Islamic Financial Institutions And Their Impact On The Development Of Halal SMEs In Nigeria |
Author : Tijanni Muhammad |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Islamic Financial Institution is considered Halal and Shariah-compliant institution that effectively developed and impacted the role of developing Small Medium Enterprises by sharing similar value, principle, and market activities under Shariah-compliant and business sector. Despite its similarities, there is still low penetration of Islamic financial institutions on the Halal business instrument. However, the business should not only concentrate on Halal business but also financing SMEs is essential. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of Islamic Financial Institutions on the development of Halal SMEs in Nigeria. A 350 survey questionnaire was distributed to the twenty (20) Halal Small Medium Enterprises using Structural Equation Modelling and random sampling as an essential investigation tool. The findings justified that the development of SMEs with a significant number of business units and financing from Islamic financial institutions indicates a positive direction and promotes the development of SMEs relatively and broader representation of the Halal industry. The study shows a general overview of the positive impact on Islamic financial institutions towards the financing Halal sector and addresses the rate of unemployment in Nigeria. The study recommends strategies for creating a partnership with Middle-East and Asian investors for more effective models and application techniques for financing SMEs and addresses the rate of poverty and unemployment in the country. |
The Effectiveness Of Micro-Credit (Hijrah) Selangor in Widening The Middle-Income Earners |
Author : Nor Azilah Husin, Ahmad Fuad Noor, Nini Shazrina Ahmad Shamli, Azrimaraihan Aziz & Mudirah Muhammad Nor |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study examines on how participants’ education, economy and satisfaction contribute to the effectiveness of microcredit scheme known as Hijrah Selangor in widening the middleincome earners group in Selangor. To examine this, a cluster sampling consisting of 210 respondents, who reside and operate their businesses in three different zones, were given a set of questionnaires to gather the information. Several different statistical analyses are conducted with the main analysis being a multiple linear regression analysis. The results indicate that all studied variables; education, economy, and satisfaction have a positive relationship with the effectiveness of Hijrah Selangor. Economy has the most significant relationship and the highest effect on the effectiveness of Hijrah Selangor. The increase in monthly household income of the participants before and after joining the program is found to justify the objective of Hijrah Selangor in widening the middle-income earners group as shown in the demographic data where the monthly household income above RM10,000 has increased significantly from 2% to 60% after joining the program. This research proves that microcredit scheme of Hijrah Selangor is effective in widening the middle-income earners in Selangor and that Hijrah Selangor should be given a top priority in the State Government’s agenda to promote and improve the socio-economic growth in Selangor. |
Distribution Of Zakat Funds To Achieve SDGs Through Poverty Alleviation In Baznas Republic Of Indonesia |
Author : Zulfikar Hasan |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Exterminating poverty and inequality is a present challenge that the SDGs want to overcome. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) itself is a continuation of the previous platform of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), which was designed by the United Nations and agreed upon by 193 countries. SDGs applied with universal principles, integrity, and inclusive to ensure that all arties can involve without exception, with the name No One Left Behind. The SDGs have 17 goals and 169 achievement targets, hich expected to realize in 2030. Zakat contribution to support SDGs is also supported by Law No. 23 of 2011 concerning Management of Zakat, which states that zakat is a religious institution that aims to improve justice and welfare of the community. Besides, specifically in Article 3 of the same Act, it explains that the management of zakat intended; 1) Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of services in the management of zakat, 2) Increase the benefits of zakat to realize community welfare and poverty reduction. |
Pendekatan Filantropi Dakwah Dalam Membangun Kesejahteraan Masyarakat |
Author : Abdul Ghafur Don, Anuar Puteh, Razaleigh Muhamat @Kawangi & Badlihisham Mohd. Nasir |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Dakwah adalah seruan dan aktiviti kepada kerja-kerja kebajikan bagi tujuan membina kesejahteraan hidup masyarakat. Dimensi kesejahteraan yang menjadi tujuan dan agenda dakwah meliputi kesejahteraan dan kebahagiaan di dunia dan di akhirat. Agenda kebajikan melalui aktiviti, program dan pendekatan dakwah bolehlah dianggap sebagai pelaksanaan konsep filantropi. Justeru, dakwah dan filantropi adalah saling berkaitan atau relevan. Proses pengembangan dan pembangunan dakwah dilihat akan lebih berkesan sekiranya pendekatan filantropi dilaksanakan secara sistematik dan berterusan kepada mad’u (sasaran dakwah). Artikel ni cuba menganalisis bagaimana pendekatan filantropi boleh menjadi model dakwah berkesan terhadap masyarakat. Literatur berkaitan subjek kajian dan perbincangan dirujuk bagi membina landasan teori berkaitan konsep dan pendekatan filantropi dalam dakwah. Berdasarkan sorotan literatur yang dilakukan, terdapat beberapa pendekatan filantropi yang boleh dilaksanakan konteks dakwah untuk kesejahteraan masyarakat, iaitu: Kerja-kerja kebajikan (menyantuni fakir, miskin, gelandangan, anak yatim), khidmat sosial, zakat, sedekah, infaq dan ziarah. |
Cadangan Kerangka Kerja Konseptual Program Memperkasakan Ekonomi Asnaf: Pembangunan Model Kemenjadian Milenia Asnaf (MKMA) |
Author : Tengku Mohd Azizuddin Tuan Mahmood, Noormariana Mohd Din, Abdullah Al Mamun & Mohamed Dahlan Ibrahim |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Program memperkasakan ekonomi Asnaf adalah satu program cakna Asnaf yang merupakan satu langkah wajar di laksanakan ecara berterusan bagi kelansungan komuniti Asnaf. Mengambilkira kohort umur yang relevan sebagai sumber keusahawanan hijau mendepani cabaran masa kini, Milenia merupakan populasi kumpulan yang bakal memonopoli populasi di Malaysia serta menjadi pemangkin dalam pembangunan ekonomi negara. Artikel ini mencadangkan satu program cakna Milenia Asnaf yang bakal memberikan impak kepada komuniti Asnaf. Oleh itu, satu model iaitu Kemenjadian Milenia Asnaf (MKMA) bakal dirangka bagi meningkatkan quality pembangunan modal insan melalui sumber penubuhan usahaniaga baharu bagi meransang kemenjadian usahawan Milenia Asnaf. Program ini akan melalui satu saringan ujian Indeks Kemenjadian Milenia Asnaf (IKMA). |
Analisis Prinsip Al-Darurah Dalam Pinjaman Berasaskan Riba Bagi Tujuan Pemilikan Rumah Dalam Kalangan Minoriti Muslim |
Author : Muhammad Safwan Harun, Luqman Haji Abdullah & Abdul Karim Ali |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Minoriti muslim merupakan satu kelompok masyarakat muslim yang hidup dalam sesebuah negara bukan Islam. Realiti ini telah menimbulkan beberapa bentuk kesempitan hidup dalam masyarakat ini yang perlu ditangani dengan baik. Antaranya, isu pemilikan rumah yang merupakan salah satu keperluan asas mereka. Namun begitu, institusi kewangan Islam di negara Barat adalah terhad bagi membenarkan pembelian rumah dibuat selari dengan syarak. Hal ini menyebabkan masyarakat minoriti muslim melakukan pinjaman perumahan Barat yang mengandungi riba perbankan. Menariknya, transaksi tersebut diharuskan melalui fatwa dari Majlis Penyelidikan Fatwa Eropah dengan alasan situasi yang dihadapi oleh komuniti tersebut adalah darurat. Sedangkan, majoriti ulama mengharamkan sebarang bentuk transaksi berasaskan riba. Persoalannya, adakah terdapatnya pertimbangan prinsip darurat yang berbeza sehingga menimbulkan dua fatwa yang bertentangan dalam isu ini? Justeru itu, kajian dijalankan bagi menilai prinsip darurat yang menjadi asas fatwa yang membenarkan pinjaman riba bagi pembelian rumah. Kajian kualitatif ini dijalankan menggunakan metodologi campuran iaitu pengumpulan data perpustakaan dan analisis data. Kajian merumuskan bahawa, darurat merupakan situasi kritikal yang membenarkan beberapa tasarrufat yang asalnya dilarang dalam keadaan biasa. Namun begitu, terdapat alasan-alasan yang dijadikan asas fatwa pembelian rumah perlu dinilai kembali melalui prinsip darurat yang telah ditetapkan secara sistematik oleh sarjana Islam. |
Zakat As Means Of Social Welfare: Exploring A Recent Fatwa From The Moroccan ‘Ulama’ On The Permissibility Of Paying Zakat In Advance To Help The Poor Of The Covid-19 |
Author : Badre-Eddine Ezziti |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The Coronavirus has contributed effectively to the rise of religious fatawa in all aspects of life, especially related to solidarity. One of the issues related to Coronavirus is the permissibility of paying zakat in advance to the due date to assist those affected by the pandemic. In this context, the religious Moroccan ulama issued a fatawa allowing a man to pay one or two years of zakat in advance to the due date. As a result, there have been numerous discussions around the issuing of this fatawa and other issues such as the role of ulama within Moroccan society during the epidemiological conditions, and re-establishing a formal zakat system. The objective of this article is to shed light on this recent fatawa to explore the causes and circumstances of this legitimate fatawa. It also aims to discuss the evidence used by the Moroccan ulama to issue this fatawa. By examining the Moroccan ulama fatawa, this article aims to show the role of the ulama in their communities during difficult times. |
Bantuan Zakat Kepada Asnaf Pelajar Menerusi Aplikasi E-Wallet (Kiplepay): Analisis Di Universiti Utara Malaysia |
Author : Mohd Murshidi Bin Mohd Noo, Ahmad Khilmy Bin Abdul Rahim dan Muhammad Nasri Bin Md. Hussain |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) telah mengagihkan semula zakat pendapatan di kalangan staf-staf Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) untuk diberikan bantuan kepada asnafasnaf yang memerlukan di Universiti Utara Malaysia yang terdiri daripada golongan pelajar, staf, komuniti luar dan agensi yang menguruskan hal ehwal asnaf. Pada tahun 2018 dan 2019, pengurusan zakat UUM memutuskan untuk menyalurkan bantuan zakat kepada pelajar menerusi aplikasi e-wallet (kiplePay). Tujuan artikel ini dilakukan adalah untuk menganalisis dari sudut hukum syarak mengenai bantuan yang diberikan menerusi aplikasi kiplePay tersebut. Kajian dilakukan secara kualitatif iaitu temubual bersemuka dan rujukan dokumen. Hasil kajian menunjukkan pelaksanaan bantuan zakat kepada pelajar di UUM menerusi aplikasi e-wallet (kiplePay) adalah selari dengan hukum Islam. Ia didapati sangat baik dan dapat mengawal perbelanjaan pelajar agar tidak digunakan untuk tujuan yang tidak sepatutnya. Kajian juga mendapati a sesuai untuk digunakan di instutisi pendidikan lain yang mempunyai pelajar yang celit IT dan mempunyai teknologi IT yang bersesuaian. |
Strengthening Macroeconomics Through Of Zakah As Social Business Finance |
Author : Riris Aishah Prasetyowati, Abdul Hamid & Rio Trisasmita |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study examines the Potential Role of Zakat as Sharia Bank Social Business Finance for the survival of sharia banking, National economic growth, income distribution for the poor, and the ratio of the populations natural wealth. This study uses a small sample test to observe the correlation and contribution of the role of zakat in each of the observational variables, in comparing before and after being linked to the role of zakat, the hypothesis testing of two means is used to obtain different results and the results obtained in this study are that there are significant differences in the survival of the sharia bank which is linked to zakat becomes more profitable. Likewise, the use of hypothesis testing in measuring the effect of income distribution, fair wealth ratio, and growth on the role of zakat as a source of Islamic financial business social financial funds together has a significant effect with various relationships between variables such as income distribution and the role of having opposite directions , so too is the relationship between the ratio of fair wealth to the role of zakat. However, a unidirectional relationship occurs with the profit of Islamic banks with the potential for zakat. |
Qitmeer Network Enhances Zakat Tracebility In Nigeria |
Author : Abdussalam Mikail & Abdussalam Ismail Onagun |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Zakat is mandatory annual alms given from property which zakat is due from it when it reaches nisab. There are challenges facing Zakat management in Nigeria which includes unawareness of Zakat calculation, lack of transparency in collection and distribution of Zakat, lack of Zakat payers’ confidence on their donation and lack of channeling Zakat to the eight groups of people on whom Zakat should be given. The challenges facing by Zakat management led to the failure of Zakat administrative to eradicate poverty and to uplift social welfare in the community. Qitmeer network is the first public chain serving the ecosystem of ethical finance, socially responsible investment and Islamic Finance for enhancing financial inclusion. Qitmeer network support Zakat management to gain the confidence of the public by ensuring transparency and disclosure of all Zakat activities in term of collection and distribution of Zakat. The traceability feature in Qitmeer network ensures that Zakat payers could select what project they would like to use their Zakat for, such as water irrigation, sanitation, poverty eradication and education. The objective of this paper is to analyze how Qitmeer network enhance Zakat traceability in Nigeria. Descriptive and analytical approach is exploited in this paper to analyze secondary and primary data on how Qitmeer Network enhance Zakat traceability in Nigeria. Finding in this paper reveals that the key need of transparency in Zakat management in Nigeria is to enhance the confidence of general public to donate Zakat through verified channels instead of giving it to individual who might not eligible to receive Zakat. Qitmeer network ensures Zakat data integrity through out all Zakat activities using mathematical model which can not be altered. Findings also shows that Qitmeer network enhance Zakat traceability and transparency in collection and distribution of zakat in Nigeria to fulfil purpose of Zakat in eradicating poverty and uplifting social welfares of people. |