Cumhuriyet Dönemi Boyunca Kirsalin Geçirdigi Dönüsüm ve Kirsaldan Kopus |
Author : Ilhan Tekeli |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Geçen iki yüzyil içinde Türkiye kademeli olarak extansif tarimdan entansif tarima
geçmistir. Bu dönem içinde de küçük üretici, tarimsal politikalarin yaratilmasinda etkili
olmustur. Zaman içinde nüfus kirdan kente kaymis ve ülke kentlesmeye baslamistir. Bu
dönem 19. yüzyilin ikinci yarisindan günümüze kadar gelen Utangaç Modernite, Radikal
Modernite, Popülist Modernite ve Modernite Projesinin Asinmasi basliklari altinda
incelenmistir. Bu asamalar içinde geçimlik tarimdan, iç ve dis piyasalar için ticari tarima
geçis gerçeklesmistir. Teknik ve entansif tarim yapilmaktadir. Sanayiyle entegrasyonu
ve verimliligi yükselmistir. Kirsal alanlar kent kapsami içine alinmistir. Artik tarim
sorunlarinin çözümü için yapilacak çalismalari yalniz tarim/köy kavramlari içinde ele alma
olanagi kalmamistir. Artik modernis |
Income Distribution Is Not Neutral In Terms of Inflation or Inflation Is A Function of the Distribution Of Income: The Case of Turkey Between 2009-2017 |
Author : Cem Mehmet Baydur |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Economics resemble physics. Like in physics, there are constants and positive negative
forces in economics. In the short term, the most important factor in economics is the yield of
the fixed capital, the maximum profit rate. The opposing forces are workers and capitalists.
While the maximum profit rate is data, workers and capitalists fight to income distribution.
External or political interventions can increase share of workers (the government) that they
get from maximum profit. But since the capitalists can price according to their profit targets,
the Income are distributed according to the profit targets of capitalists. Inflation and income
distribution are determined by capitalists. Articles, price dynamics (inflation) in Turkey
during the period 2009-2017 are analyzed according to income distribution. |
Türkiye’de Gerçeklestirilen Inovasyon Odakli Çalismalara Iliskin Yazin Özeti: Ampirik Bulgular, Problemler, Öneriler1Türkiye’de Gerçeklestirilen Inovasyon Odakli Çalismalara Iliskin Yazin Özeti: Ampirik Bulgular, Problemler, Öneriler |
Author : Reyhan Özes, Selim Çagatay |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Çalisma, Türkiye’de inovasyon odakli ampirik çalismalarin sistematik bir özetini vermeyi
amaçlamaktadir. Bu özet ile ampirik çalismalarin yogunlastigi alanlar, temel bulgulari ve bu
bulgular isiginda konuyla ilgili veri eksikligi ve üzerine odaklanilmasi gereken diger ilgili
arastirma konularinin tanimlanmasi hedeflenmektedir. Çalismanin diger hedefi firmalar
açisindan inovasyon önünde beliren engelleri tespit etmek ve çözüm önerilerini ortaya
çikarmaktir. |
Unilateral Trade Policy and Migration when Economies Differ in Size and Efficiency |
Author : Rafael S. Espinosa-Ramirez, M. Özgür Kayalica |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Under imperfect competition model of trade, we analyze the impact of migration on the
source and receiver economies which are different in size. Firms located in each economy
are heterogeneous. Migration occurs due to wage differentials from the small economy to
the large one. In the presence of a one-way trade with a tariff set by the small economy,
a homogenous good is produced under Cournot competition in each country. Receiving
migrants benefits the big economy while departure of migrants hurts the small economy.
No trade-policy response, by the small economy, is effective to compensate for the loss of
welfare. |
The Impact of Copyright Exceptions for Researchers on Scholarly Output |
Author : Michael Palmedo |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :High prices restrict access to academic journals and books that scholars rely upon
to author new research. One possible solution is the expansion of copyright exceptions
allowing unauthorized access to copyrighted works for researchers. I test the link between
copyright exceptions for health and science researchers and their publishing output at the
country-subject level. I find that scientists residing in countries that implement more robust
research exceptions publish more papers and books in subsequent years. This relationship
between copyright exceptions and publishing is stronger in lower-income countries, and
stronger where there is stricter copyright protection of existing works. |
Werner Sombart’in Joseph. A. Schumpeter Üzerinde Etkisi |
Author : Gülenay Bas Dinar, Ercan Eren |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Genç Tarihçi Okulu’nun en önemli temsilcilerinden Max Weber (1864-1920), Gustav von Schmoller (1838-1917) ve Werner Sombart (1863-1941) Schumpeter’in gerek kapitalizm analizi gerekse metodolojik yaklasimi üzerinde önemli etkiye sahip olmustur. Weber ve Schmoller’in Schumpeter üzerindeki etkisi literatürde sikça vurgulanmakla birlikte Som-bart’in Schumpeter üzerindeki etkisi yeterince tartisilmamistir. Bu çalisma Schumpeter ve Sombart’in metodolojik anlayislari ve kapitalizm analizleri arasindaki benzerligi ortaya koyarak Sombart’in Schumpeter üzerindeki etkisini incelemeyi amaçlamaktadir. Bu amaç dogrultusunda çalisma iki bölümden olusmaktadir. Çalismanin birinci bölümünde Som-bart ve Schumpeter’in metodolojik anlayislari arasindaki benzerlikler ortaya konulacak; çalismanin ikinci bölümünde Schumpeter’in kapitalizm incelemesi üzerinde Sombart’in etkisi tartisilacak ve Sombart’in Schumpeter’in görüsleri üzerinde güçlü bir etkiye sahip oldugunun tartisilmasi ile çalisma son bulacaktir. |
Exchange Rate Regimes and Business Cycles |
Author : Fatma Tasdemir |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study investigates the effect of exchange rate regimes (ERRs) on classical business cycles in advanced (AE) and emerging market and developing economies (EMDE). Con-sidering the difference between words and deeds of the monetary authorities, we use the de facto ERR classification. Our logit and probit estimation results indicate that, in AE, the probability of expansion rises with ERR flexibility as compared to pegged ERR. In EMDE, the expansion probability increases with limited flexibility ERR while diminishes with ma-naged and freely floating ERRs. We also find that worsening (favorable) global financial cycle increases recession (expansion) probability during the post-globalization period. |