Human Resources in the Knowledge Economy: Training and Developing Modern Management Skills | Author : Huynh Minh Sang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper investigates the role of human resources in the knowledge economy and the methods for training and developing modern management skills. The study analyzes training models and clarifies the needs and solutions for enhancing management capabilities. The results indicate that investing in human resource training and development is a crucial factor for businesses to maintain competitive advantages in a globalized and high-tech economy. |
| Prepare Aromatic Derivatives of Nanosheets by a Specially Designed Electrolytic Cell | Author : Ghazwan H. Abd AL-Wahab, Tariq B. Mahmood, Ammar S. Mohammed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research includes the preparation of aromatic derivatives of nanosheets by the electrochemical method ArCBG (I, II) by a specially designed electrolytic cell (SDEC) in two steps: The first step: prepare diazonium salts by using one of the amines (4-Aminobenzoic acid, 4 e) -Aminophenazonand second step: Preparation of highly aromatic nanosheets by used CBG nano-carbon was dissolved in 800 ml of distilled water and then placed in an ultrasonic bath.The compounds were diagnosed us-ing FT-IR, XRD, FESEM and AFM. |
| Analysis of Cyber Public Relations in Disseminating Indonesia’s Folu Net Sink 2030 Actions at the Ministry of Environment and Foresty | Author : Willy Bachtiar, Kania Dafina | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Indonesia Forestry and Other Land Use (FOLU) Net Sink 2030 is an initiative to reduce Green House Gas emissions from the forestry and land sectors in Indonesia. The aim of this program as a serious step in overcoming the problem of climate change. Dissemination of the Indonesia FOLU Net Sink 2030 action at the Public Relations Bureau, highlighting the importance of public communication in supporting the achievement of the 2030 FOLU Net Sink target. One of the strategic communications that is considered effective in disseminating the Indonesia FOLU Net Sink 2030 action is Cyber Public Relations or commonly called Online Public Relations. The aim of this research is to analyze the implementation of Cyber Public Relations carried out by the Public Relations Bureau of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. This research was analyzed using the theory from Philips & Young (2009) regarding the four basic elements of online public relations that PR practitioners must pay attention to. So that from this research a digital public relations practice can be produced that is appropriate and measurable from the perspective of existing theory and reality. The difference between this research and previous research lies in the research object, and it does not only focus on one digital platform, but also several platforms used to implement cyber public relations. The results of this research show that the implementation of Cyber Public Relations carried out by the MoEF Public Relations Bureau has been measured in accordance with the theory used. |
| Standardized and Modernized 12 Volts Mobile Electric Battery Charging Machine-An Implementation | Author : Dominic David Ekpo, Ekom Enefiok Okpo, Imo Edwin Nkan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this research work, a standard and modernized 12 Volts battery charging machine was constructed and implemented. The materials used were locally sourced. The main objective centred at making the charger to protect the battery from being overcharged and damaged. Related works on the subject were carefully reviewed to arrive at the main objective. The best circuit option for the functionality and reliability of the charge controller was developed. The method adopted, include perforating the Veroboard for soldering and mounting of electronic components on the board. Integration of the required integrated circuit (IC), incorporation of transformer and casing. The circuit was initially tested by checking the output voltage, before testing with battery. The pulse width modulator circuit successfully produced approximately 100 Hz output frequency. The functionality of the charger controller was tested, and was found to be operating optimally, while serving and preventing the battery from breakdown and damage. |
| The Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Knowledge and Services among Adolescents Students in Secondary Schools and Teacher Training College in Mtwara, Tanzania | Author : Edna Harriet Mtoi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The proportion of sexually active adolescents, including secondary school students, has increased worldwide. This group constitutes the majority of youths who are sexually active, which puts them at high risk of unintended pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases. The continuum of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) and family planning (FP) knowledge acquisition is built throughout adolescence. It begins with the need for basic knowledge of the reproductive system,sexual and social relationships in the early teen years and advances to the mastery of sexual behavior and the potential risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in later adolescence. This study is part of an awareness creation programme, initiated by a Clinical Officers’ Training College (COTC), to find out the knowledge that adolescents in secondary schools in Mtwara, Tanzania, have of SRH. A total of 1566 adolescent students, who were randomly selected, participated in the study. Pre- and post-structured questionnaires were used to collect information about the respondents’ knowledge of SRH . Descriptive analysis was done using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) to put the respondents into various SRH and FP knowledge themes. The findings of this study revealed that the adolescent students are generally aware of SRH services, including certain types of FP. Despite having this awareness, factors, such as lack of resources and user-friendly health centers, cultural and religious beliefs, and lack of right sources of information, hinder some of them from accessing SRH services. The findings of this study are useful to the efforts of the government, stakeholders, and other decision-makers seeking to create awareness of SRH and FP among adolescent students. |
| 5 C’s of Novice Elementary Head Teachers Instructional Coaching for Beginning Teachers | Author : Edwin V. Ancheta, May Ann D. Escobar, Romnick C. Gonzalo, Elizabeth A. Sarmiento | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the Philippine educational setting, novice elementary head teachers face the challenge of providing instructional coaching to beginning teachers. These head teachers, with three years or less of experience in their roles, must demonstrate their competence and effectiveness during this period. This study strived to determine the challenges of novice elementary head teachers in practicing instructional coaching for beginning teachers. The participants of the study were three (3) novice elementary school heads in the 2nd District of Ilocos Sur who participated voluntarily. This qualitative study employed case study design to gain comprehensive understanding of the different challenges that novice elementary head teachers encountered when practicing instructional coaching for beginning teachers. The data was gathered through each informant’s voice-recorded narrative and analyzed thematically. Findings showed that novice elementary head teachers face several challenges in instructional coaching, including gaining the trust of beginning teachers, overcoming resistance to feedback, and balancing coaching with administrative duties. A lack of resources, time, and comprehensive digital tools further complicates their ability to effectively support and track teacher progress. Enhanced training and technical assistance are needed to improve coaching efficacy and manage workloads. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach. Novice elementary head teachers should prioritize relationship-building and communication skills development through ongoing training and mentorship. Additionally, advocating for adequate resources and support systems is crucial to bolster coaching effectiveness. Investing in professional development tailored to instructional coaching practices equips novice head teachers with the necessary tools and strategies to navigate these challenges effectively, ultimately enhancing the quality of teaching and learning in their schools. |
| Correlation between Teacher Readiness, Infrastructure and Learning Media towards the Implementation of Independent Curriculum in Elementary Schools in Prambanan Sub-District | Author : Luthfian Dhia Wardaya, Aris Fajar Pambudi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The spectrum of autism developmental disorders is vast and diverse, ranging from mild to severe impairments. If parents lack knowledge about autism, maternal acceptance levels tend to be low. Autism literacy through the internet serves as a medium to provide beneficial, extensive, cost-effective, and easily accessible information and knowledge. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of online autism literacy in increasing maternal acceptance of autistic children. The research utilized a single-subject design, involving only one subject, following the ABA Single-case Experiment Design. The single-case experimental method was employed in this study, where autism literacy intervention was delivered through the website A Maternal Acceptance Scale was used to evaluate the subjects psychological state before and after the intervention. The researchs significance lies in providing empirical evidence on the effectiveness of online autism literacy in enhancing maternal acceptance of autistic children. Visual inspection and descriptive analysis methods were employed for data analysis. The studys results indicate that autism literacy intervention through the Internet can improve maternal acceptance of autistic children, with an increased mean score between the baseline and intervention phases. |
| The Dilemmatic of the Absence of a Notary’s Deed in an Individual Company after the Enactment of the Job Creation Law as a Form of Legal Certainty | Author : Bella Eunika, Johannes Ibrahim Kosasih, Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The existence of an Individual Company, which aims to ease abbreviate by reducing or simplifying the rules, raises a dilemma in its regulation which shifts the meaning of a company as a legal entity. The method used is normative legal research, with the legal approach used is conceptual and statutory approach. The existence of an Individual Company as a legal entity that can be recognized as a legal subject is only passed with a Statement of Establishment of an Individual Company and registered to the Ministry of Law and Human Rights based on the Job Creation Law. The convenience found was only based on an economic point of view. Practically speaking, there are more hazards in the society. As an example, the Individual Company credit facility, which is hesitant to be granted by the bank as the creditor because it is still categorized as individual credit. Although it has the status of a legal entity, its establishment by one person and without a Notary may not ensure certainty for all parties in the Individual Company. |
| Exposure to Particulate Matter Affects Lung Function and Performance: A Literature Review | Author : I Made Kusuma Wijaya, Putu Adi Suputra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Air pollution has emerged as a significant peril to public health on a global scale, with around five million deaths occurring each year as a direct result of air pollution. The respiratory system mostly absorbs air contaminants, which then enter the alveoli and circulate in the bloodstream. Exposure to particulate matter (PM), the primary pollutant, can lead to acute inflammation of the respiratory tract and exacerbate pre-existing chronic lung inflammation. The extent of damage produced by particulate matter (PM) is determined by the manner in which the particles enter the lungs, including factors such as their aerodynamic diameter, ambient air velocity, and respiratory rate. Additionally, the manner in which the particles depart the lungs, involving processes such as nostril hair, mucociliary clearance, and macrophage phagocytosis, also plays a role in determining the damage caused. During periods of low air quality, particulate matter (PM) can negatively impact the immune system by causing damage to the bronchial mucociliary system. This damage makes it harder for the body to eliminate pathogens and leads to the release of inflammatory cytokines, which can harm lung epithelial cells and fibroblasts. Additionally, it inhibits intercellular communication within the gaps of the epithelial barrier, hence reducing its efficacy as a protective barrier for the lungs. The detrimental effects of PM can be attributed to oxidative stress caused by free radicals. PM has the ability to directly stimulate macrophages, leading to inflammation and an increase in the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Reactive oxygen species (ROS) impair antioxidant defenses and inflict damage on DNA, proteins, carbohydrates, and lipids. Lung function will decline as a result of bronchoconstriction, pulmonary edema (which leads to thickening of the alveolar capillaries), and fibrosis (which restricts lung expansion) caused by epithelial thickening. Based on the findings of many research, it may be inferred that an excessive influx of particles can lead to an excessive burden on the lungs, consequently impairing the respiratory systems defense capability and potentially resulting in lung damage. These investigations have established that higher levels of exposure to particulate matter are linked to a larger likelihood of reduced lung function. On the other hand, decreasing the amount of these particles that one is exposed to will reduce the danger. |
| The Human Brain Versus Computer: Which is Smarter? | Author : Mark Angelo D. Julian, Danilo B. Villarino, Kristine T. Soberano | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Our thoughts, movements, memories, and decisions are all controlled by the brain, which is the hub of the human neurological system. The complexity of the human brain has increased with evolution, and many of its fascinating characteristics are still poorly understood by researchers. When it comes to mathematical computations, quantitative analysis, and game show questions, computers may be able to consistently outperform human brains, but that does not imply that computers are generally smarter. Humans are more adept at drawing conclusions about a new situation by remembering prior experiences. Qualitative analysis and emotional intelligence are skills that humans possess. The article examines a few topics pertaining to the human brains capacity for information. The amount of information that can be stored in the brain and its capacity for retaining and reproducing text and auditory information are evaluated and estimated based on the fact that the unit of information measurement is a bit. The potentials of the computer have been examined in order to simulate the recognition of pictures that occurs in the human brain. A theory is put out that real-time modeling of these processes is challenging to implement given the capabilities of todays computers. A Comparative Study of Human and Computer Intelligence Intellect in Humans and Computers: A Comparative Analysis Human vs. Computer Intelligence: An Evaluation of Cognitive Abilities An Investigation into the Relative Intelligence of Humans and Computers Human Intelligence and Computer Intelligence: A Comparative Analysis of Human and Machine Intelligence Comparison between Humans and Computers: An Empirical Study An Examination of the Capabilities of Human and Artificial Intelligence Human and Computer Intelligence: A Comparative Study of Cognitive Functions The Great Debate: Human Intelligence vs. Artificial Intelligence |
| Seasoned Teachers Views on Classroom Observations as a Catalyst for Professional Growth | Author : Joan R. Academia, Ernalyn A. Cortez, Ayrne Grace A. Dasalla, Florence Lopez, Ronethe C. Tabura | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This qualitative study investigated seasoned teachers views and experiences of classroom observations in Santa District, Schools Division of Ilocos Sur. Employing a phenomenological research design, the study aimed to understand how these teachers viewed and experienced classroom observations as part of their professional practice. Five key informants with 15 to 33 years of teaching experience participated through purposive sampling. Data wer gathered through in-depth interviews and classroom observations, focusing on teachers emotions, views, and responses. Cool and warm analysis was employed to identify recurring themes, providing insights into the complexities of classroom observation practices among seasoned teachers. The study identified five significant themes: professional development and improvement opportunities, a shift from evaluation to growth mentality, reflection and emotional responses with coping mechanisms, long-term impact on student performance, and advocacy for authentic assessment. The findings revealed that instructors saw observations as critical to their professional development, moving from early anxiety to embracing them as chances for reflection and improvement. They established effective coping mechanisms to deal with observation-related stress and used feedback to improve their instructional approaches, which boosted student engagement and academic outcomes. The study emphasized the transformative change from perceiving classroom observations as evaluations to viewing them as learning opportunities. It also advocated for real assessment procedures that were consistent with instructional strategies. However, limitations such as sample specificity and inherent biases warrant caution when generalizing the findings. Future research should look at these patterns in different educational situations to have a better understanding of classroom observation methods. |
| Digital Divide as a Dynamic Challenge and a Leveraging Opportunity: A Phenomenological Study on Seasoned TLE/TVL Teachers Adaptive Pedagogy | Author : Kenneth L. Ayson, Judy P. Bernardez, Antonette F. Garcia, Virginia G. Garlejo, Jeffrey R. Laurentino | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study explores the perspectives and strategies of seasoned Teachers of Technology and Livelihood Education / Technical-Vocational Education and Training (TLE/TVL) in addressing the challenges posed by the Digital Divide in educational settings. The participants are four Master Teachers who have 10 or more teaching experience and currently teaching in the secondary school in the Province of Ilocos Sur. Two of them are from rural secondary schools while the other two are from secondary schools situated in urban areas. Through a phenomenology study and cool and warm analysis, the research investigates how these seasoned teachers view their teaching experience in using adaptive pedagogical approaches and perceive the impact of unequal access to technology and varying levels of digital literacy among learners on engagement and learning outcomes. Findings reveal that seasoned TLE/TVL teachers view the Digital Divide as both a dynamic challenge and a leveraging opportunity. They employ adaptive pedagogical approaches, including differentiated instruction, flexible grouping, and varied assessment methods, to cater to diverse learner needs. Continuous assessment of individual learner digital competencies and promotion of collaborative learning emerge as effective strategies to bridge digital gaps and enhance student engagement. The study underscores the importance of ongoing professional development in digital competencies and the need for institutions to prioritize access to technology and support flexibility in teaching practices. However, the study also identifies limitations, including potential sampling bias and the subjectivity of self-reported teacher experiences. Despite these constraints, the findings contribute valuable insights into effective strategies for fostering inclusive learning environments in vocational education amidst technological disparities. |
| Characterization of Fuel Pellets Made From Rice Husk, Sawdust and Corncob Bond with Cissus Populnea and Manihot Esculenta | Author : Comfort Akwonya Adadu, Dominic David Ekpo, Ekom Enefiok Okpo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There is growing interest in the production of biofuels from biomass wastes. The availability of biomass waste poses the need for technical assessment of pelletisation of biomass waste at industrial production level. The misuse of environmentally friendly and sustainable energy resources and lack of compressed biomass energy products that could enhance fuel quality needs to be addressed. This study intends to determine the energy output from tenary combination of the biomass fuel pellets consisting of rice husks, African birch sawdust, corncobs and their varying mixtures bond with aqueous extract of C. populnea (Cp) and M. esculenta (Me). The combustion characteristics of pellets produced from Rice Husk, African Birch Sawdust, Corncob and their blends (M, M1, M2, M3 and M4) were conducted by the development of an analytical protocol. Pellet admixtures were prepared at each binder ratio of 10% of bulk weight of RH, ABS, corncob and their various blends in the ratios 1:1:1 (M), 1:2:3 (M1), 2:1:3 (M2), 3:1:2 (M3) and 2:3:1 (M4), respectively. The Bulk Density (BD), Ash Contents (AC), Heat Release Rate (HRR) and Calorific Value (CV) of the pellets were measured using established procedures. The result revealed that combustion characteristics of fuel pellets made from Corncob and Blend ratio of 1:2:3 bound with Manihot esculenta gel were enhanced and the fuel pellets possessed sufficient calorific values suitable for energy applications. It was recommended that massive production of fuel pellets from biomass wastes for small and medium scale energy systems could give a positive development to agrarian and rural areas in Nigeria where there is a lot of these resources and lack of stable electrical supply. |
| Influencing Factors in Pursuing Graduate Degree Program toward Teachers Quality of Life | Author : Ergel O. Teves, Roie M. Ubayubay | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Teachers pursuit of a masters degree is influenced by many factors, which can considerably affect their quality of life. This study examines these factors focusing on age, education, marital status, family income, job security, self-motivation, financial stability, and recognition, with a significant relationship between these factors and teachers quality of life. Public elementary and secondary school teachers in Opol District of School Year 2023-2024 are the respondents of the study. A study involved two hundred (200) teacher-respondents, comprising one hundred seventeen (117) elementary and eighty-three (83) Junior and Senior High School teachers. It used Slovins Formula to determine sample size; and statistical tools such as Pearson r correlation, mean scores, frequency and percentage, and standard deviation. The study found that self-motivation significantly impacts the quality of life of teachers, resulting in increased job security, financial stability, and job dedication. A masters degree empowers educators to become leaders, and mentors, thus influencing education. Empowerment strategies include professional development, praise, recognition, and collaborative decision-making. Further, the study recommends motivating teachers to go on professional development, praising their efforts, giving them recognition and respect, and encouraging collaborative decision-making processes. Moreover, the Department may provide leadership development programs that foster cooperative decision-making processes, incorporating professional growth and development for teachers. |
| Guiding the Future: Narrative Stories of Beginner Teachers in the Coaching and Feedbacking as an Aspect of Instructional Supervision | Author : Leslie D. Cacabelos, Delia P. Begonia, Jean O. Padrigo, Val Alex S. Pagatpatan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Over the years continuous progress were made to the multi-faceted spectrum of instructional leadership. Each of its layer plays a magnanimous role contributory to supportive learning environment for students, teachers and leaders aimed at fostering significant success stories for each. The purpose of this study is to narrate the stories of beginner teachers as they start their journey in the world of teaching particularly as they undergo one aspect of instructional supervision which is, coaching and feedbacking. The researchers made use of Colaizzis Method of Descriptive Analysis after employing the purposive sampling technique to interpret the responses gathered from the five participants who possess the following qualifications: 1) must be a Junior High School teacher of the Department of Education; 2) must be in the public service for 0 to 3 years just yet and 3) must be willing to participate in the whole period of exploration. Two themes emerged rom the main problem which is described as 1) Perceptions and Impressions on Coaching and Feedbacking as an Aspect of Instructional Supervision with a category specified as “The Roller Coaster of Emotions” where sentiments such as “nervous but challenged”, “happy and thankful”, “pure and total adjustments” were shared. All of this according from the participants are the things they felt when undergoing instructional supervision. The second theme that emerged was 2) Challenges and Adversities Encountered where in two categories came up. The responses include “Equipping Ones Self with the Necessary”, “Being prepared at All Times”, “Seeing Help from Colleagues” all under “The Beginner Teacher Coping Mechanisms.” Meanwhile, “Leading by Example”, “Time Allotment is Important” and “Constructive Feedbacking” materialized under the “Instructional Leaders Approach.” This qualitative study contributes to the field by providing colorul narrative stories from beginner teachers of Narvacan National Central High School and Sulvec Integrated School loated at Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines that an inspire and motivate others towards a positive outlook in the world of teaching. |
| Cultivating Action Research Culture among Teachers | Author : Tifanny Rose S. Naldo, Roie M. Ubayubay | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study determines the intricate relationship between action research culture and its effect on the professional development among teachers in Opol District, Division of Misamis Oriental. Five significant goals were addressed in this study by profiling respondents characteristics, defining the research culture among teachers in terms of funding, infrastructure, interest, research capability, and research collaboration, evaluating the teachers professional development based on curriculum, general pedagogical knowledge, field of knowledge, pedagogy, and teaching methodologies, examining the significant relationship between teachers research culture and their professional development, evaluating the significant relationship between the research culture, professional development, and respondents characteristics. This study used a survey questionnaire on all public elementary and secondary school teachers during the School Year 2023–2024. The participants were 200 teachers: 117 were elementary, and 83 were junior and senior high school teachers. Slovins Formula was used to get the sample size. Data were analyzed using statistical tools such as Pearson r correlation, mean scores, frequency and percentage, and standard deviation. Significantly, relationships exist between research culture and professional development. It was manifested that the respondents years of teaching and highest educational attainment showed a significant relationship between their level of research culture and professional development. Ultimately, despite the teachers being competent in cultivating research culture and also referred to as experts in professional development, it is recommended that Values Education as one of the areas of specialization be improved, funding for research resources be allocated, opportunities for ongoing professional development be offered, reskill and upskill teachers in line with current curriculum updates and a research culture be fostered utilizing mentorship and workshops. |
| Parental Involvement and Learners Academic Performance | Author : Eva M. Escol, Arlene R. Alcopra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Education is a collaborative effort where both parents and teachers cooperate to equip learners for achievements. This study aimed to determine the level of parental involvement in their childs education, learners academic performance and significant relationship between parental and learners academic performance during the Second Quarter of School Year 2023- 2024. It employed descriptive correlational design with documentary analysis. The respondents were the parents of learners at the different schools of Manolo Fortich IV District, Division of Bukidnon. The instrument was adapted and modified to determine parental involvement while academic performance of their children were taken from the School Form 5 of the adviser. Mean and standard Deviation and Pearson Moment Correlation were used to determine the analysis of the variables. Results found that parents are highly involved in the education of their children. It also showed a very satisfactory performance of learners during the Second Quarter of School Year 2023-2024. Significant relationships were demonstrated between parental involvement and learners academic performance. Parents may continue to assist at home, talk with the teachers, and be involved in their childrens education. |
| Logistic Smooth Transition Autoregressive (LSTAR) and Exponential Smooth Transition Autoregressive (ESTAR) Methods in Predicting the Exchange Rate of Farmers in Lampung Province, Indonesia | Author : Chyntia Taurinna Krisanti, Netti Herawati, Agus Sutrisno, Nusyirwan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :There are many time series forecasting techniques, one of which is Smooth Transition Autoregressive (STAR). STAR is an extension of the autoregressive model for nonlinear time series data. The STAR model consists of the Logistic STAR (LSTAR) model and the Exponential STAR (ESTAR) model. The aim of this research is to compare which model is more suitable for predicting farmer exchange rates in Lampung Province, Indonesia. The results of this research show that the ESTAR model outperforms the LSTAR model based on a smaller AIC. |
| Participatory Communication in Rural Data Collection (Case: Data Desa Presisi Program in Watunohu District) | Author : Badar Muhammad, Dwi Retno Hapsari, Sofyan Sjaf | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Precision Village Data (DDP) Program is a program that emphasizes the importance of village community participation in collecting their own data. In this program, residents are the subjects of collecting data, in other words, the DDP program emphasizes participatory communication in collecting data for sustainable development. This research aims to explore how the principles of participatory communication are related to the success of bottom-up village data collection in the DDP program. The research results show that participatory communication in the DDP program in Watunohu District is at a medium/marginal level where Functional Participation occurs. Furthermore, from the research results it is recommended that there is a need to increase the application of participatory communication principles so that the level of community participation can reach the Empowered Participation level. |
| The Effect of Playing Playdough Media on Fine Motor and Cognitive Development in Early Childhood | Author : 1Yuniyartika, Sudaryanti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Efforts to improve childrens fine motor skills are an indispensable effort in growing and developing early childhood, one of which is using the media of playdough games. This study aims to find out (1) whether there is an effect of playdough media on the fine motor development of group B children at Pembina Sekayu State Kindergarten, (2) whether there is an effect of playdough media on the cognitive development of group B children at Pembina Sekayu State Kindergarten. This study is a quasi-experimental research with a nonequivalent control group design, the population of this study is all children aged 5-6 years at Pembina Sekayu State Kindergarten, with a sample of 60 children. The instrument used was in the form of observation techniques for the fine motor and cognitive development of children. The data analysis technique used independent sample t-test analysis with a significance level of 0.05. The results of the study showed that: (1) there was a significant influence of playdough media on the fine motor development of group B children at Pembina Sekayu State Kindergarten where the paired sample t-test results were obtained on average of 46.77 with a Sig value of 0.000 < 0.05. (2) there was a significant influence of playdough media on the cognitive development of group B children at Pembina Sekayu State Kindergarten where the paired sample t-test results were obtained on average of 52.93 with a Sig value of 0.000 < 0.05. So based on the study, it can be concluded that there is a very significant influence on playdough media games on fine motor and cognitive development in early childhood |
| The Effect of Red Dragon Fruit Juice (Hylocereus Polyrhizus) on Liver Histopathological Images in Wistar Rats Exposed to Cigarette Smoke | Author : Nadya Azura, Desy Armalina, Indah Saraswati, Hermawan Istiadi, Lusiana Batubara | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Cigarette smoke contains toxic components, carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, carbon dioxide, and tar, which can trigger the formation of ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) and reduce antioxidant reserves, which impact oxidative stress and are known to cause damage to liver cell membranes. Red dragon fruit (Hylocereus polyrhizus) is a fruit that is rich in antioxidants that inhibit ROS and prevent damage to liver cells by cigarette smoke. This study aims to assess the effect of administering red dragon fruit juice on liver microscopic images in Wistar rats exposed to cigarette smoke. It was an experimental study with a post-test-only control group design. Thirty-five male Wistar rats (Rattus novergicus) were randomized into five groups. Four groups were exposed to cigarette smoke (K-, P1, P2, and P3), and the fifth group was used as a control (K). All the P-groups were given red dragon fruit juice 2 g/2.5 ml, 4 g/2.5 ml, and 8 g/2.5 ml, respectively, for twenty-eight days. On the 29th day, the livers of Wistar rats were taken for preparation and microscopic observation. The research data were analyzed using the Kruskall-Wallis and Mann-Whitney post hoc tests to determine group differences. The average liver cell damage in K, K-, P1, P2, and P3 were 1.23, 2.51, 1.57, 1.51, and 1.43, respectively. There was a significant difference in damage between the K- group and the P1 (p = 0.002), P2 (p = 0.004), and P3 (p = 0.002) groups. The administration of red dragon fruit juice can protect the liver cells of rats exposed to cigarette smoke. |
| Problem Based Learning E-Module Development on Statistic Topics | Author : Sefna Rismen, Dewi Juliana Fitri, Rahmi, Juni Selvia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The low level of learning independence, students problem-solving abilities, and instructional materials that do not yet use digital as a demand for 21st century learning inspire this research. The goal of this study is to create a valid and useful Problem Based Learning based E-Module on data display and measurement material. Data centralized. This is development research (Research and Development/ R&D) employing the Plomp development paradigm. This development strategy employs two stages: preliminary research and prototyping. The subjects of this study were nine SMAN 13 Padang class X students. Observation sheets, interview guides, and questionnaires were employed as study instruments. Techniques for data analysis employ quantitative and qualitative analysis. The E-Modules validity based on problem-based learning was 89.85%, with a very valid category. The E-Modules practicality results were 87.33% in the extremely practical category. Based on the findings, it is possible to infer that the E-Module based on problem-based learning on data presentation material and data concentration measurements at SMAN 13 Padang is valid and practical, and that it may be utilized as teaching material. |
| Human Resources in the Knowledge Economy: Training and Developing Modern Management Skills | Author : Huynh Minh Sang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper investigates the role of human resources in the knowledge economy and the methods for training and developing modern management skills. The study analyzes training models and clarifies the needs and solutions for enhancing management capabilities. The results indicate that investing in human resource training and development is a crucial factor for businesses to maintain competitive advantages in a globalized and high-tech economy. |
| Molecular Epidemiological Characterization of Giardia Lamblia in Kirkuk, Iraq | Author : Hussein F. Hasan, Inas I. Rasheed, Neama A. Ahmed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Results of laboratory examination of 600 faeces samples fem patients attended to Pediatric Hospital and General Kirkuk Hospital from January 2023 to December 2023 were showed 57 infection cases with Giardia lamblia with 9.5% infection rate. The diagnosis of positive samples was confirmed by PCR. No significant differences were observed in the prevalence of parasite in males 38.6% compared to 29.8% females. The highest infection rate 28.1% were found among age groups (1-5) years whereas the lowest infection rate 10.5% were found at age groups (11-15) years. The infection rate in rural area was 56.1% as compared to 12.3% in urban. The PCR product analysis of glutamate dehydrogenase gene revealed two genotypes (assemblage A and assemblage B) amplified at 264 bp and 460 bp for identifying G.lamblia. |
| Value for Money-Based Village Revenue and Expenditure Budget Performance Analysis in Katiku Tana District, Central Sumba Regency | Author : Sisilia Ayu Rambu Luba, Harmono, 3Sari Yuniarti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research uses the Value for Money measurement concept to assess the financial performance of villages in the Katiku Tana sub-district, Central Sumba Regency. The researcher used a descriptive quantitative approach with a case study research type to measure and analyze the measurement results in the APBDes Realization report in seven villages in Katiku Tana District, Central Sumba Regency in 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023, which were reviewed from an economic, efficiency, and effectiveness. The data used is secondary data in the form of the 2018 to 2022 APBDes Realization Report and primary data in the form of interview observations. Data analysis techniques use 1) data reduction, 2) data presentation, 3) conclusion. The research results show that the financial performance of seven villages in Katiku Tana District, Central Sumba Regency, from 2018 to 2023 is in the economic category. Regarding efficiency, 2019 to 2023 shows inefficient results, while 2018 shows efficiency. In terms of effectiveness, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 show effectiveness results. This research concludes that there is efficiency in controlling spending, so it can be a consideration for villages in Katiku Tana District, Central Sumba Regency, to reduce shopping activities while increasing the villages original income by exploring and developing its potential. |
| The Perceived Competence of Psychology Graduates on Transition to Industrial Work Setting | Author : Ainah M. Machado, Arcelie Marie H. Agraba, Llyressa Kelly A. Delgado, Trisha Joy G. Cantalejo, Xylee Rose C. Gealogo, Araceli B. Paster | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigates the perceived competence and the actual performance of Psychology Graduates from Pamantasan ng Cabuyao during Industrial On-the-job Training as their competence is measured in different areas of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. That utilizes a quantitative approach, self-validated questionnaires were administered to measure the graduates perceptions and supervisors evaluations. The results of this study revealed that there is a significant difference in knowledge, skills, and abilities in terms of their perceived and actual competence, with mean scores indicating higher perceived competence than actual performance. Despite this gap, Psychology Graduates demonstrate competence crucial for various industries, suggesting potential success as HR professionals as said in a study (Ontok-Balah, 2023). |
| The Death Penalty in the Indonesian Criminal Justice System in the Midst of Global Challenges | Author : Ignasius Kayus Duan, Marietta.D.Susilawati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article analyses the death penalty in the Indonesian judicial system amid the challenges of globalisation. The purpose of this article is to find out how the death penalty reform in the justice system in Indonesia amid the challenges of globalisation. This research uses the normative research method. The result of this research is that the new criminal code reflects the quality of the Indonesian nation. There is a need for new regulations to discipline and regulate law enforcement officials in carrying out their duties. Legal culture, it is necessary to socialize the common people about the nature and essence of law as well as the mechanism of law to be carried out in order to realize an interactive justice and responsiveness of law enforcers with the community. |
| The Perceived Competence of Psychology Graduates on Transition to Industrial Work Setting | Author : Ainah M. Machado, Arcelie Marie H. Agraba, Llyressa Kelly A. Delgado, Trisha Joy G. Cantalejo, Xylee Rose C. Gealogo, Araceli B. Paster | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigates the perceived competence and the actual performance of Psychology Graduates from Pamantasan ng Cabuyao during Industrial On-the-job Training as their competence is measured in different areas of Knowledge, Skills and Abilities. That utilizes a quantitative approach, self-validated questionnaires were administered to measure the graduates perceptions and supervisors evaluations. The results of this study revealed that there is a significant difference in knowledge, skills, and abilities in terms of their perceived and actual competence, with mean scores indicating higher perceived competence than actual performance. Despite this gap, Psychology Graduates demonstrate competence crucial for various industries, suggesting potential success as HR professionals as said in a study (Ontok-Balah, 2023). |
| Environmental Impact of Plastic Alternatives in Zamboanga City: an Assessment | Author : Ethel Grace P. Mohammad | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The escalating environmental impact of plastic pollution has compelled policymakers and researchers to explore sustainable alternatives. This study examines the environmental impact of various plastic alternatives employed in Zamboanga City, analyzing their effectiveness and potential drawbacks. This study investigates the ecological consequences of substituting traditional plastics with alternative materials in Zamboanga City, Philippines. The study combines quantitative data analysis of waste production with qualitative interviews involving city stakeholders using a mixed-methods approach. Initial findings indicate a reduction in single-use plastic consumption following the adoption of plastic alternatives, but data reveal the challenges related to the recyclability and biodegradability of these materials. Stakeholder perceptions vary on the benefits and limitations of different alternatives, emphasizing the necessity of a multifaceted approach to plastic waste management. The study underscores the intricate balance between environmental sustainability and practical considerations in implementing plastic alternatives. Insightful discussions with residents, environmental experts, and policymakers illuminate the complexities surrounding the transition away from conventional plastics. The study offers recommendations for sustainable waste management practices to guide decision-making processes for policymakers and businesses in Zamboanga City, ultimately aiming to foster informed and ecologically conscious choices in mitigating plastic pollution. |
| The Implementation of Project-Based Learning Models and Learning Behavior to Improve Economic Learning Achievement through Learning Motivation | Author : Suharyanto Setyawan, Mustofa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to analyze the influence of Project-Based Learning models and Learning Behavior on Economic Learning Achievement through Learning Motivation in Grade XII Social Science at SMA N 3 Bantul. The type of research is associative quantitative. The population of this research includes all Grade XII Social Science students at SMA N 3 Bantul for the academic year 2023/2024, totaling 71 students. The sampling technique used in this research is saturated sampling, meaning all members of the population are used as research samples. Data collection techniques use questionnaires, and data analysis techniques use Partial Least Square (PLS). The research results indicate that: 1) Project-Based Learning models have a significant influence on Learning Motivation; 2) Learning Behavior has a significant influence on Learning Motivation; 3) Project-Based Learning models have a significant influence on Learning Achievement; 4) Learning Behavior has a significant influence on Learning Achievement; 5) Learning Motivation has a significant influence on Learning Achievement; 6) Project-Based Learning models have a significant influence on Learning Achievement through Learning Motivation; and 7) Learning Behavior has a significant influence on Learning Achievement through Learning Motivation. |
| Identify the Blood Pressure Parameters and Associated Risk Factors Among Teaching Faculty | Author : Dr. A.Hepsi Rachel Chellarani Ph.D (N) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Back ground of the study:Identifying the risk factors leading to hypertension can help explain why some populations are at a greater risk for developing hypertension than others. The present study seeks to identify the association between the risk factors of hypertension in 35- to 65-year-old participants in south India .
Methods: This cross-sectional survey was conducted on 100 teaching faculty working at Paavai engineering college, Namakkal we assessed the direct and indirect effects of factors associated with blood pressure.
Results: Socioeconomic status (SES), physical activity, kidney diseases, cardio vascular diseases, diabetes and family history of hypertension had a diverse impact on the blood pressure, directly and (or) indirectly. The standardized total effect of SES, physical activity, kidney diseases, cardio vascular diseases were -0.09 vs. -0.14, -0.04 vs. -0.04, 0.13 vs. 0.13 and 0.24 vs. 0.15 in men and women, respectively. Diabetes had a direct relationship with the blood pressure in women (0.03). |
| Participatory Communication of Corporate Social Responsibility by PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Gorontalo in the KAIL (Komunitas Hasil Laut) Program in Tenda Subdistrict, Gorontalo City | Author : Invabil Febrian Mardjun, Mega Putri Aulia Bakir, Gunawan Rasyidi, Muhammad Akram Mursalim, Imam Rodhianto, Apolinus Silalahi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Participatory communication is a two-way communication process that actively involves the community from problem identification, solution seeking, to decision-making for the implementation of actions in community empowerment. This process is carried out through three stages: monologic communication, dialogic communication, and multi-track communication. The PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Gorontalos Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative represents the companys effort to fulfill its responsibility by empowering the community. Community empowerment is a process where communities, especially those in resource-poor conditions and other marginalized groups, are supported to improve their welfare independently. Thus, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Gorontalo has several community empowerment programs, one of which is the KAIL (Komunitas Hasil Laut) program. This program focuses on community empowerment in the culinary business development sector, particularly in processing tuna into food products. The aim is to create job opportunities for women in the Tenda Subdistrict, boost economic growth, and optimize existing Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). This study employed a qualitative method with a case study approach. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation. The studys findings indicated that the communication between PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Gorontalo and the community groups involved in the KAIL program was well-established. |
| Apartment Rental Management System for Real-Time Transaction and Task Organization | Author : Janine M. Magno, Ronnie S. Pelayo, Kristine T. Soberano, Ph.D. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study focuses mainly on providing Celso with an Apartment Rental Management System for Real-Time Transaction and Task Organization. The system is a solution to the issue of inaccurate and disorganized data management within Celso’s apartment complexes. To address this challenge, the Apartment Rental Management System for Real-Time Transaction and Task Organization is designed to cater specifically to the needs of lessors, offering a comprehensive system. By implementing the Apartment Rental Management System for Real-Time Transaction and Task Organization, this study seeks to alleviate conflicts between lessors and how to manage the properties while concurrently enhancing the efficiency of property management operations. The researchers will use the developmental method of research and the Rapid Application Development Approach Model as the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The implementation of the system was successful and generated a positive outcome. Therefore, the lessors, and property managers of the Celso Apartment, consider and accept the implementation of the developed system as a promising solution to the multifaceted challenges encountered in apartment rental management. |
| Performance, Value for Money, Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness | Author : Dr. Nwaulune, J. C. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :SHORT ABSTRACT: Companies now prioritise sustainability, especially FMCG firms, have efficiency and environmental responsibility goals. This study examined financial sustainability and green logistics practices of selected FMCG companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Survey data was collected using verified questionnaires. The survey included 13,782 managers from eight listed FMCG companies. Taro Yamane formula was used to calculate 519 samples. The response rate was 96.7%. Descriptive and inferential (multiple and hierarchical regression) was applied. This study demonstrated that green logistics practices did not affect the financial sustainability of selected FMCG companies in Lagos State. To improve long-term sustainability, these firms should use green logistical methods.
ABSTRACT: Todays organisations value sustainability more. Thus, organisations, particularly those in the fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) business, have aligned goals to focus on efficiency and environmental responsibility. FMCG firms suffer from non-sustainability because of mismanaged green logistics operations such as green production, procurement, transportation, packaging, and reverse logistics. Many current studies focus more on industrialised countries than developing nations and non-FMCG businesses. This research examined Lagos State, Nigeria FMCG businesses financial sustainability and green logistical practices. The study was survey-based. The survey included 13,782 managerial staff from eight listed FMCG corporations in Lagos State, Nigeria. Taro Yamane formula was used to calculate 519 sample size. Simple random sampling was used. Structured and validated questionnaires data was collected. Cronbachs alpha reliability coefficient ranged from 0.78 to 0.94. The response rate was 96.7%. Descriptive and inferential statistics, including multiple and hierarchical regression, were employed. The results indicated that the implementation of green logistics methods did not have a statistically significant impact on the financial sustainability of the chosen FMCG companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. (Adj.R2 = 0.001, F(5, 496) = 1.11, p > 0.05). The study concluded that green logistics practices promote firm sustainability of selected FMCG firms in Lagos State, Nigeria. This study recommended that the management of FMCG firms in Lagos State, Nigeria should embrace a comprehensive strategy towards sustainability, integrating green logistics practices into their broader sustainability strategy to enhance their long-term sustainability. |
| The Effect of Plyometric and Ladder Drill Training on the Agility of Female Cricket Athletes in Terms of Leg Power | Author : Kristoforus Nono Koba, Fatkurahman Arjuna, Eggy Nur Arfiansyah, Swandika Pinem, Surya Rihadi Wicaksono, Fauza Asa Habiburrahman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Cricket is a sport played by hitting the ball with a bat and running to exchange positions to get points, which is played on an oval-shaped field. Cricket requires good physical conditions such as speed. Plyometric and ladder drill training methods are training methods that can increase speed. This study aimed to examine the effect of plyometric and ladder drill training on the speed of cricket athletes in terms of leg power. This research uses a 2x2 factorial experimental method. The population of this study was 45 cricket athletes from the province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). The research sample consisted of 24 cricket athletes who were taken using a purposive sampling technique and then carried out ordinal pairing to divide the groups. The data collection technique uses pretest and posttest, the test instrument used to measure speed is a 30 m sprint and the agility instrument is the T-Test. The data analysis technique uses two-way ANOVA with a significance level of 0.05. The research results show that (1) there is a significant difference in influence between plyometric training and ladder drill training on the speed of female cricket athletes. The plyometric training group experienced an increase in speed of 4.67, better than ladder drill training, namely 4.86, with a posttest average difference of 0.19. (2) there is a significant difference in influence between cricket athletes who have high and low leg power on speed. Cricket athletes who have high leg power experience an increase in speed of 4.64, which is better than cricket athletes who have low leg power, namely 4.89 with a posttest average difference of 4.25. (3) There is no interaction between plyometric and ladder drill training and leg power on speed |
| Plyometrics, ladder drill, agility, cricket athletes | Author : Anisa Erdian Pratiwi, Harmin Sulistiyaning Titah, Yulinah Trihadiningrum, Laily Noer Hamidah, Shella Islamay Hanan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Fish is one of the sources of protein. Fish is one of the largest commodities from aquaculture. Fish farming is one of the economic supports for the community, especially around the waters in Indonesia. Aquaculture in Indonesia uses river water and tidal seawater as the main water source. Changes in water quality due to pollutants in the water can affect the quality of pond water. Horizontal Subsurface Flow Constructed Wetland (HSSF-CW) technology can increase the efficiency of organic matter removal. The aim of this study were to identify the water quality of fish pond and performance of HSSF-CW technology in improving fish pond water quality. The media in reactors were gravel and sand with plants (Bruguiera gymnorrhiza and Avicennia alba). Dimension of reactor were 65x60x40 cm3 and it were made from polymethyl methacrylate. There were 10 reactors, namely K1 (without plants and without flow rate), K2 (without flow rate), A1Bg (raw water+4 mL.min-1+B. gymnorrhiza), A2Bg (raw water+8 mL.min-1+B. gymnorrhiza), A1Aa (raw water+4 mL.min-1+A. alba), A2Aa (raw water+8 mL.min-1+A. alba), B1Bg (effluent+4 mL.min-1+B. gymnorrhiza), B2Bg (effluent+8 mL.min-1+B. gymnorrhiza), B1Aa (effluent+4 mL.min-1+A. alba), and B2Aa (effluent+8 mL.min-1+B. gymnorrhiza). The reactor were operated continuously with flow rate (4 mL.min-1 and 8 mL.min-1). Analysis of Total Suspended Solid (TSS) used gravimetry method and salinity used argentometri titration. The spectrophotometers analysis were conducted to determine of COD, PO43-, NH4+, and NO3-. In conclusion, the largest removal efficiency of raw fish pond water on COD, TSS, PO43-, NH4+, and NO3- parameters were obtained in reactor A1Aa (83.86%), A1Bg (89.53%), A2Bg (24.06%), A1Aa (84.83%), and A2Aa (93.77%). The greatest removal efficiency of effluent pond on COD, TSS, PO43-, NH4+, and NO3- parameters were obtained in reactor B1Bg (85.46%), B1Bg (91.21%), B2Bg (92.29%), B2Aa (86.81%), and B2Bg (96.84%). |
| The Critical Role of Vitamin D in the Physiological and Immunological Response to a Covaid-19 Infection | Author : Rana N. Abdul Hameed | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research can contribute to elucidate this issue, in addition to subsidizing the clinical practice of health professionals and assist in the preparation of specific care protocols for this population, with peculiar clinical characteristics and little discussed in the scope of research. This study aimed to evaluate the results of studies that supplemented with vitamin D, impact of SOD on patients with CKD. Several studies have been done regarding the inhibitory effect of SARS. Mice without VDR expression have a 3-fold increased renin expression with a consequent increase in plasma angiotensin II and, clinically, arterial hypertension. In cell cultures of As 4.1 cells, with high renin synthesis, the administration of 1.25 (OH) 2D markedly decreased the activity of the promoter region of the VDR-mediated renin gene, resulting in a decrease in the respective messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA). In mice lacking 1 ? - hydroxylase expression, administration of 1.25 (OH) 2D was also effective in decreasing the activation of RAAS and in the treatment of arterial hypertension. An experimental study with partially nephrectomized animal models evaluated the renal effect of administering an ACE inhibitor, enalapril, a vitamin D analogue, paricalcitol, or both. It was found that in most of the parameters studied, the combination was more effective than either of the two drugs separately. |
| Skill Competencies of PE Teachers Based On Qualitative Contribution Evaluation of NBC 461 towards An Upskilling Program | Author : Dr. Nikki Crystel Aldueza Elic | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study on the continuing professional development of physical education teachers in selected local and state universities and colleges in Laguna provide valuable insights into their teaching practices and the perception of Career Professional Development (CPD) programs. The findings reveal that the teachers exhibit a high level of competency in planning, instruction, and assessment, with mean scores of 4.89, 4.81, and 4.75, respectively. These scores indicate competencies beyond the highly proficient level, placing them in the category of "Distinguished Teachers (DT)." The study also highlights the positive impact of CPD programs on teaching skills, collaboration among teachers, professional growth, and student performance. The analysis of supervisors perspectives offers additional insights into strategies for enhancing teachers participation and engagement in CPD programs. The recommended upskilling CPD strategies aim to strengthen professional development initiatives, customize programs to address specific needs and improve program effectiveness through regular evaluation and feedback mechanisms. By implementing these recommendations, this study contributes to the enhancement of the knowledge, skills, and teaching practices of physical education teachers, ultimately benefiting both teachers and students in the field of physical education in Laguna. |
| Teachers’ Psychological Capital, Level of Stress, and Attitude towards Work | Author : Anthony Mejias Cabahug, Nick C. Pañares | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Teachers are stressed with all the tasks that need to be done both in teaching and administrative. The study aimed to ascertain the psychological capital and stress levels of the Balingoan District, Division of Misamis Oriental. It sought to answer the respondents’ psychological capital, their level of stress, respondents’ attitude towards work, the significant relationship between the teachers’ psychological capital and the level of stress and the significant relationship between psychological capital and level of stress to the respondents’ attitude toward work. The respondents of this study were the one hundred twelve (112) teachers of Balingoan District for School Year 2023-2024. The research instruments were patterned and modified, and descriptive-correlational research design and Pearson-r Correlation statistical tools were employed to establish the relationship between the variables. Results showed that the respondents have a very high level of psychological capital. The majority of the respondents were slightly stressed and their level of attitude toward work was very high. All psychological capital variables registered a strong positive relationship towards stress. Also, all psychological capital variables registered a strong positive relationship towards attitude towards work. Further, the level of stress variables registered a strong positive relationship to attitude toward work. The high psychological capital and low stress among teachers resulted to positive attitude towards work. Thus, the null hypotheses are rejected. It is recommended that teachers be provided with seminars on professional learning engagements like training and School Learning Action Cells that will improve their resilience and coping mechanisms. Teachers may develop, adopt, or create activities that may help improve the numeracy and literacy of learners. |
| The Pineal Gland, A Bridge Between the Hormonal Perspective and Spiritual Mysticism | Author : Hernando Vargas-Uricoechea, Ernesto Barceló-Martinez, Andrés Fernando Ramirez-Giraldo, María V. Pinzón-Fernández, Alejandro Castellanos-Pinedo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The pineal gland has a hormonal and mystical component, described since time immemorial; its main secretion product with recognized health effects is melatonin, which is involved in the light/dark phenomenon. Additionally, this gland has been related to spiritual aspects and divine connection; in fact, for certain traditions, they define it as the “Third Eye” and establish it as the link between the “Body and Mind”. This review describes the most relevant aspects of the functioning of the pineal gland (from a hormonal point of view) and its possible role from a mystical-spiritual point of view. |
| Examination of the Effects of Own Capital, Debt to Equity Ratio, And Current Ratio on Remaining Business Results in Savings and Loans Cooperatives in East Manggarai | Author : Magdalena Yakoba Aso, Sari Yuniarti, Moh. Burhan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research was conducted to analyze the influence of the current ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and own capital on remaining business results in the East Manggarai Wae Motu cooperative (KSP) in the 2016-2022 period. This research uses quantitative data methods to assess the influence of the current ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and own capital on remaining business results. The secondary data used is in the form of financial reports and balance sheets. This data was obtained from the Wae Motu Cooperative (KSP) East Manggarai. The research results show that the current ratio, debt-to-equity ratio, and own capital influence the remaining business results. Meanwhile, partially, the variables current ratio and debt to equity ratio do not affect remining business results. At the same time, capital itself influences remaining business results in cooperatives in East Manggarai. |
| Coagulation of Wastewater Containing Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) Microplastics by Using Ferric Chloride, Aluminum Sulfate and Aluminum Chlorohydrate: A Comparative Study | Author : Lilya Irsianti Fadlilah, Arseto Yekti Bagastyo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigated the efficacy of different coagulants, namely ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate at a concentration of 1.95 g/L, and aluminum chlorohydrate at a concentration of 2.1 g/L, in removing microplastics from plastic recycling facility wastewater under different pH conditions. The results showed that the presence of microplastics in wastewater was 76% in the form of fragments, followed by films and fibers in smaller amounts. The size of these microplastics varies, with a dominant size range of 251-500 µm. At pH 6, ferric chloride and aluminum sulfate were able to remove 75% and 90% of the microplastic abundance, respectively, by adding a dose of 1.95 g/L. However, the highest removal efficiency was obtained by adding a dose of 2.1 g/L Aluminium chlorohydrate at pH 8. These findings underscore the importance of selecting suitable coagulants and optimizing treatment operational conditions based on the type and size distribution of microplastics present in the wastewater system. |
| Control The Childs Motor Movements through Traditional Games | Author : Ahmad Muflih Anshory, Sumarjo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Motor motion control is the control of motor motion that needs to be trained from an early age. Motion is basically often done by humans from infancy, namely by crawling. When the childs motor movements are not trained since childhood, there will be delays that prevent the child from moving at the right age. This research aims to determine the influence of traditional games on childrens motor motion control. This type of research is literature review research or literature research. The data obtained by the researcher is the result of research that has been researched by previous researchers and this research was obtained from Google Scholar. The result of this literature review is that traditional games have a good influence on childrens motor control movements |
| State Management of Economic In the Context of Digital Economy in Vietnam | Author : Phan Nhan Trung | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the context of globalization and continuous progress of the fourth industrial revolution, digital economic development has become an inevitable trend and urgent need. The digital economy not only creates new business and job opportunities but also enhances national competitiveness and promotes sustainable development. Recognizing this importance, the Vietnamese Government has implemented many policies and management methods to promote the building of a digital economy. According to a report by the Ministry of Information and Communications of Vietnam, the digital economy is expected to contribute 20-30% of GDP by 2030. To achieve this goal, the application of effective economic state management methods is a prerequisite. These methods include building an appropriate legal framework, deploying advanced digital infrastructure, developing high-quality human resources and promoting public-private cooperation in the field of information technology. Research on the use of state management methods to build a digital economy in Vietnam has high practical significance, helping to identify challenges and opportunities, thereby proposing specific solutions to promote effective and sustainable digital transformation. |
| Need assessment of Indonesian Language Textbooks Based on Merdeka Curriculum in Vocational Schools in Sambas Regency | Author : Galina Warjayanti, Sarwiji Suwandi, Sumarwati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The primary objective of vocational school education is to prepare students for the workforce. The independent curriculum includes provisions for preparing students for the workforce. One of them is found in textbooks, which ought to encourage education and training for skills necessary for the workplace. This research aims to describe the perception and need for independent curriculum-based Indonesian language textbooks in vocational schools. This research used a case study approach with a purposive sampling technique. The data was collected from 17 Indonesian language teachers, 200 vocational school students, and 5 textbooks used at vocational schools in Sambas Regency. Data collection was obtained through questionnaires, interviews, and document analysis. Data was analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results of the research showed that only 23% of the implementation of the independent curriculum from 17 Vocational Schools in Sambas district use independent curriculum textbooks, the need for vocational school teachers for independent curriculum-based textbooks reaches 79.5%, and the need for vocational school students for independent curriculum-based textbooks reaches 73.5%. |
| Effect of Plyometrics and Resistance Band Training towards the Leg Muscle Power Seen From the Leg Muscle Endurance of Wrestling Athletes | Author : Swandika Pinem, Widiyanto, Eggy Nur Arfiansyah, Kristoforus Nono Koba, Aman Jefri Mensana Simamora | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to determine: (1) the difference in the influence between plyometrics and resistance band training on leg muscle power in wrestling athletes; (2) the difference in effect between wrestling athletes who have high and low leg muscle endurance on leg muscle power; (3) the interaction between plyometrics and resistance band training as well as high and low leg muscle endurance towards the leg muscle power of wrestling athletes.The type of this research was an experiment using a 2 x 2 factorial design. The research population was the wrestling athletes from Malang City, totaling 40 people. The research sample was 24 people taken by using purposive sampling technique, then ordinal pairing was carried out to divide each group. The instrument used to measure leg muscle power was the standing long jump, while leg muscle endurance was measured by using the squat test. The data analysis technique used the two way ANOVA test.The results of the research show that: (1) there is a difference in the effect between plyometrics and resistance band training towards leg muscle power of wrestling athletes where the F value is at 11.674 and the significance value is at p 0.003 < 0.05. The plyometrics training group is better than the resistance band training group with an average difference at 13.92. (2) There is no difference in the effect between wrestling athletes who have high and low leg muscle endurance towards leg muscle power, where an F value of 0.704 is obtained and a significance value of p is at 0.411 > 0.05. (3) There is no interaction between plyometrics and resistance band training and high and low leg muscle endurance towards the leg muscle power of wrestling athletes, where the F value is at 0.402 and the p value is at 0.533 > 0.05. |
| Communication Performance of PT Migas Utama Jabar CSR Partners in the Sustainable Community Empowerment Program | Author : Sadam Husen Falahuddin, Amiruddin Saleh, Dwi Retno Hapsari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program is a program that must be implemented by every company. The main focus of CSR is increasing education rates, improving health quality, preserving the environment, and community empowerment (community development). This research aims to analyze communication performance and CSR program desires at PT Migas Utama Jabar (MUJ). The results of the research showed that communication performance in the PT MUJ’s CSR group was in social performance, ritual performance and political performance. Group of think carried out by one of the group leaders through a learning initiative using a smartphone. For program sustainability, there needs to be a roadmap for empowerment activities. Routine and intensive assistance provided to members of the assisted group (chicken, eel fish, and maggot feed) |
| Exploring the Stress Experienced By Senior Citizens of Cabuyao during the Now Normal Transition | Author : Shayne Moriah P. Cabrera, CHRA, Ma. Angelica M. Busalanan, CHRA, Hanna Camille B. Canicosa, Ma. Eliz A. Zamora, CHRA, Araceli B. Paster, PhD | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This qualitative research study aimed to understand how the COVID-19 pandemic has caused stress and its contributing factors from the perspective of senior citizens who have experienced it first-hand. A set of semi-structured questionnaires were asked and answered by ten respondents from Cabuyao City. The participants responses were interpreted and categorized into themes such as family, financial strain, grief and loss, and challenges of restricted mobility. The findings of this study suggest that senior citizens, regardless of economic stability and health concerns, have all experienced being stressed due to the pandemic. However, senior citizens have managed to cope and deal with mental stress through different coping strategies to be able to alleviate their stress. |
| Response of Lowland Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis) Growth to the Application of KCl Fertilizer at Different Doses | Author : Zulkifli Maulana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis) is one of Indonesias fresh fruits highly favored by both domestic and international consumers. Its production can be increased by applying KCl fertilizer. This study aims to determine the response of KCl fertilizer on the growth of passion fruit in lowland areas. The research was conducted at the Bosowa University Experimental Garden located in Bontoramba Village, Pallangga District, Gowa Regency. The study was designed as an experiment using a Randomized Block Design. The treatments applied were different doses of fertilizer: K1 (control), K2 (1.5 g/plant), K3 (3.5 g/plant), and K4 (4.5 g/plant). The results indicated that the application of KCl fertilizer at a dose of 1.5 g/plant tended to have a better effect on the growth of the main stem length, stem diameter, number of leaves, and number of branches in the plants. |
| The Effectiveness of the Discovery Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes | Author : Erna Mena Niman, Arnoldus Yansen Edison, Benedikta Momang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Discovery learning directs students to discover something through their learning process. Learning becomes active when students use their thoughts and actions during the learning process. This study aims to determine the effect of discovery learning model on student learning outcomes. This type of research is an experimental study using posttest only control design. Data collection techniques in the form of tests using question instruments, then data analysis using prerequisite tests, namely homogeneity test, normality test and hypothesis testing. The results showed that learning by using discovery learning can significantly improve student learning outcomes and can significantly improve student activeness. |
| Determining the Inheritance Law System to be used in the Event of someone’s Death | Author : Dr. Winny Wiriani, S.H, MBA, M.Kn | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Humans cannot be separated from inheritance. Inheritance is the most important aspect in all areas of life, because in the end people are always faced with inheritance, whether it is inheritance in positive form, namely obtaining wealth or negative, namely the existence of many debts that are paid as an inheritance from the testator. Inheritance is something that many people who are in need or who are not in need still hope for an inheritance that can improve and/or increase their standard of living. Inheritance is an inheritance left by a person who dies to his or her heirs. All rights and obligations of the heir automatically (saisine principle) are transferred to the heir(s) when the heir dies, even if the heir is not/is not aware of the existence of the inheritance1. Inheritance often triggers divisions and/or quarrels in families, especially if the heir leaves behind many heirs. Quarrels can occur because of feelings of injustice, jealousy, disagreement or disagreement in the distribution of inheritance and many other things that trigger quarrels over inheritance, but in the end it is the assets that are fought over between the heirs. To minimize the risk of disputes, one way is to determine what inheritance law is used in dividing inheritance assets when someone dies. Determining inheritance law is an important aspect in resolving legal problems related to inheritance of property. This research aims to explore various factors that influence the choice of inheritance law in the context of differences in culture, religion and state law. The research method used is analytical descriptive of the inheritance law system in force in Indonesia as well as a review of related literature. The results of this research identify that in determining which inheritance law to use, factors such as religion, cultural values, state policies and personal family preferences play a crucial role. Apart from that, legal clarity and certainty are also the main considerations in choosing inheritance law. The implications of this research are the importance of being aware of cultural and legal diversity in dealing with inheritance issues, as well as the need for a flexible and inclusive approach in determining inheritance laws that suit the needs and values of the family concerned. This research makes an important contribution to the practical and theoretical understanding of determining effective inheritance law in an increasingly connected global context. |
| Implementation of Problem Based Learning in Dance Education | Author : Rumiwiharsih | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Implementation of problem-based-learning in dance education have not simple. Provide an overview of the lesson problem-based-learning and describe the specific features that define this teaching model. Describe the theoretical basis of the model problem-based-learning and summarizes the research supporting its use. Explains how to plan and use the problem based learning model, including how to adapt its use to students with different abilities and backgrounds (Arends: 2008). Describe how to implement a learning environment that is conducive to use problem-based-learning. Describe appropriate ways to address student learning in accordance with objectives problem-based-learning. Specify regarding usage restrictions problem-based-learning and make predictions about its future use. Several aspects in the art of dance can be used as a problem, which students seek to find a solution to, namely: movement, accompaniment/music, floor patterns, make-up, fashion, property. Students are given the task in groups to discuss and explain selected aspects of a regional dance. Another example, students discuss making floor patterns in regional dance, with a predetermined number of dancers. Problems of movement, accompaniment, floor patterns, make-up and clothing can be used as problematic topics in the art of dance. |
| Solid Waste Handling Using Ships as a Land Replacement in Small Islands (Case Study: Raas and Sapudi Islands) | Author : Mas’udah Hasnah, Eddy Setiadi Soedjono | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Indonesia is an archipelagic state with a very large number of islands including large islands and small islands, such as small islands in Sumenep Regency, East Java. The existence of small islands that have limited human resources, transportation and communication access, weak surveillance, and procurement of budget and infrastructure can cause the solid waste management system does not work properly. Solid waste that has not been managed properly can affect human health and the environment directly or indirectly. Therefore, it is necessary to study the solid waste management system in small islands of Indonesia. The aim of the study is to discover the solid waste handling practices in Raas and Sapudi Islands. The methods used in this study are primary and secondary data collection. Primary datas are obtained through direct observation, questionnaire, and documentation. Secondary datas are obtained through textbooks, scientific articles from national and international journals, papers, final assignments, thesis, dissertations, other scientific works, and document from government or world organization related to the topic of this study. Search for scientific articles is conducted through Google Scholar, Science Direct, and Researchgate. Practice of solid waste handling is by using ships. The estimated total cargo weight on the ship is 42,14 tons/day and the required solid waste handling area is 667,92 m2 in 2034. The type and size of ship that can be used is a roll on-roll off ferry with maximum specifications of 525 GT, DWT 336 tons, Loa 51 m, beam 14 m, and speed 4,3 knots. |
| Evaluation and Planning of Domestic Wastewater Management in Simokerto District | Author : Nakula Firstian Winanda, Bieby Voijant Tangahu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Simokerto District has 45 communal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), but they face several issues such as effluent not meeting quality standards, poorly maintained physical conditions, unsuitable designs, and residents not managing their domestic wastewater properly. Therefore, an evaluation and planning for future domestic wastewater management are needed. This study conducts evaluation and planning through the analysis of primary and secondary data. Primary data were collected through direct observation and interviews with Simokerto residents, covering the existing conditions of domestic wastewater management. The evaluation results indicate that the communal WWTP on Jalan Sidoyoso Wetan can still increase its service capacity by 238 people but requires a redesign with the addition of an equalization tank, pumps, and a disinfection unit. Meanwhile, the communal WWTP on Jalan Granting needs repairs for leakage, the construction of a dedicated domestic wastewater channel, and a redesign to enlarge the overall dimensions of the WWTP, including the addition of an equalization tank, pumps, and a disinfection unit. |
| Evaluation of Clean Water Management at Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School I | Author : Afiatun Nikmah, Agus Slamet | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study evaluates the clean water management at Tebuireng Islamic Boarding School I, one of the largest boarding schools in East Java, Indonesia. The boarding school plays a significant social role and contributes to environmental improvements, despite facing issues such as clean water shortages that can hinder activities. The research methods involved field observations, laboratory tests of clean water quality, and interviews with staff and students of the boarding school using questionnaires. These questionnaires aimed to gather data on environmental awareness related to clean water management. The evaluation of clean water facilities and infrastructure was based on three aspects: technical, financial, and community participation. The study results showed that the clean water infrastructure in some parts of the boarding school did not fulfilled the standards set by the Ministry of Public Works Regulation (PERMEN PU) Number 60 of 1992, particularly concerning water storage for a minimum of 6 hours. On the other hand, the clean water quality test results showed that some parameters, such as TDS and Total Coliform, exceeded the quality standards set by the Ministry of Health Regulation (PERMENKES) Number 2 of 2023. The TDS and Total Coliform parameter values exceeding the quality standards were 477 mg/L and 12 MPN/100 mL, respectively. The cost incurred by the foundation for maintaining clean water facilities and infrastructure for one year reached IDR 126.183.900. The boarding school community s attitude towards environmental awareness in clean water management was rated well, with a score of 87, 86, indicating a high level of awareness. |
| Utilization of Kalimati Raw Water to Provide Drinkable Water: A Feasibility Study | Author : Anastasia Adellya Putri Witjaksono, Irwan Bagyo Santoso | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Clean water is an essential necessity for all life forms. With rapid urbanization, the demand for water is increasing while water resources are diminishing, necessitating the exploration of alternative water sources. Communities often resort to river water, which is increasingly contaminated due to daily domestic activities, thereby necessitating water treatment for safe consumption. To address this, the government has established Regional Drinking Water Companies (PDAM) and Drinking Water Supply Systems (SPAM) to convert raw water into potable water. Part of the effort to supply potable water was the construction of Long Storage Kalimati in Sidoarjo Regency, however its utilization remains suboptimal, with several areas still relying on groundwater despite its deteriorating quality. This study investigates community willingness to pay for PDAM services and transition to potable water sourced from Long Storage Kalimati. Data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Logistic regression analysis revealed that certain occupations and higher income levels tend to increase willingness to pay for PDAM, while increased utility expenses correlate with greater willingness. High bottled water consumption increases the desire to switch to drinking water because it reduces dependence on bottled water. To enhance community acceptance, author recommends improving water treatment processes, educating residents about water contaminants, providing government subsidies, and implementing supportive regulations. These strategies aim to improve access to clean water and enhance community health and well-being. |
| Effectiveness of Organic Compound Removal in Fishery Product Processing Wastewater Using Photocatalysis Method | Author : Desanty Prihastya Ningrum, Adhi Yuniarto, Ervin Nurhayati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The development of the industry is increasingly rapid to support the needs of human life, one of which is in the food industry in the form of fish processing at the Fish Center Surabaya. The Fish Center Surabaya has a WWTP consisting of a storage tank, a settling tank and a biofilter. The photocatalysis method used in the study serves to alleviate the organic load contained in the wastewater before it is flowed to the biofilter unit. In addition, this study aims to determine the mass of ZnO compound, the optimal irradiation time and irradiation intensity to reduce the parameters of BOD, COD and NH4 in the wastewater of the fishery product processing. In the photocatalysis method using ZnO compound have masses of 1 g, 1.5 g and 2 g. In addition, there are also irradiation intensity variables of 732±5,17 µW/cm2, 743±3,56 µW/cm2 and 849±1,92 µW/cm2 with irradiation time variables of 8 hours which were sampled at each hour. After that, the results will be analysed and discussed to answer the research objectives. The photocatalysis process using ZnO is known to reduce the content of BOD, COD and NH4 in fishery products wastewater by 27%, 31% and 35%. |
| The Relationship between Pre-service Teacher s Motivation in Teaching, Readiness as a Professional Teacher, and Self-efficacy in ICT Development | Author : Ana Zulfa Hasanah, Nur Hidayanto Pancoro Setyo Putro | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This correlational study aims to examine pre-service teacher s motivation in teaching, readiness as a professional teacher, and self-efficacy in ICT development. It examines the dimensions among pre-service teacher s motivation in teaching, readiness as a professional teacher, and self-efficacy in ICT development in the study as well as examined their relationship. It also examines whether there are significant differences in the dimensions of pre-service teacher s motivation in teaching, readiness as a professional teacher, and self-efficacy in ICT development differ according to gender and age. The participants of the study were 111 English pre-service teachers of two universities in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The data were collected by distributing three different questionnaires, i.e. motivation adopted from Abraham Maslow Theory, readiness adopted from Concern-Based Adaption Model (CBAM), and self-efficacy in ICT development adopted from Arigusman (2013). Pearson Correlation and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) were performed to analyze the data. The findings demonstrated that there were five dimensions of motivation in teaching, namely physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs; while readiness as a professional teacher consisted of three dimensions, namely level of use, stages of concern, and innovation of configuration, and self-efficacy in ICT development consisted of two dimensions, namely abilities and strategy using ICT and factors extrinsic and intrinsic. Furthermore, this study involved pre-service teacher s motivation in teaching, readiness as a professional teacher, and self-efficacy in ICT development as research variables. The first finding showed there was relationship among dimension in each variable, the second finding revealed there were significant differences between each dimension of each variable (p= < 0.05). Also, pre-service teacher s motivation in teaching, readiness as a professional teacher, and self-efficacy in ICT development did not show the significant differences according to gender and age. |
| Challenges and Coping Strategies of Students during Educational Disruptions: Designing Resilient Learning Plans | Author : Delma Jean V. Abad, Phd, Eduardo M. Abad, Edd | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Numerous research studies have been conducted to investigate the extent of changes and challenges experienced during the educational disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. These studies have generated a vast array of insights that could be utilized in planning and developing contextualized learning materials for future unprecedented educational disruptions. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method to survey the challenges and coping strategies encountered by 42 purposively selected English Major Students in the Bachelor of Secondary Education program. Through an expert-validated online survey questionnaire and interview guide questions created by the researchers, semi-structured interviews were conducted via Google Meet to triangulate the responses gathered from the administered survey form. Thematic coding was applied to transcribe the responses from the semi-structured interviews. The researchers derived the characteristics of the instructional framework from the results of the research objectives. Themes were derived from the respondents experiences and stories, comprising the characteristics of the instructional framework. These characteristics form the basis of a learning plan that could be used in designing an actual learning plan for use during educational disruptions, as defined in this study. |
| Morphological Identification of Microbes in Activated Sludge: Effects of Aeration and Sludge Age | Author : Rahma Othman Mussa, Ervin Nurhayati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Aeration and sludge age are critical parameters in designing, operating, and controlling biological wastewater treatment plants to produce high-quality effluent. Several factors affect the types of microbes in the activated sludge process, including environmental factors and plant design. The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of aeration and sludge age on the types of microorganisms present in active sludge. The microbial diversity will be analyzed morphologically by visual inspection and light microscopy. The microbes in the activated sludge process were analyzed at different aeration flows and sludge ages to determine their types. The findings from this research revealed that low aeration of 2L/min -4L/min and SRT of > 8 days favor microbes in degrading organic matter with higher removal efficiency. The common microbes found included Bacillus, coccus, coccobacillus, streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptobacillus, and Vibrio |
| Unveiling the Untold Stories: An Exploration of Non-Language Teachers Journey in Developing Reading Materials for Catch-Up Fridays | Author : Sinamar A. Balio-an, Gretchen S. Cabildo, Dexter John C. Collo, Gloria Ann C. Dangalan, Victoria Q. Madagiem | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study aims to understand the lived experiences of non-language teachers in the preparation of reading materials to be used during Catch-Up Fridays. The participants of the study were five (5) non-language secondary teachers with a minimum of 3 years of teaching experience. The research employed purposive sampling. The researchers employ the inclusion criteria in selecting them as follows: 1) 3 and more years in the service, 2) a DepEd employee specifically in Candon City Division, 3) non-language major and 4) must be willing to participate in the study. Purposive sampling is a sampling method where the selection of participants is grounded on the judgment of the researchers based on the set of specific characteristics or qualities relevant to the research question. This study utilized phenomenological research. Findings reveal that non-language teachers view the preparation of reading materials as Harmonies of Resilience: Transforming Adversity into Achievement with three sub-themes emerging, namely NIL challenges encountered, strategies used in the preparation of reading materials, and realizations of non-language teachers in the preparation of reading materials. Even if non-language teachers were not expert on this field, they were able to overcome their weaknesses and turn their weakness into their strength with the help of their co-teachers and school heads. |
| Forensic Practice Nursing with a Forensic Lens | Author : Divya Upreti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Nursers are a necessary part of forensic evaluation as theyre the first health professionals who encounter judicial cases in health institutions. Nonetheless, the inadequate knowledge on forensic substantiation is considered as one of the main obstacles to forensic evaluation. When examined in the literature, its allowed that nursers still have a limited knowledge of forensic nursing and are shy in assessing forensic cases. The low position of knowledge of the nursers on forensic substantiation will help the result of forensic cases by causing colorful legal problems for cases and institutions and hamper the provision of quality healthcare services |
| Profiling DISC Personality Types, Spiritual Intelligence, and Perceived Stress in Medical Students | Author : Dwi Angriyani, Venthy Angelika | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This descriptive study investigates the DISC personality types, spiritual intelligence, and perceived stress among medical students. Utilizing a cross-sectional design, data were collected from 71 pre-clinical medical students using DISC test, the Spiritual Intelligence Self-Report Inventory, and the Perceived Stress Scale (PSS). The study reveals that Steadiness (S) and Compliance (C) are the predominant personality types among the participants. There are no significant differences in spiritual intelligence across personality types, but notable differences in perceived stress levels, particularly among Dominance (D), Influence (I), and Steadiness-Compliance (SC) types. |
| Comparative Evaluation of Fenton and Persulfate Processes with UV/H2O2 for Batik Wastewater Treatment: Optimizing Fe2+ and S2O8 2- Ratio by H2O2 for Enhanced Pollutant Degradation | Author : Regita Syahra Ramadhan, Arseto Yekti Bagastyo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Wastewater generated from industrial processes including the batik industry in Indonesia contains high organic pollutants and dyes. In this study, the advanced oxidation process that will produce hydroxyl radicals was used to degrade pollutants in this batik industry wastewater. This study aims to compare the Fenton and Persulfate processes with the influence of variations in the concentration of Fe2+ and S2O8 2- added. This method is carried out by adding H2O2 as an oxidant which is added to each catalyst, namely Fe2+ and S2O8 2- in the presence of a combination of UV light. Fenton process was carried out in 60 minutes and Persulfate process was carried out in 45 minutes. In this study, there was a tendency to increase the efficiency of COD and color removal along with the increasing concentration of each catalyst added. The highest COD and color removal efficiency occurred at a ratio of H2O2:Fe2+ and H2O2: S2O8 2- of 1: 0.08. |
| The Assessment and Analysis of Environmental Air Pollution by Waste Emission of Navy Ships (A Conceptual Thinking) | Author : Abdul Rahman, Antariksa,Bambang Semedi, Slamet Wahyudi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The maritime industry significantly contributes to global air pollution, particularly through ship waste emissions. This paper assesses and analyses the impact of these emissions on environmental air quality. It highlights the types of pollutants emitted, their sources, and the potential measures to mitigate their adverse effects. The study integrates data from various regions, providing a comprehensive overview of the global scenario and proposing actionable recommendations for policymakers and industry stakeholders. This paper examines the impact of waste emissions from navy ships on environmental air quality. It identifies the types of pollutants emitted, and their sources, and assesses their effects on the environment and public health. The study combines data from various naval operations worldwide to analyze and suggest potential mitigation strategies comprehensively. |
| The Effect of CAR and NPF on the Profitability of Islamic Commercial Banks in Indonesia | Author : Indah Khairunnisa,Rika Lidyah,Deky Anwar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to see the effect of Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) and Non Performing Financing (NPF) on profitability. The research methodology used in this research is quantitative using the IBM SPSS Statistics 26 program. Secondary data obtained from the annual report of Islamic Commercial Banks for the period 2018-2023. Sampling using purposive sampling technique with a total sample of 10 Islamic Commercial Banks. The research findings provide the fact that the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) has an influence on profitability at Islamic Commercial Banks, meaning that banks are able to cover risks with their capital and banks do not experience difficulties in their operational activities so that banks are able to increase their profitability. Previously, we already knew the condition of Islamic Commercial Banks for the 2018-2023 period where CAR experienced an upward trend while ROA also experienced an upward trend, this shows that sufficient capital is able to finance operational activities economically and efficiently, so that banks do not experience difficulties besides that they can increase profits or profits. And the results of the study provide the fact that Non Performing Financing (NPF) has a negative effect on profitability, this shows that if the ratio of bad debts increases, the Return On Asset (ROA) will decrease. |
| Teacher Responses to the Implementation of Merdeka Curriculum in Physical Education Learning | Author : Taufan Susilo Aji,Muhammad Hamid Anwar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the teachers response to the implementation of an independent curriculum in physical education learning in public high schools in Batang city, Central Java. The research method used was descriptive qualitative method. The sampling technique used was snowball sampling technique. The samples of this study were SMA Negeri 1 Batang, SMA Negeri 2 Batang, SMA Negeri 1 Bandar, and SMA Negeri 1 Subah. Data collection techniques in this study through structured interviews to physical education teachers. The results showed that most teachers have successfully implemented various important dimensions in classroom management. These dimensions include regularity of the classroom atmosphere, clear expectations for students, application of positive discipline, interactive activities, constructive feedback, adaptive learning, attention and concern for students, and learning instructions. These teachers demonstrated the ability to create a conducive and supportive learning environment, which was able to increase student engagement and achievement in physical education subjects in the implementation of the independent curriculum. |
| Reality of Organizing Meal Times For 3 - 4 Year Olds Kindergarten Children At Some Private Nursing Schools In Thu Dau Mot City | Author : Nguyen Thi Hong,Truong Thi Linh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Organizing meals for preschool children at preschools is an important issue, ensuring adequate nutrition and affecting the children s comprehensive development. Here, the top concerns are designing and managing menus, organizing mealtimes to ensure food hygiene and safety, and nutrition education from the early years. Careful research and testing are needed to ensure that each meal is nutritious but also attractive and enjoyable for children. Managing food hygiene and safety also poses a big challenge, especially with the large number of children participating and the strict hygiene requirements. This study surveys the current situation of organizing meals for preschool children 3 - 4 years old in some private preschools in Thu Dau Mot City. Initial results show certain limitations in the meal organization skills of preschool teachers for children and also point out the reasons affecting the effectiveness of this activity. From there, we can propose some solutions to overcome limitations in organizing meals for children at preschools in the area. |
| The Relationship between Candida Infections and Atherosclerotic Heart Disease | Author : Alyaa M. Ali, Anwar Shaqi Ajil | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :
The purpose of this investigation is to determine whether or not fungus belonging to the genus Candida can be found within atherosclerotic plaques and to examine various immunological and biochemical indices in patients with particular cardiac conditions who also harbour Candida spp. Specifically, here s what to do and how to do it: In order to determine if fungi were present in an atherosclerotic plaque, a specific test was performed.
Twenty autopsies revealed a total of 61 atherosclerotic plaques. In addition, 41 persons with atherosclerosis had their blood tested for TNF-a and IgG and IgM antibodies to Candida spp. There were a wide range of ages represented in this group, from 34 to 85 years old, with 28 men and 13 women. |
| Study on Greywater Management Achievements in Sukolilo, Surabaya City | Author : Marwah R. Rahmatiah, Eddy S. Soedjono | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Improper greywater management degrades environmental quality and public health. Community-based Total Sanitation (STBM) aims for 100% open defecation-free (ODF) status and 50% greywater management. In 2023, Surabaya achieved 100% ODF, but greywater management targets remain unmet, especially in the sanitation-prone Sukolilo District. This research assesses greywater management in Sukolilo, focusing on technical and social aspects, and offers strategy recommendations. Surveys and interviews were conducted for primary data, with secondary data from relevant literature and regional documents. Data analysis was descriptive, qualitative, and quantitative. The technical analysis revealed that greywater channels are not connected to infiltration wells or treatment systems. Social analysis showed low community awareness and behavior regarding greywater management. Improvement strategies include repairing channels to be closed, watertight, and connected to on-site treatment systems with infiltration wells or communal biofilter treatment, allowing the community to use treated water for irrigation. Enhancing public knowledge through continuous education by health workers and related parties and facilitating community efforts through Focus Group Discussions (FGDs) involving community leaders, government, and experts is also essential. |
| Development of Android-Based Learning Media in Film Production Management Subjects at SMK Negeri 4 Padang | Author : M.Adil Pratama, Heri Mulyono, Faiza Rini, Ade Pratama, Rini Novita | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The learning process for film production management at SMK Negeri 4 Padang is not optimal, this is due to several problems, namely the availability of learning media only in the form of printed books that students borrow from the school library. This causes students to lack understanding of the learning material and are less motivated to study and causes students grades to be low according to the data obtained that the students KKM score is only 42.85%. The aim of this research is to develop valid and practical film production management learning media. The research method used in this research is development research (R&D) with the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, development, design, implementation and evaluation at each stage. This research involved 35 class XI Broadcasting students who took part in film production management lessons. The results of this research are in the form of Android-based learning software which can be used as a complement to the learning process, especially in film production management subjects. This product has been tested for its validity level by several material experts and learning media experts and an average validity value of 86.07% was obtained. And the practicality test results from users, namely teachers and students, obtained an average practicality value of 85.02%. |
| Legal Analysis of the Consumer Protection Law in the Promotion of Alcohol with Ethnic and Religious Elements by Holywings on Instagram | Author : Tania Octaviona, Aju Putrijanati, Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Promotional efforts are crucial to a company s marketing strategy. However, Holywings promotion offering free alcoholic beverages to individuals named Muhammad and Maria violates Law Number 1 of 2024 on electronic information and transactions, specifically Article 28, paragraph 2. This article prohibits spreading information that incites hatred or enmity based on ethnicity, religion, race, and inter-group distinctions (SARA). This research analyzes promotion regulations under this law and the responsibilities of businesses concerning promotions involving ethnic and religious elements, as outlined in Law Number 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection. Using a normative juridical approach, this study examines literature, secondary data, and statutes to address the legal issues. The research employs qualitative analysis to systematically gather and analyze data, aiming to compile relevant theories, concepts, legal principles, and regulations. The result indicate that legal protection for consumers regarding promotions with ethnic and religious elements is upheld by Article 4, letter g of the Consumer Protection Law, ensuring fair, honest, and non-discriminatory treatment. Additionally, Article 17, Paragraph 1, Letter f prohibits business actors from engaging in such advertising, while Articles 19 and 20 outline their accountability. |
| Study of SPALD-T Implementation Based on Regulation of the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing Number 04/PRT/M/2017 (Case Study: Surabaya City) | Author : Adhi Rahman Bani, Eddy Setiadi Soedjono | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :PUPR Ministerial Decree No. 4 of 2017 states that SPALD development is based on 6 criteria including population density, groundwater depth, soil permeability, financing capacity, land slope, and specific areas. If it refers to one of these criteria, Surabaya City is potentially obliged to implement SPALD-T. This research aims to examine how SPALD-T can be implemented in Surabaya City in terms of technical and institutional aspects. The research method was carried out using descriptive analysis with additional mapping using GIS. Descriptive analysis was carried out to describe the condition of Surabaya City. Meanwhile, mapping is used to determine priority locations that can be implemented by the relevant agencies to implement SPALD-T in Surabaya City. Based on the studies that have been carried out, Surabaya City is included in the areas that need to implement SPALD-T in wastewater management efforts. Furthermore, from an institutional perspective, Surabaya City is ready to implement SPALD-T because it has mapped out the tasks between planning, construction, operations and maintenance. The scheme that can be implemented in Surabaya City is SPALD-T for residential areas with a service area of 1 RT 1 WWTP using an anaerobic processing system. |
| Airline Company Responsibilities for Transporting Corpses as Cargo | Author : Welly Yapin, Adya Paramita Prabandari, Rahandy Rizki Prananda | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research delves into the legal framework governing the transportation of corpses by air in Indonesia, with a focus on airline company responsibilities. Employing a scientific, statutory, and comparative approach, it utilizes descriptive analytical research specifications and secondary legal materials to qualitatively analyze primary, secondary, and tertiary legal sources. The study reveals that classification significantly impacts the legal protection afforded to senders of bodies in cases of loss or damage during transport. By addressing issues such as uncertainty regarding proper corpse handling and disparities in compensation for loss or damage, the research underscores the necessity for a more fitting legal structure for air transportation of human remains. Its findings advocate for improved regulations to ensure consistency and fairness in handling these sensitive matters, thereby enhancing the overall reliability and accountability of air transportation services for the deceased. |