Theatre and Drama in the Context of Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language within the Framemork of Language Teaching | Author : Selin ZEYREK | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Theatre and drama are fields with similar functionality in education, despite their practical differences. These disciplines are among the rare methods that are suitable for use in education because they contain all of the verbal-linguistic, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal-social, personal-inner, visual-spatial and musical-rhythmic features. It can be said to be effective in language learning and teaching in education with theatre and drama activities which are becoming increasingly common today. Theatre and drama activities, which combine bodily and cognitive interaction, offer multifaceted contributions to the learning-teaching process. Theatre and drama not only create social pluses on students, but also provide them with academic gains. It can be stated that theatre and drama will affect students language proficiency through in-class and out-of-class practices in language learning and teaching, especially in teaching Turkish as a foreign language. This study aims to draw attention to the positive aspects of theatre and drama in the context of teaching Turkish as a foreign language within the framework of Language Teaching. |
| Perception of Social Studies Teacher Candidates Ragarding the Root Values: A Qualitative Study | Author : Sinem ÇENGEL, Bahadir KILCAN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, it is aimed to determine how social studies teacher candidates perceive the root values (justice, patience, respect and love, responsibility, friendship, honesty, self-control, helpfulness and patriotism) in the Social Studies Curriculum (2018). In accordance with this purpose; the metaphors regarding the root values developed by teacher candidates and their drawings/cartoons them regarding the root values were examined. In the research conducted with in the qualitative research method, data collecting through metaphors for the root values and document analysis were used together. The study group of the research consists of 170 undergraduate students who are determined through purposeful sampling and who are studying social studies education at Gazi University in the spring term of 2018-2019 academic year. Content analysis were used in the analysis of the obtained data. According to the results obtained from the research; regardless of the grade, it is seen that most of the teacher candidates perceive the root values as the sine qua non elements forming the basic and that creates negativity in the absence. In addition, it was concluded that almost all of the teacher candidates perceive the root values at a positive level. It is seen that as the grade of the teacher candidates in the category of sine qua non rises, the number of the representatives decreases. Based on the results of the research, suggestions on dealing the subject of the root values in different ways were made. |
| Evaluation of Merzifon Science Festival Held under TÜBITAK 4007 Science Festival Support Program According to Different Age Groups | Author : Çigdem AKKANAT | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In terms of development of the society, scientists’ integration with public is quite important. Within this scope, TUBITAK funded science festivals with 4007 program code are organized in Turkey. Making evaluations on how these festivals contribute society could reveal the issues that need to be considered in future science festivals. Hence, the purpose of this study is to evaluate Merzifon Science Festival supported by TUBITAK with data gathered from different age groups. Concurrent embedded research design was used in evaluation study process. The sample of the study consisted students and adults who participated in Merzifon Science Festival activities. “Draw a Scientist Test”, “Continuing Motivation for Science Learning”, “The science festival attitude scale” and a semi structured interview form was used to collect data. It was found that preschool and elementary students’ gender perceptions positively changed. Additionally, drawings that include a scientist with happy expression have increased. As for middle school students, it has determined that participating in the activities at the festival has a significant effect on the motivation to learn science and the attitude towards science festivals. Similar results were found for high school students. On the other hand, adults who participated in the festival stated that they found the festival locations, the duration and time of the festival appropriate, and that the content of the activities in the festival was useful and up-to-date for them. As a result of this evaluation, it was concluded that the festival was beneficial for the participants and served its purpose. |
| Students Views on Machine Learning with Code Blocks and the Evaluation of the Platform Used | Author : Öznur AYAZOGLU, Esra SOYLU, Hakki BAGCI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this study, it was aimed to evaluate the students opinions about the process of applying machine learning with code blocks by using controlled machine learning algorithms and the platform used by 6th grade students. The study was undertaken in mixed methods design. In the qualitative part, one group pre-test post-test design, which is one of the weak experimental designs, was used. To analyze students points from the achievement test, Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used. As for the quantitative part, students views about the implementation process were studied via an open-ended question form. The data were categorized according to the interview questions and sub-themes were identified. The analysis showed that there is a significant difference between the pre and post-tests. Secondary school students views on code blocks and machine learning education were examined under two themes, positive and negative. Looking at the sub-themes of the positive theme, the frequency of those who think that the environment is efficient, the environment is easy to use and the environment is Scratch-based is found to be the highest. The limited number of people was the most frequently stated negative opinion. When asked about the benefits of machine learning to their personal development, the majority thinks that it contributes to their development, when asked about the benefits and harms of machine learning, the most expressed opinion in the positive theme is that it is useful. When the opinions of the students about the general ease-difficulty of machine learning were taken, the majority of them thought that it is easy. There are limitations on the platform. For this reason, comparisons with Machine Learning for Kids can be made using different platforms that have no restrictions. Since the literature on machine learning with code blocks for children is limited both at national and international levels, it can be said that it is a field of study that needs further research |