L’autre dans la langue et à travers la langue : de la perception du français chez les étudiants du grand sud algérien | Author : Rachid CHIBANE | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :ABSTRACT: This paper tries to study the question of the attitudes and the motivation of the students of the university center of Tindouf with regard to the French language. This study is important insofar as the understanding of the relationship between students and the French language could be used to better develop teaching practices within the French language classes in the region of the great south of Algeria.
RÉSUMÉ: Dans cet article, nous traitons de la question des attitudes et des représentations des étudiants issus de la région de Tindouf à l’égard de la langue française. Cette étude s’appuie sur une enquête menée auprès des étudiants du centre universitaire de Tindouf. Notre objectif est de comprendre la relation qu’entretiennent ces étudiants avec les langues présentes dans leur contexte de communication. Pour ce faire, nous avons alterné entre approche quantitative (questionnaire) et qualitative (entretien semi-directif). |
| The Transformative Experience of Cultivating Empathy in Teaching Intercultural Studies as Substantiated in The Sociolinguistics and Gender Studies Master One Community | Author : Fatima Zohra BENNEGHROUZI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Different value systems, coupled with diverging communication styles and behaviours can build up into stern instances of miscommunication and conflict among cultural groups, both within and across societies. In this spirit, my paper probes the following question: How can learners of intercultural studies attain the flair to understand the dynamics of intercultural contact and the practical skills to successfully engage with cultural diversity? This is tested against the postulation which states that learners of intercultural studies can scarcely generate a trans-cultural competence in an eight-week lecture series. With this in mind and through the intercultural studies lecture series, my main objective is to call attention to the significance of cultivating empathy which becomes pivotal in the intercultural perception enacted by and cultivated in the Master 1 (Sociolinguistics and Gender Studies) inter-culturality classroom. The research tool employed in the present study is: An eight week structured observation describing the intercultural studies lecture series in action. This includes the distribution of 4 assignments to students which aims at gauging the development of their intercultural sensitiveness all along the eight week lecture series in the light of their classroom interactions. Issues relating to colonialism, religion, gender, racism, prejudice, interdependence and many more are also closely summoned up in the wake of such interactions. The strategy implemented throughout the course elaborates chiefly on Sitaram and Cogdell’s Value Classification Chart (1976) which contrasts mainstream values at work in different cultural environments, and the Worldwork’s Framework of International Competencies (2010) which propounds manoeuvres for trans-cultural sensitivit |
| Ingeniería social: una clave para entender la historia reciente. Acontecimientos relevantes en los países del Mediterráneo | Author : David LARA & Rafael PALACIOS | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :ABSTRACT: Halfway between mass psychology, sociology and mass media theory, the study of Social Engineering allows us to understand the recent history of the Human Being and how we have been conditioned to accept a certain type of "progress" as such, when in fact it is destroying the Human Being through: –The false flag attacks. – The artificial creation of social movements and revolutions. – Gender warfare. – The fusion between man and machines known as "trans-humanism".
RESUMEN: A medio camino entre la psicología de masas, la sociología y la teoría de los medios de comunicación de masas, el estudio de la Ingeniería Social permite comprender la historia reciente del Ser Humano y como hemos sido condicionados a aceptar un cierto tipo de “progreso” como tal, cuando en realidad está destruyendo al Ser Humano a través de: – Los ataques de bandera falsa.– La creación artificial de movimientos sociales y revoluciones. – La guerra de sexos. – La fusión del hombre con la máquina, conocida como “transhumanismo”. |
| Des spécificités articulatoires du français : du diagnostic à la gymnastique | Author : Loïc LESVIGNES | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :ABSTRACT: The teaching of French as foreign language (FFL) and its derivatives allows the phonetic linguist to develop an interesting approach based on the constitution of types of phonetic difficulties. From small group basic pronunciation exercises, we propose a protocol to develop real "personalized programs" so that the learner can finally tackle his difficulties in a safe and rewarding way. This protocol begins with a diagnosis and ends with the realization of personalized exercises of articulatory gymnastics. |
| Les Mots d’Emprunt d’Origine Espagnol dans le Parler Oranais | Author : Virginia DÍAZ OTI | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :ABSTRACT: The speech spoken in Oran shows a remarkable number of Spanish borrowings due to its strong contact with Spanish population along the centuries. This contact initially took place in 903, when the first Andalusians reached the Oran coast. After that, this Algerian city received in 1492 the Hispano- Muslim refugees and Sephardic Jews who were exiled from Al-Andalus, and a second expulsions wave in 1609. But, maybe, the Spanish occupation between 1509 and 1791 along with the development of a lingua franca used by sailors in the Mediterranean basin between XV-XVIII centuries were the most influential events on the Oran vernacular language. The contact remained with the new refugees and exiles arrival due to Spanish Civil war (1936-1939). Nowadays, the link between both Spanish and Algerian people is even strong and these borrowings, which include different fields, are fully integrated into the familiar and formal levels of the speech of both the young and old generations. This paper aims to make an analysis of the phonetic, morphological and semantic changes of many borrowings of Spanish origin presents today in the Oran speech as well as their classification and usages.
RÉSUMÉ: Suite à l’arrivée à Oran des premiers Andalous en 903, aux deux grandes vagues de réfugiés hispano-musulmans et juifs séfarades en 1492 et en 1609, à l’occupation espagnole dès 1509 jusqu’à 1791, à la nouvelle arrivée des exilés et refugiés après la Guerre Civile espagnole (qui finit en 1939), et compte tenu de la naissance de la lingua franca partagée entre les marins et commerçants méditerranéens entre les siècles XV-XVIII, on peut de nos jours trouver de mots d’emprunt d’origine espagnol dans les différents registres du parler oranais. Ces mots tiennent sa place autant chez les jeunes que chez les usagers âgés, étant donné par ailleurs que le contact entre les deux peuples reste aujourd’hui encore vivant. Leurs usages et leurs changements phonétiques, morphologiques et sémantiques, qui méritent des recherches plus approfondies, sont l’objet de cette modeste étude. |