DIGITAL TEACHING/LEARNING IN COVID 19 TIME AT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE GAMBIA | Author : Ndèye Maty PAYE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Globally, the health crisis linked to the coronavirus pandemic forced the closure of schools and universities to prevent the rapid, uncontrolled spread of the disease. COVID 19 has had a disturbing impact on all walks of life. Among these, higher education concerns us. This article analyses the Gambian system for ensuring the continuity during the pandemic at the university. |
| THE EMOTIONAL IMPACT ON ADOLESCENTS DURING THE PANDEMIC SUBSTANTIATION FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF SOCIO-EMOTIONAL AND SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCES | Author : Emil LAZAR | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Training and development during adolescence are the main activities, with effects/ consequences/ benefits on the entire personality and with projections for the adult life of the human person. This paper aims to answer the question related to the relationship between emotional and spiritual intelligence of the high school teenagers, pursuing other educational aspects influenced by the consequences of this relationship (behaviours,
habits and school adjustment). |
| EMOTIONAL IMPACT OF THE PANDEMIC ON CHILDREN WITH ASD | Author : Abdelkader BEHTANE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) includes hypersensitivity and dysfunction of sociability, communication and emotional interaction. Children with this disorder find it difficult to deal with their emotions, whether they are
positive or negative. The Covid-19 pandemic has had many consequences, especially in the psychological care of children with ASD and their families. In this context, the emotional impact was very important for these children requiring daily monitoring. Indeed, the loss of reference points following the closure of the centers and schools welcoming these children has impacted the emotions of the children and their
parents. Several questions arose: how to occupy children with ASD during confinement? How to ensure continuity of care and support? Does confinement have an impact on changing their emotions? The results show that there are significant differences (p <0.05) between the CARS scores in the cases studied before and during confinement. We think it is useful to make a visual schedule, to create games around the interests of the child and to respect the rhythm of the child. Also, professionals had to review their care by setting up remote consultations in order to stay in touch with families who felt deprived and to respond to emotional dysfunction or negative
emotions in their children. |
| IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THE BURNOUT SYNDROME AMONG TEACHERS | Author : Florentin Remus MOGONEA, Florentina MOGONEA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Covid-19 pandemic represents, at the same time, a global public health problem, as well as a health problem of each individual, including mental and emotional well-being. From the outset, the pandemic generated a general state of alert, at all levels, including education. In most areas of activity, this period has required greater involvement and more sustained efforts to mitigate the disadvantages and risks caused by the pandemic.
The current paper aims to examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the phenomenon of burnout. Has this phenomenon emphasized lockdown and triggered a change in the way of performing the activities? Is there a relationship
between the psycho-emotional effects of the pandemic and the burnout syndrome? These are the main questions that we intend to answer, following literature review and an investigation carried out on a sample of pre-service teachers, who participated in a focus-group interview. |
| THE MANAGEMENT OF THE PANDEMIC COVID-19 CRISIS BY QUEBEC SCHOOL PRINCIPALS: PRACTICES, ISSUES AND LEARNINGS | Author : Jean BERNATCHEZ , Olivier LEMIEUX , Anne-Michèle DELOBBE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Our study focuses on the management of schools in the context of a pandemic. School principals in Quebec are faced with the management of the COVID-19 pandemic crisis in 2020 and 2021, without having any prior training or experience in crisis management. What practices did they deploy in response to the urgency of the situation? What issues were brought to light? What have they learned that could be useful in the future? Our article aims to answer these three questions, after having
posed the problem and defined the concepts. The research strategies used were a literature review of scientific documents on crisis management and the profession of school management; a monitoring of current events in the school sector; and semistructured interviews (N=15) with school principals. In terms of practices, eight management principles are identified, related to financial and human resources,
leadership, planning and communication. In terms of issues, those of an administrative and pedagogical nature emerge. In terms of learning, several skills developed in the context of managing the COVID-19 crisis can have a positive,
lasting effect on the practices of school principals. |
| IMPACT OF THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC ON THIRD YEAR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN AN ATHENÉE IN FRENCHSPEAKING BELGIUM: TOWARDS AN EXPERIMENTATION OF THE "TRONC COMMUN" BEFORE THE TIME | Author : Jacques GEORGES | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The pandemic period changes the valuation methods of the Wallonie Bruxelles Federation schools. In fact, at the end of the 2019-2020 academic year, all secondary students in the second year were automaticaly upgraded in the next level, while normaly a selection takes place at this moment in the schooling of pupils.
How do third-year general education students feel this reality on a daily basis has been the question asked by the field research. At the same time raised the question about the "tronc commun" and de facto, the question about the scolary repetition. |
| THE SOCIO-DECISIONAL AXES OF POST-CONFINEMENT CLASSES RESUMPTION IN TIMES OF COVID-19 IN CAMEROON: BETWEEN EDUCATIONAL PRIORITY AND EDUCATIONAL INEQUALITY | Author : Russel Ponty ZAMBO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to better understand the decision-making process to support the resumption of post-confinement classes during the corona virus health crisis in Cameroon. Data collection and analysis were based on a qualitative methodology through documentary research. The results show that in Cameroon, the resumption of post-confinement classes was more based on the principles of education priority and educational inequality in the order to respond to different levels of issues, both socio-educational, socio-political and socio-health, the decisions that organize this recovery can be split into two majors axes: the central axis and the peripheral axis. |
| TEACHING STRATEGIC DESIGN IN THE FACE OF MATERIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL CHALLENGES IN THE ERA OF THE PANDEMIC | Author : Wiem MAGHROUM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this article, it is about thinking teaching of strategic design in the era of the pandemic. A set of upheavals of various kinds that the appearance of the Covid has set in motion, these upheavals upset the standards of several and different fields and we are interested here in the field of design in alliance with education. A field which also ensures the establishment of several elements participating in the creation of a complex operation, that of learning: it is mainly the actors of this operation (teachers and students), the space of play of these actors (essentially it is the space of the class) and of pedagogical strategies which ensure the success of this operation (a set of methodological techniques put in place by the teacher). These elements, in this pandemic era, reposition themselves, acquire new statuses and permeate virtual space as a result of the spacing implied by the health protocol.
This article therefore offers a deep investigation into these changes and submits reflections through which we attempt to analyze and understand this new process of teaching design, which, on the one hand, contains the territorial change
imposed by the incarnation of virtual space, and, on the other hand, practical solutions sought by the teacher. Also, we are interested in the psychological impact of these changes on students as primary receptors of the act of teaching. |
| ASPECTS OF INCREASING RESILIENCE IN STUDENTS | Author : Vali ILIE, Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In our century we face emerging challenges of uncertainty and because of that our resilience skills, which are beginning to be more and more present in the academic discourses, occupy an important place in everyday life. The strategies of increasing resilience prove to be useful in difficult times. The understanding of our own experiences or those of other people and groups can help us better manage the impact of COVID-19 in a constructive and collaborative way. The positive approach
to mental health and the development of resilience are linked to the global perspective of individual and collective health. Resilient people have good/ positive mental health. In this regard, with this study we aimed to specify the main ways of
increasing resilience in students, ways that contribute to the positive adjustment in conditions of adversity. The research took place during the first semester of the academic year 2020-2021 and gave us clues about the impact that the pandemic had on students. In relation to their answers, we rethought the approach of the curricular contents so as to offer understanding and support in order to increase the resilience. |
| FREE TIME ACTIVITIES IN THE TIME OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC | Author : Andreea Aurora Maria BUGA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The cultural changes that took place in recent centuries have led to the appearance of several models of spending free time that highlight the wish of an individual to dispose of his/ her own time organized in the most original way. Spending free time as well as recreation is often considered a state of mind, during which the individual experiences a process of transformation marked by freedom of choice and personal enrichment. If free time is used judiciously, it becomes a means
of forming human personality and permanent education.
The moment the sanitary COVID-19 crisis appeared, humanity found itself in a new context, completely unusual, totally atypical for the existing civilization. Despite the unimaginable power of the new intelligent, sophisticated, advanced
technologies it possesses, humanity has suddenly found itself powerless when faced with the new challenge, unprecedented in history. The concern came from the severity of the disease, but especially from its very aggressive contagion: a simple
sneeze, even normal breathing in relation with other people can transmit the disease. However, the lack of means of prevention and treatment of the new disease accentuated the collective state of panic and confusion (Zamfir, Zamfir, 2020, p. 6).
There are studies that show that the first immediate impact of Coronavirus was recorded on the way of living/ lifestyle of people, by the sudden change of habits regarding the organization of professional and free time. |
| KNOWING AND INTERPRETING STUDENTS EMOTIONS IN A PANDEMIC CONTEXT USING BRAIN WAVES | Author : Oprea-Valentin BUSU, Elena-Cristina ANDREI, Mihai-Narcis POPESCU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Knowledge of development stages in correlation with biological and psychological age is an indispensable element in ensuring an efficient teaching activity. Starting from the idea that the experiences lived during childhood and adolescence influence the behavior of the future young adult we focus on the causes
that led to the installation of a certain type of behavior. Teachers in the university environment report visible differences in behavior between students of different ages. These differences need to be carefully considered, as they can guide the teacher towards an appropriate approach to the student s learning style. A special category is represented by middle-aged students. They are easily distinguished by the independent spirit, being self-controlled individuals who consider that they are distinguished from their younger colleagues by the experience accumulated during their life. The behavior adopted by these students is correlated with the presence of medium frequency Beta brain waves that define a relaxed learning style. Also, the way middle-aged students perceive the educational process differs from that of younger students, because they tend to focus on the practical component, while younger students focus more on the theoretical component. The behavior of young students is correlated with the presence of high-frequency Beta brain waves, the situation in which many chemicals are produced in the body caused by high levels
of stress. Maintaining this condition for a long time has harmful effects on the whole body, producing major imbalances both mentally and physically. |
| THE NEGATIVE AND POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGICAL EFFECTS OF THE PANDEMIC CAUSED BY COVID-19 ON LEARNERS AND TEACHERS | Author : Hajar HACHIMI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The psychological effects of isolation have already been discussed in the literature (polar expeditions, submarines, prison). However, the scale of confinement put in place because of the COVID-19 pandemic is unprecedented. In this article, we explore the COVID-19 literature to examine the unfortunate
consequences of confinement and distance education on the psychic and mental health of teachers and students (pupils and students): boredom, social isolation, stress, lack of sleep, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, suicidal
behavior, addictive behavior, domestic violence are described effects of confinement, among others.
| THE SEVENTEETH CENTURY EDITION: THE STUDY OF VARIANTS IN CORNEILLE’S COMIC ILLUSION | Author : Euphrosyne EFTHIMIADOU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The 17th century is of particular interest because of the authors ‘concern to re-edit their works. More specifically, Corneille never ceases to question himself in order to evolve his first theatrical works. Indeed, the poet had his remarkable play, The Comic Illusion, repeatedly reworked, which is characterized by the suppression of verses or even the modification of scenes and of the role of certain characters. In addition, the author highlights the respect of a classical aesthetic, which harmonizes with the concern for sharpness, precision and clarity because the corrections made are related to the rules of propriety. Finally, Corneille is constantly concerned with the stylistic reshuffle, since he cares to reform his style by making it noble and dignified according to the literary requirements of his time, which testifies to his continual renewal. |
| SYNOPTIC SCRUTINY OF PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES FOR DEVELOPING FIVE MINDS FOR THE FUTURE IN TANZANIAN NON-FORMAL SECONDARY SCHOOLS | Author : Tulia MICHAEL, Laurent Gabriel NDIJUYE, Abdon Kimario ÉPHREM | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The paradigm shift from knowledge based training (KBET) to competence based (CBET) training in Tanzania was meant to create a challenging intellectual foundation to equip Non-Formal Secondary School Education (NFSE) graduates with competences to meet the dynamic changes within the 21st Century. This article describes how the five minds for the future have been integrated in the NFSE curriculum as a reflection of lifelong learning among children and youths who missed formal schooling in Tanzania. The study was necessitated by an outgrowing cry that the graduates who went through similar curriculum did not demonstrate the competences associated with the five minds in their real life (Ndyali, 2016). What often went unsaid along with the complaints against graduates in Tanzania is how the elements of five minds have been nurtured during actual pedagogical practices. Therefore, this study reviewed the Education and Training Policy (ETP) of 2014, the Non-Formal Secondary Education Curriculum (2010) and the books of five minds for the future by Howard Gardner (2006) and Frames of Mind by Howard Gardner (2007). The analysis of the information gathered revealed that the education and Training Policy (2014) as well as non-formal secondary school
curriculum features the five minds for the future. Similarly, another findings was that the curriculum materials had insufficient content which may enable non-formal secondary school learners acquire the five minds for the future. Further, it was revealed that there is limited instructional strategies, limited use of teaching materials and limited use of assessment strategies. It is, therefore, concluded that in order to improve the characteristics of non-formal secondary graduates three areas should be improved namely teaching and learning materials, instructional strategies, and assessment strategies. |