Make or Buy Choices: Strategic, Profitability and Financial Aspects | Author : Prof. Maria Silvia Avi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Make-or-buy choices are often analysed only from an income point of view, i.e. comparing the costs of the production process implemented within the company with the costs of the service acquired outside the company from third-party economies. This attitude can lead to severe problems in the decision-making process. In choosing the best option, point make or buy alternatives must be implemented primarily based on the strategic impact of the chance to be executed or from comparing the strategic implications of the two options. The strategic aspect of make-or-buy choices is an essential element to be considered since the lack of this type of analysis can lead to choices that are perhaps the most profitable. However, these choices have severe consequences at the level of the companys overall strategy, which is why top management must implement make-or-buy decisions, not the heads of operational departments. Alongside the strategic and profitability aspects, it must also implement make-or-buy choices by considering the financial impacts of the two options. The static and dynamic financial aspects analysed through ratios and flows, respectively, represent an essential element of analysis for the decision to fall on the most convenient option for the cartel, where the concept of convenience is understood in a broad sense and, therefore, also financial. The analysis of the strategic, profitability and financial aspects, thus, appears to be fundamental to analysing the make or buy choices from every point of view. The decision can fall on the most advantageous option for the enterprise where the concept of convenience contains elements of a strategic, profitability and financial nature within it. |
| The Global Entrepreneurship Trend with Latent Growth Curve Approach: Lesson Learned From the Great Recession Recovery | Author : Jaewook Kim | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :As hospitality industry has been traditionally characterized by a small- and medium sized enterprise, entrepreneurship is much essential and important in the industry. To make an understanding of what trend exists in the entrepreneurship development around the world, a Latent Growth Curve (LGC) model was employed. By considering three macroeconomic variables (GDP, unemployment rate, and population growth), this study could figure out the trend of the growth of entrepreneurship anticipated in the most recent longitudinal data from 2010 to 2014, which indicates recovery of global economy from the economic recession. Also, the result of a series of comparisons of LGC model indicated that the increase of global entrepreneurship seen over time in an unconditional LGC model is fueled by increased unemployment rate and larger population growth. These results give theoretical and practical foundation of the importance of entrepreneurship in the recovery of global economy from the global economic recession after COVID-19 pandemic. |
| Exploring Factors Influencing the Sales Crisis in Iraninan Banking Industry- A Case Study of the Private Commercial Banks | Author : Rozita Shahbaz Keshvari, Reza Salehzadeh, Amir Khanlari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The purpose of this study is to address two questions: Which factors influence the probability of occurrence of the banking sales crisis in the national banking system regarding the private commercial banks? Amongst the influencing factors, which ones have the most influence on the occurrence of the banking sales crisis? To achieve the study purpose, we performed semi-structured interviews with 15 individuals working in the banking society (branch managers, marketing managers, R&D managers, PR managers, and corporate banking managers in private commercial banks). We explored the factors influencing the banking sales crisis in 3 major themes, 5 minor themes, and 67 concepts. Findings showed that the factors influencing the banking sales crisis are as follows: understanding the banking sales crisis, the external drivers, and the internal drivers. The banking sales crisis is most influenced by external drivers, amongst which the economic, political and then, the social factors are the most influencing ones. Following these factors, the internal drivers, such as the lack of professional training in marketing-related fields, the lack of sales experts, and the internal corruption among the banking staff have considerable impacts that exacerbate the sales crisis. Understanding the banking sales crisis is due to the lack of sales knowledge in the banking system. |
| Fear of Missing Out Reality in Financial Investments | Author : Sezen Gungor, Nihan Tomris Kucun, Kader Erol | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Behavioral predispositions are responsible for numerous irregularities in stock markets. Although many studies have been conducted on the effects of these predispositions on investment decisions, there are few studies that consider the FoMo factor in investment in the context of behavioral biases. Theoretically, FoMo has been associated with herding behavior, loss aversion and the desire to gain more, and these studies have often been conducted through questionnaires. Even analyzes with data from respondents who tend to give socially desirable answers show that individual investors in particular are under the influence of FoMo. In the questionnaire used in this study, photographs were used, not text. This study is unique in this respect. The results show that participants stimulated by photographs are frequently exposed to the FoMo effect. On the other hand, the fact that participants get rid of this effect as soon as they encounter financial data shows that the effect of FoMo can be reduced through financial data and facts. |
| Business Recovery, Renewal and Resilience Strategies for Township Taverns in South Africa: A Post-Covid 19 Prognosis | Author : Lucky Jabu Ntimane, Professor Virimai Victor Mugobo, Ms. Andiswa Penny Mrasi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Covid-19 has devastated many sectors, especially in developing economies. This study examined township taverns (small-medium and micro informal liquor retailers) in South Africa to determine survival strategies during and after covid-19. 30 tavern owners and managers were interviewed using phenomenological qualitative research design. Township taverns need to form strategic units to benefit from bulk buying discounts and diversify product and service offerings. The study recommended further research to determine what business development services and government support township taverns need. |