Corona Virus And The Quest For Moral Economy: Islamic Response |
Author : Fatimah Abdullah |
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Abstract :This article argues that the coronavirus pandemic has shown the world community that the current global economic system is unsustainable. The devastating impact of social, economic and health due to the corona virus are manifesting along with societies’ great inequalities due to the flaws of capitalism. The pandemic has also shed light on the fact that human societies cannot flourish without combatting inequalities.Thus, the seemingly more apparent internal tensions, inconsistencies and moral inadequacies in capitalism seem to necessitate a more ‘moral’ economy. Pertinent to this, Moral capitalism based on universal values can be an alternative system. Both moral capitalism and Islamic economics share similar moral ethical values that could possibly contribute to a more just economic system and therefore a better wellbeing for the global community. This article concludes that there is a dire need to have moral economy for global community. Neo-liberalism needs to be reconstructed for its structural inequalities that renders to societies unsustainablity. For, failure to protect the health and safety of people living in abject poverty around the world, we put the entire world at risk. |
Faktor Penentu Pembayaran Zakat Di Lembaga Zakat Selangor: Kajian Di Daerah Petaling |
Author : Khairul Azhar Meerangani, Amirah Syakirah Amizi, Mohd Farhan Md Ariffin, Muhammad Ikhlas Rosele |
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Abstract :Hasil kutipan bayaran zakat di Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) menunjukkan peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun. Faktor-faktor seperti hebahan kempen dan promosi, kualiti dan kecekapan perkhidmatan serta pengoptimuman medium ICT dilihat telah menyumbang kepada peningkatan ini. Kajian ini bertujuan mengenal pasti faktor penentu yang mempengaruhi pembayaran zakat di LZS oleh masyarakat Islam daerah Petaling. Kajian dijalankan secara kuantitatif menggunakan reka bentuk tinjauan dengan saiz sampel yang ditetapkan adalah seramai 145 orang terdiri daripada penduduk Muslim berumur antara 25 tahun hingga 56 tahun ke atas. Set soal selidik telah diedarkan di LZS cawangan daerah Petaling serta kawasan sekitarnya seperti Masjid Negeri, Subang Jaya dan Puchong. Hasil kajian menunjukkan masyarakat Islam khususnya di daerah Petaling secara umumnya mempunyai kesedaran yang baik tentang aktiviti pembayaran zakat. Faktor penentu yang dikaji iaitu kualiti perkhidmatan dan aktiviti dakwah menunjukkan perhubungan yang positif terhadap pembayaran zakat di LZS. Nilai korelasi yang tertinggi sekali adalah aktiviti dakwah/pengurusan tadbir (r = .466, n = 145, p = .01), diikuti oleh korelasi kualiti perkhidmatan (r = .352, n = 145, p = .01). Strategi dakwah serta urus tadbir yang baik dan efektif dilihat mempengaruhi pembayaran zakat oleh masyarakat seterusnya membawa kepada peningkatan kadar kutipan zakat di LZS. |
Effect Of Islamic Social Finance Exclusion On Sustainable Livelihood Assets Acquisition And Persistent Poverty In Zanzibar |
Author : Abdalla Ussi Hamad |
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Abstract :The aim of this paper is to examine the relationship that exists between voluntary and non-non-voluntary Islamic social finance exclusion and sustainable livelihood assets (social capital, natural capital, physical capital, and human capital) among the household’s head in Zanzibar. The survey questionnaire was distributed to the head of household with sample size of 287 and data were collected and analysed based on both factor analysis and structural equation modeling using SPSS 23.0 and Amos 23.0 software. The results indicated that non-non-voluntary Islamic social finance exclusion factors impede financial inclusion of the poor in Zanzibar rather than voluntary Islamic social financial exclusion factors. This implies that non-voluntary Islamic social finance exclusion has great implication for the acquisition of the sustainable livelihood assets due to the combined effect of lack of awareness about Islamic social finance services on one hand and the cost associated to it on the other. This has great implications for the acquisition of the requisite livelihood assets needed to exit the persistent state of poverty raveling Zanzibar. This paper contributes to the government efforts through Waqf and Trust commission Zanzibar (WTCZ) to review these three Islamic social funds (Waqf, zakat and almsgiving) for the purpose of poverty alleviation in Zanzibar. |
Zakat And Waqf: A Panacea For Eradicating Poverty And Hunger In Our Societies/ Communities |
Author : Ja’afar Agaji Abdullahi |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :It is a known fact that the religion of Islam is a religion, which covers all man’s aspects of life, be it social, political or economic. Thus, over fourteen hundred years ago Islam was able to play a vital role in eradication of poverty, unifying human race and salvaging human divinity. Thus, this paper attempt to highlights the role played by Islam in eradication of poverty so as to salvage human dignity and unifying its race. There upon, the paper recommends among other things that eradication of poverty and hunger can only be achieved by following the injunctions given by the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet (S.A.W). |
The Impact Of Monetary Policy Using Islamic Or Non-Islamic Money Supply On FDI In Jordan (1980-2018) |
Author : Adham Taher Mohmmad Alessa, Hartini Mohammad |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study aimed to investigate the impact of monetary policy using Islamic or non-Islamic money supply on FDI in Jordan. Using time series analysis of selected variables during the period 1980 until 2018 using the ARDL model. The objective achieved the appropriate statistical tests such as data stability and co-integration tests have been used. The variables analyzed include the money supply (M2), the Islamic money supply (IMS), the export (EXP), Government Expenditure (GOV), inflation rate (INR), The gross domestic product (GDP) as independent variables. The dependant variable is the foreign direct investment (FDI). This study results in a long-term and short-term statistically significant correlation between the money supply (M2), the Islamic money supply (IMS) and FDI. The Islamic money supply (IMS) has a positive impact and the money supply (M2) has a negative impact on the FDI. The study recommended; the Jordanian government must implement a targeted Islamic monetary policy to attract foreign direct investment in the Jordanian economy. Provide an appropriate environment for investment and to remove the obstacles to investment in general, in order to attract the capital of Jordanians working abroad for domestic investment, as well as for foreign investments. |
A Conceptual Framework On The Success Factors Of Asnaf Entrepreneurs |
Author : Efri Syamsul Bahri, Amran Bin Muhammad, Mohd Mizan Mohammad Aslam |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The success of asnaf entrepreneurs is a form of accountability of the zakat institution entity to strategic stakeholders, which in turn is accountable to Allah SWT. However, determining the success of these entrepreneurs is a problem. Therefore, this study aims to identify and describe the success factors of asnaf entrepreneurs. Charting the Field method to sort articles by topic, discussion, year, and the source was used in this study. Meanwhile, data was obtained from a literature review of various sources, including reference journals for 2016-2020. This study produces a conceptual framework regarding the success factors of asnaf entrepreneurs, namely: motivation, competency, and productive zakat. From the results, 5 aspects in the success of asnaf entrepreneurs were identified, namely, financial performance, non-financial performance, life-improvement, rich materially, and rich spiritually. Also, the success of these entrepreneurs has positively impacted the good governance of zakat and transformed them from mustahiq to munfiq and eventually muzaki. This study enriches previous limited studies on asnaf entrepreneurs and contributes to academic development, entrepreneurial asnaf, poverty alleviation, and good zakat disbursement. |
Infaq In Times Of Pandemic: The New Norm Of Islamic Eschatology |
Author : Abdul Mutalib Embong, Azelin Mohamed Noor, Hezlina Mohd Hashim, Syahrul Alim Baharuddin, Norasyikin Binti Abdul Malik |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study reveals the currents social welfare which includes the uprising practice of Islamic charity, namely Infaq (voluntary alms giving), an instrument to help the unfortunate people (asnaf). It used qualitative approach involving semi-structured interviews focusing on six themes with six respondents. They engage in Infaq during the MCO or Movement Control Order. The results showed that there was a rise of contemporary fame of Infaq among Malaysian middle-class Muslims and charity body or organisation that specialise in sedekah/Infaq programmes . These parties make use of the platform of social media to record their activities and raise funds activity to help the needy who demand immediate and non-bureaucratic donations especially in a form of material help like food and daily necessities. This indeed has changed the course of how sedekah or Infaq used to be done back then. More Muslims who perform these Islamic charities display their efficiency and transparency in their donations as in Islam, sedekah is as a spiritual ‘investment’ to the donors despite the hard time people face during pandemic. |
The Contribution Of Waqf Institution As A Financial Tool In Addressing Poverty Reduction: Evidence From The Literature |
Author : Haruna Tijjani Haruna, Abdulrazaq Suleiman Ibrahim |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :The paper reviewed the Waqf literature as a basis to analyze its contribution as a financial tool in addressing Poverty Reduction in Nigeria. The study is purely exploratory that relies on desktop research. The research uses previous studies for the analysis, which include news articles, government publications, and websites. The secondary data were obtained from the Holy Qur’an as the Primary source of Shari’ah (Islamic law), which were used to back most of the arguments put forward for the assessment of Waqf in the study area. The study concluded that Waqf played a vital role in reducing poverty in Nigeria. The study recommends the need of Waqf awareness to be created to enlighten the rich men in the society and also for the government to ensure proper and adequate management of Waqf institution. This will help Islamic value-centric policymakers, regulatory authorities, investors, and researchers to gain an overall insight into the potentials of Waqf as a financial tool in reducing poverty. |
Motivasi Pembayaran Zakat Pendapatan: Satu Analisis Kualitatif |
Author : Syadiyah Abdul Shukor |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :Zakat pendapatan merupakan salah satu jenis zakat yang wajib dikeluarkan oleh umat Islam yang telah mencukupi syarat haul dan nisab. Fatwa kebangsaan dan beberapa negeri di Malaysia telah mewajibkan pengeluaran zakat pendapatan kepada mereka yang layak. Walau bagaimanapun, jumlah kutipan zakat pendapatan menunjukkan masih ramai yang belum menunaikan kewajipan mengeluarkan zakat pendapatan. Bagi meningkatkan kutipan zakat pendapatan, kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengenal pasti faktor-faktor yang mendorong pembayaran zakat pendapatan. Untuk tujuan kajian ini, temu bual melibatkan enam (6) orang penyumbang zakat pendapatan di Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur telah dijalankan untuk mengetahui sebab-sebab yang mendorong mereka untuk membayar zakat pendapatan. Hasil kajian mendapati lima (5) tema utama yang mendorong seseorang individu membayar zakat pendapatan termasuk menjalankan kewajipan sebagai umat Islam, keberkatan rezeki, galakan dan dorongan dari persekitaran, rasa tanggungjawab dalam membantu golongan yang memerlukan dan kemudahan pembayaran zakat pendapatan. Justeru, beberapa saranan telah dicadangkan untuk meningkatkan jumlah kutipan dan pembayar zakat pendapatan. |
Program Latihan Dalam Membangunkan Asnaf Di Selangor |
Author : Muhammad Firdaus B Hj Suhaimi, Abdul Ghafar Don, Anuar Puteh |
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Abstract :Golongan asnaf adalah kumpulan masyarakat yang seringkali dikaitkan dengan masalah dalam kehidupan seperti kemiskinan, kemelaratan, bebanan hidup dan kejahilan. Faktor kefakiran dan kemiskinan ini boleh mendorong mereka kepada terjebak dalam anasir yang tidak sihat dan merosakkan. Keadaan hidup mereka yang mendesak perlu dibantu dengan tujuan meringankan bebanan, mengeluarkan dari belenggu kefakiran dan kemiskinan. Bagaimanapun dalam masa yang sama mereka perlu diberi latihan agar dapat keluar dari kepompong kemiskinan dan tidak lagi bergantung kepada bantuan zakat. Artikel ini bertujuan menganalisis aspek pembangunan asnaf di Selangor melalui program latihan yang dilaksanakan Lembaga Zakat Selangor (LZS) dengan tumpuan kajian terhadap asnaf fakir dan miskin. Kajian ini adalah kajian kualitatif dengan reka bentuk kajian kes. Kaedah temu bual digunakan bagi mendapat data kajian dengan menemu bual Dr Hajah Adibah Binti Abd Wahab Ketua Divisyen Pembangunan Asnaf LZS (MAIS) dan Timbalan Ketua Divisyen Pembangunan Asnaf Encik Nurhisham Bin Shamsir bagi mengetahui tentang tujuan dan bentuk latihan yang diberikan kepada asnaf zakat di Selangor. Kajian mendapati LZS telah melaksanakan program-program pembangunan latihan dalam bentuk program keusahawanan dan ekonomi, program kerohanian dan pembangunan kerjaya. Program-program ini dirangka khusus bagi tujuan mengeluarkan asnaf dari kefakiran dan kemiskinan di samping membina keperibadian yang mulia dengan tidak lagi terlalu mengharapkan bantuan dari Lembaga Zakat Selangor. |
Empowering Education Among Asnaf Through Distribution Of Zakat From The Perspective Of Maqasid Syariah |
Author : Halim Ismail, Noor Azizi Ismail |
Abstract | Full Text |
Abstract :This study examines the empowerment of education among the asnaf through the distribution of zakat according to the perspective of maqasid syariah. This study presents the debate of scholars regarding the distribution of zakat to strengthen the education of asnaf and its implementation in Malaysia. This study was conducted using content analysis methods through deductive, inductive, and comparative methods. Studies show that, through the perspective of maqasid syariah, the distribution of zakat to asnaf can increase the level of education of this group. |