Lifelong learning and value orientation development in personality’s system |
Author : Diana ANTOCI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Reviewing the process of initiating lifelong learning and the need to form
value orientations within the personality is one of the major perspectives for the
entire educational system. The content of the article highlights constituent parts of
lifelong learning and value orientation, reflects personal opinions on the
relationship between lifelong learning and the process of forming value guidelines
for personality supported by arguments derived from a theoretical-scientific study
aiming at practical application. Consequently, the reflection on the process of value
orientations formation resulted in developing a mechanism for the formation of value
orientations within the personality as correlated with the educational process,
sociocultural implications and as projected in lifelong learning. The mechanism of
orientation formation towards values and through values is established from the
perspective of the personality development in ontogenesis and it allows for its
extension throughout various educational stages. |
Sociologia educatiei. Book review |
Author : Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper, which is presented in high quality graphic conditions, has 191
pages and it is part of the Education Sciences Collection.
Its author is a doctoral associate professor, with a specialization in Pedagogy
at the University of Craiova, Teacher Training Department. In her more than twenty
years of professional experience in the initial and continuous training of teachers,
Vali Ilie was interested in the theoretical-applied perspective of the constructivist
approach in education, in the development of teaching styles or in interpersonal
communication. |
Training todays individual for tomorrows individuals performance. Lifelong learning |
Author : Florentin Remus MOGONEA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The contemporary world is characterized by a rapid and unpredictable evolution of science and technology, generating a significant movement of ideas, inventions and discoveries, an exponential growth of information and cutting-edge technologies. These have as a consequence the digitalisation of the society, the
restructuring and the renewal of some multidisciplinary epistemological approaches, from all sectors of the social life. |
Lifelong education - necessity and desideratum of the personality |
Author : Valentina MÎSLI?CHI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article presents the problem of the need to ensure education throughout
the life of the personality. There are highlighted various definitions of lifelong
education given by various researchers, there is specified the purpose, objectives,
characteristics, contents of lifelong education, there are described the forms and
factors of lifelong education and it is elucidated the methodology of lifelong
education |
Allostatic neuroplasticity and epigenetic mechanisms in personality development |
Author : Oprea-Valentin BU?U, Elena Cristina ANDREI, Mihai-Narcis POPESCU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Genetics is part of the life of every individual having a great influence not only
in terms of the transmission of physical characteristics, but also in terms of the
development of the human being. Genetics makes its mark on the character and
lifestyle and relationship of an individual with the social environment. Epigenetics
is a relatively new field of genetics that aims to elucidate the causes of the presence
or absence of a pathology caused by the activation of genes. Epigenetics does not
end its activity in intrauterine life, but is in a permanent dynamic. This dynamic is
influenced by the individual’s lifestyle and environmental factors. Thus, by adopting
sanogenic practices to maintain good systemic and mental health, as well as
ensuring an environment free from pollution, an optimal state of health of the human
body can be obtained. An individual’s adequate state of health encompasses three
major factors: physical, mental, and social health. Alteration of one factor leads to
the cancellation of the other two. Therefore, in order to maintain a balance, a good
functionality of the bio-psycho-social complex is necessary. The novelty element
brought by epigenetics compared to classical genetics is represented by the way in
which certain factors act on human DNA and produce changes throughout life |
Change management – the aplicative context of the factors which decisively influence the quality of educational act |
Author : Emil LAZAR, Ionel Florian LIXANDRU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Romanian pre-university education, is at the point when it needs a rethinking,
a reconsideration, a change. We speak about a necessity imposed by the endogenous
factors of system, but required by external aspects of educational system, by the
interaction of education with social subsystems and challenges humanity.
The article proposes a definition of change, of the structural elements
susceptible to the change process and of the systematic approach, according to witch
this change may take place within Romanian pre-university education. |
L’andragogie et ses implications sur la formation continue des enseignants |
Author : Imad BELGHIT |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :La formation continue des enseignants n’est pas étrangère à la problématique
de la qualité du système éducatif. Au-delà des politiques éducatives, l’andragogie
est partie prenante dans le processus de formation du public cible. Elle permet de
s’interroger sur les savoirs et sur les mécanismes de la transposition didactique.
Stratégies, méthodes, dispositifs, objectifs et suivi des projets de formation continue
des enseignants seront questionnés dans le contexte marocain afin de dresser un état
des lieux de la question et apporter des propositions à même d’améliorer les
pratiques de formation. |
The teacher – main actor in the knowledge society |
Author : Vali ILIE, Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :We live in a world in continuous transformation, mainly characterized by an
informational explosion as well as an aspirational one. This can arouse interest,
send to searches and constructions, but it can also create confusion. Therefore, the
man needs stable benchmarks. Children and young people need support and
guidance. The roles of the teacher are about to be rethought, not so much from the
perspective of their change, but from the point of view of adapting to the new
demands. The concept of education for the knowledge society starts to be formed in
the second half of the 20th century. During this period, the change of the entire
educational system of the society is taking place. To effectively promote the
development of the knowledge-based economy, it must be understood that
information is a factor of production (as well as labor, land and capital). The process
of globalization coincides with a fundamental transition to the informational society
- a new global information-based community |
Psycho-sociological perspectives on the family institution in the contemporary society |
Author : Alina Doina IONESCU (DASCALU) |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The family is part of the phenomena for which there was an interest especially
in all societies. Knowledge of the functioning of this institution it is of paramount
societal importance, given that it leaves itself, directly or indirectly, the imprint on
the entire socio-economic system. So, on the state of the family depends, first of all,
the reproduction of the population in a society, socialization / education of new
generations, creation and transmission spiritual values, behaviour patterns, process
organization production and consumption etc.
This article is presenting the most important theoretical contributions – from
psycho-sociological point of view – on the family institution. The concept of family
is analysed in a correlation with the concept of “couple”. Also, the article is
presenting the most important typologies of families that are used in scientific
literature, mainly the sociological one. We have tried to present in a comparative
manner what are the characteristics of the traditional family and modern family in
our contemporary society. |
Arthur de Gobineau. Lettres à Euphrosyne, Zoé et Marie Dragoumis. Book review |
Author : Maria MALCOYANNI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Madame Maria Ménégaki, professeure émérite de l’Université d’Athènes,
figure dans Le Dictionnaire universel des créatrices 2,
en tant qu’une des plus
importantes historiennes grecques au domaine de la civilisation française.
Spécialisée dans l’histoire des idées et des mouvements sociaux du XIXe siècle, elle
a longuement étudié l’œuvre d’Arthur de Gobineau3
connu surtout pour son Essai
sur l’inégalité des races humaines paru en 1853-1855. Or, Gobineau, en dehors de
ses théories des races, qui lui ont valu une mauvaise réputation, a excellé dans l’art
de la narration fictive et doté la littérature française d’ouvrages de haute valeur. C’est
en Grèce, où il séjourna en tant que ministre plénipotentiaire de Napoléon III de 1864
à1868, que le diplomate français a découvert sa véritable vocation. Abandonnant ses
préoccupations scientifiques il se consacra entièrement à la littérature de fiction et à
la glyptique. |
Digital Skills of Teachers for Lifelong Learning - Romanian Realities and Perspectives |
Author : Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The need for teacher s Lifelong learning is a permanent and paramount goal
of any 21st-century education system and the best investment that any state can make
to ensure the social, economic and cultural future. |
Formation ouverte et à distance (FOAD) : quels enjeux pour planifier et élaborer le syllabus d’un module master en didactique des langues (DDL) ? |
Author : Euphrosyne EFTHIMIADOU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A l’ère du numérique, la Formation Ouverte et à Distance (FOAD) se présente
comme un nouvel enjeu par la mise en place de nouveaux systèmes informatiques tout
en créant une interdépendance parmi les participants avec la réalisation des tâches
actionnelles actives à travers des pratiques différenciées et innovantes en vue de
s’adapter aux nouvelles exigences professionnelles d’une société en mutation
profonde. Dans le cadre de l’apprentissage collaboratif à distance, la contribution du
mentor s’avère essentielle pour mettre en place une pédagogie actionnelle où les
participants pourront optimiser leurs attentes par la mise en œuvre des tâches
collaboratives en ligne, l’adoption d’une pédagogie de projet interactive et
l’intégration à la fois de nouveaux dispositifs de formation ouverte et à distance
(FOAD), en vue d’atteindre l’accomplissement de soi et de satisfaire les nouvelles
exigences qui se créent en matière de formation. L’investissement psychologique et
émotionnel des participants renforce leur motivation mais aussi leur engagement pour
développer des compétences numériques et cultiver des compétences transversales
avec l’application de systèmes informatiques sophistiqués. D’une part, on va souligner
les défis de la pédagogie informatisée dans une formation ouverte et à distance.
D’autre part, on va s’intéresser à l’approche interactionnelle constructive par la mise
en place de la perspective actionnelle et focaliser l’intérêt sur l’élaboration de la fiche
de Planification du syllabus d’un module Master en Didactique des Langues (DDL).
Enfin, on va aboutir à l’élaboration du syllabus pour didactiser un module de
cours master par la sélection des méthodes pédagogiques tout en précisant leurs
fonctions et les types d’activités pertinentes et en promouvant le développement en
spirale en faisant distinguer les différentes étapes de réalisation de la méthode
itérative dans la mise en application du projet e-learning |
A model of streamlining academic learning |
Author : Mihaela Aurelia STEFAN |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present paper aims to draw attention to a model of streamlining academic learning. The model is based on a holistic approach to learning, taking into account
the following directions: a) boosting the students motivation for undertaking responsibility and engagement in the learning process; b) training and development of cognitive and metacognitive abilities; c) learning through situated practice and cooperation. The motivational dimension is deeply involved in the learning activity, success being engendered not by constraints, but by the stimulation and maintenance of the
intrinsic motivation, of the mindset, of the responsible attitude.
The proposed model is intended to be a starting point in the direction of developing students competence to learn autonomously, with the training (meta)
cognitive skills and motivational-attitudinal support at the core of this approach. |
Lifelong education - necessity and desideratum of the personality |
Author : Valentina MÎSLITCHI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The article presents the problem of the need to ensure education throughout
the life of the personality. There are highlighted various definitions of lifelong
education given by various researchers, there is specified the purpose, objectives,
characteristics, contents of lifelong education, there are described the forms and
factors of lifelong education and it is elucidated the methodology of lifelong
Author : Amina COURANT MENEBHI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :It is recognized that education makes men more free. Our world is currently
experiencing unprecedented fundamental upsets: health, technological, climatic,
demographic, economic, etc…, which pose new challenges for the future of work and
for humanity as a whole. These global megatrends have a profound impact on skills
that are likely to quickly become obsolete. Lifelong learning concerns us all. It starts
from early childhood to the end of life. Today, everyone is concerned with knowledge,
especially since the digital revolution makes knowledge more accessible to all
generations. When the Lifelong learning was adopted as a fundamental concept of the
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), the purpose of it was not only quality education
but also sustainable development. According to UNESCO, education for the
environment and sustainable development (EEDD) is a holistic and transformational
education that aims to be transdisciplinary depending on the specific socio-cultural
and territorial contexts and their relationships with the outside world. Since its
independence, Morocco’s efforts in the field of education have been indisputable, even
if these remain insufficient, given demographic pressure, the high dropout rate and the
need to support various technological advances. Our article attempts to highlight how
certain actors in the educational community (teachers, school directors) decline the
EEDD within their cognitive space, through personal experiences, extra-curricular
activities, through their own experience, through formal and informal learning and
use it to carry out sustainable projects. It mainly questions the correlation between the
EEDD and the ATLV and is based on a qualitative survey based on semi-structured
interviews as well as field observations in 11 Moroccan primary schools. |
Digital Skills of Teachers for Lifelong Learning - Romanian Realities and Perspectives |
Author : Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The need for teacher s Lifelong learning is a permanent and paramount goal
of any 21st-century education system and the best investment that any state can make
to ensure the social, economic and cultural future.
The European Union has shown an increased interest in training and
developing the digital skills of teachers in the European area in recent years. In this
regard, EU has developed a series of measures and recommendations for Member
States. Nevertheless, in Romania we are experiencing a crisis caused by the shift of
teaching activities to the online environment, the lack of digital skills of teachers in
pre-university education and, last but not least, the lack of digital media (free
internet access, computers, tablets) for a large part of the students.
The current paper aims to identify the Romanian context shaping the
development of the teachers digital skills for Lifelong Learning up to the on set of
lockdown, which led to the relocation of teaching activities online (on 16 March
2020), also focusing on the measures taken during lockdown (16 March 16 - 15 May
2020). The question we are trying to answer is how prepared were the teachers to
cope with the online teaching activities, how much had the schools advanced in the
integration of digital resources to face-to-face teaching. |
Lifelong learning and value orientation development in personality’s system |
Author : Diana ANTOCI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Reviewing the process of initiating lifelong learning and the need to form
value orientations within the personality is one of the major perspectives for the
entire educational system. The content of the article highlights constituent parts of
lifelong learning and value orientation, reflects personal opinions on the
relationship between lifelong learning and the process of forming value guidelines
for personality supported by arguments derived from a theoretical-scientific study
aiming at practical application. Consequently, the reflection on the process of value
orientations formation resulted in developing a mechanism for the formation of value
orientations within the personality as correlated with the educational process,
sociocultural implications and as projected in lifelong learning. The mechanism of
orientation formation towards values and through values is established from the
perspective of the personality development in ontogenesis and it allows for its
extension throughout various educational stages |
A model of streamlining academic learning |
Author : Mihaela Aurelia STEFAN |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The present paper aims to draw attention to a model of streamlining academic
learning. The model is based on a holistic approach to learning, taking into account
the following directions: a) boosting the student s motivation for undertaking
responsibility and engagement in the learning process; b) training and development
of cognitive and metacognitive abilities; c) learning through situated practice and
The motivational dimension is deeply involved in the learning activity, success
being engendered not by constraints, but by the stimulation and maintenance of the
intrinsic motivation, of the mindset, of the responsible attitude.
The proposed model is intended to be a starting point in the direction of
developing students competence to learn autonomously, with the training (meta)
cognitive skills and motivational-attitudinal support at the core of this approach. |
Training today s individual for tomorrow s individual s performance. Lifelong learning |
Author : Florentin Remus MOGONEA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The contemporary world is characterized by a rapid and unpredictable
evolution of science and technology, generating a significant movement of ideas,
inventions and discoveries, an exponential growth of information and cutting-edge
technologies. These have as a consequence the digitalisation of the society, the
restructuring and the renewal of some multidisciplinary epistemological
approaches, from all sectors of the social life.
Contemporary society is facing limited resources of raw materials and energy,
population growth, widening the gap between rich and poor countries, the steady
deterioration of the environment, and interethnic conflicts.
The solution to this crisis is the education reform, which will cause profound
transformations in relation to the specificities of each country, a new education
policy to increase its quality and imprint the prospective character.
Through structure, objectives and content, education must constantly meet the
requirements of the evolution of national and international reality. The meanings
and efficiency of the educational act are given by the the adaptation and self regulation capacity of education, compared to the more numerous challenges of the
social space.
Our paper aims to demonstrate the importance of lifelong learning, deepening
and capitalising on it, after the period of compulsory schooling. Tomorrow s human
education is no longer reduced to what the school transfers; it results from the
harmonious combination of the three forms of education throughout life. This means
that the training of today s individual, through education, will meet the demands of
the tomorrow s knowledge society. |
Allostatic neuroplasticity and epigenetic mechanisms in personality development |
Author : Oprea-Valentin BUSU, Elena Cristina ANDREI, Mihai-Narcis POPESCU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Genetics is part of the life of every individual having a great influence not only
in terms of the transmission of physical characteristics, but also in terms of the
development of the human being. Genetics makes its mark on the character and
lifestyle and relationship of an individual with the social environment. Epigenetics
is a relatively new field of genetics that aims to elucidate the causes of the presence
or absence of a pathology caused by the activation of genes. Epigenetics does not
end its activity in intrauterine life, but is in a permanent dynamic. This dynamic is
influenced by the individual’s lifestyle and environmental factors. Thus, by adopting
sanogenic practices to maintain good systemic and mental health, as well as
ensuring an environment free from pollution, an optimal state of health of the human
body can be obtained. An individual’s adequate state of health encompasses three
major factors: physical, mental, and social health. Alteration of one factor leads to
the cancellation of the other two. Therefore, in order to maintain a balance, a good
functionality of the bio-psycho-social complex is necessary. The novelty element
brought by epigenetics compared to classical genetics is represented by the way |
Change management – the aplicative context of the factors which decisively influence the quality of educational act |
Author : Emil LAZAR, Ionel Florian LIXANDRU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Romanian pre-university education, is at the point when it needs a rethinking,
a reconsideration, a change. We speak about a necessity imposed by the endogenous
factors of system, but required by external aspects of educational system, by the
interaction of education with social subsystems and challenges humanity.
The article proposes a definition of change, of the structural elements
susceptible to the change process and of the systematic approach, according to witch
this change may take place within Romanian pre-university education. |
Psycho-sociological perspectives on the family institution in the contemporary society |
Author : Alina Doina IONESCU (DASCALU) |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The family is part of the phenomena for which there was an interest especially
in all societies. Knowledge of the functioning of this institution it is of paramount
societal importance, given that it leaves itself, directly or indirectly, the imprint on
the entire socio-economic system. So, on the state of the family depends, first of all,
the reproduction of the population in a society, socialization / education of new
generations, creation and transmission spiritual values, behaviour patterns, process
organization production and consumption etc.
This article is presenting the most important theoretical contributions – from
psycho-sociological point of view – on the family institution. The concept of family
is analysed in a correlation with the concept of “couple”. Also, the article is
presenting the most important typologies of families that are used in scientific
literature, mainly the sociological one. We have tried to present in a comparative
manner what are the characteristics of the traditional family and modern family in
our contemporary society |
Formation ouverte et à distance (FOAD) : quels enjeux pour planifier et élaborer le syllabus d’un module master en didactique des langues (DDL) ? |
Author : Euphrosyne EFTHIMIADOU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A l’ère du numérique, la Formation Ouverte et à Distance (FOAD) se présente
comme un nouvel enjeu par la mise en place de nouveaux systèmes informatiques tout
en créant une interdépendance parmi les participants avec la réalisation des tâches
actionnelles actives à travers des pratiques différenciées et innovantes en vue de
s’adapter aux nouvelles exigences professionnelles d’une société en mutation
profonde. Dans le cadre de l’apprentissage collaboratif à distance, la contribution du
mentor s’avère essentielle pour mettre en place une pédagogie actionnelle où les
participants pourront optimiser leurs attentes par la mise en œuvre des tâches
collaboratives en ligne, l’adoption d’une pédagogie de projet interactive et
l’intégration à la fois de nouveaux dispositifs de formation ouverte et à distance
(FOAD), en vue d’atteindre l’accomplissement de soi et de satisfaire les nouvelles
exigences qui se créent en matière de formation. L’investissement psychologique et
émotionnel des participants renforce leur motivation mais aussi leur engagement pour
développer des compétences numériques et cultiver des compétences transversales
avec l’application de systèmes informatiques sophistiqués. D’une part, on va souligner
les défis de la pédagogie informatisée dans une formation ouverte et à distance.
D’autre part, on va s’intéresser à l’approche interactionnelle constructive par la mise
en place de la perspective actionnelle et focaliser l’intérêt sur l’élaboration de la fiche
de Planification du syllabus d’un module Master en Didactique des Langues (DDL).
Enfin, on va aboutir à l’élaboration du syllabus pour didactiser un module de
cours master par la sélection des méthodes pédagogiques tout en précisant leurs
fonctions et les types d’activités pertinentes et en promouvant le développement en
spirale en faisant distinguer les différentes étapes de réalisation de la méthode
itérative dans la mise en application du projet e-learning |
L’andragogie et ses implications sur la formation continue des enseignants |
Author : Imad BELGHIT |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :La formation continue des enseignants n’est pas étrangère à la problématique
de la qualité du système éducatif. Au-delà des politiques éducatives, l’andragogie
est partie prenante dans le processus de formation du public cible. Elle permet de
s’interroger sur les savoirs et sur les mécanismes de la transposition didactique.
Stratégies, méthodes, dispositifs, objectifs et suivi des projets de formation continue
des enseignants seront questionnés dans le contexte marocain afin de dresser un état
des lieux de la question et apporter des propositions à même d’améliorer les
pratiques de formation. |
The teacher – main actor in the knowledge society |
Author : Vali ILIE, Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :We live in a world in continuous transformation, mainly characterized by an
informational explosion as well as an aspirational one. This can arouse interest,
send to searches and constructions, but it can also create confusion. Therefore, the
man needs stable benchmarks. Children and young people need support and
guidance. The roles of the teacher are about to be rethought, not so much from the
perspective of their change, but from the point of view of adapting to the new
demands. The concept of education for the knowledge society starts to be formed in
the second half of the 20th century. During this period, the change of the entire
educational system of the society is taking place. To effectively promote the
development of the knowledge-based economy, it must be understood that
information is a factor of production (as well as labor, land and capital). The process
of globalization coincides with a fundamental transition to the informational society
- a new global information-based community |
Author : Amina COURANT MENEBHI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :It is recognized that education makes men more free. Our world is currently
experiencing unprecedented fundamental upsets: health, technological, climatic,
demographic, economic, etc…, which pose new challenges for the future of work and
for humanity as a whole. These global megatrends have a profound impact on skills
that are likely to quickly become obsolete. Lifelong learning concerns us all. It starts
from early childhood to the end of life. Today, everyone is concerned with knowledge,
especially since the digital revolution makes knowledge more accessible to all
generations. When the Lifelong learning was adopted as a fundamental concept of the
Sustainable Development Goal (SDG), the purpose of it was not only quality education
but also sustainable development. According to UNESCO, education for the
environment and sustainable development (EEDD) is a holistic and transformational
education that aims to be transdisciplinary depending on the specific socio-cultural
and territorial contexts and their relationships with the outside world. Since its
independence, Morocco’s efforts in the field of education have been indisputable, even
if these remain insufficient, given demographic pressure, the high dropout rate and the
need to support various technological advances. Our article attempts to highlight how
certain actors in the educational community (teachers, school directors) decline the
EEDD within their cognitive space, through personal experiences, extra-curricular
activities, through their own experience, through formal and informal learning and
use it to carry out sustainable projects. It mainly questions the correlation between the
EEDD and the ATLV and is based on a qualitative survey based on semi-structured
interviews as well as field observations in 11 Moroccan primary schools. |
Arthur de Gobineau. Lettres à Euphrosyne, Zoé et Marie Dragoumis. Book review |
Author : Maria MALCOYANNI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Madame Maria Ménégaki, professeure émérite de l’Université d’Athènes,
figure dans Le Dictionnaire universel des créatrices 2,
en tant qu’une des plus
importantes historiennes grecques au domaine de la civilisation française.
Spécialisée dans l’histoire des idées et des mouvements sociaux du XIXe siècle, elle
a longuement étudié l’œuvre d’Arthur de Gobineau3
connu surtout pour son Essai
sur l’inégalité des races humaines paru en 1853-1855. Or, Gobineau, en dehors de
ses théories des races, qui lui ont valu une mauvaise réputation, a excellé dans l’art
de la narration fictive et doté la littérature française d’ouvrages de haute valeur. C’est
en Grèce, où il séjourna en tant que ministre plénipotentiaire de Napoléon III de 1864
à1868, que le diplomate français a découvert sa véritable vocation. Abandonnant ses
préoccupations scientifiques il se consacra entièrement à la littérature de fiction et à
la glyptique. |
Sociologia educatiei. Book review |
Author : Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper, which is presented in high quality graphic conditions, has 191
pages and it is part of the Education Sciences Collection.
Its author is a doctoral associate professor, with a specialization in Pedagogy
at the University of Craiova, Teacher Training Department. In her more than twenty
years of professional experience in the initial and continuous training of teachers,
Vali Ilie was interested in the theoretical-applied perspective of the constructivist
approach in education, in the development of teaching styles or in interpersonal
communication |