Pengembangan Aplikasi Bahan Ajar Kalkulus Berbasis Android |
Author : Perani Rosyani |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Teaching materials are the most important part of learning activities. The presence of instructional materials makes it easy for lecturers and students to give lectures and exercises in lectures especially for calculus courses. Calculus is a branch of mathematics which contains derivatives, integrals, limits, and infinite series. Calculus plays an important role in the fields of science, engineering, and economics. But some students are many who don`t like the subject. Because the pattern of giving material from lecturers is less effective so students cannot develop calculus in their daily lives, especially in the field of technology. The purpose of this paper is to develop instructional material media that were previously traditional in the form of paper media and developed into an android based so that students can learn anywhere and anytime by assisting from smartphone phones. So students can have interest and can develop theories that are in calculus in everyday life, especially in the field of technology |
Perancangan dan Implementasi Aplikasi TOEFL pada Perangkat Android |
Author : Yolen Perdana Sari |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Dunia mobile phone beserta aplikasinya berkembang dengan pesat selepas era millennium ini. Tampaknya tidak sulit lagi untuk membayangkan kalau di masa depan kita akan membawa sebuah perangkat teknologi dimana selain sebagai alat komunikasi mobile, juga mampu memutar musik dan video DVD, menonton TV, bermain game, kamera digital, membaca buku, panduan peta, transaksi perbankan, browsing, dan sebagainya. Salah satu teknologi aplikasi yang sedang trend saat ini adalah perkembangan mobile application untuk perangkat Android. Android menyediakan platform terbuka bagi para pengembang untuk menciptakan aplikasi sendiri untuk digunakan oleh bermacam peranti bergerak Android.
Mobile application yang dibuat pada Tugas Akhir ini adalah aplikasi TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). Kebutuhan akan rekomendasi nilai TOEFL telah menyeluruh hampir di setiap institusi pendidikan, sehingga muncul beberapa aplikasi TOEFL yang dimanfaatkan sebagai sarana latihan yang dapat mempermahir para user dalam memperbaiki nilai TOEFL mereka. Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi di era modern yang menginginkan layanan yang tidak terbatas oleh tempat dan waktu, latihan TOEFL ini dapat dibuat pada perangkat mobile yang lebih fleksibel dan efisien. Oleh karena itu dibangun suatu aplikasi TOEFL dengan menggunakan operating system Android.
Dari hasil pengujian yang dilakukan didapatkan hasil bahwa aplikasi ini dapat menjalankan semua fungsi dan fiturnya sesuai dengan yang diharapkan. Kemudian aplikasi ini sangat membantu user dalam mempersiapkan test Toefl mereka. |
Penggunaan ICT dalam Penyusunan Modul Statistika |
Author : Tri Hidayati, Ita Handayani, Ines Heidiani Ikasari |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In this study, the objectives to be achieved are teaching material products in the form of information technology-based statistical modules (Information and communication technology). This study uses the development of the ADDIE model in the preparation of the module. The ADDIE model consists of analysis (analysis), design (design), development (development), implementation (implementation) and the last is evaluation (evaluation). In the ADDIE model, the module developed contains valid, practical and effective criteria. Validity criteria refer to the validity of experts and practitioners. For the practicality of modules developed, based on the instrument in the form of a questionnaire. While for module effectiveness, it can be seen from the value of student achievement. The results of this study indicate that the modules developed meet valid criteria which fall into the very good category. For the module practicality criteria, the research shows that the module falls into a very good category based on the observations of the implementation of lecturers` learning and assessment. Based on student responses, the developed statistical modules fall into the good category. As for the effectiveness category, based on student achievement, the module can be classified as effective. |
Penerapan Augmented Reality Berbasis Android Sebagai Bahan Ajar Untuk Pemodelan Mesin Injection |
Author : Alvino Octaviano, Sofa Sofiana |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The value obtained by Fadilah Vocational School students about motorcycle injection systems is still below the value of mastery learning. Many factors cause students to get low scores in the competence to understand the gasoline fuel system, especially the Honda motorcycle injection system. One of the factors that makes it difficult for students to understand injection material is the unavailability of Honda PGM-FI system props. The limited number of teaching aids is a shortage of private schools in general due to the limited costs of procuring teaching aids for the PGM-FI system. Less interesting learning model is also a factor in the low value of students in certain subjects. Augmented Reality is a developing technology in the world, combining two-dimensional or three-dimensional virtual objects into a real three-dimensional environment and then projecting these virtual objects in real time. Three dimensions commonly abbreviated as 3D, or space, are forms of objects that have length, width, and height. This term is usually used in the fields of art, animation, computers and mathematics. The application of Augmented Reality is not like virtual reality that completely replaces reality, but only adds or completes reality by using libraryVuforia, the image in the form of three dimensions will appear on the screen of the Android smartphone assisted by the rear camera. The application of Augmented Reality in learning is more interesting because this technology provides real visualization. So that learning in the field of education is more interesting and uses the latest technology so that students are more interested in learning. |
Analisis Penerapan Algoritma ID3 dalam Mendiagnosis Kesuburan Pria |
Author : Khaerul Ma`mur |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Men`s fertility disorder is one of difficult thing to be diagnosed, if fertility has a problem, the fertilization process will be disrupted. That`s all to be the most predominant cause of discordant household. Numbers of data on men`s fertility are obtained by detailed enough. Secondary data from this dataset, made a reference in making decision tree using the ID3 algorithm in software Rapid Miner. Iterative Dichotomizer (ID3) is used because it is one of the commonly used classification algorithm in Data Mining to implement decisions of some attributes that have been determined in accordance with the data customized with their needs. ID3 algorithm generally calculates the Entropy value of each attribute and the value of the Information Gain of each attribute that are able to form a decision tree that is expected to assist in decision making. The results of the tests and the method can be used to diagnose men`s fertility appropriately with a fairly high degree of accuracy. |
Analisis Penerapan Algoritma ID3 dalam Mendiagnosis Kesuburan Pria |
Author : Khaerul Ma`mur |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Men`s fertility disorder is one of difficult thing to be diagnosed, if fertility has a problem, the fertilization process will be disrupted. That`s all to be the most predominant cause of discordant household. Numbers of data on men`s fertility are obtained by detailed enough. Secondary data from this dataset, made a reference in making decision tree using the ID3 algorithm in software Rapid Miner. Iterative Dichotomizer (ID3) is used because it is one of the commonly used classification algorithm in Data Mining to implement decisions of some attributes that have been determined in accordance with the data customized with their needs. ID3 algorithm generally calculates the Entropy value of each attribute and the value of the Information Gain of each attribute that are able to form a decision tree that is expected to assist in decision making. The results of the tests and the method can be used to diagnose men`s fertility appropriately with a fairly high degree of accuracy. |
Model Prototype Aplikasi Monitoring Tugas Akhir (MonTA) Mahasiswa pada STTI NIIT |
Author : Ristasari Dwi Septiana, Fajar Septian |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Services for students` final tasks are very important to increase the number of graduates to be achieved by Universities. The problem faced is knowing the progress of the students` final task. The objective of this research was to build an application for monitoring the students` final task using a prototype model at STTI NIIT. The Prototype model in this research used to identify what services should be given to users. The collection of user needs is done by using the business model analysis technique to see the business processes that are occurring. Then build the prototype application model based on the requirements analysis. Function testing in this application is done by black-box testing, all of which functions can run well. Prototype this application can monitor the progress of students` final task. This application also can present consulting services for students` final task. |
Meminimalkan Sisa Pemotongan Besi Beton dalam Proyek Konstruksi |
Author : Bambang Santoso, Sofyan Mufti Prasetiyo, Agung Wijoyo |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Construction industries are a must in developing countries. Constructions take part in almost every corner of the country. In construction projects, reinforced concrete plays big part in any construction. A long bar of steel are cut into be several lengths to satisfy the requirements of the buildings to be build. In this process, waste cannot be avoided. And the waste of steel bar is very destructive to environment. This research is to find a way to minimize the waste in the process of cutting steel bars. The algorithm used is Greedy Search. Greedy Search is where the optimized solution in every step is taken, in the hope that the overall solution will be optimized for the problem. Optimized solution here is the minimum waste by the steel bar cutting. This will minimize the cost by the construction companies and at the same time preserve the environment. |
Implementasi dan Analisis Simulasi QOS dan Perfomance Device dengan Menggunakan ONOS dan Iperf3 |
Author : I Putu Agus Eka Pratama, I Made Adhiarta Wikantyasa |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Internet have evolved so rapidly in this day and age from where user only can access to internet service through cable UTP(LAN) and now user can access it from every where through nirkable (Wireless Network) and from this improvement it caused lots of device connected and heavy traffic coming in and out from a network. Because of this situation the network industry come with a new idea using a new network architecture that known as Software Defined Network (SDN). Software Defined Network (SDN) is a new way to manage, design and implementing network architecture where data flow from the control plane separated from the hardware. Network industry believe that SDN can change the network architecture that people using now that known as Traditonal Network because SDN can overcome the weakness of Tradional network that tend to be closed and distributed can be changed by SDN to be open source, can be programmed and can be controlled centrally. In this research will be implementing and analys simulation Quality Of Service (QOS) and Perfomance device openflow switch using ONOS as controller to monitor the device perfomance and iperf3 as a Quality Of Service testing. |
The Design of Monitoring Application Web-Based Quality Control in Utama Raya Motor Industri |
Author : Irpan Kusyadi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research was made to develop the management of PT. Utama Raya Motor Industri. In monitoring often occur delays in the process of making reports both daily and monthly in the quality control section. Thus it is necessary to improve in the process of making reports both daily and monthly. Therefore, an application program is needed that can be used by web-based admin quality control as a tool in making reports. With the implementation of the monitoring quality control application design at PT. Utama Raya Motor Industry, which has very high processing capabilities and saves memory. So that the company or agency can achieve the goals that have been set optimally and accurately. In this research has been able to provide a web-based quality control monitoring application program at PT. Utama Raya Motor Industri. With this application, admin quality control can monitor quality easily and quickly. |
Penerapan Teknik Bagging Berbasis Naïve Bayes untuk Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa |
Author : Yum Leifita Nursimpati, Aries Saifudin |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Students who graduate not on time create an imbalanced ratio between lecturers and students. The current selection system is ineffective because it has not been able to detect prospective students who have the possibility of not being able to complete their education on time so that many students who are accepted do not graduate on time and leave without completing their education. This condition causes a decrease in performance of study programs and institutions. The classification algorithm can use for classifying new students as graduate timely or not. Naïve Bayes classification algorithm can use to classify data in certain classes, using the history of alumni of informatics engineering at Pamulang university as training data and prospective student data as test data. Some attributes used to determine which label class to graduate on time and not on time are gender, school majors, year difference, math grades, English, Indonesian. To improve the results of the classification of Naïve Bayes, Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) technique is used. From the test results of the alumni dataset, the informatics study program using bagging techniques as an optimization of the Naïve Bayes classification algorithm has a lower failure rate than without using bagging techniques. The results of the calculation of performance data using bagging techniques can increase accuracy by 2.381% and AUC by 1.470% on the student graduation prediction model for new student selection using the Naïve Bayes classification. |