Bilateral Japan-US Relationship in the 1980s and the Foundation of the World Semiconductor Council | Author : Elif Sercen Nurcan | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Integrated circuits (ICs or microchips) are used in high-tech consumer electronics such as computers and automobiles. In the history of IC manufacturing, the 1980s featured rapid improvement and spreading of the chip manufacturing technology around the globe. This led to the United States manufacturers which had been the incumbent leaders so far to face new competition. The Japanese manufacturers had effectively captured both the US and world market by the mid-1980s. In reaction, the US manufacturers filed complaints to the Office of the US Trade Representative leading to an official protective initiative. Under the threat of being cut out of the largest electronics market at the time, Japan agreed to sign the 1986 Japan-US Semiconductor Agreement, with significant demands placed on its industry. The agreement was renewed in 1991 and in 1996, the expectation on the US side was another renewal. Instead, Japan proposed founding the World Semiconductor Council (WSC). This major framework change from a bilateral agreement between governments to a multilateral forum of private sector representatives begets the question of “why.” This paper presents a historical analysis of the factors that led to the Japanese proposal for foundation of the WSC. In this analysis, explanation factors are divided into international and domestic factors from the viewpoint of Japan. It is concluded that the effect of the US diplomatic advantage in the 1986 agreement and Japan’s own domestic political economic transformation culminated in the WSC proposal. |
| An Overview of Media History in Uzbekistan | Author : Zakir Avsar | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In the Turkic Republics, which gained their independence after the collapse of Tsarist Russia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the media an important role especially in the fields of history, language, religion and culture in the process of getting rid of the influence of communism and regaining their own identities. In Uzbekistan, which gained its independence in 1991, the media was used mostly for the purpose of instilling ideology during the period of Tsarist Russia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. However, since 1991, Uzbekistan got rid of the influence of communism and started to broadcast with a focus on culture, religion and science, as well as teaching Uzbek Turkish to the society. With the effect of globalization, in addition to state-owned television channels, newspapers and magazines, the private sector has also established various media organs. In addition, the duties and responsibilities of the media and mass media, as well as their rights, were defined in the Constitution of Uzbekistan after independence, and a free media was promised. However, in the period of Islam Karimov, who was in power from the declaration of independence in 1991 until his death in 2016, the freedom of the media workers and the media could not go beyond the articles written in the Constitution. But, various reforms were implemented in the field of media during the period of Sevket Mirziyoyev, who was elected president after Islam Karimov. As a result of these reforms Uzbekistan has entered an increasing trend in the World Press Index. |
| Public Diplomacy of the George W. Bush Administration: 9/11 and War on Terror | Author : Emrah Aydemir | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :The terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001 are events that profoundly affected the national security of the United States, changed the political landscape of the world, and put terrorism on the primary agenda of United States security policy. President George W. Bush’s declaration of the War on Terror after 9/11 is an approach that changed the course of the world in global political relations. The War on Terror, a multidimensional action, took the form of a conceptual framework for national security and was an effort to establish and maintain a global coalition on the axis of expanding cooperation. In the motives required by the discursive reactions, the War on Terror has revealed a cause-effect relationship in terms of shaping the ideas and being understood by the masses, and has been described as a step that legitimizes international policies. In public diplomacy regarding the security interests of the United States, the War on Terror has become a comprehensive public diplomacy campaign against anti-Americanism. In this context, the War on Terror is a rhetorical basis for Bush administration public diplomacy. During the Bush administration, the War on Terror, which was an act of reminder for the values of the country and used to distinguish themselves from their enemies, gained importance for the creation of unity and strength across the country. In this study, the reflection of the 9/11 attacks on public diplomacy, the War on Terror strategy and the Bush Doctrine are addressed. At the same time, the rhetoric of the War on Terror in the formation of the value judgments of the masses and the implementation of the policies is examined from the perspective of public diplomacy. |
| Digital Hegemony and the Russia-Ukraine War | Author : Ilknur Sebnem Öztemel | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :In this article, the impact of US-based, global hi-tech companies like Google or Starlink, on the Russia and Ukraine War. Also, grounding from this sample, further projections about the traditional debate on MNC’s ( Multinational Companies) v.s. state, will be made. Since the US Presidential Elections held in 2008 and Occupy Wall Street Movements, social media and internet started to be used for political means. With the start of the Arab Spring events, the sphere of influence of such politically oriented movements on the internet, became international. Then, with the Second Karabakh War ( The 44 Days War) , social media, internet and misinformation started to be used directly for foreign policy interests. Moreover, it can be asserted that, with the cultural and technologic sanctions imposed on Russian people while popular hi-tech and communication sector willingfully make their services easier to use for Ukrainian authorities, the process of using social media and internet for specific foreign policy goals, entered into the maturity period. Considering the increasing importance of hi-tech goods in our daily lives, sampling from the habits that we got during the Covid-19 pandemic, the effect of the companies that provide these products and services, will raise. Adding lack of home-grown alternatives for these products and know-how transfer, this one-sided dependency could bring weaknesses for several nation-states. |
| Kamu Diplomasisinde Post-Truth: Bir Meydan Okuma Olarak Dezenformasyon | Author : Muharrem Eksi | Abstract | Full Text | Abstract :Bu arastirmada post-truth (hakikat sonrasi) durum ve dezenformasyon sorunsali temelinde kamu diplomasisinin dönüsümü, karsilastigi meydan okumalar ve bunlara nasil cevap verdigi analiz edilerek tartisilacaktir. Bu çerçevede makalenin temel arastirma sorusu, hakikat sonrasi durumun ve yeni bilisim aktörlerinin kamu diplomasisini nasil etkiledigi, nasil bir dönüsüme zorladigi ve bu baglamda dezenformasyon sorunsalinin nasil bir meydan okuma olusturdugu ve buna karsi kamu diplomasisinin nasil cevap verdigi seklinde belirlenmistir. Yöntem olarak iki düzeyli analiz tercih edilerek birinci analiz düzeyinde hakikat sonrasi durum ve dijital toplum, kamu diplomasisinin dönüstügü sistemin yapisi olarak incelenecektir. Bu analiz düzeyinde Gramsci’nin interregnum kavrami temelinde mevcut uluslararasi sistemin ölemedigi ve bu nedenle de yenisinin kurulamadigi varsayimi üzerinden belirsizlik sisteminde hakikat sonrasi durum, sosyal medya toplumu ve bunlarin temelinde tarihte hiç olmadigi kadar bir meydan okuma olarak yükselen dezenformasyon sorunsalinin sistemik baglami analiz edilecektir. Ikinci analiz düzeyinde hakikat sonrasi durumda ve dezenformasyon sorunsalinin ana aktörleri olarak bilisim aktörleri üzerinden kamu diplomasisinin dönüsümü ve meydan okumalari tartisilacaktir. Bu baglamda makalenin temel argümani olarak, 2000’li yillardan günümüze hakikat sonrasi durum ve sosyal medya toplumunun kamu diplomasisini dönüstürdügü diger taraftan dezenformasyon ve onun bilisim aktörlerinin kamu diplomasisine bir meydan okuma olarak yükseldigi ileri sürülmüstür. Kamu diplomasisinin sosyal medya toplumunun hakikat sonrasi durumuna, dezenformasyonla mücadele ve krizi yönetimi halini alarak cevap verdigi tartisilmistir. |