SCHOOL ORIENTATIONS IN THE POST-PANDEMIC ERA | Author : Florentin Remus MOGONEA, Marian PADURE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :March 11, 2020 was the day when in Romania the pandemic moved school
classes online. Nobody had the slightest idea that we were facing an entirely new
situation. An invisible enemy (Covid-19) started to spread fear, changed rules and
behaviors. Most of us gave up natural gestures, changed our way of working,
vacations were different or didn t take place at all, in short, we adapted to a different
lifestyle. The school and the children were struck by the pandemic in a very
particular way. Schools closed and no one knew what was coming, because no one
was prepared for something like that. The consequences were unsuspected, for the
students, parents and teachers alike: they all found themselves in an unpredicted
situation. The shock was strong.
The Romanian education system had to adapt along the way, to enter, for the
beginning, in the virtual, online or hybrid meeting. The communication difficulties,
at least at the beginning, were very high. Even now, the shortages of the pandemic
period are being felt. But, despite all these, the school had to go forward, to function.
The directions of action were and are multiple, involving various scenarios.
Although even today this enemy has not disappeared, teachers, parents, students and
education specialists continue to find plausible scenarios for the good functioning of
the school and society. |
| CREATIVE TEACHING - REFLECTIONS AND APPROACHES | Author : Sofia Loredana TUDOR | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In modern pedagogy, the concept of teaching has acquired a lot of new
meanings and has had numerous interpretations, but also reinterpretations.
The redefinition of teaching is imposed by the transition process from
transmission pedagogy to active and constructive pedagogy, oriented in the
direction of effective learning, immediately, but also in the medium and long term.
Thus, the relationship between teaching and learning becomes very important, as
actions subordinate to the training activity.
In postmodern (contemporary) pedagogy, the concept of teaching is defined
as the action of formative communication of the pedagogical/didactic message,
designed according to the objectives of the training activity, carried out at the level
of the common repertoire between the teacher and the class of students, aimed at
immediate learning and in the medium and long term, regulated and self-regulated
by continuous evaluation of results.
Teaching is the dominant activity of the teacher and a causal variable on
which the state of preparation of the students largely depends. Approaching the
creative dimension in teaching is considered an optimal way for the development of
the student s personality, in the context of contemporary educational models, which
emphasize educational innovation. |
| EDUCATION 5.0: CROSS-PERSPECTIVES FROM JAPAN AND ZIMBABWE | Author : Safae ANFOUD, Lalla Fatima Zohra ALAMI TALBI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :After the COVID-19 pandemic, the world massively embraced the transition
to a digital environment, generating significant repercussions in various sectors,
including education. The revolutionary technological development that has given
rise to the so-called 5.0 industry represents a turning point that calls for a revision
of the global economic development model, basing it henceforth on knowledge
instead of industry. The concept of Education 5.0 has emerged in this context to offer
a humanized education centered on the learner, fostering his or her social and
emotional development, and based on the use of advanced technologies such as
artificial intelligence and the Internet of Things (IoT). This educational model,
recommended by organizations such as UNESCO and UNICEF, promotes a holistic,
multidimensional approach to learning, aimed at training responsible citizens and
workers. This study examines the adoption of Education 5.0 in the context of a
developed country, Japan, and a developing country, Zimbabwe, using a
comparative approach. This is based on an analytical grid assessing learning
performance, learner well-being and the acquisition of work values. By analyzing
feedback from these two countries, this study aims to better understand how
Education 5.0 can be adapted to different contexts to meet the needs of the knowledge
economy and society. |
| BRAIN IMAGING VS. COMPUTATIONAL IMAGING: INTEGRATING NEUROSCIENCE INTO THE DIGITIZATION OF EDUCATION | Author : Euphrosyne EFTHIMIADOU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The alliance between neuroscience and education promotes better analysis of
the learning process and enriching teaching practices to make it more dynamic and
effective. On the one hand, cognitive neuroscience is concerned with our behavior
and eventually our memory as well as the acquisition of our knowledge and reflexes
according to four factors (attention, active engagement, feedback, consolidation),
which determine the speed and facility of learning (Dehaene, 2012). On the other
hand, emotional neuroscience studies the interactions between the heart and reason,
moving towards a new neurobiology of feeling and social behavior (Damasio, 2017).
With the increasing digitization of the educational context in the postpandemic era, it would be essential to consider, on the one hand, to what extent the
implementation of new communication and collaboration tools makes it possible to
condition our perception and stimulate memorization. On the other hand, we can
get a look at social cognition in online interactions without neglecting the influence
exerted by technological tools not only on the way of thinking but also on our mental
balance. Finally, it is important to take a look at the future of computational
neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence such as the Chatbot Generative Pre-Trained
Transformer (ChatGPT) and even the Cerebro project, an innovative method for
imaging brain activity with a view to linking neuroscience (for understanding the
brain) and concrete strategies (for helping to learn) (Brault Foisy L.-M., Masson S.,
2022, |
| HYBRID TEACHING OF FLE IN THE MOROCCAN QUALIFYING SECONDARY CYCLE IN THE MIDST OF COVID-19 PANDEMIC: CASE OF SOME HIGH SCHOOLS IN KÉNITRA | Author : Khadija LEMSSIAH, Malika BAHMAD | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In Morocco, as almost everywhere in the world, the preventive measures
induced by the health crisis have forced not only urgent and massive but also radical
and permanent changes in school practices. Therefore, digital technology has been introduced as the most appropriate outcome to ensure pedagogical continuity.
Apprenticeships and classes, which until then were entirely provided in person, were
suddenly turned into an educational model that alternates face-to-face and virtual
self-learning courses, at a distance, hence the concept of “hybrid” teaching. Given
its abrupt and hasty nature, much has been said about this “hybrid approach”. Some
may see it as a fantastic opportunity to promote ICTs, but most consider it very
random and even chaotic. With that being said, the following contribution aims to
study the hybridization of FLE teaching/learning as it has been implemented by some
high schools in Kenitra during the pandemic (school year 2020/2021) to analyze its
effects and main factors, before giving suggestions to improve and take full
advantage of this learning system. |
| THE EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING OF LEARNERS AS A DETERMINANT OF THE TRAINING ACTIVITY | Author : Ecaterina Sarah FRASINEANU, Vali ILIE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Our article focuses on the complex issue of creating the emotional well-being
needed by the students in academic learning. Especially after the COVID-19
pandemic, this challenge has become an aspect that is better acknowledged by both
the trainers and the learners, and, following the applied empirical research, we
managed to find out to what extent the well-being of our students conditions the
activity of teaching-learning-assessment and, above all, how we can contribute to its
Social connection is a central factor, which has an impact on well-being, and
the pandemic situation, evaluated through the eyes of the students included in the
research sample, some time after it ended, confirmed that the most important factor
for their well-being was the relationship with those close to them, with their
colleagues and with the teachers they felt connected to. An essential role in this
situation is attributed to affective regulation, possible to achieve through external
facilitation, but, above all, through self-determination. However, whether they have
a positive hedonic tone or are negatively felt, emotions, as reactions to change, have
an adaptive role and are absolutely necessary for everyone. |
| ACCOMPANIEMENT FOR NEWLY RECRUITED TEACHERS IN THE POST-PANDEMIC CLASSROOM: EXPERIENCE, TEMPORALITY, COMPLEXITY & SINGULARITY | Author : Mounir MILOUDI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Remote support training for newly recruited university teachers has been
adopted by the supervisory authority in Algeria during the post-pandemic period.
This system represents an invitation to teachers to renew their modes of action and
redefine their practice. This training approach also represents a real online learning
platform that encourages exchanges between teachers and students, as well as
collaboration and mutual support between students.
The substance of our contribution aims to highlight our experience, in this
context, to create an online course entitled "Observation of Pedagogical Practices"
on the Moodle platform, with new learning strategies.
Positive feedback from testers confirms the success of this new educational
approach. Via this device, we were able to improve our technical skills by exploiting
a variety of media available to us.
This support was an experience of educational assistance and a real situation
of using the platforms. It allowed us to combine collaborative activities with more
individualized learning, customizing learning paths to student needs. Moreover, it
helped us to develop our spirit of synthesis, thus allowing the students to learn
without being constrained to go frequently to the university. |
| PROVIDING INCLUSIVE EDUCATION FOR DEAF STUDENTS IN THE POST-PANDEMIC UNIVERSITY CONTEXT | Author : Ioana TUFAR | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Inclusive measures to ensure university education for Deaf students can be
analyzed in the context of the bio-psycho-social model of disability in which we
respect the particularities and value the real potential of the student. The approach
that I propose for this paper is the bicultural- bilingual-bimodal way of regarding
instruction, education and inclusion of Deaf Students. Taking into consideration just
some theoretical aspects, I will focus more on pragmatical particularities that can
interfere in the educational process of the Deaf Students from the point of view of
the Sign Language Interpreter. |
| TEACHING IN THE ERA OF CHATBOTS: THE EXAMPLE OF ChatGP | Author : Mahdi AMRI, Feirouz BOUDOKHANE-LIMA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :We explore the increasing integration of digital tools, particularly the
adoption of chatbots like ChatGPT, in post-pandemic higher education. Focused on
the context of higher education in Morocco, the qualitative study, based on
interviews with 15 teachers, examines the potential benefits and implications of
using ChatGPT. Our methodology is grounded in a thematic content categorization
approach to analyze the collected responses. The results highlight two main themes:
the first delves into the application areas and perceived advantages of ChatGPT,
while the second addresses teachers positions and concerns regarding this technology, emphasizing the delicate balance between technology and human
interaction in higher education. |
| DIGITAL PLATFORMS, USED IN ACADEMIC LEARNING, DURING THE POST-PANDEMIC PERIOD | Author : Florentina MOGONEA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study aims to address the issue of digital platforms used during
the post-pandemic period in academic education, starting from the premise that
some of the digital teaching or learning methods and tools used during the pandemic
period, which have proven their effectiveness and usefulness, have continued to be
present in the didactic activity.
The research carried out was focused on a sample consisting of 126 students
and master s students, who were completing their psycho-pedagogical initial
training program for the teaching career and who had the availability to respond to
the opinion questionnaire, applied through a Google form.
The results of the questionnaire highlighted some essential aspects regarding
the platforms used in academic activity over the period that followed the pandemic
and, at the same time, allowed the highlighting of some advantages, shortcomings of
their integration in making learning more efficient. |
including tertiary education, from the traditional face-to-face learning
environment to alternative ones in the online space, which had significant
consequences on the teachers didactic roles and especially on the quality of student
learning, due to them being placed under the conditions of the absence of a
transitional period with a formative effect. The article aims to identify the students
perceptions regarding the favorable elements of learning in the digital realm in
comparison to the face-to-face environment, having as a purpose the improvement
of the quality of university studies in the post-pandemic period. The empirical
research used in the study involved undergraduate students from the Faculty of
Sociology and Social Work (University of Bucharest), being based on the
comparative approach of learning analytics elements in order to highlight the
differentiated effects caused by online learning versus the face to face one.
Analyzing the changes felt by students in the post-pandemic period at the
university education level regarding the efficiency of the organizational efforts when
it comes to the learning process in the academic space, led to drawing interesting
conclusions concerning: the need to expand the usage of blended learning forms,
recommendations that can be useful for the teaching staff regarding the stimulation
of the students’ learning and the utility of involving a new type of specialist within
the university, the one of a learning process analyst that sustains direct forms of
mediate learning and learning support, offered especially for undergraduate
students. |
| COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE LIFE QUALITY OF STUDENTS FROM ROMANIA AND THE EUROPEAN UNION | Author : Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU, Andreea Aurora Maria BUGA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The concept of life quality is a construct concept, which is most often defined
by the component elements and the interdependent relationships that are established
between them. Crossing the pandemic period has led to the multiplication of studies
on the quality of life, but most of the time these studies are carried out on adult or
elderly subjects. We are trying to signal the importance of studying the quality of life
of teenagers and young people, considering that the formation of healthy life skills
can be formed more easily at these ages, which can lead to the formation of a healthy
physical, mental, emotional and social.
The study consists of the analysis of European and national level documents
developed in recent years, in which the life quality of young people, respectively
of students/master s students, is probed. We also try to identify the research on the
life quality of young people carried out in recent years in the area of research of
recent years.
| EFFECTS OF A DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE FOR TEACHERS ON PROPORTIONALITY ON THEIR PERCEPTION OF SELF-EFFICACY | Author : Laëtitia DRAGONE, Gaëtan TEMPERMAN, Bruno DE LIEVRE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :With the aim of strengthening the didactic capacity of teachers in the French speaking Belgium in the teaching of proportionality, we designed a distance training
course. The training lasted four weeks and benefited a total of 93 teachers.
To evaluate the effectiveness of this training, we administered a pre-test and
a post-test, assessing respectively the teachers self-efficacy, their feeling of
confidence in the didactic field and their satisfaction with the training. The results
showed a significant improvement in teachers confidence and self-efficacy. These
positive results underline the importance and relevance of offering further online
training courses focusing on the teaching of proportionality, with the aim of
optimizing teachers pedagogical skills in this specific mathematical area. |
| FACILITATING THE TRANSITION FROM SECONDARY TO HIGHER EDUCATION - EMPIRICAL STUDY CONDUCTED IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CRAIOVA | Author : Alexandrina Mihaela POPESCU, Gabriela MOTOI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The process of making the transition from secondary to higher education
easier involves providing support and guidance to students while they navigate the
challenges of entering a new academic environment. The transition from high school
to university is a major event in a student s life. Not only the new responsibilities a
student faces, such as living away from home, less direct support from the family
environment, the responsibility for their own finances, can create difficulties or
cause stress, but also the new academic culture to which they must adhere, can lead
to adaptation difficulties or even to the abandonment of university studies.
Specialized literature presents ways for the university environment to help
students during this transition. In practice, each university tries to discover and
implement various ways to facilitate the adaptation and integration of young people
in the university academic environment. Orientation programs are held to familiarize
students with the campus, academic resources, and available support services. This
helps them feel more comfortable and connected to their new educational setting.
Students need academic advising to understand the requirements and expectations of
their chosen program, they need guidance on course selection, degree planning, and
strategies for success in higher education. Young people need the training and
development of study and also time management skills.
The present study is a diagnostic one and aims to investigate the needs and
expectations of first-year students, after their first month of academic activity, enrolled
in the study programs of the University of Craiova, in order to be able to identify the
programs that can help them, facilitating their transition from secondary to university
education. We consider it important to facilitate the adaptation of the transition from
secondary to higher education because the elements of novelty that come with the university period require a state of preparation of the young people who need support
to discover and internalize the demands of the academic environment. |
| STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING NEGATIVE EMOTIONS IN SCHOOL | Author : Razvan-Alexandru CALIN | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Emotions are part of our life and have the extraordinary quality of giving it
color. These complex states of feeling generate a series of psychological and
physical changes in the individual capable of influencing his thinking and behavior.
Sometimes the intensity with which he feels them is so strong that the individual can
be driven to take actions that, under normal conditions, he would not have done.
Starting from these realities, the present study aims to create, both, an
inventory of the negative emotions students currently face in school, as well as an
updated inventory of the strategies they use to manage them.
243 high school students participated in our exploratory research, based on
the questionnaire, the resulting conclusions highlighting, in addition to the two
inventories, the fact that beyond positive or negative emotions, it is more important
to understand that any individual, and in particular the student is, in fact,
subjectively confronted with stabilizing or destabilizing emotions, the strategies for
their efficient management taking on extremely personal forms. |
| RECONSIDERATION OF LEARNING THEORIES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF THEIR APPROACH IN THE VIRTUAL ENVIRONMENT | Author : Laura BUTARU | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The attempt of the scientists to understand and explain/describe the
mechanisms of human learning has been an ongoing and important concern with
implications in various fields of endeavor. Thus, the variety of learning theories that
are objectified in learning models or styles is explained.
In the present study, we analyze the most important psychological theories of
learning, viewed from the perspective of an environment that is increasingly present
in people s lives, when we talk about learning - the virtual environment. A
reassessment of these theories is important, because although they are well-known,
they have an explanatory power, facilitating learning in the online environment, with
the mention of correctly capturing the pedagogical/educational demands of
designing such an activity.
On a practical-applicative level, we have carried out pedagogical microresearch of a constative type, following the attitude of teachers towards learning
carried out in virtual environments, the challenges that the act of designing entails,
psycho-pedagogical demands of learning in the virtual environment. The
questionnaire applied to more than 100 teachers in pre-university education captures
their needs regarding the organization of the training space in the virtual environment.
So, the ubiquity of learning is a modern characteristic of instruction and
education, it remains for teachers to identify solutions for achievement, adaptation
to situations and contexts as different as possible, as well as revaluing the
psychological theories of learning from the perspective of technological learning
environments. |
| LEARNING EFFECTIVELY IN THE REAL AND VIRTUAL CLASSROOM | Author : Mihaela Aurelia STEFAN, Oprea-Valentin BU?U | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present study aims to draw attention to a possible systemic model of
academic learning. The objectives pursued were:
a) investigating the opinion of students-future teachers regarding the
academic learning process;
b) building and applying an experimental program focused on the
development of academic learning competence;
c) conducting an opinion poll regarding the role of the experimental Program.
The experimental program designed and applied, based on a holistic
approach to learning, had in mind the following directions: a) motivational attitudinal support; b) action at the cognitive and metacognitive level; c) practicing
the skills and affirming the desirable behavior, more precisely, putting the students
in a situation. The research undertaken allowed us to collect data that we then
subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis. Following the results obtained,
we were able to formulate directions regarding the development of students competence to learn effectively. |
| INTEGRATING HYBRID LEARNING TO DEVELOP OPEN-ACCESS CONTENT: A STUDY ON A TRAINING COURSE FOR PROSPECTIVE FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHERS | Author : Joanna GÓRECKA | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this article, I explore the hybridization of courses in the post-pandemic
context, focusing on the advantages and challenges of online teaching. I present a didactic project aimed at developing digitalized scenarios. The project specifically
targets undergraduate students training to become foreign language teachers, using
Polish as the language of instruction.
The distance teaching/learning sequences designed for this course are offered
either as assignments or as supplementary content to in-person session work. The
activities, focused on personal reflection and autonomous work, included critical
reading of research papers, analysis of classroom textbooks, and an introduction to
theoretical themes.
Two particular aspects of my work are detailed: first, I explain how the
modalities of online work meet the needs of student-future teachers and fit into the
requirements of contemporary academic training. Then I discuss the challenges,
both conceptual and technical, related to the scripting of online sequences. The
research highlights the potential of hybridization for improving both the structure of
courses and the clarity of teaching. |