Approaching Multi-Sensory Education Methods for Preschool Children | Author : Phan Tu Anh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Currently, Vietnams early childhood education system is implementing a child-centered educational approach, aiming to optimize the potential and capabilities of children. To achieve this goal, preschool teachers need to employ appropriate and effective teaching methods. Therefore, researching, updating, and innovating teaching methods in preschool education is crucial. This article discusses aspects of multi-sensory education methods and provides suggestions to help preschool teachers apply these methods in the education of preschool children. |
| Community Development Programs on Palm Oil Plantation Industry in Aceh Tamiang - Indonesia: the Participation of Opinion Leaders in Information Governance | Author : Subhani, M. Nazaruddin, Ratri Chandrasari, Awaludin Arifin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Understanding the different disputes that have occurred in the Aceh Tamiang oil palm plantation sector requires a communication strategy focused on teaching ideals that are in harmony with community social life. The study of plantation disputes in Aceh Tamiang demonstrates how the function of opinion leaders from formal actors as corporate spokespersons opens up communication channels that have previously been blocked. The community can express its desired ambitions to the firm through opinion leaders that the company has deployed. The business also takes formal village actors into account as opinion leaders in order to comprehend the needs and circumstances of its citizens. “Datok Penghulu”, the local chief, was officially selected by the corporation to serve as its public relations representative. This opinion leaders function as a company spokesperson at least includes creating community development (CD) initiatives, coordinating CD initiatives with the company, and promoting programs to the community. |
| Family Welfare of Women Entrepreneurs in the Context of Local Wisdom: A Literature Review | Author : Made Arie Wahyuni, Ni Nyoman Yuliarmi, Anak Agung Istri Ngurah Marhaeni, Putu Ayu Pramitha Purwanti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Family welfare is not only determined by the income of the head of the family, who is mostly male, but also by other family members including their spouses. The purpose of this study is to conduct a literature review related to the family welfare of women entrepreneurs in the context of local wisdom. Women have the ability to improve the quality of life and raise the standard of living of their families based on existing resources and potential. One form of local wisdom that is believed from generation to generation as a cultural value that is closely related to religious culture, in this case Hinduism, is Catur Purusa Artha. The values of this Hindu teaching are four goals that must be travelled in life today. The teaching of Catur Purusa Artha has been able to create harmony in modern economic development without losing its identity and traditional values. Through these spiritual values in Balinese culture, it can help women entrepreneurs achieve holistic abundance in realising family welfare. |
| Enhancing Conservation and Health Management of Timor Deer (Cervus Timorensis) Through the Use of Squeeze Cages in Community Deer Enclosures in Cakura Village | Author : Andi Ade Ula Saswini, Sandy Pramudikta, Muh. Haris, Dwi jarwanto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The problem of stress in Timor Deer (Cervus timorensis) due to intensive human interaction during care is the background for the innovation of the squeeze cage in Cakura Village, PT Pertamina Patra Niaga Integrated Terminal Makassar. This program aims to reduce stress and injury in the deer and to enhance conservation effectiveness. Results show significant population growth and cost savings, contributing to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). |
| Information and Communication Technology: Learners’ Perspectives on Multimedia Instructional Materials Used In Teaching at Marawi City National High School | Author : Noron C. Somalipao, Joharah A. Ampuan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study aimed to determine the learners’ perspectives on the Multimedia Instructional Materials used in teaching at Marawi City National High School. The study used descriptive method and utilized survey-questionnaires, these contained three parts, first, what is the profile of the respondents, second, the kinds of multimedia instructional materials used in teaching, and third, the implications can be drawn from the findings of the study. Frequency, percentage and weighted mean were used as statistical tools to analyze the data. Upon the retrieval of the instruments, it was directly tabulated and interpreted. The results revealed that 50.00% of the respondents’ ages ranged from 17-19 years old, 60.00% of the respondents were male. Likewise, 64.00% of the respondents agreed PowerPoint Presentation was always used as multimedia instruction. The respondents’ perception on the multimedia instructional materials used in teaching showed the overall mean average of 2.34; standard deviation= 0.91 which mean agreed to all the indicators or the perception given in the questionnaire regarding the use of multimedia instructional materials in teaching. Moreover, the results implied that multimedia instructional materials being used in teaching helped the learners attentively engaged in classroom discussions, it helps learners think critically and supports retain useful information. It is recommended to teachers to always use multimedia instructions to help the learners understand the concept of the topic, increase their interests and motivation, and hold their attention to the classroom discussion. |
| The Influence of Small Sided Games Training Method: Passing Amateur Athletes Football Players | Author : Muhammad Rifqi Khoirun Nasihin, Tri Hadi Karyono, Ali Munir | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Improving the basic skills of amateur athletes is a big task for a coach, one of which is the game of football itself. This study aims to determine the effect of small sided games training on the passing skills of football players. This study is a type of experimental research of one group pretest-posttest design with 16 treatments. The population in this study is 40 people, then the 40 population is not all used, only 24 athletes meet the criteria as subjects in this study. The instruments in this study are tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. The validity of the test in this study was 0.812 and the reliability was 0.879. The data analysis techniques of this study use prerequisite tests including normality tests, homogeneity tests, and t-test or t-est. The results of this study prove that small sided games-based training has a significant impact on the accuracy of passing in football games. This is proven by the results of data analysis in this study with a percentage of 0.000 < 0.05, thus the hypothesis in the study is proven to have an influence on Yogyakarta State University football athletes. Then it was strengthened by the statistical results of the Mann Whitney test with asymp values. Sig. (2-tailed) by 0.750 > 0.05. So based on these results, it can be concluded that the Small Sided Games Training Method has a significant impact on the results of passing skills in amateur athletes of the Student Activity Unit of Yogyakarta State University. |
| The Hydromythological Perspective in Literature on Tuk Bima Lukar: the Source of the Serayu River | Author : Risa Feriyanti, Endang Nurhayati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Water is not only used for basic life needs such as drinking, bathing, cooking, and washing but also for irrigation and other needs, as it is a source of life. In Javanese society, there are many myths related to water, one of which is the myth of Tuk Bima Lukar, the spring source of the Serayu River. This oral literature myth can be analyzed to gain a deeper interpretation of its contents. Therefore, a multidisciplinary literary approach is needed for a more in-depth discussion. This research employs a hydromythological literary approach. The research reveals that Tuk Bima Lukar is considered holy water, believed to bring eternal youth and blessings to those who use it. Beyond the belief that the water from Tuk Bima Lukar can keep one young, it is also believed to bring its own blessings. This aligns with the concept of hydromythology, which assumes that water is a source of life, implying that the water from Tuk Bima Lukar brings blessings because it provides a source of life to the creatures around it. |
| Physiological and Biochemical Blood Indicators of Boer X Saanen Crossbred Goats Raised in Binh Duong Province, Vietnam | Author : Nguyen Thi Thu Hien | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper presents the results of a study on the physiological and biochemical blood indices of F1 (Boer x Saanen) crossbred goats raised in Binh Duong province, Vietnam. Blood samples from 160 goats were taken by venipuncture from each animal in the morning, data were collected by sex and two age groups (3-12 months and 12-24 months). Blood physiological indices were measured using a Hemascreen 18 hematology analyzer. Blood biochemical indices were measured using an Abaxis Vetscan 2 chemistry analyzer. The results showed that the WBC, Mono and Neut indices varied according to age and sex (P0.05). RBC, HGB, MCV, MCH had no statistically significant differences between ages and sexes (P>0.05). The average protein concentration was 64.82-81.85 g/L, with significant differences between the study groups (P0.05). Statistically significant differences in mean values between age groups were investigated in the following parameters: Glucose, creatinine, AST, ALP, K, Ca, P, Cl. This study provides data on physiological and biochemical blood indices of Hybrids goats F1 (Boer x Saanen) as a basis for periodic health diagnosis of goat herds, promptly detecting health abnormalities. The data obtained can be used as reference limits related to physiological changes in livestock due to disease, nutritional deficiencies or other health-affecting factors. This is also the premise for studies on large goat herds to build a database of physiological and biochemical blood indices of goat breeds raised in Vietnam. |
| Consumer Intention and the Role of eWOM in the Movie Industry | Author : Dr. Richa Kalpesh Saxena, Anamitra Phukon, Anvesha Goyal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study attempts to examine the impact of electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) on consumer intent to purchase movie tickets. Using various methods, including ANOVA and linear regression, this research seeks to elucidate the influence of eWOM on consumer decision-making in the context of deciding which movie ticket to buy. Findings indicate a significantly positive relationship between eWOM and purchase intention, in correlation with the role of consumer trust, consistent with prior research on the power of online reviews. Further, the study reveals age as a moderating variable, showing variations in the effect of eWOM across demographic segments. By illustrating the correlation between consumer intent and eWOM within the film industry, this research offers insights for industry professionals to adapt their strategies based on audience preferences |
| Integrating the Hydrogenation of Nitrobenzene over Cu/Mgo Catalysts with the 1, 4-Butanediol Dehydrogenation Reaction | Author : D. Subramanyam, Dr. N.P. Rathore | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Using a fixed bed reactor and Cu/MgO catalysts, the hydrogenation of nitrobenzene to aniline has been combined with the dehydrogenation of 1,4-butanediol to c-butyrolactone reaction in the vapour phase. These Cu/MgO catalysts were made using the co-precipitation method, and they were examined using techniques for BET surface area, XRD, TPR, and N2O pulse-chemisorption. It has been described how the hydrogenation of nitrobenzene over Cu/MgO catalysts coupled with the 1,4-butanediol dehydrogenation reaction has a positive effect. |
| Scope of Yoga Education in Promoting 21st Century Skills of the Digital Natives: An Overview | Author : Dr. Mrinal Mukherjee, Manami Bhadra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The pattern of social life of the adolescent has completely altered with the onslaught of digital media; truly they are digital natives nurtured in a unique period of an unprecedented influx of technology. Teens are usually have inadequate ability for self-regulation and are fragile and vulnerable to peer pressure and indulgence to any kind of adventure and experimentations with social media may be lethal for them. Adolescents exposed heavily in digital world are less competent in formal socialization as evident by latest research. In this era of digitalization, Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) is a dragging attention of educationist to mitigate negative impact of such digital dumping and to inculcate core social and emotional competencies. An ancient scientific way of life practiced in India which is combinations of practice of specific postures, breathing regulation, and meditation is yoga, which have been shown its efficacy in improving in cognitive performance in executive function and also in socio emotional adjustment. Broadly Desk Review Method has been adopted. Collection & analysis of the data collected by other researchers and as published in the journal of Repute has been considered. In the context of school education, the curriculum agreed to accommodate yoga as it could contribute to the physical, social, emotional and mental development of a child (NCF, 2005). The theoretical idea of Yoga are organized from experiences. Therefore, the need of the time is to device a frame work which can relate the theoretical construct of Yoga with learning objectives of 21st Century skills also referred to as Transversal competencies. This overview the scope of yoga education in the current approaches of the social cognitive principle of “Transversal competencies” in reference to digital generation. |
| Influence of Soursop Fruit Tea Concentration on the Fermentation and Quality Attributes of Water Kefir Beverages | Author : Tran T. Y. Nhi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Soursop is a seasonal and highly perishable fruit with a short shelf life after harvest. Therefore, fermentation with water kefir could be a great combination to develop a novel probiotic and dairy-free alternative beverage with distinctive flavors all year round. Therefore, this study aimed to formulate and characterize fermented beverages utilizing soursop fruit tea and water kefir microorganisms. An evaluation of physical parameters, antioxidant capacity, microbiological profiles, and sensory attributes was conducted after the fermentation process of the soursop water kefir. The result indicated that pH and ?Brix values remained in the acceptance range for consumption. According to microbiological results, all water kefir samples provided a high number of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts, although no significant differences were observed in microbial counts. Furthermore, the organoleptic acceptability of the fruit water kefirs was encouraging, particularly at a 1% initial soursop fruit tea concentration, with favorable ratings for taste and overall acceptability. |
| An Analysis of the Impact of Seaport Efficiency on Nigerias Economic Growth. | Author : Ifeanyi Polycarp Maduechesi, Salam Shuaib Mohammed, Iruoghene Emohefe Odenu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research is driven by the objective to assess the impact of the seaport efficiency on Nigerias economic growth. The western ports of Lagos are selected as the Decision-Making Units (DMU) for this study covering the period of 2000 to 2020. Two stage estimation process is employed. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was deployed in the first stage to generate the efficiency index required to test the relationships. In the second stage, the efficiency index so generated is introduced as one of the independent variables in a multiple regression model, using Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL). The finding shows that seaport efficiency has a negative but significant relationship with economic growth in both the long run and short run. The study concludes that seaport efficiency has an inverse relationship with Nigerias economic growth. The result of this study suggests that reforms may not have deepened the level of efficiency in the Nigerian seaport to drive positive economic growth, hence the recommendation for further investment in the terminal operational equipment and technological infrastructure to drive further efficiency in the sector. |
| The Relationship between Content Marketing and Customer Delight: The Moderating Role of Authentic Marketing A Survey Study of Zain Iraq Telecommunications Customers Sample Opinions | Author : Azhar Aziz Jassim Al-Obeidi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to explore the relationship between content marketing and customer delight in a communications context, focusing on the moderating effect of authentic marketing. Data were collected through a questionnaire directed to 245 lecturers at the University of Kufa as subscribes of Zain Iraq Telecommunications Company. Data were analyzed using AMOS V.24 advanced statistical analysis software. The results of the study showed that there is a positive, statistically significant relationship between content marketing and customer happiness. The results also showed that authentic marketing has an important role in moderating this relationship, as it acts as an interactive variable between the two variables. |
| Developing a Tic TAC Toe Exercise Model to Enhance Agility, Speed, and Accuracy in Basic Basketball Skills among Male Students at SMP Kasih Kemuliaan | Author : Dear La Fiesta Sitanggang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :SMP Kasih Kemuliaan offers a co-curricular basketball club that attracts active student participation. However, the limited variety in exercise models has led to student boredom and a subsequent decline in basketball performance. This study aims to develop a novel exercise model, named Tic Tac Toe, designed to enhance agility, speed, and accuracy in basketball skills among male students. The research adopts the ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation) model for development. The proposed exercise model was validated by three experts. A small-scale trial involving six students was conducted, followed by a larger trial with eighteen students. The study employed validity and reliability tests, utilizing instruments to measure agility, speed, and accuracy. A hypothesis was tested using a paired t-test model to evaluate the efficacy of the exercise model. The analysis indicates that the Tic Tac Toe exercise model effectively enhances agility, speed, and accuracy in basic basketball movements. Expert evaluations demonstrated that the model is practical, with over 70% of experts rating it as usable. The Tic Tac Toe exercise model is a viable tool for improving students agility, speed, and accuracy in basic basketball skills. |
| The Influence of the Coachs Leadership Type on the Mental Toughness of Soccer Players | Author : M. Sahrul Kurniawan, Fauzi, Afeb Chesa Arianto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objectives to be achieved in this study are in accordance with the existing problems, namely to determine the effect of the coachs leadership type on the mental toughness of soccer players. The type of research used is descriptive quantitative with correlation. The population in the study were 128 soccer players. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling. The criteria are (1) willing to be a sample, (2) at least 16 years old, (3) have participated in matches, (4) still actively practicing. Based on these criteria, there were 62 players who met. The data analysis technique uses the product moment correlation test. Based on the results of data analysis, description, testing of research results, and discussion, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the coachs leadership type and mental toughness in soccer players, with rcount 0.850. For athletes, it is recommended to do more training and increase flight hours by participating in competitions and also be able to establish a positive bond with the coach to overcome the problems encountered in the field while practicing or when playing a match. It is hoped that research data can be obtained before the athlete competes and after the match. Then increase the research variables and the number of samples in the next research, and can monitor the effects that occur when athletes want and before competing. |
| Navigating Remote Learning in Teacher Education: An Examination of ICT Integration and Its Impact on Academic Success | Author : Renz L. Caneo, Arnold Abad C. Tenorio, Christian Maria Amor C. Palacio | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study focused on the information, communication, and Technology-related factors related to the academic achievement of the College of Teacher Education students at Laguna State Polytechnic University San Pablo City Campus. This studys primary objective is to determine the effect of ICT-related factors such as digital literacy, school support system, and learner management system on the academic achievement of pre-service education students at Laguna State Polytechnic University based on their general weighted average. The researcher used the self-made questionnaire to determine the ICT-related factors of fifty (50) respondents. The collected data were tabulated and treated statistically to determine the effects of ICT-related factors on CTE students academic achievement. Most respondents agreed they can use digital applications like Google Classroom on mobile devices, laptops, and desktop computers. They also agreed that their professors used online educational applications like Google Classroom and Google Meet. Lastly, they know how to use different online applications like Zoom, Google Meet and Google Classroom. Furthermore, the general weighted average of the respondents indicated that most had very satisfactory grades, from 1.50 to 2.00. The findings also revealed that the three ICT-related factors in terms of Digital Literacy, School Support System and Learners Management System do not significantly affect the academic performance of the CTE students. The researcher suggested that educational institutions must provide relevant and effective content, set up an efficient delivery mechanism, and provide digital literacy training to their current faculty to improve learning outcomes. |
| Intensification of Islamic Wasa?iyyah in Developing the Character of Muslim Employees at Pt. Telkom Company in Central Sulawesi | Author : Khaeruddin yusuf, Nurdin Nurdin, Ubay Harun | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to discuss the intensification of moderate Islamic values or wasathiyah in developing the character of employees of a telecommunications company in Central Sulawesi. This research was conducted using a qualitative case study method. Data was collected through direct observation in the field and in-depth interviews with company leaders and employees. Data was also collected by analyzing written documents related to employee mental and spiritual development activities in the company. The results of this research show that the form of intensification of Islamic wasa?iyyah in developing the character of Muslim employees at Telkom Private Limited Company Central Sulawesi uses three forms, namely first, intensification of Islamic wasa?iyyah utilizing the perspective of the Islamic trilogy, namely aqidah, sharia, and morals. Aqidah includes three (3) studies, sharia contains two (2) study themes, and morals includes four (4) study themes. Second, Intensification of Islamic wasa?iyyah using the perspective of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia with indicators: national commitment covering five (5) study themes, tolerance covering six (6) study themes, anti-violence covering (5) study themes and accommodating to local culture includes three (3) study themes. Third, intensification of Islamic wasa?iyyah using the perspective AKHLAK core values of Telkom Private Limited Company includes six central values: Trustworthy, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative. |
| Pattern of Economic Education in the Family in the Indonesian-Malaysian Border Community | Author : Jumardi Budiman, Heni Kuswanti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research is based on an interesting phenomenon related to the pattern of economic education in the community in Entikong Village, Entikong District, Sanggau Regency. This village is one of the outermost regions because it is directly adjacent to the State of Malaysia. The socio-economic heterogeneity of the community and the flow of people and goods between countries, make Entikong Village have a leading role in international trade flows. The purpose of this study is to identify the pattern of economic education in the family and its constituent factors in the people of Entikong Village. The research method used is a qualitative approach in descriptive form. The research data was obtained by interviewing informants, namely the people of Entikong Village. Data processing techniques are data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions drawn. Based on the study results, the pattern of economic education in the family in the people of Entikong Village can be reviewed from the aspect of the internalization process related to economic values, the element of exemplary parents, and the aspect of habituation of good economic behavior. The factors that shape the pattern of economic education in the people of Entikong Village include demographic characteristics, formal education factors, and socio-economic factors. |
| Sports Mega Events: Impact to Inbound Tourism, Motorsport in Four Countries Vs Olympic Games in the Case of Greece | Author : Dr. Panagiotis Panagiotopoulos | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper examines the case of organizing motor sports mega events, in the context of the statistical data on tourism, for the countries Singapore - Turkey - Malaysia and Korea in relation to Greece over a 25-year horizon. The selection of these countries was based on their special morphological and touristic characteristics and the fact that these countries, apart from Greece, have undertaken to hold such major motor sports events. The questions that arise from such a comparison and correlation are whether the organization of major motorsport events contributes to the development of tourism in the host country and if this is the case, what is the time horizon of their contribution and in what ways does it contribute to it concerning inbound tourist figures. The discussion of the above statistical data was based on the literature (Angus et al. 2007, Chartas, P., et al. 2010, Varvaressos, 2009, Fisher and Wakefield, 1998, Hunt and Bashaw, 1999, Mitoula, 2006, Weed and Bull, 1997, Gibson et al. 2003, etc.) and the processing of published statistical data, in order to draw conclusions about the contribution or not of motor sports to the annual tourist arrivals of each country. From the study, it appeared that the year countries organized motorsport events there was an increase in inbound tourism in a percentage of 22% on average, taking advantage of the motorsport event, mainly in terms of the countrys international visibility and promotion, thus showing an increase in tourism in the years following the event as well. On the contrary, in Greece, despite having organized major sporting events (Olympic Games 2004), there is no statistical increase in tourist figures, except for the year 2013, which is also a research question. In conclusion, as can be seen from the available statistics, in addition to other methods for tourism development, the inclusion of motor sport events appears to contribute significantly to the increase in touristic arrivals. Concerning Greece in particular, the inclusion of such events in order to further stimulate countrys tourism, would be an important addition, especially if one considers the countrys existing tourism industry and its geostrategic position. |
| Social Media Usage on Learners Academic Achievement in Claveria, Misamis Oriental | Author : Meriel C. Ayuban, Estrella S. Ferenal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :this age of technology, social media has become part of our daily life and it is highly used among student population. Nevertheless, together with its benefits there have actually been problems with its impact to students academic achievement. This study was conducted to determine the level of social media usage on learners academic achievement. Specifically, it endeavored to describe the respondents characteristics; find the respondents level of social media usage; assess the respondents academic achievement; and determine the significant relationship between the respondents social media usage and their academic achievement and each of their characteristics. The respondents were the one hundred fifty-four (154) Grade 10 learners in Claveria, Misamis Oriental, during the School Year 2023-2024. Descriptive survey method of research was employed using a patterned and modified questionnaire. Slovins formula was used with stratified sampling procedure and descriptive statistics such as frequency, mean, standard deviation and Pearson Product Moment Correlation to analyze and interpret the data gathered. The study showed that most of the respondents rely heavily on social media platforms such as Facebook, where most of them used it for more than 3 hours per day, with a weekly allowance of Php50.00 were considered as majority users. The level of respondents social media usage was high and the level of their academic achievement in Filipino, English, Science and Araling Panlipunan was very satisfactory, while satisfactory in Mathematics. However, the relationship between respondents social media usage and the academic achievement and each of their characteristics was not significant, as well as their relationship between the respondents academic achievement and characteristics. This study concludes that despite exploring multiple aspects of social media usage, including its purposes as well as respondents characteristics, the study failed to detect any statistically significant relationships. This study contributes to understanding of the complex relationship between social media use and academic achievement, and highlights the need for further research to identify underlying factors that affect student academic achievement. It is recommended that learners should integrate technology in a way that supports learning. |
| Reconstruction of the Ius Constituendum for Cyber Notary in E-GMS as Relaas Acta | Author : Rizka Tiara Kusuma, Marsella Maurin Souissa, Wanda Shicilya, Putu Ayu Sriasih Wesna | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of writing this article is to deepen insight related to Reconstruction of the Ius Constituendum of Cyber Notary in E-GMS as Relaas Acta. This research uses a normative legal research method in the form of a statutory approach. During the COVID-19 pandemic, Indonesia first used E-GMS which was adapted to Cyber Notary. However, various problems arose during its implementation. The research results show that there is legal uncertainty regarding cyber notary regulations in Indonesia regarding E-GMS where the deed is drawn up by a notary as a relaas acta, so that a draft legislation is needed as the legal basis for cyber notaries in the future to guarantee the validity of an authentic deed. |
| Strategic Competency the Silver Bullet for SME Performance in South West, Nigeria | Author : ADEOKUN Olasupo Johnson | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Strategic competency plays a major significant role in the economic development, survival, and sustainability of every nation. The inability of Small and medium enterprises to work with strategic plans in achieving their desired objectives has become a phenomenon in South west, Nigeria. The purpose of this study is therefore to establish the relationship between strategic competencies and performance of SMEs in South west, Nigeria. In view of the above statement this study examines strategic competency and performance of small and medium enterprises in South-Western Nigeria. Quantitative method was adopted as research design. The population size is 23,294 SMEs in Lagos, Ogun, Osun, Oyo, Ekiti and Ondo State. Taro Yamani sampling formula was adopted to get 393 as sample size. Multi-stage sampling technique and structured self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the primary data. Cronbachs alpha coefficients for the variables ranged from 0.73 and 0.88. Standard multiple regression (SPSS version 22) was used to analyze the quantitative data. Findings from the tested hypothesis show that the variables have significant impact on the performance of SMEs in South west, Nigeria. The study findings revealed that strategic competencies are positively and statistically significant to performance in SMEs. The recommendations from the research are that Small and Medium Enterprise in South west State of Nigeria that want to have a competitive advantage over others must adopt in their own unique ways, strategic competency. |
| Learning Dynamics and Adaptations of Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs) in English Language Teaching in Inclusive Classrooms | Author : Aures Oindy T. Valera | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Learners with Special Educational Needs (LSENs) experience unique educational journeys in inclusive English classrooms. The study aimed to understand response patterns and task completion dynamics of learners with special educational needs (LSENs), particularly focusing on the deaf and visually impaired, within inclusive English instructional environments to inform effective pedagogical approaches and support structures. The qualitative study employed a case study method at Abra High School in rural Abra Province, Philippines. Purposive sampling selected two Grade 7 learners with special educational needs (deaf and visually impaired) enrolled in English classes. Data collection involved semi-structured interviews, classroom observations using protocols, and document analysis using templates to explore learner experiences, classroom dynamics, and educational materials. Thematic analysis was applied to interview transcripts, observation notes, and document reviews. text. The study yielded significant insights into the English language learning experiences of learners with special educational needs (LSENs), focusing particularly on visually impaired and deaf students within inclusive classrooms. It found that assistive technologies such as screen readers and tactile aids were instrumental for visually impaired learners, enabling them to effectively access and engage with English materials. Similarly, deaf learners benefited greatly from visual communication tools like sign language interpreters and captioning, facilitating their comprehension and active participation in English tasks. Support systems emerged as crucial components in navigating English learning for LSENs. Personalized teacher guidance and peer collaboration were highlighted as essential factors that fostered inclusivity and mutual support among students. These support mechanisms enhanced engagement and contributed significantly to the students comprehension and ability to navigate complex language structures. Despite these supportive measures, the study also identified challenges faced by LSENs, particularly in understanding abstract concepts and intricate language nuances. However, the study also highlighted the effectiveness of tailored instructional approaches that incorporated visual aids and provided clear explanations, instilling confidence in the potential of these methods to address these challenges effectively. Ultimately, the findings emphasize the transformative potential of inclusive practices in enhancing the educational experiences of learners with special educational needs in English language education. They advocate for continued efforts to integrate assistive technologies, personalized support systems, and tailored instructional strategies to ensure equitable access and optimal student learning outcomes. |
| Factors Affecting Students Dropout as Perceived by the Senior High School Students of MSU Marawi City. A Basis for a Proposed Guidance and Counseling Intervention Program and School Community Partnership | Author : Monasalam M. Disangcopan, MPA, MAEDGC, LPT | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aimed to determine the Factors affecting Students Dropout as Perceived by the Senior High School Students of MSU Marawi City. A Basis for a Proposed Guidance and Counseling Intervention Program and School Community Partnership. This study undertaken to highlight the answers of the following questions. First, what is the profile of the respondents in terms of Age, Gender, Civil Status, Religion, Affiliation, Ethnicity, Scholarship, Number of Siblings, Siblings Rank. The Fathers Educational Attainment, Father Occupations, Mothers Educational Attainment, Mothers Occupation and Family Monthly Income. Second, what are the causes and factors affecting drop out in school among the graduating students of Senior High School of MSU Marawi City in relation to the following, Family Related factors, Peers Related Factors, School Related Factors Personal Problems Related Factors, Peace and Order and Ridu. Third, what is school community partnership and intervention program may be formulated based on the findings of the study. This study was conducted in MSU Marawi City Senior High School where three hundred forty-one students served as the respondents. A descriptive design was used in this study. SelfConstructed questionnaire was the main instrument used to gather data for this study. After administering, recording, tabulating and interpreting the data gathered the following finding were drawn: Many (41.64%) of the respondents were between 18 to 20 years of age, (56.89%) of the respondents were female, Majority (64.81%) of them belong to Islam religion. Majority (57.77%) were Meranao. Therefore, Senior High School of MSU Marawi City has an age of brackets of 18 to 20 years old, a female, with a religious affiliation of Islam, a Meranao, and ESC Grantees status, with 6 or more siblings, probably 3rd or 5th in rank, where fathers and mothers Educational Attainment is college graduate both working in government office with a monthly income of above P 15, 000.00 The researcher observed that the factors related to students dropout was Ridu (3.11%) and peace and order ( 2.77%) family (2.76%) personal( 2.73%) peer ( 2.73%) and School (2.72) were sometime related to students dropout in school. As such, there is no one causes and factor that could contribute to dropouts of the students. Studies yielded that no single factor can completely account for students performance and decision to continue in school until they finish their senior high school. Just as a student they report a variety of reasons for not pursuing their academic. The decision to drop out is not simply a result of what happens in school. Clearly students behavior and performance in school influences their decision to stay or leave, but students activities and behaviors outside of school particularly engaging in deviant behavior also influences their determination to pursue their academic. Thus, this study is primarily recommended to the school heads, curriculum makers, guidance counselor, parents, community, teachers, students and to the future researchers to really assess, properly monitor the students performance will help them focus their studies and pursue to graduate. The benefits of this study greatly help in motivating the students to stay in school and graduate. Planning and decision making should consider the background knowledge, and culture of the students prior to his needs. |
| The Influence of Competence and Training towards Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction as Intervening Variable in Wonoayu Health Center, Sidoarjo Regency | Author : Widya Anggaini, Harianto Respati, Boge Triatmanto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to analyze the influence of competence and training on job satisfaction and employee performance at Wonoayu Community Health Center, Sidoarjo Regency. The results show that employee competence does not have a significant effect on job satisfaction, while training has a substantial impact on job satisfaction. Additionally, job satisfaction plays an essential role in enhancing employee performance. Competence and training directly have a positive effect on employee performance and through the mediation of job satisfaction. Wonoayu Community Health Center is advised to regularly conduct relevant and periodic training, create a comfortable and supportive work environment, and provide recognition and rewards to outstanding employees to boost motivation and job satisfaction. Providing career development programs, mentoring, and coaching is also important to help employees develop their competencies. Wonoayu Community Health Center should strengthen communication and cooperation between units and hold regular team-building activities. Future researchers should expand the sample and research locations, use a mixed-method approach, and conduct longitudinal studies. Future research should include external and personal factors that affect employee performance and develop a more comprehensive conceptual model while testing new hypotheses to enrich academic literature. |
| The Relationship between Teacher Competences, Quality of Infrastructure, Student Participation, and School Policy with Students Learning Motivation in PJOK Subject at MA Maarif Dassholihin | Author : Ariyanto, Soni Nopembri | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the relationship between teacher competence, quality of facilities and infrastructure, student participation and school policies in increasing student learning motivation in PJOK subjects at MA Maarif Darussholihin. The subjects of this study were students in grades X - XII, totaling 350 students. The sample in this study amounted to 160 students. This study uses a correlation method with a quantitative approach that aims to determine the presence and absence of a relationship between or two variables by collecting numerical data that can be measured related to teacher competence, quality of facilities and infrastructure, student participation, school policy and learning motivation. The data collection technique uses a questionnaire. Data validation uses the product moment formula with r count < r table (0.154). Reliability using Crombach Alpha, namely reliability (0.945) The analysis technique uses linear regression analysis, which will involve various descriptive statistical tests, classical assumption tests, and hypothesis testing. The results of the study showed a significant relationship between teacher competence and learning motivation. There is a significant relationship between infrastructure and learning motivation. There is a significant relationship between student participation and learning motivation. There is a significant relationship between school policies and learning motivation. There is a significant relationship between teacher competence, quality of facilities and infrastructure, student participation, school policies together with students learning motivation. |
| 21st Century Learning Skills, Study Habits, and the Mathematics Performance of Grade 7 Students | Author : Joy M. Corpuz | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examined the study habits, 21st-century learning skills, and mathematics performance of 132 Grade 7 students at Santa Maria National High School in the 2021-2022 school year. It looked at the kids characteristics, study habits, and 21st-century learning skills to see how they correlated with their arithmetic ability. The study used a descriptive approach with tailored questionnaires, with data evaluated using frequency count, percentage, mean, and Spearman rho. The results revealed that the majority of pupils were of the suitable age, primarily female, lived in rural areas, and had parents working in a variety of occupations. They spent 1-4 hours a day on devices, with smartphones and the Brainly app being the most popular, and books were preferred as educational tools. The survey discovered that pupils had "very good" study habits, "high" 21st-century learning skills, and a "very satisfactory" level of mathematics achievement. There were no significant relationships observed between students profiles and their study habits or 21st-century learning skills. However, there was a substantial link found between study habits and 21st-century learning ability. Communication and creativity skills were also found to be highly connected to math achievement. The study suggests that mathematics teachers integrate various applications, create interactive materials, and use teaching approaches that promote 21st-century abilities such as communication, creativity, and critical thinking through active learning, project-based, and problem-based projects. |
| Ethical Issues Confronting Indonesia: An In-Depth Analysis of the Hambalang Corruption Case and its Impact on Anticorruption Measures and Governance | Author : Subagio Subagio, Sjamsiar Sjamsudin, Firda Hidayati, Wike Wike | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study conducts a nuanced examination of ethical challenges confronting Indonesia, centering on the Hambalang corruption case. Through an indepth analysis, the study scrutinizes the intricate ethical dimensions of the scandal and investigates its broader ramifications on anti-corruption measures and governance in the nation. The research aspires to offer nuanced insights into the complex interplay between ethics, governance, and corruption, aiming to contribute to the ongoing discourse on ethical governance and anti-corruption strategies in Indonesia. |
| A Study Was Conducted With the Aim of Gaining Insight into the Transformation of Religious Communication Knowledge among Buddhist Religious Counsellors in Bandar Lampung | Author : Sidartha Adi Gautama, I Putu Gelgel, I Gusti Bagus Wirawan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research discusses the transformation of religious communication knowledge among Buddhist religious instructors in Bandar Lampung. This transformation is important because of the challenges faced by the counsellors in responding to the increasingly complex spiritual needs of the community. Against the backdrop of the socio-cultural and educational diversity of the congregation, this research explores how Buddhist religious counsellors adapt their communication methods and how this knowledge is developed and applied in the local context. Through a qualitative approach, the research reveals the dynamics of religious communication and its contribution to the spiritual development of Buddhists in the region. |
| Work Training as Intervening Variable between Discipline and Motivation Effect towards the Labor Quality in UPT Job Training Center, Pasuruan | Author : Ardi Widyatama, M.C. Sina Setyadi, Tanto G. Sumarsono | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to evaluate the influence of discipline, motivation, and job training on workforce quality at UPT Balai Latihan Kerja Pasuruan. Discipline and motivation are identified as critical factors that can affect the improvement of workforce quality, while job training serves as a mediating variable connecting the relationship between discipline, motivation, and workforce quality. The research method employed is path analysis to measure the collective impact of these variables. Data were obtained through a survey conducted among trainees at UPT Balai Latihan Kerja Pasuruan. The results of the analysis indicate that discipline among employees has a positive influence on job training, and motivation among employees also has a positive impact on job training. Furthermore, job training also has a positive effect on workforce quality. The findings also reveal that discipline and motivation jointly have a positive influence on workforce quality, and job training acts as a connecting factor that strengthens this influence. Thus, this research emphasizes the significance of discipline, motivation, and job training in enhancing workforce quality. Implementing the recommendations derived from this study can assist UPT Balai Latihan Kerja Pasuruan in improving workforce quality and the effectiveness of their training programs. Additionally, this research provides guidance for further studies to gain a deeper understanding of the factors affecting workforce quality in the context of an organization. |
| Irresponsibility in the Exercise of Political Power: A Marxist Analysis of Animal Farm | Author : NTélam OULAM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Irresponsibility is the quality of not being trustworthy or dependable. In political arena, it has more to do with the traits of a leader who lacks a sense of responsibility and does not feel accountable for their actions. Indeed, irresponsibility in politics leads mostly to the abuse of power, that is, the misuse of a position of power to take unjust advantage of individuals, organizations, or governments. What is irresponsibility and how is it depicted in Animal Farm? Who are the characters involved in the misuse of political power in Animal Farm? How is this power used abusively and what are the consequences of it? These are the questions that this paper analyses through the lenses of the Marxist criticism and proposes clues of good conduct for the benefit of society. |
| Javanese Language Learning Media Innovation Post-Covid-19 Pandemic | Author : Sintha Wijayanti, Endang Nurhayati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Entering the new normal, there is a change in the habits of students in using gadgets and technology. However, faceto- face learning activities need to be carried out again to foster a social spirit. The author is interested in knowing the innovations that have been carried out from previous studies and their application in the classroom. So it is hoped that it can be a depiction of innovation and inspiration for teachers throughout Indonesia. The research is a qualitative research with a narrative literature review approach to make an analysis and synthesis of existing knowledge. The results of this study divide innovations into several types, namely: Multimedia classroom learning using learning aids; applications on smartphones in the form of catalogs and games; illustrated stories, print and online comics; audio learning podcasts make it easy to access lessons where and when; as well as youtube javanese videos to maintain the javanese language. Teachers need to have new innovations or use existing innovations to deliver learning materials. |
| The Dynamics of the Construction of the Jakarta-Yogyakarta Railroad throughthe Banyumas Karesidenan (1914-1917) | Author : Hari Aprilia Kurniawan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research was conducted with the aim of complementing the study of the topic of the history of civil engineering technology from the colonial period which explains thedevelopment of rail-based transportation networks, as well as the trial and error of new technology trials at that time. In this research, it is expected to obtain a basic and detailed explanation of the planning, location determination, and construction process. In addition, the research that took place on the Cirebon-Kroya railway line concentrated on the Notog-Kebasen segment reviewed the development of the railway network in Java which was closely related to the transportation revolution in the application of new technology in Java, including the construction system of tunnels, roads, and bridges (mentioned as wisdom buildings), located in the Notog-Kebasen area. The explanation in this research is presented in a chronological, systematic, and qualitative analysis, to examine the topic of the history of civil engineering technology in the construction of the railroad network, including the wisdom building. The construction of the Cirebon-Kroya railway refers to the law of December 31, 1912 Stbl. 32/(1913), in which the 75 km Cirebon-Margasari section was opened on July 1, 1916, the 51 km Kroya-Margasari section was opened on July 1, 1916, and the 32 km Patuguran-Margasari section was opened on January 1, 1907. |
| Critical Discourse Analysis Model of Teun A. Van Dijk on the Lyrics of the Song Indonesia Bakoh By Ndarboy Genk | Author : Firmansyah Zaenuri, Sri Harti Widyastuti, Mulyana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Discourse is a representation of the world. Through song lyrics, musicians can convey various forms of opinions, views, or criticisms about the realities of life. This is also the case with Daru Jaya Ndarboy Genk, whose song titled Indonesia Bakoh is the subject of this research. The lyrics of this song contain criticism and social realities regarding the grievances of Indonesian society concerning employment issues. The aim of this study is to investigate the discourse in the lyrics of the song Indonesia Bakoh, which features criticism and social reality. This research employs a discourse study method with a qualitative descriptive approach and a critical paradigm. The critical discourse analysis is conducted using Van Dijks model. Data collection is performed using note-taking techniques. The data analysis technique in this study uses Van Dijks discourse analysis model, which includes three main dimensions: text, social cognition, and context. The results indicate that, from the text dimension, including macro structure, superstructure, and micro structure, the social reality portrayed in Indonesia Bakoh relates to social inequality. In the social cognition dimension, the song reveals social realities related to how one obtains employment. In the social context element, the musicians social critique addresses the reality that in Indonesia, there are practices of power within the government system that disadvantage the people. |
| Impact of Political Instability on Tourism in West Bengal. | Author : Sayani Chatterjee, Abhisek Sarkar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aimed to investigate the effects of political instability on tourism-related business performance, incoming tourist flows in West Bengal, and overall tourism-based earnings. The nonlinear effects of political risk and economic growth on tourism receipts are examined in this research. Nevertheless, the secondary data that is now accessible with the unobserved component model technique detection only provides a broad picture of the issue. Experts such as managers of lodging establishments, staff members of local tourism development offices, and tourism researchers were interviewed as a result. Expert interviews exposed West Bengals tourism industrys prospects, challenges, and potential developments in the face of the region five years of political unrest. The findings confirm earlier research showing that, in the near run, political unrest lowers tourism. However, the long-term viewpoint has yielded various results from the expert interviews with main province cities. Political instability benefits cities with developed tourism businesses that are located outside of crisis areas. Places that relied on visitors from the countries or continents like Europe, Germany, China, USA are mostly affected. The political unrest in eastern West Bengal did not significantly affect cities with low levels of tourism development. |
| Teachers Work Satisfaction and Service Execution | Author : Ma. Lourdes S. Sale, Erlinda A. Quirap | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Teachers encourage and help students to fully acquire holistic abilities used for their lifelong journey toward excellence. The purpose of this study was to examine the factors that affect teachers work satisfaction and service execution. It aimed to answer the relationship between teachers work satisfaction and service execution among public school teachers. A descriptive correlational research design that included one hundred thirty-nine (139) public school teachers in the Balingasag, District, Division of Misamis Oriental, employing a universal purposive sampling. The study utilized adapted and modified instruments. The data was analyzed using statistical tools, including mean and standard deviation, and Pearson (r) correlation coefficients. The findings showed that there is a moderate positive correlation between teachers work satisfaction and service execution levels. Teachers reported high work satisfaction due to supportive colleagues, positive leadership, conducive teaching conditions, and adequate compensation despite manageable workloads. High service execution among teachers is driven by the fulfillment of intrinsic needs related to existence, connectedness, and growth within their professional roles. Additionally, greater work satisfaction was found to correlate with improved service execution among teachers. It is recommended that the importance of promoting happy work environments and implementing initiatives to improve teachers work satisfaction is emphasized, leading to improved educational outcomes. |
| An Analysis of the Theory of Justice against the Standard of Proof Beyond Reasonable Doubt in the Judges Decision in the Jessica Kumala Wongso Case | Author : Jayanto Timbang, Aloysius Wisnubroto, Hyronimus Rhiti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to find out the theory of justice that can be used by judges in proving criminal cases in Indonesia and the use of the theory of justice in the standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt in the judges decision in the Jessica Kumala Wongso case. This research uses normative legal research methods with legal philosophy, legislation and conceptual approaches. The data source used is secondary data consisting of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials analyzed qualitatively with deductive inference, starting with general principles and concepts about the theory of justice and the standard of proof beyond reasonable doubt, the analysis moves towards specific propositions to determine the value of justice and the relevance of this standard in the judges decision in the Jessica Kumala Wongso case. The study found that Gustav Radbruchs theory of justice can be applied by judges in Indonesian criminal cases, using six evidentiary parameters: theory of evidence, minimum evidence, evidence, presentation of evidence, burden of proof, and strength of proof. These parameters reflect Radbruchs legal values of justice, purpose, and legal certainty. Judges using Radbruchs theory prioritize justice, followed by purpose and legal certainty. In Jessicas case, despite doubts about the evidence, the judges found her guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, aligning with Radbruchs principle that justice should take precedence in the standard of proof. |
| The Application of Quizizz Software in Assessing Mathematics Learning Outcomes for Secondary School Students | Author : Doan Thi My Linh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Assessment in secondary school mathematics is not only about testing knowledge but also promoting students thinking, learning motivation, and overall development. Assessment combined with detailed feedback from teachers helps motivate students to improve their learning efforts. Many scholars have demonstrated that using Quizizz in teaching not only encourages students to be more active and engaged in learning but also provides immediate and accurate feedback. However, to effectively evaluate mathematics learning outcomes for secondary students, teachers need to follow principles such as selecting appropriate content, creating questions with varying difficulty levels, and utilizing Quizizzs features. Additionally, teachers must possess skills in technology use, timely feedback, and learning outcome analysis to enhance the effectiveness of assessment. |
| Website-Based Electronic Module With SSI on Human Excretory System Material to Improve Cognitive Abilities and Critical Thinking | Author : Dede Ayu Fadilah, Nur Aeni Ariyanti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This development research aims to determine the feasibility, practicality and effectiveness of website-based electronic modules with socio scientific issue (SSI) on human excretory system material to improve cognitive abilities and critical thinking of class XI high school students. This type of research is R&D (research and development) with the ADDIE model (analysis, design, development, implementation and evaluation). The feasibility of the developed product was assessed by material and media experts, practicality was assessed by biology teachers and student responses. Effectiveness is obtained from the results of field trials by implementing the product to experimental class students and not implemented to control class students. Analysis of product feasibility and practicality was calculated using the feasibility and practicality test formula, while the analysis of the results of cognitive abilities and critical thinking was calculated using Exel and SPSS 23. The results showed that the web-based electronic module product with SSI on human excretory system material developed was very feasible to use with very good criteria, based on the feasibility test. The product is also very practical to use with very good criteria according to biology teachers and students. The developed product is known to be effective in improving students cognitive and critical thinking skills. The average result of cognitive ability in the experimental class of 73.44 is greater than the control which is 64.78. The average result of cognitive ability in the experimental class was 72.50 with an N-Gain value of 0.64, indicating that the increase was in the moderate category, while the average critical thinking in the experimental class was 0.60 greater than the control class of 41.28. The average result of critical thinking ability in the experimental class is 0.60 which shows that there is an increase in the moderate category. Based on these results, it is known that the cognitive and critical thinking abilities of students obtained a sig value. (2-tailed) 0.05, which means that there is a significant difference in cognitive abilities and critical thinking of students between the control class and the experimental class. |
| A Comparison of Interpolation and Least Squares Methods for the Approximate Solution of Differential Equation | Author : M. Sandoval-Hernandez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this article is to assist novice students in understanding and applying numerical analysis techniques. This article presents a comparison between the numerical methods of least squares and Newtons interpolation for solving differential equations with boundary conditions. Two case studies are examined where these methodologies are applied, generating polynomial solutions of degree 20. Both methods demonstrate high accuracy, despite differences in the magnitude and signs of the coefficients for each power forming the polynomial. The solution obtained via interpolation exhibits better accuracy compared to LMS, with an improvement of up to 8 orders of magnitude near the right boundary. |
| Real-Time Indian Sign Language Recognition Using CNNs for Communication Accessibility | Author : Abhishek Deshmukh | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The challenge of communication for the deaf and mute community continues to pose a barrier in connecting with society. Sign language, a manual communication method, has emerged as an essential tool for this group, yet it remains largely unrecognized by the majority of the population. This research proposes a machine learning-based Indian Sign Language (ISL) detection system utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) to bridge this gap. The system is designed to automatically recognize hand gestures representing ISL alphabets in real-time through a camera interface. Key steps include image preprocessing, gesture detection, and classification using a trained CNN model, followed by deployment on mobile platforms via TensorFlow Lite integrated with Flutter. This approach ensures the model is lightweight yet capable of delivering high accuracy in real-world settings. The model achieves impressive results, with accuracy levels exceeding 90% in predicting hand gestures. The application is user-friendly, enabling anyone with a smartphone to recognize ISL symbols and assist in communication with the deaf-mute community. This paper discusses the implementation, performance, and potential extensions of the system, positioning it as an effective tool for improving communication accessibility. |
| Land Cover and Water Ecosystem Services: Assessment of Bigbiga Protected Landscape (BPL) | Author : Jeusom Jerie C. Manuel, Francisco N. Divina | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study assessed the profile of respondents, the level of implementation of water ecosystem services, and the relationships between these factors within the Bigbiga Protected Landscape (BPL). It also examined land cover changes from 2010 to 2024 and their correlation with water ecosystem services implementation. Additionally, the study aimed to identify problems in implementing water ecosystem services and propose policies to enhance these services. A descriptive correlational research design was employed, utilizing survey questionnaires to gather data on respondents profiles and perceptions of water ecosystem services implementation. The Pearson correlation coefficient was used to explore relationships between profile of respondents and water ecosystem services implementation. Remote sensing and GIS techniques facilitated the analysis of land cover changes, while a t-test evaluated the relationship between these changes and water ecosystem services implementation. The study found that the BPL communitys diverse demographic profile reflects a strong connection to the environment. Notably, watershed protection, biodiversity conservation, flood control and disaster risk, community awareness and education, policy development and integrated resource management are strongly implemented. However, perceptions of service implementation varied significantly with age, length of residency, and household size. The land cover analysis revealed a substantial increase in open forest areas between 2010 and 2024, although these changes did not significantly affect the implementation of water ecosystem services. A key issue identified was the inadequacy of water quality and quantity management. To address these challenges, a comprehensive policy is proposed, focusing on improving water management through enhanced monitoring, public participation, enforcement of standards, and adaptive policy mechanisms. The study concludes that implementing customized educational programs, establishing a dedicated task force and local water management committees, and enhancing outreach efforts designed for different demographic groups are essential for the effective management of the BPLs natural resources. Strengthening enforcement mechanisms, improving water system infrastructure, and promoting community involvement in forest protection and water management are recommended to ensure the sustainable use and conservation of water resources in the BPL. |
| Competence Level of 21st Century Mathematics Teachers: Basis for In-Service Training Program | Author : Lailani A. Pascual | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Teaching competence plays a vital role in the learning process. Teachers must possess high level of competence to ensure academic achievement. This study determined the teaching competence of 54 Mathematics Teachers in Unit III of Ilocos Sur Division during the School Year 2023-2024 as basis for an in-service training program. It answered the sub-problems: the profile of teachers in terms of age, gender, civil status, educational attainment, years in service, and number of related seminars in Mathematics for the last 3 years; the level of teaching competence of Mathematics teachers along dedication to teaching, knowledge of the subject matter, classroom organization and management, instructional organization, instructional implementation, and monitoring student progress and potential; the relationship between the profile of teachers and the level of teaching competence; crafting of in-service training program; and the level of acceptability of the training program. Descriptive-correlational and developmental research designs were used. Findings of the study showed that Mathematics teachers are very highly competent. Age and years of service has a positive significant relationship with the teachers competence level. An in-service training program was crafted to maintain and uplift the competence level of the teachers. The in-service training program was rated very highly acceptable. In conclusion, though teachers are very highly competent, there are still competences that need to be improved. Teachers should engage in continuous professional development to maintain their very high competence level and improve the weaker competences. Thus, teachers should be provided with enough opportunities to enhance their craft. |
| An Analytical Study: Employing Ecofeminist in Anne Clermonts learning to Fall From Horse-Assisted Therapy Perspective | Author : Bassim Mohammad Ali Al-Masri, Salim E.Al-ibia | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to examine the healing power of human–horse relationships in The Learning to Fall (2016) by Anne Clermont, by employing Ecofeminism Theory and Horse-Assisted Therapy (HAT). This study attempts to answer the following question: what is the nature of the psychological connections between Brynn Seymour and her horse in Learning to Fall? Additionally, this study will investigate the relationships between man and animal, by relying on some relevant ecofeminism theoretical frameworks. Also, the aim is to explore the ways in which relationships are constructed between male characters, female characters, and horses in learning to fall. Generally speaking, ecofeminism is useful in examining the power dynamics as manifested in the interactions between men, women, and horses. |
| An Examination of the Impact of Spiritual Leadership and Work Motivation on Employee Performance As Measured by Job Satisfaction at the Bahrul Maghfirah Cinta Indonesia Foundation in Malang | Author : Ifsaul Muhdor, Tanto G. Sumarsono, Sunardi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Human resources are assets that do not have a form because they are in the form of expertise, skills, creativity, and abstract knowledge that a person specifically possesses. Good human resources will further develop the organization and enable it to compete with changing times. This research aims to determine the influence of spiritual leadership and work motivation on job satisfaction; the influence of spiritual leadership and work motivation on employee performance. Job satisfaction can mediate the relationship between spiritual leadership and employee performance, and job satisfaction mediates the relationship between work motivation and employee performance. The population of this study was 118 employees of the Bahrul Maghfiroh Cinta Indonesia Malang Foundation. Sampling used the Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling technique. The sample obtained was 50 respondents. The data analysis used is a validity test, reliability test, classical assumption test, and path. The research results show that (1) spiritual leadership and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction; (2) spiritual leadership and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction; (3) spiritual leadership and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance; (4) spiritual leadership and work motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee performance; (5) Job Satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on employee performance; (6) job satisfaction cannot mediate the relationship between spiritual leadership and employee performance and (7) job satisfaction cannot mediate the relationship between work motivation and employee performance. |
| Development of Karate Martial Arts Material Heian Nidan Kata in Junior High School through Teacher Book Media and Android Applications | Author : Veggi Destasari, Erwin Setyo Kriswanto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to: 1) produce products in the form of books and android applications that contain the development of karate martial arts material heian nidan kata for junior high school level students. 2) As well as proving the feasibility of book products and andorid applications containing the development of karate martial arts material kata heian nidan in use as a learning medium. And 3) to prove the effectiveness of book products and andorid applications produced as the development of karate martial arts material heian nidan kata with the physical education learning process in junior high school. The development of karate martial arts material kata heian nidan is to describe 22 kata movements with a positional point of view which are then packaged in book media and android applications. This research is research and development or rnd using ADDIE development through 5 stages. The research stages include 1) The first stage of analysis, analysis is carried out on data from pre-research, namely distributing questionnaires to teachers and conducting field observations. 2) The second stage by designing or designing concepts and content to be presented in the product, 3) Development of product design realization activities that have previously been made. 4) Implementation of the application of the product obtaining feedback on the product developed through the validation process of material experts and media experts and 5) the last stage is evaluation by distributing the product to teachers in order to get feedback on the use of the product, so that revisions can be made with the results of the evaluation or the previous unmet needs of the development product. The research subjects in this study were physical education teachers. Research and product dissemination were conducted online through google form. Data were obtained through observation, documentation, questionnaires and interviews. Analysis of the data that has been obtained using quantitative descriptive techniques and qualitative data from the Likert scale conversion results. The results of the research are the development of karate martial arts material heian nidan kata in the form of book products and android applications. Book products in the form of modules or teacher handbooks and android-based karate applications that can be accessed by teachers and students. The assessment of the material expert on the development of the material carried out and the product is 89% reaching the very feasible category. Media experts on the feasibility of material development reached 80% with a very feasible category. Teacher handbook products and android-based karate applications are categorized as effective products because they are easy to understand, clear, interesting and easy to access with a percentage of effectiveness of 74% which is a product worth using with improvements according to suggestions. The development of heian nidan karate martial arts material in junior high school through book media and android applications is feasible to use in the learning process. |
| Driving the Shift: Key Factors Influencing Compressed Natural Gas Adoption in Vehicles in Ilala, Dar Es Salaam | Author : Zamela Mussa Kinyami | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examines the factors influencing the adoption and usage of compressed natural gas (CNG) in vehicles, focusing on its potential as a cleaner burning hydrocarbon, and the challenges faced by vehicle owners in using CNG. A double hurdle model and descriptive statistics were applied to data collected from 100 randomly selected vehicle owners who visited three major petrol stations in Ilala district, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The findings reveal that higher education levels and younger vehicle age positively influence both the decision to adopt CNG and the intensity of its usage. Conversely, older vehicles and higher conversion costs hinder adoption. The study also identifies key challenges such as limited CNG infrastructure, high initial conversion costs, and safety concerns. The research underscores the need for targeted policies that enhance public awareness, expand refueling infrastructure, and provide financial incentives to facilitate the adoption of CNG in Tanzanias transport sector. These measures could significantly contribute to the promotion of cleaner, more sustainable energy alternatives in the automotive industry. |
| Application of Project-Based Learning Model to Social Studies LearningMaterials of the Independent Curriculum at SDN 01 Depok City | Author : Rudi Ritonga | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to obtain a clearer picture of how PBL can be implemented effectively in social studies learning in elementary schools, and can provide input for educational policy makers in formulating policies that support the implementation of innovative learning models and in accordance with dynamic curriculum demands. This research uses a quantitative approach with a quasi-experimental design. This approach was chosen because it is suitable for measuring the effectiveness of implementing the Project-Based Learning (PBL) learning model in improving student learning outcomes in Social Sciences (IPS) subjects. The research results show that the t test results show that the calculated t value (4.321) is greater than the t table (2.001) with a p-value 0.05. Meanwhile, the results of critical thinking, collaboration and creativity skills experienced a significant increase after implementing PBL, with an average increase of 16.7 to 17.9 points. This indicates that there is a statistically significant difference between the learning outcomes of students who use the PBL model and those who use conventional learning methods. Therefore, it can be concluded that the PBL learning model is more effective in improving students social studies learning outcomes. |
| Increasing the Reading Levels of Grade 2 Learners through Assistive Technology Application Tools (ATAT) | Author : Ruby May T, Ocon | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In today’s digital world, reading skills are critical for learners, and the use of technology in education has become an important tool to enhance these skills. This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of Assistive Technology Application Tools (ATAT) in improving the reading skills of Grade 2 learners at Pilar Village Elementary School during the School Year 20222023. The study employed a total enumeration sampling method, with 67 participants, and used the Phil-IRI tools as pre-test and post-test measures. Data were analyzed using mean and standard deviation to assess reading skill levels, while a paired ttest was used to evaluate the significant differences before and after the intervention. The findings revealed a substantial improvement in reading skills, with a mean difference of 17.83 in the post-test scores after the ATAT intervention. This indicates that the technology-assisted reading programs significantly enhanced both recognition and comprehension skills. These findings imply that the application of assistive technology has the potential not only to address immediate literacy challenges but also to foster long-term learning engagement. Moreover, this approach can bridge learning gaps by providing equitable access to interactive and tailored reading instruction, potentially levelling the playing field for learners with different abilities and learning paces. The results suggest that the early integration of technology in basic education could have broader implications for improving academic outcomes across other subjects as well. In conclusion, the use of interactive tools like ATAT positively influenced the reading abilities of the learners. The study demonstrates that integrating digital technologies into early-grade reading programs can be an effective approach to developing literacy skills in young students. |
| A Strategic Overview of the Indian Fashion Industry with apropos to Logistics and Sustainable Supply Chain Management | Author : Ayra Chugani, Dr. Abhishek Pratap Singh Sachan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research study emphasizes the social, environmental, and economic facets of the fashion supply chain and attempts to provide a thorough analysis of sustainability challenges. It aims to comprehend the effects of many sustainability programs and practices, assess the lessons gained from industry mistakes and attempts, and pinpoint areas needing more study and development. Using a qualitative approach, the paper thoroughly reviews case studies, industry white papers, and publications in peer-reviewed journals. Insights from current sustainability trends are integrated with analyses of top brands sustainability policies, including Nike, Unilever, and Patagonia. The process involves investigating the best methods for incorporating sustainability into fundamental company operations, evaluating social and environmental sustainability efforts, and estimating the economic effects of these activities. The necessity of combining social, environmental, and ethical standards holistically, the significance of expanding sustainability initiatives beyond first-tier suppliers, and the crucial role of supply chain openness are some of the major conclusions. Notable instances include Nikes innovations in sustainable materials, Unilevers circular economy programs, and Patagonias fair work policies. According to the report, incorporating sustainability into the operations has long-term financial advantages, including improved customer loyalty and brand reputation. This study offers fresh perspectives on the realworld difficulties and achievements of integrating sustainability into the fashion supply chain. It analyses industry standards thoroughly and offers feasible recommendations for businesses looking to improve their sustainability initiatives. The current collection of knowledge on the sustainability of the fashion supply chain is greatly enhanced by the addition of particular case studies and the investigation of cutting-edge technology and practices. |
| Time Series Econometric Analysis of ODOPs Contribution to State-Level GDP Growth in India | Author : Prashant Kumar, Professor V.N.Gupta, Professor Kanchan Lata Sinha | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examines the economic impact of the One District One Product (ODOP) scheme on state-level GDP growth in India using time-series econometric models from 2011 to 2023. The ODOP initiative, launched by the Indian government, aims to promote regional economic development by fostering unique local products from each district. By employing Vector Autoregression (VAR) and Johansen Co-Integration methods, the research quantitatively assesses the causal relationship between the ODOP scheme and GDP growth across various states. Preliminary findings suggest that ODOP significantly contributes to regional GDP, particularly through enhancing local production and market reach, thereby integrating regional economies into national and global value chains. This study underscores the importance of targeted regional policies in achieving broader economic objectives and fostering sustainable development. It also highlights the ODOP schemes role in promoting traditional products and skills, which aligns with the governments larger goals of a self-reliant India. |