Serat Pelepah Sagu Sebagai Alternatif Pengganti Serat Sintesis Fiberglass | Author : Budiawan Sulaeman, Rakhmawati Natsir | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh ukuran besar diameter serat pelepah sagu terhadap sifat mekanik kekuatan tarik, menganalisis sifat mekanik tarik material komposit yang diperkuat serat pelepah sagu.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian; (1). Larutan NAoH berpengaruh terhadap kuat Tarik specimen, hal ini ditunjukkan pada 2,5% (NAoH terhadap H2O). Nilai kekuatan tariknya 49,486 N/mm2. (2). Serat pelepah sagu kuat tariknya jauh dibawah serat gelas. (48,435 N/mm2< 323 N/mm2). Hal ini disebabkan rongga yang terdapat di serat sintesis lebih rapat dibanding serat alami. (3). Berdasarkan variabel yang diteliti, kekuatan tarik (Ftu) dengan nilai tertinggi terjadi pada komposit (volume 85% matriks : 15% serat) yaitu sebesar 3,12 beban 11824 N. (4). Kekuatan tarik mengalami kenaikan terhadap peningkatan komposisi volume serat. (5). Spesimen uji yang mengalami regangan dan patah pada titik load yaitu pada komposisi volume 85% matriks : 15% serat sebesar 3,12 MPa dengan regangan sebesar 8% dan modulus young yang terjadi sebesar 38,615 MPa.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of the size of the sago frond fiber diameter on the mechanical properties of the tensile strength, to analyze the tensile mechanical properties of the composite material reinforced by sago frond fibers. Based on research results; (1) NaOH solution affects the tensile strength of the specimen. This is shown at 2.5% (NaOH to H2O), the tensile strength value is 49.486 N/mm2. (2) Sago frond fiber has a tensile strength far below the glass fiber (48,435 N/mm2 <323 N/mm2). This is because the cavities in synthetic fibers are denser than natural fibers. (3) Based on the variables studied, the tensile strength (Ftu) with the highest value occurs in the composite (85% matrix volume: 15% fiber), which is 3.12 load 11824 N. (4) Tensile strength increases with the increase in fiber volume composition. (5) The test specimens that experienced a strain and fracture at the load point, namely the composition of volume 85% matrix: 15% fiber was 3.12 MPa with a strain of 8% and the modulus young that occurred was 38.615 MPa. |
| Penilaian Kondisi Jalan Poros Sabbang Selatan Menggunakan Metode Surface Distress Index | Author : Dewi Artika Sari, Afdal Kisman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Prasarana jalan jika terbebani volume lalu lintas yang tinggi dan berulang-ulang akan menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan kualitas jalan sehingga dapat mempengaruhi keamanan, kenyamanan dan kelancaran dalam berlalu lintas. Untuk menjaga agar tidak terjadi penurunan kondisi khususnya pada jalan poros Kecamatan Sabbang Selatan Kabupaten Luwu Utara tepatnya di jalan Padang Sarre, Buntu Terpedo sampai jalan Dandang sepanjang 4 km perlu adanya penanganan. Maka perlu dilakukan penelitian awal terhadap kondisi permukaan jalan dengan melakukan survei secara visual dengan cara menganalisa kerusakan berdasarkan jenis dantingkat kerusakannya. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menilai kondisi perkerasan danpenanganan sesuai kondisi permukaan jalan. Penelitian ini menggunakan system penilaian kondisi perkerasan menurut Bina Marga dengan perhitungan Surface Distress Index (SDI) untuk jalan beraspal. Dari hasil penelitian di dapatkan penilaian untuk jenis kerusakan permukaan jalan pada ruas kanan yaitu retak pinggir 1,183%, lubang 0,031%, amblas 0,054%, retak kulit buaya 3,271%, retak kotak-kotak 3,222%, tambalan 0,033% dan pengelupasan butir 0,013%. Sedangkan untuk ruas kiri yaitu retak pinggir 0,035%, lubang 0,051%, amblas 0,000%, retak kulit buaya 0,130%, retak kotak-kotak 2,351%, tambalan 0,000% dan pengelupasan butir 0,150%. Kondisi perkerasan jalan yang menjadi objek penelitian sepanjang 4 km yaitu 85% baik, 0% sedang, 15% rusak ringan, 0% rusakberat.
Road infrastructure if it is burdened by high and repetitive traffic volumes will cause a decrease in road quality so that it can affect safety, comfort and smoothness in traffic. To prevent deterioration in conditions, especially on the axis road of South Sabbang District, North Luwu Regency, precisely on Padang Sarre road, Buntu Terpedo to Dandang road along 4 km, it needs handling. So it is necessary to conduct an initial research on road surface conditions by conducting a visual survey by analyzing the damage based on the type and level of damage. The research objective was to assess pavement conditions and handling according to road surface conditions. This study uses a pavement condition assessment system according to Bina Marga with the calculation of the Surface Distress Index (SDI) for asphalt roads. From the research results obtained an assessment for the type of road surface damage on the right side, namely edge cracks 1.183%, holes 0.031%, collapse 0.054%, crocodile skin cracks 3.271%, checkered cracks 3.222%, 0.033% patches and 0.013% peeling grains. Whereas for the left section, the edges cracked 0.035%, holes 0.051%, collapsed 0.000%, crocodile skin cracks 0.130%, checkered cracks 2.351%, fillings 0.000% and peeling 0.150%. The condition of the pavement which is the object of the research along 4 km is 85% good, 0% moderate, 15% lightly damaged, 0% heavily damaged. |
| Pengaruh Metode Self Compacting Concrete (Scc) Terhadap Sifat Mekanis Beton | Author : Abdul Karim Hadi, Sudarman Supardi, Mukti Maruddin, A.Alal Azhari Yusuf, Rahmat Hidayat Samsuddin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Dalam dunia konstruksi pekerjaan beton memegang peranan sangat penting, baik pada bangunan struktural maupun non struktural.Dapat dilihat bahwahampir setiap bangunan yang didirikanseperti perumahan, gedung bertingkat, jembatan, jalan, bendungan dan saluran irigasi serta bangunan lainnya selalu memerlukan adanya pekerjaan betonterutama pada pekerjaan konstruksi beton bertulang. Selama ini pemadatan atau vibrasi dilakukan tidak sesuai dengan prosedur dan dapat menurunkan kualitas beton. Salah satu solusi mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu dengan penggunaan self compacting concrete.Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan superplasticizerterhadap workabilitybeton self compacting concretedan untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode self compacting concreteterhadap sifat mekanis beton. Penelitian dilakukan di laboratorium struktur dan bahan dengan penggunaan superplasticizertype sika-viscocrete 3115N sebanyak 2% dari berat semen. Pembuatan job mix designdibuat dengan metode SNI. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian superplasticizerdapat meningkatkan workabilitypada beton segar. Hasil pengujian slump cone test pada beton normal sebesar 8 cm, sedangkan hasil slump flowpada beton self compacting concretesebesar 75 cm. Pada penelitian ini didapatkan nilai kuat tekan beton normal sebesar 25,096 Mpa dan nilai kuat tekan beton SCC sebesar 30,264 Mpa dari mutu rencana 25 Mpa dan nilai kuat tarik belah beton normal sebesar 2,343 Mpa atau 9,340% dari nilai kuat tekan dan nilai kuat tarik belah beton SCC sebesar 3,358 Mpa atau 11,09% dari nilai kuat tekan. Berdasarkan data yang didapatkan self compacting concrete memilki workabilitydan sifat mekanis yang lebih baik.
In the world of construction, concrete work plays a very important role, both in structural and non-structural buildings. It can be seen that almost every building that is erected such as housing, high rise buildings, bridges, roads, dams and irrigation canals and other buildings always requires concrete work, especially in reinforced concrete construction work. During this time compaction or vibration is done not in accordance with procedures and can reduce the quality of concrete. One solution to overcome this problem is the use of self compacting concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding superplasticizer to the workability of self compacting concrete and to determine the effect of the self compacting concrete method on the mechanical properties of concrete. The research was carried out in the structure and material laboratory using 2% sika-viscocrete superplasticizer as much as 2% by weight of cement. Job mix design is made using SNI method. Based on the results of research superplasticizer can increase workability in fresh concrete. The slump cone test results on normal concrete are 8 cm, while the slump flow results on self-compacting concrete are 75 cm. In this study, the compressive strength value of normal concrete was 25.096 MPa and the compressive strength value of SCC concrete was 30.264 MPa from the quality plan of 25 MPa and the value of normal concrete split tensile strength was 2.334 MPa or 9.340% of the compressive strength and SCC concrete compressive strength value. 3.358 MPa or 11.09% of the compressive strength. Based on the data obtained, self compacting concrete has better workability and mechanical properties |
| Planning Concept of Lalebbata: Combining Heritage, Policy and Participation | Author : Liza Utami Marzaman, Zulham Hafid, Amiruddin Akbar Fisu, Nurhijrah Nurhijrah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Palopo City is a member of the Indonesian Heritage City Network (JKPI) and has been directed by the government as a Heritage City. Lalebbata is an important space in the history of Palopo City. In this area, the pulse of the economy, socio-culture and religiosity of the Palopo people begins. The intertwining of these three aspects is symbolized by the existence of the market – as the center of crowds, the Kedatuan Palace of Luwu and the Old Mosque of Palopo City. Lalebata as one of the historical areas needs efforts to be structured as an effort to revive activities in this area as well as as an effort to protect, including controlling the development of the area so as not to lose its historical identity. The Regional Regulation of the City of Palopo on Cultural Heritage mandates that the spatial pattern of the Cultural Conservation Area is stipulated in the Batupasi Sub-District. The management plan for this cultural heritage area includes the revitalization of cultural heritage, as well as the preservation and maintenance of historical buildings as well as being directed as a Trade and Service Allocation Area, particularly as a shopping center and public open space. This paper aims to produce a planning concept and arrangement of the Lalebbata Area in Batupasi as a Center of Heritage as well as a public space in Palopo City. The method used is a participatory approach to the residents living around the site, to explore potential and problems, as well as to review policies related to planning and arrangement that will be carried out. The result of this paper is the area planning concept by dividing the area into several functions such as commercial space, public and pedestrian space, green area/parks/sclupture, plaza, exhibition space and museum. |