Mixed Methods Research: An Overview |
Author : Nasser Alasmari |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :One critical aspect of good research is the methodology that is used to logically correlate the aims and goals of the study and the answers to the research questions. Rajasekar et al. (2006) defined research methodology as “the procedures by which researches go about their work of describing and predicting phenomena” (p. 2). This section aimed to shed lights on mixed methods, quantitative and qualitative approaches and its applications. |
Speaking Anxiety and Language Proficiency among EFL at A University in Vietnam |
Author : Le Quang Dung, Ph.D, Tran Luu Hung, M.A |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A quantitative study investigated the levels, causes and effects of anxiety in speaking over academic achievement among EFL non-English majors at Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam. The study examined 128 non-English majors who had finished one year of intensive English at university. |
How Discipline Mediates the Relationship between Additional Income and Employee Performance |
Author : Adhe Wulan Ernaningtyas, Wiyarni Wiyarni, Lidia Andiani |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study aims to examine the effect of additional income on employee performance mediated by employee discipline in the Regional Secretariat of Pursuant District. |
Influence of Fishing Activities on HIVand AIDS Pandemic in Mfangano Island, Kenya |
Author : Michael Ang’anyo Onyango |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study set outto analyze the relationshipbetween fishing activities and HIV/AIDS and the impact of the institution-al framework in the prevention and management of HIV/AIDS in Mfangano Island. The people of this Island are grappling with one of the most critical concentrations of HIV/AIDS in Kenya. With a near monopoly of fishing as the sole economic activity, the island’s population has developed risky social behaviour influenced by fishing activities, especially during high fishing seasons. There is an eminent gap between the acknowledged broad range of institutional framework for the combat of HIV/AIDS and the failure to deal with the problem of the scourge in a comprehensive manner in such a uniquely isolated fishing community. Themajor rationale is that, for there to be prospects for a more robust preventive and control measures in the management of HIV/AIDS in the fishing community, there is need to improve on the existing institutional framework by decentralizing the obli-gations of the Constituency AIDS Control Committee (CACC) up to the fishermen’s “access point”. Consequently, increasing the Beach Management Units’ (BMUs’) capacity to perform any HIV/AIDS preventive and management tasks will ensure alleviation of the spread of the menace. Thebroad objective was to investigate factors that have influenced the spread of HIV/AIDS in Mfangano Island and how fishing activities have contributed towards this menace. The specific objectives were: to explore therelationship between fishing activities and HIV/AIDS pandemic in the Island; advance theunderstanding of the pertinent factors responsible for the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Island; and finally, assess the impact of relevant stakeholders in fishing industry in the prevention and management of HIV/AIDS scourge in the Island. The theory posits the existence of a national institutional framework for prevention and management of HIV/AIDS in Kenya. The framework asserts that there is need for recognition of the importance of community involvement in the continuum of case for persons infected and affected by HIV/AIDS; the grass-roots level for the framework being the CACC.The study reviewed secondary data on the extent of HIV/AIDS infection, basing its analysis on Mfangano Island as a case study. Questionnairesand interview schedules were administered toseventy (70)re-spondents while vital and in-depth information to explore details on how fishing activities impact on the spread of HIV/AIDS in the Island was gathered through five (5) focus group discussions. The study observed that HIV/AIDS preventive strategies are predicated on the general information on factors influencing the spread of HIV/AIDS and structured on the national strategic framework to combat the epidemic. The study underscores the challenges to HIV/AIDS prevention among the fishermen and concludes by recommending areas where further research is needed to enhance effective measures on the same. |
Ho Chi Minh Concept on Labor and Event Relations Applying to the Innovation of Training Methods |
Author : Assoc. Prof, Dr. Nguyen Van Hiep,Assoc. Prof, Dr. Pham Ngoc Tram, Pham Thi Van Anh |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract : Labor relations is one of the social relationships of people, appearing in the process of division of labor, and is attended by many scholars of different disciplines (politics, psychology, sociology, economics, jurisprudence ...) in the world interested in researching together with the development of industrial revolution in the 19th and 20th centuries. For Ho Chi Minh, in the process of seeking to save the country, pursue the path of independence for the nation, bring freedom and happiness to the people; including ensuring social justice, creating jobs and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of workers.
Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in a Congolise Art-Naive HIV Population: A Cross-Sectional Study. |
Author : Blaise MakosoNimi,Benjamin Longo Mbenza,Basil BazingaMaba,Léon MakosoNgoma,Bernadette Nzuzi Phaka,Gedeon Longo Longo,ElyséeBuanga Khuabi,Maria Phemba Mabemba,Fabrice Thamba Makunga, Aliocha Nkodila |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Background and Aim: The identification and management of cardiovascular risk factors become a major problem in people living with HIV before but especially after taking ARVs, hence the need to list these factors before in order to establish the proportion due to treatment
Methods: From January 1 to May 31, 2019; we conducted a cross-sectional and descriptive study at the Boma reference hospital located in the southeast and 440 Km from Kinshasa, the capital of DR Congo. Included was any patient infected with HIV aver 18 years and informed consent. Information on demographic parameters, behavioral lifestyles, anthropometric and biological (blood sugar, creatinine, urine strip and lipid profile) and blood pressure (BP) measurements was obtained. |