Expenditure Patterns Among Poor Households (Zakat Recipients): A Case In Kelantan, Malaysia | Author : Ahmad Fahme Mohd Ali, Nor Dalila Binti Marican, Nur Hafizah Binti Muhammad | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to investigate the relationships between the household consumption patterns among the poor with the type of expenditure items that they purchased on monthly basis. The study evaluates the household food and non-food demand patters for various poor groups in Kelantan. Data was collected by using a structured socio-economic questionnaire containing both open and close-ended items. 422 respondents were randomly selected for this study are selected from 2019 Kelantan Islamic Religious Council (MAIK) zakat recipients list of the poor and needy category, which is the lowest income quartile in Kelantan. Results of this study shows that the pattern of expenditure changes as the income of the poor changes (increase or decrease). The share of food expenditure will increase with an increase in income. Lower income household spend a higher amount of their expenditure on food items and other non-food expenditure becomes less important. |
| A New Foundation Of The Phenomenon Of Money Through A Systemic Approach To Zakatable Assets | Author : Abderrazak Belabes | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The aim of the research is to propose a new foundation of the phenomenon of money in the light of a systemic approach to zakatable assets that goes beyond the economic perspective reducing money to an accounting or transactional intermediary of exchange. This new foundation allows future generations of scientists to explore the interaction between man and the living environment and the constructed worlds benefit from the resources offered as needed without exhaustion. The value of things depends on what they represent for each human being within his constructed world. Quality of life is not and cannot be an emergent property of the quantity of money accumulated. This new foundation leads to a break with theories of value by substituting an approach in terms of quality of relationships for those focused on quantities. The study developed a new definition of money as a means of acquittal to fulfill the rights of the Creator and the rights of the creatures. Finally, it raised fundamental questions: who has the right to create money ex nihilo? According to what values? For what mission? And in whose interest? By neutralizing the mainstream economic language via the substitution of the notion of means of acquittal of rights to that of money, the research opens a perspective to invent new forms of inhabiting the Earth, organizing life among humans, and establishing a foundation for cooperative or win-win relationships. The means of acquittal of rights are a common good that should not be privatized to escape the control of human communities through the loan with interest based on money creation ex nihilo. Hence the need to go beyond the juristic conceptualization that conceives money as an auxiliary to the prohibition of riba. |
| Online Marketing Strategies Of Sedekah Rombongan | Author : Agus Mahardiyanto, Bayu Sutikno | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Sedekah Rombongan which moves online are able to raise funds from donors. Today many Indonesian people are connected to the internet. The number of internet users makes the internet a means of facilitating activities. Including giving charity is often done online. Sedekah rombongan which had been successful in collecting public funds for over 40 billion rupiahs through apps and online sites in Indonesia. The aim of this study was to analyze the Online Marketing Strategies of Sedekah Rombongan. This research emphasizes the strategy that is carried out by the Sedekah Rombongan so that it is able to convince donors to give sadaqa. The data were collected through literature reviews, social media monitoring, in-depth interviews with the SR, and confirmation to the SR donors. Data analysis was performed by transcribing the interview, iterative reading, and analyzing these data in accordance with the requirements. Data analysis was conduct by triangulation by confirming the founders, several divisions and the donors of Sedekah Rombongan. The results of this study show that the most significantly affecting factor of SRs success was the strategy of photo sharing and narratives about the patients. Further in the ninth stage of the marketing cycle theory through social media it is mentioned that SR had carried out four stages i.e. Goal Setting, Instrument selections and Content of Message, Collaboration, and Sustainability. As for the other five stages which had not been done by SR were Listening, Defining Strategies, Target Identification Market, Establishing Community, and Monitoring. The one thing that was done by SR but not included in the theory is SRs Information Supply Flow Strategy. |
| Hubung Kait Antara Taraf Pendidikan Dengan Kesediaan Membayar Zakat Perniagaan Bagi Peniaga Dalam Talian: Kajian Di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur | Author : Muhammad Ridhwan Ab Aziz, Mohd Nazri Mohd Noor, Mohammad Haji Alias, Mohd Asyraf Yusof | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aims to examine the relationship between the level of education and the willingness to pay zakat among online traders. The research method used in this study is quantitative where survey questions are distributed to online traders around the Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur. The findings of this study found that there is a positive relationship between all levels of education in this study and the willingness to pay zakat to online businesses. This study has several limitations, namely the generalization of variables using a limited sample selection and the specific context of the research conducted. |
| Strengthening Reputation Of Zakat Management Institution Through Organizational Trust | Author : Ardia Rahma Wardani, Olivia Fachrunnisa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The reputation of an institution such as Zakat Management Institution is an important factor to increase the trust of Muzakki or zakat payer. Zakat Management institutions need to ensure that their employees provide the best performance and meet expectations of both Zakat Payer and Zakat Recipients. The purpose of this study is to develop a model to improve the reputation of the institution with quality of Good Corporate Governance (GCG) and Knowledge Quality which is intervened by Organizational Trust. Data were collected from 100 Muzakki (Zakat Payer) of state civil servants in Kudus Regency, Central Java Province, Indonesia. The method used to analyze the hypothesis is Most Least Squares (PLS). This study concludes that: Good Corporate Governance (GCG), Knowledge Quality, and Organizational Trust, have a positive and significant effect on the Reputation of BAZNAS as Indonesia Zakat Management Institution. |
| A Study Of Muslims In Klang Valley On The Cash Waqf For Public Health Expenditure | Author : Nor Akmar Mohd Nor, Norhanim Mat Sari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Cash waqf is another form waqf made with cash collected in a trust fund and can be utilized as an alternative source of funding for society and ummah. The public knowledge and understanding of waqf are limited to the concept of waqf land for building mosques and cemeteries only. It is crucial to educate and enhance the public knowledge of cash waqf to motivate their willingness to contribute to the cash waqf fund. Based on the Cash Waqf Certificates Collection by Yayasan Wakaf Malaysia, total cash waqf collection for health purposes is the lowest compared to education and economic development. Therefore, it is essential to further explore the public view in cash waqf for health purposes. There are very few studies on the awareness of cash waqf specifically as an alternative financing source for public health expenditure. Thus, this study aims to fill the gap. It is found that many of the respondents are aware of cash waqf and have been donated through the cash waqf fund. Besides, most of them agreed if cash waqf is used to fund public health expenditure in Malaysia. In conclusion, public no longer perceive waqf as limited to traditional purposes such as land and fixed properties. |
| Accreditation Model Zakat Management Organization (ZMO) In Indonesia | Author : Lukman Nur Hakim, Nurul Huda, Any Setianingrum | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The rapid and growing Zakat Management Organization or Organisasi Pengelola Zakat (OPZ) in Indonesia every year has increased in line with the high potential of zakat. However, the zakat collection is still low compared to the existing potential. One of the reasons is the lack of public knowledge about zakat, weak capacity, and the regulatory framework of zakat. Therefore, it is necessary to have an assessment to measure OPZ performance from the aspects of legality and institutions, management, finance, and empowerment. The purpose of this study is to provide an OPZ accreditation rating that has not been done before. This research uses qualitative, exploratory, and content analysis methods. The type of data used is primary data obtained through the interview method by sampling data sources, observation, questionnaires, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD), while secondary data is obtained through financial statements in OPZ 2019 and non-financial statements. The results showed that the overall performance of each OPZ was categorized as good. LAZ Al-Azhar received a score of 87.5 (Accreditation A), LAZ IZI with a value of 84.5 (Accreditation A), LAZ BMH with a value of 83.25 (Accreditation A), LAZ DDII with a value of 74.75 (Accreditation B), and LAZ BAMUIS BNI with a value of 69.5 (Accreditation B). The managerial implications of this research are that all zakat stakeholders can follow and adjust existing regulations and governance, as well as active guidelines and socialization from BAZNAS and the Ministry of Religion related to mechanisms and procedures to obtain the legality of LAZ licensing for unlicensed OPZ. |
| Parole Activity And Moral Economy In Malaysia | Author : Mohd Huzaini Bin Yaakob, Syamsulang Bin Hj. Sarifuddin | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Parole is still newly implemented in Malaysia, and based on previous studies abroad, parole activities are not only able to benefit offenders but also socio-economic activities. The purpose of this research paper is to examine parole activity and its contribution to Malaysias socio-economic development from a moral and economic perspective. As a primary source, we used the Unpublished Report of the Parole Management Meeting and PBSL, and as a secondary source, we reviewed past study literature. Parole in Malaysia isnt just an opportunity for offenders, but also a benefit for prison management and even socio-economic activities. Places for parole are mainly available through Corporate Smart Internships, which are internships provided by the private sector with a minimum wage. |
| Changes In FDI Outflow Resulting From Jordan’s Response To The Syrian Crisis | Author : Adham Taher Alessa, Adham Taher Alessa, Hartini Mohammad, Zakia Ahmed Mohamed Meshal | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :This study aimed to investigate the changes in FDI outflow resulting from Jordan’s response to the Syrian Crisis. Using time series analysis of selected variables during the period 1980 until 2018 using the ARDL model. The objective achieved the appropriate statistical tests such as data stability and co-integration tests have been used. The variables analysed the growth of FDI outflow GOFDI, the unemployment rate UR, growth of imports GIMP inflation CPI, population growth POP, education spending LEDU, price oil price volatility OPV, dummy variable for the Syrian crisis DUM, and the error term ut. The dependant variable is the foreign direct investment outflow GOFDI. This study results in a long-term the error correction term for the unemployment model is -1.98. In other words, the economy is adjusting towards long-run equilibrium at a speed of 1.98. Also, the error correction term for the inflation model is -1.11. In other words, the economy is adjusting towards long-run equilibrium at a speed of 1.11. Finally, the error correction term for the imports model is -1.41. In other words, the economy is adjusting towards long-run equilibrium at a speed of 1.41. The study recommended; that the Jordanian government must provide an appropriate environment for foreign investment and remove the obstacles to investment in general, in order to attract foreign investment capital to invest in the Jordanian economy. |
| Determinants Of Muslim Intention In Yogyakarta To Pay ZIS Online During The Covid-19 Pandemic | Author : Indika Farhatunnada, Muhammad Ghafur Wibowo | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The Covid-19 pandemic has become a period of crisis that has brought many changes to peoples lifestyles. The Covid-19 pandemic makes people afraid of being infected by physical contact in every activity. Lack of research on this topic, so this study aims to find out how the determinants of people in Yogyakarta to pay zakat infaq and or alms online during the Covid-19 pandemic were modified based on previous research. This study examines data from 119 respondents with a sample of people living or domiciled in DI Yogyakarta, having income and being Muslim, and having paid zakat infaq and or alms online which was taken by random sampling which was then tested using SEM-PLS analysis with analytical tools. WarpPLS 7. The results of the analysis show that the perceived risk (PR) variable can affect all variables in the UTAUT 2 model to pay zakat, infaq, and sedekah or alms (ZIS) online, but cannot influence interest or behavioural intention. Then in the analysis to determine interest, the variables of performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and price value cannot influence peoples interest in paying zakat infaq and alms online, while facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habit can influence it. |