Rebalance Your Investment Portfolio Periodically: Mantra or Myth? |
Author : Michael D. Mattei, Daniel Bauer |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The investment mantra goes something like this: “have a well-diversified mix of stocks and bonds and rebalance it to maintain your strategic asset allocation.” Recent publications in the financial press have begun to question the value of periodic portfolio rebalancing. This research examines the equity portion of a well-diversified investment portfolio and shows that the “numbers” just don’t support the mantra. In fact, this research indicates that traditional rebalancing is the worst strategy, on a risk adjusted basis, for long-term portfolio growth when compared to three other strategies. While the mantra has intuitive appeal, it does not make financial sense.
A very popular portfolio strategy is to execute rebalancing of the equity portfolio periodically, generally every 12 months – for example selling the overperformers. Recent research has noted investors utilizing this strategy may be depriving themselves of the gains that extend beyond one year (Clements 2005 and Constable 2021). Thus, limiting the equity portion of an investment portfolio to passive, low-cost S&P 500 Index fund and avoiding more costly rebalancing strategies in the longer term typically results in both greater reruns for the level of risk and lower fees than the cost of continuous rebalancing.
Retrenchment in Higher Education |
Author : Dr. Bill Joyce |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The covid19 pandemic along with changing attitudes has forced many rural public universities to retrench faculty and staff. As enrollments decrease, institutions of higher learning must adapt and change to the changing demographics. Retrenchment is only one alternative to dealing with declining enrollment. Retrenchment needs to be balanced with long-term strategic considerations. As the retrenchment process is conducted, there is a need to review several alternative actions and decisions. Other cost reduction considerations include subsidies to athletics; repair/replacement; and technological infrastructure. Formal and informal communications to faculty, staff, students, and community must be maintained and possibly expanded. Most importantly, the continued education of the students should be completed in as normal a manner as possible. |
Harnessing The Flow: Leveraging Remittances to Attract FDI to Asia and Africa |
Author : Dr. Joseph Bon Sesay, Dr. Fenio Annansingh |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper explores whether remittance contributes to Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). We use data collected by the World Bank for 89 countries on remittance. The sample included 66 developing and 23 developed countries from 2007 to 2021. We use a multi-linear regression model. We demonstrate that remittance is essential to FDI flow into a country. In particular, remittance has a more significant impact in attracting FDI flow into developing countries than developed countries. Additionally, remittance has a more substantial impact on attracting FDI inflow into African countries than Asian countries. The result supports our hypothesis that remittance affects FDI. The result has significant implications for policymakers and governments of these different regions. |
From Prohibition to Permissibility: Analysing The Socioeconomic Dynamics of Marijuana Consumption Post-Legalization |
Author : Peter Wui, Prasant Allaka |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This paper investigates the socioeconomic dynamics of marijuana consumption in the United States following legalization, using data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) spanning 2014-2020. The analysis employs fixed-effect Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) regression to explore three key stages of legalization: regulation, medical, and recreational. Results reveal a significant increase in marijuana consumption associated with recreational legalization, while medical legalization shows no statistically significant impact. Positive relationships between consumption and median income, along with negative relationships with income inequality and unemployment rates among highly educated individuals, underscore the nuanced effects of legalization. The study contributes insights for policymakers, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions, awareness campaigns, and evidence-based regulations. |
American Politics V The Millennial Generation |
Author : Professor John S. Buzza |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study was conducted with the purpose of understanding recent millennial college graduates and how both President Obamas administration and President Trumps administration could have a direct effect upon the generation. When conducting the research, the purpose was to find out which sectors of the administrations policies would have the biggest effect on millennials both now and in the future. Former President Obama and President Trump have extremely different views on how the nations current economy, its healthcare system and its position on foreign policy will facilitate the economy in the future. The study associates the policies of each administration and the implications of each – given the general beliefs and attitudes of millennials. Many of President Obamas policies align with the moral code of most millennials. President Trumps proposed plans may help bolster the American economy as well as the job market for millennials, but his ideologies do not align with that of most millennials. That disconnect between the results and the means to attain them makes it hard for a majority of millennials to support the current administration and its policies. That said, without millennial support, is our current administration on a crash course to destroy the support needed to run our great country effectively and efficiently? Our paper will examine the facts and justify our findings.
Conceptual Thinking of Power “Think – Imagin” Fingering-Abilities |
Author : Mokrane REFAA |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The power subject is difficult. Aborded it in Conceptual Thinking (CT) is very difficult. Its demanded a large and extensive experience in research. CT proposed in this article is innovative. It provides and develops a central and main element of CT: ideation. This CT offers a whole panoply of approaches to realize this ideation. She coordinates the think-Imagine specific to CT projected. She proposed ideation approach for R&D studies in firms.
The foundation of this CT comes in two parts: Highlighting the foundations of CT; and Maximize and optimize ideation in Macro-concept - Quantum Gates. The two components complement each other and develop the capacities and giving Fingering-abilities, Power. The whole approach allows, on the one hand to Think and Imagine in research by giving the broadest and most complete possible openness of mind and ideation; and, on the other hand, Design-Develop is centered on the say business for business development.
The ideation is the main basis of this research. This ideation is based on two phases: corroboration for the course of things (the course of events); and correlation for state-of-things (brain-like event analyses). The CT expect theories and practices in the social sciences, particularly in management and philosophy; and Analyze Information Technologies, in particular those of quantum. These research’ areas are necessary for thoughtful study CT and conditioning thought for act of the mind.
The methodology is founded on more of forty years action researches. Diagnostic of the latter allow a validation of this CT. These parts and phases give and show the mechanisms, the gears, the constitution, the formalisms... of this CT. Most approaches to investigating ideation focus on the functioning of knowledge. CT proposed goes above and beyond by taking charge of skills and abilities by devoting itself to extended organizations for the absorptive capacities in co-trust synonymous with Power. |
The Transformation of The International Cat Litter Industry: The Rise and Popularity of Tofu Cat Litter |
Author : Qinghua Siluo |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Welcome, feline darlings and ecologically cognizant pet people! Might it be said that the unending wreck and ecological effect of conventional feline litter boxes burn you out? Indeed, we have a thrilling answer for you - the presentation of progressive tofu feline litter for natural insurance! This innovative thing, not as it was, gives a perfect and agreeable inclusion for your feline friend, yet it also has an effect guarantee on our planet. In this article, we will investigate the mind-blowing elements of this eco-accommodating option in contrast to customary feline litter. Express farewell to superfluous plastic sacks and hi to a cleaner inner voice with Dispensable Tofu Cat Litter! |