Based on such indicators of energy resilience as The Global Energy Vulnerability Index and The Energy Sovereignty Index, the vulnerabilities of the energy systems of the EU and Ukraine are assessed and their path to energy independence is outlined. The analysis revealed a significant dependence of the EU countries on energy imports, which affects their self-sufficiency, while noting progress in renewable energy, particularly in Denmark, Finland, and Sweden. Ukraine's position in this ranking is quite low and comparable to European countries such as Slovakia, Poland, and Lithuania, which is a consequence of its dependence on energy imports, as well as low economic resilience and energy efficiency. Most EU countries have achieved their performance targets by applying holistic approaches to energy security. The factors affectting energy resilience are identified, including geopolitical conflicts, availability of energy resources, reliable infrastructure, monitoring and risk management systems, energy efficient technologies, and transparent regulatory policies. The author emphasizes Ukraine's decision to harmonize its energy policy with the EU principles, which provides for the update of the Energy Strategy of Ukraine to ensure resilient economic development and climate neutrality by 2050. |
| System management of e-commerce enterprises | Author : TSILVIK Oleg | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Modern system management has in its arsenal a number of tools for effective design of enterprise management based on digital technologies and artificial intelligence. The synergy of management subsystems of e-commerce enterprises is able to ensure the formation of the effect of growth of business flexibility to changes in the external environment, optimize business processes and positively influence the behavior of online buyers. The aim of the article is to determine the role of synergistic effects of the management system of e-commerce enterprises in the context of a circular business model. It is hypothesized that the synergistic effects of e-commerce enterprise management should be considered through its analysis as a circular internal system consisting of internal and external subsystems. The circular business model essence of the e-commerce enterprise is substantiated. Conceptual approaches to the content of synergistic management are defined. It is proposed to consider the system management as a circular self-reproducing system that has internal (technological core) and external (organizational superstructure) subsystems. The content of synergistic effects according to the signs of their formation is disclosed. On the basis of a cross-approach to the core and superstructure subsystems, the products of their organic interaction were identified. Through the introduction of technologies based on artificial intelligence (AI) and through a combination with effective management technologies, such products are able to form synergistic effects that will lead to an improvement in the quality of value propositions, an increase in customer trust, and an increase in turnover and profits. It has been proven that the systematic approach to the e-commerce enterprise management is based on the synergistic interaction of external elements (management of human resources, knowledge, information technologies, financial and monetary relations) and internal elements (management of technical protection systems, data protection of customers, personnel, contractors, website, and databases) subsystems. Deepening the scientific analysis of electronic commerce tools is of practical importance for the development of strategically correct management decisions in view of diversification of risks of loss of market position, reduction of sales volumes and weakening of competitive advantages. Conceptualization of the synergistic effects of the system management will improve the processes of analyzing the field of e-commerce at the macro- and mega-economic levels and forecasting the economic growth of the industry |
| Financing of infrastructure projects in territorial communities | Author : BAGATSKA Kateryna | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The issues of financial support for the restoration of critical infrastructure are of utmost relevance during martial law, characterized by limited resources and capabilities and increased risks, and must be addressed comprehensively at the state and local levels. The structural redistribution of local budget revenues and expenditures that occurs during martial law necessitates the search for effective ways to attract off-budget instruments for financial support of infrastructure in communities. The aim of the article is to assess the financial capacities and opportunities for restoring the infrastructure of territorial communities and to review promising financial mechanisms. The research is based on the hypothesis that it is necessary to develop combined forms of financial support at the level of territorial communities with an emphasis on intensifying the involvement of international donors. The research methods were used, such as systematic and comparative analysis and synthesis, abstract and logical method, and logical generalization. The research is based on materials from government sources on the state and local budgets and on the basis of scientific works by Ukrainian scholars. The article has presented the opinions of scientists on the financial support essence and systematized its forms, methods and tools for direct financial support of infrastructure projects in communities; revealed the possibilities and prospects for their application under martial law. The expediency of choosing combined forms of financial support as those that balance the interests of the participants has been substantiated. Based on the state analysis of budgetary financing of infrastructure projects at the state and local levels, the availability of financial capacity in local budgets and the continuing trend of long-term projects by international donors at the national level were established. The main method of financial support for projects at the state level is loan programs from international financial institutions and foreign governments. The author has proposed the development of promising forms of financial support for the restoration of infrastructure projects in the form of loan and grants programs combination from the Nordic Environment Finance Corporation (NEFCO) |
| Neobanking regulation | Author : KALYTA Oksana, GORDIIENKO Tetiana, ERKES Olena | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A set of recommendations for regulating the activities of Ukrainian neobanks has been formulated, embodying a balanced approach, promoting European integration, while ensuring compliance with requirements and supporting their competitiveness. The aim of the article is to extrapolate valuable foreign insights for developing recommendations on constructing regulatory and legal framework that will contribute to the inclusion of Ukrainian neobanks into the EU's financial space. The research is based on the hypothesis that the existing regulatory gap in the organization and supervision of neobanking in the EU and Ukraine prevents Ukrainian neobanks from fully realizing their innovative and competitive potential. The research aim was accomplished thanks to the application of a wide range of general scientific and specialized methods, in particular a comprehensive review of scientific sources, legal, comparative, statistical performance analysis, case study, grouping and systematization, as well as formulation of neobanks regulation policy content. The relevance of improving the regulation system of neobanks has been proven, taking into account the acceleration of the global expansion of neobanks as an alternative to the traditional banking business. The article reveals development trends and reasons for the growing popularity of neobanks in certain countries, as well as successful regulatory initiatives that can be adapted for implementation in Ukraine in order to overcome the challenges and threats that Ukrainian neobanks are currently facing. A particular emphasis is placed on the study of the regulatory system of neobanks in the EU countries, which is based on the principles of financial stability, consumer protection, and prevention of financial crimes. On the basis of a comparative analysis of different approaches, successful initiatives for implementation in Ukraine have been determined, which will make it possible to adapt the regulatory infrastructure of the neobanking sector to the level of best practices. Such adaptation is necessary, since the imperfection of the current regulatory and legal framework makes it impossible to comprehensively analyze and effectively control the neobanks' activities, which causes risk of uncertainty, unreliability of services, threats to security and compliance with international regulatory and legal requirements. This diminishes trust on the part of clients and investors, thereby hindering their international competitiveness. To ensure the sustainable development of neobanks in Ukraine, a roadmap for the step-by-step formation of the regulatory infrastructure of the neobanking sector has been developed |
| Non-financial reporting in the industrial sector | Author : POLOVYK Yevheniia, KOROL Svitlana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Non-financial reporting has become an important aspect of corporate reporting, especially in the industrial sector, providing enhanced information on the social, environmental and ethical aspects of a company's activities. By promoting transparency and accountability, non-financial reporting (NFR) can help companies mitigate negative environmental impacts and strengthen their overall sustainability efforts. The aim of the article is to review the regulatory framework and international practice of preparing non-financial reports by industrial enterprises, to identify the specific features of ESG reporting and to provide recommendations on the content of non-financial reports of industrial enterprises in Ukraine. The methods of theoretical generalization and grouping of information, induction, analysis, synthesis and logical generalization were applied. It was determined that the unification of regulatory and legal regulation in the field of NFR is an important issue for business entities, including industrial enterprises. Many international organizations have developed a set of their own regulations in the field of non-financial reporting, which reflect public attention to important issues and the actual practice of solving them by enterprises and organizations. Based on the international practice of non-financial reporting, the lack of universal approaches to the preparation of NFR was revealed. Companies should adapt to certain environmental conditions, take into account the specifics of their activities, organizational structure and strategic goals. The relevance and benefits of implementing ESG principles are determined. The article highlights the shortcomings of information disclosure in the NFRs of Ukrainian industrial enterprises. An important result of the study is the provision of recommenddations on the content of non-financial reports of industrial enterprises in Ukraine. Taking into account the experience of international companies will allow them to improve their approach to business, improve their NFR, and provide a comprehensive and transparent view of their ESG performance. |
| Evolution of the ukrainian eurobond market | Author : ZHURAKHOVSKA Liudmyla, LYASHENKO Sergiy | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Ukrainian Eurobond market will become a critically important source for raising funds in the post-war years. This requires a quantitative analytical study of the factors affecting this market, but such studies are practically non-existent today. The aim of the article is to design the periodization of the Ukrainian Eurobond market, reveal the regularities of its functioning and analyze the interrelation of the risk and return. There is an hypothesis, as: Eurobond return rate can be positively correlated with the systematic risk. Five main stages of development of the Ukrainian Eurobond market (including corporate issues) were found. The main factors were analyzed that influenced the volumes and the coupon rate at the placement of the 2001–2021 issues at each of the first four stages of market development. It is shown that the distribution of issuers of corporate Eurobonds by the total volume of issues is a classic distribution with the "fat tail" and the reason for this distribution were shown. Regression analysis methods were used to analyze the relationship between sovereign risk of Ukraine and coupon rate at the placement of the corporate Ukrainian Eurobonds. Two market "anomalous" in the Ukrainian Eurobond market were found out: periods with exceeding of average coupon rate at the placement of the government Ukrainian Eurobonds over the same rate of the corporate Ukrainian Eurobonds; decreesing of the sovereign risk statistically accompanied with increasing of the average coupon rate at the placement of the corporate Ukrainian Eurobonds. The first "anomaly" explained by the increased optimism of investors in the late
10s and early 20s. The second "anomaly" associated with the rapid expansion of the market and the attraction of relatively risky corporate issues. Using the example of "Vodafone Ukraine" Eurobonds, the influence was analyzed of the introduction of martial law and restructuring events on prices and yield to maturity of the Ukrainian corporate Eurobonds in 2021–2023 years. |