Adsorption studies on the inhibition of the corrosion of mild steel in 2 M NaCl by tetracycline and neomycin trisulphate drugs | Author : B. Anand and S. Chitra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Inhibition of mild steel corrosion in 2 M NaCl solution by tetracycline and neomycin trisulphate was studied using gravimetric, Fourier transformed infra red spectrophometry and scanning electron microscopy methods. Highest inhibition efficiencies were 82.90 and 75.10 % for tetracycline and neomycin trisulphate respectively. Inhibition efficiency was observed to increase with increase in the concentration of the inhibitor. Scanning electron micrographs of the metal surface reveals the formation of protective inhibitor’s films in the presence of the inhibitor while Fourier transform infra red spectra indicated that some functional groups were useful for the adsorption of the inhibitor on the metal surface. The adsorption behaviour of the inhibitors was best described by the Temkin and Frumkin adsorption isotherm. The adsorption of the inhibitor was spontaneous and supported physiosorption mechanism |
| A review on the prevalence of Human Giardiasis in some selected States in Nigeria | Author : Yusuf Buhari, Salisu Mansur Dabai & Abubakar Abdulazeez | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Giardiasis is caused by Giardia doudenalis and is a protozoan parasitic infection associated with poor socioeconomic conditions and therefore most commonly found in highly impoverished countries. This disease is associated with public clusters such as correctional and day care centers as well as public recreational centers such as swimming pools, especially in absence of good personal and environmental hygiene. It is often transmitted through infected fomites, contaminated water and food. Because sexual transmission has been documented, coinfection with HIV/AIDS have been reported and the disease has been declared a member of venereal diseases, hence, an opportunistic infection in immunocompromised hosts. It has been seen in various ages, but prevalence is mostly higher among children, which has been associated with transmission through the fecal-oral route due to such behaviors as encopresis, finger sucking, sand eating and nail biting among others. This review assesses the prevalence of Giardiasis in some states in Nigeria through convenient sampling of available literature. |
| Ni(II) complex of (3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-6-(2-Phenylacetamido)-4-thia-1-Azabicyclo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid : Synthesis, characterization and antibacterial activities | Author : Ifeanyi E. Otuokere, U. F. Robert & K. K. Igwe | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The ligand (3,3-Dimethyl-7-oxo- 6-(2-phenylacetamido)-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0-] heptane-2-carboxylic acid (DPTA) is a ß-lactamin derivative used in the treatment of infections caused by gram-positive bacterial strains and few gram-negative bacterial strains.[Ni(DPTA)] was synthesized by the reaction of DPTA with NiCl2.6H2O. Physical properties such as solubility, colour and melting point were determined for the ligand, DPTA and the synthesized complex, [Ni(DPTA)]. The complex is found to be light green in colour. The ligand and the complex are ionic in nature with molar conductivity values of 218.2 and 126.0 Sm2mol-1 respectively. The complex was characterized based on elemental analysis, UV-Visible, infrared, 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectroscopy. Spectroscopic data suggested that the DPTA coordinated to Ni ion through OH, C=O of amide, C=O of carboxylic acid, C=O of ß-lactam and NH functional groups. Also since DPTA was coordinated to nickel centre through five sites it was also proposed that it acted as a pentadentate ligand around the nickel centre. The antibacterial studies of the ligand and its nickel complex were carried out against four-gram negative bacterial strains (Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Pneumonia aeruginosa and Campylobacter fetus) and four-gram positive bacterial strains (Staphylococcus aureus, Bacillus substilis, Bacillus cereus and Enterococcus faecalis). The results showed that [Ni(DPTA)] exhibited better antibacterial activity than DPTA. Its study concluded that the process of chelation affected the biological behavior of the compound which in turn increase the inhibitory potential against the bacterial strains. |
| Phytochemical Screening, GC-MS And FTIR Analysis of Ethanol Extract of Piliostigma thonningii (schum Milne—Redth) Leaf | Author : Isah Yinusa and Joy Oremeyi Raphael | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The present investigation was carried out to investigate the phytoconstituent of piliostigma thonningii leaf through phytochemical screening GC-MS analysis and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR). Cold extraction method was used to extract the organic constituent of the plant leaf using ethanol as a solvent. The result obtained indicated a yield of 4.6 g (3.06 %). Preliminary phytochemical screening revealed the presence of flavonoid, terpenoid, cardiac glycosides, tannins, phytosterols, phlobatannins and alkaloid. The GC-MS analyses of ethanol leaf extracts showed the presence of 64 components based on separation of individual peaks through the column with respect to retention time (Rt) and area under the respective peaks. The prominent molecular functional vibration of chemical groups was also determined. The peak at 3250.2 cm-1 was assigned to hydroxyl vibration in alcohol while the band at 2918.5cm-1, 2847.7 cm-1, and 1461.1 cm-1 were attributed to the presence of alkanes |
| Antioxidant Assay and Flavonoids of Rind and Seed of Citrullus lanatusl linn (Water Melon) | Author : A. Abdulazeez, A. Usman, S. Audu, I. L Ibrahim, S. I. Kwokwu, .M. T. Umar, J. Babatunde & . A. Uthman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This work was designed to determine the level of antioxidant and flavonoids in rind and seed of Citrullus lanatus L. Samples were collected from various farm including Cecce, Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University main gate and Gidan gwari farm then were. Results obtained indicated flavonoid concentration in the rind as (174.41±0.02, 174.34±0.12, 173.78±0.00 and 174.56±0.00) mg/100g while those of seed were (156.79±0.01, 151.41±0.00, 154.12±0.04 and 153.00±0.02)mg/100g. However, antioxidant assay indicated the following concentration for rind samples collected from different farms (26.04±0.01, 23.81±0.02, 25.39±0.16 and 26.31±0.15)%DPPH while in the seed, the assay gave (36.89±0.41, 38.19±0.03, 35.24±0.02 and 38.73±0.21) %DPPH. Therefore, Citrullus lanatus rind may provide considerable medicinal, health and economic benefits if freshly consumed or utilized in food products and also supplementing human nutrition requirements for normal growth and adequate protection against defects associated to the malnutrition.
| Modification of White Method for Quantitative Evaluation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in Honey | Author : F. G. Okibe, G.A. Shallangwa, I. Usman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The White method for determination of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF) content in honey was successfully modified using Perchloric acid (HClO4) as replacement for zinc acetate (Zn (CH3CO2)2·2H2O) and potassium ferrocyanide (K4Fe (CN) 6·3H2O) to serve as Deproteinizing agent, and Sodium bisulphite (NaHSO3) was replaced with sodium pyrosulphite (Na2S2O5) for the chromophore removal of 5-HMF at 284 nm. The proposed method was validated by evaluation of parameters such as linearity, precisions (reproducibility and intermediate), accuracy, and limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantification (LOQ), ruggedness and robustness. The correlation coefficients for the calibration curves were 0.9994 and 0.9923. The method is in agreement with Beers- Lamberts law at the concentration range of 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 mg/kg. The values of reproducibility and intermediate precision in honey samples were 2.65, 2.67, 3.03, 4.73, and 1.90 % respectively. The recoveries for the analyses were between 81.4 % and 104.6 %, LOD and LOQ were 0.12 and 0.36 mg/kg at 284 nm and 0.06 and 0.17 mg/kg at 336 nm respectively. The ruggedness of the method was 1.23 and 1.00 %, and the robustness were 0.64 and 0.42 %. The results obtained suggest that Perchloric acid and sodium pyrosulphite can successfully replace zinc acetate, potassium ferrocyanide and Sodium bisulphite which are scarce and expensive reagents. The Modified method is suitable for routine determination of 5-HMF in honey samples |
| PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF LEAVE EXTRACT OF Amaranthus spinosus | Author : Rabiu Nasir, Haruna Saeed Alhassan, Ahmed Abubakar &Yusuf Ibrahim | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Identification of the constituents of Amaranthus spinosus was carried out using ethanol extract of the dried leaf of the plant. Microbial detection of zone of inhibition was also carried out. The extract yield from the leaves was 17.40 g while phytochemical screening indicated the presence of saponins, alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenoids and glycosides in the leaf extract. The antimicrobial assay indicated that methanolic extract of the plant were slightly active against the test isolates with the extract being more active against Staphylococcus aureus (15mm), Aspergillus flavus (15mm), E. coli. (13mm) and Mucor spp (10mm). Hence methanol extract of this plant has potent medical values. |
| Comparative Studies of the Secondary Metabolites in the root and leaf of Starchytarpheta cayennennsis (L) Vahl | Author : A. E. Oruk, A. A. Ibuot, & J. O. Echeme | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Secondary metabolites are useful components of plants and they can be distributed differently in different parts of the plant. This study seeks to investigate and compare concentrations of secondary metabolites in the root and leaf of Starchytarpheta cayennennsis (L) Vahl. Samples of the roots and leaf of Starchytarpheta cayennennsis were screened and analyses for secondary metabolites. The results obtained indicated concentrations of alkaloids, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and cardiac glycocides in the root to be 12.631 ± 0.412, 18.141 ± 0.15, 7.589 ± 0.033, 23.110 ± 0.240 and 1.958 ± 0.195 mg/100g respectively. In the leaf of the plant, the corresponding concentrations were 2.75 ± 0.354, 15.25 ± 0.186;1.75 ± 0.354. 3.077 ± 0.186 and 0.001 ± 0.000 mg/100g respectively Concentrations of the secondary metabolites were higher in the root than in the leaf. Subjection of the data to t-test revealed that there is a significant difference (P>0.05) between the concentration of phytochemicals in root of Starchytarpheta cayennennsis than in the leaf. |
| Assessment of Water Quality from Hand Dug Wells in Kurmin Siddi, Kaduna State | Author : Ibrahim Usman, Williams N. Kaigama, Thankgod Daniel and Abu E. Benjamin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :After considering the necessity for portable water and hand dug wells as the common source of water, physicochemical and biological analysis was carried out on water samples collected from four hand-dug wells located within Kurmin Siddi settlement in Kaduna State, Nigeria. Mean values of the measured parameters were Turbidity (2.50±0.01 to 4.90±0.20 NTU) Hardness (61.99±0.02 to 83.70±0.01 mg/L), conductivity (0.06±0.83 to 1.66±0.32 µS/cm6), pH (6.30±2.27 to 8.21±0.24) and total coliform count (9 to 26). The analysed parameters were compared with WHO (2002) requirements for drinking/portable water. Although all the measured parameters were within WHO standards, the total coliforms count is above the standard which indicate that the water is not suitable for drinking except it is treated
| Compatibility Study of Polystyrene and Poly Methyl-methacrylate Blends using FTIR and Viscometry Methods | Author : N. S. Akpan, U. Idio, S. Usman, A. Idowu, M. Ugbaja, & L. Zango | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Polystyrene and poly(methyl -methacrylate) are widely applied polymers but suffer from some property’s failures such as brittleness, especially when used in crude form, In view of this, and other materials requirements that is expected to be met by most polymers. This study seeks to investigate compatibility of various blends of polystyrene and poly (methyl methacrylate) (in chloroform solvent) using Fourier transformed infra-red spectroscopy and viscometry methods. Results obtained from Fourier transformed infra-red spectroscopy indicated that blending did not change the functional groups of the polymers significantly, which pointed towards the existent of little or no interaction. Viscometry measurements revealed that plots of relative viscosity versus concentration, specific viscosity versus concentration and reduced viscosity versus concentration were respectively parallel to each other and assumed S-shaped which also indicated the absence of interaction, hence incompatibility. It is concluded in this work that at the operation temperature of 303 K, there is no compatibility between polystyrene and poly (methylmethacrylate) blends. |
| Utilization of Musanga cecropioides wood saw dust for the removal of disperse yellow (DY) dye from aqueous solution | Author : Anduang Ofuo Odiongenyi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In continuation of the research on sourcing for affordable, biodegradable and efficient adsorbents for dye in contaminated water, the present study was designed to investigate the adsorption efficiency of Musanga cecropioides wood saw dust for disperse yellow dye. Effects of adsorbent dosage, temperature, concentration of dye and period of contact were investigated using batch adsorption process. The results obtained indicated that the equilibrium amount of dye adsorbed were within the following ranges, 3.5313 to 39.1875, 9.03 to 23.06, 16.66 to 19.22 and from 16.72 to 18.47 mg/g with respect to concentration, adsorption dosage, period of contact and temperature respectively. The amount of dye adsorbed increases with adsorbent dosage but decreased with increase in temperature. The adsorption of the dye on the surface of the wood saw dust was spontaneous and obseyed the adsorption models of Langmuir, Freundlich, Javanovic, Redich-Peterson and Brouers-Sotolongo. FTIR study indicated that the major functional groups responsible for the adsorption of the dye were C-O and C=O functional groups, while other functional groups indicated the presence of interactions due to shift in frequencies. The study reveals that resource recovery practice from Musanga cecropioides wood saw dust can create an eco-friendly adsorbent for the purification of dye contaminated water. |
| Maceral Characterization of the Cretaceous Effin – Okai Coal De-posit in Northern Anambra Basin, Nigeria | Author : Felix B. Fatoye, Yomi B. Gideon and Joseph I. Omada | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Petrographic studies have been carried out on coal samples from Effin – Okai coal deposit in northern Anambra Basin, Nigeria. The studies were designed to determine the petrographic characteristics of the coal based on its composi-tion and vitrinite reflectance to ascertain the potential relevance of the coal to possible indus-trial usages. Maceral characterization reveals the presence of the three maceral groups; vit-rinite, liptinite and inertinite in all the samples. Observed proportion of the vitrinites and iner-tinites were higher than the liptinites in the sam-ples. Based on mineral matter-free basis, the average composition of the coal indicated 58.60% vitrinite, 8.60% liptinite and 32.80% inertinite. However, in the presence of mineral matter, the average compositions were 46.40% vitrinite, 6.30% liptinite, 28.40% inertinite and 18.90% mineral matter. Therefore, the coal con-tains 52.70% reactives (vitrinite + liptinite) and 47.30% inerts (inertinite + mineral matter). The mean vitrinite reflectance measurement for the coal was 0.38% Romax. These petrographic characteristics suggest that the coal does not possess coking qualities suitable for coke mak-ing blends and for metallurgical processes such as utilization in reduction of iron ore. Therefore, the quality of the coal is low. However, it has potential values for electricity generation, in heating of boilers and for powering oven for industrial heating process. |
| Total Phenolic and Flavonoid Contents, Antioxidant Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Calotropis Procera Stem Bark Extracts | Author : Abdullahi Usman, Ruth O. Onore, Osebuohien A. Oforghor, Jibrin Mohammed, and Nasiru L. Usman | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In continuation of the need to search for phytochemicals in parts of some rare and native plants of Nigeria origin. This study was designed to carry out phytochemical screening, antioxidant properties and determination of total phenolics and flavonoid contents in Calotropis procera Stem. The phytochemical screening of stem bark of C. procera using aqueous and methanol extracts revealed the presence of tannins, phenols and flavonoid. The aqueous extract was also found to contain saponins while methanol extract also has steroids. Steroids was the only metabolite present in hexane extract. The anti-oxidant activity, total phenolic and flavonoid contents of aqueous and methanolic extracts of stem bark of C. procera were evaluated by using 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, Folin-Ciocalteau and aluminium chloride colorimetric assays. From the results obtained, the methanolic extract was observed to have demonstrated a significant concentration of phenolic (81.65±0.92 mg GAE/g), and flavonoid (46.08±0.71 mg RE/g) than the aqueous extract (66.07±0.43 mg GAE/g, 31.34±0.39 mg RE/g). The aqueous and methanol extracts showed maximum activities of 28.16±0.64% and 81.65±0.71% at 1 mg/ml respectively. However, the ascorbic acid exhibited 83.12±1.02% in the DPPH assay. The results of the present study, shows that both aqueous and methanolic extracts could serve as a valuable source of natural antioxidants. |
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