How to Increase Employee Correlation | Author : Mohamed Mohamed AbdElaziz Youssef, Mohamed ALFakharany | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Amanas procedure relies upon a long haul, maintainable improvement of its work by executing viable activity plans for overseeing and creating business that accomplishes its different objectives. Thus, top administration generally tries to give sound workplace to representatives just to ensure the steadiness of the association. Our exploration examines factors that influence worker relationships to the association. The last decision gives an unmistakable vision for the administration to in like manner foster their arrangements. |
| The Relationship of Kidney Functions in Regulating the Level of Fluids and Salts for Patients and Conducting Some Biochemical and Hormonal Variables | Author : Neran thaár kleb, Asmaa Abdulhaq mohammed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study of paper is basic functions of the kidney in the body are many, the most important of which is what is represented in the role of the kidney and how to balance and maintain the normal proportions of fluids and salts necessary for the body and what this continuous effort of the kidneys is of utmost importance to maintain the normal pressure, so when the efficiency of the kidney decreases, it will need a higher pressure to subtract the amount of salts and water required Subtracting it, then, the blood pressure level changes to its normal level when the positive movement of the glomerular arteries changes. Renin is secreted by the kidneys and it has the main and effective role in maintaining normal blood pressure and its important role in most cases of high blood pressure, the resonance is secreted from specialized cells in the kidney as it leads to stimulation of the Angiotensinogen hormone that works to convert Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II and is the last of the strongest hormones It is effective in increasing the contraction of blood vessels and increasing its concentration in the blood above the normal level leads to high blood pressure because it has an effect on the contraction of the peripheral blood vessels, and the contraction of the blood vessels of the kidney reduces the process of reabsorption, which leads to the progression of hypertension. Also, the hormone angiotensin II stimulates the adrenal cortex to produce the hormone Aldosterone, which forms a fundamental role in the absorption of fluids and salts through the kidneys and are the three regulators (Resonance, angiotensin, aldosterone) The primary control for maintaining normal blood pressure. |
| Reconstruction of Religious Education Policy through Regional Regulations of Palu City | Author : Muhammad Rizal, Sagaf S. Pettalongi, Hamka Hamka, Sandhi Adhar, Asman Deeteng | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this study is to investigate the policy of a city mayor in reconstruction of religious education policy to support local religious education program implementation. This study uses a qualitative case study method and the data was gathered trough field observation, in-depth interviews, and written document analysis. The findings show that the Palu city government has issued the law number 4 of 1994 concerning the establishment of a Level two of Palu Municipality. The Palu city government continues to make improvements and improve the quality of peoples lives from all government sectors, especially the primary service sector both education and health. Including community welfare following the mandate of Law number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. The regulation states that the implementation of regional government is directed at accelerating the realization of community welfare through improving services, empowerment, and community participation, as well as increasing regional competitiveness by taking into account the principles democracy, equity, justice, and the uniqueness of a region within the system of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. The Palu Kana Mapande policy program is a generally accepted policy, where the procedure is contained in the annex to the local regulation concerning the 2016 – 2021 Regional Medium Term Development Plan for the city of Palu, which outlines the vision and mission of the elected mayor of Palu. Following the provisions in Law Number 12 of 2011 concerning the Formation of Legislation as amended several times, the latest by Law Number 13 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Law Number 12 of 2011 regarding the Formation of Legislation, there policies formed with the provisions of positive law. |
| Improving Students Interest in Learning and Language Literacy through Creating Reading Corners for Fifth Grade Students at GMIT Fatumnasi Elementary School | Author : Pifa A. Lakapu, Jean Imaniar Djara, Rince S. M Benu, Dyen E. Lakapu, Dian Sidiarna Nenoliu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study discusses the efforts of teachers in managing reading corners for students fostering interest in reading for fifth grade students at GMIT Fatumnasi Elementary School. This study uses a qualitative research design, namely where the researcher plays a direct role as planner, implementation, data collection, analyzing data and at the same time reporting data. Data collection is done by observation, direct interview techniques and documentation. Researchers found that the teachers efforts in utilizing reading corners to foster interest read students namely, (1). Encourage children to tell about what happened he read, (2). Exchange books with friends, (3). Provide interesting books read students, (4). Provide reading time, and (5). Give gifts. The obstacle in fostering students interest in reading is the minimum classrooms, lack of variety of books or limited books and there are students who dont like to read. As for overcoming these obstacles is to make neat and beautiful reading corner decoration, suggesting that the school raise it library budget, and provide motivation and support. Results of research this means that the existence of a reading corner makes students feel happy and more active in reading. |
| Application of Total Quality Management in the Operation of Life Insurance Distribution Channels in Vietnam | Author : Nguyen Zen Nguyen, Thi Lien Ngo, Van Thieu Pham | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :By the method of document research, analysis and synthesis, the article has clarified the whole set of objectives. Accordingly, the article presents the theory and some case studies on Total Quality Management content. Review of activities of life insurance distribution channels in Vietnamese insurance enterprises. Assess the status of quality management in these activities at life insurance enterprises. From the existing points in the operation of the distribution channel, we have studied and analyzed the causes of service quality deterioration, distrust and satisfaction for customers using life insurance products. Finding a way to eliminate limitations is the primary concern of insurance companies. Our analysis results have shown that enterprises applying Total Quality Management are the solution to improve service quality in the operation of insurance product distribution channels. Determine the development goals of the business in each period to build a system of distribution channels and apply an appropriate quality management system. Determined the need and determination to use Total Quality Management in insurance distribution channel activities. Get all employees involved in the application of Total Quality Management. These are some effective measures to support life insurers in implementing Total Quality Management for their business. |
| The Effect of Chayote Juice (Sechium Edule) on Mda and Il-6 Levels (Experimental Study on Male Wistar Rats Induced with High-Fat Diet) | Author : Ayu Chasmirahayu, Joko Wahyu Wibowo, Titiek Sumarawati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Dyslipidemia is an increase in total cholesterol, Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL), triglycerides, and a decrease high- Density Lipoprotein (HDL), Consequences of consuming fat cause the metabolism of free fatty acids resulting in an imbalance between free radicals and the bodys natural antioxidants which causes a condition of oxidative stress. Oxidative stress results in tissue damage which triggers an inflammatory reaction that releases pro-inflammatory cytokines such as Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and triggers Malondialdehyde (MDA) due to lipid oxidation in tissues. Consuming antioxidants from outside the body can neutralize this condition, such as chayote juice. The aim of this study is to know the effect of giving chayote juice on the rate of MDA and IL- 6 in male Wistar rats who are given a high-fat diet. The research method is experimental research with a post-test-only control group design. The study subjects were 24 male Wistar rats, randomly divided into 4 groups. Group K1 was given standard feed and distillate water. Group K2 was without chayote juice but was given a high-fat diet. Groups- K3 and K4 were given a high-fat diet and chayote juice at doses of 1.8mL/200gBW/day and 3.6mL/200gBW/day, respectively. The study was conducted at IBL FK UNISSULA for 29 days by taking blood to check MDA levels using the TBARS and IL-6 methods using the ELISA method. Results showed that the lowest average MDA level was in the K4 group (0.058 ng/L) and the lowest average IL-6 level was in the K3 group (4.513 ppm). One-way ANOVA test result showed a significant difference in MDA levels with p = 0.021 and IL-6 levels showed no significant difference with p = 0.108. The Tahmane test result showed the MDA levels in K1 and K4 showed a significant difference in K2 (p<0.05). Test LSD test result showed the IL-6 levels in K3 showed a significant difference to K2 (p<0.05). The conclusion of this study was the administration of chayote juice significantly reduced levels of MDA and IL-6 in the group of rats that received a high-fat diet. |
| The Innovation of New Dry Ports in Zimbabwe: The Critical Success Factors (CSF) And Fault Lines | Author : Dr.Faustino Taderera, Professor Marian Tukuta, Dr.Reason Masengu, Dr.Lovemore Chikazhe | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research is about, “The innovation of new dry ports in Zimbabwe: the Critical Success Factors (CSF) and fault lines.” Zimbabwe wanted to start four new dry ports across the country and researchers wanted to help by carrying out research on critical success factors to make these dry ports a success, based on success stories elsewhere, and avoid having another white elephant or disappointment. Researchers used the survey questionnaire method as well as face to face interviews, expert panel interviews at universities, observation and literature review in this research. Findings revealed that dry ports required total connectivity to strategic national institutions and corporates like warehouses, bonded warehouses, airports, Ministries, roads, Customs and Excise Department and railways, and these must all fully embrace e-government/smart supply chain and be strategically linked to all importers and exporters as well as critical trade and related government departments. This is a new concept in Zimbabwe but quite old elsewhere. Systems and institutions have improved a lot but still needed further improvement in Zimbabwe to march SADC/COMESA competitors like South Africa, Zambia, Botswana and Mozambique. It was found that critical skills, ports, Customs and investment infrastructure in Zimbabwe needed to be improved as well as processing and turnaround time to match best practices in SADC/COMESA and globally. A One Stop Shop for investment was there but not fully operationalised to cover all transactions, is about partly operational. Delayed deliveries and wrong documentation were experienced sometimes due to port and Customs delays or transport and loading delays. Zimbabwe had made great strides no doubt and was marching on for stardom and big achievements. This paper is futuristic and will be mostly based on best practices globally which Zimbabwe can learn from and start successful dry ports that really add value to the national economy, and avoid toxic bottlenecks and cost overruns. It was time Zimbabwe started to seriously adopt smart blockchain technologies like South Africa to improve efficiencies and turnaround time. One of the biggest frustrations and costs in the value chain was customs delays, fuel shortages and power outages. Something must be done long-term to address these bottlenecks. Dry ports were just like any other business and were concerned about ease of doing business, national competitiveness, country of origin effect, and national image. A business was a business regardless of sector, as they all used the same benchmarks and standards, and deliverables were achievable in a conducive national business environment which generated maximum profits to shareholders and taxes to the government whilst creating thousands of jobs, giving a world-class logistics service, being a national prestige project, national pride and point of reference, giving wide product choice and prosperity to the nation, and operating with environmental protection and ethics in mind. Zimbabwean politicians, the population at large, NGOs, and industrialists needed to get this message as clear as possible. |
| Physical Activity and Physical Fitness as Predictors of Students Physical Education Learning Achievement | Author : Muhammad Wigi Saputra, Soni Nopembri, Afeb Chesa Arianto, Ujang Nurdin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to analyze the relationship between physical activity and physical fitness with students Physical Education learning achievement both partially and simultaneously. This type of research is quantitative with a correlational approach. The population in the study were junior high school students in Yogyakarta, totaling 125 students. The physical activity instrument is The Physical Activity Questionnaire for Adolescent (PAQ-A) which has been modified. Physical fitness level was measured using the Indonesian Physical Fitness Test for children aged 13-15 years. Learning achievement is based on report card scores. The data analysis technique used is a prerequisite test consisting of normality test, linearity test, while the hypothesis test uses partial and simultaneous tests. The results showed that (1) There is a significant relationship between physical activity and students Physical Education learning achievement. (2) There is a significant relationship between physical fitness and Physical Education learning achievement of class students. (3) There is a significant relationship between physical activity and physical fitness with students physical education learning achievement. |
| Analyzing the Situation of Increasing One-Time Social Insurance Withdrawals in Vietnam Policy Recommendations | Author : Thi Xuan Huong Le, Minh Tu Pham | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In Vietnam, the situation of employees stopping participating in social insurance and withdrawing one-time social insurance has been an increasing trend in recent years, greatly affecting the implementation of the objectives of the social insurance policy. In this article, using secondary data collection methods and descriptive, comparative and contrasting statistical methods, the author has analyzed the current situation of legal regulations and the increasing situation of withdrawals from Onetime social insurance in Vietnam, analyzing the impact factors and challenges posed to employees and the social security system. The authors have proposed several recommendations and policy implications to limit the status of one-time social insurance benefits, towards realizing the goal of expanding social insurance coverage and ensuring income security for employees in their old age. |
| The Effect of Coconut Water on Decreasing MDA and IL-6 Levels in Male Wistar Rats Induced with High-Fat Diet | Author : Shaktana Kusumaningrat, Siti Thomas, Joko Wahyu Wibowo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Dyslipidemia is a condition in which there are abnormal levels of lipids in the blood, including increased levels of cholesterol, LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein), and triglyceride levels, as well as decreased HDL levels (High-Density Lipoprotein) which causes oxidative stress. Oxidative stress results in tissue damage which triggers an inflammatory reaction that releases proinflammatory cytokines such asInterleukin-6 (IL-6) which increases in blood endothelial cells and triggers Malondialdehyde (MDA) which increases as a result presence of lipid oxidation in tissues. This condition can be neutralized by consuming antioxidants from outside the body such as young coconut water. This research aims to know the effect of giving young coconut water on the rate of MDA and IL-6 in male Wistar rats who are given a high-fat diet. The research method is a posttest-only control group design. The subjects of the study were 24 male Wistar rats which were randomly divided into 4 groups. Group K1 was given standard feed and distilled water. Group K2 was given a high-fat diet without coconut water. Groups K3 and K4 were given a highfat diet and young coconut water at doses of 4mL/200gBW/day and 8mL/200gBW/day, respectively. The study was conducted for 29 days by taking blood to check MDA levels using the TBARS and IL-6 methods using the ELISA method. The lowest average of MDA level was in the K3 group (0.071 ng/L) and the lowest average of IL-6 level was in the K4 group (4.377 ppm). Kruskal Wallis test result showed the p-value of MDA was 0.004 ppm and at IL-6 levels was 0.020 ng/L. Differences in MDA levels between groups K1-K2 (0.004), K2-K3 (0.004), and -K4 (0.004). Differences in IL-6 levels between groups K2-K3 (0.016), K2-K4 (0.004). The administration of coconut water can significantly reduce the levels of MDA and IL-6 in male Wistar rats induced with a high-fat diet. |
| Government Spending, Population, and Poverty | Author : Zaki, Syahrial, Syofria Meidona, Herry Wira Wibawa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the effect of government spending on social assistance, subsidies, and population on poverty for the 2010-2020 period in West Sumatra. Test data analysis using descriptive statistical analysis, classical assumption test, multiple linear regression analysis, and hypothesis testing using partial tests, simultaneous tests, and Adjusted R Square. Data processing method using SPSS Version 16 and Microsoft Excel 2010. The results showed that there was no effect of social assistance on poverty in West Sumatra Province with a probability value of 0.486 > 0.05, the subsidy variable on poverty in West Sumatra Province with a significant probability of 0.610 > 0.05, and the population variable on poverty in West Sumatra Province has a significant and negative effect with a significant probability of 0.000 <0.05. Simultaneously there is the influence of social assistance, subsidies, and the population on poverty with a probability value of 0.000 <0.05. The magnitude of the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable is shown by the adjusted r-square value of 89.9% and the remaining 10.1% is explained by other factors. The results of the study stated that social assistance and subsidies did not affect poverty, while the government stated that the program was aimed at alleviating poverty. So it is hoped that the programs created by policymakers at the provincial level are truly on target. |
| Effect of Small Sided Games Training on Anaerobic Endurance and Fatigue Index in U-17 Soccer Athletes | Author : Aji Khotibul Umam, Wawan Sundawan Suherman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Coaches in implementing training programs in an effort to improve the physical condition of their athletes have been done in various ways, one of which is by optimizing anaerobic endurance and fatigue that occurs in athletes. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of small-sided games training on anaerobic endurance and fatigue index of U-17 soccer players. This research uses a quasi-experimental approach. The method used the experimental method one group pre-test post-test, the sample design used amounted to 30, with sampling techniques using purposive sampling and data analysis techniques for hypothesis testing using paired sample t test and two-track ANOVA test. This found that there was a significant influence on Small Sided Games training on Anaerobic Endurance and Fatigue Index in U-17 Football Athletes with data on the results of the Small Sided Games training method there was an influence on increasing anaerobic endurance tcount 9.595 = ttable 2.144 and decreasing fatigue index tcount 5.241 = ttable 2.144. So it can be concluded that the Small Side Games training method has an influence on increasing anaerobic endurance and decreasing fatigue index in U-17 soccer players. However, from the Small Sided Games exercise method in addition to the influence is also very effective for increasing anaerobic endurance and endurance (decreasing fatigue index) more using Small Sided Games exercises. |
| Effect of the Snake and Ladder Game on Behavior and OHI-S Index of Deaf Children | Author : Quroti Ayun, Herastuti Sulistyani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Deafness in children is one of the obstacles in gaining knowledge about dental and oral health. It also has an impact on attitudes and behavior of maintaining dental health. Therefore, dental health education accompanied by the right tools is needed to help in conveying information to deaf children in order to ensure the message is received clearly. This research aims to determine the effect of dental health education on the behavior and index of dental and oral hygiene of deaf children by using snake and ladder game. Methods: A quasi-experimental method with a non-randomized control group pre and post-test design was used, while 123 students aged 10-12 years were taken as a sample from 3 Special Schools in the Region of Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The variables measured were the behavior of maintaining dental health and the Oral Hygiene Index Simplifies (OHI-S). Afterward, data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon and the Mann-Whitney tests. Results: The results of the Wilcoxon test showed that there were significant differences in dental health maintenance behavior and the OHI-S index in the treatment group (p<0.05). While the Mann-Whitney test showed significant differences between the treatment and control groups (p<0.05). Conclusions: The snake and ladder game are able to improve dental and oral health maintenance behavior as well as reduce the OHI-S index in deaf children. |
| Operationalizing Transformational Leadership Components: Impact on Commercial Banking Strategies in Nairobi County | Author : Hannah Ndarwa, Daniel Mulinge | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In Nairobi Countys dynamic banking milieu, effective leadership remains paramount. Grounded in transformational leadership theory, this study delved into the impact of transformational leadership on strategic commercial banking adaptations. Utilizing a cross-sectional descriptive approach, insights were garnered from 234 credit managers across different tiers in Nairobi, selected via a stratified sampling technique. Results underscored that, banks led by transformational leaders not only showcased adaptive acumen but also pioneered innovative responses to banking challenges, notably in integrating risk-based pricing model. These banks demonstrated heightened agility amidst market and regulatory vicissitudes. The study accentuates the imperative of embedding transformational leadership in Nairobis commercial banks, spotlighting its cardinal role in fostering strategic innovation and cementing market competitiveness. |
| Influence of Transformational Leadership on Risk-Based Pricing Model: A Case of Kenya Commercial Banks within Nairobi County | Author : Hannah Ndarwa, Daniel Mulinge | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigated the impact of transformational leadership on commercial banks implementation of the riskbased pricing model in Nairobi County, Kenya. While the Kenyan government, through the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK), has advocated for its usage, many commercial banks are still wary. The study examined the impacts of idealized influence, intellectual stimulation, customized consideration, and inspirational motivation, and was based on transformational leadership and arbitrage pricing theories. Using a cross-sectional descriptive research design, data was collected from 234 credit managers from various commercial bank tiers within Nairobi County, employing a stratified sampling technique. The data collection involved the administration of closed-ended questionnaires, and the collected data was analysed using SPSS version 25.The findings revealed that all the transformational leadership dimensions significantly and positively influenced risk-based pricing model (p<0.05). These results indicated that employing transformational leadership strategies can foster a culture of risk-taking and encourage risk-based pricing in commercial banks. |
| The Effect of Product and Brand Image on Purchasing Decisions for Chili Sauce Products ABC Brand Instan in Kediri City | Author : Risma Khusna Anizal, Ugy Soebiantoro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The majority of the population in Indonesia works in the agricultural sector because Indonesia has quite fertile land that can improve the economy in Indonesia throught the agricultural sector. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of product quality and brand image on purchasing decisions for ABC brand instant chili sauce products in Kediri City. The sampling technique in this study is non-probability using purposive sampling technique, so that the number of samples needed is 108 respondents. The research method used in this research is quantitative. The data analysis technique in this study uses Part Least Square (PLS). The results of this study indicate that product quality and brand image have a significant (positive) influence on purchasing decisions for ABC brand instant chili sauce products in Kediri City. |
| Village Development Study Based on the Developing Village Index in Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency | Author : Adhi Surya, Sulastini, Syahrial Shaddiq | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The concept of the Development Village Index (IDM) itself is then explained in the Ministry of Village Regulation (Permendes) No. 2 of 2016 concerning patterns and maps of village development development. In article 3 it is stated that the IDM concept is integrated from several categories within it which include: Economic Resilience Index (IKE), Environmental Resilience Index (IKL), and Social Resilience Index (IKS). These three factors are then used as a reference in the process of measuring the level of independence and progress of a village. The set of indicators developed in the Developing Village Index was developed based on the concept that towards an advanced and independent village a sustainable development framework is needed in which social, economic and ecological aspects become forces that complement each other and maintain the potential and ability of the village to prosper village life. Village community development and empowerment policies and activities must produce equity and justice, be based on and strengthen local and cultural values, and be environmentally friendly by managing the potential of natural resources properly and sustainably. In this context, social, economic and ecological resilience work as a dimension that strengthens the process and achievement of village community development and empowerment goals. In the village regulations themselves, Law no. 6 of 2014 has also provided a stimulus and supported the acceleration of the village development agenda (STIT et al., 2018). The thing that becomes the main focus point is the village community as the first subject and who gets attention for the independence of the village community. So that the process of forming an independent village community is expected to have positive implications for village communities and can increase the village development index. The Developing Village Index captures the development of Village independence based on the implementation of the Village Law with the support of Village Funds and Village Facilitators. The Development Village Index directs the accuracy of interventions in policies with the right correlation of development interventions from the Government in accordance with Community participation which correlates with the characteristics of the Village area, namely typology and social capital. To reduce the number of underdeveloped villages and increase the number of independent villages, an important problem that needs to be resolved is poverty. Poverty here has always received more attention from the Indonesian government. This happens because the government has realized the importance of solving the problem of poverty. Failure to resolve this problem will result in the emergence of various social, economic and political problems in society. In the context of village typology, the Developing Village Index classifies villages into five (5) statuses, namely: “(i) Very Underdeveloped Villages; (ii) Disadvantaged Villages; (iii) Developing Villages; (iv) Advanced Village; and (v) Independent Village”. Of the five classifications, now the village statistics already have several divisions that are used as village indicators or parameters. The typology of the distribution of the Development Village Index (IDM) can be divided into several things, such as: “(1) very underdeveloped villages: < 0.491; (2) underdeveloped villages: > 0.491 and < 0.599; (3) developing villages: > 0.599 and < 0.707; (4) developed villages: > 0.707 and < 0.815; and (5) independent villages: > 0.815” (Suroso, 2019). This study uses qualitative analysis with descriptive research methods. The research was conducted to describe the exact nature of the symptoms or signs and then the development of the relationship between the object of research and other social phenomena in the data obtained by means of literature review, through official documents that record the circumstances that occur in an object of research, in the form of magazines, results results of studies, theses, and survey results from various government agencies or not (Novriando & Purnomo, 2020). Case studies in this approach are adopted from Sugiyonos theory (2009) which says that documentation studies are a qualitative method by analyzing documents made by the subject himself or other people. The documentation study itself is a method used by qualitative researchers in obtaining a point of view or description of the object to be studied. Data collection techniques in this study used documentation techniques by collecting data Village Development Study Based on the Developing Village Index in Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut Regency IJMRA, Volume 06 Issue 09 September 2023 Page 4334 using various documents or notes that recorded the state of the research concept in the unit of analysis used as the object of research. Data sources can come from documentation documents from the Village website or the results of previous studies. In terms of data analysis, the author uses narrative analysis to describe a phenomenon and dissect the innovations made by the Village in carrying out IDM-based development. Villages in Bati-Bati District will become the object of research with the research title "Village Development Study Based on IDM (Developing Village Index) in Bati-Bati District, Tanah Laut District". |
| Banjar Womens Strength (Double Role: As Worker and Educator) | Author : Rahmat Sholihin, Amelia Rahmaniah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Allah swt has universally positioned men as having several advantages compared to women, as Allah swt says in the Al-Quran, Surah An-Nisa, verse 34. Men must provide family support to their wives and children, thus requiring them to actively try and work to meet the households needs. In some religious literature, it is stated that men are the backbone of the family, while women are created from crooked ribs. On the other hand, the persistence of women in their careers and businesses can be seen, especially in several areas in South Kalimantan. This research will focus on three areas, namely Banjarmasin, Martapura and Bati-bati. The Banjar community in that location has its characteristics from the perspective of the female workers. In Banjarmasin, there are women Gojek Online; in Martapura, there are women "Kelelepon" sellers; and in Bati-bati, there are women farmers. This study aims to understand the concept of dual roles for women, namely as workers and educators, explore their motivations in working and understand the attitude of society towards them, among who like and dislike their work and seek comparative solutions to various "gender" issues that develop among the Banjar community. This research is a field research with an anthropological approach. |
| The Safety and Efficacy of Acid Suppression Therapy in Neonatal GERD | Author : Peymaneh Alizadeh Taheri | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Gastroesophageal reflux (GER) is a common physiologic process in infants that often resolves with growth and maturation, while gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a serious and common referral disease in infants and neonates. The first-line treatment for both GER and GERD is conservative therapy. H2RAs and PPIs are the two basic pharmacologic agents in the treatment of GERD in pediatrics and adults. The efficacy of PPIs is higher than that of H2RAs in GERD treatment. There are controversies in the pharmacologic treatment of neonatal GERD, and performing more clinical trials to survey the effect of PPIs and H2RAs and compare them with each other is necessary in this age group. We conducted three different clinical trials to compare the efficacy and safety of ranitidine with omeprazole or lansoprazole in refractory neonatal GERD. |
| Book Review of "Script on Bamboo and Silk - Ancient Chinese Textual Records" | Author : Associate Professor Feng MAO, Miss Yexuan YU, Miss Shili LIU, Miss Shuangshuang XIE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the flow of history, ancient writing mediums are akin to precious relics, carrying the legacy of millennia of wisdom and culture. A book titled "Script on Bamboo and Silk - Ancient Chinese Textual Records," published by Century Library in 2004, serves as a window through time, guiding us on a marvelous journey into the world of ancient Chinese writing mediums. The author of this book, Qian Cunxun, with his profound research and insightful perspectives, presents to us the historical trajectory of ancient writing mediums such as bamboo slips and silk fabric, exploring their significance and influence in the transmission of ancient culture. Ancient Chinese textual records form an extensive ocean, spanning from the earliest oracle bone script to later paper writing. Within this expanse, bamboo slips and silk fabric, as representatives of ancient writing mediums, uniquely radiate the brilliance of civilization. Bamboo slips once bore witness to the clash of ideas during the Warring States period and the competition between Legalist and Confucianist schools of thought. Silk fabric, on the other hand, provided a sturdy foundation for literary and artistic works such as calligraphy, poetry, and more. Today, the book "Script on Bamboo and Silk - Ancient Chinese Textual Records" guides us into the splendid realm of these writing mediums, offering us an opportunity to delve deep into their crafting techniques, preservation methods, and applications across various domains of ancient society. As Qian Cunxun has articulated, bamboo slips and silk fabric played significant roles in various aspects of ancient politics, culture, and economy. Bamboo slips, serving as the primary medium for political records, documented laws, decrees, and more, providing a solid foundation for the continuity of political systems. Meanwhile, silk fabric assumed a distinct role in the realm of culture, serving as a medium for artistic creations like painting and calligraphy. Simultaneously, in the domain of religion, silk fabric was utilized to transmit religious scriptures, becoming a medium for the dissemination of faith, and finding widespread use in the preservation of classics and the recording of religious rituals. Contemporary research and understanding of ancient Chinese culture are akin to an unfathomable universe, and "Script on Bamboo and Silk - Ancient Chinese Textual Records" has opened the gateway to this universe for us. Through in-depth exploration of ancient writing mediums, we can better grasp the diversity and richness of ancient society, comprehending its ideologies, arts, and systems. Qian Cunxuns rigorous research methods and profound analysis in the book enable us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the historical significance and cultural value of ancient writing mediums such as bamboo slips and silk fabric. In this era of information explosion, we are fortunate to delve into the world of ancient writing through this book, to sense the essence of that era, and to better comprehend the origins and inheritance of Chinese culture. |
| The Influence of Role-Playing Methods on the Social Skills and Self-Confidence of Grade V Elementary School Students | Author : M. Pandi Mazlan, Muhammad Nur Wangid | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to find out: (1) the effect of role-playing on students social skills; (2) the influence of role-playing on student confidence; and (3) the effect of role-playing methods on students social skills and self-confidence. This research is a pseudo-experimental research with a non-equivalent control group design. The population of this study was all grade V students of SDN Masbagik Selatan, Masbagik District, East Lombok District. The sample of this study was 52 students. Sample determination using cluster random sampling technique. Of the population to be sampled are 2 schools randomly. One school was determined as an experimental class using the role-playing method and one school was used as a control class using the lecture method. The classes sampled were class V SDN 2 Masbagik Selatan (experiment) and SDN 4 Masbagik Selatan (control). Research instruments in the form of questionnaires and observations. The data normality test was carried out using Kolmogrov- Smirnov, while the homogeneity test used Boxs M test. The results showed that: (1) The role-playing method had a significant positive effect on students social skills with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05; (2) The role-playing method had a significant positive effect on students confidence with a significance level of 0.000 <.05; (3) Roleplaying methods have a significant positive effect on students social skills and confidence. The results of data analysis in this study show that there is a significant influence of role-playing methods on social skills and student confidence in social studies learning content of grade V elementary school students. |
| Analysis of Old Proof of Rights Holders According to Government Regulation Number 18 of 2021 | Author : Sapto Wahyono, Sumriyah, Linda Uril Khofifah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the ownership of land rights for holders of old title evidence, it is regulated in Government Regulation Number 18 of 2021 concerning Management Rights, Land Rights, Flats Units and Land Registration. PP No. 18 of 2021 explains that holders of proof of old rights are required to register evidence to obtain a certificate within a maximum period of 5 (five) years from the enactment of the PP. Seeing the existence of this PP, the government indirectly forced the public to register land in order to avoid overlapping evidence in land issues. Normative legal research uses a conceptual approach through analysis of regulations and theories that aim to explain the legal consequences for holders of evidence of old rights who do not register their evidence within the specified timeframe. The result is that the holder of evidence of old rights is in the form of evidence of former western rights which have been declared invalid and have become state-owned land since the enactment of PP No. 18 of 2021, registration can be done through a statement of physical possession. Meanwhile, evidence of former customary property owned by individuals is required to be registered within a maximum period of 5 (five) years. If registration is not carried out, then the former customary land can be concluded as state property and the evidence owned is invalid and only serves as a guide in the framework of land registration. However, the results have not yet explained in detail whether the holder of the old title still has the right to register the land after not registering it after a specified period of time. |
| Software Development of Sports Talent Identification Using Sport Search Analysis Method | Author : Raja Bintang Abrori, Widiyanto, Risti Nurfadhila | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to (1) produce a software for sports talent analysis aimed for 11-year-old kids, (2) determine the feasibility of the software of sports talent potential analysis, and (3) determine the effectiveness of the software of sports talent potential analysis in measuring and analyzing data collected from a talent test of an 11-year-old kid. The research method used is research and development referenced to the borg and galls research steps which is simplified by Puslitjaknov team. The research subjects were coaches, Physical Education teachers, and sports academics. The trials conducted included two stages, small group trials conducted on 50 respondents and large group trials with 100 respondents. The results of this research are (1) a biomotor data analysis software product to identify, distinguish the sports potential and talents of the children aged 11 years old, (2) The feasibility level of this product is identified through material validation assessments to obtain the average results of material aspect assessment from five experts with categories.In a small and large group trial, this product received an assesment result is Very Appropriate/Very Feasible category. Hence, it can be concluded that this product is feasible/suitable to use, and (3) based on the effectiveness test, it shows that this product is effectively used in identifying and distinguishing potential and talents in sports for 11-year-old kids. As suggestions, this book and visualization video can be developed further through comprehensive research. |
| Perceived Influence of Whatsapp Usage on Students Academic Achievement in the University of Cross River State | Author : Ogbudu, Lydia Ochuole, Undie, Stephen Bepeh, Ogbiji Michael Okpe, Atsu Ashi Lwhu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study determined the perceived influence of WhatsApp usage on students academic achievement at the University of Cross River State. Two research questions were asked, two hypotheses were developed, and evaluated at a 0.05 level of significance in order to accomplish the goal of this study. This study adopted a survey research design. Purposive sampling and census techniques were used to select 258 400-level business education students that participated in the study. A validated questionnaire titled “WhatsApp Usage Questionnaire” and approved students results in Vocational Guidance (BED 4107) for the 2020/2021 academic session were used for data collection. A reliability index of 0.82 was obtained for the questionnaire using Cronbach Alpha statistics after a trial test was conducted on twenty (20) business education students at the University of Calabar. Hypotheses were tested at a .05 level of significance using a population t-test and one-way ANOVA. Research outcome indicates that students frequency of WhatsApp usage is significantly high and WhatsApp application significantly influenced students academic achievement in Vocational Guidance (BED 4107). In light of the research outcomes, it was recommended, that the schools administration should have a course on time management taught across all disciplines, as this course would enlighten the students on what they should prioritize; Hence, they would be able to strike a balance on the period used on WhatsApp for scholarly work and for leisure. |
| Challenges of ICT Integration in the Teaching of Business Statistics in Cross River States Colleges of Education and Polytechnics | Author : Undie, Stephen Bepeh, Otum, Nneka Ihekaugwu, Oche Patrick Etim, Nyiam Peter Achar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This studys primary goal was to investigate the obstacles that stand in the way of ICT inclusion in the teaching of business statistics in colleges of education and polytechnic in Cross River State. The pertinent literature was examined. This study used a survey research approach, with 93 participants, including 63 male and 40 female business educators. The researchers used no representative group in this research as all of the participants were sufficient in size to be invested in their entirety. The necessary data were gathered using one study instrument known as the "Challenges of ICT Integration and Teaching of Business Statistics Questionnaire". Three experts—one in measurement and assessment and two in business statistics—validated the questionnaires. Cronbach Alpha statistics were used to test its reliability, and the results showed that the instrument had a reliability index of 0.84 and 0.81, respectively. Mean statistics were utilized to analyze the data collected following the distribution of the questionnaires, and an independent t-test was employed to assess the hypotheses at the.05 level of significance. The studys analysis of the data revealed no statistically significant differences between male and female business educators in their mean ratings of teacher-level and institutional-level impediments to ICT integration in the teaching of business statistics. In light of its discoveries, the investigation recommends the following: Business educators should encourage training on digital tools pertinent to the teaching of business statistics. Educational leaders should promote the incorporation of electronic devices in teaching, by allocating enough funds for the purchase and upkeep of ICTs and other resources that support their use. |
| The Impact of Entrepreneurial Leadership on Innovation Speed and Quality: The Mediating Role of Strategic Flexibility | Author : Mohamed Mohamed Abdelaziz Youssef | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In a highly dynamic and competitive environment, organizations must continuously and rapidly improve their innovation performance to remain competitive and sustainable in the market. Drawing on principles of the upper echelons theory and dynamic capability view of organization, this study aims to examine the mediating role of strategic flexibility in the relationship between entrepreneurial leadership and innovation speed and quality. Questionnaire was designed to data collection from a quota sample of (283) leaders and managers at branches of the most two huge Egyptian banks represent public and private sectors (NBE and CIB). Data analysis was conducted through a two-stage structural equation modeling technique by AMOS. At the first stage, the measurement model was examined for construct validity and reliability, whereas at the second stage, the structural model was run for testing the research hypotheses. The empirical results show that entrepreneurial leadership and strategic flexibility positively and significantly affect both innovation speed and quality. Furthermore, strategic flexibility partially mediates positively the relationships between entrepreneurial leadership and innovation speed and quality. This research proposes guidelines for managers to help enhance organizational innovation through dynamic and strategic flexibility in emerging economies such as Egypt. |
| The Impact of Performance Appraisal on Employee Turnover on the Medical Field in Egypt | Author : Mohamed Mohamed Abdelaziz Youssef | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :One of my principal concerns when I got advanced and turned into a director liable for overseeing and managing 9 subordinates is how to deal with these individuals really and productively and with regards to examination, reasonably and solidly evaluate their work and endeavors, yet the story doesnt go consistently that way. "You are a chief, you know how to pass judgment on your kin", that was my chief response when I asked him how I might lead the exhibition evaluation for my group, I got stunned and featured on the examination structures attempting to reasonably disclose the critical components of this examination and afterward direct the meeting. In this examination I attempted to sort out the genuine terrible practices and disadvantages of not being adequately qualified to assess your group and consequently the perils that will be affected on the exhibition the board cycle which will be expired prompting higher paces of worker turnover. |
| E-Commerce Effect on the Entry Modes of Service Firms | Author : Mohamed Mohamed AbdElaziz Youssef, Mohamed ALFakharany | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Numerous research studies examined the variables affecting internationalization. Market allure, demand ambiguity, country risk, and lastly cultural similarity were examined. Even though the research focused on a few variables, there was no systematic attempt to evaluate these variables and how they affect the service firms choice of entrance strategy. According to this study, technology should be considered while deciding how to enter foreign markets. Some service businesses can go worldwide right away, but there are some services that cannot be produced and disseminated digitally. E-commerce technology can still be used to boost the effectiveness of service creation and delivery. |
| The Defense Policy of King Gia Long on Vietnams Southwestern Border Region (1802-1820) | Author : Duong The Hien | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :After reuniting the nation in 1802, King Gia Long set out to build, develop and protect it. King Gia Long was particularly interested in the defense of the southwestern border area due to its geo-strategic location and significant influence on the security of the countrys south. Consequently, King Gia Long planned and executed a defense policy in this critical border area to promote all the resources to serve Vietnams defense and protection. Using specialist research methods, this article focuses on clarifying King Gia Longs defense policy on the southwestern border region during the period 1802-1820, order to firmly safeguard Vietnams southern territorial integrity. |
| The Impact of Social Media Marketing on Small and Medium Scale businesses: A case study of laundry businesses in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria | Author : Chinze, Benedict | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The research on the importance of Social Media Marketing in small and medium-sized laundry companies in Port Harcourt was conducted to find out how profit, customer base, and customer complaints are impacted by social media marketing. The study used purposive sampling technique, and survey approach through questionnaires to generate primary data from the 198 respondents. The study found that there is a positive and significant relationship between profitability, customer base, and customer complaints resolution. This implies that with consistent and improved social media marketing by the SMEs in the laundry business, their profits and customer base will improve. The study concluded that SMEs could benefit from SMM. It is recommended that SMEs should improve their social media marketing using various methods as this will increase their customer base, profitability, and faster customer complaints resolution. |
| Enhancing the Interest of Colleges of Education Students in Ghana in Music Theory: Strategies and Recommendation | Author : Kow Arkhurst | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article examines strategies to enhance the interest of College of Education students in music theory in Ghana. Music theory education is vital for fostering students understanding of musical concepts, critical thinking, and creativity. However, factors such as prior musical experiences, teaching methods, curriculum design, and cultural influences can influence students engagement with music theory. To address this, a qualitative study was conducted to identify effective strategies. The findings underscore the significance of prior musical experiences and the importance of creating a supportive learning environment that embraces students diverse musical backgrounds and interests. Active learning, technology integration, peer collaboration, and performance-based assessments emerged as effective approaches to motivate students in music theory. The study recommends providing teacher training in active learning and culturally responsive pedagogies, revising curricula to include diverse musical genres and practical applications, fostering collaborations with community organizations to expand students musical experiences, and launching awareness campaigns to highlight the benefits of music theory education. Implementing these strategies requires collaboration among educational institutions, policymakers, music educators, and the wider community. By nurturing student interest in music theory, Colleges of Education in Ghana can cultivate a generation of music enthusiasts, educators, and advocates, contributing to the preservation and development of Ghanas rich musical heritage. |
| Research and Development of Human Resource Management System at SMP Dharma Wirawan 08 Donomulyo | Author : Sri Ari Sumaryati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to develop a Human ReSource Management system at SMP Dharma Wirawan 08 Donomulyo. This Research and Development uses the Design Based Research method with the following steps: (1) Problem Identification (2) Identification of Goals (3) Preparation of Product Design (4) Product Design Test (5) Evaluation of Product Design Test Results (6) Product Communication. The subject used is Donomulyo Islamic Junior High School, data obtained through observation and interviews, and questionnaires. The questionnaire answers use a Likert scale with 5 assessment categories (1) very inappropriate, (2) not feasible, (3) quite feasible, (4) feasible, (5) very feasible. The data analysis technique uses a percentage of the quality system tested by two academic validators and practitioners. The result of this research is a human reSource management quality system at Donomulyo Islamic Junior High School with the following specifications: vision, mission, objectives, organisational structure, job description, quality policy and SOP (Standard Operating Procedure). |
| Legal Aspects in Religional Financial Management Case Study on the Surabaya City Covernment Budget | Author : Sapto Wahyono, Sumriyah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Economic development aims to enhance capabilities and freedom of choice, relying significantly on government spending. The local governments financial administration, as shown by the Regional Budget (APBD), reflects its capacity to fund governance, development, and social services. Financial ratios analysis is employed to assess the local governments performance. Regional autonomy laws empower regional authorities to provide transparent, participatory, and accountable services to the community. This study evaluates the efficiency of regional revenue realization using a descriptive juridical approach, focusing on the legal aspects of financial management in Surabaya Citys local government budget. |
| Teachers Basic Behaviour as Motivation for Student Learning | Author : Mary Olubunmi Adebayo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Teachers are essential stakeholder that cannot be downplayed in education. As important as they are, their behaviour is so contagious that it can mar or help student learning. Teachers behaviour is a function of the characteristics of the teacher, his environment and the task in which the teacher engages. Teachers behaviour could be respect, relational, integrity, trust, enthusiasm among others. However, teachers behaviour that hinders learning are - Resistance to change, absenteeism, unpreparedness for class, inability to meet student needs. Moreover, teacher cannot just decide to misbehave for no just cause, there must have been underline factors responsible for teachers misbehaviour. Therefore, factors responsible for teachers misbehaviour are – Poor incentive, wrong conception of teaching profession, economic regression, non-inclusive of students diversity and culture, work related stress. The aforementioned thus, have implications on students learning. Teachers misbehaviour does encourage fall in morality, low self- esteem, increase in examination malpractice and so on. It is therefore, expected of the teachers to develop an appropriate behaviour such as optimistic, emotional intelligence skill, commitment to work and building positive relationship. In addition, the government and the school owners should establish and disseminate a code of conduct for teachers that will guide their behaviour, monitor teachers physically (inspection) and through technological gadget (CCTV camera); provide support for teachers at all levels (financially, academically, morally) to avoid misbehaviour. |
| Financial Crises and the Success of Global Portfolio Management: A Study of the Middle East and North Africa | Author : Dr. Fatma Khalfallah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Our principal objective is to implement a conditional CAPM that, in addition to the global market risk, specifies the level of market integration, evaluates exchange rate risk, and accounts for local market risk. To investigate the potential for portfolio diversification for foreign investors in this region by examining the impact of financial crises on the evolution of national markets in the MENA regions financial integration with the global market as well as with the three selected developed markets, namely France, Great Britain, and the United State. In order to test a conditional version of De Santis and Gerards ICAPM by admitting a specification of a multivariate GARCH process, this line of research has used a particular methodology (MGARCH). |
| Researching the Factors Affecting the Engagement of Employees with the Organization at Mobio Vietnam Software Application Joint Stock Company | Author : Can Huu Dan, Dao Thi Minh Ngo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research was conducted to evaluate the factors influencing the engagement of employees with the organization at Mobio Vietnam Software Application Joint Stock Company by surveying the employees. Cronbachs alpha, EFA, and multiple regression analysis were used as tools. The results presented a model of six factors that have a positive impact on employee engagement, listed in decreasing order of their effect level: leadership style, job characteristics, perception of development, income and fairness, work environment, and promotion opportunities. Based on this, the research proposes managerial implications for the companys leaders and managers to enhance the engagement of employees with the organization. |
| Alternative Sources of Finance: Evidence from Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (MSMEs) in Dala Local Government Area-Kano State of Nigeria | Author : Hassan Nuhu Wali, Sani Abdullahi, Aminu Ado Ahmad | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study assesses the alternative sources of financing of MSMEs in Dala local government area. The major objectives of the study is to determine the level of access and usage of alternative sources of finance, and to assess the effectiveness of MSMEs in securing financing as well as the constraints faced by MSMEs in applying for and securing funding from the lending agencies. The study employs the survey research design, data were collected via questionnaire, and analysed using descriptive statistics. The findings of the study revealed that MSMEs in Dala local government are accessing and using all the available alternative sources of financing, although many of which are on a limited scale. And the best external sources of finance for MSMEs are trade credits and borrowing from family and friends. The findings also indicate that, except for trade credits and loans from family and friends, most MSMEs were not applying for loans from the external sources or are largely not wholly successful in their application for loan from the lending agencies. The study has identified the problems limiting the ability of MSMEs to obtain funds from the lending agencies to include information asymmetry, lack of collateral, high cost of capital etc. Furthermore, the study recommends that, Government should educate and enlighten owners of MSMEs on its various programmes and schemes aimed at providing finance, and to reduce the conditions and requirements for collecting loans and credits from formal sources to ease access to finance. |
| The Influence of African Tradtional Spirituality on Christian Practices in Africa | Author : Maria Goreth Sisiani, Seraphine C. Komu, Denis Muhamba, Francis J. Kisandu, Christine Keneema | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Human beings are religious by nature. In the discussion on African traditional spirituality, it provides the proofs on how Africans were and are notoriously religious even before the advent of Christianity. This article provides an overview of the influence of African traditional spirituality on Christian Practices in Africa. It is noted in this article that African traditional spirituality is a diverse and complex set of beliefs and practices that reflect the cultural and spiritual beliefs of the people of Africa. It encompasses a wide range of practices, including ancestor veneration, divination, healing practices, music and dance, and community building. Christianity was introduced to Africa in the 1st century AD, but it was not until the arrival of European colonizers in the 16th century that Christianity began to spread more widely throughout Africa. Today, Christianity is one of the most widespread religions in Africa, with over 541 million adherents on the continent. Christianity in Africa is diverse and complex, encompassing a range of denominations, including Catholicism, Protestantism, and various indigenous African churches. This article explores the ways in which African spirituality has influenced Christianity in Africa, and how this has shaped the religious and cultural landscape of the continent. |
| Teacher Perceptions of the Independent Curriculum for Senior High Schools Changed Independent Category Indonesian Language Lessons in Surakarta | Author : Colin Widi Widawati, Raheni Suhita, Muhammad Rohmadi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research is a qualitative research with a case study strategy. This study aims to determine teachers perceptions regarding the implementation of the independent curriculum, especially at independent sharing schools. The subjects of this study were Indonesian language teachers and students at SMA Negeri 6 and 7 Surakarta. Data collection techniques in this study include observation, interviews, and document analysis. Researchers used the triangulation method to validate the research results so as to produce findings on teacher perceptions of the independent curriculum. The conclusions obtained in this study are: 1) the teachers perception from the research above regarding the Independent Curriculum is a curriculum that is "free" for educators in determining learning in the classroom. Although in practice the administrative burden is still much like the previous curriculum. Freedom here, students are given the freedom to determine their learning style and choice of subjects they will study; 2) The terms in the 2013 Curriculum are different from the Independent Curriculum. The material in the Independent Curriculum is more focused and essential, so students are able to explore the material more deeply; 3) the assessment used is different from the 2013 curriculum which emphasizes cognitive, affective, and psychomotor assessments. The independent curriculum contains diagnostic assessments, formative assessments, and summative assessments. |
| Development of Authentic Assessment Instruments of Football Passing, Dribbling, and Shooting Skills in Physical Education, Sports and Health Learning in Senior High School | Author : Afrizal Ivanisevic, Hari Yulianrto, Ngatman Soewito, Abdul Alim, Risti Nuradilla, Wahyu Dwi Yulianto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims at developing an instrument for authentic assessment of physical education, sports, and health learning outcomes on the basic movement skills of football games for senior high school students because the assessment of learning outcomes is very important in learning activities. The research method uses Research and Development (R&D) using a 4- D research model consisting of four steps, namely: (1) Define, defining by conducting a preliminary study of product needs, (2) Design, designing by compiling assessment rubrics adjusted to the curriculum, KI (core competencies) / KD (basic competencies), and materials, (3) Development, developing by validating with CVR (Content Validity Ratio) and reliability using Alpha Cronbach and ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients), (4) Dissemination, product distribution for practitioner use. The subjects in this study were students of class XI of SMA Muhammadiyah Ponjong and SMAN 1 Depok, Special Region of Yogyakarta. The result of this study is the development of an authentic assessment instrument product of the basic motion of the football game. The results of the proof of validity using CVR (Content Validity Ratio) showed the results of 1, and the proof of reliability using Alpha Cronbach and ICC (Intraclass Correlation Coefficients) obtained the results of product trials at SMA Muhammadiyah Ponjong of r alpha cronbach = 0.770 and r ICC = 0.751. The large-scale test of the product was carried out at SMAN 1 Depok with the result of r alpha cronbach = 0.914. Therefore, the results of the proof of validity and reliability show that the product development of authentic assessment instruments for Physical Education, Sports and Health learning outcomes in basic football movement skills has a high level of reliability so that it can be used as an authentic assessment instrument. |
| Correlation Study between Speed, Agility, Leg Power, and Eye- Foot Coordination on the Dribbling Ability of Bali United Football Players in 2021 | Author : Yabes Roni Malaifani, Endang Rini Sukamti, Afeb Chesa Arianto, Ujang Nurdin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine: (1) The relationship between speed and dribbling ability. (2) The relationship between agility and dribbling ability. (3) The relationship between limb power and dribbling ability. (4) The relationship between eye-foot coordination with dribbling ability. (5) The relationship between speed, agility, leg power, and eye-foot coordination on the dribbling ability of Bali United football players in 2021. This type of research is correlational. The population in this study were 32 Bali United 2021 football players. The sampling technique used was total sampling. The speed instrument is measured by the 50 meter running test with units of seconds, agility is measured using the Illinois Agility Test with units of seconds, leg power is measured using the vertical jump test with units of centimeters, and dribbling ability is measured by the Short Dribbling Test test in units of seconds. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression. The results showed that: (1) There is a significant relationship between speed and dribbling ability. (2) There is a significant relationship between agility and dribbling ability. (3) There is a significant relationship between limb power and dribbling ability. (4) There is a significant relationship between eyefoot coordination and dribbling ability. (5) There is a significant relationship between speed, agility, leg power, and eye-foot coordination on the dribbling ability of Bali United football players in 2021. |
| Effectiveness Analysis of Teamwork Management Based on Machine Intelligence | Author : Ikhsan Gunadi, Bambang Budi Wiyono, Imron Arifin, Ery Tri Djatmika Rudijanto W.W. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Teamwork in an organization often experiences ups and downs in interpersonal relationships due to ineffective communication-interaction problems. Whereas in addition to leadership issues, organizational effectiveness is also largely determined by the interactions within the organization. Poor interaction-communication is the result of interpersonal ignorance of one another. This study tries to analyze the effectiveness of cooperation based on the machine intelligence owned by each personal organization, where methods like this are relatively not widely known. This study uses an approach that is a combination of qualitative and quantitative in a population of school organizations that consist of one principal and seven teachers. From this study, it was found that (1) relatively small relationship scores exist in four people including the principal as the leader of the organization, and (2) organizational personnel can play the appropriate roles of the five roles based on their machine intelligence. This study concludes that the analyzed school organization has a lot of interaction-communication conflicts, so a personal understanding of each other is needed based on their respective intelligence machines. By understanding machine intelligence, each member of the organization will be able to treat others appropriately both in interaction and communication so that the organization runs effectively. |
| The Effect of Bitter Melon Extract (Momordica Charantia) On CASPASE-9 and Bcl-2 Proteins Expression | Author : Desti Rahmasari, Titiek Sumarawati, Setyo Trisnadi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Breast cancer has a significant morbidity and death rate worldwide, thus various therapeutic strategies, including the phytopharmaca approach, must be researched further. Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) extract is predicted to have anticancer properties due to its influence on Caspase-9 and BcL2 proteins, which will be shown in this in vitro investigation utilizing MCF-7 cell culture. This study was an in vitro laboratory experimental study with a post-test-only control group design. The doses of Momordica charantia extract used were 125 µg/ml, 500 µg/ml, and 1,000 µg/ml. Caspase-9 and BcL2 protein expression in MCF-7cell culture was measured by immunocytochemistry method, Shapiro Wilk, Levene Test, One Way Anova, and Post Hoc LSD. Administration of Momordica charantia extract at a dose of 500 µg/ml and 1,000 µg/ml significantly increased the average expression of Caspase-9 protein (p = 0.044 and p = 0.004 respectively), but not at a dose of 125 µg/mL (p = 0.125). Administration of bitter melon extract at doses of 125 µg/ml, 500 µg/ml, and 1,000 µg/ml significantly reduced the average BcL2 protein expression (p < 0.001, p < 0.001, and p = 0.001 respectively). Momordica charantia extract has the potential to be employed as an anti-breast cancer agent due to its ability to increase the average expression of Caspase-9 protein while reducing the average expression of BcL2 protein. |
| Utilization of Water Hyacinth as Organic Fertilizer on Kemaro Island, Palembang City | Author : Gilda Maulina, Rahmawati, Ilham Ainuddin, Anis Qomariah | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The water hyacinth is a free-floating aquatic plant. Water hyacinth has massive reproductive capacity, which causes several problems, including ecosystem destruction, irrigation problems, and its use as a breeding ground for mosquitoes, which causes the mosquito population to increase. The high growth rate of water hyacinth is also a major problem faced by the people on Kemaro Island. The large number of water hyacinth plants on Kemaro Island causes environmental issues, such as slum settlements. Pupuk Sriwidjaja Palembang (Pusri) Ltd. is here to overcome this problem through a community empowerment program, namely the Sehat Sejahtera Program (Sesera). The methods used in this research are literature study, observation, and interviews. The research results show that the Sesera Program is able to reduce the number of water hyacinths that accumulate around the residences of Kemaro Island residents. Through the Sesera Program, Pusri empowers the community to utilize and process water hyacinth in order to reduce the number of water hyacinth growing around Kemaro Island. Activities carried out by utilizing water hyacinth to become compost. To maintain these impacts or benefits, the Sesera Program through water hyacinth composting activities needs to involve other stakeholders who are able to encourage and increase the impact of the program, such as the Village Government, City government, and agriculture service. |
| Sustainability Assessment of Economic and Environmental Impacts: A Critical Systems Thinking Approach to Tackle Complex Environmental Challenges | Author : Mosammat Mustari Khanaum, Most. Shahanaj Hossain | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Complex and interconnected vicious cycles of problems such as climate change, epidemics, poverty, and pollution create wicked environmental challenges. These transcend both conceptual and spatial boundaries, presenting a formidable challenge to contemporary society. Recognizing the diverse perspectives held by different quality individuals, this paper explores the necessity of involving key stakeholders in decision-making processes to effectively address these challenges. However, the exclusion of stakeholders from power-sharing mechanisms within existing social systems is a significant impediment. To address these multifaceted issues, an additional focus on emancipatory commitment and methodologies is required. One approach that holds promise in this regard is Ulrichs critical systems heuristics, a critical systems methodology that provides practical tools for achieving the goal. Through a comprehensive case analysis of a gas blow-out tragedy, this paper explores the application of critical systems heuristics and underscores the importance of extending its use beyond planning situations to encompass a critical evaluation of existing institutions. Introducing the contextual background of the mishap, it explores the extensive social, economic, political, and environmental consequences resulting from the incident. It highlights the fundamental cause of the wicked problem and employs the critical systems approach as a prospective tool to augment accountability and involve stakeholders in overcoming such wicked socio-environmental challenges. |
| Associated Challenges of Urban Land Acquisition and Development Procedures in Ghana: A Case Study of Kumasi | Author : Henry K. Boafo, Ansaa Y. Twum-Bobie, Irene N. Dinye, Romanus D. Dinye | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Urban land acquisition and development in Ghana is a difficult process, involving the navigation of complex land tenure systems, dealing with inadequate documentation, high costs, and resolving disputes over land ownership. These challenges make the process extremely time-consuming. This study aims to analyse existing practices in urban land acquisition and development procedures, and establish the strengths and weaknesses of urban land acquisition in Kumasi. The essence is to improve urban land acquisition and development in Kumasi and the rest of the country. The study employed the use of semistructured interviews with experts on the subject matter who were purposively selected for primary data collection. The study also depended on scholarly articles, policy documents, and research papers for its secondary data. The findings indicate that some of the challenges in urban land acquisition and development included expensive procedures, improper record keeping, overlapping bureaucracies, unqualified or untrained middlemen, lack of transparency and accountability, and delays in permit approvals among others. It revealed some strengths, which included spelt-out procedures, the availability of governing laws for land acquisition and development, and established agencies for the management of land issues. It is recommended that strict enforcement of laws, proper record keeping, merger of some functions, provision of adequate resources for field officials, and an online tracking system should be in place |
| Effect of Plyometric Training Model and the Age towards the Reaction Time and the Agility of Muaythai Atheletes | Author : Demson Hamonangan Saragih, Fauzi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to determine: (1) the effect of upper body and lower body plyometric training models towards the reaction time and agility, (2) the differences in the effect of age (17-20 years old and 21-24 years old) towards the reaction time and agility, (3) the interaction between upper body plyometric, lower body plyometric training models, and age (17-20 years old and 21-24 years old) towards the reaction time and agility. This research was an experimental study. The research design was a "2x2 factorial" design. The number of research samples were 20 muaythai athletes selected by purposive random sampling. To measure reaction time the researcher used the whole body reaction II test and to measure the agility used the Illinois agility test instrument. The data analysis used the MANOVA (multivariate analysis of variance) test with a significance level of 0.05. The results of this research indicate that: (1) there is a difference in the effect of upper body and lower body plyometric training models towards the reaction time of Muaythai athletes with a p significance of 0.000 < 0.05, and there is a difference in effect between upper body and lower body plyometric training models towards the agility of Muaythai athletes with a significance value of p 0.000 < 0.05. (2) There is a difference in the effect of age (17-20 years old and 21-24 years old) towards the reaction time with a significance value of p 0.002 < 0.05, and there is a difference in the effect of age (17-20 years old and 21-24 years old) towards the agility with a significance value of 0.002 < 0.05. (3) There is a significant interaction between the upper body plyometruc, lower body plyometric training models and age (17-20 years old and 21-24 years old) towards the reaction time with a significance value of 0.002 < 0.05, and there is a significant interaction between the training models of upper body plyometric, lower body plyometric and age (17-20 years old and 21-24 years old) towards the agility with a significance value of 0.001 < 0.05. |
| Recreational Value of Mangrove Ecotourism: A Case Study in Jerowaru East Lombok, Indonesia | Author : Isnan Purnama, Diswandi, Muhamad Baiul Hak | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Mangrove forest ecosystems confer various advantages to human populations, including but not limited to safeguarding against tsunamis and abrasion, sequestering carbon, serving as fish breeding grounds, and providing recreational opportunities. The provision of welfare and stimulation of economic growth for local population can be facilitated by the recreational or tourism value. Nevertheless, the significance of mangrove forests, encompassing their recreational value, is sometimes overlooked. This research examines the various elements that impact tourists inclination to engage in the preservation of Mangrove Ecotourism, using Jerowaru Village in East Lombok as a case study. This study employed the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM) to determine the average Willingness to Pay (WTP) of tourists in Mangrove Ecotourism, which was determined to be IDR 10,416.67 (0.68 USD) per visit. The total amount is contingent upon factors such as environmental awareness, educational attainment, and income level. |
| Teaching Games for Understanding (TGfU) Learning Model on Improving Learning Outcomes of Volleyball Material | Author : Ari Septiyanto, Suharjana, Agus Sumhendartin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of the study was to determine: (1) the effect of TGfU learning model on improving volleyball learning outcomes and (2) the difference in volleyball learning outcomes between the experimental group and the control group. The method uses an experiment with a "pre-test post-test control group design". The sampling technique is simple random sampling, totaling 33 students as an experimental class with TGfU learning model treatment and 34 students as a control class. The instruments used were cognitive tests and psychomotor tests. Data analysis using t test at 5% significance level. The results of the study: (1) There is a significant effect of the TGfU learning model on improving volleyball learning outcomes, the tvalue is 12.158 > ttable 1.693, and the significance is 0.000 <0.05. (2) There is a significant difference in volleyball learning outcomes between the experimental group and the control group, the tvalue is 9.617 > ttable 1.668, and the significance is 0.000 < 0.05. |
| Application Development Basic Technical Guidelines for Football Goalkeepers U 10-15 Years Based on Android | Author : Naufallathuf Yaquttul Irsyad, Sulistyono, Ali Munir, Sudirahman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Efforts to improve the basic technique of goalkeepers are a basic component that is very important in supporting the achievements of athletes themselves, one of which is developing Android-based applications. This study aims to develop an application media for basic goalkeeper technique guidelines aged 10-15 years based on Android to make it easier for children to practice independently or coaches can learn good and correct goalkeeper techniques. This research is a Research and Development research. There are several stages carried out in the process of developing this media, namely: Information collection, planning, initial product development, expert validation, small-scale trials, large-scale trials, final product revisions. Subjects of a small-scale trial conducted on 5 coaches and 5 goalkeepers at the SSO real madrid foundation. And large-scale trials were carried out on 10 coaches and 10 goalkeepers at SSB Baturetno, SSB Gelora Muda and SSB 89 Selindung. The instrument used in collecting this development data is in the form of questionnaires. The data analysis technique used is a descriptive statistical analysis technique. The results showed that the application development media for basic goalkeeper technique guidelines aged 10-15 years based on Android is suitable to be used as a reference for student learning and media used by coaches to train. This is shown from the results of assessments that have been carried out by material experts, media experts and field trials. The final results obtained from the study showed that the application of the basic goalkeeper technique guidelines was declared "Eligible" based on the percentage obtained, namely from material experts 81%, media experts 85%, small group trial results 85% and large group trial results 88%. |
| Protection of Children`S Rights in Criminal Juvenile Justice System: Comparative Study Between Indonesia and Madagascar | Author : Ramalina Ranaivo Mikea Manitra, Adya Paramita Prabandari, Irma Cahyaningtyas | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As Ratifying States of the Convention on the Rights of Child, Indonesia, and Madagascar must protect children`s rights in the juvenile criminal justice system. This comparative study aims to analyze the similarities and differences between Law No. 11 of 2012 (Indonesia) and Law No. 2016-018 (Madagascar) as well as establish mutual improvements in both countries` systems. The methods of the research: the type of research is legal doctrinal; the approach used is a statutory approach complemented by a comparative approach; the legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials; and the method of analysis is a qualitative juridical analysis. Results reveal that both countries have made efforts to prioritize the well-being and rights of children in conflict with the law, incorporating principles such as the best interests of the child, diversion programs, and educational opportunities. However, variations exist in areas such as the age of criminal responsibility, the scope of protection, and diversion systems. |
| Effective Methods of Preventing the Risk of Juvenile Delinquency: A Case Study in High School Children | Author : Supriyadi, Solekhati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The problem of student delinquency has existed for a long time. However, it is currently difficult to overcome due to several factors such as the government, parents, and families. In particular, the contributing factors can include parental marital discord, social skills, and internet use. This study aims to analyze the relationship between parents marital discord, social skills, internet use, and the occurrence of juvenile delinquency. This was quantitative research with an analytical descriptive design. The population was 508 students in Wonosobo. Furthermore, 84 were selected as the samples using the random sampling proportion technique. In addition, the test used the chi-square test. The results showed that most respondents had no marital discord with their parents (53.6%). Respondents with good social skills and moderate internet use (48.8%). Students committed juvenile delinquency, but not seriously by 65.5%. There is a correlation between parental marital discord, social skills, internet use, and juvenile delinquency. In the multivariate analysis, Juvenile delinquency can be prevented by controlling parental marital discord factors, and social skills and preventing interaction of Internet use without adolescent social skills. There is a correlation between parental marital discord, social skills, internet use, and juvenile delinquency. Social skills are a major factor in juvenile delinquency |
| Implementation of Character Education Based on the Values of Pope John XXIII | Author : Leo Lelyemin, Yulius Mataputun, Cornelius Tanta | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to analyse the implementation of character education based on the values of Pope John XXIII (Truth, love, freedom, and justice) at YPPK Yoanes XXIII High School, Merauke, South Papua Province. Apart from that, to analyse the supporting and influencing factors and their impact on strengthening the profile of Pancasila students. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method with a case study design. The data sources are school principals, supervisors, educators, and students. Data collection techniques through in-depth interviews, participant observation, documentation, and focused group discussions. Researchers as key instruments are supported by several guidelines. Data validity techniques use data credibility, namely extended observation, triangulation, and peer discussion. The results of the research show that YPPK Yoanes XXIII High School, Merauke, South Papua Province has implemented character education based on the values of Pope John XXIII: (1) The value of Truth is implemented by practicing honesty, justice, loyalty and humility; (2) The value of Love is implemented by mutual respect, appreciation, cooperation, giving, solidarity, upholding the rights of others, accepting differences; (3) The value of freedom/independence is implemented by obeying school rules, learning interactions, being responsible, accessing learning facilities, religious freedom. (4) The value of Justice is implemented by enforcing rules, financing, approaches to students, learning processes, class management, extracurriculars, and teacher rights; (5) Supporting factors for implementing the character values of Pope John XXIII include YPPK/church commitment, educator competence, school principal leadership, parent and community support. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors include the negative influence of information and communication technology and less conducive family conditions; (6) The main impact of implementing the character values of Pope John XXIII is encouraging and supporting the government and society in policies to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students. There is a synergy of character values according to John XXIII with the values of the Pancasila student profile in forming the character of students who have: deep faith in God; love of peace and brotherly love; democratic, independent, rational and professional culture; equal material and spiritual prosperity; identity, justice, civility, morals and ethics. |
| Identification of Condition of Corn Plant Based on Leaf Image Features Using Gray Level Co-Occurrence Matrix and Backpropagation Neural Network | Author : Ristohadi S, Andi Sunyoto, Emha Taufiq Luthfi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to identify the condition of corn plants based on imagery leaf using the gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM) method and artificial neural network (ANN) backpropagation. The GLCM method is used for extracting features from image leaf corn, whereas ANN backpropagation is used for classification condition plant corn based on features. The classification was done using a dataset of corn leaves with four conditions: healthy, leaf spot, blight, and leaf rust. Next, the leaf features are extracted using method GLCM and training on model ANN backpropagation to classify conditions of corn plants. After training on the model, the next step is model evaluation using the confusion matrix method. The research results show that the technique can produce accuracy, which is tall enough to identify condition corn plants, with an accuracy of 95%. This indicates that the use of GLCM and ANN backpropagation can be a good alternative in determining the condition of corn plants. This research provides benefits in facilitating the identification of the state of corn plants quickly and accurately. |
| Evaluation from the Perspective of Standardized Tests (Pisa) at the Pre-University Level of the Dominican Republic | Author : Dr. Santa Cabrera, Professor, Omar Perez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Dominican Republic faces great challenges in pre-university education and one of them is the evaluation culture. Evaluation as a systemic process is an added value to educational quality to a large extent, to its human capital, and to achieve success in a changing world. Recent studies have shown that achieving better educational outcomes and measurements provides considerable benefits for individuals and for society as a whole (OECD 2010a, 2010c). This ensures the achievement of effective measures of student performance and development and, therefore, educational performance. Reliable and valid measures of school performance can serve as a basis for educational policies and programs and their accountability, school improvement processes, and so that families and society as a whole have more information about the effectiveness of educational systems. |
| The Role of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Sustainability of Tourism Village | Author : Ni Made Widani Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni Made Heny Urmila Dewi Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The COVID-19 pandemic that has hit the world has an impact on health and other sectors such as education, social culture and the global economy. Tourism, which is used as the locomotive of economic development, is the sector that is most affected, especially in Badung district because it sees peoples livelihoods depending on the tourism sector. To improve the economy, the government has made efforts to deal with the phenomena that occur due to the impact of the Covid 19 virus, including by encouraging and motivating state-owned companies (BUMN) to continue to contribute to improving the welfare of the community by remaining consistent and sustainable in implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs. To correlate the phenomena that occur, especially in the field of funding and assistance through CSR in the tourist village area, and companies in the concept of Community Based Tourism (CBT) and also to grow the communitys desire for entrepreneurship in relation to supporting the needs of tourists with a target towards sustainable tourism villages. This paper analyzes the implementation of corporate CSR in the development of sustainable tourism villages in Badung district by upholding the principles of corporate social responsibility (CSR). The analysis was carried out using mixed methods, namely measuring quantitatively and strengthening the measurement results by sharpening the results with qualitative methods in developing and sustainability tourist villages in Badung regency. |
| The Importance of Active, Innovative, Creative, Effective, and Fun Learning Applications On Natural Science Subject At Islamic Elementary School | Author : Alfi Hidayati, Abu Dharin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The active, innovative, creative, effective, and fun learning applications (PAIKEM) learning model comes from the concept that learning should be child-centered and should be fun therefore students are motivated to continue learning on their own without orders and also students do not feel burdened or afraid. For this reason, the pleasurable learning part becomes one of the important aspects of learning. Especially in science learning activities where teachers still use conventional methods, whereas the material in science learning is very interesting to learn when using fun learning. PAIKEM is one of the fun learning methods, besides motivating students to explore, create, and experiment is the goal of PAIKEM learning. This is to support students develop higher-order thinking skills, critical thinking, and creative thinking. |
| Postpartum Burnout Among Women of Childbearing Age: A Neglected Global Public Health Problem | Author : Shivaughn Hem-Lee-Forsyth, Josane Gabriel, NDiera Viechweg, Min-Hong Lee, Sehee Kim, Feimatta Sowa, Kelsea Bainey | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Euphoric moods characterize the postpartum period, but for many mothers, regardless of economic, social, ethnic, or cultural backgrounds, this period is overshadowed by the negative impact of physical and mental fatigue. This study conducted a comprehensive search across multiple databases, including PubMed, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar, to gather articles reporting associations between various factors and postpartum fatigue. The findings revealed that cultural and social expectations of motherhood, sleep disturbance, partnering, socio-economic disadvantage, pre-existing mental illness, and labor experiences significantly contributed to postpartum fatigue. At the same time, routine exercise and social support systems served as protective factors. By addressing these factors promptly, healthcare providers can enhance the well-being and quality of life of postpartum women and their infants. |
| Implementation of Active Learning in Grade V to Enhance Creativity and Weaving Skills | Author : Tasbihah, Abu Dharin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Active learning is a teaching method that emphasizes the active participation of students during the learning process. Quality education not only focuses on cognitive aspects but also considers other aspects. One aspect that needs attention is the development of weaving skills. This research employs a qualitative approach with an experimental design. The research subjects are Grade V students at MI Ya BAKII Kesugihan 01, Kesugihan District, Cilacap Regency. The aim of this research is to explain the positive impact of active learning in enhancing creativity and weaving skills, as well as to describe the steps taken by the teacher in actively teaching weaving. The results of the research indicate a positive impact of active learning in improving creativity and weaving skills. |
| The Relationship between Participant Self-Evaluation, Coach Competence, Participant Tasks Achievement and Participant Potential after Underwriting Boccia Training Program | Author : Saddan Pramana Putra, Rony Syaifullah, Islahuzzaman Nuryadin, Slamet Riyadi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this study was to determine the Relationship Between Participant Self-Evaluation, Coach Competence, Participant Tasks Achievement and Participant Potential After Underwriting Boccia Training Program. The type of research used in this research is quantitative descriptive research. The quantitative descriptive method is a quantitative research in which the form of description is numerical (statistical). This means that the research is related to the description with statistical numbers. This study used the SOAP-M model to analyze the evaluation of the Boccia training program. In the meta-analysis, researchers examined the relationship between self-evaluation, trainer competence, and achievement with the potential of participants after undergoing the Boccia training program. The results of the meta-analysis showed that self-evaluation, others (trainer competence), and achievement (achievement of participants tasks in training) simultaneously affect the potential accuracy skills of throw boccia with a positive regression coefficient value. This means that self-evaluation, others (trainer competence), and achievement (achievement of participants tasks in training) together have a positive impact on the potential of throw boccia accuracy skills in the boccia training program. This also shows that if self-evaluation, others (trainer competence), and achievement (achievement of participants tasks in training) increase, then there is an increase in the potential of throw boccia accuracy skills and vice versa if it decreases then there is a decrease in the potential of throw boccia accuracy skills in the boccia training program. The results of the coefficient of determination test show that 93.5% of the potential of throw boccia accuracy skills can be explained by variations in self-evaluation, others (trainer competence), and achievement. The remaining 6.5% was explained by other causes outside the study variables. Of the 93.5%, 33.6% of the variation of potential participants is determined by self-evaluation, 32.0% of the variation of potential participants is determined by others (trainer competence), and 27.9% of potential participant variation is determined by achievement. Thus, self-evaluation has a more dominant influence on potential participants than other variables (trainer competence) and achievement. |
| The Urgency of Character Education in Nashih Ulwans Perspective for the "Strawberry Generation" | Author : Umi Martuti, Abu Dharin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In whatever environment we are in either school, home or social environment, character education is very much needed.. The education of human character can also gain glory as creation creature of Allah SWT but the Children Character now of the term popular “Strawberry Generation” is very concern. They are dependenly with the gadget without being able to sort out the god and bad, and they make a strange acting and imitating anything, misconduct immorality, lying etc. This article uses a literature study approach because the autor commented on the concept of the thought of Abdullah Nashih Ulwan trought his book title Tarbiyatul Aulad fil Islam to answer the problem of character education “Strawberry Generation” According to him, the bacic character education in Islam must be based on Al Quran and Al Hadist. Five steps in success of education character habituation, transparency advice, giving attention, and giving punishment. In addition, the character education material that includes the education of faith, morality, physical, intellectual, mental/psychic, social and sex education must be given to children so that they are ready to live a life well. The hole concept is very relevant in answering the issue of “Strawberry Generation”. At that time, the children will face competition with colleagues from various countries around the world. Demand the quality of human resources in the millennium certainly requires good character. However, character is the key individual goal. |
| The Relationship between Infrastructure, Learning Media, and Learning Motivation, and Physical Education Learning Outcomes at Junior High Schools in Purbalingga Regency | Author : Bagus Sidik Abdul Manaf, Subagyo, Abdul Alim, Wahyu Dwi Yulianto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the relationship between infrastructure, learning media, and learning motivation, and physical education learning outcomes at junior high schools in Purbalingga Regency. This descriptive quantitative correlational research was conducted at several junior high schools in Purbalingga Regency in January 2023. The sampling technique was the total sampling used to collect 55 schools in Purbalingga Regency. The data were collected by spreading questionnaires to Physical Education teachers, and the process was started by finding the data on Physical Education teachers at junior high schools in Purbalingga. Then, the questionnaires were distributed, and learning outcomes were collected. The results of this study indicate that: (1) There is a significant relationship between infrastructure and learning outcomes of junior high school students in Purbalingga Regency, with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. (2) There is a significant relationship between learning media and the learning outcomes of junior high school students in Purbalingga Regency, with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. (3) There is a significant relationship between learning motivation and learning outcomes of junior high school students in Purbalingga Regency, with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. (4) There is a significant relationship between learning media infrastructure and learning motivation on the learning outcomes of junior high school students in Purbalingga Regency, with a significance value of 0.000 < 0.05. |
| Analysis of Financial Ratio to Profitability in PT. Pegadaian Indonesia 2008-2022 | Author : Susanti Prasetiyaningtiyas, Welda Hijryanti Rahayu, Nurhayati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article aims to know and analyze the effect of liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and activity ratios on profitability ratios at PT Pegadaian Indonesia. The population of this research is PT Pegadaian Indonesia. The sample used in this study is the 2008-2022 financial statements of PT Pegadaian Indonesia. The type of data used in this study is secondary data in the form of PT Pegadaians annual financial reports for the 2008-2022 period. Sources of data were obtained through the website Reports-Performance/ Report- Annual. The data analysis method used is multiple linear regression analysis. The results showed that the liquidity ratio had a significant positive effect on profitability; PT Pegadaian Indonesia had sufficient assets to pay off its short-term obligations so that the companys operational activities were not disrupted. The solvency ratio has a significant positive effect on profitability; the increasing company debt used for operational financing will generate profits so that the company is still able to fulfill its obligations. The activity ratio does not have a significant negative effect on profitability; PT Pegadaian Indonesia is likely to be more concerned with repaying creditors than using cash to pay returns to shareholders so that no matter how much the value of income received by utilizing assets owned does not affect the profitability obtained. |
| Students Perceptions of 30 State of Muaro Jambi Junior High School Physical Education Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic | Author : Ropa Saldi Putra, Widiyanto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The way to make students easier to understand the content of Physical Education material can be presented online by the teacher using the learning media that is currently available in the COVID-19 era. Like Zoom, Google Meet, Google Forms, WhatsApp application, and others. This learning media can create a more interesting, interactive, and fun learning process and can continue learning even during the pandemic. This research aims to determine the perceptions of students at 30 State of Muaro Jambi Junior High School towards learning Physical Education, sports, and health online during the COVID-19 pandemic. The method used in this study is a survey method with data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The population in this study were grade students 30 State of Muaro Jambi Junior High School, who were taken using a random sampling technique. Data analysis used descriptive analysis as outlined in the form of a percentage. The results of the research show that the perception of students at 30 State of Muaro Jambi Junior High School towards learning Physical Education online via the WhatsApp application during the COVID-19 pandemic showed results in great category totaling 3 people with a percentage of 6.98%, the good category was 32 people with the percentage is 74.42%, the fair category is 8 people with a percentage of 18.60% and the less category is 0 people with a percentage of 0%. |
| The Influence of the Level of Guarantee of Operating Expenses on the Application of Accounting Software in Public Non- Business Unit | Author : MA. Le Thi Huong Tram, Student. Vu Thi Hong, Student. Phan Thu Giang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Public non-business units are established by the state to perform public services and distribute those services to society. Through the document research method, the article has generalized the role, function, and accounting form of public non-business units and the importance of accounting. With this method, we can also evaluate the limitations in accounting and the reasons why many public non-business units do not see the need to apply accounting software in accounting. Three reasons were pointed out: unit leaders did not pay attention to accounting work, lack of funding for implementation and incorrectly identified the reasons for errors in accounting planning. The investigation method also helped us identify how accounting software applications are affected by the level of Guarantee of operating expenses. Analysis results have shown that financially autonomous units have a higher tendency to apply accounting software than units without financial revenue. The research team also proposed a number of solutions such as increasing the understanding and awareness of business unit leaders about the importance of accounting work and accounting software. Implement budget estimates for information technology construction at the unit, properly assessing the key points of existence. |
| Willingness to Pay for Conservation in Moyo Satonda National Park, Indonesia: Sumbawa & Dompu Regencies | Author : Tidiane Guindo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Moyo Satonda National Park (MSNP) is one of the attractions in NTB, Indonesia that needs attention for conservation. A contingent valuation method of survey was conducted to estimate the conservation value of MSNP and to elicit the willingness to pay among respondents. Through the random survey, the estimated mean of willingness to pay for conservation fee per respondent was IDR 7.81. With the number of visitors of 4000 in year 2022, it is estimated that there is an additional IDR 31,240 (2.03 USD) that could be used for the improvement in environmental conservation. This study shows that contingent valuation method (CVM) is a useful tool to guide decision makers in policy purposes of natural resources management of protected area in developing countries. |
| Effect of Feature Selection on the Accuracy of Machine Learning Model | Author : Asst. Professor Mohammad Salim Hamdard, Asst. Professor Hedayatullah Lodin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In real life data science problems, its almost rare that all the features in the dataset are useful for building a model. In machine learning, feature selection is the process of selecting a subset of relevant features or attributes for constructing a model. Removing irrelevant and redundant features and, selecting relevant features will improve the accuracy of a machine learning model. Furthermore, adding unnecessary variables to a model increases the overall complexity of the model. Our experiment indicates that the accuracy of a classification model is highly affected by the process of feature selection. We train three algorithms (K-Nearest Neighbors, Decision Tree, Multi-layer Perceptron) by selecting all the features and we got accuracies 49%, 84% and 71% accordingly. After doing some feature selection without any logical changes in models code the accuracy scores jumped to 82%, 86% and 78% accordingly which is quite impressive. |
| The Influence of the Three-Component Commitment Model on the Intention to Leave of Employees Working in Insurance Enterprises | Author : Nguyen Thi Huu Ai, Nguyen Thi Thia, Le Thu Trang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Using appropriate research methods and adhering to the research objectives helped us complete the article and clarify the necessary content. The document research method helped us build a theoretical basis for the article. The content of the theoretical basis presented in the article includes Organizational Commitment and the three-component commitment model (affective commitment, continuance commitment and normative commitment) which is the basis and foundation for the analysis and proposed solutions. Using the random sampling method to ensure objectivity, 240 valid surveys were used to analyze and evaluate the commitment of employees working at Vietnamese insurance enterprises. Data analysis results show that the commitment factor is rated at a low average level. The surveyed employees stated that their commitment to their organization is not high, which means that the possibility of leaving the job is very high. To increase attachment and commitment to the business, we have proposed a number of solutions such as building corporate culture, developing serious recruitment regulations and always having supportive interactions between employees in the work environment. |
| Perceived Impact of the National Service Training Program (NSTP-LTS) on the Behavioral Formation of First-Year Education Students of Pamantasan Ng Cabuyao | Author : Emirose B. Gonzales, LPT PhD | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study aimed to determine the perceived impact of National Service Training Program (NSTP-LTS) on the behavioral formation of the first-year education students of Pamantasan ng Cabuyao. This study employed a descriptive research design method using questionnaires as its principal tool. The studys respondents were the 231 first-year education students of Pamantasan ng Cabuyao enrolled in the Academic Year 2022-2023. Data were treated statistically using weighted mean and Pearson r. The studys findings suggest that NSTP-LTS significantly impacts education students regarding selfimprovement, performance, and community involvement. Furthermore, the students level of behavioral formation is much observed. A significant relationship was noted in the perceived impact of National Service Training Program – LTS on the behavioral appearance of the students. It was therefore concluded that the higher the perceived impact of the students on NSTP–LTS, the more behavioral formation of the students is observed. The NSTP Coordinator and instructors should implement activities promoting experiential learning to increase student community involvement. |
| Measuring Sustainable Development: A Weighting Approach to Sustainable Development Indicators | Author : Leonidas Mindrinos, Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The concept of sustainable development, in recent years if not decades, has been introduced into all individual forms of development regardless of sector or economy. It has been realized internationally that when development does not become sustainable it will soon cease to exist. In previous years, there have been attempts to measure development and sustainability mainly by the United Nations but also by many scholars. This process resulted in the construction of 50 main and 46 secondary indicators for sustainable development in 2007, which differ from the indicators that determine the percentage of achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals as set in 2015. In previous works (Panagiotopoulos et al. 2022) an attempt was made to categorize the 96 Sustainable Development indicators of the U.N. according to Maslows pyramid of needs and Bossels indicator categories. With this combination, the pyramid of sustainable development was formed, in which the individual indicators are distributed. The purpose of this categorization was to investigate the contribution of certain economic aspects of human life to sustainable development based on the individual indicators as well as its extent within the categories of the pyramid. Schematically, the pyramid assists in visualizing the contribution to sustainable development of the subject being examined. From the above correlation and the corresponding categorization, an attempt is made to give weight to each indicator with the ultimate goal of creating a matrix of performance of specific scores for the objects under consideration, always in relation to sustainable development. It is reported that the specific way of scoring differs from the way of measuring states sustainable development according to the United Nations (U.N. 2022). |
| Strengthening the Resilience of Tourism Actors from the Supply Side Towards Balis Economic Transformation | Author : Putu Krisna Adwitya Sanjaya, Made Kembar Sri Budhi, Ida Bagus Putu Purbadharmaja, I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The tourism of Bali was hit by the Covid-19 pandemic. The cessation of tourism activities has an impact on weakening the competence of trained tourism human resources, which has led to a decrease in competitiveness. As a result, it is difficult for Balis tourism industry to restart its activities immediately. The situation is not only detrimental to the tourism industry in Bali, but also has a negative impact on the resilience of Indonesian tourism as a whole. The main goal of Balis economic recovery program is to prepare its economy so that its growth can accelerate at the end of the Covid-19 pandemic and return to its pre-pandemic level by 2024. The recovery of the tourism sector also means the recovery of Balis economy. Although not yet optimal, tourism actors at the moment must prepare themselves to capture the momentum of tourism opening and global tourism trends, including new normal conditions, so that Bali can compete with other tourism destinations in the world. Therefore, a strategy is needed to improve the resilience of tourism actors from the supply side towards the transformation of Balis economy which is targeted to create higher economic growth in the long term at 7.7 percent by 2045. |
| The Effect of Omega-3 Fatty Acids on Malondialdehyde and Superoxide Dismutase Levels (Experimental Studies in Dyslipidemic Rat Models) | Author : Ahmad Yassir,Siti Thomas Zulaikhah, Minidian Fasitasari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Dyslipidemia is a lipid profile abnormality characterized by the increase of low-density lipoprotein (LDL), total cholesterol, triglycerides (TG), and a decrease of high-density lipoproteins (HDL). Dyslipidemia causes oxidative stress which can be shown by increasing levels of malondialdehyde MDA and decreased levels of antioxidants superoxide dismutase (SOD). This study aims to determine the effect of omega-3 fatty acids on MDA and SOD levels in dyslipidemic rat models. This study is experimental research with a post-test-only control group design. The research subject was 24 male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups, namely K0 (control), K1, K2, and K3. Dyslipidemia was induced by giving quail egg yolk 4ml/kg BW/day for 14 days and then followed by giving an omega-3 fatty acids dose of 36 mg/kg BW/day to the K2 group and dose of 72mg/kg BW/day to the K3 group for 14 days. The MDA statistical analysis used the One Way Anova and Post-hoc test and the SOD data analysis used the One-Way Anova and Tamnhane test. The MDA rate was higher in K2 compared to K1, and K3 with a value of p>0.05. SOD levels in K2 increased compared to K1 and K3 with a p>0.05. The administration of omega-3 fatty acids at doses of 36 mg/kg BW/day and 72 mg/kg BW/day for 14 days did not affect reducing MDA levels in dyslipidemic rats but the administration of omega-3 fatty acids at a dose of 36 mg/kg BW/day for 14 days increased SOD levels insignificantly. |
| The Relationship between Physical Freshness, Socioeconomic Status, and Learning Motivation and Physical Education Learning Outcomes in SMP Negeri 2 Solokan Jeruk, Bandung Regency | Author : Kornelius Firdaus Siahaan, Agus Sumhendartin Suryobroto, Abdul Alim, Wahyu Dwi Yulianto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the relationship between 1) Physical Freshness and Physical Education Learning Outcomes, 2) Socioeconomic Status and Physical Education Learning Outcomes, 3) Learning Motivation and Physical Education Learning Outcomes, 4) Physical Freshness, Socioeconomic Status, and Learning Motivation as one and Physical Education Learning Outcomes. This study used correlational study design. The population consisted of 729 students, and the sample was 70 students. The sampling technique in this study used Proportional Random Sampling. The data collection method in this study used test and measurement methods in the form of TKJI tests and questionnaires. The data analysis technique in this study used ANOVA analysis. The analysis shows that 1) there is a significant relationship between Physical Freshness and Physical Education Learning Outcomes, with a sig. value of 0.000 and a correlation of 0.724 > 0.235, 2) there is a significant relationship between Socioeconomic Status and Physical Education Learning Outcomes, with sig. value of 0.000 and a correlation of 0.751 > 0.235, 3) there is a significant relationship between Learning Motivation and Physical Education Learning Outcomes with sig. value of 0.000 and a correlation of 0.651 > 0.235, 4) there is a significant relationship between Physical Freshness, Socioeconomic Status, Learning Motivation, as one, and Physical Education Learning Outcomes, with a value of F count 71.014> F table 2.75 and sig. of 0.000 < 0.05. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between physical freshness variables, socioeconomic status, and learning motivation and Physical Education learning outcomes at SMP Negeri 2 Solokan Jeruk, Bandung Regency. |
| Survey on the Availability of Facilities and Infrastructure and Active Participation of Physical Education, Sports and Health Teachers in Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) on Their Performance and Professional Competence at Junior High Schools in Sorong City | Author : La Robi, Agus Sumhendartin Suryobroto, Abdul Alim, Delano Wisnu, Wahyu Dwi Yulianto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to obtain an overview of the availability of facilities and infrastructure and the active participation of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers in Teacher Deliberation (MGMP) on their performance and competence at Junior High Schools in Sorong City. This qualitative descriptive research is quantified. The population of this research was 30 Physical Education, Sports and Health teachers at Junior High Schools teachers in Sorong City. The sample in this study was 30 people who were chosen through total sampling technique. The instrument used was a closed questionnaire distributed through Google form. The results of the research and discussion can be concluded as follows: (1) The classification of facilities and infrastructure with the highest frequency of 18 with the highest relative value of 59.5% shows that the facilities and infrastructure of junior high schools in Sorong City is included in the low category. (2) The classification of active participation of Physical Education, Sports and Health teachers in teacher deliberation (MGMP) by looking at the highest relative frequency of 8 and the highest relative value of 26.67% shows a high category. (3) The classification of the performance of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers by looking at the highest relative value of 17 and the frequency of the frequency value of 56.67% shows a very high category. (4) the classification of the professional competence of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers based on the highest frequency of 11 and the highest relative value of 36.67% shows a high category. Based on these results, it can be concluded that facilities and infrastructure and Physical Education, Sports, and Health teacher deliberation influence each other on performance and professional competence of Physical Education, Sports, and Health teachers at Junior High Schools in Sorong City with a contribution amount of 55.1%, or it is categorized as low. |
| The Effect of Hypoxic Mesenchymal Stem Cell Secretome on TNF-? and MCP-1 Gene Expression | Author : Ihdina Hanifa Hasanal Ibrahim,Agung Putra,Titiek Sumarawati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Diabetes mellitus (DM) type 2 is a metabolic disorder with the occurrence of insulin receptor resistance and reduced ability of pancreatic ß-cells to secrete insulin, there will be an increase in adipose tissue which causes hypertrophy and hyperplasia. This situation triggers inflammation involving the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines such as TNF-a (Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha) and MCP-1 (Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1). Cell-based therapies such as the administration of hypoxic mesenchymal stem cell secretom offer a new paradigm in the management of T2DM. This study aims to determine the effect of hypoxic mesenchymal stem cell (SSPM) administration on TNF-a and MCP-1 gene expression in STZ-induced obese DM rats. This research is experimental with a post-test-only control group design approach. The subjects of the study were 20 male Wistar rats which were randomly divided into 4 groups. Group K1 was given standard feed and distilled water. Group K2 subjects with obesity mellitus type 2 with 0.9% NaCl. Groups K3 and K4, subjects with type 2 obesity mellitus, were treated with secretom doses of 250 µl and 500 µl. The study was conducted at the Sultan Agung Stem Cell Research Institute Laboratory for 21 days by taking blood for examination of TNF-a and MCP-1 gene expression using the PCR method. The result showed that the lowest average TNF expression was in the K4 group (3.19 pg/ml) and the lowest mean MCP-1 expression was in the K4 group (1.57 %). One-way ANOVA test showed a significant difference in TNF- expression with a value of p=0.006 and MCP1 expression showed a significant difference p=0.000 (p<0.05). The Administration of hypoxic mesenchymal stem cell (SSPM) secretom significantly reduced TNF-a and MCP-1 gene expression in STZ-induced obese DM rats. |
| Research on Organizational Fairness for Employees, Empirical Assessment at Vietnamese Non-Life Insurance Enterprises | Author : Thi Huu Ai Nguyen,Thi Xuan Huong Le,Thi Hong Quyen Mai | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The goal of our research is to evaluate fairness in organizations. Find out the reality of fairness in non-life insurance businesses and how employees perceive this fairness. Propose our solutions to improve fairness in businesses. Using the general research method, we see that the issue of fairness in organizations has not received much research attention in Vietnam. Through evaluating documents, reports, and typical scientific articles in the world and Vietnam on fairness in organizations, we have built a theoretical basis for the article. In addition, the study also used a survey method for employees of non-life insurance enterprises in Vietnam. The survey results were compiled and analyzed to assess fairness factors in the business where they were working. Combining the theoretical basis built on the general research method and data obtained from the survey method, we have assessed the current situation of fairness in businesses and proposed solutions to improve the situation. High level of fairness. Building a culture of behavior in the organization such as direct dialogue, criticism, and listening, as well as building appropriate forms of language in communication. Develop detailed and clear rules, regulations, rewards, and penalties. This will help the treatment between superiors and subordinates be more regulated, more disciplined, and more transparent without abusing individualism. Create advancement opportunities for capable people. The above three options are our suggestions for the enterprises human resources management department to improve fairness for employees. |
| Some Issues in Building a Multi-Pillar Pension System in Vietnam | Author : Ngoc Ha Tran,Thi Thu Ha Bui | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the context of rapid population aging, building and implementing a multi-layered pension system to ensure old-age benefits for all elderly people is an inevitable development trend, bringing social security for all people. This study focuses on analyzing and clarifying arguments about multi-pillar pension insurance and related issues. Based on documents and secondary data collected, the authors have analyzed and clarified arguments about the theoretical basis and international experience in implementing multi-pillar pension insurance. Along with that, this article analyzes the need to design and build a multi-pillar pension insurance system in Vietnam with three interwoven layers that complement each other, including universal social pension, pension mandatory contributions, and voluntary supplementary pensions, towards the goal of universal pension coverage. |