ANALISIS KANDUNGAN DARI PASIR PANTAI PEH PULO KABUPATEN BLITAR MENGGUNAKAN XRF DAN XRD | Author : Muhammad Roy Asrori, Yana Fajar Prakasa, Dinar Rachmadika Baharintasari, Sumari Sumari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Telah dilakukan penelitian yang berjudul analisis kandungan mineral pasir pantai Peh Pulo Kabupaten Blitar menggunakan XRF dan XRD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana persentase kandungan mineral dalam pasir pantai Peh Pulo Kabupaten Blitar. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah XRF dan XRD dimana sampel ditempatkan dalam sample holder kemudian diradiasi dengan sinar X. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kandungan unsur dan mineral dalam pasir pantai peh Pulo maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa pasir pantai Peh Pulo memiliki potensi untuk dijadikan sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan material nanoteknologi. Berdasarkan hasil analisis XRF menunjukkan adanya kandungan CaO sebesar 94,46 % dan hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan adanya kandungan mineral jenis Aragonite
| PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROCESS ORIENTED GUIDED INQUIRY DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN GUIDED INQUIRY UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN PROSEDURAL FISIKA SISWA SMP NEGERI 3 AMANUBAN TENGAH | Author : Yusniati H. Muh. Yusuf | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :[Implementation of a Learning Model for the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry and Guided Inquiry Model to Improve the Physics Procedural Knowledge of Students at SMP Negeri 3 Amanuban Tengah] This research is experiment research with Randomised control group preteest-possttesst desigen exetut at SMP Negeri 3 Amanuban Tengah on school year Februari 2018/2019. Aim of this researchhare (1) to knows an differences improve student physics procedural knowledge between students by applying process oriented guided inquiry learning model with students by applying guided inquiry model (2) to know improve students physics procedural knowledge was taught by apllying process orinted guided inquiry learning model higher than students was taught by apllying guided inquiry model. Population in this research is all of students of grade VIII SMP Negeri 3 Amanuban Tengah. Research result, it is found the average score of studentsphysics procedural knowledge in experimental class = 77,12, and control class 71,02. The result of the analisis using t-test with signifificant level a = 0,05 concluded that (1) there are diferenrence of physics procedural of student physics which is significant between students taught by applying process oriented guided inquiry learning with students taught by knowledge that is taught by applying process oriented guided inquiry learning model is higher than the students taught by applying the guided inquiry model where tcount = 7,058> ttable = 2,014.
| KAJIAN DISTRIBUSI INTENSITAS CAHAYA PADA FENOMENA DIFRAKSI CELAH TUNGGAL DENGAN METODE BAGI DUA DAN METODE NEWTON RAPHSON | Author : Richard Umbu Datangeji, Ali Warsito, Hadi Imam Sutaji, Laura A. S. Lapono | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : Research on the distribution of light intensity in the phenomenon of single slit diffraction has been carried out with the aim of applying the Bisection method and the Newton Raphson method to obtain a solution between two points in a single slit diffraction phenomenon, determining the distance between two point of intensity in the bright band, obtaining a graph of the light intensity distribution to distance in the case of Franhoufer single slit light diffraction, and comparing the speed of convergence of the Bisection method and the Newton Raphson method. The solution of the distance between two intensities in the bright band in the case of Franhoufer light diffraction in a single slit obtained by looking for the roots of the light intensity equation. The results of the study show that the greater the distance when then intensity gets smaller. There are three peak intensities, the first peak for the highest intensity in the central bright band which is located at a distance of 0 cm and two peaks in the first bright with the intensity is 0.05I0 and is 0.154875 cm left and right of the maximum intensity. The graph between the distance and intensity ratio is sinusoidal, which is three peak intensities. The first peak shows the highest intensity in the central bright band and the two peaks with the intensity of 0.05I0 which is the first bright band. In this case the results of the Newton Raphson method are converged faster than the method of Bisection because it only requires 4 iterations to obtain a solution, while the Bisection method requires 20 iterations. The Newton Raphson method also has a smaller error value than the Bisection method, which is 6.43929 x 10-13 to 7.52642 x 10-6 when the Bisection method is 1.90735 x 10-6.
| ANALISIS KESTABILAN SISTEM DINAMIK PARTIKEL DALAM MEDAN POTENSIAL HARDCORE DOUBLE YUKAWA | Author : Herry F. Lalus, Yusniati H. Muh. Yusuf | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper discusses the dynamical sistem of particle that move under the influence of the Hard Core Double Yukawa (HCDY) potential field[1]. This study focuses on analyzing the stable condition of the dynamical sistem by utilizing the nature of linear stability. The mass of particle in this system is depend on coordinate function, so its form is more general. The HCDY potential is used in constructing the Hamiltonian system and then used to determine the Jacobian matrix.
Futhermore, the matrix eigenvalue is the basis for analyzing the stability of this dyanamical system. For systems with this type of potential, only two types of stability are possible, namely saddle and rotor. The conditions for both types of stability are also displayed.
| IDENTIFIKASI KONSEP FISIKA PADA KEARIFAN LOKAL PENGOLAHAN SAGU (PUTAK) KABUPATEN TIMOR TENGAH SELATAN | Author : Landiana E. Laos, Meti O. F. I Tefu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Local wisdom is a kind of knowledge, belief, comprehension and insight as well as habit and ethic thatleads human’s behavior in an ecology community. Physics will be meaningful learning process is related to the local wisdom in a certain context. Sagu (putak) is a kind of traditional meal which is inherited by the anchestors of Santian community, Timor Tengah Selatan from time to time. This study is a phenomenology, applying qualitative method, triangulating among observation, interview and documentation. The result showed that in processing sagu (the traditional meal), there were some
physics concepts identified particularly force, pressure, temperature and heat, momentum, mixture separation, solution, deposition, evaporation and volume change. |
| KAJIAN AWAL SIFAT OPTIK GRAPHENE OXIDE BERBAHAN DASAR ARANG TONGKOL JAGUNG YANG DISINTESIS DENGAN METODE LIQUID PHASE EXFOLIATION (LPE) | Author : Yuditha Ignasia Bete, Minsyahril Bukit, Albert Zicko Johannes, Redi K. Pingak | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The aim of this work is to investigate the effects of varying corncob mass (1 gr; 1,5 gr; 2 gr) and varying treatments including blender, ultrasonification, and blender + ultrasonication on the UV-Vis spectrum of Graphene Oxide synthesized from the corncob. The corncobs that have been burned were powdered, synthesized using blender, ultrasonification and blender + ultrasonification for 3 hours, left overnight, and then diluted using aquades. Then, the synthesis results were characterized using UV-Vis double beam spectrophotometer. From the analysis of the absorption spectrum, the absorption values from ultrasonification treatments, the absorption values were linearly proportional to the mass. Absorption values for mass variation of 1 gram, 1,5 gram and 2 gram were 1,710 ; 2,071 ; 1,483 using blender treatment, 1,478 ; 1,571; 1,588 using ultrasonification treatment, and 1,574 ; 1,450 ; 1,547 using blender+ultrasonification treatment. With Liquid Phase Exfoliation, the maximum value of absorbance was found at 1,5 gram mass variation using blender treatment, with the value being 2,071 and the minimum value of the was found when using blender + ultrasonification treatment at 1,5-gram mass variation, with the minimun value being 1,450. From the absoption values, Graphene Oxide has been succesfully sinthesized from the corncob.
| DETERMINATION OF RADIOISOTOPE CONCENTRATION IN MINING SAMPLES WITH THE SIMPLE AND NEUTRON ACTIVATION ANALYSIS IN WEST TIMOR ISLAND EAST NUSA TENGGARA | Author : Bartholomeus Pasangka, Kirbani Sri Brotopuspito, Herry L. Sianturi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :[Determination of Radioisotope Concentration in Mining Samples with The Simple and Neutron Activation Analysis in West Timor Island East Nusa Tenggara] The nature of Timor island have contents of several kinds of mining mineral, which still buried in rock, one of them is radioisotope that deposit activity concentration in the rock is unknown. This radioisotope is needed in several sectors as an alternative energy sources that begin to be developed in Indonesia. Problems specifications were studied in this research about activity concentration of radioisotope in the sample of mining and investigate of its prospect. The methods of research comprise of observe/ survey, sampling, analysis, and interpretation, which are applied in two analysis modes: 1) the simple analysis, and 2) neutron activation analysis (relative method). The steps of sample processing consist of: 1) grouping, 2) drying, 3) refining I, 4) burning, 5) refining II, 6) balancing, 7) stabilizing, and 8) drying again. The last processing results the softes dust. Furthermore procedures with the simple analysis comprise of: 1) to count sample, 2) to correct with background, 3) to calculate concentration of radioisotope element within the mine sample. The procedures for neutron activation analysis: 1) the softest dust sample is put into the polyethilene capsule and irradiated together with standard sample, then refrigerated during one week, 2) to count
field and standard sample on the same time and detector is same calibrated, 3) to correct with background, 4) to calculate concentration of radioisotope element within the mine sample. The results of research: activity concentration of radioisotope deposit in mining samples at sub-district of
Amarasi Kupang Wast Timor Island with simple analysis about 4.36 x 10 µCi/ gram, result with neutron activation analysis about 43.8 part per million or 4.38 x 10
-5 µCi/ gram up to 2.34 x 10 -4 unit up to 235.3 part per million or 2.353 x 10 -5 unit. Activity concentration of radioisotope deposit in mining samples give stimation that radioisotope deposit in mining samples is possible prospect for exploration but still necessary another data. |
| IDENTIFIKASI KONSEP-KONSEP FISIKA DI TEMPAT WISATA BUDAYA BENTENG NONE DESA TETAF KABUPATEN TIMOR TENGAH SELATAN | Author : Demeryati Langtang, Kostan D.F Mataubenu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :[Identifying Physics Concepts in Benteng None, a Tourism Object in Timor Tengah Selatan] This research has been conducted to identify physics concepts in Benteng None, a tourism object in Timor Tengah Selatan Regency. The local wisdoms identified included Lopo (a traditional building) construction, and traditionaal woven and weaving. This is a qualitative study naturraly as phenomenon in whch the reseacher directly colleted the data from the participants. The instruments used were interview, obeservation and documentations. The concepts being identified included lopo construction measurement, friction an wokr, elasticity, temperature and heat on construction materials of traditional woven, and weaving the result showed friction concept and rotation. It is expected of study by creating learning material based on local wisdom. |
| PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN PROCESS ORIENTED GUIDED INQUIRY DAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN GUIDED INQUIRY UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENGETAHUAN PROSEDURAL FISIKA SISWA SMP NEGERI 3 AMANUBAN TENGAH | Author : Yusniati H. Muh. Yusuf | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :[Implementation of a Learning Model for the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry and Guided Inquiry Model to Improve the Physics Procedural Knowledge of Students at SMP Negeri 3 Amanuban Tengah] This research is experiment research with Randomised control group preteest-possttesst desigen exetut at SMP Negeri 3 Amanuban Tengah on school year Februari 2018/2019. Aim of this researchhare (1) to knows an differences improve student physics procedural knowledge between students by applying process oriented guided inquiry learning model with students by applying guided inquiry model (2) to know improve students physics procedural knowledge was taught by apllying process orinted guided inquiry learning model higher than students was taught by apllying guided inquiry model. Population in this research is all of students of grade VIII SMP Negeri 3 Amanuban Tengah. Research result, it is found the average score of studentsphysics procedural knowledge in experimental class = 77,12, and control class 71,02. The result of the analisis using t-test with signifificant level a = 0,05 concluded that (1) there are diferenrence of physics procedural of student physics which is significant between students taught by applying process oriented guided inquiry learning with students taught by knowledge that is taught by applying process oriented guided inquiry learning model is higher than the students taught by applying the guided inquiry model where tcount = 7,058> ttable = 2,014.
| PENGEMBANGAN BAHAN AJAR FISIKA SMA BERBASIS KONTEKSTUAL MATERI HUKUM NEWTON | Author : Kadek Ayu Astiti, Antonius S. . Hali | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to develop teaching materials that consist of contextual high school physics modules. This research is a research development that uses the model of dick & carey with several ways of needs analysis, media planning, product development, individual trials, revisions, small group trials, revisions and large group trials, revisions and distribution. The instrument used consisted of questionnaires given to material experts, media experts, and supporting teachers and students. The school sample used was SMA N 2 Kupang by using 15 students for small groups and 60 students for large groups. The results obtained are teaching materials consisting of high school physics modules based on contextuality in Newtons legal material that have obtained validity on the expert team and are accepted. The results of the feasibility test by material experts reached 70%, media experts 87%, small groups 84% and large groups 85%. This shows the developed teaching material is suitable for use.
| PEMETAAN DISTRIBUSI KANDUNGAN RADIOISOTOP DI DAERAH PERKEBUNAN UBI KAYU DI NUABOSI ENDE FLORES | Author : Yohanes Jean Del Rosario Lake, Bartholomeus Pasangka, Jehunias Leonidas Tanesib | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Research has been carried out in the cassava plantation area of ??Ndetundora III Nuabosi Village, Ende Sub-district, Ende Regency about the distribution mapping of radioisotope content. The purposes of this study are; first, to determine the interval of radiation counts and temperatures in the plantation area: Second, to map the distribution of radioisotope content in the plantation area based on radiation counts and temperature; Third, to estimate the area with a high radioisotope count. The research method that used in this study consists of observation, mapping, analysis and interpretation of data. Data obtained in the field of research are the value of radiation counts per minute (Cpm), soil temperature, elevation and latitude longitude data, these data are then used to make maps. The results showed that the distribution of radioisotope content in the research sites based on radiation counts, ranged from 11 cpm - 22 cpm and temperatures ranged from 22oC - 31oC. The entire research area has low radiation levels. Radioisotope contamination in the environment is still classified as low contamination and generally the radiation count and temperature are still at the tolerance limit.
| KAJIAN KOMPUTASI NUMERIK MODEL INTEGRATIF PADA DIFRAKSI CELAH LINGKARAN MENGGUNAKAN METODE PENDEKATAN SIMPSON 1/3 | Author : Freinademetz Anggur, Ali Warsito, Albert Zicko Johannes, Andreas Christian Louk | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :[Numerical Computation Study Of Integrative Models In The Circular Aperture Diffraction With Simpson 1/3 Approach Method] Research on numerical computation of integrative models on the circular aperture diffraction with the aim to apply the Simpson 1/3 method to find a solution to the circular aperture diffraction case, calculate the integration value of the Bessel using the Simpson 1/3 method, determine the distance between two intensities on the bright band, obtain graph of the pattern of light intensity versus distance in the case of circular slit diffraction. The integration results obtained by the Simpson method at three intensity peaks are 0.14352548, -0.3342371, 0.27050545 From the results of the calculation at the first peak for maximum intensity at the center of light at a distance of 0.3 cm with an intensity value of 0.91553621, the second peak at a distance of 5.1 cm with an intensity value of 0.01718022 and a third peak at a distance of 8.6 cm with an intensity value of 0.00395745. From the calculation results obtained by the graph between the distance with intensity so that there is a pattern that forms a dark ring of light the greater the source wavelength, the greater the distance between an intensity point from the maximum intensity. The calculation results show that the Simpson 1/3 integration approach is almost close to the results that have been obtained analytically. From these results, an error value from the program can be calculated analytically and the exact value of the approach obtained is -7.95 x 10-6, -6.07 x 10-6, 2.25 x 10-6. So the results of the approach with the Simpson 1/3 method can be accepted and it can be said that the program created has functioned well. |
| IDENTIFIKASI KONSEP FISIKA PADA KEARIFAN LOKAL ANYAMAN DI KABUPATEN TIMOR TENGAH SELATAN | Author : Vivi Elvi Rosanti Husin, Agsen Hosanty Billik | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The Physics teaching and learning that based on Local culture as part of the teaching and learning process that involves students to build knowledge, develop science process skills, and foster scientific attitudes. Physics learning will be more meaningful if there is continuity between the subject material with the daily life activities in the environment where students live as a means and source of learning. This can be obtained through the connection of the application of physical material with the local potential of the area. A woven leaf is one of the local wisdom found in the society of Linamnutu Village in South Central Timor Regency, which can be used as a learning source, especially in physics materials. Physics learning will be more meaningful if it is associated with the environment, in which students live, especially in the local wisdom of woven leaf. This study aims to identify the concepts of physics that exist in the process of making the woven leaf. The research method used is qualitative research, the data collection techniques were triangulation with data analysis techniques in the form of descriptive qualitative. The results showed that from the process of making woven leaf there are physical concepts for force material and Newtons Law. Therefore, in the process of making the woven leaf, there is a physics concept.
| ANALISIS PENGARUH CAMPURAN BIOETANOL MESOCARP BUAH LONTAR- PREMIUM TERHADAP KONSUMSI BAHAN BAKAR DAN EMISI GAS BUANG PADA MOTOR 4 LANGKAH | Author : Dolin Marlince Tameno, Abdul Wahid, Albert Zicko Johannes | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pengaruh campuran bioethanol Premium terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar dan emisi gas buang. Bioetanol yang digunakan adalah bioethanol dari mesocarp buah lontar dengan tingkat kemurnian ± 98%.Variasi penambahan bioetanol pada premium adalah E-10%, E-20%, E-30%, E-80%, E-90% ,dengan jumlah campuran bahan bakar bioetanol dan premium sebanyak 100ml. Variasi putaran 1500 RPM, 2000 RPM, 2500 RPM, 3000 RPM. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan terdapat pengaruh campuran Bioethanol - Premium terhadap konsumsi bahan bakar dan emisi gas buang. Pengujian rata-rata kandungan CO cenderung mengalami penurunan disetiap penambahan bioethanol, pada setiap kenaikan kecepatan putaran hasilnya bervariasi. HC cenderung meningkat disetiap kenaikan kecepatan putaran, pada setiap penambahan bahan bakar bioethanol kandungan emisi gas buangnya bervariasi.HC tertinggi yang dihasilkan yaitu campuran bahan bakar E-20 dan lebih tinggi dari variasi campuran lainnya yang mencapai 1700 ppm pada kecepatan putaran 2500 RPM. Campuran bahan bakar bioethanol E-30 cenderung meningkat, meskipun pada kecepatan putaran 1000 RPM menghasilkan 925,5 ppm kemudian pada kecepatan 2000 RPM menurun secara drastis yaitu 337,0 ppm, sedangkan untuk campuran bioethnol E-10, E-80 dan E-90 terlihat stabil. Laju konsumsi bahan bakar tertinggi adalah campuran bahan bakar dengan kode sampel E-20 pada setiap peningkatan kecepatan putaran, jika dibandingkan dengan campuran bahan bakar E-30 dan E-80, konsumsi bahan bakar rata-rata mencapai 0,074% sedangkan untuk campuran bahan bakar E-90 meningkat sebesar 0,132% dan E-10 sebesar 0,141%.
| ANALISIS POLA DISTRIBUSI UNSUR-UNSUR CUACA DI LAPISAN ATAS ATMOSFER DI WILAYAH KOTA KUPANG | Author : Artini Waluwanja, Jehunias Leonidas Tanesib, Jonshon Tarigan, Abdul Wahid | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract : The Analysis of the distribution patterns of weather elements in the upper atmosphere using radiosonde data with a range of data for 4 years (2015-2018) from 4 data collection points, namely in Kupang, Banjarmasin, Surabaya, and Makasar which included temperature, humidity and wind data which are then made into a distribution map using the surfer 13 application. The results of the analysis show that in April-September (dry season), the 850 mb layer has a temperature at BBU that is higher than BBS, and the highest humidity is in the area of ??Banjarmasin and the lowest is in the city of Kupang. In the 700 mb layer the temperature distribution is uneven in various regions. Kupang city has the highest temperature but the lowest humidity. In the 500 mb layer the temperature is spread evenly. Winds that blow the circulation patterns of the east monsoon, as well as air flow from the south which is centered at the BBU which carries a dry and stable air mass that causes the dry season. In October - March (the rainy season), the distribution pattern map shows that at 850 mb layer the temperature at BBS higher than BBU. The highest temperature is in Kupang city but the humidity is low, the highest humidity is in Banjarmasin. In the 700 mb layer, the highest temperature in Makassar and the highest humidity in Banjarmasin while the lowest humidity in Kupang. In the 500 mb layer, the temperature distribution is almost evenly distributed with the highest temperature in Kupang city and the highest humidity is in Banjarmasin. The wind that blows is the circulation pattern of the western monsoon. As well as northern winds that bring masses of moist and unstable air which causes the rainy season.
| ANALISIS TEGANGAN, REGANGAN DAN DEFORMASI CRANE HOOK DARI MATERIAL BAJA AISI 1045 DAN BAJA ST 37 MENGGUNAKAN SOFTWARE ELMER | Author : Severianus Wunda, Albert Zicko Johannes, Redi K. Pingak, Atika S. Ahab | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims at analysing the strength of crane hook to avoid work failure so that the crane hook structure remains safe. Crane hook stress, strain and deformation were analysed using the finite element method using Elmer software. Here, simulation was performed for crane hook of single hook type by varying its constituent materials, namely AISI 1045 steel crane hook and ST 37 steel crane hook. From the simulation results for loading 20.000 kg, the maximum values of stress from AISI 1045 steel crane hook were found to be 3.0 Pa in the x-direction, 1.7 Pa in the y-direction, and 6.2 Pa in the z–direction while those from the ST 37 crane hook were 3.1 Pa, 1.9 Pa, and 6.4 Pa for the respective axes. Strain values obtained for AISI 1045 steel crane hook were 0.625 and 0.606 for ST 37 crane hook. Meanwhile, the deformation values for the two crane hook were 3.4 mm and 3.3 mm, respectively. Von Mises values for the two crane hook were 5.9 and 6.0 respectively and the safety factors were 5.294 dan 5.416 for the respective crane hooks. Based on the safety factors of the two crane hooks, it can be concluded that the structure of the AISI 1045 steel crane hook is safer than that of the ST 37 steel crane hook. |