EFFECTS OF TWO SKILL-BELT MODALITIES ON FRACTION LEARNING FOR 10-YEAR-OLD STUDENTS | Author : Laëtitia DRAGONE, Natacha BUONO, Bruno DE LIEVRE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Learning fractions is important in mathematics education. However, learners have difficulties with this notion. In an attempt to remedy the difficulties encountered by students, we investigate the effect of the modality of obtaining (individual or cooperative) skill belts on the learning of fractions. To our knowledge, the scientific literature offers little information on this topic. This research targets a public of 4th grade primary school learners in a school located in the French-speaking Belgium. |
| IMPACT OF THE LEVEL OF EDUCATION ON THE USES OF MOBILE PHONE: SURVEY OF LITERACY TRAINERS IN NIGER | Author : Idrissa SANDA, Yacouba IDRISSA TIRI, Modibo COULIBALY | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This research aims to evaluate the impact of the level of the literacy teacher trainers about the use of mobile phone during training sessions at Dogondoutchi (Niger). The analyzed data are from a questionnaire survey of 104 literacy teachertrainers owning personal mobile phones. The analysis of the collected data has revealed a positive correlation between the educational level of the literacy teacher trainers and their level of expertise in mobile phone applications on the one hand, and their use of mobile phones in the training on the second hand. It also appears that these trainers use their mobile phones to interact with colleagues, trainers and resource persons. In addition, as part of their training, these mobile terminals allow them to search for educational resources, store and access them at any time they need them. |
| LANGUAGE OF EMOTIONS, PROCESS OF MEMORIZATION AND CREATIVITY IN HYBRID COMMUNICATION | Author : Euphrosyne EFTHIMIADOU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the socio-professional but also educational context, hybrid communication has exploded and has exerted a strong influence on our psychic but still physical life. In this sense, cybernetics makes it possible to exploit the mechanism of control and interaction in people in continuous motion. With the integration of digital media in all circumstances of human life, the exchange of digital data is continuously spreading without neglecting that these new modes of communication and collaboration can also condition our sensations but also our behavior by exerting an influence on our perceptions and thoughts but also on our mental state. On the other hand, human capacities linked to psychomotor factors make it possible to cultivate critical thinking, a sense of responsibility and cooperation. Yet, the risk of disruption could lead to a break with psychomotor investment. Ultimately, it is necessary to take into account social cognition and the role of memory in online interactions and learning techniques with the recourse of computer systems because the memorization of lived facts becomes profound if one experiences each situation in a state of strong emotion. |
| CHALLENGES FOR THE HUMAN RESOURCES IN THE FIELD OF EDUCATION DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC | Author : Emil LAZAR, Florentina Ecaterina JOGA (COSTEA) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article provides the results of a research on the specific aspects of the teaching process in Romanian schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Teaching staff have an important role in the organization of the school and the implementation of the teaching-evaluation process (not only during the COVID-19 pandemic), by providing clear information on the teaching process, they contribute to the efficiency of the education field, they represent authority for students and their parents (informing about the teaching process and other relevant aspects related to their education during the COVID-19 pandemic), supports communication with different support materials (either digital materials through digital technologies or printed materials). |
| HOMEWORK MANAGEMENT IN ACADEMIC LEARNING | Author : Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The article promotes the concept of rationalization or optimized perspective of the construction/ assignment of homework by the teachers and their approach by the students, so that the practice of certain tasks and the accomplishment of certain applied works could be integrated as well as possible into the educational process. The knowledge of the students insights regarding the motivation associated with solving homework, difficulties, the relationship amount-difficulty-time and allocated effort, represents a type of feedback necessary both for the students, for a more sustained involvement in the management of the learning resources, but also for the teachers, for a better adjustment of their actions. Because they were asked to professionally reflect specifically on meeting these conditions and were supported in capitalizing on self-management strategies, our intention was to find out whether students of the psychopedagogical training program for the teaching profession improve their commitment and satisfaction in completing homework. Their responses showed us that effectiveness can be achieved by initiating/ triggering the moment homework is to be done, eliminating procrastination, by identifying the time and context in which allotting homework is useful, by taking a strategic approach, during which distractors were eliminated and the necessary materials were provided. When solving homework independently, students should optimally use their resources, combine solving moments with some breaks, review the solutions globally, pay attention to respecting the submission deadlines, and capitalize on the external strengths and recommendations in the presentation of the results. |
| THE TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT OF DIDACTIC COMMUNICATION COMPETENCIES IN AND THROUGH A VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT | Author : Florentin Remus MOGONEA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this study consists in the (partial) inventory of the digital competencies that general education teachers must have. Digital competencies represent integrated systems of knowledge, abilities, skills, attitudes and values, formed and developed through learning, which an individual has and which can be mobilized to solve various problems that arise in the process of collecting, storing, processing and disseminating information through information and communication technologies. In the 21st century, teachers must have digital competencies in order to face the challenges of the information age. The need to have a certain level of digital skills has two facets for teachers: an integrating part of professional competencies; incentive and catalyst for the development of students digital skills, as a prerogative for their employment in the field of work. The areas of competency were determined in accordance with a set of national and international documents, belonging to the field of transversal digital key competencies from the framework document of the European Parliament and the European Council of 18th December 2006, regarding the key competencies for lifelong learning. From the wide spectrum of digital competencies, the ones selected and included in this document were those that were strictly necessary for a teacher to carry out professional activities with. |
| MOBILIZATION OF PROFESSIONAL KNOWLEDGE OF PRIMARY SCHOOL TEACHERS IN THE PREPARATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF MATHEMATICS COURSES IN TCHINTABARADEN, NIGER | Author : Idrissa SANDA, Yacouba IDRISSA TIRI, Modibo COULIBALY | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The curriculum reform, initiated in Niger in 2019 in primary education, calls for new teaching practices for some teachers not trained in mathematics teaching. Our study aims at exploring how mathematics teachers use their knowledge in their practices. Analysis of interviews, conducted with 30 teachers, shows that teachers follow the curriculum requirements. Teachers trained to teach mathematics rely in particular on knowledge acquired during initial training, while others rely on their teaching experience. Teachers perceptions of the effectiveness of the training received have a bearing on teaching practices. |
| CAMEROONIAN SCHOOL SYSTEM AND VIOLENCE: CAUSES AND REMEDIES | Author : Cephanie Mirabelle Gisele PIEBOP | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :On the contrary of educational violence that facilitates the achievement of didactic and pedagogical objectives, and that remains in principle safe for society in general, schools are increasingly dominated by another type of violence whose aims have nothing to do with pedagogy and didactics. This other violence causes serious human, material, financial, environmental and moral damage to society. Reasons why the present work focuses on violence. Indeed, days go by in Cameroon without schools being clogged by scandals related to violence of all kinds, ranging from rape, bewitchment, assassinations, scams, embezzlement of funds and children, breaches of trust, daggers, brawls and other outrageous behavior of all kinds. Considering the exponential speed at which these calamities are galloping and becoming more complex, everything suggests that the descent into hell of education actors is underway and that if nothing is done to wean the bleeding, it is society as a whole that will be embarked on this "ambiguous adventure". It is precisely to try to reverse the trend that this article questions violence in schools. Why so much harmful violence in schools? How do they manifest themselves? What do they translate? Can they be neutralized? If so, how? This is the problem to which the study seeks to clarify. |
| ATYPICAL DEVELOPMENTAL TRAJECTORIES AND SYMBOLIC ACQUISITION IN CHILDREN WITH ASPERGER SYNDROME. CASE OF CHILDREN AGED 4 TO 8 YEARS IN CAED-CAMEROON | Author : Estelle MEVO NOMO, Adolf MOTE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This contribution repositioned the debate on atypical developmental trajectories and symbolic acquisitions in children with Asperger syndrome. Atypical developmental trajectories are a mode of functioning and structuring governed by attitudes, atypical lines of conduct, gestures and even unconscious reflex movements that are clearly deviated from the developmental stage of the person. In childhood, the awakening of thought and learning in Asperger s syndrome involves a significantly different development. For (Damasio, 1995), individual genetic differences, the effects of age, experience, and especially the emotional factor account for much of the decision making. Data were collected from children with Asperger s Syndrome and their caregivers at the CAED. Analyzed using thematic content analysis, it appears that in ontogenetic development, neurocognitive determinants account for symbolic acquisitions in children with Asperger syndrome. To understand these atypical developmental trajectories, Thomas and Baughman s (2014) neuro-constructivism states that not all cognitive functions are damaged or maladaptive in Asperger syndrome. Furthermore, consideration of the interactive specialization of theories of cognition must be constrained by experimental data. Thus, the developmental atypicalities of children with Asperger s Syndrome are driven by the desire to open up to the world, to solve problems in a timely manner, hence the symbolic acquisition of retro and systemic proactivity. |
| SCHOOL CLIMATE AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SCHOOL CHILDREN IN SITUATION OF PARENTAL SEPARATION | Author : Dorian TCHOUANMOU HENANG, Emmanuel BINGONO | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The separation of the parental couple can be intentional or suffered, but in either case, this situation causes intense psychological suffering with potentially harmful consequences for the development of the student. However, the effects of separation appear to be nuanced depending on the children and this finding raises questions about the factors associated with the pupil s school adaptation to parental separation. As such, the school environment appears to be one of the variables receiving the most empirical support in the literature. This article assesses the relative contribution of different types of school climate to the explanation of academic performance in students in a situation of parental separation. The results of the hierarchical linear regression analyzes carried out on a sample of 67 students show a significant contribution of the educational climate, the relational climate and the climate of belonging in explaining performance in French and mathematics. On the other hand, no effect is observed concerning the climate of justice and security. |
| DIVERSITY IN MOROCCAN SCHOOLS: A REALITY PUT TO THE TEST BY PRACTICE | Author : Rajaa NADIFI, Hind SABOUR EL ALAOUI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article deals with the issue of diversity at school and looks in particular at the reality of the Moroccan school. The objective of this study is to analyze the perceptions of students and teachers of diversity, gender and ethnic diversity in the school environment. A qualitative survey carried out in a Moroccan college in the public sector provides insight into the process of education and otherness in a school characterized by diversity. We question the mechanisms of diversity at school in order to verify whether diversity at school is inclusive and contributes to equality between students. |
| THE DIDACTIC APPROACH TO THE INTERCULTURAL DIMENSIONS OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS | Author : Elena-Cristina ANDREI, Oprea-Valentin BUSU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Intercultural education is a relatively new concept in Romania and complex that encompasses a series of psychological, anthropological, linguistic, geopolitical, religious aspects. Also, carrying out the pedagogical activity in a multicultural setting requires special rigor in terms of respecting some principles and values: respecting human rights, the absence of discriminatory phenomena (all students are treated and respected equally regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, social class, religion, etc.), encouraging the expression of points of view, respect for different cultural values, capitalizing on cultural empathy. Intercultural psychology is the basis of understanding the way of action of an individual according to the influence on him of culture, customs, traditions. The heterogeneity of the student group requires a special approach from the teaching staff. He must have at least basic, usual information about ethnic and national diversities, elementary notions of the anthropology of peoples. In the absence of these notions, a difficulty can be noted in the implementation of the study discipline with everything it includes, the transmission of information, the evaluation of the accumulated knowledge, and the obtaining of feedback. |
| EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES AS AN EDUCATIONAL ALTERNATIVE FOR THE TRAINING OF TRANSVERSAL COMPETENCIES | Author : Florentina MOGONEA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study aims to address the importance of extracurricular activities in the training/ development of transversal competencies, approaching the issue in the context of the initial training of future teachers and from the perspective of this dimension of their competency profile. The approach we carried out presents this kind of activities as an alternative to the curricular ones, a complementary choice, intended to support the achievement of the educational goals. The research method used was a group interview, conducted with 12 students during the PsychoPedagogical Training Program, level II of advanced studies. The conclusions drawn from the conversation with the 12 participants allowed the identification of some aspects regarding the implications of extracurricular activities in the formation of transversal competencies, regarding the methods of accomplishment, possible themes for reaching this type of activities. |
| UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OPINION ON THEIR INSTRUCTIONAL MOTIVATION | Author : Carmen Maria TIRU, Maria LUNGU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Instructional motivation is relevant for student academic success and the improvement of teaching strategies. Many factors contribute to the growth of student s motivation to learn. The scientific literature investigated this issue and its different dimensions related to specific components of the educational process at the university level. This study investigates the opinion of university students on their level of instructional motivation, after a semester of using the ARCS model in the teaching process. The students responses showed a percentage over 50% for instructional motivation with high frequencies of manifestation in the specific dimension of ARCS model. Knowing the opinion of the students about their instructional motivation, teachers could use it in the teaching process and improve their teaching strategies. Also, by adapting the teaching model to students instructional motivation, the results could be an educational context supporting students who are not so well motivated for the instructional learning process. |
| EMOTIONAL AGILITY – AN ESSENTIAL PREREQUISITE IN OPTIMIZING LEARNING | Author : Mihaela Aurelia STEFAN, Vali ILIE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Success in academic learning depends not only on the level of cognitive development, but also on the level of development of emotional intelligence, on the extent to which the student manages to be flexible in thoughts and emotions, in order to optimally adapt to situations. No matter how creative or intelligent we are, regardless of our personality type, emotional agility, that is, how we manage our inner world - thoughts, feelings, self-image, is what ultimately determines how successful we will be. The study aims to emphasize the importance of the intrapersonal dimension in the learning process. Starting from the premise that emotions are the binder between thought and action, the proposed experimental program aimed at carrying out personal development activities that would determine the awareness of limitative thoughts and beliefs, of the importance of changing the way of perceiving a situation an event (positive interpretation of situations). The data of the research have shown that although negative thoughts and emotions appear, they can be shaped, restructured, so as to allow an optimal and balanced adaptation to various situations. |
| TRAINING LOGICS AND PROFESSIONAL INTEGRATION MECHANISMS OF GRADUATES OF CAMEROONIAN UNIVERSITIES | Author : Martial EKO-OLA, Edith Faure MEFEUTO, Vandelin MGBWA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study answers the question of how university training logic accounts for the professional insertion of young higher education graduates in Cameroon. In this respect, qualitative research was carried out to analyze the logic of university training and the insertion of young higher education graduates in Cameroon. To understand the logic of university education in Cameroon, the research was addressed to a specific group of five (05) young graduates selected by applying the typical sampling technique. The data collected from five (05) participants from the University of Yaoundé 1 and processed using content analysis revealed that there is, on the one hand, a lack of information within the state universities; and, on the other hand, a lack of structuring of training programs and their evaluation. The results also show that trainers encouragement of self-employment among young graduates is almost absent. This study, which is situated in a vocational training context, proposes to adopt accompanying measures in a social dynamic aimed at favoring the professional integration of university graduates, still in contrast with the segmentation of the labor market. |
| ORIENTATION PROCESS AND PROFESSIONAL INSERTION CAPACITY OF YOUNG GRADUATES ON THE LABOR MARKET | Author : Edith Faure MEFEUTO, Vandelin MGBWA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This article analyzes the impact of factors inherent to the orientation modalities on the professional insertion of young graduates in the job market. Although university institutions believe that they are providing young graduates with adequate training so that they can be competitive on the job market, it appears that they still have difficulty entering the job market. However, university training is developed without taking into account the orientation processes such as the personal interests of the graduate. This results in unemployment. The study is part of an explanatory approach based on a mixed design. It was carried out among 200 graduates of the departments of Art and Archaeology of the Falsh, Tourism and Hospitality. The questionnaire and the semi-structured interviews of individual types collected information from 200 participants and another 5 for the interview, respectively. The results show positive correlations between professional interest and access to employment r (200) = .353, p < .001; commitment r (200) = .355, P < .001; job retention r (200) = .293, p < .001; and finally professional insertion r (200) = .405, p < .001. It should be noted that orientation and university training policies are not sufficient if the young graduate does not feel involved in the process. The study suggests the involvement of guidance actors in the training programs; to focus these trainings on the existing opportunities on the labor market. |
| ORGANIZATIONAL JUSTICE AND INVOLVEMENT AT WORK AMONG CONTRACT TEACHERS | Author : Lilly Berthe KOUEMO SOPDOM, Edouard Adrien MVESSOMBA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Involvement at work is a concern for researchers who propose strategies to retain employees and motivate them to work continuously. This issue has been the subject of much research in the American and European contexts. Despite the multiplicity of this research, one part has linked organizational justice and involvement at work in the African context in general and Cameroon in particular. This research aims to investigate the relationship between organizational justice and workplace involvement. To this end, a questionnaire composed of the organizational justice scales of Roy and the involvement at work scales of Allen and Meyer, preceded by a priming test and items measuring sociodemographic characteristics, was developed and administered to three subsamples (n = 25 x 3, N = 75) of contract teachers in the city of Yaoundé. The GraphPad PRISMR 5 software was used to test ANOVA. The results show that: distributive justice influences involvement at work (F(2)72 = 28.15; p < 0.0001), procedural justice influences involvement at work (F(2)72 = 30.24; p < 0.0001) and interactional justice influences involvement at work (F(2)72 = 26.102; p < 0.0001). These results can be a support likely to help the State, education partners and school heads who reflect on a daily basis on the strategies to be implemented to stimulate involvement at work among contract teachers. |