The Effects of Culture on Consumer Behaviours: Differences Among Ethnic Groups in Jamaica | Author : Michael A. Hamilton | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study examines the effects of culture on many aspects of consumer behaviour in an integrative framework among the three ethnic groups in Jamaica. Using Hofstede’s (1980) the cultural framework, differences in their cultural orientation are hypothesized. Hofstede’s four dimensions of culture include collectivism/individualism, masculinity/femininity, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance. For each cultural dimension, related consumer behaviours are identified and differences in those behaviours are hypothesized regarding the predicted differences in each related cultural dimension. The study revealed that cultural dimensions exert significant influences on consumer behaviours. |
| Employee Engagement: Role of LMX and Psychological Empowerment in a Multi-Cultural Context | Author : Phani Tej Adidam , Arvind Agrawal , Irene F. Shaker | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Employee engagement is a very important goal for several global organizations. High employee engagement leads to organizational success and competitive advantage. Unfortunately, according to Gallup, only a small portion (15%) of the global workforce is engaged in their work, which is a huge challenge. Extant literature has investigated various antecedents of employee engagement at the individual level (e.g., curiosity, optimism, self-esteem, and self-efficacy etc.) as well as organizational level (managerial expectations, workplace climate, organizational culture, strategy clarity, etc). Most of these studies have been investigated in the western context. To overcome this lacunae, we investigate the impact of two key antecedents – leader-member exchange (LMX) and psychological empowerment – on employee engagement in a multi-cultural context.
This study found that LMX in combination with psychological empowerment significantly influences employee engagement. With power distance as the key cultural context, we found that in high power distance cultures, LMX has a greater impact the psychological empowerment, whereas in low power distance cultures, LMX has a lesser impact on employee engagement. Further, there is a gender bias in high power distance cultures in favour of employee engagement. |
| Partner Trust Level in Collaborative Demand Forecast Sharing and its Impact on Supply Chain Profitability | Author : Seong-Hyun Nam | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Considering trust as a critical factor for successful collaborative demand forecast sharing, this paper studies the dynamic relationship between trust level-based forecasting capability and supply chain profitability. We develop a forecasting coordination model to examine how the enhanced partner trust level can influence the forecasting evolution to improve demand forecasts’ accuracy. We estimate costs and profits from demand forecast sharing under varying trust levels between a buyer and a partner supplier and then determine the optimal level of trust for both parties to create the maximum economic value through collaborative demand forecast sharing. To assess the opportunity costs associated with no demand forecast sharing, we compare a joint forecasting supply chain’s profitability with a supply chain where the supply chain partners maintain separate demand forecasts. We find that once the buyer and the supplier agree to engage in demand forecast sharing with a joint goal of supply chain profit maximization, they should be able to retain the collaborative trust that is as closer to an absolute level as possible throughout their working relationship. Thus, the model presented in this study may help both the buyer and the partner supplier evaluate how supply chain profitability can improve as they modify their partner trust levels and determine the optimum trust-level policy for mutual benefits. |
| Dreamers and starters: how disappointing are the results of ecosystem creation in Portugal? | Author : Fernando C. Gaspar , Fernando M. Mota | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This work analyses the variation in start-up creation across the Portuguese NUT3 regions, using data available from two different sources. In the period 2014-2017, the birth of startups is measured through notary acts of new company creation and activity start is measured through the first submission of payrolls to ministério do trabalho, solidariedade e segurança social (MTSSS).
This data is analyzed with other social and economic variables trying to ascertain environmental factors that help explain the large differences between the regions.
Particular attention is focused on measuring the so called “entrepreneurial ecosystems” (Boutillier, Carré and Levratto, 2016; Alvedalen and Boschma, 2017; Kuckertz, 2019).
Results show a huge difference between startups “dreamed” and startups actually “starting”. Data also shows a spike in dreamers in the Lisboa region, but low figures in actual starters in the regions with the most visible ecosystems (Lisboa, Porto and Braga). This can be a considered a seriously disappointing result of all the investment put into Lisboa’s ecosystem.
| Securing Corporate Japan from Chinese Economic Nationalism: The Growing Importance of Social Engagement in the Socialist Market Economy | Author : Keikoh Ryu | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The long and complex history between China and Japan, and in particular the Negative heritage of the Second World War, has effectively alienated the two countries and led to a pervasive culture of Anti-Japanese sentiment throughout China. The widespread dissemination of anti-Japanese propaganda by the Chinese media has further contributed to this negative image of Japanese corporations. This pervasive climate of anti-Japanese sentiment has forced Japanese companies seeking to expand their businesses abroad to grapple with the unique challenges of navigating the highly politicized environment of Chinese harmonious society. Still, the success of any foreign companies in China fundamentally depends on whether Chinas market economy continues to develop in the face of harsh political conditions and growing social unrest. To date, only a handful of studies have addressed the effects of Chinese harmonious society on the performance of Japanese corporations operating in China. All of this has forced Japanese companies seeking to expand their businesses abroad to grapple with the unique challenges of operating within the highly politicized environment of Chinese nationalism. This begs the question: how should Japanese corporations respond to Chinese nationalism in pursuing their business objectives? This study is an attempt to fill that gap. |
| Analysis of Food Inspection Policy | Author : Ruey-Ji Guo , Yihusan Wu , Chun Chen Lee | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In recent years, food safety issues have emerged one after another. Even food firms with good reputation are inevitably exposed to food safety incidents related to them by the media. Hence, how the food regulator can develop a set of food inspection policies meeting the expectations of the society is an extraordinary issue that cannot be ignored. The paper creates an analytical model to examine the food regulator’s inspection policies, taking into account the possible strategic responses of the food firms. The results show that the optimal food inspection policy includes heavily inspecting, moderately inspecting, slightly inspecting, and Laissez faire policy, depending on inspection cost. The food regulator, on behalf of consumers, is supposed to adopt an adequate inspection policy inducing food firms to enhance food quality and ensure food safety. |
| New possibilities for non-Japanese human resources: The challenge of Japan’s SMEs for reciprocal business with emerging markets | Author : Joji Ikeshita | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper examines the role played by non-Japanese human resources in reciprocal business with emerging markets as well as the implications. We focused on non-Japanese human resources because, first, the greatest issue facing Japanese companies’ overseas business is having the necessary human resources. Second, a perception gap exists between companies and the younger generation with respect to the global business climate. Third, because of these circumstances, we decided to examine whether non-Japanese human resources, including non-Japanese international students (hereinafter, this is called “international students”), could provide a breakthrough in the barriers surrounding overseas human resources.
This article takes an empirical approach to testing this hypothesis. Specifically, we used not only questionnaire data and results but also considered approaches for attracting human resources from all other countries as well as individual cases of small and medium-sized enterprises pursuing reciprocal business with emerging markets to consider various setups and the roles and potential of non-Japanese human resources.
Finally, we point out the issues involved in education and management systems during the integration of non-Japanese human resources and localization in places where Japanese companies set up overseas operations and make proposals regarding inclusive aid programs that encompass countries and regions. |