Technical Career Institutes, Inc. (Tci College): Strategic Analysis | Author : Wilfredo Moran | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This paper provides a framework for the in-depth analysis of TCI Colleges strategy and corporate management. The analysis will culminate with a recommendation to the CEO and the board of directors on how to improve the strategy for TCI. The analysis will include mission, vision, values, strategic plans, five forces model, SWOT, competitive strategy, strengthening the competitive position, the global market, business diversification, ethics, social responsibility, building capabilities to executing strategy, and managing internal operations, among others.
| Identification Of Behavioral Signature: Benford’s Law In Online Auctions | Author : Seokjoo Andrew Chang, Albert Chang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :For a forensic implication of online auction market earnings, we study networked overlapping online auctions and underlying agent strategy. Bidder type identification provides efficient prior information for price formation process. Especially early-stage recognition of specific bidder types enables faster ex-ante revenue estimation. Characterizing behavioral pattern of bidding strategies, we identify unique digital signatures of heterogeneous bidder types. Given that the bidder types impose direct impact on the revenue, we further extend the conceptual domain to the potential bidding fraud which undermines overall revenue structure. We highlight the method of agent signature identification through Benford’s law and power law. In our findings, there exists a bidder class which confirms the distributional pattern of Benford’s law and their revenue impact is significant. Explicit characterization is conducted based on the power law. Participating agent strategy reflects their agent cost, surplus as well as market earnings. |
| Effects Of Involvement On The Loyalty Of Specialty Coffee Consumers | Author : Chin-Tsu Chen, Hi-Ning Sun | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :With continuing maturity of the coffee market, consumers have gone beyond the need for caffeine consumption and begun paying attention to coffee varieties, specific tastes of coffee from different places of origin, and information transparency in place-of-origin labels. This trend has not only changed the entire coffee market but also given birth to specialty coffee. In contrast to fast brewing coffee products available in convenience stores, specialty coffee emphasizes the acquisition of coffee expertise from an experiential activity. Notably, levels of customer involvement vary largely between individuals, greatly affect consumers’ willingness to purchase and loyalty following such experiential activities. Few studies have explored this difference. Therefore, this study targeted specialty coffee consumer and explored the relationships between experiential marketing, consumer involvement, and consumer loyalty. The data collected using a questionnaire were processed using SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 24.0 for statistical analyses. The results revealed significant positive relationships between experiential marketing, consumer involvement, and consumer loyalty. Consumer involvement increased when the coffee sellers had sufficient knowledge of specialty coffee. This in turn led to increased customer loyalty. In sum, coffee suppliers are recommended to pay attention to every detail of experiential activities and continually improve product quality, thereby enhancing their profits. |
| The Influence Of Executive Compensation On ESG Ratings: A Study Of Publicly Listed Companies In Taiwan | Author : Jui-Chu Tien, Yu-Xuan Huang | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to explore whether ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) scores incentivize the compensation of general managers in publicly traded companies in Taiwan. We analyzed data from 2209 companies during the period from 2015 to 2020, ultimately selecting 2188 company samples with complete ESG evaluations and general manager compensation data for research. Our primary finding is that while there is a significant positive correlation between the number of Executive Compensation and ESG scores, there is no clear relationship between the compensation of the general manager and ESG scores. Additionally, we found that the size of the company and the debt ratio significantly affect ESG scores. Our research results provide preliminary empirical evidence for companies to formulate ESG-oriented compensation strategies and suggest future research to delve into the complex relationship between Executive Compensation and ESG performance. |
| Internal Auditors and Fraud Detection In CAL-Bank | Author : Jonathan Teye, Patience Akosua Dzigbordi Korsorku, Ellen Agbai | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study investigated the role of internal auditors in preventing and identifying fraud at Cal-Bank Limited in Ghana using a descriptive survey research design with a sample size of 100 respondents. The study found that internal auditors play a vital role in identifying and preventing fraud and that inadequate fraud policies, training, auditing experience, weak book- keeping, and insufficient employee criminal background checks contribute to fraud. Despite using internal control systems and software to combat fraud, the audit department faced challenges such as a lack of audit manuals and frequent management override of internal controls. The study recommends implementing adequate criminal background checks before employing staff and providing the audit department with resources, training, and independence to combat fraud effective. |
| Forecasting Exchange Rates Comparison In The Presence Of Instabilities | Author : Azwifaneli I. Nemushungwa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Exchange rate forecasting is an inherent approach in financial risk management, yet previous forecasting models were criticized for their poor predictive ability, mainly during periods of exceptional macroeconomic weaknesses. This is attributed to their failure to identify the importance and strength of key transmission and amplification channels, especially those linked to financial markets and uncertainty. Though there is no model that can be precise, especially during periods of crises, it is important to find a model that can yield near-accurate results. The present study therefore evaluates the different forecasting models, considering how each handles instabilities. The Rossi Sekhposyan forecast rationality test results reveal that the EGARCH model under general error distribution and APARCH under normal error distribution show the strongest evidence against rationality around the year 2009, identifying the concentration of instabilities during that time. This vindicates the need to control for instabilities in forecasting. This implies that, in the presence of instabilities, the fluctuation tests are more powerful than traditional tests. |