Relationship between Motivation and Type II Diabetes Mellitus Dietary Compliance | Author : Rofiq Farhi Nashrullah(1), Nugroho Ari(2), Siswanto Agung Wijaya(3), Asta Adyani(4*) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Diet is a habit about the amount and type of food and drinks an individual consumes from day to day, especially foods designed to improve specific individual needs, including or excluding certain foods. Diet regulation is the regulation of the type and amount of food with specific purposes such as maintaining health and nutritional status and helping to cure disease, every diet includes food, but not all foods are included in the diet category. In a diet, the type and amount of food are determined and controlled to achieve individual goals. The diabetic diet is a diet that is recommended for people with diabetes, usually limited in sugar or easily absorbed carbohydrates. In addition to regularly controlling sugar levels, having a regular diet and exercise is the key to successful diabetes management.
Objective: To explore the relationship between motivation and dietary compliance with type 2 diabetes mellitus in diabetes mellitus patients in Galis village, Galis Health Center, Pamekasan District.
Method: Observational research with cross-sectional research design
Results: Most of the type 2 diabetes mellitus sufferers experienced high motivation. Most of the type 2 diabetes mellitus sufferers comply with the type 2 diabetes mellitus diet.
Conclusion: There is a relationship between motivation and adherence to type 2 diabetes mellitus. |
| Effect on Dimensions of Health Services to Inpatient Satisfaction at Primary Health Care | Author : Ayu Rahajeng Dianing Negari(1), Annisa Nurida(2), Musa Ghufron(3), Muhammad Anas(4*) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: Satisfaction is a feeling that the consumers feel when the service they receive meets or surpass their expectations. Public satisfaction with health care services is still a significant issue for health institutions in improving the service quality. Despite various efforts that health care providers have made, some residents in an area were unsatisfied with the health services in their environment.
Objective: To determine the effect of the dimensions of health service quality on patient satisfaction at the Primary Health Care 1 Melaya, Jembrana, Bali
Method: Analytical observational study, a cross-sectional design. The total sample was 70 respondents. Data collection was performed using questionnaires. Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the average value of patient satisfaction based on the five dimensions of quality of health care.
Result: The dimensions of tangibility, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy have a significance value (p<0.05), while the reliability dimension has no significance value (p>0.05). So the formula used to predict patient satisfaction with health services received is as follows:
y = 0,352+0,295*X1–0,104*X2–0,201*X3+0,334*X4+0,180*X5
The dimension of health services that has the largest influence on the satisfaction of inpatients is assurance. Patients feel assured and satisfied when the health workers communicate their expertise and competencies before doing their work.
Conclusion: Tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, and assurance were four of five dimensions of health services that have significantly influenced the satisfaction of inpatients. |
| The Effect of Shalat Movement on Cardiorespiratory Fitness in The Elderly | Author : Zakiyah Darajat Munthe(1), Elman Boy(2*), Al Furqon(3) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Background: An elderly is a stage of human development after adulthood and the last period of the human life cycle. As a person gets older, the disability increases in activities of daily life as a result of decreasing physical level. The aging process shows physiological, cognitive and psychological changes in the human body. Decreased components of fitness, such as muscle strength, balance and the cardiorespiratory system affect the development of disabilities. Therefore, in Islam there is prayer service, which can be an effort to improve the cardiorespiratory fitness of the elderly. Where, with prayer, it can become a sports medium that is both physical and spiritual.
Objective: To determine the effect of movement on cardiorespiratory fitness in the elderly. Research method: This type of literature study is a literature review.
Method: the method used in writing this article is English studies relevant to the topic was carried out using the PubMed, Google Scholar and Semantic Scholar databases, restricted from 2010 to 2020. The keywords used in the article search were elderly, prayer movement and cardiorespiratory fitness.
Results: The effect of prayer movement on cardiorespiratory fitness is that it can improve blood circulation from the heart to the rest of the body, increase blood flow to the brain and increase lung elasticity.
Conclusion: There is a significant effect of prayer movement on the increase in cardiorespiration of the elderly. |
| The Usage of Influenza Vaccine to Prevent Seasonal Influenza during Pandemic COVID-19 | Author : Yelvi Levani(1*), Ayu Lidya Paramita(2) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Influenza is an acute respiratory disease caused by influenza virus. Influenza can affect million people in every year and causing morbidity. Some of cases can be severe and need hospitalized, especially in elderly people. Influenza is an airborne disease and can spread rapidly. Every seasonal flu can be different because Influenza virus do mutation. Influenza vaccine can reduce morbidity and mortality. There are two types of influenza vaccine; live attenuated influenza virus (LAIV) and inactivated influenza virus (IIV). The newest type of influenza vaccine consists four types of virus (quadrivalent), therefore it gives more protection compared to the older one. Influeza vaccine is still recommended during pandemic COVID-19 because it can prevent co-infection between Influenza and COVID-19. In addition, it can reduce the morbidity and mortality during pandemic COVID-19. |
| Optic Neuritis in Pediatric Patients | Author : Atik Rahmawati(1*), Dina Fatmawati(2) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Optic neuritis denotes an inflammation of the optic nerve characterized by loss of vision progressing over a few hours to a few days. Based on the site involved, optic neuritis is classified as retrobulbar (2/3 cases), atypical, and typical optic neuritis. In some cases, pediatric patients with optic neuritis have atypical symptoms and signs and no comprehensive medical history leading to a challenging diagnosis. In this case series, we report cases of optic neuritis in pediatric patients at different ages and clinical features treated with methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg body weight and oral mecobalamin and respective management. With a poor initial vision at presentation, the patients recovered rapidly. The diagno-sis of optic neuritis was based on anamnesis, ophthalmologic examination, and simple laboratory and physical examination. The administration of steroids at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight followed by a taper of dose can improve vision loss. |
| Optic Neuritis in Pediatric Patients | Author : Atik Rahmawati(1*), Dina Fatmawati(2) | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Optic neuritis denotes an inflammation of the optic nerve characterized by loss of vision progressing over a few hours to a few days. Based on the site involved, optic neuritis is classified as retrobulbar (2/3 cases), atypical, and typical optic neuritis. In some cases, pediatric patients with optic neuritis have atypical symptoms and signs and no comprehensive medical history leading to a challenging diagnosis. In this case series, we report cases of optic neuritis in pediatric patients at different ages and clinical features treated with methylprednisolone 1 mg/kg body weight and oral mecobalamin and respective management. With a poor initial vision at presentation, the patients recovered rapidly. The diagno-sis of optic neuritis was based on anamnesis, ophthalmologic examination, and simple laboratory and physical examination. The administration of steroids at a dose of 1 mg/kg body weight followed by a taper of dose can improve vision loss. |