Author : Kouadio DJEBANYEBOUA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :While the Ivorian Ministry of education succeeds somehow in stopping the corporal punishment inflicted on pupils, another act of violence that deserves to draw attention is the systematic use of demeaning or humiliating words in the classroom on learners by teachers. These insults which arise during the learning process deteriorate the peaceful climate which secures the co-construction of knowledge. This article conducts investigations that will allow us to examine and define the roles assigned to these terms that create unconducive learning atmosphere in the classroom.
Author : Emil LAZAR |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The arising question, within the context of this debate, is related to the concordance between school learning and students real life (utility and concordance with the individuality/ the dimensions of students personality. The issue includes multiple topics of discussion. Virtual learning environments is a set of teaching-learning and evaluation tools designed to expand learning experiences through the use of ICT tools. We understand an integrated construction of the different elements that constitute the virtual learning environment. |
Learning in virtual environments, expression of educational efficiency and quality |
Author : Emil LAZAR |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The arising question, within the context of this debate, is related to the
concordance between school learning and students real life (utility and concordance
with the individuality/ the dimensions of students personality. The issue includes
multiple topics of discussion.
Virtual learning environments is a set of teaching-learning and evaluation
tools designed to expand learning experiences through the use of ICT tools. We
understand an integrated construction of the different elements that constitute the
virtual learning environment |
Change management – the aplicative context of the factors which decisively influence the quality of educational act |
Author : Emil LAZAR, Ionel Florian LIXANDRU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Romanian pre-university education, is at the point when it needs a rethinking,
a reconsideration, a change. We speak about a necessity imposed by the endogenous
factors of system, but required by external aspects of educational system, by the
interaction of education with social subsystems and challenges humanity.
The article proposes a definition of change, of the structural elements
susceptible to the change process and of the systematic approach, according to witch
this change may take place within Romanian pre-university education. |
L’insulte dans le discours professoral au cours du rituel communicatif de la classe |
Author : Kouadio DJEBANYEBOUA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Alors que le système éducatif ivoirien réussit tant bien que mal à freiner de
manière significative les châtiments corporels infligés aux élèves, un autre acte de
violence mérite d’attirer l’attention. Il s’agit du recours systématique à des paroles
dévalorisantes ou humiliantes en classe à l’endroit des apprenants par les
enseignants. Ces insultes qui se profèrent au cours des apprentissages détériorent le
climat paisible qui sécurise la co-construction des savoirs. Nous avons mené des
investigations auprès des élèves de la ville d’Abidjan. Celles-ci nous permettront de
décrire les mécanismes linguistiques utilisés pour parvenir à mettre ces élèves dans
une situation de frustration. Il est aussi question de situer les fonctions assignées à
ces faits de langue qui instaurent une ambiance morale detestable dans la classe.
Cela permettra d’investiguer la dimension psychique en tant méthode thérapeutique
pour booster la performance des apprenants |
The potential of using imitation as learning in enhancing the social behavior of children with ASD |
Author : Oprea-Valentin BUSU, Andreea-Denisa BUSU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A plethora of studies have been conducted with regards to imitation as
primary method of learning trough which children acquire new skills. A serious
amount of evidence has been brought up in recent years suggesting that ‘being
imitated’ presents social valences and that the imitation of children could be used
as a tool of stimulating social engagement in children with Autism Spectrum
Disorder. The importance of teaching imitation to children with disabilities has
been recognized as early as the 1960s. This article is a literature review exploring
the contemporary approaches towards the behavioral consequences of imitation
as learning in ASD. The ‘being imitated’ method promotes progress in terms of
social gazes, play skills and proximal social behaviors. This applies more
especially to children with lower developmental level but also when the child’s
mother adopts the strategy |
Multimodalité et espace numérique : facteurs cognitifs et socioaffectifs dans la communication en ligne |
Author : Euphrosyne EFTHIMIADOU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :L’expansion de l’informatique tisse les actions de la vie socioprofessionnelle
sur la puissance mentale tout en prenant en valeur non seulement la prise des
décisions mais aussi la gestion socioaffective, qui conduit à modifier les
comportements humains. À l’ère du numérique, la mise en application de nouveaux
dispositifs multimodaux, hybrides et ouverts favorise l’apprentissage/enseignement
à distance tout en développant des compétences numériques et pragmatiques chez
les personnes en formation. En effet, l’espace numérique permet de diversifier les
approches méthodologiques, mais aussi de les enrichir par l’individualisation des
parcours d’apprentissage. Dans un environnement d’apprentissage en ligne, il est
question de médiation pédagogique dans le processus d’apprentissage. En effet, une
transmission des acquis et de l’expérience s’instaure par le biais de l’apprentissage
interactif, tout en mettant l’accent sur la bonne gestion du processus
d’apprentissage, en vue de cultiver des stratégies d’apprentissage. C’est pourquoi,
dans la communication en ligne, il s’avère essentiel de tenir compte des facteurs liés
à la cognition chaude ou froide, car les différentes mémoires - sensorielle, courte et
longue - dépendent de l’encodage et du stockage des prises de décision cognitives,
socio affectives et métacognitives dans toute situation d’apprentissage. En fin de
compte, la contribution du Professeur Mentor s’avère essentielle par la mise en
œuvre de bonnes pratiques éducatives cultivant un savoir agir et aussi par l’adoption
de tactiques pour accomplir une formation expérientielle stratégique par le biais de
systèmes informatiques |
Formation ouverte et à distance (FOAD) et stratégie numérique de continuité pédagogique en contexte COVID-19 : retour d’expériences |
Author : Moustapha MBENGUE, Djibril DIAKHATE, Mohamed LatSack DIOP |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Dans la lutte contre la propagation de la maladie à coronavirus Covid-19,
les autorités sénégalaises avaient décidé de suspendre les enseignements dans les
écoles et universités sur l’étendue du territoire national à compter du lundi 16
mars 2020. S’est posée alors pour les universités et les établissements
d’enseignement supérieur la question suivante : quelles modalités pour assurer la
continuité du service public des enseignements?? L’École de Bibliothécaires
Archivistes et Documentalistes (EBAD) de l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop de
Dakar, forte de son expérience de plus de vingt ans dans le domaine de la
formation à distance, sur recommandation de la tutelle s’était engagée dans la
mise en œuvre d’une stratégie pour assurer la continuité pédagogique. L’objectif
était d’enrôler les étudiants initialement inscrits en formation présentielle dans la
formation à distance. Une initiative pleine d’incertitudes compte tenu du caractère
inédit de la situation et surtout des nombreux défis à relever notamment la
sensibilisation des acteurs, la disponibilité des équipements et compétences
technologiques, le tutorat des cours pour les primo-entrants, etc.
Cet article présente la stratégie et le plan d’action d’enrôlement des étudiants
dans la FOAD adoptés par l’EBAD. Par une articulation entre «?étude de cas?» et
réflexion scientifique, il s’inscrit dans une perspective pratique et réflexive et se veut
un modèle d’adaptation inspirant pour les établissements d’enseignement supérieur
des pays en voie de développement. |
From traditional classroom communication to communication in the virtual space |
Author : Florentin Remus MOGONEA, Florentina MOGONEA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study aims to address the issue of communication based on a twofold
analysis, encompasing face-to-face and virtual communication, the latter being
mediated by the new communication technologies. The general framework of the
current digital society, as well as the specific context of the Coronavirus pandemic
have imposed the implementation of new technologies in the teaching process; daily
routine activities are now taking place not only directly, but also exclusively online
or in the blended learning mode.
We intend to outline this evolution, mainly focusing on the current situation,
which we shall analyze taking into consideration the possibilities of the Romanian
schools to meet the demands of online activities, as they are facing the specific
challenges of this type of communication. The review of recent studies and reports
allows us to diagnose the ways of setting up online communication and interaction
at the level of the pre-university education system, and based on our own teaching
experience, we shall be able to perform a critical analysis of the advantages and
disadvantages of online communication in the academic environment, more
specifically within the pre-service teacher training programme. |
Exposer et debattre des difficultes enseignantes dans l’espace socionumerique Facebook. Revelations autour des « situations de vie » dans la plateforme les enseignants du Cameroun |
Author : Russel Ponty ZAMBO, Sonia Carelle MENGUE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Cette étude aborde la problématique des difficultés enseignantes, jusque-là
largement conceptualisées à partir du milieu scolaire ou encore le milieu de travail
physique des enseignants. Partant de l’observation qu’au plan éducatif, les
questions socioprofessionnelles de ces acteurs se transposent dans les réseaux
socionumériques, à travers différentes plateformes, l’objectif de la recherche est de
parvenir à la conceptualisation des difficultés auxquelles sont confrontés les
enseignants, dès lors qu’il s’agit de l’approche par compétences avec entrée par
situation de vie |
Les interactions dans les emissions radiophoniques |
Author : Hind AARAB |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :La radiodiffusion est l’un des moyens médiatiques les plus puissants. Elle met
en perspective une construction communicationnelle entre les individus et les médias
de masse. Ce média oral représente une plate-forme surdimensionnée, permettant
d’emblée la diffusion de messages tissés, afin d’être décodés selon la lucidité de
chaque usager. La question sur l’interaction des auditeurs dans les émissions
radiophoniques de proximité s’inscrit dans une réflexion autour du rôle de l’échange
conversationnel dans la genèse de la matrice socioculturelle, en recroisant les valeurs
des discours médiatiques avec les effets de l’industrialisation des mass media.
La radio est un moyen médiatique pertinent dans le champ de l’audiovisuel
au Maroc, offre une large accessibilité à l’ensemble de la population. Notre étude,
porte sur la question de l’interaction des auditeurs dans les émissions de proximité,
en présentant une réflexion sur le rôle de ce média dans l’interaction directe sur
l’antenne. Dans cet esprit nous interrogeons l’idée sur ce support médiatique qui est
un moyen de communication de contiguïté par excellence.
La radiodiffusion est un système expert pour soulever et aborder des
thématiques diversifiées relativement à plusieurs dossiers qui concernent la vie
pratique de tout individu, d’autant plus que la couverture du réseau national
marocain fait de lui un service très avantageux en terme de proximité et en terme de
coût, mis à part la fracture numérique enregistrée dans les régions du royaume. Ce
potentiel s’instrumentalise à travers un canal de transmission libéralisé qui propulse
les introspections et crée le dialogue dans un contexte des technologies de
l’information et de la communication. |
The quality of communication and feedback in the online university education |
Author : Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU, Vali ILIE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper presents the data of a synchronous action-research, focused on
empirical methodology, resulted from the analysis of the concrete situation of the
use of the Google classroom platform by students, who prepare to be teachers, as
full-time education students. In the context of the transition to the online education,
in the second part of the 2019 academic year, the platform was evaluated by students
for the components: announcements, adequacy to the course, seminar, to the
assessment, according to various criteria. Thus, the value of the approach
undertaken by us consists in raising awareness and following some indicators, their
impact in the field of communication and feedback in training.
Students positively appreciate the characteristics of new environments and
forms of instruction. The focus on the forms of communication and feedback
indicated that the nonverbal and para-verbal modalities remain underutilized. We
can talk about a superficial level of communication and an intensification of
feedback or a change in their level. As a result, we must not neglect the deficient
aspects reported by students, observed by us, which requires a justified choice or the
combination of the online education with the face-to-face education, in its
modernized version, focused on the student.
The response that students to full-time education were willing to offer and the
central trend of their appreciations, after experiencing the use of the online platform,
indicated that, although they have adapted to the requirement to use the training
platform, they encounter difficulties that must be taken into account.
Enseignement « confiné » et TIC à l’université : quelles représentations chez un groupe d’étudiants de l’ENSB (Alger) ? |
Author : Assia BELGHEDDOUCHE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :La crise du coronavirus a touché tous les pays et elle a bouleversé le quotidien
de millions de personnes dont des enseignants et des apprenants du monde entier.
Ces derniers ont été frappés de plein fouet par cette crise et ils ont subi des
changements dans leurs pratiques d’enseignement/apprentissage. Dans ce travail,
nous tenterons d’interroger les représentations et les opinions d’un groupe
d’étudiants de l’ENSB (L’École Normale Supérieure de Bouzaréah) à Alger alors
qu’ils sont encore entrain de vivre ces bouleversements, car nous pensons que ces
représentations vont avoir une influence sur leurs pratiques actuelles et futures.
Notre objectif est de recueillir leurs perceptions de l’enseignement en ligne et à
distance durant le confinement, et de connaître les pratiques enseignantes qui, selon
eux, ont favorisé ou freiné leur apprentissage. Nous essaierons aussi de voir si ces
perceptions ont une influence sur leur intention d’utilisation des TIC dans leur future
pratique en tant qu’enseignants. |
Classroom communication in the online environment - perceptions and directions of action |
Author : Mihaela Aurelia STEFAN, Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Communication, a transfer of information between a sender and a receiver, as a result of which the information transmitted and received is understood and interpreted in the same way by the two parties involved, can be revisited from the
perspective of the digital context.
Classroom communication aims to produce changes, positive transformations in terms of knowledge, affectivity and behaviour, of the personality profile of the
subjects. Based on this asumption, the following questions are outlined: How can the online communication process be optimised so that the message sent is clearly understood? What is the impact of the online environment on classroom
The current paper represents an investigative approach that aims to provide data on the students perceptions of online communication-related issues and effects.
Vers une nouvelle métamorphose des pratiques scripturales a l èredu elearning. Cas des dispositifs de l’universite Mohammed premier D’oujda |
Author : Nadia EL OUESDADI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A l’heure où le e-Learning fait partie du système éducatif marocain, les
pratiques scripturales sont transformées stricto sensu en ce qu’elles permettent de
réaliser comme activités diverses soit sur des ordinateurs soit sur des appareils
mobiles connectés à Internet. Dans ce contexte le taux de consommation de
l’information écrite provenant de plusieurs sources en ligne est très répandu chez
les apprenants de l’université marocaine. Les étudiants sont de plus en plus
autonomes et créent leurs propres contenus en utilisant de nouvelles modalités,
dispositifs et modes d’apprentissage. Cet article est focalisé sur l’observation et
l’analyse des pratiques d’écriture numérique en matière d’enseignement à distance.
Notre étude propose de facto d’éluciderla question de notre recherche qui se
base sur les effets que peuvent avoir les outils numériques en enseignement à
distance sur les pratiques d’écriture des étudiants. Ceci sera abordé sommairement
à partir d’une interrogation : s’agit-il bel et bien d’un ancrage théorique qui
s’accommode autour de la présentation des principaux éclairages conceptuels à
savoir les trois concepts clés : écriture, e-learning et écriture collaborative ? Le
deuxième aspect de l’analyse se veut analytique et nous y abordons respectivement
les observations empiriques que nous avons décelées au sein des dispositifs
médiatisés |
Author : Ndèye Maty PAYE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Globally, the health crisis linked to the coronavirus pandemic forced the closure of schools and universities to prevent the rapid, uncontrolled spread of the disease. COVID 19 has had a disturbing impact on all walks of life. Among these, higher education concerns us. This article analyses the Gambian system for ensuring the continuity during the pandemic at the university. |
Author : Oprea-Valentin BUSU, Andreea-Denisa BUSU, Madalina CUC |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :A plethora of studies have been conducted with regards to imitation as primary method of learning trough which children acquire new skills. A serious amount of evidence has been brought up in recent years suggesting that ‘being imitated’ presents social valences and that the imitation of children could be used as a tool of stimulating social engagement in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. The importance of teaching imitation to children with disabilities has been recognized as early as the 1960s. This article is a literature review exploring
the contemporary approaches towards the behavioral consequences of imitation as learning in ASD. The ‘being imitated’ method promotes progress in terms of social gazes, play skills and proximal social behaviors. This applies more
especially to children with lower developmental level but also when the child’s mother adopts the strategy. |
Author : Euphrosyne EFTHIMIADOU |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The expansion of digital technology is weaving social and professional actions on mental power of the human life, while promoting not only decision-making but also socio-emotional management, which leads to human behavior modification. In the digital age, the implementation of new multi-modal, hybrid and open devices promotes distance learning/teaching while developing digital and pragmatic skills among training people. In fact, the digital space allows to diversify methodological
approaches but also to enrich methods and techniques by the learning path’s individualization. In an E-learning environment, pedagogical mediation is involved in the learning process. In fact, a transmission of knowledge and experience is established through interactive learning, while emphasizing the effective time management of the educational process, with a view to cultivating learning strategies. This is why, in online communication, it is essential to take into account the factors
related to hot or cold cognition, because different kinds of memories including sensory, short-term and long-term depend on the encoding and storage of cognitive, socio-affective and metacognitive decision-making in any learning situation. Ultimately, Teacher Mentor’s contribution is essential by implementing good educational practices that cultivate a know-how to act and also by adopting tactics to accomplish
strategic experiential training through IT systems. |
Author : Moustapha MBENGUE, Djibril DIAKHATE, Mohamed LatSack DIOP |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :In the fight against the spread of the coronavirus disease Covid-19, the Senegalese authorities had decided to suspend teaching in schools and universities throughout the country as of Monday 16 March 2020. The following question then arose for universities and higher education institutions: what are the modalities to ensure the continuity of the public service of education? The School of Library, Archivists and Documentalists (EBAD) of the Cheikh Anta Diop University of Dakar, with more than twenty years of experience in the field of distance learning, on the recommendation of the supervisory authority, had embarked on the implementation of a strategy to ensure pedagogical continuity. The aim was to enrol students initially
enrolled in face-to-face training in distance learning. This initiative was fraught with uncertainty given the novelty of the situation and, above all, the many challenges to be met, particularly in terms of raising awareness among the players involved, the availability of technological equipment and skills, tutoring of courses for first-year students, etc. The aim of the initiative was to ensure the continuity of teaching. This article presents the strategy and action plan for enrolling students in the FOAD adopted by the EBAD. Through a link between “case studies” and scientific reflection, it is part of a practical and reflective perspective and is intended to be an inspiring model of adaptation for higher education institutions in developing countries. |
Author : Florentin Remus MOGONEA, Florentina MOGONEA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The study aims to address the issue of communication based on a twofold analysis, encompasing face-to-face and virtual communication, the latter being mediated by the new communication technologies. The general framework of the
current digital society, as well as the specific context of the Coronavirus pandemic have imposed the implementation of new technologies in the teaching process; daily routine activities are now taking place not only directly, but also exclusively online
or in the blended learning mode. We intend to outline this evolution, mainly focusing on the current situation, which we shall analyze taking into consideration the possibilities of the Romanian schools to meet the demands of online activities, as they are facing the specific challenges of this type of communication. The review of recent studies and reports allows us to diagnose the ways of setting up online communication and interaction at the level of the pre-university education system, and based on our own teaching experience, we shall be able to perform a critical analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of online communication in the academic environment, more
specifically within the pre-service teacher training programme.
Author : Nadia EL OUESDADI |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :At a time when e-learning is part of the Moroccan education system, scriptural practices are transformed in that they allow various activities to be carried out either on computers or on mobile devices connected to the Internet. In this context, the rate of consumption of written information from several online sources is widespread among Moroccan university learners. Students are increasingly autonomous and create their own content using new modalities, devices and ways of learning.
This article is focused on the observation and analysis of digital writing practices (hypertext, multimedia, collaborative) in distance education. Our study proposes to elucidate the question of our research which is based on the effects that
digital tools in distance education can have on the writing practices of students. This will be briefly approached from a question: is it really a theoretical anchoring which is adapted around the presentation of the main conceptual insights,
namely the three key concepts: writing, e-learning and collaborative writing? The second aspect of the analysis is intended to be analytical and we respectively address the empirical observations that we have detected within the mediated systems. |
Author : Russel Ponty ZAMBO, Sonia Carelle MENGUE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This research dwelswith the problem of teaching difficulties, largely conceptualized from the school environment or the physical work environment of teachers. Moving from the observation that at the educational level, the socio-professional questions of these actors are transposed in the social medias, through different platforms, the objective of the research is to conceptualize the difficulties teachers are confronted with, when it comes to the skills-based approach with entry
by life situation.
Author : Hind AARAB |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Broadcasting is one of the most relevant media. It puts into perspective a communicational construction between individuals. When the speeches of some mingle with the freedom of speech of others, broadcasting represents an oversized platform, allowing the immediate diffusion of woven messages, so as to be decoded according to the lucidity of each user. The question on the interaction of anonymous listeners in local radio broadcasts is part of a reflection on the role of anonymity in the genesis of the socio-cultural matrix, by crossing the values of media discourse with the effects of industrialization mass media. Radio is a relevant media medium in the audiovisual field in Morocco, offers wide accessibility to the entire population. Our study focuses on the question of the
interaction of listeners in local broadcasts, by presenting a reflection on the role of this media in direct interaction on the antenna. With this in mind, we question the idea of this media medium, which is a means of communication of contiguity par
excellence. Broadcasting is an expert system for raising and addressing diverse themes relating to several issues that concern the practical life of any individual, especially since the coverage of the Moroccan national network makes it a very advantageous service in terms of proximity and term of cost, apart from the digital divide recorded in the regions of the kingdom. This potential is instrumentalized through a liberalized
transmission channel that propels introspections and creates dialogue in the context of information and communication technologies.
Author : Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU, Vali ILIE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper presents the data of a synchronous action-research, focused on empirical methodology, resulted from the analysis of the concrete situation of the use of the Google classroom platform by students, who prepare to be teachers, as full-time education students. In the context of the transition to the online education, in the second part of the 2019 academic year, the platform was evaluated by students for the components: announcements, adequacy to the course, seminar, to the
assessment, according to various criteria. Thus, the value of the approach undertaken by us consists in raising awareness and following some indicators, their impact in the field of communication and feedback in training. Students positively appreciate the characteristics of new environments and
forms of instruction. The focus on the forms of communication and feedback indicated that the nonverbal and para-verbal modalities remain underutilized. We can talk about a superficial level of communication and an intensification of feedback or a change in their level. As a result, we must not neglect the deficient aspects reported by students, observed by us, which requires a justified choice or the combination of the online education with the face-to-face education, in its modernized version, focused on the student. The response that students to full-time education were willing to offer and the central trend of their appreciations, after experiencing the use of the online platform, indicated that, although they have adapted to the requirement to use the training platform, they encounter difficulties that must be taken into account. |
Author : Assia BELGHEDDOUCHE |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The coronavirus crisis has affected all countries and has changed the daily lives of millions of people, including teachers and learners around the world. They have been hit hard by this crisis and have undergone changes in their teaching / learning practices. In this work, we will try to question the representations and opinions of a group of students from the ENSB (L École Normale Supérieure de Bouzaréah) in Algiers while they are still experiencing these upheavals because we
think that these representations will have an influence on their current and future practices. Our goal is to collect their perceptions of online and distance education during confinement, and to learn about the teaching practices that they believe have helped or hindered their learning. We will also try to see if these perceptions influence their intention to use ICT in their future practice as teachers. |
Author : Mihaela Aurelia ?TEFAN, Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU, Madalina CUC |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Communication, a transfer of information between a sender and a receiver, as a result of which the information transmitted and received is understood and interpreted in the same way by the two parties involved, can be revisited from the perspective of the digital context. Classroom communication aims to produce changes, positive transformations in terms of knowledge, affectivity and behaviour, of the personality profile of the
subjects. Based on this asumption, the following questions are outlined: How can the online communication process be optimised so that the message sent is clearly understood? What is the impact of the online environment on classroom
communication? The current paper represents an investigative approach that aims to provide data on the students perceptions of online communication-related issues and effects. |