The Effect of Teamwork and Organizational Commitment on Employee Performance | Author : Syaiful Arifin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to analyze the effect of teamwork on employee performance, analyze the effect of organizational commitment on employee performance, and analyze the effect of teamwork and organizational commitment simultaneously on employee performance. The sample in this research was 100 employees of PT Telkom Indonesia. The data analysis technique uses multiple regression analysis. The results of the analysis show that teamwork influences employee performance. Organizational commitment influences employee performance. Teamwork and organizational commitment simultaneously influence employee performance. |
| FDI and the Triangle “Growth, Inequality and Poverty” in North Africa | Author : GHAZOUANI Nidham | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The economic literature has shown that the effect of FDI on poverty through these instruments has undergone radical changes which reflect, on the one hand, the growing progress, made by the academic community, in the very complex analysis of interactions with income growth and inequality; and the level of political interest in the topic of poverty reduction. |
| The Influence of Financial Performance And Earning Management on Firm Value (Case Study in the Food And Beverage Industry) | Author : Istutik , Erensiana Roswita Hale , Irawan Budianto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to analyzes the influence of financial performance and earnings management on company value with the research object being food and beverage companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) with an observation period of 2017-2021 Secondary data was obtained from the IDX website, five periods of financial reports were obtained from 41 companies, using a purposive sampling technique, only 24 companies remained. The analysis method uses multiple linear regression with the help of the SPSS program. The independent variables in this research are financial performance and earnings management, with firm value as the dependent variable. The results of this research indicate that the financial performance variable has a significant positive effect on firm value. Likewise, the earnings management variable has a significant positive effect on firm value. Companies need to maintain performance and carry out good earnings management so that firm value is also good. |
| The Effect of Job Insecurity on Turnover Intention through Job Satisfaction as a Mediating Variable: A Case Study in the Hospital of Nahdlatul Ulama Jombang | Author : Abdul Rohim , Widy Taurus Sandy | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to ascertain, analyze, and elucidate the influence of job insecurity and job satisfaction on turnover intention, the impact of job insecurity on job satisfaction, and the mediating role of job satisfaction in the relationship between job insecurity and turnover intention. The study adopts a quantitative approach and focuses on a population of 222 employees, with a sample size of 70 individuals from Nahdlatul Ulama Hospital in Jombang. Data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires employing a Likert scale. Data analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling–Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) with the assistance of the SmartPLS software. The findings of this research indicate that the perception of high job insecurity among employees can potentially trigger an increase in turnover intention. Concurrently, high levels of job insecurity may lead to a decline in job satisfaction. Furthermore, low job satisfaction can also contribute to an increase in turnover intention among employees. Additionally, it is observed that job satisfaction partially mediates the relationship between job insecurity and turnover intention. This study contributes valuable insights into the complex dynamics of job insecurity, job satisfaction, and turnover intention in the context of healthcare organizations. The implications of these findings extend to the broader field of human resource management and offer practical guidance for mitigating turnover intention among healthcare professionals. |
| The Influence of Funding Decisions, Investment, and Liquidity Decisions on the Profitability | Author : Annaria Magdalena M , Bintang Sahala Marpaung , Amanda Meilan Purbasari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Companies must always strive to maximize their income in getting results and levels of profit. Companies can maximize their advantages if financial management knows the factors influencing profitability. Profit plays a massive role in determining whether a company will experience difficulty or can continue to survive in the industrial world. This study aimed to determine the influence of Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Total Asset Growth (TAG), and Current Ratio (CR) on Return on Assets (ROA) in food and beverages sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017- 2022. This research method uses quantitative methods. A total of 16 companies were included in the sample study. These samples were taken using a purposive sampling method. Hypothesis testing in this research uses panel data analysis with the E-views 12 program. This research shows that DER, TAG, and CR. influence ROA, and partially, DER harms ROA, but TAG and CR. partially do not influence ROA. |
| Influence Leverage, Cost Environment, and Performance Environment to Financial Performance | Author : David HM Hasibuan , Mario Santo Michael Tinambunan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The companys financial performance is essential for investors to invest in a company. Apart from having to generate maximum profits, the company has obligations to maintain the sustainability of its business in the future. The more the finance company, the more interested investors are in making investments. Therefore, financial performance is the key to obtaining source financing to maintain the continuity of company activities. Study This aims To test the influence of leverage, cost environment, and environmental performance on the companys financial performance in the Company Industry Base and Chemistry, Which is registered in Exchange Effect Indonesia (IDX) year 2018- 2022. This research uses signal theory and stakeholder theory. This method is quantitative, with the data source from the company website,, and Proper Ministry of the Environment and Forestry (, sampling obtained with purposive sampling. Based on the results, testing can conclude that leverage and cost environment are influential, negative, and significant to performance finance, whereas performance environment does not affect financial performance. |
| The Effectiveness of Digital Marketing in Fostering Consumer Buying Interest during the Covid-19 Pandemic (Case Study on Shopee E-Commerce Users at University of Merdeka Malang, Indonesia) | Author : Dyah Setyawati* , Setyo Bayu Aji , Sela Ayu Wijayanti , Katarina Yustu Mau , Sukma Darmawan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Shopees digital marketing in growing peoples buying interest. This research uses descriptive and quantitative methods, using a Likert scale as a measure. The sampling method uses a non-probability sample. The data analysis method used in this research article is simple linear regression analysis, which is processed using SPSS software. The population in this study were students of Merdeka University Malang, and the sample studied was 70 samples. The results of this study have proven that digital marketing variables have a large positive effect on consumer purchase intentions. |
| The Effect of Financial Performance and Budget Ratcheting on Capital Expenditure Allocation in Districts/Cities of Central Java Province | Author : Fahtia Nur Hanifah* , Jaka Winarna | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examines the effect of regional financial performance (effectiveness ratio, efficiency, fiscal decentralization) and budget ratcheting on the allocation of capital expenditure in local governments in Central Java Province from 2018-2021. The population in this study were all Regency/City Regional Governments in Central Java Province in 2018-2021. The sample used was 35 local governments. Hypothesis testing using panel data regression. The results showed that regional financial performance (effectiveness ratio, efficiency, fiscal decentralization) and budget ratcheting affect capital expenditure allocation. Effectiveness and efficiency ratios negatively affect capital expenditure allocation, fiscal decentralization ratio positively affects capital expenditure allocation, and budget ratcheting negatively affects capital expenditure allocation. This study provides empirical evidence that one of the tools to analyze regional financial performance in managing regional finances is to conduct a financial ratio analysis. The novelty of this research is the addition of budget ratcheting variables that have not been widely studied in Indonesia, especially those using local government objects. |
| The Mediation Effect of Corporate Image and Customer Satisfaction, towards Revisit Intention (Study on Starbucks Reserve Dewata, Bali) | Author : Frederick Misael Gunawan , Christina Sudyasjayanti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this research is to find out the determine effect of service quality on revisit intention with corporate image and customer satisfaction as intervening variable. Business development, including the coffee shop business, grew significantly. One of the most popular coffee shops is Starbucks. To stay alive, Starbucks is innovating by creating different stores, including Starbucks Reserve his Dewata. The survey was disseminated using his Likert survey, which was distributed to 200 respondents aged 17 and over who had visited and traded at Starbucks Reserve Dewata at least twice. The type of research used is quantitative research and in conducting data analysis using SmartPLS 3.0. The research method used is non- probability sampling, namely purposive sampling to take samples. In the end, only 160 surveys were used as a sample. According to this survey, service quality affects corporate image, service quality affects customer satisfaction, corporate image affects revisit intention, customer satisfaction does not affect revisit intention, corporate image mediates the relationship between service quality and revisit intention, and customer satisfaction do not mediate the relationship between service quality and revisit intention. From this we can conclude that 4 hypotheses were accepted and 2 were rejected. |
| The Role of Insurance in Ensuring Product Security and Customer Trust in Online Shop Transactions Through Shopee | Author : Ahmad Habib Pinim , Muhammad Ramadhan, Juliana Nasution | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this research is to find out the role of insurance in e-commerce transactions via the Shopee online shop and how to prove the existence of an insurance agreement in Shopee online shop transactions. The research method used is empirical descriptive qualitative. In this research, primary data was obtained from interviews with users of the Shopee application as an online shopping medium and sampling was carried out using random sampling with 4 informants. Meanwhile, secondary data in this research was obtained from the literature. The results of this research show that the type of insurance provided between insurance companies and Certificate Authority Institutions (LOS) is liability insurance which will guarantee the safety and trust of Shopee consumers. So that the agreement must comply with the principles of loss insurance as regulated in the Commercial Code. In cases where goods are missing or damaged goods can be insured, however for long deliveries it is beyond the scope of insurance in the delivery service chosen. Because this has been regulated in the Commercial Law Law (KUHD) which is specifically regulated in Law Number 2 of 1992 concerning Insurance Business. |
| The Effect of E-CRM towards Brand Loyalty in Fixed Broadband Services with the Mediation of E-Service Quality and Brand Trust | Author : Benson Marnata Situmorang , Kurniawati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research purposes to test and analyze the influence of E-CRM, E-Service Quality, Brand Trust, Customer Satisfaction and analyze the role of E-Service Quality and Brand Trust in mediating the influence of E-CRM on brand loyalty in home fixed broadband services. The sampling design used in this research was non-probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. The data processed came from 261 respondents, then the data was analyzed using the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method using SMART-PLS 3.0. The results of this research show that there is a positive influence of E-CRM, E-Service Quality, Brand Trust, Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty .and the positive influence of E-Service Quality and Brand Trust in mediating E-CRM on Brand loyalty. To improve E-CRM, managers can optimize E-CRM on applications and websites through improvements personalization by increasing account activation to prevent unknown people from entering and taking all information by using social media with features that are easy to understand. Apart from that, managers can also optimize E-Service Quality by socializing the use of websites or applications and explaining interesting features about its advantages through media content, to increase brand trust managers need to build a robust system on the web and fixed broadband applications, create a culture of reliability, have metrics that focus on users, while to increase brand loyalty managers need to provide loyalty points or rewards to customers in features -features on the application and website, apart from providing a subscription deposit at the start of a new installation as a customer on fixed broadband services. |
| The Challenges Facing I.T. Organizations from Romania in Implementing Effective Talent Management | Author : Ioan Tamas | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :History shows that every crisis brings with it numerous challenges in several fields, of which the economic, financial or business is no exception. In the context of the post-Covid crisis and the crisis generated by the conflict in Ukraine, the challenge in the field of talent management in Romania is being significantly reconfigured in many areas. Technology and the I.T. field are the key factors in organizations efforts to become more flexible and efficient in their operations. The IT industry in Romania represents one of the most prosperous economic sectors. In this context, identifying, attracting and retaining talent are practices of the research field of talent management that can maintain a certain competitive advantage of organizations. In this research, we were concerned qualitatively and quantitatively with the identification of some challenges faced by organizations in the implementation talent management strategies Awareness of these major challenges can be a real advantage in the successful implementation of talent management strategies in I.T. organizations in Romania. |
| Decoding Organizational Dynamics: Navigating the Ambiguity Between Flexibility and Agility in Digital Entrepreneurship through a Systematic Literature Review | Author : Afifah Shalihah , Sam’un Jaja Raharja , Margo Purnomo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Flexibility and agility are two organizational behavior traits that help businesses gain a competitive edge, deal with changing expectations, and satisfy current market demands. Academically, however, there still needs to be greater distinction and understanding between these two notions among scholars and practitioners. Because of the ambiguous borders in the definitions of flexibility and agility, uncertainty developed into a theoretical interest. This essay tries to offer the notion of Flexibility based on publishing patterns in digital entrepreneurship studies considering the limitations. Introduce the idea of agility based on current research trends in digital entrepreneurship. Present a study of agility and flexibility based on digital characteristics. This article chooses articles and presents them based on the main issue using the Systematic Literature Review technique. Based on the outcomes of conversations with other writers, the author provides 85 pertinent pieces and 44 that are thoroughly addressed. According to the year, the nation, and the consequences of digital elements, the author proposes the idea of order flexibility and adaptability. Other dominant ideas from the primary theme are discovered in this article, like the idea of sector-based discussion and the inclusion of administrative functions. |
| The Development of Financial Statement Fraud Research: A Bibliometric Analysis | Author : Angela Rosari Widya Pangestika , Setianingtyas Honggowati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to present and explain the development of research related to financial statement fraud by reviewing bibliometric analysis taken from the Scopus database for the period 1979 – 2023. The method used is a bibliometric analysis approach using VOSviewer and Microsoft Excel to analyze data frequency. The results of this research show that the research topic of financial statement fraud will be most researched in 2023 with 60 articles, the journal that publishes the most topics related to financial statement fraud is the Journal of Financial Crime. The country that publishes the most on the topic of financial statement fraud is the United States. Variables that often appear related to the topic of financial statement fraud are corporate governance, earnings management, crime, and the fraud triangle. Brazel, Hermanson, and Jones are the authors who write most frequently or extensively about financial statement fraud. |
| Developing the Voluntary Pension Fund at Enterprises in Vietnam from the Perspective of Employers | Author : Nguyen Thanh Hung , Tran Thi Xuan Anh , Tran Thanh Thu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The paper studies the factors affecting the development of the voluntary pension fund system at enterprises from the employers perspective. Through a survey of 37 enterprises, the paper clarifies employers awareness of the importance of voluntary pension funds, the need for enterprises pension funds, and their willingness to invest in the voluntary retirement fund. The findings show that 78.83% of businessmen believe that developing a voluntary pension fund system is necessary because voluntary pension insurance is a way for employees to protect themselves and their families against risks. 100% of business owners want a voluntary pension fund based on an agreement between the enterprises and employees, while 60% of employers prefer the blended mechanism with government supervision and support. Regarding the level of investment in social insurance and other retirement regimes, 68% of enterprises spend less than 10% of total costs to implement the program; 30% of enterprises use from 10% to 20% of total costs to implement the program. Employers show their prudence when considering a voluntary pension fund at their enterprises. More than 60% of employers concern about the fund security, 24% considers the impact of macro economic factors on the fund performance. |
| Diterminants of Dividend Policy: The role of Corporate Governance as Moderating Variable | Author : Fatma Eka Sari , Parawiyati , Harmono* | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to investigate the influence of important factors including; profitability, liquidity, leverage and size that effect dividend policy with corporate governance as moderating variables. The research method uses a quantitative causality approach through the formulation of hypotheses, to analysis the influence of independent on the dependent variables using Moderating Regression Analysis (MRA) with SPSS software. The research sample was 14 manufacturing companies in the basic chemical industry sector which were observed during the 5 year period 2018 2022, obtaining a sample N of 70 observations. The research results show that before being moderated by institutional ownership, the variables that influence dividend policy are ROA, and Leverage has a negative influence on dividend policy, and Size has a positive influence. When the moderating variable Institutional Ownership is included, it is able to show the role of Institutional Ownership in moderating the influence of ROA, Current Ratio, and Leverage which negatively influences dividend policy, and Size influences positively. These findings provide the implication that institutional ownership is able to support the upholding of corporate governance values for companies, supports stakeholder theory and agency theory. |
| The Impact of Instagram Promotion on Purchase Intention at The Langham Jakarta | Author : Ira B. Hubner , Meira Natania Susanto , Joceline Tan , Elang Kusumo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research studies the impact of Instagram Promotion on Purchase Intention at The Langham Jakarta, the inaugural Southeast Asian business hotel branch in SCBD. Strategically positioned in Jakartas bustling business district, it faces competition from established hotels like Ritz-Carlton Pacific Place, Raffles, Four Seasons, Park Hyatt, and St. Regis. This research aims to identify how the local market perceives The Langham Jakarta as a viable hotel option by examining the impact of their Instagram Promotion activities on consumers purchase intention. This study uses an extensive approach to examine how consumers responded to The Langham Jakartas Instagram promotion efforts to determine whether these efforts affected consumers intentions to make a purchase. This study aims to offer important insights into the efficacy of Instagram promotion as a marketing technique for hotels entering established areas through data analysis and interpretation. The researchs purpose is to further our knowledge of consumer behaviour and marketing tactics in the hospitality sector, providing hotels looking to improve their competitive position with practical advice. The results from the hypothesis testing phase show that Instagram Promotion has a positive and significant impact on Purchase Intention. The next researcher should examine and add a broader range of variables to discover how they impact consumers purchasing decisions. |
| Examining Landscape of Insurtechs Adoption: Level of Moroccan Companies | Author : Halima Elhoufi , Mariam Bounab , Yassine Tabaa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Digitalization has an impact on a wide range of financial services, including bank services, distribution, and more. Since insurance businesses are also service providers, digital solutions will only improve each component in the Moroccan insurance industrys value chain. Neither scholars nor practitioners have seen insurance industry as technology driven industry. However, the integration of digital solutions is a matter of time in the context of the digitalization of the insurance industry, incumbent insurance companies have been left behind. The aim objective of this article is to fill the gap and propose an adequate solution for Moroccan insurance companies. more particularly a conception for E- declaration of claims and E-renewal. |
| Marketing Target Achievement Strategies: Study on WOM Finance Marketing Personnel | Author : Rafly Rifaudin , Chusnul Rofiah * | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to study and analyze the strategy of the financing company WOM Finance in maintaining good relationships with customers and implementing bailouts as an innovative marketing technique. The research locus is the object and source of data from the place being researched so that the information obtained can provide accurate data and truth in research. In WOM companies: Marketing Division Manager, Marketing Team Head, and Marketing Division Staff. The qualitative approach carried out through the data analysis technique used is the Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP) by Rofiah (2023), from the results of interviews accompanied by triangulation of sources, methods and theories, it can be concluded that WOM Finance in realizing company goals includes a relational marketing orientation (internal) which consists of special internal training and maintaining communication. Relationship (external) marketing orientation which consists of the golden rules of marketing, maintaining trust, maintaining good relationships with customers, being ethical and listening to input, and maintaining communication. Marketing actions as real actions to attract WOM Finance customers focus on several points including customers, costs, as well as convenience and communication. The new breakthrough effort being made is a bailout strategy which is expected to prevent the bad reputation of companies and marketers. |
| With You: Personal Sales Strategy Make Up Y.O.U | Author : Ainur Wahyuni , Chusnul Rofiah * | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this research is to find out and explain the personal sales strategy carried out by Y.O.U Make Up Brand. This research uses a simple research design method with triangulation theory. Simple qualitative research can still be prepared without having to carry out long-winded discussions but can still be accounted for (Rofiah & Bungin, 2021). This research will be carried out by ANDA makeup distributor at Bravo Supermarket, Jombang Regency. To obtain data, researchers used the following techniques: 1. In-depth Interview Technique; 2. Direct Observation Technique; 3. Documentation Techniques. Source triangulation and theory triangulation are two types of triangulation used. The data analysis used is the Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP) by (Rofiah, 2022). In this research, it was found that the personal sales strategy carried out by YOU Cosmetics was through the following activities: 1. Professionalism; 2. Trust, confidence, belief and knowledge; 3. Commitment, 4. Negotiation. It is hoped that the results of this research can deepen knowledge in the field of marketing and sales as well as provide one of the provisions and theories obtained during lectures to be applied in real life. As additional knowledge regarding Personal Selling Make Up Brand Y.O.U. and it is hoped that it can become a reference for cosmetic/skincare companies, especially those related to the Personal Selling Y.O.U Make Up brand in the future. |
| Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: Bibliometric and Systematic Review Analysis | Author : Samira EL FEROUALI , Abdelali EZZIADI , Said OUHADI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Purpose:
This article aims to analyze the evolution of digital transformation in the public sector as well as the trends, limits, and obstacles of this process.
Our bibliometric and systematic literature analysis on digital transformation in the public sector is based on scientific articles published between 2017-2021 in different selected contexts. This analysis is based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria defined by adopting the PRISMA method. Out of 3083 extracted articles, 88 were processed through a bibliometric analysis, followed by a systematic analysis to answer the research questions.
The analyzed articles highlighted the growing interest of researchers in digital transformation in the public sector, particularly after the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic. This integration of digital, based on endogenous and exogenous factors, would allow public organizations to improve their capacities at all levels.
Theoretical and managerial implications:
This work reviews the research papers on digital transformation in the public sector. In addition, this paper summarizes the good practices identified in organizations on a global scale to promote benchmarking.
The exclusion of several articles from other areas of research (Law, sociology, economics, politics, etc.). |
| The Effect of Compensation and Work Environment on Employee Performance through Work Motivation at PT. PLN (Persero) Bululawang | Author : Gaudensius Mingge Olin , Tanto Gatot Sumarsono , Harsono | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to describe compensation, work environment, motivation and employee performance, analyze compensation and work environment on motivation, analyze compensation and work environment on employee performance, analyze compensation and work environment on employee performance and the influence of motivation on employee performance at PT. PLN (Persero) Bululawang. The population and sample in this study are employees at PT. PLN (Persero) Bululawang with a total of 74 employees. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results of the analysis show that compensation and work environment affect motivation. Compensation and work environment affect employee performance. Motivation affects employee performance. Compensation and work environment affect employee performance through motivation. |
| Exploring the Impact of Attitudes, Behavior, and Perceptions on Millennials Adoption of QRIS Payment Systems | Author : Saripudin , Diah Ernawati , Rizki Yuniarti | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, we investigate the influence of attitudes, behavior, and perceptions on the adoption of Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard (QRIS) payment systems among millennials, utilizing the Mobile Technology Acceptance Model (MTAM) approach. The sample consists of 100 respondents, and we apply both Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and MTAM to study about the relationships among the variables. The key findings are as follows: Positive attitudes towards QRIS significantly correlate with high behavioral intention, underscoring the pivotal role of attitudes in fostering adoption. Payment behavior has a significant effect on the perceived ease of use, highlighting the conduct of behavior in shaping perceptions of usability. Moreover, behavior also significantly influences the perceived usefulness, affirming the linkage between usage behavior and perceptions of benefit. Perceived ease of use positively correlates with attitudes, indicating that ease of use perceptions influence attitudes. Nevertheless, there is no significant support for the relationships between perceived security and attitudes, as well as between perceived usefulness and attitudes. These findings hold crucial implications for payment system providers and marketers in devising marketing strategies tailored to the preferences and expectations of millennials, while considering the aspects unveiled by the mobile technology acceptance model. Understanding the influences of attitudes, behavior, and perceptions on the adoption of modern payment systems becomes essential to meet user needs and integrate this technology into daily life effectively. |
| Critical Notes on Crude Oil Mining as a Prime Mover of Timor Lestes Economic: The Paradox of Abundance | Author : Manuel Coutinho Carmo Bucar Corte Real , Ida Ayu Nyoman Saskara , I Nyoman Mahaendra Yasa , Ni Nyoman Reni Suasih | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :After the international recognition of Timor-Lestes independence, the oil and gas sector has provided a very dominant contribution to the development of the economy and government. In fact, oil and natural gas revenues are expected to be a major determinant of the countrys economic growth, although it is known that the final outcome will depend largely on the use of oil and gas revenues. The purpose of this critical note is to contribute critical thinking about the negative impact of the abundance of natural resources, especially crude oil, in Timor Leste, which continues to be the main source of the economy. While it is true that oil revenues are critical to achieving the goals set out in the Timor-Leste national development program, it is also true that oil revenues pose challenges to governance capacity, as international experience shows that countries are rich in natural resources (oil and gas). nature) often experience more waste and corruption than other countries. The negative effect of abundance on natural resources has become known as the "resource curse". |
| An Empirical Investigation of Financial Health and Financial Performance of Logistic Companies in the United Kingdom. A Critical Analysis Pre and Post Covid-19 Era | Author : Chandra Shekar Goud Burugu , Ayodeji Bamidele Owoeye | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :After the pandemic, things are very different from how they were before the COVID-19 outbreak. Companies that had been performing well before the epidemic also saw their performance suffer during the COVID-19 era, especially those in the transportation industry due to the lockdown. The authors behind this paper hopes to learn more about and gain a better understanding of organizations by delving into their histories, structures, goals, challenges, solutions, and foci. To address and investigate the financial performance of logistic companies, the paper utilized a quantitative methodology. Annual audited financial statement of three logistic companies from 2013 to 2022. These include FeDex, DHL and XPO. The financial health of the selected companies is evaluated with the aforementioned criteria. While these businesses show stability, the analysis suggests that the market in which they operate is highly volatile. Increases in freight costs, tax increases, inflation, and other macroeconomic factors all contribute to this uncertainty, but well-planned improvements and emergency events also play a role. The research looked at the goals so that the audience could rest assured that the analysis was thorough and considered every angle of the organization. Its generally agreed that a companys success is measured by more than its bottom line. This research provides a thorough evaluation to aid business owners in identifying the features that set apart firms in terms of their potential for growth. |
| Analysis of the Application of Single Identity Number in an Effort to Increase Taxpayer Compliance in Carrying Out Tax Obligations | Author : Ishak Awaluddin , Erwin Hadisantoso , Safaruddin , Lin Wisly Jipu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to analyze how the Pratama Kendari Tax Service Office implements the single identity number and to find out whether the application of single identity number improves the taxpayers compliance in carrying out tax obligations. The data used are primary data obtained through interviews, observations and documentation with the service staff at the Pratama Kendari Tax Service Office. Data analysis techniques are carried out by the process of regularly searching and structuring the data obtained from the results of interviews and documentation by reducing the data, presenting the data and drawing conclusions/verifications. The results of the study showed that the application of the single identity number has been running since the tax day, which is July 14, 2022 and as many as 80% of taxpayers registered with the Kendari Pratama Tax Service Office have validated the ID number into a Taxpayer Identification Number. This shows that the taxpayer has been sufficiently compliant in carrying out its taxation obligations. |
| The Effect of Information Quality and Police System Quality on E-Performance Effectiveness with User Satisfaction as an Intermediary Variable (Study in the Work Unit of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of South Sumatra Regional Police) | Author : Ronald Feryanto S , Yuliani , Yos Karimudin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to determine the effect of information quality and police system quality on the effectiveness of e-performance with user satisfaction as an intermediate variable. The population in this study were all personnel of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Regional Police, totaling 130 personnel. The sampling technique used is saturated sampling in which all members of the population of 130 personnel of the Special Criminal Investigation Directorate of the South Sumatra Regional Police will be sampled. The analysis technique used is quantitative using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) PLS projection method program. The results showed that only system quality and user satisfaction directly had a positive and significant effect on the effectiveness of e-Kinerja. Information quality and system quality directly have a positive and significant effect on e-Kinerja user satisfaction. User satisfaction has a positive and significant effect in mediating the relationship between information quality and system quality on e-Kinerja effectiveness. |
| Interpersonal and Informational Justices as Correlates of the Whistle-Blowers’ Intentions in Nigeria | Author : ISAAC A. Power, PhD | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examined whether interpersonal and informational justices are correlates of whistle-blowers’ intentions among selected local government areas in Delta State, Nigeria. In this study, two dimensions of organizational justice (interpersonal and informational justices) were used. In order to carry out the study, questionnaires were administered to employees in six local government areas and data obtained were analyzed via descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. On the basis of the analysis, it was found that while there is a significant relationship between interpersonal distributive justice and whistle-blowers’ intentions, an insignificant relationship was found between informational justices and whistle-blowers’ intentions. Thus, only interpersonal justice serve as a correlate of the whistle-blowers’ intentions. The study recommended the integration of internal disclosures via code of ethics and honesty reporting to support whistle-blowers as well as in silencing and/or punishing the whistle-blowers via retaliatory measures put in place by management of public sector. |
| Bank Risk Trends and Integrated Risk Management | Author : I Wayan Budi Artha | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The very rapid development of technology, especially information technology, increasingly massive use of the internet and social media, hydrometeorological events/climate change, disease pandemics and very rapid environmental changes, have resulted in bank risks experiencing an increasing and increasingly complex trend. Several common risks, such as operational, credit, strategic, market, liquidity, legal, compliance and reputation risks which previously dominated bank risks, have increased and several new risks have emerged. These new risk trends include cyber risk, climate change, data privacy, third party collaboration/outsourcing. These risks must be integrated into all business processes and mitigated properly so that their impact can be minimized by implementing integrated risk management and effective governance. The implementation of good governance and supported by integrated risk management can encourage improvements in the quality of sound banking management, increase competitiveness, resilience and encourage sustainable growth. |
| Economic Transformation Towards Economic Stability In Bali Province: Literature Review Analysis | Author : Made Sinthya Aryasthini Mahaendrayasa , Made Suyana Utama , AAIN Marhaeni , Made Heny Urmila Dewi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tourism has long played an important role in development in Indonesia, especially in Bali Province. Tourism, with its multiplier effect, can and is capable of accelerating economic growth and job creation. However, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Indonesias macro conditions have worsened. As a province that makes the tourism sector its leading sector, this pandemic has had a drastic impact on Bali Province. The central government and the regional government of Bali Province must jointly make efforts to restore the economy as well as economic transformation. In this way, Balis economy will grow more resilient to shocks because it is based on local resources with high added value with economic diversification so that it does not depend on the tourism sector alone. This research uses Chenerys theory as a grand theory which explains an approach to analyzing economic transformation by considering sector diversification which can provide a basis for effective and efficient planning policies. This research uses a literature review method. By looking at the various impacts experienced after the pandemic, the issue of making one sector the main sector needs to be taken into consideration. Paying high attention to the tourism sector over the last few years has had a slight impact on making Balis economy the second lowest in Indonesia. Based on this phenomenon, the assumption began to emerge that the agricultural sector was a "temporary safe place" which became the second choice, although in the end, when Balis tourism conditions improved, the average worker decided to return. This assumption that the tourism sector is a conservation sector needs to be improved by providing more understanding that agriculture is also able to support tourism in Bali Province. |
| The Influence of Service Quality and Brand Image on Customer Loyalty Mediated by Customer Satisfaction: in Indonesia Coal Mining Industry | Author : Sanjaya Bangun , Mahrinasari MS , Roslina | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Indonesia is one of the largest coal producers and exporters in the world. Since 2005, when it surpassed Australias production, Indonesia has become the leading exporter of coal. Coal companies in Indonesia compete with each other to gain limited market share and meet growing demand. PT. Bukit Asam Tbk is the only coal producing company which is a state-owned company (BUMN) among nine others that private company. PT. Bukit Asam Tbk has met quality standards by being ISO (International Standardization of Organization) certified and has several sales achievements and is among the best new stone producing companies in Indonesia. Obtaining several company awards and certifications is expected to improve the companys brand image and increase customer satisfaction as a trusted coal company. The quality of customer service can also influence a companys image and lead to customer satisfaction. This research used a sample of 228 respondents who were consumers or buyers of coal from PT Bukit Asam Tbk, both domestically and internationally. The analysis model in data processing uses SEM Lisrel 8.8. The findings reveal that Service quality and brand image have a positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction. Brand image has no influence on customer loyalty. Customer satisfaction and service quality have a positive and significant influence on customer loyalty. |
| Greening Innovation: A Roadmap for Sustainable Product Development | Author : Nino Tchanturia , Taso Getashvili | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the midst of unprecedented technological advancements and rapid industrialization, the imperative for sustainability has emerged as a paramount challenge. This article explores the realm of sustainable product development at the intersection of innovation and ecological responsibility. Recognizing the profound impact of products on the environment, businesses and industries are shifting away from the traditional linear production model to embrace circular and regenerative approaches. Sustainable product development has become a linchpin for reconciling economic prosperity with environmental preservation. The article delves into the intricate web of interactions constituting a products life cycle, addressing aspects from eco-design principles to circular economy practices and cutting-edge technologies. It provides insights and strategies for harmonizing the process of product creation with the imperatives of ecological sustainability, offering a roadmap for industries, innovators, and consumers to navigate towards a more sustainable and resilient future. |
| Does Entrepreneurial Orientation Effect on Competitive Advantage? A Case Study in Small and Medium Industries | Author : I Gede Rihayana , Wayan Gede Supartha , I Gusti Ayu Manuati Dewi , Ida Bagus Ketut Surya | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Small and medium industries are currently the foundation of many communities in developing countries. To grow sustainably, this industry must have a competitive advantage. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of entrepreneurial orientation on competitive advantage. This research was conducted on export-oriented small and medium handicraft industries with a sample of 78 industries. The collected data were analyzed using Warp-PLS.6. The results showed that entrepreneurial orientation consisting of proactive, innovative, and risk-taking was proven to be able to increase competitive advantage. |
| The Role of Influencer Marketing for Tourism Destinations in Improving Brand Awareness through Instagram | Author : Cornellia, AH *, Putrianti, H , Sinangjoyo NJ | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This abstract delves into a comprehensive examination of the impact of Influencer Marketing on elevating brand awareness for tourism destinations, specifically leveraging Instagram as a pivotal social media platform. Situated in Nglanggeran Tourism Village, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, the study investigates the symbiotic relationship between influencer collaboration and the promotion of tourism destinations, with a focal point on measuring brand awareness as a primary outcome. Employing a quantitative methodology that integrates content analysis, surveys, Focus Group Discussion, and In-depth interviews; the study aims to assess the efficacy of Influencer Marketing campaigns. It further aims to identify the key factors of influencing brand awareness and delve into the perceptions and experiences of the influencers. The research question is how does influencer marketing on Instagram contribute to enhancing brand awareness for tourism destinations and what factors influence the effectiveness of such campaigns in the context of evolving consumer behaviour and preference. The findings reveal a positive correlation between influencer marketing and brand awareness, underscoring Instagrams potential as a potent tool for destination promotion. This study offers valuable insights for tourism marketers and destination management organizations seeking to strategically utilize influencer collaborations to enhance brand visibility and attract a greater influx of tourists. |
| AI Think with Me, Or Think for Me? | Author : Zaenur Rizky , Chusnul Rofiah * | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to study and analyze strategies for the strategic application of artificial intelligence in marketing by developing a framework that guides artificial intelligence planning strategies in marketing systematically and can be followed up by making decisions about service strategies at the J&T Company. The research locus is the object and source of data from the place being researched so that the information obtained can provide accurate data and truth in research. J&T Cargo is a technologically innovative express company under the auspices of the J&T Group. The locus of this research was carried out at: Marketing manager, HR manager and marketing expert team. The qualitative approach carried out through the data analysis technique used is the Manual Data Analysis Procedure (MDAP) by Rofiah, (2022), from the results of interviews accompanied by triangulation of sources, methods and theories it can be concluded that artificial intelligence for marketing strategies at J&T Cargo is used to determine preferences. Various Consumer Segments; Micro Segment Customers; Target Cause Marketing Outreach; Identify the Best Target; Refining Customer Based Perception Maps; Positioning Slogan; Psychographic Consumer Segmentation; Tourism Consumer Segment; New Customer Promotion Target; Target Digital Consumers; Target Customers Based on Brand with the aim of monitoring local market developments, so that in this business J&T Cargo is not left behind compared to other competitors. This paper also contributes to strategic marketing research by providing a systematic and rigorous approach to identifying research gaps that bridge strategic marketing practice research and artificial intelligence. |
| Balanced Scorecard Analysis Supported by Good Corporate Governance in Evaluating the Performance of Perumda Air Minum Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai | Author : Yuli Murtiningsih , Sihwahjoeni , Maxion Sumtaky | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to analyze performance from the perspective of Balanced Scorecard supported by Good Corporate Governance in evaluating the performance of Perumda Air Minum Tirta Tuah Benua East Kutai. This study used mixed methods with quantitative descriptive research design. The results showed that (1) The internal business process perspective is good enough but still has to be optimized for water quality testing, (2) The growth and learning perspective shows satisfied results, but the Company still has to increase opportunities and improve employee careers , (3) Financial Perspective, profitability ratio and cash ratio still do not get maximum value because the Company experiences losses due to the absence of water tariff adjustments, (4) Customer perspective, customer satisfaction is good enough, but the Company still has to improve service and service coverage on an ongoing basis, (5) The implementation of Good Corporate Governance is good enough but the Company still has to socialize policies and regulations for the progress of the Company. |
| Who is The Most Popular Presidential Candidate in Indonesia Election Based on Google Trend | Author : Dianta Hasri Natalius Barus | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Social media plays a significant role in contemporary political marketing. Social media channels provide legislators and party officials a direct avenue to engage with individuals, allowing for efficient communication, campaigning, and the establishment of relationships. Likewise, the act of aligning oneself with certain political groups and actively participating in discussions and interactions with political figures, such as candidates or representatives, is a widespread practice on social media platforms. Political brands have not yet capitalized on the possibilities of social media to develop online relationships, unlike commercial brands. However, they persist in depending on traditional techniques of political advertising on social media channels. According to the studys results, Jokowi remains a very popular political figure with the ability to have a substantial impact on Prabowo Gibran, the presidential contender associated with him. Prabowo Gibran personally achieved this by effectively promoting these earnings via various internet platforms. Conversely, AMIN is the rival that has the highest level of enduring appeal. They exhibit no discernible indications of either rising or diminishing their popularity, which means they remain the contender with the highest level of popularity. Ganjar Mahfud is the least popular contender of the three contestants. This is plausible since Jokowi, who really expressed his support for Prabowo Gibran, has a passive impact on the issue. |
| The Decision-Making Journey of Buying Personal Care Product at Indonesia Supermarket: A Qualitative Study | Author : Youlanda Fairuz , Dr. Ir. Mustika Sufiati, M.Sc. | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigates the current purchasing behaviour of women regarding personal care products, using a decision journey methodology. It examines the impact of post-pandemic shopping shifts on XYZ Supermarkets sales, particularly in the personal care category, which experienced a 25% decrease from 2021 to 2023. Through qualitative analysis, including interviews with 16 regular supermarket shoppers, insights were gained into the diverse decision-making processes within this product category. The findings emphasize the necessity for tailored marketing approaches based on product attributes. Overall, this research sheds light on evolving consumer behaviour in personal care, offering valuable implications for strategic marketing in a post-pandemic retail landscape. |
| The Relationship between Empowerment and Income Level in Rural Families in Serang Regency and Pandeglang Regency, Banten Province | Author : Prof. Dr. Sudadio, M.Pd | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A family is said to be prosperous if it can meet its basic needs, namely food, clothing, housing, health and education. Indicators of family empowerment can be measured through household income derived from work activities. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of empowerment and the amount of income in rural families in Serang and Pandeglang districts. The quantitative research approach was used to obtain data from respondents using survey instruments on the level of empowerment and income level. The data analysis used is correlation analysis with the statistical formula produchmoment pearson. Based on the data obtained, there is a strong correlation of 0.795 between the level of family empowerment and the level of family income. |
| Human Capital Accounting for Sustainable Performance of the Financial Sector Businesses in Nigeria | Author : Obi B. C. Phd , Okoro T. C. Phd | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The study investigated on Human Capital Accounting for sustainable performance of the financial sector businesses in Nigeria for the period 2008 -2021. Human Capital Accounting was proxied by staff development cost and training while sustainable financial performance was proxied by return on assets and return on equity. The financial sector used were four banks whose financial statements were accessible online for the period of investigation. Secondary data was used and accessed from online publication of the four sampled banks. Model relation between staff and development cost, return on equity and return on asset was developed with the objective to determine the effect of staff and development cost on banks return on asset and return on equity. Data collected were analyzed with Ordinary Least Square regression model with analytical tool of E-view 10. Results showed that staff and development cost of banks has insignificant effect on their return on assets and return on equity. The research recommends that for banks to successfully address the challenges of sustainable performance, there must be a paradigm shift to improvement in human capital accounting for sustainable performance of the banking sector. |
| Exploring the Application of Entrepreneurial Innovation in Selected Food Processing (Dairy) and Manufacturing Firms in Lusaka | Author : Grace Ndhlovu , Chrine C. Hapompwe | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The growing population and urbanization increase food demand, but many local processors struggle with quality, affordability, and safety due to knowledge and investment gaps. The study purposed to investigate the extent of the application of entrepreneurial innovations in the food processing and manufacturing targeted firms in Lusaka from the year 2017 to 2021. The study was guided by three specific objectives which were: to establish the extent of application of entrepreneurial innovations in the food processing and manufacturing in targeted firms in Lusaka; to analyse the contribution of entrepreneurial innovations to the food processing and manufacturing industry from 2017 to 2021, and to assess the performance of the food processing and manufacturing industry in Zambia for the period under review with regard to application of entrepreneurial innovation. Three dairy processing industries in the Lusaka district were studied, focusing on their production of customer-centric solutions while adhering to food safety and quality standards. The study employed a descriptive research design to achieve the set objectives. Two sampling techniques were used: convenience sampling for selecting dairy food industries and snowball sampling for individuals with in-depth information on the thematic subject matter. The study used an interview guide to collect the required data from the ten overall interviewees and five key informants participated in semi-structured interviews. The interviews covered key themes like knowledge utilization, collaboration, innovation realization, triggers and outcomes, important decisions, and challenges. Data analysis was conducted using NVivo (version 12.2), and operational definitions of codes were developed. The findings showed that the two types of innovative entrepreneurship; product and market innovation were being applied in Zambias diary food manufacturing industry though product innovation had a minimal effect on dairy manufacturing firms. Analysed in terms of the conduct of their businesses, entrepreneurial innovations to the food processing and manufacturing industry makes valuable contributions to the GDP by creating jobs, achieving economic development, reducing inequalities, and plays a crucial role in fostering economic transformation. With regard to the performance of the food processing and manufacturing industry, the study noted that the dairy manufacturing industry, which plays a significant role in economic development, could use entrepreneurial innovations as a tactical option to improve its competitiveness, survival, and growth in the fast-paced competitive business climate. Overall, the study showed that market innovation has an impact on how well dairy manufacturing companies succeed. These companies performed better when they expanded their market by luring new clients with discounts and by using online marketing. Accordingly, the study draws the conclusion that market innovation can enhance the performance of dairy manufacturing companies since it has a favourable and significant impact on performance. The study, therefore, recommends for the formulation and implementation of any policy regulatory and/or legislative corporate measures from government through the line ministries (livestock and fisheries, agriculture, commerce, trade and industries etc) aimed at easing the cost of doing business for the industry players to sustain their production, productivity, investment, profitability, and portfolio expansion. |
| An Assessment of Factors Affecting Employee Performance in Zambian Local Authorities: A Case Study of Lukulu Town Council | Author : Kanyanta Makasa , Chrine C. Hapompwe | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Organizational performance through employee performance has been a major global concern of companies and as such various organizations have shifted focus on engineering their employee management processes. The purpose of the study was to assess factors affecting employee performance in Zambian municipalities. The study was guided by three objectives which were; to establish effects of employee motivation on employee performance; to find out the effect of working conditions on employee performance, and to establish the effect of management style on employee performance. A mixed method approach was used with questionnaire and scheduled interviews as data collection tools. A census was used to derive the total sample size of 93 employees. Stratified sampling technique was utilized where 93 respondents were administered with questionnaires while 11 respondents were selected for qualitative data collection through interviews. The study utilized a descriptive approach to quantitative data analysis through the use of SPSS while qualitative data was themed for content analysis. The study response was 97%. The results revealed that majority of the employees at 83% stated that they did not receive enough morale to achieve their tasks which depicted lack of motivation through performance management strategies and feedback. Similarly, 70% stated that they lacked a proper environment, tools, personal protective clothing, and equipment to undertake their tasks effectively and efficiently. Further, 75% stated that there was no key consultation and feedback with regards to tasks and grievances, which are a critical component for motivation and effective performance of roles and responsibilities. Employees felt discriminated which is contrary to the aspirations of the Equity Theory. The study concluded that despite setting clear organizational goals, management lacked proper merit based performance management strategies interlaced with motivation techniques, the creation of a conducive working environment through provision of requisite tools for effective performance and proper establishment of both vertical and horizontal work relationships between superiors and subordinates for effective communication. Therefore, the study strongly recommends the establishment of reward based performance management systems with measurable key performance indicators to accord feedback to the employees along with the need to invest in employee health and safety through provision of well-ventilated office space, personal protective equipment and other working tools. There must be deliberately established systems of top-bottom communication to create a sense of belonging and promote inclusiveness in decision making for employees at production level through necessary key consultations and performance feedback. |
| Analysis of Employee Work Quality Using Statistical Process Control and Compliance with Standard Operating Procedures (Study in the Merchandise Inspection Department of the Foodhall Senayan City) | Author : Eri Marlapa , Aisyah Pratiwi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The objective of this research is to evaluate the effectiveness of employee performance in implementing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) within the Merchandise Inspection/Receiving Department at The Foodhall Senayan City. This research is of a qualitative descriptive nature, with a focus on Statistical Process Control (SPC) as a measurement instrument. It employs the Implementation of Seven Key Elements in SOP, covering efficiency, consistency, error minimization, problem-solving, and defensive limitations. Five individuals participated in this research: Branch Manager, Receiving Supervisor, and three Receiving Staff members. Data collection techniques were based on direct observation, interviews, and documents used as references for the receiving staffs work procedures. In this study, the author used Statistical Process Control (SPC) on Attribute Control Charts, specifically using P-charts as a measurement tool for Quality Control checks on goods. The Implementation of Seven Key Elements in SOP was used to deepen the investigation into problem-solving that could not be explained using numerical data. Based on the analysis results using Statistical Process Control (SPC) for the current period, the average reversal rate is 0.02, indicating proximity to the Lower Control Limit (LCL) of 0 or zero defects. Meanwhile, regarding the usage of the Implementation of Seven Key Elements in SOP in the Merchandise Inspection/Receiving Department at The Foodhall Senayan City, it is evident that in the implementation of these seven key elements, there are still some shortcomings. These deficiencies include error minimization, process mapping, employee protection, and defensive limitations. |
| The Effect of Competence and Job Characteristics on Employee Performance through Job Satisfaction: A Study at PG. Kebon Agung Malang | Author : Antonius Okrabeni , Tanto Gatot Sumarsono , Muhammad Choldun Sina Setyadi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to describe Competencies, job characteristics, job satisfaction and employee performance, analyze the influence of Competencies and Job Characteristics on job satisfaction, analyze the influence of Competencies and Job Characteristics on employee performance, analyze the influence of Competencies and Job Characteristics on employee performance through job satisfaction and influence of job satisfaction on employee performance at PG. Kebon Agung Malang. The sample in this study were employees at PG. Kebon Agung Malang, totaling 65 employees. The data analysis technique used is path analysis. The results of the analysis show that Competency and Job Characteristics influence employee job satisfaction. Competencies and Job Characteristics influence employee performance. Job satisfaction influences employee performance. Job Competencies and Characteristics influence employee performance through job satisfaction. |
| The Effects of Government Borrowing to Investment Growth of the Country | Author : Jesson Rey F. Sabado , Jezyl Rose R. Tagalog , Ellieza L. Sarmiento , Arabella B. Gaquit | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Government borrowing has emerged as one significant method that helps in mobilization of resources for economic growth especially in emerging economics. Most governments in developing economies resort to borrowing as a way of financing budget deficit. This paper identifies the effects of government borrowing to investment growth in the Philippines. Specifically, it presented the trend of gross domestic product, internal debt, and external debt from 1990-2020. The study used Johansen Co-integration, Granger Causality, and Vector Autoregression (VAR) models to analyze this study. Johansens Co-integration analysis revealed that the gross domestic product (GDP), internal debt (ID), and external debt (ED) are rejected at a 5% significant level and showing that all relevant variables have a long-term relationship and the data are co-integrated. On the other hand, unrestricted VAR model, there exist a relationship between gross domestic product (GDP), internal debt (ID), and external debt (ED). The Granger Causality test result revealed the direction of the causal relationship between independent and dependent variables; gross domestic product, internal debt, and external debt at the 5% significant level. |
| Navigating Sustainability Reporting Challenges in Pluralistic Societies: Insights from Balinese SMEs and the Integration of Tri Hita Karana and Tri Pramana | Author : Gde Deny Larasdiputra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In pluralistic societies, navigating diverse perspectives and promoting sustainable practices pose significant challenges. This paper explores the complexities of sustainability reporting within organizations, focusing on the transition towards more mature and integrated approaches. Through qualitative research, we delve into the institutionalization of sustainability reporting, integration of innovative accounting technologies, and strategies to address challenges encountered in the reporting process. Key findings highlight the hurdles faced by Sustainability Reporting Managers, including limited experience, low external readership, and perceived redundancy by senior management. Furthermore, managers often confront constraints imposed by CEO reporting strategies, balancing the inclusion of positive narratives while maintaining sincerity in Sustainability Reports. Drawing from Balinese SMEs experiences, we introduce the concepts of Tri Hita Karana and Tri Pramana as guiding principles for sustainable development. Tri Hita Karana emphasizes harmonious relationships with the divine, natural world, and community, while Tri Pramana focuses on leveraging human abilities for innovation and growth. Integrating these concepts into business practices promotes economic prosperity, environmental stewardship, and social well-being. In conclusion, this paper advocates for a multi-faceted approach to sustainable development, combining education, collaboration, and policy advocacy. By embracing cultural and spiritual values, organizations can foster a culture of sustainability and responsible entrepreneurship for the benefit of present and future generations. |
| Relationship between Corporate Governance, Leverage and Firm Value: Empirical Evidence from Indonesia | Author : Bayu Adi , Grahita Chandrarin , Harmono | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research investigates the relationship between corporate governance using measurements of company ownership structure in upholding the values of transparency, accountability, equality, and leverage its influence on firm value, and placing growth as a control variable. The research method uses a quantitative approach, analyzing causal relationships through the formulation of hypotheses. The research sample is 175 manufacturing companies in Indonesia which were observed during 2017-2021 with N of 875 observations. The analysis technique uses ordinary least squares with panel regression. The results of the robustness test analysis of the model, growth as a control variable, robustly show that managerial ownership and institutional ownership represent the upholding of corporate governance values with a significantly positive response by investors. Apart from that, the leverage variable positively influences company value. The novelty of the results of this research, firstly, is the enforcement of manufacturing company governance values in Indonesia, represented by managerial ownership and institutional ownership. Second, the company funding structure policy supports the optimal capital structure theory (Modigliani F. and Miller M., 1963) |
| Culture Ethnographic Study of Cafe Consumers | Author : Chusnul Rofiah * , Titin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research is motivated by changes in social habits, ideas and behavior in normal social interactions. Especially in terms of using technology. In cyberspace, people can create any identity or existence they choose, but in reality they feel lonely. This often happens in public places, especially cafes. This research focuses on the phenomenon of cafe consumer behavior who is more focused on gadgets than enjoying the company of colleagues, using a type of ethnographic research that involves description and analysis of linguistic patterns from certain groups of people who have similar cultures. Using a Simple Research Design Method with Triangulation Theory (Rofiah & Bungin, 2021). In the process of collecting data and for socialization, reflections will be captured when they are in a situation without communication. This research was conducted in cafes in Indonesia with certain considerations. This sampling approach aligns with the social dynamics of cafes as diners interact with others to find out their orders. The findings of this research are an Ethnographic Study of Cafe Consumer Culture in Indonesia that Cafe Culture, Focus on Gadgets, Perception, Motivation, Information, Addiction, Filling free time, Peers, Professional, Personal Reasons, Lifestyle, Likes hanging out, Groups. |
| The Effect of Institutional Ownership on Company Reputation with Profitability as a Mediating Variable | Author : Nur Aufa Susianti , Wahidatul Husnaini | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Corporate reputation is one of the competitive advantage factors used by a company. This study aims to empirically examine the effect of institutional ownership on corporate reputation by considering profitability as a mediating variable. The research method used in this research is the quantitative research method. The sample of companies obtained was 86 companies with 246 observations. The data collection technique used is the documentation technique obtained from the websites and The results showed that institutional ownership has a significant negative effect on profitability at the 5% level, profitability has no effect on corporate reputation, and institutional ownership has a significant positive impact on corporate reputation at the 10% level. Based on the three results of the analysis, profitability cannot mediate the effect of institutional ownership on corporate reputation. |
| Financial Performance Evaluation of A Bankrupt Bank: The Case of Silicon Valley Bank | Author : Mukdad Ibrahim | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of this research paper is to evaluate and compare the financial performance of Silicon Valley Bank spanning the two-year period prior to its eventual bankruptcy in March 2023, using financial data derived from the former banks annual reports. Comparative financial ratio analysis was conducted pertaining to four groups of financial indicators, profitability, capital structure, liquidity and market performance. The results of this analysis reveal a decline in performance in 2022 in comparison with the 2021 business year. The decline coincided with the public emergence of formidable business and market risks for the bank. This study fills a critical gap in the literature by assessing the connection between firm performance and both accounting & market indicators during a time of heightened financial distress, whereas previous studies tended to take a closer look at the relationship between firm performance and one specific class on financial indicator while neglecting the other, equally important class of indicators. |
| Portrait Of Psychological Wellbeing and Financial Satisfaction of Life Insurance Agents | Author : Pwee Leng , Grace Febiola Susanto | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to provide a detailed picture of psychological wellbeing from life insurance agents with financial satisfaction as a mediating variable. In addition, this study also wants to prove the influence of financial management which is strengthened by financial satisfaction to be able to achieve psychological wellbeing conditions. The study was conducted on 400 life insurance agents based in Surabaya. The results showed that 62.5% of insurance agents have achieved psychological wellbeing with the condition of having no debt and not facing difficulties when making decisions related to finance. Insurance agents who are disciplined in managing their finances are less likely to experience financial-related problems. This condition is then more likely to achieve financial satisfaction, which in turn will strengthen the process towards achieving financial wellbeing. Other facts found that financial knowledge and financial attitude also contribute to the creation of financial satisfaction. Crosstab analysis results show that of the 74.5% of life insurance agents who stated to achieve financial satisfaction, 69% of them had a high level of financial knowledge and 67.5% of them had a good financial attitude. Further research can be developed on life insurance agents in the main city in Indonesia by cross tabulating the origin of each respondents insurance company to be a comprehensive input for the insurance company. |
| The Effect of Marketing Mix and Health Consciousness on Purchase Decisions of Sanitary Products | Author : Dita Wulansari , Satria Bangsawan , Dorothy Rouly H. Pandjaitan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The COVID-19 pandemic has raised public awareness of the link between health and sanitation, which has resulted in a rise in the demand for sanitation supplies like hand sanitizer and hand soap. Consumer behavior towards sanitary products has changed. The long-term impact of the pandemic on the effect of the marketing mix and health consciousness on consumer decisions to buy sanitary products in Indonesia still needs to be analyzed. The purpose of this study is to look at the effect of the marketing mix (product, price, place, and promotion) and health consciousness on sanitary product purchases. Measurement of these variables was carried out using relevant indicators with a Likert scale of 1-5. The data were analyzed using Lisrel 8.80 software, which included a structural equation model (SEM). Data collection was carried out through questionnaires (online surveys) by applying purposive sampling techniques. The research sample consisted of 250 respondents with characteristics as all Indonesian people aged at least 12 years old, had purchased sanitary products in Indonesia. Based on analysis using the SEM Lisrel 8.80 method, it was discovered that purchasing decisions are significantly positively affected by the marketing mix. Marketing mix has a significant effect but a weakening effect on health consciousness. Health consciousness has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. Health consciousness has been shown to mediate the effect of the marketing mix on purchasing decisions, but it is weakened. Thus, it is possible to conclude that the marketing mix and health consciousness are essential factors in enhancing sanitary product purchasing decisions. |
| An Analysis of the Derivatives Market Performance in Kenya: A Case of Nairobi Securities Exchange Derivatives Market | Author : Loice Koskei | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The growth of the financial derivatives market has been identified as a significant channel to drive the overall growth of the capital market, and the development of capital market efficiency has been widely regarded as crucial. The performance of derivatives in Kenya has been fluctuating causing uncertainty in the market. The study analyzed the performance of the Nairobi Securities Exchange Derivatives Market in Kenya since its establishment in July 2019. The study draws on secondary data from the Capital Markets Authority and Nairobi Securities Exchange from July 2019 to December 2023. Descriptive statistics was adopted for data analysis with the help of SPSS software. Findings indicated that Safaricom Plc has been active and the best-performing company in trading single futures derivatives contracts at NEXT with the highest total turnover in Kenya shillings. The other companies that followed Safaricom closely were Equity Group Holdings and Kenya Commercial Bank. The overall performance of other companies in terms of derivatives contracts traded over the years has been fluctuating. Overall, the NEXT has made many strides in terms of derivatives trading in Kenya. The securities market regulators need to encourage all listed companies to participate in the Nairobi Securities Exchange Derivatives market to increase options available at the market and improve the Countrys economy. |
| On the Macroeconomic Determinants of Foreign Investor Participation in the Nairobi Securities Exchange in Kenya | Author : Loice Koskei | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The participation of foreign investors in a countrys securities market plays a crucial role in the growth of any country. Kenya has continued to experience volatility of foreign investor flows leading to instability in the financial market. The study aimed to identify the macroeconomic determinants, which have a significant effect on foreign investor participation in Kenya. Secondary monthly data for the period January 2020 to December 2023 was extracted from the Central Bank of Kenya, Capital Markets Authority, and Kenya National Bureau of Statistics. The multiple regression model with the assistance of SPSS software was employed to analyze data. Findings revealed that the inflation rate, exchange rate, and GDP growth rate had a negative and statistically significant effect on the participation of foreign investors as illustrated by P-values of 0.001, 0.032, and 0.05 respectively, which are less than 0.05. The results inferred that the inflation rate, exchange rate, and GDP growth rate affect the participation of foreign investors at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. Interest rate as measured by the 365-day Treasury bill rate had a positive and statistically insignificant effect on the participation of foreign investors as presented by a P-value of 0.107. The results implied that changes in Treasury bill rates do not affect the participation of foreign investors at the Nairobi Securities Exchange. The notable fluctuations in currency rates and their volatility, along with the impact of inflation on foreign portfolio inflows, underscore the crucial role played by monetary policy. This should be accomplished by stabilizing the value of the Kenyan shilling. Maintaining the stability of the value of the shilling is crucial to boosting the participation of foreign investors. |
| How Work Family Conflict Effect on Job Satisfaction and Turnover Intention | Author : I Made Sumitra , Wayan Gede Supartha , I Gede Riana , Ida Bagus Ketut surya | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Turnover is the desire to leave organisation is a serious problem, especially in the hospitality industry. Turnover intention is the beginning of real turnover can caused by a number of factors including job satisfaction and work-family conflict. This study aims to analyse the effect of work family conflict on job satisfaction and turnover intention. Using a sample of 235 employees at a four-star hotel, data was collected by distributing questionnaires. This study used Amos SEM to test the hypothesis. The results showed that employees tend to decide to leave the organization when they do not feel job satisfaction. Work-family conflict was found to be a trigger in reducing job satisfaction. In addition, work-family conflict can significantly increase employees intention to leave the organization. However, organizations must still be able to maintain employee work family conflict to enhancing job satisfaction in reduce the desire to leave the organization. |
| The Effect of Risk Management, Intellectual Capital and Management Structure on Sustainability Performance | Author : Indawati , Holiawati , Endang Ruhiyat | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to test and analyse the effect of Risk Management, Intellectual Capital and Management Structure on Sustainability Performance in industrial companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2017 to 2021. This type of research is quantitative, using secondary data. Data analysis method panel data regression test using Microsoft Excel and Eviews 9 applications. The population in this study were all industrial sectors. The data collection technique in this study was purposive sampling technique, from 50 research populations to 35 used as research samples. The results showed that Risk Management, Intellectual Capital and Management Structure simultaneously affect sustainability performance in industrial companies from 2017 to 2021. The research results obtained Risk Management affects Sustainability Performance, Intellectual Capital has no effect on Sustainability Performance, and Management Structure affects Sustainability Performance. |
| The Influence of Customer Reviews, Seller Ratings, and Responsiveness on Shopee Purchase Interest with Trust as a Mediating Variable in the Fashion Product in Surabaya | Author : Rizki Amelia , Ida Bagus Cempena , Hotman Panjaitan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Marketplace serves as a pivotal model in e-commerce, acting as an intermediary between buyers and sellers, exemplified by platforms such as Shopee, Lazada, Tokopedia, among others. Contrary to being a transactional entity, marketplaces facilitate online interactions between sellers and buyers. Meanwhile, e-commerce manifests as a form of online store, either in the form of a website or application owned by a brand, company, or home-based business. The objective of this study is to analyze the direct and indirect influences of customer reviews, seller ratings, and responsiveness on online purchase interests, with trust as a mediating variable in the context of fashion products. The population for this research consists of females aged 16-30 residing in Surabaya, who have not previously purchased products from the brand "femme." The sample comprises 100 respondents, and the data analysis employs the Partial Least Square (PLS) method. |
| Company Value: The Role of Sustainability Report Disclosure, Good Corporate Governance Disclosure, and Environmental Performance | Author : Kiryanto , Fadilla Rizkynanda Noor Syaharani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to analyze the effect of Sustainability Report disclosures, Good Corporate Governance disclosures, and environmental performance on firm value. The population of this study is all companies listed on the IDX in 2017-2020. The sample was selected using the purposive sampling method for 2017-2020. The analysis technique used to test the hypotheses proposed in this study is by using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the study show that Disclosure of Sustainability Reports, Good Corporate Governance, and environmental performance have a significant positive effect on firm value. This research contributes to giving confidence to stakeholders in assessing the company. |