A Broader Portfolio-Balance Approach of Exchange Rate Determination | Author : Dr. Ioannis N. Kallianiotis | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Another theory of exchange rate determination is the (broader) portfolio-balance approach, which is part of the Asset Market Models and is largely attributed to economists after 1978 when the exchange rate had become flexible (market determined). This article first introduces the setting of the model embedded in the portfolio balance approach that encompasses three assets (money, bonds, and stocks) and two returns (interest rate on bonds and stock markets’ returns), which deviates a little from the models and approaches used for the monetary approach to the balance of payment, the overshooting model, and from the associated market equilibrium. The effects of monetary policy, of current account, and of wealth (money, bonds, and stocks or stock market indexes) under the portfolio-balance approach are examined, here, theoretically and empirically. The current statistical and econometric results show that the exchange rate is determined mostly by the money supply, value of the bonds, the level of the stock indexes, and the interest rates; but, there is only a very little effect from the returns of the stock markets. All these variables are affected by the monetary policy. Thus, the central banks are the institutions that cause the effects on these independent variables and consequently, on the exchange rate (as a monetary phenomenon). |
| Analysis on Deductibility of Royalty Expenses in the form of Utilization of Intangible Properties and or Know How for Corporate Income Tax Purposes in Indonesia | Author : Iman Santoso, Annisa Irianti Dwiandari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The rapid changes of globalization provide easy access for mobilization of people, goods, and investment across countries creating multinational companies to record royalty expenses in the form of utilization of intangible properties and or know how. In nowadays digital era, numbers of cross border royalty payment transaction by the corporate taxpayers are more intensive in terms of amount and size. In the event of tax audit, this royalty payment usually being adjusted as non deductible expense by the Indonesia Tax Authorities despite technically the prevailing Income Tax Law mentions in explicit that this royalty payment is considered as deductible expense for the purpose of corporate income tax calculation. The objective of this research is to identify the rationale of fiscal adjustment made by the ITA on this royalty expense as well as to analyse this practical challenge from legal certainty aspect and efforts that are carried out by the corporate taxpayers to solve this tax dispute. This research used a qualitative approach with in depth interview and literature study for its data collection technic. Result of this research identified that royalty expenses in the form of utilization of intangible properties and or know how, during the tax audit process conducted by the ITA, usually become a fiscal adjustment due to unfulfillment of 3 cumulative tests, namely existence test, economic or commercial benefits test and arms length principle test. However, from the verdicts of the Indonesian Tax Court, we found many of disputes were won by the taxpayers making this fiscal adjustment ambigu. As such, it will be critical for the ITA to reformulate the provision of royalty as deductible expense in order to increase legal certainty for corporate taxpayers. |
| Executive Leadership Eco-Guide to Organizational Development | Author : Randall L. Englund | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :A widespread desire to improve organizational performance may be sated by focusing on a key set of necessary and high priority actions. An essential focus on creating excellence in people, processes, and the working environment reaps tremendous benefits and enables executives and their organizations to achieve desired objectives. Leadership skills and environmental factors provide significant impetus towards sustainable success.
An ecosystem is a community of interacting organisms and their physical environment. A “green ecosystem” creates an environment for consistent, predictable, and sustainable success. It eliminates “toxic” substances and provides projects with a physical and mental context that allows them to prosper. This allows management to focus on overall organizational success, not just on individual project performance. People then feel like they are constantly contributing to organizational and personal knowledge and creating growth. |
| Administrative Contracts and Arbitrability: Obstacles and Barriers | Author : Ahmed Aldhafeeri | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In line with the Saudi vision 2030, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing a comprehensive revolution in laws and legislation with the aim of making Saudi Arabia attractive to foreign investments. One of the most remarkable laws has been issued so far is the Saudi arbitration law in 2012. This article aimed to assess the current legislative practices regarding the extent to which administrative contracts are subject to arbitration. Thus, the study concluded that despite the clear reforms and tangible actions undertaken by the Saudi legislator to attract investors, there is still difficulty in submitting administrative contracts to arbitration due to the current provisions of the laws related to this issue. Therefore, the study suggests modifying the arbitration law and the new government tenders and procurement law to explicitly state the permissibility of resorting to arbitration in administrative contracts. |
| Educating Bodies in the Ideological Apparatuses of the Age of Neoliberal Globalization | Author : Paul C. Mocombe | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Postmodern and post-structural theories on education highlight education as a “discursive space that involves asymmetrical relations of power where both dominant and subordinate groups are engaged in struggles over the production, legitimation, and circulation of particular forms of meaning and experience (Erevelles, 2000, pg. 30). As such, postmodern and post-structural theorists “examine the discursive practices by which [(individual)] student subjectivity (as intersectionally constructed by race, class, gender, and sexuality) is produced, regulated, and even resisted within the social context of schooling in post-industrial times” (Erevelles, 2000, pg. 25). This latter view is juxtaposed against structural theorists who view education as an ideological apparatus for bourgeois domination in capitalist relations of production (Bowles and Gintis, 1976; Althusser, 1980). In this work, I argue that the former position is not an alternative to the latter. But represents an aspect of the former. That is, education in the age of neoliberal (post-industrial) globalization serves as an ideological apparatus for bourgeois domination through the identity politics of postmodernism and post structuralism. |