DESAIN SARANA BAWA PERALATAN UNTUK BIDAN MANDIRI | Author : Nadya Aglisyifa, M Junaidi Hidayat | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tool carrier is one of a product that needed in daily life. There is many variety of tool carrier, one of the tool carrier is for carry medical instruments. One of who needs a tool carrier for medical instruments is independent midwife. At the moment, independent midwife doesn’t have tool carrier that could ease them in carrying their medical instruments. Independent midwife needs tool carrier that have mobility because their work doesn’t only in clinic, also in patient’s house.
Based on that data, bag has chosen for carrying medical instruments’ independent midwife. Researcher did a research that have connection with the bag for independent midwife medical instruments. Data were collected from literature, case of study along with interview and observation on independent midwife, and competitor from bag for independent midwife. After every data collected, analysis data needed to do. To get design synthesis, analysis should be completed. If design synthesis and concept of bag for independent midwife were done, then begins to make design alternative bag of medical instruments for independent midwife. From the alternative bag of medical instruments questionnaire needed to do to get recommendation for final design. Then this research closed with conclusions and suggestions. |
| PENERAPAN KONSEP HEALING ENVIRONMENT PADA PERANCANGAN PUSAT REHABILITASI KORBAN KEKERASAN ANAK DAN PEREMPUAN DI SAMARINDA | Author : Jumikha Kamban, Mafazah Noviana, Zakiah Hidayati | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Violence is a very aggressive act and violations such as torture, beatings, rape and domestic violence that cause or are intended to cause suffering or hurt others. In this case, more handling is needed for victims of violence, especially for children as well as for women, this is because mentally towards victims tends to cause trauma due to physical and psychological violence that they experience. Therefore, we need a rehabilitation center with the concept of healing environment for victims of violence against children and women, who can help the healing process both physically and psychologically. The purpose of this study is to apply the concept of healing environment in the design of rehabilitation centers for victims of violence against children and women in Samarinda. This research is an applied research (applied research) that uses architectural design methods. The results of this study are expected to be a reference in planning and designing health facilities using a healing environment approach. To provide a sense of security, a rehabilitation place should also support aspects of the environment such as garden media or healing gardens and building concepts related to nature so that a healing environment can be created, so that it can help the healing process for patients through the human senses which can directly also affect the psychological of the patient. |
| KONSEP ECO DESAIN PADA DESAIN MEDIA INFORMASI DIGITAL UNTUK KAMPUS ITATS | Author : Renaldy Widyo Arifanto, Ningroom Adiani | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Surabaya Adhi Tama Institute of Technology Campus (ITATS) is a technology-based campus or private institution located in the city of Surabaya. The ITATS campus has been named the leading private university in East Java and holds the title of eco campus since 2013.
The ITATS campus has provided a number of media for delivering information about the campus such as brochures, banners, bulletin boards, and also websites, but the media is considered ineffective and lacks an impression technology as an ITATS campus base. Researchers designed a digital-based information media by deducing elements of technology and also eco-green which is the identity of the ITATS campus. Digital-based information media design was chosen because of its dynamic and attractive nature so that the information presented becomes more attractive and modern.
In the stage of designing this product, the researchers conducted a case study of several existing information media, then conducted an analysis in the form of material, color, shape, placement, system, information, and interface analysis. Researchers also conducted interviews with related parties in order to obtain accurate information. The final result is the researcher creates a digital information media design that matches the ITATS campus criteria. |
| DESAIN PRODUK HANTARAN PERNIKAHAN DARI SISA ROTAN INDUSTRI | Author : Septiana Rizky Wulandari, Ratna Puspitasari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Marriage delivery is one of the gifts in the form of goods as a form of respect from the prospective bridegroom to the prospective bride, this is an expression of love and responsibility. One of the materials used to make wedding delivery products is to use rattan. At present, rattan itself is still less desirable for its own delivery products. Rattan itself was chosen because it wants to use materials that are currently widely available. Based on these data, rattan was chosen for wedding delivery products. Researchers conduct research relating to marriage and delivery products that are commonly used. Data is collected from the literature, case studies with interviews and observations with companies and SMEs that manage delivery service, and competitors from existing rattan products. After all data is collected, data analysis is performed. To get the design synthesis, along with the analysis. If the synthesis and concept of rattan delivery products have been carried out, then the creation of alternative designs for delivery products will begin. Then after all have been done this research is closed with conclusions and suggestions. |
| PENGEMBANGAN APLIKASI MATERIAL LIMBAH PELEPAH KELAPA SAWIT UNTUK PRODUK AKSESORIS INTERIOR | Author : Al Issya Suci Rachmawati, Dita Andansari | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Tanaman kelapa sawit merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman perkebunan yang menduduki posisi penting dalam sektor pertanian dan sektor perkebunan terutama di daerah Provinsi Kalimantan Timur. Sejalan dengan semakin meningkatnya produksi kelapa sawit dari tahun ke tahun, di sisi lain akan terjadi pula peningkatan volume limbahnya. Sebelumnya, telah dilakukan penelitian terhadap limbah pelepah kelapa sawit yang dapat dijadikan sebagai material utama dalam pembuatan produk fungsional seperti produk pewadahan, lampu dan juga kerai yang melalui proses ditenun. Belum dilakukan pengembangan dengan proses yang lain seperti dianyam. Penelitiaan kali ini mengembangkan material limbah pelepah kelapa sawit dengan cara dianyam. Metode perancangan yang dilakukan yaitu melakukan pengumpulan data, analisa data, menentukan konsep desain, membuat desain alternatif, mengembangkan desain alternatif, hingga desain akhir. Eksplorasi lanjutan terhadap limbah pelepah kelapa sawit dengan cara dianyam ini membuka peluang untuk mengembangkan dan mengeksplorasi lebih jauh terhadap limbah pelepah kelapa sawit menjadi sebuah produk fungsional yang memiliki nilai jual. Ekplorasi dilakukan untuk mengetahui kemampuan limbah yang awalnya hanya bisa ditenun, maka kini setelah dilakukan ekplorasi diketahui bahwa limbah juga dapat dianyam dengan beberapa pola tertentu, mulai dari pola sederhana dan juga pola melingkar. |