Study of Problem Identification and Solution for Handling the Housing Stimulant Grant Program in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Muncan Village, Bali | Author : Ni Luh Putu Juniartini, I Ketut Suwantara, I Nyoman Anom Fajaraditya Setiawan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Purpose: The housing rehabilitation program for low-income people is carried out by the Indonesian Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing. Muncan Village is one of the areas that received 2020 house rehabilitation assistance (BSPS) for Karangasem Regency.
Research methods: Preventive measures are needed, especially for the Field Facilitator Team as the front guard, so that the BSPS program channelled adequately. The key to smooth distribution, in addition to the precise mechanism, must also follow the government recommendations and implement health protocols.
Findings: Constraints on distribution activities, starting from November 2019 to the initial process in April 2020. Field constraints, social aspects, education, and the community situation become challenges in these activities. But beginning in 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic made the distribution of aid even more complicated with adjustments to the rules and recommendations of the government in conducting activities.
Implications: Additional mission the field team to accelerate the handling of the pandemic, an appeal about anticipating COVID-19 also needs to convey. Strategies related to initiatives provide a masker for |
| Bali in the Covid-19 Pandemic Population and Employment Dilemmas | Author : I Gusti Wayan Murjana Yasa | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has a huge impact on the lives of Balinese citizens. The aim of this study is to find the right steps and frameworks that enable to reduce the spread and death caused by COVID-19 as quickly and as minimally as possible, so that the sustainable impact on the socioeconomic can be reduce.
Research methods: Preventive measures are needed, especially for the Field Facilitator Staff as the front guard, so that the BSPS program channelled adequately. The key to smooth distribution, in addition to the precise mechanism, must also follow the government recommendations and implement health protocols.
Findings: The results show that the population and employment structure of Bali has high potential for the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. This is due to the high level of population mobility, both population mobility between regions within the country and population mobility between countries. The second cause is the Balinese population structure consists of many elderly people, thus causing a high potential case fatality rate from a pandemic.
Implications: Based on the results of the study, it is recommend minimize the possibility of the spread of covid-19 through the first and second rapid tests involving as many residents that potential to be covid-19 deployment carrier, both through local transmission and imported cases. |
| Kajian Permintaan Perjalanan Penumpang dalam Rangka Penyediaan Prasarana Sarana Transportasi Umum di Bali | Author : Putu Hermawati, I G M Oka Aryawan, I Ketut Sutapa, I Made Anom Santiana | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tujuan: Untuk mengembangkan kebijakan transportasi yang lebih komprehensif di Bali, penelitian ini perlu dilakukan.
Metode Penelitian: Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan melakukan survei berbasis kuesioner.
Temuan: Perjalanan distribusi internal menunjukkan produksi perjalanan tertinggi dari Denpasar dan Kuta, sekitar 24,93% dan 11,75%, sedangkan atraksi perjalanan terbesar juga ke Denpasar dan Kuta, yaitu 13,76% dan 16,73% dari total jumlah perjalanan orang per hari. Distribusi perjalanan eksternal menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar orang yang keluar masuk Bali melalui Bandara Ngurah Rai dan Pelabuhan Gilimanuk. Pemilihan modal menunjukkan bahwa yang paling banyak digunakan adalah sepeda motor 85,40%, mobil 10,27%, truk 3,60% dan angkutan umum 0,73%. Perkiraan generasi perjalanan dan daya tarik memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan 5,812% / tahun.
Implikasi: Perlu diantisipasi untuk mengembangkan moda alternatif baru berdasarkan teknologi dari Denpasar ke semua kabupaten, seperti Kereta / LRT / ART dan transportasi feri, yang disepakati oleh 83,56% dan 89,33% dari orang-orang. |
| Mapping the Potential and the Development of Kendran as a Tourism Village Model in Bali | Author : Ni Putu Nina Eka Lestari, I Nyoman Rasmen Adi, Ni Nyoman Reni Suasih, Alit Sumantri | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Purpose: (1) Compile a baseline study of the potential of tourist objects and attractions as well as the readiness of community participation in the Community Based Tourism development model and forms of collaboration with relevant stakeholders; (2) Strengthening institutional and community empowerment in developing Kendran Tourism Village, as a community-based tourism village; and (3) Establishment of cooperation models and policies that can be developed by local governments and related stakeholders.
Research methods: the method of documentation, questionnaires, interviews, and FGD. The collected data was then analyzed using existing condition analysis techniques, ADO-ODTWA assessment, participatory rural analysis (PRA), SWOT analysis, MACTOR analysis, and MULTIPOL analysis.
Findings: Kendran Village as a tourist village, as well as its readiness for development were quite potential. The main policies that need to be prioritized include increasing the capacity of rural communities, strengthening village tourism institutions, packaging attractions / attractions for creating branding, and expanding and maintaining markets.
Implications: the development of a single destination tourist village is the creation of branding, while the policy to increase the capacity of rural communities has the highest value in the multiple destination tourist village scenario. Tourism development policy in the Province of Bali refers to the concept of sustainable and quality tourism, through various multi-sector policies.
| Identifikasi Potensi dan Pengembangan Sistem Pertanian Organik menuju Bali Pulau Organik | Author : Anak Agung Istri Kesumadewi, I Wayan Susila, Gusti Alit Gunadi, Dewa Gede Raka Sarjana, I Wayan Diara, Gusti Ngurah Alit Susanta Wirya | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tujuan: Dengan mengadopsi sistem pertanian yang selaras alam melalui pendekatan sistem pertanian organik diharapkan menghasilkan komoditas yang sehat dan aman untuk dikonsumsi dan memiliki nilai jual yang lebih tinggi sehingga ke dua misi tersebut dalam jangka panjang dapat dicapai.
Metode Penelitian: Penelitian mengenai identifikasi potensi dan pengembangan sistem pertanian organik menuju Bali pulau organik telah dilakukan diseluruh wilayah kabupaten dan Kota di Provinsi Bali sejak bulan Mei – Desember 2019. Penelitian dilakukan melalui survei lapang dan hasilnya disepakati melalui FGD bersama para stakeholder.
Temuan: Pengembangan sistem pertanian organik potensial dilakukan hampir seluruh kabupaten di Bali kecuali di Kabupaten Klungkung dan Kota Denpasar.
Implikasi: Inovasi yang dihasilkan dari penelitian ini adalah sistem database pertanian organik Provinsi |
| Pengembangan Rencana Induk Sistem Pemerintahan Berbasis Elektronik Provinsi Bali | Author : I Wayan Muka, Made Adi Widyatmika, I Ketut Gde Darma Putra | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan data dari masing-masing OPD Provinsi Bali terkait penerapan E-Government (SPBE), menentukan kondisi penerapan E-Goverment (SPBE) di Provinsi Bali dan menentukan langkah strategis untuk meningkatkan indeks tingkat kematangan SPBE Provinsi Bali.
Metode penelitian: Metode penilaian evaluasi dilakukan melalui pengukuran tingkat kematangan berdasarkan e-Government Maturity Model (eMM).
Temuan: Kajian ini mengungkap bahwa kelemahan utama dalam implementasi SPBE Provinsi Bali, terutama di beberapa OPD yang memberikan layanan publik, adalah belum terintegrasinya aplikasi atau sistem dan masih lemahnya SDM dan infrastruktur IT di masing-masing OPD.
Implikasi: Langkah yang perlu dilakukan adalah menyusun Rencana Induk Pengembangan SPBE yang memiliki kelengkapan pada sisi muatan visi dan misi SPBE, arsitektur SPBE, peta jalan SPBE serta integrasi sistem aplikasi dan penggunaan aplikasi umum secara menyeluruh. |